1 there has been a considerable/ measurable improvement in methods of ...
• налицо значительное/ заметное усовершенствование в методах...English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > there has been a considerable/ measurable improvement in methods of ...
2 there
1. adverbsomebody has been there before — (fig. coll.) jemand weiß Bescheid
there or thereabouts — so ungefähr
be down/in/up there — da unten/drin/oben sein
there goes... — da geht/fährt usw....
are you there? — (on telephone) sind Sie noch da od. (ugs.) dran?
2) (calling attention)hello or hi there! — hallo!
there's a good etc. boy/girl — das ist lieb [von dir, mein Junge/Mädchen]
3) (in that respect) daso there — und damit basta (ugs.)
there you are wrong — da irrst du dich
there, it is a loose wire — da haben wir's - ein loser Draht
there it is — (nothing can be done about it) da kann man nichts machen
there you are — (giving something) [da,] bitte schön (see also 2. 2))
4) (to that place) dahin, dorthin [gehen, gelangen, fahren, rücken, stellen]we got there and back in two hours — wir brauchten für Hin- und Rückweg [nur] zwei Stunden
down/in/up there — dort hinunter/hinein/hinauf
get there first — jemandem/den anderen zuvorkommen
get there — (fig.) (achieve) es [schon] schaffen; (understand) es verstehen
was there anything in it? — war da irgendetwas drin? (ugs.)
there are many kinds of... — es gibt viele Arten von...
there was once an old woman who... — es war einmal eine alte Frau, die...
there was no beer left — es gab kein Bier mehr
there's no time for that now — dafür haben wir/habe ich jetzt keine Zeit
2. interjection... if ever there was one —... wie er/sie/es im Buche steht
2) (expr. triumph or dismay)there [you are]! — da, siehst du! (see also 1. 3))
3. nounthere, you've dropped it! — da, jetzt hast du es doch fallen lassen!
da, dortnear there — da od. dort in der Nähe
* * *[ðeəʳ, ðəʳ, AM ðer, ðɚ]1. (in, at that place) dort, dawhere are my glasses? — right \there beside you! wo ist meine Brille? — gleich dort neben dir!\there's that book you were looking for hier ist das Buch, das du gesucht hasthere and \there hier und da\there and then [or then and \there] auf der Stelle, sofortto be \there to do sth dazu da sein, etw zu tun▶ to be \there for sb für jdn da sein\there or thereabouts (at or near place) in der Gegend dort, dort irgendwo fam; (approximately) so ungefährforty years, \there or thereabouts, had elapsed so ungefähr vierzig Jahre waren vergangen2. (at the place indicated) dort, daI've left the boxes under \there ich habe die Schachteln dort unten hingestelltif anyone wants out, \there's the door! wenn jemand gehen möchte, dort ist die Tür!that girl \there has it das Mädchen dort hat esin \there da drin[nen]out \there da draußenover \there da [o dort] drübenup \there dort oben3. (to a place) dahin, dorthinput the chair \there stell den Stuhl dahinthe museum was closed today — we'll go \there tomorrow das Museum ist heute zu — wir gehen morgen hinwe'll never get \there in time wir kommen niemals rechtzeitig hintry again, you'll get \there in the end versuch es nochmal, du schaffst es schonyou'll get \there if you think about it hard enough du verstehst es schon, wenn du lange genug darüber nachdenkst\there and back hin und zurückin \there dort hineinread out the rest of the letter, don't stop \there! lies' den Brief fertig, hör' nicht hier aufI'd have to disagree with you \there in diesem Punkt [o da] muss ich Ihnen leider widersprechen5. (to introduce sentences)\there's Linda coming da kommt Linda\there's a good boy/girl/dog braver Junge/braves Mädchen/braver Hundtie your shoelaces, \there's a good girl binde dir die Schnürsenkel zu, sei ein liebes Mädchen\there appears [or seems] to be... anscheinend gibt es...\there appeared to be some difficulty in fixing a date for the meeting es scheint Schwierigkeiten zu geben, einen Termin für die Sitzung zu finden6. (to express existence)▪ \there is es gibt\there's someone on the phone for you [da ist jemand am] Telefon für dich\there's no doubt as to who is the best candidate es besteht kein Zweifel, wer der beste Kandidat/die beste Kandidatin ist\there are lives at stake es stehen Leben auf dem Spielis \there any food left? ist noch etwas zu essen da?\there being no other possibility,... da es keine andere Möglichkeit gab,...I don't want \there to be any problems ich will nicht, dass es irgendwelche Probleme gibt7. (said to attract attention)hello \there! hallo!\there goes the phone das ist das Telefon8.▶ to not be all \there ( fam: mentally lacking) nicht ganz da sein fam; (no longer mentally fit) nicht mehr ganz auf der Höhe sein fam▶ \there you are [or go] ( fam: what you wanted) hier bitte; (expressing confirmation, triumph or resignation) aber bitte\there you are — that'll be £3.80 please hier bitte — das macht 3,80 Pfundyou press the button and \there you are du drückst auf den Knopf, das ist alleswe didn't win the competition, but \there you go — we can always try again next year wir haben den Wettkampf zwar nicht gewonnen, aber bitte — wir können es nächstes Jahr noch einmal versuchen\there you are! I knew you'd forget if you didn't write it down da haben wir's! ich wusste, dass du es vergessen würdest, wenn du es dir nicht aufschreibstsometimes it is embarrassing, but \there you go manchmal ist es peinlich, aber so ist es nun malat the end of the day we are \there to make money schließlich sind wir dazu da, Geld zu verdienenbest friends are [always] \there for each other in times of trouble gute Freunde sind in schweren Zeiten [immer] füreinander an▶ \there you go again das übliche Spiel\there she goes again — she never knows when to stop es ist immer dasselbe — sie weiß nie, wann es genug ist\there goes my career das war's wohl mit meiner Karriere! fam▶ \there you have it na siehst dusimply turn the handle three times and \there you have it drehe einfach dreimal den Griff und schon geht's▶ to be neither here nor \there keine Rolle spielen▶ \there it is was soll'spretty ridiculous, I know, but \there it is ziemlich lächerlich, ich weiß, aber was soll's▶ to not be \there yet noch nicht bereit seinII. interj1. (expressing sympathy) da!, schau!\there, \there! [or \there now!] ganz ruhig!, schon gut!\there, \there, don't cry, it won't hurt for long schon gut, weine nicht, es wird nicht lang weh tun2. (expressing satisfaction) na bitte!, siehst du!\there, I've made it work at last na also, ich hab's wieder repariert\there, I told you she wouldn't mind! siehst du, ich habe dir gesagt, dass es ihr nichts ausmacht3. (annoyance) also bitte4. ( fam)so \there! und damit basta!you can't share, so \there! du kannst nicht teilen, und damit basta!* * *[ðɛə(r)]1. adv1) dort, da; (with movement) dorthin, dahinlook, there's Joe/there's Joe coming — guck mal, da ist/kommt Joe
it's under/over/in there — es liegt dort or da drunter/drüben/drin
put it under/over/in/on there — stellen Sie es dort or da drunter/rüber or hinüber/rein or hinein/drauf or hinauf
let's stop there — hören wir doch da auf; (travelling) halten wir doch da or dort an
2) (fig: on this point) dayou've got me there —
3)there is/are — es or da ist/sindthere was once a castle here — hier war or stand einmal eine Burg
there is dancing afterwards — danach ist Tanz, danach wird getanzt
there's a book I want to read — da ist ein Buch, das ich lesen möchte
is there any wine left? – well, there was — ist noch Wein da? – gerade war noch welcher da
there isn't any food/time/point, is there? – yes there is — es gibt wohl nichts zu essen/dazu haben wir wohl keine Zeit/das hat wohl keinen Sinn, oder? – doch!
there seems to be no-one at home —
there comes a time when... — es kommt eine Zeit, wo...
there being no alternative solution —
there will be an opportunity for shopping God said: let there be light, and there was light — es wird Gelegenheit zum Einkaufen geben und Gott sprach: es werde Licht! und es ward Licht
there you are (giving sb sth) — hier(, bitte)!; (on finding sb) da sind Sie ja!
there you or we are, you see, I knew he'd say that — na, sehen Sie, ich habe es ja gewusst, dass er das sagen würde
wait, I'll help you... there you are! — warten Sie, ich helfe Ihnen,... so(, das wärs)!
you press the switch and there you are! — Sie brauchen nur den Schalter zu drücken, das ist alles
I can't dance, but there again, I never could — ich kann nicht tanzen, aber das habe ich eigentlich noch nie gekonnt
2. interjthere! there! — na, na!
stop crying now, there's a good boy —
drop it, there's a good dog — lass das fallen, komm, sei brav
now there's a good boy, don't tease your sister — komm, sei ein braver Junge und ärgere deine Schwester nicht
hurry up there (inf) — Beeilung!, Tempo, Tempo!
make way there — Platz da!, machen Sie mal Platz!
there, take this to your mother —
but there, what's the good of talking about it? — was solls, es hat doch keinen Zweck, darüber zu reden
there! I knew it would break! — da! ich habs ja gewusst, dass es kaputtgehen würde!
* * *there [ðeə(r)]A adv1. da, dort:the authorities there die dortigen Behörden;are you still there? TEL hören Sie?;I have been there before umg das weiß ich alles schon, ich weiß (genau) Bescheid;a) hier und jetzt,b) auf der Stelle, sofort;a) da ist es,b) fig so steht es, so stehen die Dinge;a) (da,) bitte schön,b) siehst du, da hast du’s;there you go umg da kann man nichts machen;2. (da-, dort)hin:there and back hin und zurück;a) hingelangen, -kommen,b) fig umg es schaffen;go there hingehen3. darin, in dieser Sache oder Hinsicht:there I agree with you darin stimme ich mit dir überein4. fig da, hier, an dieser Stelle (in einer Rede etc)5. es:there was once a king es war einmal ein König;there was dancing es wurde getanzt;there is sth between these two die beiden haben etwas miteinander;there is sth in that da ist etwas dran;there arises the question es erhebt sich die Frage;there are friends and there are friends unter den Freunden gibt es solche und solche;there was considerable confusion es herrschte beträchtliche Verwirrung;I thought there would be tears ich dachte, es würde Tränen geben;there’s a good boy sei schön brav!B int1. da!, schau (her)!, na!:there, there! (tröstend) na, komm!;there now! na, bitte!2. (wenn etwas beendet ist) so!* * *1. adverb1) (in/at that place) da; dort; (fairly close) dasomebody has been there before — (fig. coll.) jemand weiß Bescheid
be down/in/up there — da unten/drin/oben sein
there goes... — da geht/fährt usw....
are you there? — (on telephone) sind Sie noch da od. (ugs.) dran?
hello or hi there! — hallo!
there's a good etc. boy/girl — das ist lieb [von dir, mein Junge/Mädchen]
3) (in that respect) daso there — und damit basta (ugs.)
there, it is a loose wire — da haben wir's - ein loser Draht
there it is — (nothing can be done about it) da kann man nichts machen
there you are — (giving something) [da,] bitte schön (see also 2. 2))
4) (to that place) dahin, dorthin [gehen, gelangen, fahren, rücken, stellen]we got there and back in two hours — wir brauchten für Hin- und Rückweg [nur] zwei Stunden
down/in/up there — dort hinunter/hinein/hinauf
get there first — jemandem/den anderen zuvorkommen
get there — (fig.) (achieve) es [schon] schaffen; (understand) es verstehen
there are many kinds of... — es gibt viele Arten von...
there was once an old woman who... — es war einmal eine alte Frau, die...
there's no time for that now — dafür haben wir/habe ich jetzt keine Zeit
2. interjection... if ever there was one —... wie er/sie/es im Buche steht
1) (to soothe child etc.)there, there — na, na (ugs.)
2) (expr. triumph or dismay)there [you are]! — da, siehst du! (see also 1. 3))
3. nounthere, you've dropped it! — da, jetzt hast du es doch fallen lassen!
da, dortnear there — da od. dort in der Nähe
* * *adv.da adv.dort adv.dorthin adv. -
3 considerable
كَثِير \ ample: enough or more than is necessary: There is an ample supply of food. We have ample time to catch the train. considerable: great (of amount, cost, difficulty, distance, etc.). constant: happening very often: He paid constant visit to the doctor. good: fairly large: It cost a good deal of money. many: a large number (of): He has (very) many friends. Many (of them) are at school with him. Many hands make light work (A job is done faster if we help each other). many a: used with a singular noun, equal in sense to a plural noun: I’ve been there many a time (many times). plentiful: (esp. of fruit or vegetables) obtainable in large numbers: Apples are plentiful this year. We had a plentiful supply of fruit. -
4 достоинства и недостатки
•To evaluate the technical and economic pros and cons (or merits and demerits, or advantages and disadvantages, or strengths and weaknesses) of modernizing...
