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См. также в других словарях:

  • thru — is an informal variant of through in AmE and in varieties influenced by it: • When she was little, and had stuttered thru a sentence Black World, 1971 • Luckily he let me thru and we continued out weblog, AusE 2005 [OEC]. It is used more formally …   Modern English usage

  • Thru — Thru, prep., adv. & a. Through. [Ref. spelling.] [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thru — thru; thru·put; …   English syllables

  • thru — [θru:] adj, adv, prep AmE informal a short form of ↑through …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • thru — [ θru ] adverb, preposition an informal way of writing through. This is sometimes used in newspapers and very informal American writing, but it is not generally accepted in British English …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • thru — by 1839, altered (simplified) spelling of THROUGH (Cf. through) …   Etymology dictionary

  • thru — (through) θruː by way of, until, by, via (accepted abbreviation in the USA) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • thru — [thro͞o] prep., adv., adj. informal sp. of THROUGH …   English World dictionary

  • THRU — US var. of THROUGH. * * * thru [thru] ; (NAmE, informal) = ↑through prep …   Useful english dictionary

  • thru' — also thru Thru is sometimes used a written abbreviation for through. [mainly AM] …   English dictionary

  • thru — [[t]θru[/t]] prep. adv. adj. through • usage: The spelling thru advocated for over a century by various spelling reform groups, is now used chiefly informally or in headlines or signs. However, some periodicals use thru as a standard variant,… …   From formal English to slang

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