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  • 81 Scheinwerferlicht

    n spotlight; fig. limelight; im Scheinwerferlicht der Öffentlichkeit stehen fig. be very much in the public eye ( oder limelight); etw. ins Scheinwerferlicht rücken oder zerren fig. turn the spotlight on s.th.
    * * *
    floodlight(ing); (im Theater) spotlight; (von Suchscheinwerfer) searchlight (beam); (AUT) light or beam of the headlights or headlamps; (fig) limelight

    im Schéínwerferlicht (der Öffentlichkeit) stehen (fig)to be in the glare of publicity

    ein Problem ins Schéínwerferlicht rücken — to spotlight or highlight a problem

    * * *
    ((a lamp for projecting) a circle of light that is thrown on to a small area.) spotlight
    * * *
    nt spotlight
    der Zaun war in helles \Scheinwerferlicht getaucht the fence was lit by bright spotlights
    im \Scheinwerferlicht [der Öffentlichkeit] stehen to be in the public eye, to have the spotlight on one fig, to be under public scrutiny
    * * *
    das floodlight; (des Autos) headlights pl.; (im Theater, Museum usw.) spotlight [beam]
    * * *
    Scheinwerferlicht n spotlight; fig limelight;
    im Scheinwerferlicht der Öffentlichkeit stehen fig be very much in the public eye ( oder limelight);
    zerren fig turn the spotlight on sth
    * * *
    das floodlight; (des Autos) headlights pl.; (im Theater, Museum usw.) spotlight [beam]
    * * *
    headlight beam n.
    spotlight beam n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Scheinwerferlicht

  • 82 chiaro

    ['kjaro] chiaro (-a)
    1. agg
    1) (di colore: mobili, vestiti) light-coloured, (colore) light, (capelli, carnagione) fair
    2) (limpido: anche), fig clear, (luminoso) bright

    si sta facendo chiaro — it's getting light, the day is dawning

    3) (evidente, ovvio) obvious, clear

    non voglio averci niente a che fare, è chiaro? — I want nothing to do with it, is that clear?

    2. sm

    (colore) vestirsi di chiaro — to wear light colours o light-coloured clothes

    2) (luce, luminosità) day, daylight
    3. avv
    (parlare, vedere) clearly

    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > chiaro

  • 83 شديد

    شَدِيد \ bad, worse (worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. close: serious; careful: Keep a close watch on him. Pay close attention to him. drastic: (of actions, etc.) very serious; using unusual force to deal with serious trouble: Only drastic punishment will stop these crimes. extreme: very great: with extreme care. fanatical: like a fanatic: She doesn’t eat enough, because she has a fanatical fear of becoming fat. firm: (of people) strong; determined: a firm ruler. heavy: having more weight, size, force, etc. than usual: heavy rain; heavy losses; a heavy blow. high: great: a high wind; high speed. intense: very powerful or strong: intense heat; intense excitement. keen: (of the feelings) strong: a keen interest in sport. mighty: powerful: a mighty effort. passionate: showing passion: A passionate kiss. profound: (of interest, knowledge, etc.) deep. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe storm; a severe illness; a severe judge. strict: demanding obedience; firm: a strict parent; strict rules. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind, not easily damaged strong paper; strong shoes. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. vivid: (of a memory, a description, a flash of light, etc.) bright and clear. \ See Also مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، قاس (قاسٍ)، عنيف، دقيق، بالغ (بَالِغ)، حازم (حَازِم)، قوي (قويّ)، مشرق (مُشْرِق)‏ \ شَدِيد الاحتِمال \ durable: able to last a long time: Those shoes are durable; they won’t wear out for a long time. \ شَدِيد الانْحِدَار \ peaked: (of a mountain, etc.) having a sharp point. sheer: straight down or up; not sloping: The mountain rose sheer from the lake to a height of 1600 feet. That cliff is almost sheer. steep: sloping sharply; hard to climb: a steep hill. \ شَدِيد الانْحِناء \ sharp: of changing direction quickly: a sharp bend in the road. \ شَدِيد الاهتمام \ keen: eager: He’s a keen player. He’s keen to play. \ شَدِيد البَأْس \ hardy: strong; able to bear bad weather, cold, hard work, etc.. stalwart: strong, brave and dependable: a stalwart supporter; stalwart fighters. \ شَدِيد التحَمّل \ hardy: strong; able to bear bad weather, cold, hard work, etc.. \ شَدِيد جدًّا \ overpowering: (of heat, smells, etc.) too strong; unbearable. \ شَدِيد الحذَر والاحتِراس \ gingerly: very careful(ly), to avoid noise or damage: He stepped gingerly past the sleeping guards. \ شَدِيد الحَساسِيّة \ touchy: easily annoyed; easily hurt (in one’s feelings). \ شَدِيد الرِّعَاية \ protective: that gives protection; having or showing a desire to protect: People who work with dangerous chemicals often need protective clothing. Those people are too protective towards their children. \ See Also الحِمَايَة لِـ \ شَدِيد الرغبة في \ keen on: to be interested in; like: I’m keen on swimming. \ شَدِيد الضَّرَر \ poisonous: containing poison; acting as a poison: That’s a poisonous snake. Some medicines are poisonous if wrongly used. \ See Also سام (سَامّ)‏ \ شَدِيد الطُّمُوح \ pushing: determined to be successful, but annoying others by one’s forceful manner: a pushing young business man. \ شَدِيد العِنَاية \ painstaking: taking a lot of trouble, very careful: A painstaking worker. \ شَدِيد الغَيرَة \ jealous: carefully guarding one’s own things (esp. one’s wife or husband) because one does not trust other people: He’s a jealous husband. He’s jealous of his rights. \ شَدِيد النُّحُول (للنَّاس)‏ \ weedy: (of people) thin and weak: He’s too weedy to be good at sport. \ شَدِيد الهِيَاج \ frantic: wildly excited (with anxiety, joy, pain, etc.). mad: very excited (with anger, pain, etc.): He was mad with joy. \ شَدِيد الوَطْأة \ oppressive: (of hot weather) causing discomfort and low spirits: The air is oppressive just before a thunderstorm. \ شَدِيد الوَقْع \ strong: (of feeling, taste, etc.) deep; noticeable: a strong dislike; a strong smell of coffee; a strong cup of tea (one that has a lot of taste).

