Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 throw-out

    [θr'ou aut] n 1 objeto rejeitado, refugo. 2 ato de atirar fora.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > throw-out

  • 2 throw out

    (to get rid of by throwing or by force: He was thrown out of the meeting; The committee threw out the proposal.) excluir

    English-Portuguese dictionary > throw out

  • 3 throw out

    (to get rid of by throwing or by force: He was thrown out of the meeting; The committee threw out the proposal.) rejeitar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > throw out

  • 4 to throw out the baby with the bathwater

    to throw out the baby with the bathwater
    ao se livrar do supérfluo, dispensar o essencial.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to throw out the baby with the bathwater

  • 5 to throw out

    to throw out
    a) expulsar, mandar embora, demitir. b) enviar (tropas), colocar (guardas).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to throw out

  • 6 throw

    [Ɵrəu] 1. past tense - threw; verb
    1) (to send through the air with force; to hurl or fling: He threw the ball to her / threw her the ball.) atirar
    2) ((of a horse) to make its rider fall off: My horse threw me.) atirar ao chão
    3) (to puzzle or confuse: He was completely thrown by her question.) confundir
    4) ((in wrestling, judo etc) to wrestle (one's opponent) to the ground.) derrubar
    2. noun
    (an act of throwing: That was a good throw!) arremesso
    - throw doubt on
    - throw in
    - throw light on
    - throw oneself into
    - throw off
    - throw open
    - throw out
    - throw a party
    - throw up
    - throw one's voice
    - throwaway
    * * *
    [θrou] n 1 lance, arremesso. 2 distância à qual um objeto é atirado. 3 faixa de luz. 4 Mech curso. 5 Mech comprimento do braço. 6 Geol deslocamento. • vt+vi (ps threw, pp thrown) 1 atirar, arremessar, lançar, jogar. he threw stones at me / ele atirou pedras em mim. he threw this remark in my face / ele me jogou esta observação na cara. he was thrown into prison / ele foi preso. 2 derrubar, jogar ao chão, prostrar. 3 pôr, mandar, construir rapidamente. 4 virar, dirigir, mover (rapidamente). 5 virar, acionar (chave ou alavanca). 6 despejar (líquido), descarregar. 7 dar cria. 8 torcer, fiar (seda). 9 moldar, tornear no torno de oleiro. 10 Amer perder propositadamente um jogo esportivo, deixar o adversário ganhar por dinheiro. an opportunity thrown away uma oportunidade não aproveitada. he hastily threw it into English ele traduziu-o rapidamente para o inglês. she threw her friend overboard fig ela abandonou seu amigo. to be thrown into rapture ficar entusiasmado. to be thrown upon oneself depender de si mesmo. to throw about Naut mudar de curso repentinamente. to throw a party Amer dar uma festa. to throw away a) jogar fora. b) desperdiçar. to throw back a) repelir, recusar. b) forçar alguém a depender de alguma coisa. he was thrown back upon his own ability / ele dependeu de sua própria habilidade. to throw down derrubar, tombar, jogar ao chão, demolir. to throw in a) intercalar, lançar para dentro, juntar, adicionar. b) incluir como bônus ou bonificação. to throw in one’s hand desistir de um trabalho. to throw off a) lançar fora, livrar-se, desfazer-se de. I could not throw off my cold / não consegui me livrar do meu resfriado. b) despir-se. c) Typogr tirar prova. d) desconcertar, embaraçar. to throw on vestir(-se) rapidamente. he threw on the coat / ele vestiu rapidamente a capa. to throw oneself into dedicar-se, empenhar-se de corpo e alma. I threw my soul into this idea / dediquei-me completamente a esta idéia. to throw oneself on/ upon atacar, assaltar. to throw open abrir (porta), inaugurar. to throw out a) expulsar, mandar embora, demitir. b) enviar (tropas), colocar (guardas). to throw over a) abandonar, descartar. we threw the plan over / abandonamos o plano. b) encobrir. we shall throw a veil over that / encobriremos isto. to throw remarks at someone lançar observações contra alguém. to throw together encontrar-se por acaso. to throw up a) jogar para cima, elevar, erigir, levantar. he threw up his hands / ele levantou as mãos. b) coll vomitar. to throw up the game renunciar ao jogo. to throw up the sponge Amer desistir da corrida.
    adj fiado, torcido (seda).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > throw

  • 7 throw

    [Ɵrəu] 1. past tense - threw; verb
    1) (to send through the air with force; to hurl or fling: He threw the ball to her / threw her the ball.) jogar, lançar
    2) ((of a horse) to make its rider fall off: My horse threw me.) derrubar
    3) (to puzzle or confuse: He was completely thrown by her question.) derrubar
    4) ((in wrestling, judo etc) to wrestle (one's opponent) to the ground.) derrubar
    2. noun
    (an act of throwing: That was a good throw!) lance
    - throw doubt on - throw in - throw light on - throw oneself into - throw off - throw open - throw out - throw a party - throw up - throw one's voice - throwaway

