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со всех языков на турецкий


  • 1 önce

    "1. first, at first. 2. before, ago. 3. /dan/ before...: tatilden önce before the vacation. 4. the preceding period of time; the past. - düşün, sonra söyle. proverb Think before you speak. - gelme precedence. - gelmek /dan/ to precede. - iğneyi kendine batır, sonra çuvaldızı ele. proverb Before you do or say something unpleasant to someone else, think of how you´d feel if something similar were done or said to you."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > önce

  • 2 laf

    "1. remark; word. 2. expression, utterance, statement. 3. empty words, hot air, nothing but talk. 4. conversation, talk. 5. the subject of a conversation. 6. What nonsense!/That´s bull! -ı ağzında gevelemek to talk around the subject; not to come out with what´s on one´s mind. -ı ağzından kaçırmak to let something slip, say something inadvertently, let the cat out of the bag. -ı ağzında kalmak to be unable to finish what one was saying; (for someone) suddenly to go silent. - altında kalmamak to give as good as one gets (in an argument). -ı ağzına tıkamak /ın/ to shut (someone) up. - anlamaz 1. thickheaded; stupid. 2. obstinate, muleheaded. - anlatmak /a/ to try to bring (someone) round (to one´s own point of view), try to make (someone) understand something. - aramızda.... colloq. This is just between you and me./Let´s keep this to ourselves./Entre nous. - atmak 1. /a/ to make a rude remark about (someone) within his hearing. 2. /a/ to make an improper innuendo or suggestion to (a woman one doesn´t know), proposition. 3. to have a chat. -ını/ -ınızı balla kestim. colloq. Excuse me for interrupting you. -ını bilmek to think before one opens one´s mouth, be careful about what one says. -a boğmak /ı/ to drown (a topic) in a flood of words. -ı çevirmek/değiştirmek to change the subject. - çıkmak for a rumor to start going around. -ı çiğnemek to beat around the bush. -a dalmak to become lost in conversation. - değil. colloq. It´s serious./This isn´t just idle talk. - dinlemek to heed what one is told; to act on someone´s advice. - dokundurmak /a/ to make wisecracks (about), make barbed remarks (about). - düşmemek /a/ 1. for there to be no need for (someone) to talk. 2. (for someone) not to get a chance to speak. - etmek 1. /ı/ to gossip about (something). 2. /la/ to talk (with), chat (with). -ını etmek /ın/ to talk about (something). -ın gümrüğünü vermek slang to start yakking again; to keep on yakking. - işitmek to get a dressing down. - kaldıramamak not to be able to take a joke, not to be able to take it. - kıtlığında asmalar budayayım. colloq. You´re talking nonsense! - körüğü windbag (person). - lafı açar. colloq. One topic leads to another. -ı mı olur? colloq. Don´t mention it!/It´s a pleasure! (said to someone for whom one has done or wishes to do a favor). - ola. colloq. What hogwash!/It´s just so much hot air! - olur. colloq. There´ll be gossip./It´ll set tongues wagging. - olsun diye (saying something) just to make conversation, merely for the sake of saying it. -la peynir gemisi yürümez. proverb Mere talk won´t get anything done. - söyledi balkabağı. colloq. You´re full of bull! -ını şaşırmak to be at a loss for words. - taşımak to retail gossip. -a tutmak /ı/ to engage (someone) in conversation (thus causing him to stop what he´d been doing). -ı uzatmak to take a long time explaining something. - ü güzaf see lafügüzaf. - yetiştirmek 1. to reply quickly and in kind, promptly to give as good as one gets. 2. /a/ (for a child) to talk back to, sass (an older person). - yok. /a/ colloq. There´s nothing wrong with...."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > laf

