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  • 1 straight

    [streit] 1. adjective
    1) (not bent or curved: a straight line; straight (= not curly) hair; That line is not straight.) tiesus
    2) ((of a person, his behaviour etc) honest, frank and direct: Give me a straight answer!) tiesus, sąžiningas
    3) (properly or levelly positioned: Your tie isn't straight.) tiesus
    4) (correct and tidy: I'll never get this house straight!; Now let's get the facts straight!) tvarkingas
    5) ((of drinks) not mixed: a straight gin.) grynas
    6) ((of a face, expression etc) not smiling or laughing: You should keep a straight face while you tell a joke.) rimtas
    7) ((of an actor) playing normal characters, or (of a play) of the ordinary type - not a musical or variety show.) įprastinis, tradicinis
    2. adverb
    1) (in a straight, not curved, line; directly: His route went straight across the desert; She can't steer straight; Keep straight on.) tiesiai
    2) (immediately, without any delay: He went straight home after the meeting.) tiesiai
    3) (honestly or fairly: You're not playing (= behaving) straight.) tiesiai, sąžiningai, dorai
    3. noun
    (the straight part of something, eg of a racecourse: He's in the final straight.) tiesioji
    - straightness
    - straightforward
    - straightforwardly
    - straightforwardness
    - straight talking
    - go straight
    - straight away
    - straighten out/up
    - a straight fight
    - straight off

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > straight

См. также в других словарях:

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  • sexual behaviour, human — Introduction       any activity solitary, between two persons, or in a group that induces sexual arousal. There are two major determinants of human sexual behaviour: the inherited sexual response patterns that have evolved as a means of ensuring… …   Universalium

  • human behaviour — Introduction       the potential and expressed capacity for physical, mental, and social activity during the phases of human life.       Human beings, like other animal species, have a typical life course that consists of successive phases of… …   Universalium

  • collective behaviour — ▪ psychology Introduction       the kinds of activities engaged in by sizable but loosely organized groups of people. Episodes of collective behaviour tend to be quite spontaneous, resulting from an experience shared by the members of the group… …   Universalium

  • reproductive behaviour — In animals, any activity directed toward perpetuation of a species. Sexual reproduction, the most common mode, occurs when a female s egg is fertilized by a male s sperm. The resulting unique combination of genes produces genetic variety that… …   Universalium

  • feeding behaviour — Any action of an animal directed toward obtaining nutrients. Each species evolves methods of searching for, obtaining, and ingesting food for which it can successfully compete. Some species eat only one type of food, others a variety. Among… …   Universalium

  • Social behaviour in animals — Introduction       actions of animals living in communities. Such behaviour may include the feeding of the young, the building of shelters, or the guarding of territory. General characteristics       Social behaviour (Social behaviour in animals) …   Universalium

  • Out of This World (TV series) — This article is about the U.S. television series. For the British television series of the same name, see Out of This World (UK TV series). Out of This World Title screen Genre Fantasy sitcom …   Wikipedia

  • sexual behaviour —    No one can doubt that something akin to a sexual revolution has occurred in Spain since the end of the dictatorship; yet the amount of reliable information about the sexual behaviour of Spaniards remains scarce, since surveys often point to… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • 133P/Elst-Pizarro — Infobox Planet | discovery=yes | physical characteristics = yes | bgcolour=#FFFFC0 name=7968 Elst Pizarro 133P/Elst Pizarro discoverer=M. R. S. Hawkins and R. H. McNaught [http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/mpec/J96/J96R07.html MPEC 1996 R07] ]… …   Wikipedia

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