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  • 1 urgency

    noun (need for immediate action, speed etc: This is a matter of great urgency.)

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  • 2 personal

    1) (one's own: This is his personal opinion; The matter will have my personal attention.) personal
    2) (private: This is a personal matter between him and me.) personal
    3) (in person: The Prime Minister will make a personal appearance.) în persoană
    4) ((making remarks which are) insulting, especially about a person's appearance etc: personal remarks; Don't be personal!) jignitor

    English-Romanian dictionary > personal

  • 3 here

    [hiə] 1. adverb
    1) ((at, in or to) this place: He's here; Come here; He lives not far from here; Here they come; Here is / Here's your lost book.) aici; iată
    2) (at this time; at this point in an argument: Here she stopped speaking to wipe her eyes; Here is where I disagree with you.) aici
    3) (beside one: My colleague here will deal with the matter.) care poate fi văzut aici
    2. interjection
    1) (a shout of surprise, disapproval etc: Here! what do you think you're doing?) Hei!
    2) (a shout used to show that one is present: Shout `Here!' when I call your name.) prezent!
    - hereabouts
    - hereabout
    - hereafter
    - the hereafter
    - hereby
    - herein
    - herewith
    - here and there
    - here goes
    - here's to
    - here
    - there and everywhere
    - here you are
    - neither here nor there

    English-Romanian dictionary > here

  • 4 how

    1. adverb, conjunction
    1) (in what way: How do you make bread?) cum
    2) (to what extent: How do you like my new hat?; How far is Paris from London?) cum; cât
    3) (by what means: I've no idea how he came here.) cum
    4) (in what condition: How are you today?; How do I look?) cum
    5) (for what reason: How is it that I am the last to know about this?) de ce
    2. conjunction
    (in no matter what way: This painting still looks wrong however you look at it.) oricum, în orice fel
    - how come
    - how do you do?

    English-Romanian dictionary > how

  • 5 interest

    ['intrəst, ]( American[) 'intərist] 1. noun
    1) (curiosity; attention: That newspaper story is bound to arouse interest.) interes
    2) (a matter, activity etc that is of special concern to one: Gardening is one of my main interests.) lucru care stârneşte interesul (cuiva); pa­si­une
    3) (money paid in return for borrowing a usually large sum of money: The (rate of) interest on this loan is eight per cent; ( also adjective) the interest rate.)
    4) ((a share in the ownership of) a business firm etc: He bought an interest in the night-club.) drept de (co)proprietate
    5) (a group of connected businesses which act together to their own advantage: I suspect that the scheme will be opposed by the banking interest (= all the banks acting together).) (grup de) interese
    2. verb
    1) (to arouse the curiosity and attention of; to be of importance or concern to: Political arguments don't interest me at all.) a interesa
    2) ((with in) to persuade to do, buy etc: Can I interest you in (buying) this dictionary?) a con­vinge
    - interesting
    - interestingly
    - in one's own interest
    - in one's interest
    - in the interests of
    - in the interest of
    - lose interest
    - take an interest

    English-Romanian dictionary > interest

  • 6 point

    [point] 1. noun
    1) (the sharp end of anything: the point of a pin; a sword point; at gunpoint (= threatened by a gun).) vârf
    2) (a piece of land that projects into the sea etc: The ship came round Lizard Point.) cap
    3) (a small round dot or mark (.): a decimal point; five point three six (= 5.36); In punctuation, a point is another name for a full stop.) punct
    4) (an exact place or spot: When we reached this point of the journey we stopped to rest.) punct
    5) (an exact moment: Her husband walked in at that point.) moment
    6) (a place on a scale especially of temperature: the boiling-point of water.) punct; grad
    7) (a division on a compass eg north, south-west etc.) punct (cardinal)
    8) (a mark in scoring a competition, game, test etc: He has won by five points to two.) punct
    9) (a particular matter for consideration or action: The first point we must decide is, where to meet; That's a good point; You've missed the point; That's the whole point; We're wandering away from the point.) idee (principală)
    10) ((a) purpose or advantage: There's no point (in) asking me - I don't know.) sens, rost
    11) (a personal characteristic or quality: We all have our good points and our bad ones.) cali­tăţi; defecte
    12) (an electrical socket in a wall etc into which a plug can be put: Is there only one electrical point in this room?)
    2. verb
    1) (to aim in a particular direction: He pointed the gun at her.) a îndrepta (o armă) spre
    2) (to call attention to something especially by stretching the index finger in its direction: He pointed (his finger) at the door; He pointed to a sign.) a arăta (cu degetul)
    3) (to fill worn places in (a stone or brick wall etc) with mortar.)
    - pointer
    - pointless
    - pointlessly
    - points
    - be on the point of
    - come to the point
    - make a point of
    - make one's point
    - point out
    - point one's toes