  • 3 ön

    "1. front; /ın/ front part (of). 2. /ın/ space in front (of). 3. front; foremost; preliminary. 4. the time immediately before one, the immediate future. -ünde /ın/ in front of; before, in the presence of. -ünden /ın/ a little before. -ü alınmak to be nipped in the bud; to be stopped; to be checked. -e almak /ı/ to give preference to. -ünü almak /ın/ to nip (something) in the bud; to put a stop to; to check. -ünü ardını bilmek 1. to be cautious, be prudent. 2. to know how to conduct oneself. -ünde ardında dolaşmak /ın/ to follow (someone) everywhere. -ünü ardını düşünmemek /ın/ not to think (something) through, not to consider (something) carefully. -ünde ardında gidilmez. colloq. He is not someone you can rely on. -üne arkasına bakmamak to be very careless, not to think things through. - ayak olmak /a/ to be the initiator of (something), get (something) started. -üne bak. colloq. Look out!/Take care!/Watch out!/Watch your step! -üne bakmak to hang one´s head in shame. -üne bir kemik atmak /ın/ to throw (someone) a bone, give (someone) something that´ll keep him from talking. - cam auto. windshield. - çalışma preliminary study. -üne çıkmak /ın/ to appear suddenly in front of (someone); to waylay. -üne dikilmek /ın/ to plant oneself squarely in front of (someone). -e düşmek to go in front; to lead the way. -üne geçmek /ın/ to nip (something) in the bud; to put a stop to; to check. -de gelen foremost. -üne gelen anyone who comes along, anybody whatsoever. -üne geleni kapar, ardına geleni teper. colloq. He´s rude and hostile to everyone he comes into contact with. -üne katmak /ı/ 1. to drive (an animal) in front of one. 2. to force (someone) to go before one. -ünü kesmek /ın/ to block (someone´s) path; to waylay. -ünde perende atamamak /ın/ to be unable to fool (someone). - planda gelmek to be the most important thing, be the most urgent thing. -ü sıra gitmek /ın/ to go shortly ahead of (someone). -e sürmek /ı/ to suggest, propose; to set forth. - tekerlek nereye giderse art tekerlek de oraya gider. proverb Children imitate the adults that are around them."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ön

  • 4 çıkarmak

    "1. /ı, dan/ to remove (someone, something) (from); to take or get (someone, something) out (of), extricate (someone, something) (from); to extract or pull (something) from; to bring (someone, something) out (from) (a place); to expel (a student) (from) (a school); to fire (a worker); to evict (a tenant). 2. /ı/ to take off, remove (an article of clothing); to doff (one´s hat). 3. /ı, a/ to make (someone, an animal) climb up on (something), make (someone, an animal) get up on (something); to make (someone, an animal) go up to (a place); to put (someone, something) in/on (a higher place). 4. /ı, a /to bring (one person) before (another), bring (one person) to (another), present (one person) to (another). 5. /ı/ to remove, take out, get rid of (a stain). 6. /ı, la/ to make it through, get through (a period of time) with (a specified amount of something). 7. /ı/ to understand, make (something) out; to deduce; /ı, dan/ to interpret (something) in (a specified way): Söylediklerimden bunu nasıl çıkardın? How could you take what I said to mean this? 8. /ı, dan/ to extend (something) from, stick (something) out: Başını kapıdan çıkardı. He stuck his head out the door. 9. /ı/ to publish (a book, newspaper, etc.). 10. /ı, a/ to take (someone, an animal) out to/into (a place outdoors). 11. /ı, dan/ to vent, take out (one´s anger, frustration, negative emotion) on (someone). 12. /ı, dan/ to make (one thing) out of (another). 13. /ı/ to show (someone) to be, reveal (someone) to be (a bad type of person); to call (someone) (something unfavorable); to expose (someone´s wrongdoing, mistake); to make people think (someone) is, give people the impression that (someone) is (a bad type of person): Münci´nin yalanını çıkardınız. You showed Münci to be a liar. Onu yalancı çıkardılar. They´ve made people think he´s a liar. 14. /ı, dan/ math. to subtract (one amount) from (another). 15. /ı, dan/ to unload (something) from (a vehicle). 16. to develop (the spots or pustules characteristic of certain diseases): Kızamık çıkarıyor. She´s coming down with measles. 17. /ı/ to get the maximum of (pleasure) from: Tatilin tadını çıkarmasını bilir. He knows how to have a great vacation. 18. /ı/ to come up with, create, produce, invent (something new); to develop (a new habit). 19. /ı/ to turn out, produce (something, a specified kind of person). 20. /ı, da/ to play, perform (a tune) on (an instrument). 21. /ı/ to make (a law). 22. /ı, dan/ to make (one´s living) from (a specified work). 23. /a, ı/ to offer (a guest) (something to eat or drink). 24. /ı/ to vomit, throw (something) up, spew (something) up. 25. /ı, a/ mil. to land (a force) on (a shore). 26. /ı/ to start (a row), pick (a quarrel); to create (a difficulty). 27. /ı/ to find (a place, an address). 28. /ı/ slang to say, spit out."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çıkarmak