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > throw

  • 8 to throw the clutch out

    to throw the clutch out

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to throw the clutch out

  • 9 launch out

    (to throw oneself freely into some new activity (often involving spending money).) abalançar-se a

    English-Portuguese dictionary > launch out

  • 10 launch out

    (to throw oneself freely into some new activity (often involving spending money).) empreender

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > launch out

  • 11 belch

    [bel ] 1. verb
    1) (to give out air noisily from the stomach through the mouth: He belched after eating too much.) arrotar
    2) ((often with out) (of a chimney etc) to throw (out) violently: factory chimneys belching (out) smoke.) vomitar
    2. noun
    (an act of belching.) arroto
    * * *
    [beltʃ] n arroto, eructação. • vt+vi arrotar, eructar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > belch

  • 12 spit

    I 1. [spit] noun
    ((also spittle ['spitl]) the liquid that forms in the mouth.) cuspo
    2. verb
    1) (to throw out (spit) from the mouth: He spat in the gutter as an indication of contempt.) cuspir
    2) (to send (out) with force: The fire spat (out) sparks.) cuspir
    II [spit] noun
    (a type of sharp-pointed metal bar on which meat is roasted.) espeto
    * * *
    [spit] n 1 saliva, cuspo. 2 ato ou som de cuspir. 3 secreção espumosa de alguns insetos. 4 chuvisco. 5 coll semelhança, réplica, sósia (de uma pessoa). he is the very spit of his father / ele é a cara do pai. • vt+vi (ps+pp spat, spit) 1 cuspir. 2 emitir, jogar para fora, esguichar. 3 fungar. 4 fig chuviscar. to spit at cuspir em. to spit forth a) cuspir para fora. b) falar depressa. spit it out! fale! to be the spit and image of ser o retrato escarrado de. to spit up a) cuspir fora. b) vomitar. to spit upon someone tratar alguém com desprezo.
    [spit] n 1 espeto (para assar carne). 2 península, ponta de terra que se perde dentro da água. 3 pá. • vt (ps+pp spitted) espetar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spit

  • 13 belch

    [bel ] 1. verb
    1) (to give out air noisily from the stomach through the mouth: He belched after eating too much.) arrotar
    2) ((often with out) (of a chimney etc) to throw (out) violently: factory chimneys belching (out) smoke.) vomitar
    2. noun
    (an act of belching.) arroto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > belch

  • 14 spout

    1. verb
    1) (to throw out or be thrown out in a jet: Water spouted from the hole in the tank.) jorrar
    2) (to talk or say (something) loudly and dramatically: He started to spout poetry, of all things!) declamar
    2. noun
    1) (the part of a kettle, teapot, jug, water-pipe etc through which the liquid it contains is poured out.) bico
    2) (a jet or strong flow (of water etc).) esguicho
    * * *
    [spaut] n 1 jato, jorro, repuxo. 2 cano, tubo, bica. 3 bico. 4 Archit gárgula, biqueira de descarga. 5 sl casa de penhor, prego. • vt+vi 1 jorrar, esguichar, verter, espirrar. 2 correr, sair com força. 3 precipitar as frases, declamar em voz alta (com off). 4 sl penhorar, empenhar. up the spout sl a) penhorado, no prego, empenhado, arruinado. b) na cadeia. c) completamente errado. d) desperdiçado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spout

  • 15 spit

    I 1. [spit] noun
    ((also spittle ['spitl]) the liquid that forms in the mouth.) saliva
    2. verb
    1) (to throw out (spit) from the mouth: He spat in the gutter as an indication of contempt.) cuspir
    2) (to send (out) with force: The fire spat (out) sparks.) cuspir
    II [spit] noun
    (a type of sharp-pointed metal bar on which meat is roasted.) espeto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > spit

  • 16 spout

    1. verb
    1) (to throw out or be thrown out in a jet: Water spouted from the hole in the tank.) jorrar
    2) (to talk or say (something) loudly and dramatically: He started to spout poetry, of all things!) declamar
    2. noun
    1) (the part of a kettle, teapot, jug, water-pipe etc through which the liquid it contains is poured out.) bico
    2) (a jet or strong flow (of water etc).) jorro

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > spout

  • 17 baby

    plural - babies; noun
    1) (a very young child: Some babies cry during the night; ( also adjective) a baby boy.) bebé
    2) ((especially American, often babe) a girl or young woman.) moça
    - baby buggy/carriage
    - baby grand
    - baby-sit
    - baby-sitter
    - baby-sitting
    * * *
    [b'eibi] n 1 bebê, criancinha. 2 o mais novo de uma família ou grupo, caçula. 3 pessoa com modos infantis. 4 coisa excepcionalmente pequena em relação à sua espécie. 5 expressão de louvor ou aprovação aplicada a pessoa ou coisa. 6 animal muito novo. 7 boneca. 8 Amer sl moça ou mulher bonita. • vt tratar como criança, amimar. • adj 1 de ou para o bebê. 2 jovem, infantil. 3 diminuto. to throw out the baby with the bathwater ao se livrar do supérfluo, dispensar o essencial.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > baby

