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  • 1 occult

    (mystical) okkult [Kunst, Wissenschaft]
    * * *
    - academic.ru/118986/the_occult">the occult
    * * *
    [ˈɒkʌlt, əˈkʊlt, AM əˈkʊlt]
    I. n no pl
    the \occult das Okkulte
    II. n modifier okkult
    \occult book okkultistisches Buch
    \occult group Geheimbund m
    \occult powers übersinnliche [o okkulte] Kräfte
    \occult ritual okkulte Handlung, okkultes Ritual
    * * *
    1. adj
    okkult; (= of occultism) okkultistisch; (= secret) geheimnisvoll
    2. n
    Okkulte(s) nt
    * * *
    occult [ɒˈkʌlt; US -ə-; ɑ-]
    A adj [US auch ˈɑkˌʌlt] (adv occultly)
    1. okkult:
    a) geheimnisvoll, verborgen
    b) magisch, übersinnlich
    c) geheim, Geheim…:
    occult sciences okkulte Wissenschaften
    2. wissenschaftlich hist geheim
    B s the occult das Okkulte
    C v/t verbergen, verdecken, ASTRON verfinstern
    D v/i verdeckt werden
    * * *
    (mystical) okkult [Kunst, Wissenschaft]
    * * *
    geheim adj.
    verborgen adj.

    English-german dictionary > occult

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Occult Chemistry (book) — Occult Chemistry   Author(s) Annie Besant, C.W. Leadbeater and C …   Wikipedia

  • Occult — Oc*cult , a. [L. occultus, p. p. of occulere to cover up, hide; ob (see {Ob }) + a root prob. akin to E. hell: cf. F. occulte.] Hidden from the eye or the understanding; invisible; secret; concealed; unknown. [1913 Webster] It is of an occult… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Occult line — Occult Oc*cult , a. [L. occultus, p. p. of occulere to cover up, hide; ob (see {Ob }) + a root prob. akin to E. hell: cf. F. occulte.] Hidden from the eye or the understanding; invisible; secret; concealed; unknown. [1913 Webster] It is of an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Occult qualities — Occult Oc*cult , a. [L. occultus, p. p. of occulere to cover up, hide; ob (see {Ob }) + a root prob. akin to E. hell: cf. F. occulte.] Hidden from the eye or the understanding; invisible; secret; concealed; unknown. [1913 Webster] It is of an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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