  • 5 baba

    "1. father. 2. title applied to a holy man or to a respected elderly man: İsmet baba, Hakkı baba, Telli baba. 3. the leader of a group of dervishes; the head of a tekke (among the Bektashi dervishes). 4. bollard; bitt. 5. newel-post, newel (large post at the foot or landing of a stairway). 6. king post; crown post; queen post (in the truss of a roof). 7. head (of a walking stick). 8. colloq. mafia chief, mafia boss. 9. slang penis, *dick, *cock, *pecker. -m colloq. 1. a vocative expression used after an imperative when addressing an intimate friend: Anlat babam, ne oldu? Now tell me what happened man! 2. used before and after an imperative to emphasize that an action was prolonged: Oku babam oku! Read, read, read! - adam elderly man who is wise and kind. - bucağı family home, homeplace. -sının/-larının çiftliği a place which one can exploit at will, one´s private preserve: Orası babasının çiftliği mi? Is that a place which he can just exploit at will? - değil, tırabzan babası man who is a poor excuse for a father. - dostu an old friend of one´s father. - evi 1. home, the place on which one´s familial affections are centered. 2. family home, homeplace. -sının hayrına for the sheer love of it, without thinking of getting something out of it: Demirhan, o heyette babasının hayrına mı çalışıyor sanki? Mutlaka bir menfaat peşindedir! Do you think Demirhan´s serving on that committee for the sheer love of it? He´s most certainly hoping to reap some benefit for himself! Ona babasının hayrına iş vermezler elbet. You can be sure they aren´t going to give him a job just to show they´re nice guys. - hindi turkey-cock, gobbler. - hindi gibi kabarmak to become swelled up with self-importance, swell up with pride and arrogance, puff oneself up. -dan kalma inherited from one´s father: Babadan kalma bir evi var. He has a house which he inherited from his father. - ocağı see - evi. -dan oğula from father to son. -sının oğlu. colloq. Like father, like son. -na rahmet! colloq. You are very kind indeed! -sına rahmet okumak /ın/ (for someone) to be so wonderful he/she makes you want to bless the father that begot him/her. -sına rahmet okutmak /ın/ 1. (for someone, something) to be so bad that he/she/it makes one yearn for (someone or something else who/which is in himself/herself/itself undesirable): Fecri bir felaketti, fakat Feyman, Fecri´nin babasına rahmet okutuyor. Fecri was a disaster, but Feyman is so awful he makes us yearn to have Fecri back again. 2. (for someone) to be so wonderful he/she makes you want to bless the father that begot him/her. - tarafından paternally. - torik 1. bonito which has reached a large size. 2. slang penis, *dick, *cock, *pecker. -ları/-sı tutmak 1. to become enraged, have a conniption, have a conniption fit. 2. to shake or move about convulsively (as if one is having a fit). -ları üstünde olmak to be ready to explode (with rage). - yurdu see - evi."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > baba