* * *Достоинства и недостатки -- advantages and disadvantages, merits and demerits, strengths and limitations, strengths and weakness, success and difficulties, pros and consThe final discussion addresses aspects of this approach, its strengths and limitations.With this wide spectrum of options available, let us look at the specific strengths and weakness of these technologies for use in monolithic LSI processor elements.Examples have been selected to illustrate the success and difficulties of the technique.Although there has been a considerable effort expended over the years, the pros and cons of the technique are still very much under debate.Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > достоинства и недостатки
5 subir
subir [sybiʀ]➭ TABLE 2 transitive verba. [+ affront, attaque, critique, dégâts] to suffer• faire subir des pertes/une défaite à l'ennemi to inflict losses/defeat on the enemyb. [+ charme] to be under the influence of ; [+ influence] to be under ; [+ peine de prison] to serve ; [+ examen, opération, interrogatoire, modification] to undergo* * *sybiʀ1) ( être victime de) to be subjected to [mauvais traitements, violences, pressions]; to suffer [dégâts, discrimination, brimades]faire subir à quelqu'un — to subject somebody to [mauvais traitements]; to inflict [something] on somebody [défaite, pertes]
2) ( être soumis à) to undergo, to be subjected to [interrogatoire]; to take [examen scolaire]; to have [opération, examens médicaux]3) ( supporter) to put up with [personne, épreuve]4) ( être l'objet de) to undergo [changements]* * *sybiʀ vt1) [affront, dégâts, mauvais traitements] to suffer2) [traitement, opération, châtiment] to undergosubir une opération — to have an operation, to undergo an operation
3) [changement] to undergo4) [influence, charme] to be under, to be subjected to5) [personne] to have to put up with, to be subjected to* * *subir verb table: finir vtr1 ( être victime de) to be subjected to [mauvais traitements, violences, pressions]; to suffer, to sustain [défaite, dégâts]; to suffer [discrimination, brimades]; subir le contrecoup/les conséquences de qch to suffer the effects/the consequences of sth; subir le même sort to suffer the same fate; faire subir à qn to subject sb to [mauvais traitements]; to inflict [sth] on sb [défaite, pertes]; subir les effets de la concurrence/de la récession to experience the effects of ou to be affected by competition/the recession;2 ( être soumis à) to undergo, to be subjected to [interrogatoire]; to take [examen scolaire]; to undergo [opération chirurgicale, examens médicaux]; subir l'influence de qn to be under sb's influence; faire subir à qn to subject sb to [interrogatoire]; to make sb take [examen scolaire]; to make sb undergo [examens médicaux];3 ( supporter) to put up with [personne, épreuve]; subir la colère de qn en silence to suffer sb's anger in silence;4 ( être l'objet de) to undergo, to go through [changements, transformations].[sybir] verbe transitif[conséquences, défaite] to sufferaprès tout ce qu'elle m'a fait subir after all she inflicted on me ou made me go through2. [influence] to be under[situation, personne] to put up with3. [opération, transformation] to undergo -
6 в течение всех этих лет
В течение всех этих лет-- There has been a considerable effort expended over the years.Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > в течение всех этих лет
7 значительные усилия, направленные на
Значительные усилия, направленные на-- In recent years there has been a considerable effort aimed at producing a simplified approach to rupture assessment.Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > значительные усилия, направленные на
8 grande
adj.1 big, large.este traje me está o me queda grande this suit is too big for meun gran artista a great artistel gran favorito the firm favoriteuna gran figura a big nameuna gran parte de mi trabajo implica… a large part of my job involves…una gran responsabilidad a heavy responsibilitya lo grande in a big way, in stylegrandes almacenes department storeGran Bretaña Great Britainel Gran Cañón the Grand Canyongran danés great Danegran éxito smash (hit) (disco, libro)los Grandes Lagos the Great Lakesla Gran Muralla (China) the Great Wall (of China)el gran público the general public2 old (de edad). (Mexican Spanish, River Plate)3 fantastic(informal). ( River Plate)4 magnus, Mag, magnum.5 grand, formidable, majestical, stately.m.grandee (noble).* * *► adjetivo1 (tamaño) large, big2 (fuerte, intenso) great3 (mayor) grown-up, old, big1 (de elevada jerarquía) great\a lo grande on a grand scale, in a big wayestar grande una cosa a alguien to be too big on somebodypasarlo en grande familiar to have a great timevivir a lo grande figurado to live in style* * *adj.1) big2) large3) great* * *1. ADJ( antes de sm sing gran)1) [de tamaño] big, large; [de estatura] big, tall; [número, velocidad] high, greatviven en una casa muy grande — they live in a very big o large house
¿cómo es de grande? — how big o large is it?, what size is it?
en cantidades más grandes — in larger o greater quantities
grandísimo — enormous, huge
un esfuerzo grandísimo — an enormous effort, a huge effort
¡grandísimo tunante! — you old rogue!
hacer algo a lo grande — to do sth in style, make a splash doing sth *
2) (=importante) [artista, hazaña] great; [empresa] bighay una diferencia no muy grande — there is not a very big o great difference
3) (=mucho, muy) greatse estrenó con gran éxito — it was a great success, it went off very well
4) [en edad](=mayor)ya eres grande, Raúl — you are a big boy now, Raúl
¿qué piensas hacer cuando seas grande? — what do you want to do when you grow up?
5)¡qué grande! — Arg * how funny!
2. SMF1) (=personaje importante)2) LAm (=adulto) adult3. SF1) Arg [de lotería] first prize, big prize2) And ** (=cárcel) clink **, jail* * *I1)a) ( en dimensiones) large, big; <boca/nariz> bigb) ( en demasía) too bigme queda or me está grande — it's too big for me
quedarle grande a alguien — puesto/responsabilidad to be too much for somebody
2) ( alto) tall3) (Geog)4) ( en edad)los más grandes pueden ir solos — the older o bigger ones can go on their own
5) (delante del n)a) (notable, excelente) greatun gran hombre/vino — a great man/wine
b) ( poderoso) big6)a) (en intensidad, grado) greatme llevé un susto más grande...! — I got such a fright!
una temporada de gran éxito — a very o a highly successful season
b) ( uso enfático)7)la gran parte or mayoría de los votantes — the great o vast majority of the voters
b) ( elevado)a gran velocidad — at high o great speed
en grande: lo pasamos en grande — we had a great time (colloq)
•IImasculino, femenino1) (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name2)a) ( mayor)quiero ir con los grandes — I want to go with the big boys/girls
b) ( adulto)•* * *= vast [vaster -comp., vastest -sup.], big [bigger -comp., biggest -sup.], bulky, considerable, deep [deeper -comp., deepest -sup.], extensive, great [greater -comp., greatest -sup.], heavy [heavier -comp., heaviest -sup.], high [higher -comp., highest -sup.], huge, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], large scale [large-scale], tremendous, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], goodly [goodlier -comp., goodliest -sup.], abysmal, heavyweight [heavy weight], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], of the highest order.Ex. If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.Ex. Fiction is a big item for children and also just for ordinary public library users.Ex. Like all enumerative schedules, the LC schedules are bulky, extending to some 8000 pages.Ex. The need to become familiar with different command languages for different hosts is a considerable barrier to effective retrieval.Ex. The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.Ex. The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.Ex. Clearly, great variations can be expected between different indexing languages for different databases.Ex. In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.Ex. Lower specificity will be associated with lower precision but high recall.Ex. A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.Ex. Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.Ex. It is in the development of such large-scale services that problems are seen most acutely.Ex. There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.Ex. The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.Ex. However, we must not forget the book which the critics acclaim and which also sells in goodly numbers.Ex. The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians = El principal problema que se encuentra para es incentivar a los jóvenes a usar las bibliotecas públicas es la enorme falta de bibliotecarios especialistas en temas relacionados con los adolescentes.Ex. Heavyweight information technology firms such as IBM are appearing in the market and challenging traditional players.Ex. In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.Ex. I've got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we're talking about a geek of the highest order.----* a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.* a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.* a gran velocidad = at great speed.* a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.* armar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* a un gran coste = at (a) great expense.* avanzar con gran dificultad = grind on.* bastante grande = largish.* calabacín grande = marrow, marrow squash.* causar una gran sensación = make + a splash.* causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.* causar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons, make + a splash.* celebrar a lo grande = make + a song and dance about.* con gran capacidad = capacious.* con gran colorido = brightly coloured.* con gran densidad de población = densely populated.* con gran dificultad = with great difficulty.* con gran esplendor = grandly.* con gran iluminación = brightly illuminated.* con gran motivación = highly-motivated.* con gran sentimiento = earnestly.* conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.* contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio, go far in + Gerundio, go far towards + Gerundio.* con una gran cultura = well-read.* con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.* con una gran tradición = long-standing.* con un gran número de lectores = widely-read.* con un gran suspiro = with a deep sigh.* convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.* correr un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.* crear con gran destreza = craft.* dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.* de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.* de gran belleza = scenic.* de gran calibre = high-calibre.* de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.* de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.* de gran colorido = brightly coloured.* de gran corazón = big-hearted.* de gran efecto = wide-reaching.* de gran éxito comercial = high selling.* de gran formato = oversized.* de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].* de gran influencia = seminal.* de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.* de gran lujo = top-class.* de gran potencia = high-powered.* de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.* de gran talento = talented.* de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.* de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.* de gran venta = high selling.* demasiado grande = oversized.* describir a grandes rasgos = paint + a broad picture.* desplazarse grandes distancias = travel + long distances.* ejercer una gran influencia en = play + a strong hand in.* el gran hermano = big brother.* el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.* empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.* en gran cantidad = prodigiously.* en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in bulk.* en grandes números = in record numbers, in record numbers.* en gran formato = oversize, oversized.* en gran medida = by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, to a great extent, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a large degree, to a great degree.* en gran número = numerously.* en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.* en un gran aprieto = in dire straits.* en un gran apuro = in dire straits.* esperar una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.* expresión típica de Gran Bretaña = Briticism.* extra grande = extra-large.* gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganado = range management.* gran altura = high altitude.* gran aumento = heavy increase.* gran bebedor = heavy drinker.* gran belleza = scenic beauty.* Gran Bretaña = Britain, Great Britain.* gran calidad = high standard.* gran cantidad de = large crop of, mass of.* gran categoría = high standard.* gran cosa = big deal.* gran danés = Great Dane.* Gran Depresión, la = Depression, the, Great Depression, the.* grandes almacenes = department store.* grandes cantidades de = storerooms of, huge numbers of, huge numbers of, great numbers of.* grandes escritores, los = great imaginative writers, the.* grandes robles nacen de pequeñas bellotas = great oaks from little acorns grow.* grandes sumas de dinero = vast sums of money.* grande superficie = shopping mall, shopping complex, shopping centre.* grandes y pequeños = great and small.* grande y tenebroso = cavernous.* gran ducado = grand-duchy.* gran espectáculo = extravaganza.* gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pasto = rangeland.* gran grupo = constellation.* gran mentira = big fat lie.* gran nivel = high standard.* gran número de = great numbers of.* gran pantalla de televisión = large-screen television.* gran parte = much.* gran parte de = much of.* gran peso = heavy weight.* gran placer = great pleasure.* gran potencia = great power.* gran salto adelante = giant leap, great leap forward.* gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.* gran titular = headline banner.* hacer grandes esfuerzos por = take + (great) pains to.* hacer grandes progresos = make + great strides.* hacer un gran esfuerzo = go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo.* hacer un gran negocio = make + a killing.* IGE (Integración a Gran Escala) = LSI (Large Scale Integration).* influir en gran medida = become + a force.* jaula grande para pájaros = aviary.* jugador de grandes apuestas = high roller.* la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.* la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.* levantar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* llevarse una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.* lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.* más grande = greater.* muy grande = big time.* Nombre + a gran escala = broad scale + Nombre.* no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.* no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.* no significar gran cosa = not add up to much.* no suponer gran cosa = not add up to much.* no valer gran cosa = be no great shakes.* pago único y bien grande = fat lump sum.* para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa = much to + Posesivo + surprise.* pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.* pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.* pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.* Pedro el Grande = Peter the Great.* pensar a lo grande = think + big.* Pie Grande = Bigfoot, Sasquatch.* por un gran margen = by a huge margin.* producir con gran destreza = craft.* provocar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.* provocar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* que le presta gran importancia a la cultura = culture-conscious.* recorrer grandes distancias = travel + long distances.* revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.* ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.* ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.* ser una gran ayuda = be a tower of strength.* ser un gran alivio = be a welcome relief.* ser un gran apoyo = be a tower of strength.* ser un gran avance = be half the battle.* ser un gran paso adelante = be half the battle.* taza grande = mug.* tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.* tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.* tener gran importancia = be of high significance.* tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.* tener una gran tradición = have + a long ancestry.* tener un gran impacto = have + a big impact.* tomar un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.* una gran cantidad de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of.* una gran cantidad y variedad de = a wealth and breadth of.* una gran diversidad de = a wide range of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of.* una gran experiencia = a wealth of experience.* una gran extensión de = a sea of.* una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.* una gran mayoría de = a large proportion of.* una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.* una gran pérdida = a great loss.* una gran proporción de = a large proportion of.* una gran variedad de = a wide range of, a multiplicity of, a rich tapestry of, a plurality of, a broad variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.* un gran espectro de = a wide band of.* un gran número de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a plethora of, a wide range of, a full roster of, a fair number of, a great number of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a vast corpus of.* un gran repertorio de = an arsenal of, an armoury of [armory].* un gran volumen de = a vast corpus of.* venirle Algo grande a Alguien = get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.* WAN (red de gran alcance) = WAN (wide area network).* * *I1)a) ( en dimensiones) large, big; <boca/nariz> bigb) ( en demasía) too bigme queda or me está grande — it's too big for me
quedarle grande a alguien — puesto/responsabilidad to be too much for somebody
2) ( alto) tall3) (Geog)4) ( en edad)los más grandes pueden ir solos — the older o bigger ones can go on their own
5) (delante del n)a) (notable, excelente) greatun gran hombre/vino — a great man/wine
b) ( poderoso) big6)a) (en intensidad, grado) greatme llevé un susto más grande...! — I got such a fright!
