1 thrawn
Лесоводство: изогнутый, покоробленный -
2 thrawn
3 thrawn
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > thrawn
4 thrawn
[θrɔːn]сущ.; шотл.1) кривой; уродливый; деформированныйSyn:2) несговорчивый; капризный; своенравныйSyn:
См. также в других словарях:
Thrawn — Personnage de fiction apparaissant dans Star Wars Nom original Mitth raw nuruodo Origine … Wikipédia en Français
thrawn´ly — thrawn «thrn, thrahn», adjective. Scottish. 1. a) twisted; crooked. b) misshapen; distorted. 2. a) perverse; contrary. b) crabbed; peevish. ╂[variant of thrown] … Useful english dictionary
thrawn — thrawn; thrawn·ly; … English syllables
thrawn — [thrôn, thrän] Chiefly Scot. adj. [< thraw, dial. form of THROW] 1. crooked; twisted 2. perverse … English World dictionary
Thrawn — Mitth raw nuruodo (Thrawn) Cargo: Oficial de la Ascendancia Chiss Capitán, Vicealmirante y Gran Almirante del Imperio Galáctico Supremo Comandante de la Flota Imperial Líder del Remanente Imperial Líder del Imperio de la Mano Afiliación:… … Wikipedia Español
Thrawn — De cara azul y con ojos rojos brillantes cual dos rubies, el Gran Almirante Thrawn fue sin dudas el mejor oficial de la flota del Imperio Galáctico. Nativo del planeta Csilla, su nombre original era Mitth raw nuruodo y pertenecía al clan… … Enciclopedia Universal
thrawn — [[t]θrɔn, θrɑn[/t]] adj. Scot. 1) scot. twisted; crooked; distorted 2) scot. contrary; peevish; perverse • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME; N and Scots form of thrown thrawn′ly, adv. thrawn′ness, n … From formal English to slang
thrawn — thrawnly, adv. thrawnness, n. /thrawn, thrahn/, adj. Scot. 1. twisted; crooked; distorted. 2. contrary; peevish; perverse. 3. unpleasant; sullen. [1400 50; late ME (north and Scots), var. of THROWN; see THRAW] * * * … Universalium
thrawn´ness — thrawn «thrn, thrahn», adjective. Scottish. 1. a) twisted; crooked. b) misshapen; distorted. 2. a) perverse; contrary. b) crabbed; peevish. ╂[variant of thrown] … Useful english dictionary
Thrawn trilogy — The Thrawn trilogy, also known as the Heir to the Empire trilogy, is a series of best selling novels written by Timothy Zahn. The novels are set in the Expanded Universe of the Star Wars galaxy approximately five years after the events depicted… … Wikipedia
thrawn — adjective Etymology: Middle English (Scots) thrawin, from past participle of Middle English thrawen to twist Date: 15th century chiefly Scottish lacking in pleasing or attractive qualities: as a. perverse, recalcitrant b. crooked, misshapen •… … New Collegiate Dictionary