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  • 1 to throw about

    izmētāt, izsvaidīt; izšķiest; mētāties; svaidīties

    English-Latvian dictionary > to throw about

  • 2 to throw one's weight about

    iebiedēt; terorizēt; runāt pavēlnieka tonī; izturēties iedomīgi

    English-Latvian dictionary > to throw one's weight about

  • 3 toss

    [tos] 1. verb
    1) (to throw into or through the air: She tossed the ball up into the air.) mest/sviest augšup
    2) ((often with about) to throw oneself restlessly from side to side: She tossed about all night, unable to sleep.) mētāties; svaidīties
    3) ((of a ship) to be thrown about: The boat tossed wildly in the rough sea.) tikt svaidītam
    4) (to throw (a coin) into the air and decide a matter according to (a correct guess about) which side falls uppermost: They tossed a coin to decide which of them should go first.) (lozējot) mest monētu
    2. noun
    (an act of tossing.) lozēšana (metot monētu); mešana
    - win/lose the toss
    * * *
    mešana, sviešana; lozēšana; grūdiens; izmešana no segliem; sviest, mest; mētāt, svaidīt; svaidīties, mētāties; izmest no segliem; pacelt uz ragiem; lozēt; viegli samaisīt; skalot

    English-Latvian dictionary > toss

  • 4 dead

    [ded] 1. adjective
    1) (without life; not living: a dead body; Throw out those dead flowers.) miris; beigts; nedzīvs
    2) (not working and not giving any sign of being about to work: The phone/engine is dead.) (par mehānismu) nestrādājošs
    3) (absolute or complete: There was dead silence at his words; He came to a dead stop.) pilnīgs
    2. adverb
    (completely: dead drunk.) pilnīgi
    - deadly 3. adverb
    (extremely: deadly dull; deadly serious.) briesmīgi; ārkārtīgi
    - dead-end
    - dead heat
    - dead language
    - deadline
    - deadlock
    * * *
    mirušie, mirušais; klusais laiks; pagalam, beigts, miris; nekustīgs, kluss; nespodrs, blāvs; monotons, drūms; izslēgts no spēles; kaut kas no ierindas izgājis; pilnīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > dead

См. также в других словарях:

  • throw about — intransitive verb : to go in a different direction : tack * * * throw about or throw around 1. To spend (money) extravagantly or recklessly 2. To throw carelessly in different directions 3. (throw about) to cast about or try expedients (Spenser)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • To throw about — Throw Throw, v. i. To perform the act of throwing or casting; to cast; specifically, to cast dice. [1913 Webster] {To throw about}, to cast about; to try expedients. [R.] [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • throw about money — waste money, squander money …   English contemporary dictionary

  • throw around — throw about or throw around 1. To spend (money) extravagantly or recklessly 2. To throw carelessly in different directions 3. (throw about) to cast about or try expedients (Spenser) • • • Main Entry: ↑throw …   Useful english dictionary

  • Throw — Throw, v. i. To perform the act of throwing or casting; to cast; specifically, to cast dice. [1913 Webster] {To throw about}, to cast about; to try expedients. [R.] [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • throw — v. & n. v.tr. (past threw; past part. thrown) 1 propel with some force through the air or in a particular direction. 2 force violently into a specified position or state (the ship was thrown on the rocks; threw themselves down). 3 compel suddenly …   Useful english dictionary

  • about ship — Synonyms and related words: back and fill, bear away, bear off, bear to starboard, beat, beat about, box off, break, bring about, bring round, cant, cant round, cast, cast about, change course, change the heading, come about, double a point,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Throw out the baby with the bath water — is an idiomatic expression used to suggest an avoidable error in which something good is eliminated when trying to get rid of something bad,[1] or in other words, rejecting the essential along with the inessential.[2] A slightly different… …   Wikipedia

  • throw your weight about — throw your weight about/around/informal phrase to use your authority to tell other people what to do in a rude and unpleasant way The boss came in, yelling and generally throwing his weight around. Thesaurus: to tell people what to dosynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw — [θrəʊ ǁ θroʊ] verb threw PASTTENSE [θruː] thrown PASTPART [θrəʊn ǁ θroʊn] [transitive] 1. throw money at to try to solve a problem by spending a lot of money, without really thinking about the problem: • There is no point throwing money at the… …   Financial and business terms

  • throw your weight around — throw your weight about/around/informal phrase to use your authority to tell other people what to do in a rude and unpleasant way The boss came in, yelling and generally throwing his weight around. Thesaurus: to tell people what to dosynonym …   Useful english dictionary

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