    English-Romanian dictionary > point

  • 7 private

    1. adjective
    1) (of, for, or belonging to, one person or group, not to the general public: The headmaster lives in a private apartment in the school; in my private (=personal) opinion; This information is to be kept strictly private; You shouldn't listen to private conversations.) privat, personal; secret; intim
    2) (having no public or official position or rank: It is your duty as a private citizen to report this matter to the police.) simplu (cetăţean)
    2. noun
    (in the army, an ordinary soldier, not an officer.) (simplu) soldat
    - privately
    - private enterprise
    - private means
    - in private

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  • 8 who

    [hu:] 1. pronoun
    ((used as the subject of a verb) what person(s)(?): Who is that woman in the green hat?; Who did that?; Who won?; Do you know who all these people are?) cine
    2. relative pronoun
    1) ((used to refer to a person or people mentioned previously to distinguish him or them from others: used as the subject of a verb: usually replaceable by that) (the) one(s) that: The man who/that telephoned was a friend of yours; A doctor is a person who looks after people's health.) care
    2) (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on a person or people: His mother, who was so proud, gave him a hug.) care
    3. pronoun
    1) (no matter who: Whoever rings, tell him/them I'm out.) oricine
    2) ((also who ever) used in questions to express surprise etc: Whoever said that?) oare cine
    4. relative pronoun
    (used as the object of a verb or preposition but in everyday speech sometimes replaced by who)
    1) ((used to refer to a person or people mentioned previously, to distinguish him or them from others: able to be omitted or replaced by that except when following a preposition) (the) one(s) that: The man (whom/that) you mentioned is here; Today I met some friends (whom/that) I hadn't seen for ages; This is the man to whom I gave it; This is the man (whom/who/that) I gave it to.) care; pe care; căruia, căreia
    2) (used, after a comma, to introduce a further comment on a person or people: His mother, who was so proud of him, gave him a hug.) pe care

    English-Romanian dictionary > who

  • 9 any

    ['eni] 1. pronoun, adjective
    1) (one, some, no matter which: `Which dress shall I wear?' `Wear any (dress)'; `Which dresses shall I pack?' `Pack any (dresses)'.) nici un/o; vreun, vreo
    2) ((in questions and negative sentences etc) one, some: John has been to some interesting places but I've never been to any; Have you been to any interesting places?; We have hardly any coffee left.)
    2. adjective
    (every: Any schoolboy could tell you the answer.) orice
    3. adverb
    (at all; (even) by a small amount: Is this book any better than the last one?; His writing hasn't improved any.) deloc
    - anyone
    - anyhow
    - anything
    - anyway
    - anywhere
    - at any rate
    - in any case

    English-Romanian dictionary > any

  • 10 be tied up

    1) (to be busy; to be involved (with): I can't discuss this matter just now - I'm tied up with other things.) a fi prins/ocupat
    2) ((with with) to be connected with.) a fi legat

    English-Romanian dictionary > be tied up

  • 11 deposit

    [di'pozit] 1. verb
    1) (to put or set down: She deposited her shopping-basket in the kitchen.) a depune
    2) (to put in for safe keeping: He deposited the money in the bank.) a depune, a pune la loc sigur
    2. noun
    1) (an act of putting money in a bank etc: She made several large deposits at the bank during that month.) depunere
    2) (an act of paying money as a guarantee that money which is or will be owed will be paid: We have put down a deposit on a house in the country.) acont; avans
    3) (the money put into a bank or paid as a guarantee in this way: We decided we could not afford to go on holiday and managed to get back the deposit which we had paid.) acont; avans
    4) (a quantity of solid matter that has settled at the bottom of a liquid, or is left behind by a liquid: The flood-water left a yellow deposit over everything.) sediment
    5) (a layer (of coal, iron etc) occurring naturally in rock: rich deposits of iron ore.) zăcământ