    Arabic-English dictionary > شديد

  • 84 flash

    أَبْرَقَ (لَمَع)‏ \ flash. \ أَرْسَلَ بريقًا \ flash: to give a sudden bright light: The lighthouse on the rock flashes twice a minute. He flashed his lamp in my face. \ بَرَزَ \ flash: to appear or move very quickly and suddenly: A thought flashed through my mind. The car flashed past me. \ See Also لمع (لَمَع)، اِنْطَلَق فجأة وبسُرعة \ سَطْعَة \ flash: a sudden bright light.

    Arabic-English glossary > flash

  • 85 Seite

    f; -, -n
    1. side (auch SPORT, MATH., einer Schallplatte, Münze, eines Blattes); auf der rechten / linken Seite fahren MOT. drive on the right / left; auf der anderen Seite des Flusses / Tals etc. on the other side of the river / valley etc.; rechte / linke Seite right-hand / left-hand side; eines Stoffes: right / wrong side; hintere / vordere Seite eines Hauses: back / front; die Seiten wechseln SPORT change ends; auch fig. change sides; an die oder zur Seite gehen step aside; zur Seite schieben auch fig. push aside ( oder out of the way); nach allen Seiten in all directions; von allen Seiten from all around; fig. on all sides; auf der Seite landen land on its side; auf die Seite schaffen, zur Seite legen (auch Geld) put aside; jemanden auf die Seite schaffen umg. get rid of s.o.; von der Seite (missgünstig) ansehen look askance at
    2. (Buchseite etc.) page; auf Seite 12 on page 12; ein Buch auf Seite 32 aufschlagen open a book at page 32; die Seiten umblättern thumb through the pages; gelbe Seiten TELEF. Yellow Pages; Seiten schinden umg. churn out page after page
    3. des Körpers: side; die Arme in die Seiten gestemmt with hands on hips, with arms akimbo; an jemandes Seite at ( oder by) s.o.’s side, sitting etc. next to s.o.; sich an jemandes Seite sehen lassen appear with s.o.; Seite an Seite side by side; jemandem nicht von der Seite gehen oder weichen not leave s.o.’s side; stärker: stick to s.o. like a leech; jemandem zur Seite stehen stand by s.o.; sich auf die Seite legen lie (down) on one’s side; Schiff: heel over on its side; sie ist auf der rechten Seite gelähmt she’s paraly|sed (Am. -zed) on her right side
    4. (Eigenschaft, Charakterzug) side; schwache / starke Seite weak spot / strong point; sich von der besten Seite zeigen show o.s. at one’s best; bewusst: put one’s best foot forward; ganz neue Seiten an jemandem entdecken discover new sides to s.o.’s character; von der Seite kenne ich ihn noch gar nicht I didn’t know that side of him; der Schwarzwald zeigt sich mal wieder von seiner regnerischen Seite the Black Forest is showing how wet it can be; komm mir nicht von ‘der Seite don’t try that one on me
    5. (Aspekt) side; auf der einen Seite..., auf der anderen Seite... on the one hand..., on the other hand...; von dieser Seite betrachtet seen from that angle ( oder standpoint, point of view), seen in that light; von der menschlichen Seite betrachtet from a human standpoint ( oder point of view); einer Sache die beste Seite abgewinnen make the best ( oder most) of s.th.; einer Sache eine komische Seite abgewinnen see the funny side of s.th.; alles hat zwei Seiten there are two sides to everything; auch die andere Seite sehen see the other side (of the argument oder problem)
    6. (Abstammung) von väterlicher / mütterlicher Seite on his ( oder her, my, your, their) father’s / mother’s side
    7. (Partei, Instanz etc.) side; JUR. bei einem Streit: party; jemanden auf seine Seite bringen oder ziehen win s.o. over to one’s side; auf welcher Seite stehst du? whose side are you on?; man sollte immer beide Seiten hören you should always listen to both sides; von offizieller Seite from official quarters; von offizieller Seite bestätigt werden be officially confirmed; von zuverlässiger Seite erfahren learn from a reliable source; von seiner Seite bestehen keine Bedenken there are no objections on his part ( oder as far as he is concerned); aufseiten, vonseiten
    8. EDV, umg. im Internet: site; eine Seite im Internet aufrufen call up a site on the Net ( oder Web), call up a web site
    9. GASTR.: eine Seite Speck a side of bacon
    * * *
    die Seite
    part; point; side; page; dimension
    * * *
    Sei|te ['zaitə]
    f -, -n
    1) (= auch Abstammungslinie, Charakterzug) side

    die hintere/vordere Séíte — the back/front

    zu or auf beiden Séíten des Fensters/des Hauses/der Straße — on both sides of the window/house/street

    mit der Séíte nach vorn — sideways on

    Séíte an Séíte — side by side

    gehen — to walk at or by sb's side, to walk beside sb

    halt dich an meiner Séíte! — stay by my side

    er ging or wich uns nicht von der Séíte — he never left our side

    ich kann mich nicht an Ihrer Séíte zeigen — I can't be seen with you

    jdn von der Séíte ansehen — to give sb a sidelong glance

    auf die or zur Séíte gehen or treten — to step aside

    an der Séíte (einer Reihe) sitzen — to sit at the end (of a row)

