1 thermometer
- thermometer
- nтермометр
- contact thermometer
- dial thermometer
- distance thermometer
- dry bulb thermometer
- globe thermometer
- indicating thermometer
- liquid-in-glass thermometer
- noncontact thermometer
- recording thermometer
- remote-indicating thermometer
- resistance thermometer
- wet bulb thermometer
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 thermometer
thermometer термометрreversing thermometer опрокидывающийся термометрEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > thermometer
3 thermometer
thermometer [θəˊmɒmɪtə] nтермо́метр, гра́дусник -
4 thermometer
5 thermometer
1) термометр2) пирометр•thermometer in container — термобатометр-
adjustable-range thermometer
air thermometer
alcohol thermometer
attached thermometer
bimetallic thermometer
bimetal thermometer
black-bulb thermometer
bottom-hole thermometer
capacitance thermometer
carbon resistor thermometer
carbon thermometer
centigrade thermometer
chemical thermometer
clinical thermometer
constant-pressure gas thermometer
constant-volume gas thermometer
contact thermometer
deep well thermometer
dial thermometer
differential thermometer
digital thermometer
dilatometric thermometer
diode thermometer
dipping thermometer
direct-reading thermometer
distant thermometer
distant-reading recording thermometer
double-division thermometer
double-scale thermometer
downhole thermometer
dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer
dry-bulb thermometer
dual thermometer
dual-purpose gamma thermometer
electric contact thermometer
electric thermometer
electrical resistance thermometer
electronic thermometer
engine-intake thermometer
fast-response downhole thermometer
fast-response thermometer
ferroelectric thermometer
filled-system thermometer
four-terminal resistance thermometer
four-terminal thermometer
full-immersion thermometer
gamma thermometer
gaseous thermometer
gas thermometer
glass-stem thermometer
ground thermometer
high-precision thermometer
hull thermometer
hydrogen thermometer
immersion thermometer
infrared radiation thermometer
interpolation thermometer
intrinsically safe thermometer
isotope thermometer
Johnson noise power thermometer
limited range thermometer
liquid-filled thermometer
liquid thermometer
liquid-in-glass thermometer
liquid-in-metal thermometer
liquid-liquid thermometer
magnetic susceptibility thermometer
magnetic thermometer
manometric thermometer
master thermometer
maximum reading thermometer
maximum thermometer
mercurial thermometer
mercury-in-glass thermometer
mercury-pressure thermometer
metal resistance thermometer
minimum thermometer
oxygen vapor pressure thermometer
partial-immersion thermometer
platinum resistance thermometer
pressure-filled thermometer
protected dipping thermometer
radiation thermometer
remote-sensing thermometer
resistance thermometer
reversing thermometer
rod thermometer
secondary reference thermometer
self-recording thermometer
semiconductor-resistance thermometer
sling thermometer
soil thermometer
spirit-in-glass thermometer
standard thermometer
stick-type thermometer
submersible thermometer
thermistor thermometer
thermoconductive thermometer
thermocouple thermometer
thin-film thermometer
unprotected reversing thermometer
unprotected thermometer
vacuous thermometer
vapor-pressure thermometer
wet-and-dry-bulb thermometer
wet-bulb thermometer
whirling thermometer -
6 thermometer
— contacting thermometer
* * *
* * *
* * *
- armored bottomhole thermometer
- armored subsurface thermometer
- bimetallic bottomhole thermometer
- bimetallic subsurface thermometer
- borehole thermometer
- bottomhole thermometer
- bottomhole pressure thermometer
- contact thermometer
- deep-well thermometer
- differential thermometer
- downhole thermometer
- downhole electrical thermometer
- fast-response downhole thermometer
- full-immersion thermometer
- high-resolution subsurface thermometer
- immersion thermometer
- indicating subsurface thermometer
- maximum thermometer
- maximum-indicating subsurface thermometer
- partial-immersion thermometer
- precision thermometer
- protected dipping thermometer
- small-diameter downhole thermometer
- submersible thermometer
- subsurface thermometer
- subsurface recording thermometer
- surface-recording downhole thermometer