  • 6 dünya

    1. the world, the earth. 2. the universe. 3. everyone, people. -da never in this world: Dünyada gitmem. I would not go for the whole world. - ahret kardeşim olsun. colloq. Let it be friendship only. - âlem colloq. everybody. -yı anlamak to understand life, be mature. -yı başına dar etmek /ın/ to make life unbearable for. - başına yıkılmak to be very miserable. -lar benim oldu. colloq. I felt on top of the world. - bir araya gelse even if everybody is opposed. -nın dört bucağı the four corners of the earth. - durdukça for ever and ever. -dan elini eteğini çekmek to cut oneself off from the world and worldly things. - evi marriage. - evine girmek to get married. -dan geçmek/-dan el çekmek to retire from the world, lose touch with life. -sından geçmek to lose one´s interest in life. -ya gelmek to be born, come into the world. -ya getirmek /ı/ to give birth to, bring into the world. - görüşü one´s general philosophy of life. -ya gözlerini açmak to be born, open one´s eyes to the world. -yı gözü görmemek to be so affected by something that one can´t think of anything else. - gözü ile görmek /ı/ to see (someone) before one dies. -ya gözlerini kapamak/yummak to die, pass away, close one´s eyes to the world. - güzeli 1. (person) of outstanding beauty. 2. Miss Universe. -dan haberi olmamak to be unaware of what is going on around one. -yı haram etmek /a/ to make life a living hell for (someone). -nın kaç bucak/köşe olduğunu anlamak/öğrenmek to learn by bitter experience. -nın kaç bucak olduğunu göstermek /a/ to give (someone) what he has coming to him. - kadar a whole lot. -ya kazık kakmak to live to a ripe old age. - kelamı worldly talk. - kelamı etmek to talk about worldly things. - kurulalıdan beri since the world began. - malı/nimeti wealth, possessions. - malı dünyada kalır. proverb You can´t take it with you. -lar (onun) olmak to be very happy. -nın öbür/bir ucu the far end of the world. -nın parası a lot of money. - penceresi colloq. the eyes. - (Peygamber) Süleyman´a bile kalmamış. proverb No man can live forever. -yı tozpembe görmek to see things through rose-colored glasses. -yı tutmak to spread far and wide. - varmış! colloq. How wonderful! (expression of relief). -nın yedi harikası Seven Wonders of the World. - yıkılsa umurunda değil. colloq. He doesn´t give a damn. - yüzü görmemek to be overwhelmed by circumstances. -yı zindan/zehir etmek /a/ to make life unbearable for. - zindan olmak /a/ to be in great distress.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > dünya

  • 7 iki

    "two. -dir for the second time. -miz the two of us. -miz de both of us. -si the two (of them). -si de both (of them). - ahbap çavuşlar colloq. inseparable friends, great pals. -si arası 1. neither one nor the other, a combination of the two. 2. (someone, something) who/which is a mixture of the two. - arada bir derede somehow or other. - arada bir derede kalmak to be in a tight situation. - arada kalmak to be at a loss as to whom to believe; not to know whom to support. - ateş arasında kalmak to be caught between two fires. - atomlu chem. diatomic. - ayağını bir pabuca sokmak/koymak /ın/ to pressure (someone), put pressure on (someone) (to finish something immediately). - baştan olmak (for something) to be possible only if both sides are in agreement about it. -de bir/birde very frequently, all the time, constantly, continually, every whipstitch. -si bir kapıya çıkar. colloq. They both amount to the same thing. -si bir kazanda kaynamamak not to get along together. -sini bir kazana koysalar kaynamazlar. colloq. It´s impossible for them to get along with each other. - boyutlu two-dimensional. - buçukluk (a) two-and-a-half lira coin. - büklüm bent double, very stooped. - cambaz bir ipte oynamaz. proverb If two cheats try to work together, they end up cheating each other. - cami arasında kalmış beynamaz/binamaz (someone) who doesn´t know which alternative to choose, (someone) who doesn´t know which of two choices to make. - cihanda in this world and the next. - çıplak bir hamama yakışır. proverb Don´t think about marrying if you haven´t got a penny to your name. - çift laf/söz a word or two, a few words. - çifte kayık/- çifteli rowboat with two pairs of oars. - değerlikli chem. bivalent (element). - dinle (bin işit) bir söyle. proverb Listen before you talk. - dirhem bir çekirdek dressed up fit to kill, dressed up to the nines, all dolled up. - dünya this world and the world to come. - eli böğründe kalmak to be at a loss as to what to do; to feel helpless. - eli (kızıl) kanda olsa no matter what he´s/she´s doing, no matter what, no matter how tied up he/she is. - eli şakaklarında düşünmek to brood, be deep in thought. - eli yakasında olmak /ın/ to intend to settle accounts (with another) on Judgment Day. - elim yanıma gelecek. colloq. I swear I´m telling the truth!/Cross my heart! - evli bigamous. - geçeli in two rows facing each other. - gönül bir olursa/olunca samanlık seyran olur. proverb If two people are really in love they can make do with a bare minimum of worldly goods. - gözüm my dear; my dear friend; my dear lady; my dear fellow. - gözle görme/- göze değgin görme binocular vision. - gözü iki çeşme crying one´s eyes out, crying one´s heart out. - gözüm kör olsun! I swear to God! - gözüm önüme aksın! I swear to God! - günde bir every other day. - hörgüçlü deve Bactrian camel, two-humped camel. - karpuz bir koltuğa sığmaz. proverb You can´t do two things at once. - kat 1. doubled, folded. 2. bent double, very stooped. - katı /ın/ double the amount of. - katlı 1. two-storied. 2. two-layered. - kat olmak to be bent double, become very stooped. - kere twice. - kere iki dört eder gibi as sure as two and two is four. - misli twofold, twice as much. - namlulu double-barreled. - nokta colon (punctuation mark). -si ortası/-sinin ortası 1. (someone, something) which is a blend of the two. 2. a blend of the two. 3. middle ground, middle of the road; middle way, middle path. - paralık etmek /ı/ to ruin (someone´s) reputation, discredit (someone) thoroughly. - paralık olmak (for someone´s reputation) to be ruined, (for someone) to be thoroughly discredited. - rahmetten biri. colloq. If he can´t get well I hope death will put an end to his sufferings. - satır konuşmak/dertleşmek to have a brief chat. - seksen uzanmak slang 1. to be tickled pink. 2. to be flattened (by a fisticuff). 3. to loll. - sözü/lafı/lakırdıyı bir araya getirememek to be unable to express ones

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > iki

  • 8 kendi

    "1. self, oneself. 2. own. 3. he; she. 4. in person. -leri 1. themselves. 2. he; she. -m myself. -minki mine. -miz ourselves. -si 1. herself; himself. 2. he; she. -ni ağır satmak to agree to something only after repeated requests. - ağzıyla tutulmak to be proved a liar by one´s own words. -ni alamamak /dan/ not to be able to refrain from, be unable to stop oneself from. - âleminde olmak to keep to oneself; to live in a world of one´s own. -ni alıştırmak /a/ to make oneself get used to. -ni ateşe atmak to court trouble. -ni atmak /a/ to go immediately to, rush to (a place). -ne bağlamak /ı/ to captivate. - başına 1. of one´s own accord. 2. without anyone´s help, single-handedly. -ni beğenmek to be conceited. -ni beğenmiş conceited, arrogant. -ni bırakmak to neglect oneself, let oneself go. -ni bilen/bilir upright and honorable (person). -ni bilmek 1. to be in one´s right mind. 2. to comport oneself properly. 3. (for a person) to have grown up, have reached maturity. -ni bir şey sanmak to give oneself airs, think one is something. -ni (bir yerde) bulmak to find that one has arrived at (a place). -ni bulmak to develop a personality of one´s own. - çalıp kendi oynuyor. colloq. He makes a big fuss about something, but when people want to help him he spurns their aid. - çapında according to his own standards, according to his own way of thinking. -ne çeki düzen vermek 1. to tidy oneself up. 2. to put one´s life and affairs in order. - çıkarı için for his own benefit. -ni dar atmak /a/ to manage to reach (a place) in the nick of time. - derdine düşmek to be completely taken up with one´s own troubles. -ni dev aynasında görmek to overrate oneself vastly. -ni dinlemek to be a hypochondriac. -ni dirhem dirhem satmak to make a great show of reluctance. - düşen ağlamaz. proverb If you get yourself into trouble then you´ve no right to complain. - eliyle himself, with his own hand. -ne etmek to harm oneself. -ni fasulye gibi nimetten saymak to overrate oneself vastly. -nden geçme psych. trance. -nden geçmek 1. to be transported by joy, be ecstatic. 2. to faint. -ne gel. colloq. 1. Come to your senses! 2. Pull yourself together! - gelen that comes one´s way by chance. -ne gelmek 1. to regain consciousness, come to. 2. to pull oneself together, regain one´s self-control. - göbeğini kendi kesmek colloq. to do it all on one´s own, do it without getting help from anybody. -ni göstermek to prove one´s worth. - gözündeki merteği görmez, elin gözündeki çöpü görür. colloq. He doesn´t see the beam in his own eye, but he sees the mote in the eye of another person. -ne güvenme self-confidence, self-reliance. - halinde 1. quiet and innoffensive, innocuous (person). 2. simple-minded. - haline bırakmak /ı/ to leave (someone) to his own devices; to let (a thing) take care of itself. - havasına gitmek/- havasında olmak to do what strikes one´s fancy. -ni hissettirmek to make one´s/its presence felt. -ni iyice vermek /a/ to concentrate (on). -ni kapıp koyuvermek 1. to cease to take an interest in oneself, let oneself go. 2. /a/ to lose oneself in (a project). -ni kaptırmak /a/ 1. to let oneself get carried away (by). 2. to become wholly absorbed in. -ni kaybetmek 1. to lose consciousness. 2. to go into a towering rage. - kendine 1. on one´s own responsibility; of one´s own accord. 2. alone, by oneself, without help. 3. to oneself. 4. theat. as an aside. - kendine gelin güvey olmak to count one´s chickens before they´re hatched, build castles in Spain. - kendini yemek to eat one´s heart out, worry oneself to death. - kendine yeterli self-reliant and self-sufficient. -ne kıymak to commit suicide. - kuyusunu kendi kazmak to dig one´s own grave, be the cause of one´s own downfall. -si muhtac-ı himmet bir dede. (Nerde kaldı geriye himmet ede.) colloq. You can´t expect any help from him since he´s in need of help himself. -ni naza çekmek to make a great show of reluctance. -nde olmamak not to kno