    zur Séíte sprechen/sehen — to speak/look to one side

    zur Séíte (Theat)aside

    die Séíten wechseln (Sport) — to change ends or over; (fig) to change sides

    jdn auf seine Séíte bringen or ziehen (fig)to get sb on one's side

    auf einer Séíte gelähmt sein — to be paralyzed down one side

    die Hände in die Séíten gestemmt — with arms akimbo, with one's hands on one's hips

    jedes Ding or alles hat zwei Séíten — there are two sides to everything

    jdm zur Séíte stehen (fig)to stand by sb's side

    Séíte stehen or sein (fig)to be on sb's side

    das Recht ist auf ihrer Séíte — she has right on her side

    etw auf die Séíte legen (lit, fig) — to put sth on one side, to put sth aside

    etw zur Séíte or auf die Séíte schaffen (inf)to help oneself to sth

    jdn zur Séíte or auf die Séíte schaffen (inf)to get rid of sb

    jdn zur Séíte nehmen — to take sb aside or on one side

    auf der einen Séíte..., auf der anderen (Séíte)... — on the one hand..., on the other (hand)...

    jds starke Séíte — sb's forte, sb's strong point

    jds schwache Séíte — sb's weakness, sb's weak spot

    sich von seiner besten Séíte zeigen — to show oneself at one's best

    neue Séíten an jdm/etw entdecken — to discover new sides to sb/sth

    von dieser Séíte kenne ich ihn gar nicht — I didn't know that side of him

    die beste Séíte abgewinnen — to make the best of sth


    (= Richtung) von allen Séíten (lit, fig)from all sides

    nach allen Séíten auseinandergehen — to scatter in all directions

    sich nach allen Séíten umsehen — to look around on all sides

    sich nach allen Séíten vergewissern — to check up on all sides

    das habe ich von einer anderen Séíte erfahren (fig)I heard it from another source or from elsewhere

    er erfuhr es von dritter Séíte (fig)he heard it from a third party

    bisher wurden von keiner Séíte Einwände erhoben — so far no objections have been voiced from any quarter

    die Behauptung wurde von keiner Séíte bestritten — nobody challenged the claim

    die Behauptung wurde von allen/beiden Séíten bestritten — the claim was challenged by all/both parties

    von meiner Séíte aus (fig)on my part

    von kirchlicher Séíte (aus) — on the part of the church

    3) (= Buchseite, Zeitungsseite) page

    die erste/letzte Séíte — the first/last page; (von Zeitung) the front/back page

    * * *
    1) (one side of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine etc: page ninety-four; a three-page letter.) page
    2) (an aspect or view of a subject: There are several facets to this question.) facet
    3) ((the ground beside) an edge, border or boundary line: He walked round the side of the field; He lives on the same side of the street as me.) side
    4) (a surface of something: A cube has six sides.) side
    5) (one of the two of such surfaces which are not the top, bottom, front, or back: There is a label on the side of the box.) side
    6) (either surface of a piece of paper, cloth etc: Don't waste paper - write on both sides!) side
    7) (the right or left part of the body: I've got a pain in my side.) side
    8) (a point of view; an aspect: We must look at all sides of the problem.) side
    9) (the position or point of view of a person not actually taking part in a sport, argument etc: He threw in the occasional suggestion from the sidelines.) sidelines
    * * *
    <-, -n>
    die hintere/vordere/obere/untere \Seite the back/front/top/bottom
    etw auf die \Seite legen to put sth on its side
    das ist die andere \Seite der Medaille (fig) that's the other side of the coin fig
    alles hat [seine] zwei \Seiten there's two sides to everything
    die A-/B-\Seite einer Schallplatte the A-/B-side of a record
    die bedruckte \Seite des Stoffes the printed side of the material
    4. (Blatt eines Buches, Hefts) page; (Fläche eines Blattes) side; (in Buch, Heft) page
    aus dem Buch wurden einige \Seiten herausgerissen some pages have been torn out of the book
    ich habe fünf \Seiten geschrieben I've written five sides
    eine \Seite aufschlagen to open at a page
    die erste \Seite (Buch) the first page; (Zeitung) the front page
    gelbe \Seiten (Branchenverzeichnis) Yellow Pages
    jdn von der \Seite ansehen (a. fig) to look at sb from the side, to look askance at sb fig
    auf der rechten \Seite gelähmt sein to be paralyzed on one's right [or right[-hand] side
    zur \Seite sprechen to speak to one side; THEAT to make an aside
    sieh doch mal zur \Seite look beside you
    gehen wir auf die andere \Seite let's cross the street
    auf [o zu] beiden \Seiten einer S. gen on both sides of sth
    8. (aus dem Weg, beiseite)
    zur \Seite aside
    zur \Seite gehen [o (geh) treten] to step aside
    jdn zur \Seite nehmen to take sb aside
    die österreichische \Seite der Alpen the Austrian part of the Alps
    10. (Richtung) side
    die Bühne ist nur nach einer \Seite offen the stage is only open on one side
    nach allen \Seiten in all directions
    12. (Aspekt) side
    auf der einen \Seite..., auf der anderen [\Seite]... on the one hand,..., on the other [hand],...
    etw von der heiteren \Seite sehen to look on the bright side [of sth]
    etw dat eine komische \Seite abgewinnen to see the funny side of sth
    13. (Wesen, Verhalten) side
    das ist ja eine ganz neue \Seite an dir that's a whole new side to you
    sich akk von seiner besten \Seite zeigen to show oneself at one's best, to be on one's best behaviour
    neue \Seiten an jdm entdecken to discover new sides to sb
    jds schwache \Seite sein (Unzulänglichkeit) to be sb's weakness [or (fam) weak point]; (einen starken Reiz darstellen) to be tempting for sb
    jds starke \Seite sein (fam) to be sb's forte [or strong point
    14. (Partei) side, party
    von allen \Seiten from everywhere [or all sides]
    das Abkommen wurde von allen \Seiten bestätigt the agreement was confirmed by all
    von dritter \Seite from a third party
    die \Seiten wechseln SPORT to change ends; (zu jdm übergehen) to change sides
    15. (Standpunkt) side
    von jds \Seite [aus] as far as sb is concerned
    von meiner \Seite gibt es keine Einwände there are no objections on my part
    etw von einer bestimmten \Seite betrachten to see sth from a certain point of view
    jdn auf seine \Seite bringen [o ziehen] to get sb on one's side
    sich akk auf jds \Seite schlagen to change over to sb's side
    auf jds \Seite stehen [o sein] to be on sb's side
    von bestimmter \Seite from certain circles
    von kirchlicher/offizieller \Seite from ecclesiastical/official sources
    von mütterlicher \Seite her from the maternal side
    an jds \Seite with sb
    sie lebte sehr glücklich an der \Seite ihres Mannes she was very happy living with her husband
    \Seite an \Seite side by side
    [jdm] nicht von der \Seite gehen [o weichen] to not leave [sb's] side
    Geld auf die \Seite legen to put some money on one side [or aside]
    an jds grüner \Seite sitzen (hum) to sit by sb
    etw auf die \Seite schaffen (fam) to pocket sth
    jdn auf die \Seite schaffen (sl) to bump sb off sl
    jdm zur \Seite springen (fam) to jump to sb's assistance [or aid]
    jdm zur \Seite stehen to stand by sb
    jdn jdm an die \Seite stellen to give sb to sb as support
    * * *
    die; Seite, Seiten
    1) side