- thermoelectrical subsurface thermometer
- well thermometerАнгло-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > thermometer
7 thermometer
1) термометр2) пирометр•- alcohol thermometer
- bimetal thermometer
- bimetallic thermometer
- capacitance thermometer
- carbon thermometer
- carbon resistor thermometer
- contact thermometer
- contactless thermometer
- digital thermometer
- diode thermometer
- direct-reading thermometer
- distant-reading thermometer
- electrical thermometer
- electronic thermometer
- ferroelectric thermometer
- hydrogen thermometer
- infrared radiation thermometer
- LC thermometer
- liquid-crystal thermometer
- magnetic thermometer
- magnetic susceptibility thermometer
- mercury thermometer
- noise thermometer
- radiation thermometer
- remote thermometer
- remote-sensing thermometer
- resistance thermometer
- standard thermometer
- thermistor thermometer
- thermocouple thermometer
- thermoelectric thermometer
- ultrasound thermometer -
8 thermometer
- alcohol thermometer - bimetal thermometer - bimetallic thermometer - Celsius centigrade thermometer - centigrade thermometer - chemical thermometer - contact thermometer - differential thermometer - dry-bulb thermometer - Fahrenheit thermometer - globe thermometer - ground thermometer - maximum thermometer - mercury thermometer - minimum thermometer - noncontact thermometer - recording thermometer - remote-reading thermometer - resistance thermometer - sea-water thermometer - thermistor thermometer - wet bulb thermometer* * *термометр- contact thermometer
- dial thermometer
- distance thermometer
- dry bulb thermometer
- globe thermometer
- indicating thermometer
- liquid-in-glass thermometer
- noncontact thermometer
- recording thermometer
- remote-indicating thermometer
- resistance thermometer
- wet bulb thermometer -
9 thermometer
1) термометр
2) термометрический
– armored thermometer
– Beckmann thermometer
– bimetal thermometer
– certify thermometer
– dry-bulb thermometer
– electric-contact thermometer
– embed thermometer
– enclosed-scale thermometer
– engraved-on-stem thermometer
– filed-system thermometer
– gamma thermometer
– glass thermometer
– industrial thermometer
– liquid thermometer
– liquid-in-glass thermometer
– mercury thermometer
– mercury-in-glass thermometer
– non-indicating thermometer
– optical thermometer
– remote-indicating thermometer
– solid-expansion thermometer
– standard thermometer
– stick thermometer
– thermometer pocket
– vapor-pressure thermometer
– wet-bulb thermometer
10 thermometer
11 thermometer
термометр- инструмент для измерения температуры.
Англо-русский словарь по кондиционированию и вентиляции > thermometer
12 thermometer
термометр- инструмент для измерения температуры.
English-Russian dictionary of terms for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling air > thermometer
13 thermometer
термометр thermometer absolute - абсолютный термометр thermometer toimetal(lic) - биметаллический термометр; термопара thermometer centigrade - термометр, градуированный в градусах Цельсия thermometer contact - контактный термометр thermometer differential - дифференциальный термометр thermometer distance (distant(-recording)) - дистанционный термометр, телетермометр thermometer dry-bulb - сухой термометр (п сихроме тра) thermometer gas(-filled) - газонаполненный (газовый) термометр thermometer high-distillation (high-reading) - термометр для высоких температур thermometer maximum - максимальный термометр thermometer mercurial (mercury(-in-glass)) - ртутный термометр thermometer minimum - минимальный термометр thermometer recording - самопишущий термометр; термограф thermometer sensitive - чувствительный термометр thermometer wet-buib - смоченный термометр (психрометра) -
14 thermometer
distance thermometer — дистанционный термометр, телетермометр
recording thermometer — самопишущий термометр, термограф
remote-indicating thermometer — дистанционный термометр, термометр с дистанционным показанием
15 thermometer
16 thermometer
17 thermometer
- expansion thermometer
- liquid thermometer
- liquid-expansion thermometer
- Mössbauer-effect thermometer
- quartz thermometer
- quartz-tube thermometer
- resistance thermometer
- thermal noise thermometerEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > thermometer