una temporada de gran éxito — a very o a highly successful season
b) ( uso enfático)7)la gran parte or mayoría de los votantes — the great o vast majority of the voters
b) ( elevado)a gran velocidad — at high o great speed
en grande: lo pasamos en grande — we had a great time (colloq)
•IImasculino, femenino1) (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name2)a) ( mayor)quiero ir con los grandes — I want to go with the big boys/girls
b) ( adulto)•* * *= vast [vaster -comp., vastest -sup.], big [bigger -comp., biggest -sup.], bulky, considerable, deep [deeper -comp., deepest -sup.], extensive, great [greater -comp., greatest -sup.], heavy [heavier -comp., heaviest -sup.], high [higher -comp., highest -sup.], huge, large [larger -comp., largest -sup.], large scale [large-scale], tremendous, wide [wider -comp., widest -sup.], goodly [goodlier -comp., goodliest -sup.], abysmal, heavyweight [heavy weight], broad [broader -comp., broadest -sup.], of the highest order.Ex: If you add to this other access points, such as collections housed in old people's homes or day centres, prisons, hospitals, youth clubs, playgroups etc the coverage is vast.
Ex: Fiction is a big item for children and also just for ordinary public library users.Ex: Like all enumerative schedules, the LC schedules are bulky, extending to some 8000 pages.Ex: The need to become familiar with different command languages for different hosts is a considerable barrier to effective retrieval.Ex: The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.Ex: The minutely detailed classification is of the type appropriate to an extensive collection.Ex: Clearly, great variations can be expected between different indexing languages for different databases.Ex: In fact, the area was well served by a very good neighbourhood advice centre which had a heavy workload of advice and information-giving.Ex: Lower specificity will be associated with lower precision but high recall.Ex: A user searching for Smith's 'History as Argument' who was not sure under which subject it would be entered, would have to prowl through a huge number of cards in a card catalog to find the entry under SMITH.Ex: Serial searching for a string of characters is usually performed on a small subset of a large file.Ex: It is in the development of such large-scale services that problems are seen most acutely.Ex: There has been tremendous growth in libraries since then, but, fundamentally, it has been possible to build on the foundation that nineteenth-century heroes constructed.Ex: The method is sufficiently flexible to allow for wide modifications.Ex: However, we must not forget the book which the critics acclaim and which also sells in goodly numbers.Ex: The major problem encountered in encouraging young adults to use public libraries is the abysmal lack of specialist young adult librarians = El principal problema que se encuentra para es incentivar a los jóvenes a usar las bibliotecas públicas es la enorme falta de bibliotecarios especialistas en temas relacionados con los adolescentes.Ex: Heavyweight information technology firms such as IBM are appearing in the market and challenging traditional players.Ex: In 'upper town' streets are broad, quiet, and tree-shaded; the homes are tall and heavy and look like battleships, each anchored in its private sea of grass.Ex: I've got to tell you, and I do say this affectionately, but we're talking about a geek of the highest order.* a grandes rasgos = broadly, rough draft.* a gran escala = large scale [large-scale], massive, on a wide scale, high-volume, wide-scale, on a broad scale, in a big way, on a grand scale.* a gran velocidad = at great speed.* a lo grande = in a big way, big time, grandly, on a grand scale.* armar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* a un gran coste = at (a) great expense.* avanzar con gran dificultad = grind on.* bastante grande = largish.* calabacín grande = marrow, marrow squash.* causar una gran sensación = make + a splash.* causar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.* causar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons, make + a splash.* celebrar a lo grande = make + a song and dance about.* con gran capacidad = capacious.* con gran colorido = brightly coloured.* con gran densidad de población = densely populated.* con gran dificultad = with great difficulty.* con gran esplendor = grandly.* con gran iluminación = brightly illuminated.* con gran motivación = highly-motivated.* con gran sentimiento = earnestly.* conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.* contribuir en gran medida a + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio, go far in + Gerundio, go far towards + Gerundio.* con una gran cultura = well-read.* con una gran diferencia = by a huge margin.* con una gran tradición = long-standing.* con un gran número de lectores = widely-read.* con un gran suspiro = with a deep sigh.* convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.* correr un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.* crear con gran destreza = craft.* dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.* de gran ahorro energético = energy-saving.* de gran belleza = scenic.* de gran calibre = high-calibre.* de gran calidad = high-quality, high-grade [high grade], high-calibre.* de gran capacidad = large-capacity, high capacity.* de gran colorido = brightly coloured.* de gran corazón = big-hearted.* de gran efecto = wide-reaching.* de gran éxito comercial = high selling.* de gran formato = oversized.* de gran impacto = high impact [high-impact].* de gran influencia = seminal.* de gran lucidez = clear-sighted.* de gran lujo = top-class.* de gran potencia = high-powered.* de gran repercusión = far-reaching, wide-reaching, far-ranging.* de gran talento = talented.* de gran valor = highly valued, highly valuable.* de gran valor histórico = of great historical value.* de gran venta = high selling.* demasiado grande = oversized.* describir a grandes rasgos = paint + a broad picture.* desplazarse grandes distancias = travel + long distances.* ejercer una gran influencia en = play + a strong hand in.* el gran hermano = big brother.* el todo es más grande que la suma de sus partes = the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.* empresa de grandes derroches = high roller.* en gran cantidad = prodigiously.* en grandes cantidades = en masse, in good number, in bulk.* en grandes números = in record numbers, in record numbers.* en gran formato = oversize, oversized.* en gran medida = by and large, extensively, greatly, heavily, largely, to a considerable extent, to a high degree, to a large extent, tremendously, vastly, very much, to a great extent, in no small way, to any great degree, in many ways, in large part, in large measure, in no small measure, to a large degree, to a great degree.* en gran número = numerously.* en gran parte = largely, in large part, in large measure, for the most part, to a great extent, to a great degree.* en un gran aprieto = in dire straits.* en un gran apuro = in dire straits.* esperar una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.* expresión típica de Gran Bretaña = Briticism.* extra grande = extra-large.* gestión de grandes extensiones para la cría de ganado = range management.* gran altura = high altitude.* gran aumento = heavy increase.* gran bebedor = heavy drinker.* gran belleza = scenic beauty.* Gran Bretaña = Britain, Great Britain.* gran calidad = high standard.* gran cantidad de = large crop of, mass of.* gran categoría = high standard.* gran cosa = big deal.* gran danés = Great Dane.* Gran Depresión, la = Depression, the, Great Depression, the.* grandes almacenes = department store.* grandes cantidades de = storerooms of, huge numbers of, huge numbers of, great numbers of.* grandes escritores, los = great imaginative writers, the.* grandes robles nacen de pequeñas bellotas = great oaks from little acorns grow.* grandes sumas de dinero = vast sums of money.* grande superficie = shopping mall, shopping complex, shopping centre.* grandes y pequeños = great and small.* grande y tenebroso = cavernous.* gran ducado = grand-duchy.* gran espectáculo = extravaganza.* gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pasto = rangeland.* gran grupo = constellation.* gran mentira = big fat lie.* gran nivel = high standard.* gran número de = great numbers of.* gran pantalla de televisión = large-screen television.* gran parte = much.* gran parte de = much of.* gran peso = heavy weight.* gran placer = great pleasure.* gran potencia = great power.* gran salto adelante = giant leap, great leap forward.* gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.* gran titular = headline banner.* hacer grandes esfuerzos por = take + (great) pains to.* hacer grandes progresos = make + great strides.* hacer un gran esfuerzo = go out of + Posesivo + way to + Infinitivo.* hacer un gran negocio = make + a killing.* IGE (Integración a Gran Escala) = LSI (Large Scale Integration).* influir en gran medida = become + a force.* jaula grande para pájaros = aviary.* jugador de grandes apuestas = high roller.* la Gran Manzana = the Big Apple.* la gran mayoría de = the vast majority of, the bulk of.* levantar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* llevarse una (gran) sorpresa = be in for a (big) surprise.* lo suficientemente grande = large enough, big enough.* más grande = greater.* muy grande = big time.* Nombre + a gran escala = broad scale + Nombre.* no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.* no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.* no significar gran cosa = not add up to much.* no suponer gran cosa = not add up to much.* no valer gran cosa = be no great shakes.* pago único y bien grande = fat lump sum.* para + Posesivo + gran sorpresa = much to + Posesivo + surprise.* pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.* pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.* pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.* Pedro el Grande = Peter the Great.* pensar a lo grande = think + big.* Pie Grande = Bigfoot, Sasquatch.* por un gran margen = by a huge margin.* producir con gran destreza = craft.* provocar un gran alboroto = make + a splash.* provocar un gran revuelo = set + the cat among the pigeons, put + the cat among the pigeons.* que le presta gran importancia a la cultura = culture-conscious.* recorrer grandes distancias = travel + long distances.* revista que tiene una gran demanda popular = mass-market journal.* ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.* ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.* ser una gran ayuda = be a tower of strength.* ser un gran alivio = be a welcome relief.* ser un gran apoyo = be a tower of strength.* ser un gran avance = be half the battle.* ser un gran paso adelante = be half the battle.* taza grande = mug.* tener en gran estima = have + a very high regard for.* tener gran éxito = hit + a home run, hit it out of + the park, knock it out of + the park.* tener gran importancia = be of high significance.* tener gran repercusión = be far reaching.* tener una gran tradición = have + a long ancestry.* tener un gran impacto = have + a big impact.* tomar un gran riesgo = play (for) + high stakes.* una gran cantidad de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a large degree of, a mass of, a plethora of, a supply of, a vast amount of, a city of, a wealth of, a sea of, a cascade of, an army of, a good many, a huge number of, a great number of, a multitude of, scores of, a host of, a vast corpus of, a whole host of.* una gran cantidad y variedad de = a wealth and breadth of.* una gran diversidad de = a wide range of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of.* una gran experiencia = a wealth of experience.* una gran extensión de = a sea of.* una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.* una gran mayoría de = a large proportion of.* una gran parte de = a broad population of, a lion's share of.* una gran pérdida = a great loss.* una gran proporción de = a large proportion of.* una gran variedad de = a wide range of, a multiplicity of, a rich tapestry of, a plurality of, a broad variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.* un gran espectro de = a wide band of.* un gran número de = a good deal of, a great deal of, a plethora of, a wide range of, a full roster of, a fair number of, a great number of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a vast corpus of.* un gran repertorio de = an arsenal of, an armoury of [armory].* un gran volumen de = a vast corpus of.* venirle Algo grande a Alguien = get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.* WAN (red de gran alcance) = WAN (wide area network).* * *A1 (en dimensiones) large, bigse mudaron a una casa más grande they moved to a larger o bigger housesus grandes ojos negros her big dark eyesun tipo grande, ancho de hombros a big, broad-shouldered guytiene la boca/nariz grande she has a big mouth/noseabra la boca más grande open wider2 (en demasía) too big¿esto será grande para Daniel? do you think this is too big for Daniel?estos zapatos me quedan or me están grandes these shoes are too big for mequedarle or ( Esp) venirle grande a algn «puesto/responsabilidad» to be too much for sbB (alto) tall¡qué grande está Andrés! isn't Andrés tall!, hasn't Andrés gotten* tall!C ( Geog):el Gran Buenos Aires/Bilbao Greater Buenos Aires/BilbaoD1( esp AmL) ‹niño/chico› (en edad): los más grandes pueden ir solos the older o bigger ones can go on their ownya eres grande y puedes comer solito you're a big boy now and you can feed yourselfcuando sea grande quiero ser bailarina when I grow up I want to be a ballet dancermis hijos ya son grandes my children are all grown up now2está saliendo con un tipo grande she's going out with an older guyE ( delante del n)1 (notable, excelente) greatun gran hombre/artista/vino a great man/artist/winela gran dama del teatro the grande dame of the theater2 (poderoso) biglos grandes bancos/industriales the big banks/industrialistslos grandes señores feudales the great feudal lordsa lo grande in style3(en importancia): son grandes amigos they're great friendsgrandes fumadores heavy smokersF ( fam)(increíble): ¡qué cosa más grande! ¡ya te he dicho 20 veces que no lo sé! this is unbelievable! I've told you 20 times already that I don't know!¿no es grande que ahora me echen la culpa a mí? ( iró); and now they blame me; great, isn't it? ( iro)G1 (en intensidad, grado) greatme causó una gran pena it caused me great sadnessme has dado una gran alegría you have made me very happycomió con gran apetito she ate hungrily o heartilyun día de gran calor a very hot daylos grandes fríos del 47 the great o big freeze of '47me llevé un susto más grande … I got such a frightpara mi gran vergüenza to my great embarrassmentse produjo una gran explosión there was a powerful explosiones un gran honor para mí it is a great honor* for meha sido una temporada de gran éxito it has been a very o a highly successful seasonno corre gran prisa it is not very urgentlas paredes tienen gran necesidad de una mano de pintura the walls are very much in need of a coat of paint2(uso enfático): eso es una gran verdad that is absolutely o very trueeres un grandísimo sinvergüenza you're a real swine ( colloq)ésa es la mentira más grande que he oído that's the biggest lie I've ever heardH1 (en número) ‹familia› large, big; ‹clase› bigla gran mayoría de los votantes the great o vast majority of the votersdedican gran parte de su tiempo a la investigación they devote much of o a great deal of their time to researchesto se debe en gran parte a que … this is largely due to the fact that …2(elevado): a gran velocidad at high o great speedvolar a gran altura to fly at a great heightun edificio de gran altura a very tall buildingun gran número de personas a large number of peopleobjetos de gran valor objects of great valueen grande: lo pasamos or nos divertimos en grande we had a great time ( colloq)Compuestos:masculine wide-angle lensel gran capital big businessmasculine Great Danela Gran Depresión the Great Depression( Astron): la gran explosión the Big Bangla Gran Guerra the Great Warmasculine Big Brotherel gran hermano te observa or te vigila Big Brother is watching youmasculine Grand Mastermasculine grand mastermasculine international grand masterfeminine grand operamasculine Grand Prixel gran público the general publicel gran simpático the sympathetic nervous systemmpl department storemasculine, feminineA (de la industria, el comercio) big o leading name, leading playeruno de los tres grandes de la industria automovilística one of the big three names o one of the big three in the car industryB ( esp AmL)1(mayor): quiero ir con los grandes I want to go with the big boys/girlsla grande ya está casada their eldest (daughter) is already married2 (adulto) grown-upCompuesto:(Spanish) grandee o nobleman( RPl)la grande the big prize, the jackpotsacarse la grande (literal) to win the big prize o the jackpotse sacó la grande con ese marido she hit the jackpot with that husband* * *
grande adjetivo◊ gran is used before singular nouns
unos grande almacenes a department store
‹ clase› big;
la gran parte or mayoría the great majority
◊ ¡qué grande está Andrés! isn't Andrés tall!b) ( en edad):
ya son grandes they are all grown up now
3 (Geog):
4 ( delante del n)
a lo grande in style
‹ explosión› powerful;◊ ¡me llevé un susto más grande … ! I got such a fright!;
una temporada de gran éxito a very o a highly successful season;
son grandes amigos they're great friends;
eso es una gran verdad that is absolutely true;
¡qué mentira más grande! that's a complete lie!b) ( elevado):◊ a gran velocidad at high o great speed;
volar a gran altura to fly at a great height;
un gran número de personas a large number of people;
objetos de gran valor objects of great value;
en grande: lo pasamos en grande we had a great time (colloq)
■ sustantivo masculino, femeninoa) ( mayor):
b) ( adulto):
grande adjetivo
1 (tamaño) big, large
grandes almacenes, department stores
2 (cantidad) large
3 fig (fuerte, intenso) great: es un gran músico, he is a great musician
♦ Locuciones: a lo grande, in style
figurado pasarlo en grande, to have a great time
' grande' also found in these entries:
- alfombra
- ampliar
- ampliación
- armatoste
- así
- bastante
- bestial
- bloque
- buena
- bueno
- cabezón
- cabezona
- cabezudo
- cajón
- calabacín
- campeonato
- cantidad
- canto
- ciudad
- colosal
- consideración
- fenomenal
- formidable
- gran
- hermosa
- hermoso
- incalculable
- ingeniosa
- ingenioso
- mía
- mío
- monstruosa
- monstruoso
- monumental
- nuestra
- nuestro
- pila
- puerta
- quedar
- señor
- suficientemente
- suma
- sumo
- terraza
- tirada
- tremenda
- tremendo
- venir
- bailar
- above
- ample
- army
- awful
- bag
- baggy
- bay
- big
- boat
- border
- box
- breaker
- brush
- bulk
- carve
- cauldron
- cushion
- deposit
- enough
- extend
- grand
- great
- grow
- hers
- in
- integrate
- large
- lion
- manufacturer
- marrow
- mighty
- mine
- outrank
- overgrown
- paving stone
- place
- roller
- set on
- set upon
- slight
- spanking
- style
- tablespoonful
- tea urn
- temptation
- terrific
- time
- to
- tub
* * *♦ adj1. [de tamaño] big, large;el gran Buenos Aires/Santiago greater Buenos Aires/Santiago, the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires/Santiago;Figel cargo le viene grande he's not up to the job;Fampagó con un billete de los grandes he paid with a large notegrandes almacenes department store; Fot gran angular wide-angle lens;la Gran Barrera de Coral the Great Barrier Reef;Gran Bretaña Great Britain;el Gran Cañón (del Colorado) the Grand Canyon;gran danés Great Dane;Hist la Gran Depresión the Great Depression;gran ducado grand duchy;la Gran Explosión the Big Bang;la Gran Guerra the Great War;los Grandes Lagos the Great Lakes;gran maestro [en ajedrez] grand master;Hist Gran Mogol Mogul;la Gran Muralla (China) the Great Wall (of China);Dep Gran Premio Grand Prix; Hist el Gran Salto Adelante the Great Leap Forward;gran simio antropoide great ape;gran slam [en tenis] grand slam;Esp Com gran superficie hypermarket2. [de altura] tall;¡qué grande está tu hermano! your brother's really grown!3. [en importancia] great;una gran mujer a great woman;los grandes bancos the major banks;la gran mayoría está a favor del proyecto the great o overwhelming majority are in favour of the project;el éxito se debe en gran parte a su esfuerzo the success is largely due to her efforts, the success is in no small measure due to her efforts4. [en intensidad] great;es un gran mentiroso he's a real liar;¡qué alegría más grande! what joy!me dijeron que todavía no soy grande como para salir solo they told me I'm not big enough to go out on my own yetsiempre se llevó bien con gente más grande he always got on well with older peopleayer le hice un favor y hoy me vuelve la espalda, ¡grande! great! I did him a favour and now he doesn't want to know!9. CompFamhacer algo a lo grande to do sth in a big way o in style;vivir a lo grande to live in style;pasarlo en grande to have a great time♦ nm1. [noble] grandeeGrande de España = one of highest-ranking members of Spanish nobility2. [persona, entidad importante]uno de los grandes del sector one of the major players in the sector;los tres grandes de la liga the big three in the league;uno de los grandes de la literatura mexicana one of the big names in Mexican literature♦ nfRP [en lotería] first prize, jackpot;se sacó la grande con ese trabajo [tuvo buena suerte] she hit the jackpot with that job;con esa nuera que tiene le tocó la grande [tuvo mala suerte] you've got to feel sorry for her having a daughter-in-law like that♦ interjRP Fam [fantástico] great!* * *I adj1 big, large;me viene grande the jacket is too big for me;el cargo le viene grande the job is too much for him2:a lo grande in style;pasarlo en grande have a great timeII m/f1 L.Am. ( adulto) grown-up, adult;grandes y pequeños young and old2 ( mayor) eldest* * *1) : large, bigun libro grande: a big book2) alto: tall3) notable: greatun gran autor: a great writercon gran placer: with great pleasure5) : old, grown-uphijos grandes: grown children* * *grande adj¿es muy grande el jardín? is the garden very big?2. (número, cantidad) large3. (importante) great -
9 notable
adj.1 remarkable, outstanding.2 notable, striking, famous, appreciable.f.good mark.m.1 (pass with) credit (education).2 notable, distinguished person (person).* * *► adjetivo1 (apreciable) noticeable; (considerable, marcado) considerable, remarkable■ la diferencia entre un coche y otro es notable there's a considerable difference between one car and another2 (digno de mención) noteworthy, notable3 (ilustre) well-known1 (persona) dignitary, notable2 (calificación) mark equivalent to between 70% and 80% in the Spanish marking system* * *adj.notable, remarkable* * *1. ADJ1) (=destacado) notableuna actuación verdaderamente notable — an outstanding performance, a truly notable performance
la exposición reúne a pintores tan notables como... — the exhibition brings together such notable o distinguished painters as...
2) (=considerable) [aumento, mejoría, diferencia] significant, considerableel enfermo ha experimentado una notable mejoría — the patient has experienced a significant o considerable improvement
la disminución de la contaminación ha sido notable — there has been a significant o considerable reduction in pollution
2.he sacado un notable — ≈ I got a B
3.SMPL* * *Iadjetivo notableIIposee una notable inteligencia — she is remarkably o extremely intelligent
a) (Educ) grade between 7 and 8.5 on a scale from 1 to 10b) ( persona importante) dignitary* * *= notable, noticeable, salient, striking, worthy, noteworthy, outstandingly + Adjetivo, noted, marked, acute, of note.Ex. There are notable differences in practice between the United States and the United Kingdom.Ex. The most noticeable effect the advent of Islam had on Arab names was not so much on structure as on choice.Ex. There must be instructions explaining salient features of the index.Ex. A very striking example of this is the fact that in all our rules there is the provision that anonymous publications should be entered under the author when known.Ex. Books were kept for historical records of deeds done by the inhabitants: their worthy acts as well as their sins.Ex. It essays simply to be a list of the more important, rare or otherwise noteworthy books available.Ex. It is tempting to quote the tremendous successes of outstandingly popular authors such as Harold Robbins, James Herriot, Catherine Cookson and a relatively small number of other household names (to book readers).Ex. Planning began about 9 months before the exhibition, with the recruitment of a noted Swiss book illustrator to design the stand.Ex. It hardly needs to be said that the microcomputer is now a fact of life, but its impact upon the world of information retrieval and libraries generally has been less marked than in many other areas.Ex. In some areas of study, notably the social sciences, the problems vocabulary are acute.Ex. Another analytical study of note is the one for Columbia University Libraries.----* aumento notable = rising tide.* incremento notable = rising tide.* notable por = noted for.* * *Iadjetivo notableIIposee una notable inteligencia — she is remarkably o extremely intelligent
a) (Educ) grade between 7 and 8.5 on a scale from 1 to 10b) ( persona importante) dignitary* * *= notable, noticeable, salient, striking, worthy, noteworthy, outstandingly + Adjetivo, noted, marked, acute, of note.Ex: There are notable differences in practice between the United States and the United Kingdom.
Ex: The most noticeable effect the advent of Islam had on Arab names was not so much on structure as on choice.Ex: There must be instructions explaining salient features of the index.Ex: A very striking example of this is the fact that in all our rules there is the provision that anonymous publications should be entered under the author when known.Ex: Books were kept for historical records of deeds done by the inhabitants: their worthy acts as well as their sins.Ex: It essays simply to be a list of the more important, rare or otherwise noteworthy books available.Ex: It is tempting to quote the tremendous successes of outstandingly popular authors such as Harold Robbins, James Herriot, Catherine Cookson and a relatively small number of other household names (to book readers).Ex: Planning began about 9 months before the exhibition, with the recruitment of a noted Swiss book illustrator to design the stand.Ex: It hardly needs to be said that the microcomputer is now a fact of life, but its impact upon the world of information retrieval and libraries generally has been less marked than in many other areas.Ex: In some areas of study, notably the social sciences, the problems vocabulary are acute.Ex: Another analytical study of note is the one for Columbia University Libraries.* aumento notable = rising tide.* incremento notable = rising tide.* notable por = noted for.* * *notableuna actuación notable an outstanding o a notable performanceposee una notable inteligencia she is remarkably o extremely intelligentéste es uno de los rasgos más notables de su obra this is one of the most notable characteristics of his workuna notable mejoría a marked o notable improvementuno de los estudios más notables sobre Cervantes one of the most notable o noteworthy studies on Cervantes1 ( Educ) grade between 7 and 8.5 on a scale from 1 to 102 (persona importante) dignitary* * *
notable adjetivo ‹diferencia/mejoría› notable;
posee una notable inteligencia she is remarkably o extremely intelligent
■ sustantivo masculinoa) (Educ) grade between 7 and 8.5 on a scale from 1 to 10
I adj (cualidad, mérito) outstanding, remarkable
(distancia, diferencia) noticeable
II m Educ the grade of B: he conseguido un notable en geografía, I got a B in Geography
' notable' also found in these entries:
- acusado
- deterioro
- sensible
- grande
- notorio
- relevante
- notable
- noticeable
- remarkable
- credit
* * *♦ adjremarkable, outstanding;hay una notable diferencia entre las dos propuestas there's a significant o clear difference between the two proposals;es un violinista notable he's an outstanding violinist♦ nm1. [nota] = mark between 7 and 8.9 out of 10, ≈ (pass with) credit, ≈ B2. [persona] dignitary* * *I adj remarkable, notableII m1 EDU B2:notables pl dignitaries* * *notable adj1) : notable, noteworthy2) : outstanding* * *notable1 adj considerable / remarkablenotable2 n very good / B -
10 интерес
(см. также интересно) interest• В настоящее время имеется значительный интерес к... - Currently, there is considerable interest in...• Данный пример имеет некоторый интерес в связи с... - This example is of some interest in connection with...• Другой случай, представляющий для нас интерес, получается, когда... - Another case of interest is obtained if...• Значительно более простая, однако имеющая практический интерес задача состоит в вычислении... - A much simpler problem, but one of practical interest, is to calculate...• Имеет исторический интерес проследить происхождение... - It is of historical interest to trace the origins of...• Имеется также нарастающий интерес к... - There is also increasing interest in...• Имеются несколько специальных случаев, представляющих для нас большой интерес. - There are several special cases of particular interest to us.• Интерес к... обострился в последние несколько лет. - Interest in... has quickened in the past few years.• Книга должна быть доступна читателям с широким кругом интересов. - The book should be accessible to readers having a wide variety of interests.• Краткие описания таких вещей (= процессов, доказательств и т. п. ) также представляют интерес... - Sketches of these patterns are also of interest.• Наш интерес, в основном, сфокусирован на... - Our interest is focused chiefly on...• Недавно наблюдался рост интереса к нахождению... - Recently there has been an upsurge in interest in finding...• Недавно наметился растущий интерес к... - Recently there has been growing interest in...• Огромный интерес вызывают свойства этого нового материала. - Great interest is focused on the properties of this new material....• Особый интерес вызывают случаи, когда... - Special interest attaches to cases in which...• Следующие моменты имеют особый интерес. - The following points are of particular interest.• Случаем огромного практического интереса является тот, в котором... - A case of great practical interest is that in which...• Случаи, имеющие практический интерес, приводятся ниже. - Cases of practical interest are given below.• Случай, вызывающий особый интерес, возникает, когда... - A case of special interest arises when...• Особый интерес представляет задача, как определить... — It is a problem of considerable interest to determine...• Возможно, тем не менее имеется некоторый интерес в том, чтобы... - Nevertheless, it is perhaps of some interest to...• Эта статья возбудила значительный интерес к задачам такого рода. - The paper have aroused considerable interest in this kind of problems.• Эти два результата имеют (для нас) значительный интерес. - These two results are of considerable interest.• Это новое открытие вызвало существенный интерес в научном сообществе. - This new discovery has aroused considerable interest in the scientific community.• Этот пример представляет лишь академический интерес. - This example is of academic interest only. -
11 sensible
adj.1 sensitive.2 noticeable (evidente).pérdidas sensibles significant lossesmostrar una sensible mejoría to show a noticeable improvement3 tender, soft-hearted, softhearted.4 sore.5 sensible, significant.* * *► adjetivo1 (capaz de sentir) sentient2 (impresionable) sensitive3 (piel, oído) sensitive4 (perceptible) perceptible, appreciable, noticeable5 (considerable) significant, considerable, sizeable6 (que causa pena) terrible, sad\lamentamos tan sensible pérdida formal we regret such a sad loss* * *adj.* * *1. ADJ1) [al dolor, al frío] sensitive2) (=impresionable) sensitive (a to)3) (=perceptivo)4) (=evidente) [cambio, diferencia] appreciable, noticeable; [pérdida] considerable5) (Téc) sensitive (a to)(Fot) sensitive6) (=capaz)2.SF (Mús) leading note* * *1) (susceptible, impresionable) sensitive2)a) <piel/ojos> ( físicamente) sensitiveb) <instrumento/aparato> sensitive; (Fot) sensitive3) (gen delante del n) (frml) ( ostensible) <cambio/diferencia> appreciable; < mejoría> noticiable; <aumento/pérdida> considerable* * *= responsive, sensitive, thin-skinned.Ex. This catalog would then present a much more revealing, helpful, and responsive picture to the actual needs of the library user than the finding catalog.Ex. Numerous different models are available, ranging from models where communication is via a heat sensitive screen, through to terminals linked to an outside computer by a telephone line.Ex. Thin-skinned and narrow-minded people may not particularly enjoy a pluralistic society, but their discomfort is vastly outweighed by the benefits most of us.----* ayuda sensible al contexto = context-sensitive help.* sensible a la luz = light-sensitive.* sensible a la situación = situation-aware.* sensible a los precios = price sensitive.* sensible al tiempo = time-sensitive [time sensitive].* sensible con respecto al género = gender sensitive.* tema sensible = sore subject, sore spot, sore point.* tocar la fibra sensible de = strike + a chord with.* tocar una vena sensible = hit + home.* * *1) (susceptible, impresionable) sensitive2)a) <piel/ojos> ( físicamente) sensitiveb) <instrumento/aparato> sensitive; (Fot) sensitive3) (gen delante del n) (frml) ( ostensible) <cambio/diferencia> appreciable; < mejoría> noticiable; <aumento/pérdida> considerable* * *= responsive, sensitive, thin-skinned.Ex: This catalog would then present a much more revealing, helpful, and responsive picture to the actual needs of the library user than the finding catalog.
Ex: Numerous different models are available, ranging from models where communication is via a heat sensitive screen, through to terminals linked to an outside computer by a telephone line.Ex: Thin-skinned and narrow-minded people may not particularly enjoy a pluralistic society, but their discomfort is vastly outweighed by the benefits most of us.* ayuda sensible al contexto = context-sensitive help.* sensible a la luz = light-sensitive.* sensible a la situación = situation-aware.* sensible a los precios = price sensitive.* sensible al tiempo = time-sensitive [time sensitive].* sensible con respecto al género = gender sensitive.* tema sensible = sore subject, sore spot, sore point.* tocar la fibra sensible de = strike + a chord with.* tocar una vena sensible = hit + home.* * *A1 (susceptible, impresionable) sensitive2(a las artes): es muy sensible a la música she has a great feeling for music o very good musical senseno es nada sensible al arte he has no feeling for artB1 ‹piel/ojos› (físicamente) sensitive sensible A algo sensitive TO sth2 ‹instrumento/aparato› sensitive; ( Fot) sensitiveun aumento sensible en el precio del petróleo an appreciable rise o a sizeable increase in the price of oilha habido una sensible disminución en el número de accidentes there has been a noticeable o an appreciable drop in the number of accidentsha mostrado una sensible mejoría she has shown marked improvementla sequía ha ocasionado sensibles pérdidas the drought has caused significant lossessus familiares lamentan tan sensible pérdida the family mourn his terrible loss ( frml)* * *
sensible adjetivo
1 ( en general) sensitive;
sensible A algo sensitive to sth
2 ( gen delante del n) (frml) ( ostensible) ‹cambio/diferencia› appreciable;
‹ mejoría› noticable;
‹aumento/pérdida› considerable
sensible adjetivo
1 (persona, aparato) sensitive
2 (notable, evidente) clear
una sensible diferencia, a marked difference: no supuso un cambio sensible en sus vidas, it meant no great change in their lives
' sensible' also found in these entries:
- atinado
- fibra
- para
- persona
- prudente
- sabia
- sabio
- sensata
- sensato
- sentada
- sentado
- tan
- consciente
- juicioso
- factor
- feeling
- hypersensitive
- responsive
- sensible
- sensitive
- squeamish
- susceptible
- tender
- thick-skinned
- touch-sensitive
- irritable
- mature
- rational
- sane
- sense
- skin
* * *sensible adj1. [susceptible] sensitive;yo soy más sensible al frío que mi hermano I feel the cold more than my brother;una planta muy sensible a los cambios de temperatura a plant which is very sensitive to changes in temperature;mis ojos son muy sensibles a la luz my eyes are very sensitive to the light2. [emocionalmente] sensitive;no se lo digas directamente, es muy sensible don't just tell her straight out, she's very sensitive3. [evidente] noticeable;[importante] significant;muestra una sensible mejoría he has shown a noticeable improvement;hay una sensible diferencia entre las dos culturas the two cultures are perceptibly different;pérdidas sensibles significant losses;se espera una subida sensible de las temperaturas a significant rise in temperatures is expected4. [instrumento, película] sensitive* * *adj1 persona, dispositivo sensitive;sensible al calor/a la luz heat-/light-sensitive2 ( apreciable) appreciable, noticeable* * *sensible adj1) : sensitive2) apreciable: considerable, significant* * *sensible adj1. (en general) sensitive2. (perceptible, apreciable) noticeable -
12 desde entonces
adv.ever since, from that time on, ever after, from that time.* * *since then* * ** * *= ever since, henceforth, in the interim, since, since that time, since then, henceforward, ever since then, ever since then, thenceforth, in the intervening years, ever after, in the intervening period, since that dayEx. By the 1820s good white paper was regularly produced with the aid of chlorine bleaches, and the process has been used in the manufacture of virtually all white paper ever since.Ex. Henceforth the inventory function was no longer to be a part of the functions of the library's catalog.Ex. In the interim there has been considerable activity in developing guidelines for catalogue headings and in compiling authority lists.Ex. It has since been echoed repeatedly in the discussion of cataloging despite the persuasive and decisive refutation of it by Panizzi before the Royal Commission.Ex. This practice has been adopted by a number of national cataloguing codes promulgated since that time.Ex. Since then library planning has developed along lines best suited to British practise and needs.Ex. Originally the advent of on-line interactive searches was hailed by some as a boon to users who could henceforward conduct their own searches.Ex. Ever since then, numerous materials have been tried for producing types, including baked mud, wood engraving, copper, tin, and lead.Ex. Ever since then, numerous materials have been tried for producing types, including baked mud, wood engraving, copper, tin, and lead.Ex. From 1751 to 1766 he copied out the details of all the various processes in two books, which were thenceforth kept in the factory's archives.Ex. In the intervening years reference collections and reference services have changed greatly with the introduction of electronic media.Ex. The author focuses on debunking the Cinderella Myth -- that relates the tale of Cinderella who is abused and exploited until she finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after.Ex. The present survey involved contacting the same libraries and institutions in order to see what changes had taken place in the intervening period.Ex. A lot has been written about the plunge in consumer confidence since that day.* * *= ever since, henceforth, in the interim, since, since that time, since then, henceforward, ever since then, ever since then, thenceforth, in the intervening years, ever after, in the intervening period, since that dayEx: By the 1820s good white paper was regularly produced with the aid of chlorine bleaches, and the process has been used in the manufacture of virtually all white paper ever since.
Ex: Henceforth the inventory function was no longer to be a part of the functions of the library's catalog.Ex: In the interim there has been considerable activity in developing guidelines for catalogue headings and in compiling authority lists.Ex: It has since been echoed repeatedly in the discussion of cataloging despite the persuasive and decisive refutation of it by Panizzi before the Royal Commission.Ex: This practice has been adopted by a number of national cataloguing codes promulgated since that time.Ex: Since then library planning has developed along lines best suited to British practise and needs.Ex: Originally the advent of on-line interactive searches was hailed by some as a boon to users who could henceforward conduct their own searches.Ex: Ever since then, numerous materials have been tried for producing types, including baked mud, wood engraving, copper, tin, and lead.Ex: Ever since then, numerous materials have been tried for producing types, including baked mud, wood engraving, copper, tin, and lead.Ex: From 1751 to 1766 he copied out the details of all the various processes in two books, which were thenceforth kept in the factory's archives.Ex: In the intervening years reference collections and reference services have changed greatly with the introduction of electronic media.Ex: The author focuses on debunking the Cinderella Myth -- that relates the tale of Cinderella who is abused and exploited until she finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after.Ex: The present survey involved contacting the same libraries and institutions in order to see what changes had taken place in the intervening period.Ex: A lot has been written about the plunge in consumer confidence since that day. -
13 результат
(см. также факт) result, effect, consequence, finding• Результат более общего типа формулируется следующим образом. - The following is a more general result of the same kind.• Более определенные результаты были сформулированы Смитом [1]. - More definite results have been formulated by Smith [1].• В действительности данный результат означает, что... - This result means, in effect, that...• В результате практически все, работающие в данной области, желали допустить, что... - As a result, practically everyone in the field was willing to admit that...• В результате преобразования уравнение (1) принимает вид... - After simplification equation (1) becomes...• В результате следует заключить, что... - Consequently, one must conclude that...• В результате существовала тенденция... - As a result, there has been a tendency to...• В результате этого происходит заметное уменьшение... - This results in a marked decrease in...• В результате, теперь достаточно лишь доказать, что... - Consequently it is enough to prove that...• В соответствии с данным результатом мы можем определить... - In accordance with this result, we may identify...• В то же самое время, данные результаты указывают, что... - At the same time, the results indicate that...• В этом приложении мы приводим результаты... - In this appendix we present the results of...• Важность данного результата состоит в том, что он четко устанавливает... - The importance of this result is that it clearly establishes...• Возможно, наилучший способ сформулировать результаты - это... - Probably the best way to express the results is to use...• Можно грубо выразить (= сформулировать) тот же результат, говоря, что... - This result is expressed roughly by saying that...• Данный результат должен выглядеть знакомым любому, кто изучал... - This result should look familiar to anyone who has studied...• Данный результат допускает простую геометрическую интерпретацию. - The result admits a simple geometrical interpretation.• Данный результат имеет простую физическую интерпретацию. - This result has a simple physical interpretation.• Данный результат может быть сформулирован в несколько более простой форме следующим образом. - This result can be written in a slightly simpler form as follows.• Данный результат находится в полном согласии с... - The result is in perfect agreement with...• Данный результат объясняет/разъясняет... - This result explains...• Данный результат объясняется и качественно, и количественно предположением, что... - This result is both qualitatively and quantitatively explained by the assumption that...• Данный результат окажется полезным при обсуждении (чего-л). - This result will prove useful in the discussion of...• Данный результат остается справедливым, если... - The result remains true if...• Данный результат принадлежит Гауссу. - This result is due to Gauss.• Данный результат следует немедленно, если мы можем показать, что... - The result will follow immediately if we can show that...• Данный результат согласуется с... - This result is in agreement with...• Данный результат также может быть получен с применением... - This result can also be obtained by the application of...• Данный результат, который можно легко проверить, состоит в том, что... - The result, which may be easily verified, is...• Для того, чтобы доказать этот результат, мы должны, во-первых, вычислить... - In order to prove this result we must first calculate...• Другой интересный результат, принадлежащий Риману, состоит в том, что... - Another interesting result, due to Riemann, is. that...• Другой способ получения того же результата появляется, если заметить, что... - Another way of obtaining the same result is to note that...• Его результаты могут быть подытожены следующей теоремой. - His results may be summed up in the following theorem.• Если мы используем результат (7), то видим, что... - If we make use of the result (7) we see that...• Еще один интересный результат - это... - One further result of interest is that...• Еще одним следствием этих результатов является то, что... - One further consequence of these results is that...• За исключение последнего, все эти результаты немедленно вытекают из того факта, что... - All these results except the last follow immediately from the fact that...• Значение этого последнего результата состоит в том, что... - The significance of this last result is that...• Значительно лучший результат мог быть получен, если использовать... - A much better result would have been obtained using...• Из... можно вывести много полезных результатов. - Many useful results may be deduced from...• Из вышеуказанного утверждения следует дополнительный результат. - The above argument gives us the following additional result.• Из предыдущих результатов вытекает, что... - It follows from the foregoing results that...• Из процитированных выше результатов следует, что... - From the results quoted above it follows that...• Из результатов последнего параграфа становится ясно, что... - It is apparent from the last section that...• Из результатов экспериментов Смит [1] заключил, что... - From the results of experiments, Smith [1] concluded that...• Из этих результатов вытекает, что... - These results imply that...• Используя результат (10), мы видим, что... - Making use of the result (10) we see that...• Используя этот результат... - With this result we can...• Используя этот результат, мы можем заключить... - With the help of this result we can deduce...• Исследование, продолжающееся два десятилетия, принесло удивительно немного результатов относительно... - Research spanning two decades has yielded surprisingly few results on...• Исходя из этих результатов, можно сконструировать... - Prom these results it is possible to construct...• Как мы можем понимать этот результат? - How can we understand this result?• Как мы уже видели, те же самые результаты предсказываются для... - As we have seen, the same results are predicted for...• Как побочный результат теоремы 4... - As a by-product of Theorem 4, we also obtain the convergence of...• Как приложение данного результата, мы покажем, что... -As an application of this result, we show that...• Как это показано ниже, этот результат можно также вывести непосредственно. - This result may also be derived directly as follows.• Количественный анализ этих результатов показывает, что... - A quantitative analysis of these results shows that...• Методом математической индукции этот результат может быть распространен на... - This result can be extended, by mathematical induction, to...• Многие идеи и результаты последней главы могут быть распространены на случай... - Many of the ideas and results of the last chapter can now be extended to the case of...• Многие из наших более ранних результатов могут быть лучше поняты, если... - Many of ounearlier results can be better understood if...• Можно было бы интерпретировать, что эти результаты означают, что... - These results might be interpreted to mean that...• Можно понять эти результаты, рассматривая... - One can understand these results by considering...• Мы используем этот результат, чтобы... - We shall apply this result to...• Мы могли бы взглянуть на данный результат с другой точки зрения. - We may look at this result in another way.• Мы могли бы подытожить эти результаты утверждением, что... - We may summarize these results with the statement that...• Мы могли бы получить этот же результат более просто, заметив, что... - We could have obtained this result more easily by noting that...• Мы могли бы получить этот результат другим способом. - We could obtain this result by a different argument.• Мы можем использовать этот результат, чтобы определить (= ввести)... - We can use this result to define...• Мы можем подытожить предыдущие результаты в простых терминах, замечая, что... - We can summarize the preceding results in simpler terms by noting that...• Мы можем получить данный результат следующим образом. - We can obtain the result as follows.• Мы можем применить некоторые результаты этой главы, чтобы проиллюстрировать... - We may apply some of the results of this chapter to illustrate...• Мы можем сформулировать этот результат в виде теоремы. - We can state the result as a theorem.• Мы не можем ожидать выполнения этого результата в случае... - This result cannot be expected to hold for...• Мы применим наши результаты к одному простому случаю. - We shall apply our results to a simple case.• Мы только что доказали следующий результат. - We have proved the following result.• Мы хотим взглянуть на этот результат с несколько иной точки зрения. - We want to look at this result from a slightly different, point of view.• На основе данных результатов давайте теперь оценим... - On the basis of these results, let us now estimate...• Наиболее важными результатами являются результаты, касающиеся (= связанные с)... - The most important results are those concerning...• Наилучший результат получается, когда/ если... - The best result is obtained when...• Наш основной результат будет заключаться в том, что... - Our main result will be that...• Наш следующий результат демонстрирует, что... - Our next result demonstrates that...• Наши первые результаты описывают соотношения между... - Our first results deal with the relations between...• Наши результаты пересекаются с результатами Смита [1], который... - Our results overlap those of Smith [1], who...• Наши результаты предпочтительны по сравнению с результатами Смита [1]. - Our results compare favorably with those of Smith [1].• Немедленным следствием предыдущего результата является тот факт, что... - An immediate corollary of the above result is the fact that...• Несколько более простой результат получается, если мы... - A somewhat simpler result is obtained if we...• Несомненно, данные результаты не зависят от... - These results are of course independent of...• Нижеследующее является обобщением результата, доказанного Смитом [1]. - The following is a generalization of a result proved by Smith [1].• Объединяя эти результаты, мы видим, что... - On combining these results we see that...• Обычно это происходит в результате... - This usually occurs as a result of...• Однако имеются другие результаты, которые... - There are other results, however, which...• Однако окончательные результаты теории не могут зависеть от... - But the final results of the theory must not depend on...• Однако подобные усилия приносят положительный результат, только если... - Such efforts, however, are successful only if...• Однако у этого результата имеется другое приложение. - However, this result has another application.• Однако этот результат действительно предполагает, что... - The result does assume, however, that...• Одним интересным свойством этих результатов является то, что они указывают... - One interesting feature of these results is that they indicate...• Очевидно, данный результат мог бы быть получен, не используя... - Obviously this result could have been obtained without the use of...• Очевидно, что подобный результат справедлив (и) для... - Obviously a similar result is true for...• Очевидно, что эти результаты выполняются для любого... - These results clearly hold for any...• Очевидной интерпретацией данного результата является... - The straightforward interpretation of this result is...• Перед тем как установить только что упомянутые результаты, необходимо (рассмотреть и т. п.)... - Before establishing the results just mentioned it is necessary to...• По результатам этого и подобных экспериментов обнаружено, что... - From this and similar experiments it is found that...• Подобные результаты убедительно доказывают, что... - Such results conclusively prove that...• В некотором роде подобный результат выполняется для... - A somewhat similar result holds for...• Полученные результаты должны быть таковы, чтобы их можно было сравнить с... - The results obtained should be capable of comparison with...• Помимо прочего, данный результат показывает, что... - Among other things, this result shows that...• Помня об этом результате, давайте проверим... - With this result in mind, let us examine...• Поучительно рассмотреть эти результаты с точки зрения... - It is instructive to consider these results from the standpoint of...• Предыдущие результаты были получены в рамках предположения... - The above results have been obtained under the assumption of...• Предыдущие результаты еще раз иллюстрируют... - The above results once more illustrate...• Предыдущие результаты можно подытожить следующим образом. - The above results may be summarized as follows.• Приведенная выше теория не предсказывает хорошо известный результат, что... - The theory given above does not predict the well-known result that...• Простой иллюстрацией для этого результата является его приложение к... - A simple illustration of this result is its application to...• Результат может быть найден (с помощью и т. п.)... - The output can be found by...• Результат показан ниже. - The result is recorded below.• Результат, представленный формулой (9), очень полезен при выводе свойств (чего-л). - The result (9) is very useful for deducing properties of...• Результат, справедливость которого может быть проверена (самим) читателем, формулируется следующим образом. - The result, which may be verified by the reader, is...• Результатом является представление... - The result is a representation of...• Результаты были получены непосредственным наблюдением... - The results are obtained by direct observation of...• Результаты были разочаровывающими, в основном потому... - The results have been disappointing, mainly because...• Результаты всех этих методов согласуются с... - The results of all these methods are consistent with...• Результаты данной главы позволяют нам... - The results of the present chapter enable us to...• Результаты согласуются с пониманием, что... - The results are consistent with the view that...• Следующий очень важный результат является основой для... - The following very important result is the basis for...• Соответствующий результат справедлив (и) для... - A corresponding result holds for...• Справедливость того же результата можно увидеть геометрически. - The same result can be seen geometrically.• Сравнение с точным результатом (2) показывает, что... - A comparison with the exact result (2) shows that...• Считается хорошей практикой выражать все результаты измерений в метрической системе. - It is considered good practice to express all measurements in metric units.• Таким образом, данный результат доказан. - The result is therefore established.• Таким образом, мы можем обобщить результаты из первого параграфа и сообщить, что... - Thus, we can generalize the results of Section 1 and state that...• Таким образом, получен следующий основной (= центральный) результат... - The following key results are therefore obtained:...• Такого же самого типа рассуждения доказывают следующий результат. - Arguments of the same type prove the following result.• Такой результат более предпочтителен (другому результату). - The outcome is certainly preferable to...• Твердо установленным результатом является, что... - It is a well-established result that...• Тем не менее эта формальная работа привела к конкретному результату. - Nevertheless, this formal work has produced a concrete result.• Теперь мы доказываем два фундаментальных результата. - We now prove two fundamental results.• Теперь мы доказываем один фундаментальный результат. - We now prove a fundamental result.• Теперь мы можем сформулировать следующий результат. - We are now in a position to state the following result.• Теперь мы получаем желаемый результат. - We now have the desired result.• Теперь мы собрали воедино основные определения и результаты (исследования и т. п.)... - We have now assembled the main definitions and results of...• Тот же самый результат может быть получен простым (вычислением и т. п.)... - The same result may be obtained by simply...• Тот же самый результат может быть сформулирован в другой форме. - The same result can be put in a different form.• Тот же самый результат можно вывести из... - The same result may be deduced from...• Физический смысл этого результата состоит в том, что... - The physical significance of this result is that...• Формально этот результат выглядит весьма похожим на... - Formally, the result looks somewhat similar to...• Численные результаты, основанные на соотношении (4), показывают, что... - Numerical computations based on (4) show that...• Читатель мог бы сравнить этот результат с выражением (6). - The reader may compare this result with the expression (6).• Читатель найдет этот результат в любом учебнике... - The reader will find this result in any textbook on...• Чтобы объяснить получившийся результат, мы могли бы предположить, что... - То explain the above result, we could suppose that...• Чтобы получить необходимый результат, мы... - То obtain the required result, let...• Чтобы получить практический результат в подобных случаях, мы... - То obtain a practical result in such cases, we...• Эти два результата имеют существенный интерес. - These two results are of considerable interest.• Эти два результата совместно показывают, что... - These two results together show that...• Эти кажущиеся тривиальными результаты приводят к... - These seemingly trivial results lead to...• Эти результаты имели важные далеко ведущие последствия. - The results were of far reaching importance.• Эти результаты могут быть легко описаны в терминах... - These results can easily be described in terms of...• Эти результаты можно использовать, чтобы установить... - These results can be used to establish...• Эти результаты можно очевидным образом обобщить (на случай и т. п.)... - These results can be extended in an obvious way to...• Эти результаты не изменятся, если мы... - These results are not affected if we...• Эти результаты представлены на рис. 3 и 4. - The results are displayed in Figures 3 and 4.• Эти результаты согласуются с предположением, что... - These results are consistent with the assumption that...• Эти результаты также поддержали точку зрения, что... - The results also lend support to the view that...• Эти результаты теперь могут быть уточнены для случая... - These results can now be specialized to the case of...• Эти результаты часто бывают необходимы. - These results are needed frequently.• Эти результаты являются следствием... - These results are a consequence of...• Эти результаты ясно показывают, что... - These results clearly show that...• Эти результаты в основном согласуются с... - These results are broadly consistent with...• Это важный результат. Он утверждает, что... - This is an important result. It says that...• Это и есть тот самый предсказанный результат. - This is precisely the expected result.• Это интересный результат. - This is an interesting result.• Это интересный результат, так как... - This is an interesting result because...• Это контрастирует с соответствующим результатом для... - This contrasts with the corresponding result for...• Это очень важный результат. Он означает, что... - This is a very important result. It means that...• Это подтверждается приведенными результатами. - This is confirmed by the results shown.• Это результат важен для практики, так как... - The result is important in practical terms since...• Это согласуется с нашим предыдущим результатом. - This is in agreement with our previous result.• Это хорошо подтверждается результатами... - This is strongly supported by the results of...• Это устанавливает данный результат. - This establishes the result.•Это чрезвычайно важный результат, поскольку он позволяет нам... - This is an exceedingly important result, as it enables us to...• Это ясно показано на рис. 1, который представляет результаты (чего-л). - This is clearly demonstrated in Figure 1 which shows the results of...• Этот неверный результат получается вследствие... - This incorrect result is due to...• Этот результат более или менее ожидаем, если исходить из того факта, что... - This result is more or less to be expected from the fact that...• Этот результат был сформулирован довольно неопределенно (= неточно), потому что... - This result has been stated rather vaguely because...• Этот результат было необходимо ожидать, исходя из факта, что... - This result was to be expected from the fact that...• Этот результат вытекает из изучения... - This result follows from a study of...• Этот результат заслуживает более пристального рассмотрения. - This result is worth a more careful look.• Этот результат имеет поразительное сходство с... -. This result bears a striking resemblance to...• Этот результат легко установить. - It is easy to establish this result.• Этот результат легче запомнить... - This result is more easily remembered by...• Этот результат мог бы быть выведен прямо из соотношения (6). - This result could have been deduced directly from (6).• Этот результат мог бы нам позволить... - This result may allow us to...• Этот результат можно было бы получить более легко, увидев, что... - This result could have been obtained more easily by recognizing that...• Этот результат можно использовать без опасений, только если... - It is safe to use this result only if...• Этот результат можно сделать более наглядным с помощью... - The result can be made more explicit by...• Этот результат не зависит ни от каких предположений относительно... - This result is independent of any assumption about...• Этот результат не слишком изменяется, если... - The result is not essentially different if...• Этот результат не является простым, потому что... - The result is not simple because...• Этот результат перестает быть верным, если... - This result no longer holds if...• Этот результат подтверждает интуитивное понимание того, что... - This result confirms the intuitive view that...• Этот результат полезен лишь тогда, когда... - This result is useful only when...• Этот результат поражает тем, что... - The striking thing about this result is that...• Этот результат предлагает естественное обобщение... - This result suggests a natural generalization of...• Этот результат совпадает с полученным с помощью уравнения (4). - The result is exactly the same as that given by equation (4).• Этот результат согласуется с тем фактом, что... - This result is in agreement with the fact that...• Этот результат также можно было бы получить, применяя... - This result may also be obtained by means of...• Этот результат является более или менее ожидаемым, однако исходя из того, что... - This result is more or less to be expected, however, from the fact that... -
14 hipódromo
m.racecourse, race track, racetrack, hippodrome.* * *1 racetrack, racecourse* * *SM [de caballos] racecourse, racetrack (EEUU); ( Hist) hippodrome* * *masculino (Equ, Ocio) racecourse, racetrack (AmE); (Hist) hippodrome* * *= horse racing track, horse racing grounds, racecourse, race track.Ex. At one time there were horse racing tracks on several of the islands but the sport died out in Hawaii by the 1950's.Ex. In recent years, there has been considerable investment at horse racing grounds around Scotland, transforming the sometimes run-down facilities into first class venues.Ex. About 38 per cent of these horses die on racecourses, while the others are destroyed as a result of training injuries, or are killed because they are no longer commercially viable.Ex. When people make bets at the race track, they sometimes mistakenly think they have lost and throw away their ticket.* * *masculino (Equ, Ocio) racecourse, racetrack (AmE); (Hist) hippodrome* * *= horse racing track, horse racing grounds, racecourse, race track.Ex: At one time there were horse racing tracks on several of the islands but the sport died out in Hawaii by the 1950's.
Ex: In recent years, there has been considerable investment at horse racing grounds around Scotland, transforming the sometimes run-down facilities into first class venues.Ex: About 38 per cent of these horses die on racecourses, while the others are destroyed as a result of training injuries, or are killed because they are no longer commercially viable.Ex: When people make bets at the race track, they sometimes mistakenly think they have lost and throw away their ticket.* * *2 ( Hist) hippodrome* * *
hipódromo sustantivo masculino (Equ, Ocio) racecourse, racetrack (AmE);
(Hist) hippodrome
hipódromo sustantivo masculino racetrack, racecourse
' hipódromo' also found in these entries:
- hippodrome
- race
- racecourse
- racetrack
* * *hipódromo nmracecourse, racetrack* * *m racetrack* * *hipódromo nm: racetrack* * *hipódromo n racecourse -
15 propósito
m.purpose, goal, commitment, intention.* * *1 (intención) intention■ me he hecho el firme propósito de acabar el libro hoy it is my firm intention to finish the book today2 (objetivo) aim\* * *noun m.purpose, intention, aim* * *SM1) (=intención) purpose¿cuál es el propósito de su visita? — what is the purpose of his visit?
para lograr este propósito se han desplazado a Madrid — with this in mind o for this purpose, they have gone to Madrid
de propósito — on purpose, deliberately•
fuera de propósito — off the point•
hacer(se) (el) propósito de hacer algo — to resolve to do sth, decide to do sthlos tres hicieron firme propósito de no atacar — the three of them resolved o decided not to attack
nunca nos hemos hecho el propósito de gastar más dinero — it has never been our intention to spend more money
tener (el) propósito de hacer algo — to intend o mean to do sth, be one's intention to do sthno tenía propósito ninguno de pelearme — I didn't intend o mean to get into a fight, it was not my intention to get into a fight
tengo el firme propósito de irme de casa — I am determined to leave home, I am intent on leaving home
propósito de enmienda, no veo propósito de enmienda en su comportamiento — I don't see him mending his ways o turning over a new leaf
a propósito —a) [como adjetivo] suitable, right ( para for)era la persona a propósito para el trabajo — he was very suitable for the job, he was the right person for the job
b) [como adverbio] on purpose, deliberatelylo siento, no lo hice a propósito — I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose o deliberately
venir a propósito — (=venir expresamente) to come especially; (=ser adecuado) [comentario, observación] to be well-timed; [dinero] to come in handyesa observación vino muy a propósito — that was a timely remark, that remark was very well-timed
el dinero que me diste me vino muy a propósito — the money you gave me was just what I needed o came in very handy
c) (=por cierto) by the waya propósito, ¿qué vais a hacer en Semana Santa? — by the way, what are you doing at Easter?
d)• a propósito de — [después de verbo] about; [uso independiente] talking of, à propos of
estuvieron discutiendo a propósito de las elecciones — they were having a discussion about the election
a propósito de Picasso, ¿has visto alguna vez el Guernica? — talking of o à propos of Picasso, have you ever seen Guernica?
a propósito de dinero, ¿cuándo me vas a pagar? — now you mention it o talking of money, when are you going to pay me?
¿a propósito de qué me dices eso ahora? — why do you say that now?
* * *a) ( intención) intention, purposeb)a propósito: no lo hice a propósito I didn't do it deliberately o on purpose; se hizo un vestido a propósito para la ocasión she had a dress made specially for the occasion; a propósito, Carlos te manda saludos by the way, Carlos sends his regards; a propósito de trenes ¿cuándo te vas? — speaking of trains o on the subject of trains, when are you leaving?
* * *= intent, mission, point, purpose, drift, meaningfulness, objective, agenda, resolution.Ex. The quality of indexing is influenced by the intellectual level and intent of document content in the subject area.Ex. Its mission is to advise the three sponsoring agencies on how best to coordinate their programs in this area and to recommend priorities for action.Ex. There seems little point in hundreds of cataloguers in separate locations wading through cataloguing codes and classification schemes in order to create a variety of catalogue records for the same work.Ex. Chapters 7 and 8 introduced the problems associated with author cataloguing and have surveyed the purpose of cataloguing codes.Ex. The main drift of the proceedings concerned national libraries -- their role, functions and financing.Ex. The author challenges the meaningfulness of precision and recall values as a measure of performance of a retrieval system.Ex. An objective is an individual act intended to be carried out, and a number o which are required to be carried out in order to reach a goal.Ex. Robert Kent's sole agenda is to attack Cuba and vilify the Cuban library community while supporting the US government's interventionist destabilization policies.Ex. The Economic and Social Committee and the European Parliament will use it to broadcast their opinions and resolutions.----* a propósito = deliberate, for the record, incidentally, intentionally, by the way, in passing, anecdotally, purposely, by design, on purpose, wilfully [willfully, -USA], on a sidenote, studiously, by the way of (a) digression, by the by(e), speaking of which, designedly.* a propósito de = apropos of.* a propósito de nada = for no specific reason, for no particular reason.* buenos propósitos de Año Nuevo = New Year's resolution.* con el propósito de = with the purpose of, with the aim of, in the drive to, in a drive to.* con el propósito de superarse uno mismo = self-improvement-oriented.* de propósito general = general-purpose.* hacerse el propósito de + Infinitivo = make + it + a point to + Infinitivo, make + a point of + Gerundio.* hecho a propósito = tailor-made [tailormade], custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored].* propósitos = designs.* ver el propósito = see + the point.* * *a) ( intención) intention, purposeb)a propósito: no lo hice a propósito I didn't do it deliberately o on purpose; se hizo un vestido a propósito para la ocasión she had a dress made specially for the occasion; a propósito, Carlos te manda saludos by the way, Carlos sends his regards; a propósito de trenes ¿cuándo te vas? — speaking of trains o on the subject of trains, when are you leaving?
* * *= intent, mission, point, purpose, drift, meaningfulness, objective, agenda, resolution.Ex: The quality of indexing is influenced by the intellectual level and intent of document content in the subject area.
Ex: Its mission is to advise the three sponsoring agencies on how best to coordinate their programs in this area and to recommend priorities for action.Ex: There seems little point in hundreds of cataloguers in separate locations wading through cataloguing codes and classification schemes in order to create a variety of catalogue records for the same work.Ex: Chapters 7 and 8 introduced the problems associated with author cataloguing and have surveyed the purpose of cataloguing codes.Ex: The main drift of the proceedings concerned national libraries -- their role, functions and financing.Ex: The author challenges the meaningfulness of precision and recall values as a measure of performance of a retrieval system.Ex: An objective is an individual act intended to be carried out, and a number o which are required to be carried out in order to reach a goal.Ex: Robert Kent's sole agenda is to attack Cuba and vilify the Cuban library community while supporting the US government's interventionist destabilization policies.Ex: The Economic and Social Committee and the European Parliament will use it to broadcast their opinions and resolutions.* a propósito = deliberate, for the record, incidentally, intentionally, by the way, in passing, anecdotally, purposely, by design, on purpose, wilfully [willfully, -USA], on a sidenote, studiously, by the way of (a) digression, by the by(e), speaking of which, designedly.* a propósito de = apropos of.* a propósito de nada = for no specific reason, for no particular reason.* buenos propósitos de Año Nuevo = New Year's resolution.* con el propósito de = with the purpose of, with the aim of, in the drive to, in a drive to.* con el propósito de superarse uno mismo = self-improvement-oriented.* de propósito general = general-purpose.* hacerse el propósito de + Infinitivo = make + it + a point to + Infinitivo, make + a point of + Gerundio.* hecho a propósito = tailor-made [tailormade], custom-made, custom-built [custom built], custom-designed [custom designed], custom-tailored [custom tailored].* propósitos = designs.* ver el propósito = see + the point.* * *1(intención): tiene el firme propósito de dejar de fumar she's determined o resolved to give up smoking, she's intent on giving up smokingmi propósito era salir mañana, pero tuve que aplazar el viaje I was intending o I was aiming o ( frml) my intention was to leave tomorrow, but I had to postpone the tripse ha hecho el propósito de correr una hora diaria she's made up her mind o she's resolved o she's decided to go running for an hour every daybuenos propósitos good intentionsse hizo con el único propósito de proteger a estas especies it was done with the sole aim o purpose of protecting these speciescon el propósito de comprarse un coche, se puso a ahorrar he started to save up in order to buy himself a car o with the intention of buying himself a carvagaba por el pueblo sin propósito alguno he wandered aimlessly around the villagelo hizo con el propósito de molestarme she did it just to annoy mese fue con el firme propósito de volver al año siguiente he left with the firm intention of returning the following year2a propósito: no lo hice a propósito I didn't do it deliberately o on purposese hizo un vestido a propósito para la ocasión she had a dress made specially for the occasionme encontré con Carlos Ruiz. A propósito, te manda saludos I bumped into Carlos Ruiz, who sends you his regards, by the wayme costó $100 — a propósito, recuerda que me debes $50 I paid $100 for it — which reminds me o speaking of which, don't forget you owe me $50a propósito de trenes ¿cuándo te vas? speaking of trains o on the subject of trains, when are you leaving?¿a propósito de qué viene eso? — a propósito de nada, era sólo un comentario what did you say that for o why did you say that? — for no particular reason, it was just a commenthice un comentario a propósito de sus amigos I made a comment about his friendsCompuesto:hizo un firme propósito de enmienda he firmly resolved to mend his ways* * *
propósito sustantivo masculino
◊ con el propósito de verla with the intention o purpose of seeing her;
tiene el firme propósito de dejar de fumar she's determined to give up smoking;
buenos propósitos good intentionsb)
( por cierto) ( indep) by the way
propósito sustantivo masculino purpose, intention
♦ Locuciones: a propósito, (por cierto) by the way
(adrede) on purpose, intentionally
a propósito de, speaking of
' propósito' also found in these entries:
- efecto
- enmienda
- intención
- lograr
- obstaculizar
- obstruir
- sobre
- solapada
- solapado
- abandonar
- ánimo
- cierto
- desistir
- finalidad
- función
- hablar
- hermanar
- intencionado
- intento
- ir
- meta
- mojar
- motivo
- paréntesis
- tener
- todo
- aim
- aimless
- aimlessly
- approach
- bye
- bye-bye
- deliberate
- deliberately
- design
- drop
- for
- go
- idea
- incidentally
- intent
- intentionally
- job
- meaning
- misinterpret
- mislead
- misleading
- object
- purpose
- purposely
- remind
- resolution
- sake
- sidetrack
- slide
- specially
- stand about
- stand around
- to
- unintentional
- unsuited
- vandalize
- way
- why
* * *♦ nm1. [intención] intention;mi propósito era llamarte cuando llegara I had intended to phone you when I arrived;tengo el propósito de dejar el alcohol I intend to give up alcohol;hizo el propósito de no volver a fumar she made a resolution o resolved not to smoke again;con el propósito de in order to;con este propósito to this end2. [objetivo] purpose;el propósito de las medidas es contener la inflación the purpose o aim of the measures is to control inflation;una ley con el único propósito de ayudar a los más débiles a law the sole purpose of which is to help the weakest♦ a propósito loc adv1. [adecuado] suitable;tu ayuda nos viene muy a propósito your help is coming just at the right time2. [adrede] on purpose;hacer algo a propósito to do sth on purpose o deliberately;lo dijo a propósito para que nos enfadáramos he said it deliberately to annoy us;no lo hice a propósito I didn't do it on purpose3. [por cierto] by the way;a propósito de viajes, ¿has estado en Japón? speaking of travelling, have you been to Japan?♦ a propósito de loc prepwith regard to, concerning;ha habido un gran debate público a propósito de la ley there has been considerable public debate concerning the law* * *m1 ( intención) intention2 ( objetivo) purpose3:a propósito de about;* * *propósito nm1) intención: purpose, intention2)a propósito : by the way3)a propósito : on purpose, intentionally* * *1. (objetivo) purpose2. (intención) intention -
16 substantial
səb'stænʃəl1) (solid or strong: a nice substantial table.) de calidad inferior (a la normal)2) (large: a substantial sum of money; That meal was quite substantial.) sustancial; abundante•- substantiate
substantial adj considerable / importantetr[səb'stænʃəl]1 (solid) sólido,-a, fuerte2 (large - sum, increase, loss, damage) importante, considerable; (- difference, change) sustancial, notable3 (meal - large) abundante; (nourishing) sustancioso,-a4 (wealthly) acaudalado,-a5 formal use (real, tangible) sustancial\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto be in substantial agreement estar de acuerdo en los puntos esencialessubstantial [səb'stænʧəl] adj1) abundant: sustanciosoa substantial meal: una comida sustanciosa2) considerable: considerable, apreciable3) solid, sturdy: sólidoadj.• considerable adj.• cuantioso, -a adj.• jugoso, -a adj.• substancial adj.• substancioso, -a adj.• sustancial adj.• sustancioso, -a adj.• sólido, -a adj.səb'stæntʃəl, səb'stænʃəl1)a) <amount/income/loan> considerable, importanteb) <changes/difference> sustancial; < contribution> importante2)a) (sturdy, solid) <furniture/building> sólidob) (nourishing, filling) < meal> sustanciosoc) ( wealthy) (frml or liter) acaudalado[sǝb'stænʃǝl]ADJ1) (=significant) [amount, progress, improvement, damage] considerable, importante; [difference] importante, sustancialthere has been substantial agreement on this question — ha habido un alto or considerable grado de acuerdo sobre esta cuestión
2) (=weighty) [evidence] sustancial, de peso; [document, book] sustancioso3) (=solid) [building] sólido4) (=filling) [meal, dish] sustancioso* * *[səb'stæntʃəl, səb'stænʃəl]1)a) <amount/income/loan> considerable, importanteb) <changes/difference> sustancial; < contribution> importante2)a) (sturdy, solid) <furniture/building> sólidob) (nourishing, filling) < meal> sustanciosoc) ( wealthy) (frml or liter) acaudalado -
17 bajón
m.1 drop.2 bassoon.* * *1 sharp fall, sharp drop, slump2 (de ánimos) depression3 (de salud) relapse4 MÚSICA bassoon* * *noun m.* * *SM1) (=descenso) [de presión, temperatura] fall, drop; [de salud] decline, worsening; (Com, Econ) sharp falldar o pegar un bajón — [persona, salud] to go downhill; [precios] to fall away sharply; [mercado] to slump
2) (Mús) bassoon* * *masculino (fam)a) ( descenso fuerte) sharp drop o fallla Bolsa ha dado un bajón — the Stock Exchange index has dropped o fallen sharply
b) ( de ánimo) depressionc) ( de salud)* * *= falling-off, slump, downswing.Ex. A slight decline -- about 1% -- in the book title output of US publishers took place in 1988, compared with 1987, largely attributable to a falling-off of mass market paperback output, especially in fiction.Ex. The author discusses the current upswing in paperback sales of children's books in the USA and the slump in hardback sales.Ex. A new solution to the problem of predicting cyclical highs and lows in the economy enables one to gauge whether an incipient economic downswing will turn out to be a slowdown in economic growth or a real recession.* * *masculino (fam)a) ( descenso fuerte) sharp drop o fallla Bolsa ha dado un bajón — the Stock Exchange index has dropped o fallen sharply
b) ( de ánimo) depressionc) ( de salud)* * *= falling-off, slump, downswing.Ex: A slight decline -- about 1% -- in the book title output of US publishers took place in 1988, compared with 1987, largely attributable to a falling-off of mass market paperback output, especially in fiction.
Ex: The author discusses the current upswing in paperback sales of children's books in the USA and the slump in hardback sales.Ex: A new solution to the problem of predicting cyclical highs and lows in the economy enables one to gauge whether an incipient economic downswing will turn out to be a slowdown in economic growth or a real recession.* * *( fam)1 (descenso fuerte) sharp drop o fallla Bolsa ha dado un bajón the Stock Exchange index has suffered a sharp fall, the Stock Exchange index has dropped o fallen sharplyha dado un bajón este semestre he has gone downhill this semester2 (de ánimo) depressionen los últimos meses ha dado un bajón he's gone downhill in the last few months3(de salud): ya estaba mejor y de pronto dio un bajón tremendo she was getting better when suddenly she took a turn for the worse* * *
bajón sustantivo masculino (fam)
bajón sustantivo masculino
1 (de salud) relapse, weakening
(de estado de ánimo) slump
(de rendimiento) el equipo sufrió un bajón en la segunda parte del partido, the team went downhill in the second half
2 (descenso repentino) sharp fall, decline, slump
' bajón' also found in these entries:
* * *bajón1 nm1. [bajada] slump;las ventas han dado un bajón sales have slumped;se produjo un bajón de las temperaturas there was a substantial fall in temperatures;el año pasado dio un bajón en los estudios last year his schoolwork really went downhillsufrió un bajón en el último kilómetro de la carrera he ran out of steam in the last kilometre of the racele dio un bajón he had a downerbajón2 nmMús dulcian* * *m sharp decline;dar un bajón decline sharply, slump;* * * -
18 apprezzabile
apprezzabile agg.1 ( degno di apprezzamento) appreciable, considerable; perceptible, appraisable; valuable2 ( notevole) appreciable, considerable: una somma apprezzabile, a considerable sum; c'è stato un cambiamento apprezzabile, there has been a remarkable change.* * *[appret'tsabile]1) (pregevole) [ qualità] appreciable2) (rilevante) [differenza, cambiamento] appreciable, remarkable* * *apprezzabile/appret'tsabile/1 (pregevole) [ qualità] appreciable2 (rilevante) [differenza, cambiamento] appreciable, remarkable. -
19 отмечаться
св - отме́титься1) зарегистрироваться to register, to get registered2) быть замеченным to be noted, to be observedотмеча́ется значи́тельный рост престу́пности — a considerable rise in criminality rate has been observed lately, there has been a major rise in criminality rate
3) разг праздноваться to be marked/celebrated/observed -
20 merklich
I Adj. noticeable; stärker: distinct, marked; (sichtbar) auch visible; (beträchtlich) considerable, appreciableII Adv. noticeably; stärker: distinctly, markedly; (sichtbar) visibly; es ist merklich kühler geworden it’s gone appreciably cooler* * *marked; perceptible; appreciable; distinct; noticeable* * *mẹrk|lich ['mɛrklɪç]1. adjnoticeable, marked, distinctkein merklicher Unterschied — no noticeable difference
2. advnoticeably* * *(obvious or easily noticeable: There has been a marked improvement in her work.) marked* * *merk·lich[ˈmɛrklɪç]I. adj noticeableII. adv noticeably* * *1. 2.adverbial perceptibly; noticeably; (deutlich) noticeably* * *A. adj noticeable; stärker: distinct, marked; (sichtbar) auch visible; (beträchtlich) considerable, appreciablees ist merklich kühler geworden it’s gone appreciably cooler* * *1.Adjektiv perceptible; noticeable; (deutlich) noticeable2.adverbial perceptibly; noticeably; (deutlich) noticeably* * *adj.appreciable adj.noticeable adj.perceptible adj.sensible adj. adv.appreciably adv.perceptibly adv.
См. также в других словарях:
there — ♦ (Pronounced [[t]ðə(r), STRONG ðeə(r)[/t]] for meanings 1 and 2, and [[t]ðe͟ə(r)[/t]] for meanings 3 to 19.) 1) PRON: PRON be n There is used as the subject of the verb be to say that something exists or does not exist, or to draw attention to… … English dictionary
considerable — 01. Mike has made a [considerable] amount of money investing in the stock market. 02. We re thinking of buying a house now that prices have come down [considerably] in the last year. 03. The gas station is a [considerable] distance from here. 04 … Grammatical examples in English
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India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
Africa — /af ri keuh/, n. 1. a continent S of Europe and between the Atlantic and Indian oceans. 551,000,000; ab. 11,700,000 sq. mi. (30,303,000 sq. km). adj. 2. African. * * * I Second largest continent on Earth. It is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea,… … Universalium
railroad — /rayl rohd /, n. 1. a permanent road laid with rails, commonly in one or more pairs of continuous lines forming a track or tracks, on which locomotives and cars are run for the transportation of passengers, freight, and mail. 2. an entire system… … Universalium
Northern Ireland — a political division of the United Kingdom, in the NE part of the island of Ireland. 1,537,200; 5238 sq. mi. (13,565 sq. km). Cap.: Belfast. * * * Part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupying the northeastern portion … Universalium
Indiana — • One of the United States of America, the nineteenth in point of admission Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Indiana Indiana † … Catholic encyclopedia
Laos — /lah ohs, lows, lay os/; Fr. /lann aws /, n. a country in SE Asia: formerly part of French Indochina. 5,116,959; 91,500 sq. mi. (236,985 sq. km). Cap.: Vientiane. * * * Laos Introduction Laos Background: In 1975, the Communist Pathet Lao took… … Universalium