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  • 1 to take all the steps

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    poduzeti sve korake

    English-Croatian dictionary > to take all the steps

  • 2 to take all the steps necessary

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    poduzeti sve nužne korake
    poduzeti sve potrebne korake

    English-Croatian dictionary > to take all the steps necessary

  • 3 to take the necessary steps

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    poduzeti nužne korake
    poduzeti potrebne korake

    English-Croatian dictionary > to take the necessary steps

  • 4 turn

    vt/i I. [vt] 1. vrtjeti, okretati, okrenuti 2. tokariti, zaobliti, dato okrugli oblik; umjetnički izraditi, oblikovati 3. skrenuti; okrenuti, obrnuti, preokrenuti,preinačiti, pretvoriti; zavinuti; prekopati, iskrenuti 4. odvratiti [& fig]; promijeniti (temu, predmet razgovora) 5. obići, zaobići; [mil] zaobići (neprijatelja) 6. prijeći, prevaliti, proći (npr. [I am #ed of 60] = prešao sam šezdesetu) 7. (o licu, koraku, pogledu) okrenuti, upraviti, usmjeriti, obratiti ([to, on, towards] = prema, na) 8. upraviti, uputiti, voditi, tjerati ([into] = u); spremiti, ubaciti ([into] = u); izvaditi, izbaciti ([out of] = iz) 9. [com] prometnuti, staviti u promet (robu) 10. (misli) svratiti, usmjeriti, usredotočiti, koncentrirati ([to] = na); (osjećaj) usmjeriti protiv koga ([against]); nahuškati, pobuniti ([against] = protiv) 11. upotrijebiti, primijeniti, iskoristiti; preinačiti ([into, to] = u); 12. zavrtjeti, okrenuti, smučiti; pokvariti II. [vi] 1. vrtjeti se, okretati se, obrtati se, zavrtjeti se 2. tokariti se 3. krenuti, uputiti se ([into] = u); okrenuti se, prevrtati se 4. (o putu) skrenuti, skretati, okrenuti se, otkrenuti se ([from] = od) 5. obratiti se, pribjeći, uteći se ([to] = komu); prihvatiti se čega, pozabaviti se čim 6. navaliti, napasti ([on a p] = koga) 7. promijeniti se, pretvoriti se, preobraziti se ([into, to] = = u) /[fig] to # the cheek = okrenuti i drugi obraz, progutati radi mira; to # in one's mind = razmisliti, promisliti; to # the leaf (of a book) = okrenuti stranu, prelistati; to # a thing inside out = iskrenuti, izvrnuti; to # upside down = postaviti naglavce; [fig] to # the corner = sretno prebroditi krizu; to # a corner = obići ugao; I am #ed of 60 = prevalio sam šezdesetu; to # a th to one's profit = upotrijebiti što u svoju korist (sebi u prilog); to # one's hand to a th = latiti (primiti) se čega, prionuti za što; to # into ridicule = izvrći smijehu; to # a p sick = učiniti da se kome smuči; to # a p's head = zavrtjeti komu glavom; [fig] the tide has #ed = sreća se okrenula; to # to doing = spremati se na što; the milk has #ed sour = mlijeko se ukiselilo; to # pale = problijediti; to # traitor = postati izdajica; my head #s = vrti mi se u glavi; to # English into Croatian = prevesti s engleskog na hrvatski; to # the tables upon one = dati stvari drugi obrat, okrenuti batinu; to # tail, to # the back = podvući rep, okrenuti leđa, nagnuti u bijeg, iznevjeriti se; [mar sl] to # turtle = prevrnuti se; to # an hontes penny = živjeti od poštene zarade; to # a deaf ear = oglušiti se; [fig] to # the scale = dokončati; odlučiti što; [fig] to # one's coat = okrenuti kabanicu; even a worm will # = i najmirniji će se čovjek braniti ako ga tko napadne; to # and rend = napasti pogrdama; to # the key = zaključiti; to # head over heels = prekobaciti se; [fig] he doesn't know which way to # = ne zna ni kamo ni kuda će, ne zna što da radi; my stomach #s = želudac mi se okreće, muka me hvata; to # one's steps = poći, uputiti se; to # a p's brain = zaluditi; [com] to # bankrupt = pasti pod stečaj; [com] to # bear = spekulirati na besu; [com] to # bull = spekulirati na hosu; to # a film = snimati; to # a p loose = dati kome slobodu
    * * *

    obratiti se
    obrnuti se
    okrenuti se
    preobratiti se

    English-Croatian dictionary > turn

См. также в других словарях:

  • Theatre On The Steps — The Theatre On The Steps is a theatre in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England. It was formed in 1962 in a converted church dating from 1829, on the site of an older, demolished chapel dating from 1709.Links* [http://www.theatreonthesteps.co.uk/… …   Wikipedia

  • Discovery: In the Steps of Columbus — Developer(s) Impressions Games Platform(s) MS DOS Release date(s) 1992 Discovery: In the Steps of Columbus is a computer game dev …   Wikipedia

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  • retrace the steps of — follow after; reconstruct the steps of …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Steps (group) — Steps Origin London, United Kingdom Genres Pop, dance pop Instruments Vocals Years active 1997–2001, 2011–present Labels …   Wikipedia

  • STEPS Centre — The STEPS Centre (Social, Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability) is an interdisciplinary global research and policy engagement hub, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. The Centre brings together development… …   Wikipedia

  • Steps Ahead — (originally known as Steps) is a jazz fusion group and the brainchild of vibraphonist Mike Mainieri. According to the liner notes of the group s 1983 debut album (for worldwide release), entitled Steps Ahead , Steps began as a part time venture… …   Wikipedia

  • The Mexican Spitfires — were a Sydney, Australia based indie rock–indie pop band formed in suburban Strathfield in the Strathfield Municipality in the mid 1980s. The band formed in 1986 and the original lineup consisted of Tim O Reilly on bass and vocals, Michael… …   Wikipedia

  • The Jerk (dance) — The Jerk was a popular dance craze from the 1960s. This is basically the Monkey, but with your arms and hands moving as if you re conducting a band, crossing your wrists in front of your chest, then sweeping out, in time, or at half time, with… …   Wikipedia

  • The Way International — Founder(s) Victor Paul Wierwille Location New Knoxville, Ohio, U.S. Origins October 3, 1942 [1] Vesper Chimes radio program[2] Key peopl …   Wikipedia

  • The Littlest Hobo — The First Season DVD cover Genre Family Children s Melodrama …   Wikipedia

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