18 thermometer
[θəʹmɒmıtə] nтермометр, градусникCelsius /Centigrade/ thermometer - термометр Цельсия /со шкалой Цельсия/
Fahrenheit thermometer - термометр Фаренгейта /со шкалой Фаренгейта/
Réaumur thermometer - термометр Реомюра /со шкалой Реомюра/
(self-)recording /(self-)registering/ thermometer - термограф, самопишущий термометр
the thermometer registers /is standing at/ 10u00B0 - термометр показывает 10u00B0 (выше нуля)
19 thermometer
air thermometer воздушный термометр
carbonate thermometer карбонатный термометр
geologic thermometer геологический термометр (минерал или ассоциация минералов, имеющие определённые предельныетемпературные характеристики)
high resolution thermometer термометр с высоким разрешением
protected thermometer защищенный термометр
reversing thermometer опрокидывающийся [реверсионный] термометр (для измерения температуры морской воды на глубине)
soil thermometer почвенный термометр
unprotected thermometer незащищённый термометр
20 thermometer
- cold storage thermometer
- distance thermometer
- recording thermometer
- resistance thermometer
- wet-bulb thermometerEnglish-russian plastics terminology dictionary > thermometer
См. также в других словарях:
Thermometer — Thermometer … Deutsch Wörterbuch
Thermometer [2] — Thermometer sind Vorrichtungen, die zur Bestimmung der Temperatur dienen. Es sollen einige Bemerkungen darüber beigebracht werden, wie man sich von der Richtigkeit der Angaben eines Thermometers überzeugen oder wie man ein solches prüfen kann.… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Thermometer — Ther*mom e*ter (th[ e]r*m[o^]m [ e]*t[ e]r), n. [Thermo + meter: cf. F. thermom[ e]tre. See {Thermal}.] (Physics) An instrument for measuring temperature, founded on the principle that changes of temperature in bodies are accompanied by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Thermometer [1] — Thermometer, Instrument zur Bestimmung von Temperaturen, im gewöhnlichen Sinne das Glasthermometer, eine an einem Ende verschlossene, am andern Ende zu einer Kugel erweiterte gläserne, luftleere kapillare Röhre, die nebst der Kugel zum Teil mit… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Thermometer — (griech., Wärmemesser; hierzu Tafel »Thermometer« mit Text), Instrument zur Bestimmung des Wärmezustandes oder der Temperatur eines Körpers. Das T. ist wahrscheinlich von Galilei kurz vor 1600 erfunden und Thermoskop genannt worden; Santorio ist… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Thermometer — Sn std. (18. Jh.) Neoklassische Bildung. Neubildung zu gr. thermós warm und gr. métron Maß . Das Fieberthermometer seit 1866 (entwickelt von dem englischen Arzt Clifford Albut). Ebenso nndl. thermometer, ne. thermoneter, nfrz. thermomètre,… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
thermometer — (n.) 1630s, from Fr. thermomètre (1620s), coined by Jesuit Father Leuréchon from Gk. thermos hot (see THERMAL (Cf. thermal)) + metron measure (see METER (Cf. meter)). An earlier, Latinate form was thermoscopium (1610s). The earliest such device… … Etymology dictionary
Thermometer — (v. gr.), Instrument zur Bestimmung der Temperatur der Körper, unabhängig von der unsicheren Angabe des Gefühles. Die Leistung des Th s beruht auf der Eigenschaft der Körper, sich bei zunehmender Wärme auszudehnen, bei abnehmender… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Thermometer — Thermomēter (grch.), Wärmemesser, physik. Instrument zur Bestimmung des Temperaturgrades; besteht gewöhnlich aus einer Glasröhre mit unten angeblasener Kugel, welche nebst einem Teil der Röhre mit Quecksilber oder Weingeist gefüllt ist, während… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Thermometer — Thermometer, oder Wärmemesser, besteht gewöhnlich aus einer Glaskugel mit einer engen Röhre, in welche Weingeist oder Quecksilber so eingeschlossen ist, daß diese Materie bei zunehmender Wärme in der Röhre steigt und bei zunehmender Kälte fällt.… … Damen Conversations Lexikon
Thermometer — Thermometer, griech., Wärmemesser, Instrument zum Messen der Temperatur eines Körpers bei nicht zu hohen Temperaturgraden; vgl. Pyrometer. Die Einrichtung des T.s beruht auf der Ausdehnung der Körper durch die Wärme. Die dazu geeignetsten Körper… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon