1 theorem
- theorem
- nтеорема
- theorem of least work
- theorem of minimum potential energy
- theorem of three moments
- theorem of virtual displacement
- theorem of virtual work
- Castigliano's theorems
- Eddy's theorem
- first Castigliano's theorem
- reciprocal theorem
- second Castigliano's theorem
- similarity theorem
- superposition theorem
- uniqueness theorem
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
2 theorem
theorem [ˊθɪərǝm] nтеоре́ма -
3 theorem
4 theorem
- analytical hierarchy theorem - arithmetical hierarchy theorem - closed range theorem - formally provable theorem - implicit function theorem - initial value theorem - integral representation theorem - local limit theorem - maximal ergodic theorem - mean value theorem - normal form theorem - ratio limit theorem - rational root theorem - second mean value theorem - theorem of consistency proofs - theorem of corresponding states - three line theorem - three series theorem - uniform convergence theorem - uniform ergodic theorem - uniform mean value theoremtheorem implies — из теоремы следует, что…
5 theorem
nounтеорема fkey renewal theorem основная/узловая теорема восстановленияSlutsky sinusoidal limit theorem предельная синусоидальная теорема СлуцкогоАнглийский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > theorem
6 theorem
- theorem of total probability
- acoustical reciprocity theorem
- Ampere's circuital theorem
- average theorem
- Bayes theorem
- Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem
- Bloch theorem
- Brouwer fixed-point theorem
- Cayley theorem - Chinese residue theorem
- compensation theorem
- completeness theorem
- constant-flux-linkage theorem
- Coopmans theorem
- CPT-theorem
- Cramer theorem
- current sheet theorem
- Dilworth theorem
- divergence theorem
- Floquet theorem
- Foster's reactance theorem
- Fourier theorem
- fuzzy theorem
- fuzzy approximation theorem
- Gauss theorem
- Gauss-Markov theorem
- Gödel's theorem
- Gödel's incompleteness theorem
- Hecht-Nielsen theorem
- hierarchy theorem
- Kolmogorov theorem
- Kolmogorov-Arnold theorem
- limit theorem
- logic theorem
- Lüders-Pauli theorem
- Manley-Rowe theorem
- matching theorem
- McCulloh-Pitts theorem
- Mermin-Wagner theorem
- Nyquist's theorem
- Poincare-Birkhoff theorem
- Poynting's theorem
- reciprocity theorem
- Radon theorem
- Routh-Hurwitz theorem
- sampling theorem
- selection theorem
- semantic theorem
- Shannon theorem
- Slutsky's theorem
- Stokes theorem
- Stone theorem
- superposition theorem
- syntactical theorem
- Takens theorem
- Thevenin's theorem
- unicity theorem
- Weierstrass theorem
- Wiener-Khintchin theorem
- Zorn theorem -
7 theorem
– altitude theorem
– Arzela-Ascoli theorem
– azygetic theorem
– binomial theorem
– compensation theorem
– conclusion of theorem
– conductor-ramification theorem
– converse of theorem
– deduction theorem
– distortion theorem
– duality theorem
– embedding theorem
– existence theorem
– expansion theorem
– gap theorem
– Karhunen-Loeve theorem
– localization theorem
– mean-value theorem
– minimax theorem
– Nagy-Faias theorem
– Nikodym theorem
– Plancherel theorem
– preparation theorem
– remainder theorem
– reverse-flow theorem
– sampling theorem
– sewing theorem
– shift theorem
– similarity theorem
– theorem os sines
– Theveni's theorem
– transference theorem
– uniqueness theorem
– Van Cittert-Zernike theorem
– Wiener-Paley theorem
central limit theorem — теорема о центральном пределе, теорема предельная центральная, центральная предельная теорема
Fermat's last theorem — Ферма великая теорема, последняя теорема Ферма
Nyquist-Kotelnikov-Shannon sampling theorem — <math.> теорема отсчетов Шеннона-Котельникова
theorem of corresponding states — теорема соответственных состояний
8 theorem
9 theorem
1) теорема2) формула•-
approximation theorem
- area moment theorems -
Bayes theorem
Bernoulli theorem
binomial theorem
Campbell's theorem
divergence theorem
duality theorem
Gauss theorem
inverse theorem
Mohr's area moment theorems
momentum theorem
Nyquist's theorem
Pythagorean theorem
reciprocity theorem
sampling theorem
Shannon's theorem
superposition theorem
theorem of similarity transformation
theorem of similarity
Thevenin's theorem
Wiener-Khintchine theorem -
10 theorem
Bernoulli's theoremBetti's theoremCastigliano's theoremCayley-Hamilton theoremcentral limit theoremcircle theoremexpansion theoremFloquet theoremGauss' divergence theoremGauss's theoremGershgorin theoremHelmholtz theoremKelvin's theoremKuhn-Tucker theoremKutta-Joukowski theoreml'Hospital's theoremLyapunov theoremmomentum theoremMunk's stagger theoremStokes' theorem -
11 theorem
[ˈθɪərəm]addition theorem теорема сложения basis theorem теорема об опорном плане cobweb theorem полит.эк. теорема "паутины" cobweb theorem теорема паутины duality theorem теорема двойственности equilibrium theorem теорема о равновесии extended mean value theorem обобщенная теорема о среднем extreme-value theorem теорема об экстремальных значениях limit theorem предельная теорема mean ergodic theorem эргодическая теорема о среднем minimax theorem теорема о минимаксе multiplication theorem теорема умножения optimality theorem теорема об оптимальности saddle-value theorem теорема о седловой точке substitution theorem теорема о замещении tangency theorem теорема касания theorem теорема turnpike theorem теорема о магистрали -
12 theorem
теорема; предложение- theorem of least work - theorem of three moments* * *теорема- theorem of least work
- theorem of minimum potential energy
- theorem of three moments
- theorem of virtual displacement
- theorem of virtual work
- Castigliano's theorems
- Eddy's theorem
- first Castigliano's theorem
- reciprocal theorem
- second Castigliano's theorem
- similarity theorem
- superposition theorem
- uniqueness theorem -
13 theorem
14 theorem
1. n теорема2. v редк. выражать посредством или в форме теоремыСинонимический ряд:1. principle (noun) assumption; axiom; fundamental; hypothesis; law; postulate; premise; principium; principle; rule; theoretical proposition; theory; thesis; universal2. symbolic representation (noun) formula; ratio; recipe; symbolic representation -
15 theorem
Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > theorem
16 theorem
- equivalence theorem
- mean value theorem
- sampling theorem
- schemata-based theorem
- second limit theorem
- Shannon's expansion theorem
- sinusoidal limit theoremEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > theorem
17 theorem
ˈθɪərəm сущ. теорема to deduce a theorem ≈ выводить теорему to formulate a theorem ≈ формулировать теорему to prove a theorem ≈ доказывать теорему to test a theorem ≈ проверять теорему binomial theorem Syn: principle теорема - by * по теореме - reciprocal * обратная теорема - to prove the * доказать теорему( редкое) выражать посредством или в форме теоремы addition ~ теорема сложения basis ~ теорема об опорном плане cobweb ~ полит.эк. теорема "паутины" cobweb ~ теорема паутины duality ~ теорема двойственности equilibrium ~ теорема о равновесии extended mean value ~ обобщенная теорема о среднем extreme-value ~ теорема об экстремальных значениях limit ~ предельная теорема mean ergodic ~ эргодическая теорема о среднем minimax ~ теорема о минимаксе multiplication ~ теорема умножения optimality ~ теорема об оптимальности saddle-value ~ теорема о седловой точке substitution ~ теорема о замещении tangency ~ теорема касания theorem теорема turnpike ~ теорема о магистрали -
18 theorem
['θɪərəm]сущ.- Pythagoras' theorem -
19 theorem
20 theorem
См. также в других словарях:
Theorem — The o*rem, n. [L. theorema, Gr. ? a sight, speculation, theory, theorem, fr. ? to look at, ? a spectator: cf. F. th[ e]or[ e]me. See {Theory}.] 1. That which is considered and established as a principle; hence, sometimes, a rule. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Theorem — The o*rem, v. t. To formulate into a theorem. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Theorēm — (griech.), soviel wie Lehrsatz … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Theorem — Theorēm (grch.), Lehrsatz … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Theorem — Theorem, griech. (das Wort mit allen damit verwandten Ausdrücken hat seine Wurzel in einem griech. Zeitworte, welches bedeutet: anschauen, besonders: innerlich, geistig anschauen, in seinen letzten Gründen etwas schauen), der Lehrsatz; t. atisch … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
theorem — index inference, postulate, prescription (directive), principle (axiom), supposition Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William … Law dictionary
Theorem — Theorem,das:⇨Lehrsatz … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
theorem — (n.) 1550s, from M.Fr. théorème, from L.L. theorema, from Gk. theorema spectacle, speculation, in Euclid proposition to be proved, from theorein to consider (see THEORY (Cf. theory)) … Etymology dictionary
theorem — *principle, axiom, fundamental, law … New Dictionary of Synonyms
theorem — [n] explanation based on hypothesis and experiments assumption, axiom, belief, deduction, dictum, doctrine, formula, fundamental, law, postulate, principium, principle, proposition, rule, statement, theory, thesis; concepts 529,688,689 Ant. fact … New thesaurus
theorem — ► NOUN 1) Physics & Mathematics a general proposition not self evident but proved by a chain of reasoning. 2) Mathematics a rule expressed by symbols or formulae. ORIGIN Greek the r ma speculation, proposition … English terms dictionary