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kendi

  • 9 ne

    "1. What...?: Ne dedin? What did you say? 2. What a...!/How...! (used as an intensifier before adjectives): Ne biçimsiz bir masa! What an ugly table! Ne soğuk! How cold it is! 3. whatever: Ahmet ne yaparsa Ayşe beğenir. Ayşe approves of whatever Ahmet does. 4. What...?: Bu ne kutusu? What´s this box for? Yarın ne dersin var? What lesson do you have tomorrow? 5. used as an intensifier: Dün rüzgâr ne esti ha! Yesterday the wind blew like all get-out. 6. used to express approval or disapproval: Bu ne kıyafet böyle? And just what sort of getup is this? Bu dünyada ne anneler var! This old world has some pretty wonderful/awful mothers in it! -ler used to indicate a quantity of things: Daha neler gördük, neler! We saw lots and lots of other things as well! Neler öğrendin? What things have you learned? -si used to show a connection: Sen İsmet´in nesisin? How are you kin to İsmet? O adam buranın nesi? What´s that man´s position here? -sine? What on earth does he need... for?: Otomobil onun nesine? What on earth does he need a car for? Altın kolye onun nesine? What on earth is she doing with a gold necklace? - akla hizmet ediyor? Why on earth is he doing such a thing? - âlâ! How nice! - âlâ memleket! What a fine kettle of fish!/What a wonderful state of affairs! (said sarcastically). - âlem used to express a feeling of astonishment tempered with affection: Ne âlem adam! What a crazy guy! O kadın ne âlemdir bir bilsen! That gal´s a character, I can tell you! - âlemdesiniz? How are things with you? - alıp veremiyor? 1. What is it he wants?/What´s he after? 2. /la/ What´s the problem between...?: Onunla ne alıp veremiyorsun? What´s the problem between you and her? (...) - arar! /da/ (Someone) is completely lacking in (something).: Onda para ne arar! He´s never got two cents to rub together. (Burada/Orada) - arıyor? What´s he doing here/there?/What does he want? - biçim used to show disapproval: Ne biçim adam yahu! What a jerk! Ne biçim sözlük! And this thing´s supposed to be a dictionary! - buyurdunuz? What did you say? - buyurulur? /a/ 1. What do you say to...?/What would you say to a...?: Soğuk bir limonataya ne buyurulur? What do you say to a cold lemonade?/Would you like a cold lemonade? 2. What do you have to say to...? (said tauntingly). - canı var ki? How can he do that? (He´s not got the physical strength.) - çare! What can one do?/It´s a hopeless situation. - çıkar? 1. What difference will it make one way or the other? 2. What´ll come of it? (Nothing!). 3. What can I/you expect to get out of it? - çiçektir biliriz. colloq. I know what a bad lot he is./I know just how nocount he is./I´ve got his number. - de olsa nevertheless, nonetheless. - dedim de...? Why on earth (didn´t I do something)?: Ne dedim de sana haber vermedim? Why on earth didn´t I inform you? - demek? 1. What does it mean?: Bu ne demek? What does this mean? 2. Just what does it mean? (said angrily): Ders ekmek ne demek? Just what do you mean by cutting a class? - demeye...? 1. Why...?: Buraya ne demeye geldin? Why have you come here? 2. used when questioning the meaning of something: O sözü ne demeye getirdi? Just what did she mean by that remark? -ler de neler, maydanozlu köfteler all manner of strange and outlandish things. - denir?/- dersin? colloq. What can you say?/There´s nothing you can say. - denli 1.... how much.... 2. However much.... 3. My, how...! - dersin? colloq. What do you think? - dese beğenirsin? colloq. You´ll never guess what he said to me./You won´t believe what he said to me./Just guess what she said!/Guess what she called me! - diye...? Why...?/For what purpose...?: Ne diye ben gideyim? Why should I be the one to go? Ne diye gideyim? What´s the point in my going?/For what purpose am I to go? - ekersen onu biçersin. proverb You reap what you sow. - fayda! colloq. What good can that do now?/What´s the good of it now?/It´s too late for that now. (...) - gezer! see ne arar! - gibi...? Wha

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ne

  • 10 çıkarılmak

    "1. /dan/ to be removed (from); to be extricated (from); to be extracted (from); to be pulled out (of); to be brought out (from); (for a student) to be expelled (from); (for a worker) to be fired; (for a tenant) to be evicted. 2. (for a piece of clothing) to be taken off, be removed; (for a hat) to be doffed. 3. /a/ to be made to climb up on (something); to be made to go up to (a higher place); to be put in/on (a higher place). 4. /a/ (for one person) to be brought before/to (another), be presented to (another). 5. (for a stain) to be removed, be taken out. 6. /dan/ (for something) to be extended from, be stuck out of (a place). 7. to be published. 8. /a/ to be taken out to/into (a place outdoors). 9. /dan/ (for one person´s anger, frustration, negative emotion) to be vented on, be taken out on (another). 10. (for someone) to be shown to be, be revealed to be (a bad type of person); for people to be left with the impression that (someone) is (a bad type of person): Yalancı çıkarıldı. People were made to think him a liar. 11. (for someone´s wrongdoing, mistake) to be exposed, be revealed. 12. /dan/ math. (for one amount) to be subtracted from (another). 13. /dan/ to be unloaded (from). 14. (for something new) to be created. 15. /dan/ (for something) to be produced in (a place). 16. /dan/ (for someone´s living) to be made from, be earned from (a specified job). 17. /a/ (for a food or a drink) to be offered to (a guest). 18. (for something) to be vomited up, be thrown up, be spewed up. 19. /a/ mil. (for a force) to be landed on (a shore). 20. (for a law) to be made. 21. (for a row, a quarrel) to be started; (for a difficulty) to be created. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > çıkarılmak

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