    English-Romanian dictionary > deposit

  • 12 heart

    1. noun
    1) (the organ which pumps blood through the body: How fast does a person's heart beat?; ( also adjective) heart disease; a heart specialist.) inimă
    2) (the central part: I live in the heart of the city; in the heart of the forest; the heart of a lettuce; Let's get straight to the heart of the matter/problem.) mijloc, miez
    3) (the part of the body where one's feelings, especially of love, conscience etc are imagined to arise: She has a kind heart; You know in your heart that you ought to go; She has no heart (= She is not kind).) suflet
    4) (courage and enthusiasm: The soldiers were beginning to lose heart.) curaj
    5) (a symbol supposed to represent the shape of the heart; a white dress with little pink hearts on it; heart-shaped.) inimioară
    6) (one of the playing-cards of the suit hearts, which have red symbols of this shape on them.) cupă
    - hearten
    - heartless
    - heartlessly
    - heartlessness
    - hearts
    - hearty
    - heartily
    - heartiness
    - heartache
    - heart attack
    - heartbeat
    - heartbreak
    - heartbroken
    - heartburn
    - heart failure
    - heartfelt
    - heart-to-heart
    2. noun
    (an open and sincere talk, usually in private: After our heart-to-heart I felt more cheerful.) discuţie deschisă
    - at heart
    - break someone's heart
    - by heart
    - from the bottom of one's heart
    - have a change of heart
    - have a heart!
    - have at heart
    - heart and soul
    - lose heart
    - not have the heart to
    - set one's heart on / have one's heart set on
    - take heart
    - take to heart
    - to one's heart's content
    - with all one's heart

    English-Romanian dictionary > heart

  • 13 in the hands of

    (being dealt with by: This matter is now in the hands of my solicitor.) în aten­ţia cuiva

    English-Romanian dictionary > in the hands of

  • 14 inform

    1) (to tell; to give knowledge to: Please inform me of your intentions in this matter; I was informed that you were absent from the office.) a informa, a avertiza
    2) ((with against or on) to tell facts to eg the police about (a criminal etc): He informed against his fellow thieves.) a denunţa
    - information
    - informative
    - informer
    - information superhighway
    - information technology

    English-Romanian dictionary > inform

  • 15 mass

    I 1. [mæs] noun
    1) (a large lump or quantity, gathered together: a mass of concrete/people.) masă
    2) (a large quantity: I've masses of work / things to do.) grămadă (de)
    3) (the bulk, principal part or main body: The mass of people are in favour of peace.) cea mai mare parte
    4) ((a) measure of the quantity of matter in an object: The mass of the rock is 500 kilos.) masă
    2. verb
    (to bring or come together in large numbers or quantities: The troops massed for an attack.) a (se) comasa
    3. adjective
    (of large quantities or numbers: mass murder; a mass meeting.) de/în masă
    - mass-produce
    - mass-production
    - the mass media
    II [mæs] noun
    1) ((a) celebration, especially in the Roman Catholic church, of Christ's last meal (Last Supper) with his disciples: What time do you go to Mass?) mesă
    2) (a setting to music of some of the words used in this service.) mesă

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  • 16 mention

    ['menʃən] 1. verb
    1) (to speak of or refer to: He mentioned the plan.) a vorbi despre
    2) (to remark or say usually briefly or indirectly: She mentioned (that) she might be leaving.) a menţiona, a pomeni
    2. noun
    ((often with of) a (usually brief) remark (about): No mention was made of this matter.) menţiune

    English-Romanian dictionary > mention

  • 17 oppose

    1) (to resist or fight against (someone or something) by force or argument: We oppose the government on this matter.) a se opune
    2) (to act or compete against: Who is opposing him in the election?) a concura (cu)