  • 18 dead

    [ded] 1. adjective
    1) (without life; not living: a dead body; Throw out those dead flowers.) morto
    2) (not working and not giving any sign of being about to work: The phone/engine is dead.) morto
    3) (absolute or complete: There was dead silence at his words; He came to a dead stop.) total
    2. adverb
    (completely: dead drunk.) totalmente
    - deadly 3. adverb
    (extremely: deadly dull; deadly serious.) muito
    - dead-end
    - dead heat
    - dead language
    - deadline
    - deadlock
    * * *
    [ded] n morto ou mortos, (precedido de the) os mortos. • adj 1 morto, defunto, falecido. 2 inanimado. 3 cadavérico, muito pálido, descorado. 4 inerte, inativo, sem atividade, apático, morto. 5 silencioso, tranqüilo. 6 desanimado, sem força, amortecido, dormente (falando de pé ou de mão). 7 deslustroso, sem brilho (os olhos). 8 sem movimento, estagnado, paralisado. 9 improdutivo, que não dá lucro. 10 obsoleto, antiquado. 11 coll muito cansado, cansadíssimo, exaurido, exausto, alquebrado. 12 certo, seguro, positivo, infalível. 13 insípido, monótono, chato. • adv 1 absolutamente, completamente, inteiramente. 2 profundamente. a dead bee makes no honey do nada, nada se faz. as dead as a doornail totalmente morto. dead against, dead on end diretamente contra, absolutamente contrário. dead from the neck up coll muito burro, imbecil. dead on the mark no alvo, absolutamente certo. dead to the world inconsciente, profundamente adormecido. over my dead body somente sobre o meu cadáver. the dead of night horas mortas, altas horas da noite em que tudo está em silêncio. to cut someone dead fingir que não conhece. to rise from the dead ressuscitar dos mortos. to stop dead parar de repente. to wear dead man’s shoes herdar posses ou funções de um morto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dead

  • 19 disarrange

    (to throw out of order; to make untidy: The strong wind had disarranged her hair.) desarrumar
    * * *
    [disər'eindʒ] vt desarranjar, desordenar, perturbar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disarrange

  • 20 disgorge

    (to bring up (eg from the stomach); to throw out or up: The chimney was disgorging clouds of black smoke.) vomitar
    * * *
    [disg'ɔ:dʒ] vt+vi 1 vomitar, expelir, lançar fora. 2 desembocar, desaguar. 3 fig ceder relutantemente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disgorge

См. также в других словарях:

  • throw\ out — • throw out • toss out v 1. To put somewhere to be destroyed because not wanted. He didn t need the brush anymore so he threw it out. Syn.: throw away(1) 2. To refuse to accept. The inspector tossed out all the parts that didn t work. 3. To force …   Словарь американских идиом

  • throw out — throw (someone) out to force someone to leave. At least four kids have been thrown out of school for cheating on exams. The worst part of Edsel s job is having to throw out the drunks when the bar closes …   New idioms dictionary

  • throw out — ► throw out 1) discard as unwanted. 2) expel unceremoniously. 3) (of a court, legislature, or other body) dismiss or reject. 4) cause numbers or calculations to become inaccurate. Main Entry: ↑throw …   English terms dictionary

  • throw out — [v] comment bring forward, bring to light*, bring up, chime in*, come out with, declare, deliver, produce, reveal, say, state, suggest, tell, utter; concept 51 Ant. be quiet …   New thesaurus

  • throw out — index discharge (dismiss), dislodge, displace (remove), eject (evict), eject (expel) …   Law dictionary

  • throw out — verb 1. force to leave or move out (Freq. 3) He was expelled from his native country • Syn: ↑expel, ↑kick out • Derivationally related forms: ↑expulsion (for: ↑expel) …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw-out — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: throw out 1. : an act or instance of throwing out 2. : one that is rejected or discarded the attack on the government was led by envious throw outs George Orwell the throw outs of ten generations, hou …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms throw out : present tense I/you/we/they throw out he/she/it throws out present participle throwing out past tense threw out past participle thrown out 1) same as throw away 1) I ve thrown out my old boots. 2)… …   English dictionary

  • throw out — I (Roget s IV) v. Syn. discharge, throw away, reject; see discard , oust . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) v. throw away, dispose of, dump, discard, scrap, cast off, dispense with, junk, jettison. III (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb 1. To let go or get …   English dictionary for students

  • throw out — 1) see throw away 1) 2) PHRASAL VERB If a judge throws out a case, he or she rejects it and the accused person does not have to stand trial. [V P n (not pron)] The defense wants the district Judge to throw out the case. [Also V n P] 3) PHRASAL… …   English dictionary

  • throw out — verb a) To discard; to dispense with something; to throw away. Just throw out that pen if it doesnt write anymore. b) To dismiss or expel someone from any longer performing duty or …   Wiktionary

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