    English-Romanian dictionary > oppose

  • 18 precedence

    noun ((the right of) going before in order of importance etc: This matter is urgent and should be given precedence over others at the moment.) prioritate; întâietate

    English-Romanian dictionary > precedence

  • 19 see eye to eye

    (to be in agreement: We've never seen eye to eye about this matter.) a privi lucrurile la fel

    English-Romanian dictionary > see eye to eye

  • 20 stuff

    I noun
    1) (material or substance: What is that black oily stuff on the beach?; The doctor gave me some good stuff for removing warts; Show them what stuff you're made of! (= how brave, strong etc you are).) lucru; pro­dus; materie
    2) ((unimportant) matter, things, objects etc: We'll have to get rid of all this stuff when we move house.) chestii, prostii, fleacuri
    3) (an old word for cloth.) haine
    - that's the stuff! II verb
    1) (to pack or fill tightly, often hurriedly or untidily: His drawer was stuffed with papers; She stuffed the fridge with food; The children have been stuffing themselves with ice-cream.) a împinge; a îndesa
    2) (to fill (eg a turkey, chicken etc) with stuffing before cooking.) a umple
    3) (to fill the skin of (a dead animal or bird) to preserve the appearance it had when alive: They stuffed the golden eagle.) a împăia
    - stuff up

    English-Romanian dictionary > stuff

См. также в других словарях:

  • Matter — • Taking the term in its widest sense, matter signifies that out of which anything is made or composed Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Matter     Matter      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Matter — Mat ter, n. [OE. matere, F. mati[ e]re, fr. L. materia; perh. akin to L. mater mother. Cf. {Mother}, {Madeira}, {Material}.] 1. That of which anything is composed; constituent substance; material; the material or substantial part of anything; the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Matter in bar — Matter Mat ter, n. [OE. matere, F. mati[ e]re, fr. L. materia; perh. akin to L. mater mother. Cf. {Mother}, {Madeira}, {Material}.] 1. That of which anything is composed; constituent substance; material; the material or substantial part of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Matter of fact — Matter Mat ter, n. [OE. matere, F. mati[ e]re, fr. L. materia; perh. akin to L. mater mother. Cf. {Mother}, {Madeira}, {Material}.] 1. That of which anything is composed; constituent substance; material; the material or substantial part of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Matter of record — Matter Mat ter, n. [OE. matere, F. mati[ e]re, fr. L. materia; perh. akin to L. mater mother. Cf. {Mother}, {Madeira}, {Material}.] 1. That of which anything is composed; constituent substance; material; the material or substantial part of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • matter — [[t]mæ̱tə(r)[/t]] ♦ matters, mattering, mattered 1) N COUNT: usu with supp A matter is a task, situation, or event which you have to deal with or think about, especially one that involves problems. It was clear that she wanted to discuss some… …   English dictionary

  • matter — mat|ter1 W1S1 [ˈmætə US ər] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(SUBJECT/SITUATION)¦ 2 matters 3¦(MATERIAL)¦ 4 as a matter of fact 5 what s the matter?/something s the matter/nothing s the matter etc 6.) the truth/fact of the matter is (that) 7 for that matter 8 be… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • matter*/*/*/ — [ˈmætə] noun I 1) [C] something that you are discussing, considering, or dealing with an extremely important matter[/ex] Teachers feel this is a matter for discussion with parents.[/ex] 2) the matter [singular] used for talking about problems or… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • matter — mat|ter1 [ mætər ] noun *** ▸ 1 something being dealt with ▸ 2 problem/bad situation ▸ 3 situation that someone is in ▸ 4 substance ▸ 5 when time is short ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count something that you are discussing, considering, or dealing with:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • matter */*/*/ — I UK [ˈmætə(r)] / US [ˈmætər] noun Word forms matter : singular matter plural matters 1) [countable] something that you are discussing, considering, or dealing with a matter for something: Teachers feel this is a matter for discussion with… …   English dictionary

  • Matter — This article is about the concept in the physical sciences. For other uses, see Matter (disambiguation). Matter is a general term for the substance of which all physical objects consist.[1][2] Typically, matter includes atoms and other particles… …   Wikipedia

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