    auf od. zu beiden Seiten der Straße/des Tores — on both sides of the road/gate

    die hintere/vordere Seite — the back/front

    zur od. auf die Seite gehen od. treten — move aside or to one side; move out of the way

    etwas auf die Seite schaffen(ugs.) help oneself to something

    etwas auf die Seite legen(ugs.): (sparen) put something away or aside

    alles od. jedes Ding hat seine zwei Seiten — (fig.) there are two sides to everything

    2) (Richtung) side

    von allen Seiten(auch fig.) from all sides

    nach allen Seiten — in all directions; (fig.) on all sides

    3) (BuchSeite, ZeitungsSeite) page
    4) (Eigenschaft, Aspekt) side

    auf der einen Seite,... auf der anderen Seite... — on the one hand... on the other hand...

    etwas ist jemandes schwache Seite(ugs.) something is not exactly somebody's forte; (ist jemandes Schwäche) somebody has a weakness for something

    jemandes starke Seite sein(ugs.) be somebody's forte or strong point

    5) (Partei) side

    sich auf jemandes Seite (Akk.) schlagen — take somebody's side

    auf jemandes Seite stehen od. sein — be on somebody's side

    jemanden auf seine Seite bringen od. ziehen — win somebody over

    auf/von Seiten der Direktion — on/from the management side

    von anderer Seite verlautete, dass... — it was learned from other sources that...

    6) (Familie) side
    * * *
    Seite f; -, -n
    1. side ( auch SPORT, MATH, einer Schallplatte, Münze, eines Blattes);
    auf der rechten/linken Seite fahren AUTO drive on the right/left;
    auf der anderen Seite des Flusses/Tals etc on the other side of the river/valley etc;
    rechte/linke Seite right-hand/left-hand side; eines Stoffes: right/wrong side;
    hintere/vordere Seite eines Hauses: back/front;
    die Seiten wechseln SPORT change ends; auch fig change sides;
    zur Seite gehen step aside;
    zur Seite schieben auch fig push aside ( oder out of the way);
    nach allen Seiten in all directions;
    von allen Seiten from all around; fig on all sides;
    auf der Seite landen land on its side;
    auf die Seite schaffen, zur Seite legen (auch Geld) put aside;
    ansehen look askance at
    2. (Buchseite etc) page;
    auf Seite 12 on page 12;
    ein Buch auf Seite 32 aufschlagen open a book at page 32;
    die Seiten umblättern thumb through the pages;
    Gelbe Seiten TEL Yellow Pages;
    Seiten schinden umg churn out page after page
    3. des Körpers: side;
    die Arme in die Seiten gestemmt with hands on hips, with arms akimbo;
    an jemandes Seite at ( oder by) sb’s side, sitting etc next to sb;
    Seite an Seite side by side;
    weichen not leave sb’s side; stärker: stick to sb like a leech;
    sich auf die Seite legen lie (down) on one’s side; Schiff: heel over on its side;
    sie ist auf der rechten Seite gelähmt she’s paralysed (US -zed) on her right side
    4. (Eigenschaft, Charakterzug) side;
    schwache/starke Seite weak spot/strong point;
    sich von der besten Seite zeigen show o.s. at one’s best; bewusst: put one’s best foot forward;
    ganz neue Seiten an jemandem entdecken discover new sides to sb’s character;
    von der Seite kenne ich ihn noch gar nicht I didn’t know that side of him;
    der Schwarzwald zeigt sich mal wieder von seiner regnerischen Seite the Black Forest is showing how wet it can be;
    komm mir nicht von ’der Seite don’t try that one on me
    5. (Aspekt) side;
    auf der einen Seite …, auf der anderen Seite … on the one hand …, on the other hand …;
    von dieser Seite betrachtet seen from that angle ( oder standpoint, point of view), seen in that light;
    von der menschlichen Seite betrachtet from a human standpoint ( oder point of view);
    einer Sache die beste Seite abgewinnen make the best ( oder most) of sth;
    einer Sache eine komische Seite abgewinnen see the funny side of sth;
    alles hat zwei Seiten there are two sides to everything;
    auch die andere Seite sehen see the other side (of the argument oder problem)
    von väterlicher/mütterlicher Seite on his ( oder her, my, your, their) father’s/mother’s side
    7. (Partei, Instanz etc) side; JUR bei einem Streit: party;
    ziehen win sb over to one’s side;
    auf welcher Seite stehst du? whose side are you on?;
    man sollte immer beide Seiten hören you should always listen to both sides;
    von offizieller Seite from official quarters;
    von offizieller Seite bestätigt werden be officially confirmed;
    von zuverlässiger Seite erfahren learn from a reliable source;
    von seiner Seite bestehen keine Bedenken there are no objections on his part ( oder as far as he is concerned); aufseiten, vonseiten
    8. IT, umg im Internet: site;
    eine Seite im Internet aufrufen call up a site on the Net ( oder Web), call up a web site
    9. GASTR:
    eine Seite Speck a side of bacon
    * * *
    die; Seite, Seiten
    1) side

    auf od. zu beiden Seiten der Straße/des Tores — on both sides of the road/gate

    die hintere/vordere Seite — the back/front

    zur od. auf die Seite gehen od. treten — move aside or to one side; move out of the way

    etwas auf die Seite schaffen(ugs.) help oneself to something

    etwas auf die Seite legen(ugs.): (sparen) put something away or aside

    alles od. jedes Ding hat seine zwei Seiten — (fig.) there are two sides to everything

    2) (Richtung) side

    von allen Seiten(auch fig.) from all sides

    nach allen Seiten — in all directions; (fig.) on all sides

    3) (BuchSeite, ZeitungsSeite) page
    4) (Eigenschaft, Aspekt) side

    auf der einen Seite,... auf der anderen Seite... — on the one hand... on the other hand...

    etwas ist jemandes schwache Seite(ugs.) something is not exactly somebody's forte; (ist jemandes Schwäche) somebody has a weakness for something

    jemandes starke Seite sein(ugs.) be somebody's forte or strong point

    5) (Partei) side

    sich auf jemandes Seite (Akk.) schlagen — take somebody's side

    auf jemandes Seite stehen od. sein — be on somebody's side

    jemanden auf seine Seite bringen od. ziehen — win somebody over

    auf/von Seiten der Direktion — on/from the management side

    von anderer Seite verlautete, dass... — it was learned from other sources that...

    6) (Familie) side
    * * *
    -n f.
    aspect n.
    page n.
    side n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Seite

  • 86 हरि _hari

    हरि a. [हृ-इन्]
    1 Green, greenish-yellow; हरिता हरिभिः शष्पैरिन्द्रगोपैश्च लोहिताः Bhāg.1.2.11.
    -2 Tawny, bay, reddish-brown (कपिल); हरियुग्यं रथं तस्मै प्रजिघाय पुरंदरः R. 12.84;3.43.
    -3 Yellow; महोरगवराहाद्य हरिकेश विभो जय Mb.6.65.52;3.42.7.
    -रिः 1 N. of Viṣṇu; हरिर्यथैकः- पुरुषोत्तमः स्मृतः R.3.49.
    -2 N. of Indra; प्रजिधाय समाधि- भेदिनीं हरिरस्मै हरिणीं सुराङ्गनाम् R.8.79;3.55,68.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -4 N. of Brahman.
    -5 N. of Yama.
    -6 The sun; एवं स्तुतः स भगवान् वाजिरूपधरो हरिः Bhāg.12. 6.73.
    -7 The moon.
    -8 A man.
    -9 A ray of light.
    -1 Fire.
    -11 Wind; तासां तु वचनं श्रुत्वा हरिः परमकोपनः । प्रविश्य सर्वगात्राणि बभञ्ज भगवान् प्रभुः ॥ Rām.1.32.23.
    -12 A lion; करिणामरिणा हरिणा हरिणाली हन्यतां नु कथम् Bv.1. 5,51.
    -13 A horse; ततः कदाचिद्धरिसंप्रयुक्तं महेन्द्रवाहं सहसोपयातम् Mb.3.165.1; Śukra.4.946.
    -14 A horse of Indra; सत्यमतीत्य हरितो हरींश्च वर्तन्ते वाजिनः Ś.1;7.7.
    -15 An ape, a monkey; व्रयर्थं यत्र कपीन्द्रसख्यमपि मे वीर्यं हरीणां वृथा U.3.45; शत्रुर्वर्जधरात्मजेन हरिणा घोरेण घानिष्यते Mv. 4.6; R.12.57.
    -16 The cuckoo.
    -17 A frog.
    -18 A parrot.
    -19 A snake.
    -2 The tawny green or yellow colour.
    -21 A peacock.
    -22 N. of the poet Bhartṛihari.
    -23 The sign of the zodiac, Leo.
    -24 An organ of sense (इन्द्रिय); युक्ता ह्यस्य हरयः शता दशेति Bṛi. Up.2.5. 19.
    -Comp. -अक्षः 1 a lion....... हर्यक्षसमविक्रमान् Śiva B.31.53.
    -2 N. of Kubera.
    -3 of Śiva; सशूलमिव हर्यक्षं वने मत्तमिव द्विपम् Mb.9.12.3.
    -4 N. of an Asura (हिरण्याक्ष); एवं गदाभ्यां गुर्वीभ्यां हर्यक्षो हरिरेव च Bhāg.3.18. 18.
    -अश्वः 1 Indra; हयाश्च हर्यश्वतुरंगवर्णाः Bhāg.8.15.5.
    -2 Śiva.
    -कान्त a.
    1 dear to Indra.
    -2 beautiful as a lion.
    -केलीयः the country called वङ्ग q. v.
    -केशः N. of Śiva; हरिकेशस्तथेत्युक्त्वा भूतानां दोषदर्शिवान् Mb.1. 17.11.
    -गणः a troop of horses.
    -गन्धम् a kind of sandal.
    -गोपकः cochineal.
    -चन्दनः, -नम् 1 a kind of yellow sandal (the wood or tree); ततः प्रकोष्ठे हरिचन्दना- ङ्किते R.3.59;6.6; Ś.7.2; Ku.5.59.
    -2 one of the five trees of paradise; पञ्चैते देवतरवो मन्दारः पारिजातकः । संतानः कल्पवृक्षश्च पुंसि वा हरिचन्दनम् ॥ Ak.
    (-नम्) 1 moon- light.
    -2 saffron.
    -3 the filament of a lotus.
    -चापः, -पम् a rainbow.
    -तालः (by some regarded as derived from हरित) a kind of yellow-coloured pigeon. (
    -लम्) yellow orpiment; अचल एष भवानिव राजते स हरितालसमान- नवांशुकः Śi.4.21; Ku.7.23,33; पारदं हारतालं च...... Siva B.3.19; H. D.1.
    (-ली) 1 the Dūrvā grass.
    -2 a streak or line in the sky.
    -3 = हरितालिका (1).
    -तालकः a kind of yellow-coloured pigeon.
    (-कम्) 1 yellow orpiment.
    -2 a theatrical decoration.
    -तालिका 1 the third day of the bright half of Bhādrapada.
    -2 the Dūrvā plant.
    -तुंरगमः N. of Indra.
    -दासः a wor- shipper or votary of Viṣṇu.
    -दिनम् the 11th day (एकादशी) in a fortnight sacred to Viṣṇu.
    -दिश् f. 'Indra's quarter', the east.
    -देवः the asterism Śrāvaṇa.
    -द्रवः 1 a green fluid.
    -2 powder of the blossoms of the Nāgakeśara tree.
    -द्रुः a tree.
    -द्वारम् N. of a cele- brated Tīrtha or sacred bathing-place.
    -नेत्रम् 1 the eye of Viṣṇu.
    -2 the white lotus. (
    -त्रः) an owl.
    -पदम् the vernal equinox.
    -पर्णम् a radish.
    -प्रियः 1 the Kadamba tree.
    -2 a conch-shell.
    -3 a fool.
    -4 a madman.
    -5 Śiva.
    (-यम्) 1 the root Uśīra.
    -2 a sort of sandal.
    -प्रिया 1 Lakṣmī.
    -2 the sacred basil.
    -3 the earth.
    -4 the twelfth day of a lunar fortnight.
    -बीजम् yellow orpiment.
    -भक्तः a worshipper of Viṣṇu.
    -भुज् m. a snake.
    -मन्थः, -मन्थकः a chick-pea; Śukra.4.969.
    -मेधः, -मेधस् m. N. of Viṣṇu; नमो विशुद्धसत्त्वाय हरये हरिमेधसे Bhāg.4.3.24;11.29.45.
    -रोमन् a. having fair hair on the body, very young; सुवर्णशिरसो$प्यत्र हरिरोम्णः प्रगायतः Mb.5.11. 12 (com. हरिरोम्णः अपलितस्य नित्यतरुणस्येत्यर्थः).
    -लोचनः 1 a crab.
    -2 an owl.
    -वंशः N. of a celebrated work by Vyāsa supplementary to the Mahābhārata.
    -वर्षः N. of one of the nine divisions of Jambudvīpa.
    -वल्लभा 1 Lakṣmī.
    -2 the sacred basil.
    -वासरः 'Viṣṇu's day', the eleventh day of a lunar fortnight (एकादशी).
    -वाहनः 1 Garuḍa.
    -2 Indra.
    -3 N. of the sun. ˚दिश् f. the east; अलकसंयमनादिव लोचने हरीत मे हरिवाहनदिङ्मुखम् V.3.6.
    -वीजम् yellow orpiment.
    -शरः> an epithet of Śiva (Viṣṇu having served Śiva as the shaft which burnt down 'the three cities' or cities of the demon Tripura).
    -सखः a Gandharva; सपदि हरिसखैर्वधूनिदेशाद्ध्वनितमनो- रमवल्लकीमृद्गैः Ki.1.18.
    -संकीर्तनम् repeating the name of Viṣṇu.
    -सुतः, -सूनुः N. of Arjuna.
    -हयः 1 Indra; रक्षसां रुवतां रावं श्रुत्वा हरिहयानुजः Rām.7.7.41; हरिहयाग्रसरेण धनुर्भृता R.9.12.
    -2 the sun.
    -3 N. of Skanda.
    -4 of Gaṇeśa.
    -हरः a particular form of deity consisting of Viṣṇu and Śiva conjoined; see हरेश्वरः. ˚आत्मकः
    1 N. of Garuḍa.
    -2 of Śiva's bull.
    -हेतिः f.
    1 the rain-bow; कथमवलोकयेयमधुना हरिहेतिमतीः (ककुभः) Māl.9.18.
    -2 the discus of Viṣṇu. ˚हूतिः the ruddy goose; हरिहेतिहूति मिथुनं पततोः Śi.9.15.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > हरि _hari

  • 87 гледам

    1. look (at), watch
    гледам втренчено look fixedly, stare, gaze (at)
    гледам в (очи, огледало, пропаст и пр.) look into
    гледам насам-натам (при търсене на нещо) cast o.'s eyes about, look about
    гледам напред/назад look ahead/backward
    гледам напред/назад към look forward/backward to
    гледам право пред себе си look straight before one/in front of one
    гледам нагоре/надолу/настрана look upwards/downwards/sidewards
    гледам надалече look/stare/gaze into the distance
    гледам под очи squint (at)
    гледам с любопитство look/gaze curiously (at)
    гледам учуден look on amazed
    гледам с широко отворени очи stare with wide open eyes
    гледам зверски/свирепо glare (at)
    (представление, филм) see
    гледам телевизия look at/watch television
    разг. view
    гледам часовника си/речник look at/consult o.'s watch/a dictionary
    гледам футболен мач watch a football match
    аз не играя, а само гледам I'm not playing, I'm just watching
    гледам по улицата look up/down/along the street
    гледам от прозореца look from/out of the window
    гледам през прозореца (отвън) look in at the window
    гледам през дупката на ключалката look through/in at a keyhole
    гледам от врата look out at a door
    гледам през река look out across a river
    гледам към морето look out to sea
    гледам вълните look out at the waves
    гледам небето look out into/at the sky
    гледам в земята look down at the ground
    гледам от голяма височина look down from a great height
    гледам град (от височина) look down on a city
    гледам гърлото на (за лекар) look down s.o.'s throat
    гледам в пропаст look into an abyss
    гледам с лупа/бинокъл look through a magnifying glass/through binoculars
    гледам под микроскоп look at/examine under a/the microscope, watch under the microscope
    гледам да не кипне млякото see the milk doesn't boil over
    2. (обърнат съм към-за сграда, прозорец и пр.) face, look out (on), look on (to), give on/upon, overlook
    стаята гледа към площада the room looks on to the square
    прозорецът гледа към градината the window looks on to/into the garden
    оръдието гледа на север the gun points to the north
    3. (грижа се за) look after, take care of, watch, tend, attend, mind, nurse
    гледам болен nurse/tend/attend a sick person, nurse s.o. in sickness
    (за лекар) attend/treat a patient
    гледам болен, докато оздравее nurse/pull a sick person through an illness
    гледам деца look after/take care of children
    гледай децата, докато ме няма mind the children/look after the children while I'm away
    гледам добитък (отглеждам) keep/raise cattle
    (пазя) look after/tend/watch cattle
    гледам (добитък, растения) през зимата winter
    гледам домакинството/къщата на manage s.o.'s household
    keep house for s.o.
    разг. do for s.o.
    гледам си живота live well, enjoy life
    гледам си здравето take care of/attend to o.'s health
    гледам си интереса consult o.'s interest
    гледам си интересите take care of/advance/consider o.'s (personal) interests
    гледам си кефа take it easy, enjoy life
    гледам къщата look after the house, manage the household, keep the house
    гледам си работата attend to/get on with/go ahead with o.'s business, attend to o.'s work; stick to o.'s business/job
    гледай си работата get on with your work
    гледам си всекидневната работа go about o.'s daily work
    гледам собствената си работа (не се меся в работи, от които не разбирам нищо) attend to o.'s own business, stick to o.'s last
    гледам си работите go about o.'s (own) affairs
    не си гледам работата be negligent of/be careless about
    * * *
    1. look (at), watch; \гледам в ( очи, огледало, пропаст и пр.) look into; (само като зрител) look on; \гледам в земята look down at the ground; \гледам в пропаст look into an abyss; \гледам втренчено look fixedly, stare, gaze (at); \гледам вълните look out at the waves; \гледам град (от височина) look down on a city; \гледам гърлото на (за лекар) look down s.o.’s throat; \гледам зверски/свирепо glare (at); ( представление, филм) see; \гледам към морето look out to sea; \гледам нагоре/надолу/настрана look upwards/downwards/side-wards; \гледам надалече look/stare/gaze into the distance; \гледам напред/назад look ahead/back(ward); \гледам насам-натам ( при търсене на нещо) cast o.’s eyes about, look about; \гледам небето look out into/at the sky; \гледам от врата look out at a door; \гледам от голяма височина look down from a great height; \гледам от прозореца look from/out of the window; \гледам по улицата look up/down/along the street; \гледам под микроскоп look at/examine under a/the microscope, watch under the microscope; \гледам под очи squint (at); \гледам право пред себе си look straight before one/in front of one; \гледам през дупката на ключалката look through/in at a keyhole; \гледам през прозореца ( отвън) look in at the window; \гледам през река look out across a river; \гледам с лупа/бинокъл look through a magnifying glass/through binoculars; \гледам с любопитство look/gaze curiously (at); \гледам с широко отворени очи stare with wide open eyes; \гледам телевизия look at/watch television; разг. view; \гледам учуден look on amazed; \гледам часовника си/речник look at/consult o.’s watch/a dictionary;
    2. ( обърнат съм към за сграда, прозорец и пр.) face, look out (on), look on (to), give on/upon, overlook; балконът гледа към морето the balcony overlooks/gives onto the sea; къщата гледа на изток the house faces east; оръдието гледа на север the gun points to the north; прозорецът гледа към градината the window looks on to/into the garden; стаята гледа към площада the room looks on to/gives onto the square;
    3. ( грижа се за) look after, take care of, watch, tend, attend, mind, nurse; всеки гледа себе си charity begins at home; гледай децата, докато ме няма mind the children/look after the children while I’m away; гледай си работата get on with your work; \гледам болен nurse/tend/attend a sick person, nurse s.o. in sickness; (за лекар) attend/treat a patient; \гледам болен, докато оздравее nurse/pull a sick person through an illness; \гледам всекидневната си работа go about o.’s daily work; \гледам деца look after/take care of children; \гледам добитък ( отглеждам) keep/raise cattle; ( пазя) look after/tend/watch cattle; \гледам домакинството/къщата на manage s.o.’s household; keep house for s.o.; разг. do for s.o.; \гледам живота си live well, enjoy life; \гледам здравето си take care of/attend to o.’s health; \гледам интереса си consult o.’s interest; \гледам интересите си take care of/advance/consider o.’s (personal) interests; \гледам кефа си take it easy, enjoy life; \гледам къщата look after the house, manage the household, keep the house; \гледам работата си attend to/get on with/go ahead with o.’s business, attend to o.’s work; stick to o.’s business/job; \гледам работите си go about o.’s (own) affairs; \гледам собствената си работа (не се меся в работи, от които не разбирам нищо) attend to o.’s own business, stick to o.’s last; не \гледам работата си be negligent of/be careless about o.’s work;
    4. ( уповавам се) look (на to), rely (on); всички на мене гледат they all rely on me;
    5. ( опитвам се, правя всичко, полагам усилия) try, attempt (да to с inf.), see to it that; гледай да дойдеш try and come; гледай да се държиш по-добре try and behave better; гледай да не закъснееш try not to be late; mind you are not late; \гледам да минава времето beguile the time; \гледам да направя нещо try to do s.th.; \гледам да не take care/be careful not to; know better that to (с inf.);
    6. ( гадая, врачувам): \гледам на карти read the cards; \гледам на карти/на кафе tell fortunes/s.o.’s fortune by cards/by the coffee-grounds; \гледам на ръка read s.o.’s hand;
    7. ( смятам за, имам отношение към) regard, consider; аз \гледам на него като на много опасен човек I look upon him as/I regard him as/I consider him to be a very dangerous man; \гледам благосклонно/зряло/иначе/леко/мрачно/несериозно/оптимистично/сериозно/снизходително/спокойно/строго/трагично/трезво/широко на take a favourable/mature/different/light/gloomy/frivolous/rosy/grave/lenient/calm/strict/tragic/sober/wide view of; \гледам благосклонно на look with favour on; \гледам леко на take lightly, make light of; \гледам на някого като на look upon s.o. as; \гледам отвисоко на look down on, look down o.’s nose at; \гледам на нещата откъм мрачната им страна look on the dark/gloomy side (of things), take the gloomy view; \гледам на нещата откъм светлата им страна look on the bright/sunny side (of things); \гледам надалече take long views, take the long view; \гледам по-далече от look beyond; \гледам с безпокойство/тревога на view with concern/alarm; \гледам с уважение/страхопочитание/ужас на regard with respect/awe/horror; \гледам спокойно на look on calmly; как гледаш на това? what do you think of it? how does it strike you? не \гледам надалече take short views;
    8. ( дело) try, hear; делото ми се гледа (за обвиняем) stand o.’s trial; • гледай го ти него! cheeky fellow! гледай си работата don’t worry, have no fear, (не се бъркай) mind your own business; гледай ти беля! what a nuisance! \гледам, без да виждам stare with unseeing eyes, stare at nothing/into space; \гледам да видя watch out to see ( дали if); \гледам как и как да study ways and means of (с ger.); \гледам къде стъпвам watch o.’s steps; \гледам на бъдещето с увереност face the future with confidence; \гледам през пръсти на be negligent of, be careless about; \гледам с други очи на take a different view of, look with another eye on; \гледам с очите на някого view with s.o.’s eyes; \гледам с четири очи ( внимавам) keep o.’s eyes open/skinned, ( горя от нетърпение) burn with impatience (да to), ( очаквам с нетърпение) look forward to (с ger.); \гледам (съдя) по go by; зная да \гледам use o.’s eyes; както и да се гледа by any standard(s); кой ти гледа? who cares? къде си гледал? ( измамили са те) you’ve been had, ( направил си грешка) where were your eyes? you’ve been careless; не мога да \гледам not be able to stand the sight of; не му \гледам много draw no fine distinctions, not be over particular; не гледай какво казват другите don’t mind what other people say; не го гледай него you can’t go by him/don’t mind him; само гледай you watch; тебе гледа, мене види be cockeyed; я гледай, гледай ти well, well! tut-tut! can you beat it! what do you know! well, I never! I’ll be damned!;
    \гледам се 1. ( оглеждам се в огледало) look at o.s.;
    2. ( грижа се за себе си) take care of o.s., look after o.s.
    * * *
    manage (работа): гледам your own business! - Гледай си работата! eye; look: Watch out, the teacher's гледамing at you! - Внимавай, учителката те гледа.; look on; regard(втренчено); view
    * * *
    1. (грижа се за) look after, take care of, watch, tend, attend, mind, nurse 2. (за лекар) attend/treat a patient 3. (обърнат съм към - за сграда, прозорец и пр.) face, look out (on), look on (to), give on/upon, overlook 4. (пазя) look after/tend/ watch cattle 5. (представление, филм) see 6. (само като зрител) look on 7. keep house for s. о. 8. look (at), watch 9. ГЛЕДАМ (добитък, растения) през зимата winter 10. ГЛЕДАМ болен nurse/tend/ attend a sick person, nurse s. о. in sickness 11. ГЛЕДАМ болен, докато оздравее nurse/pull a sick person through an illness 12. ГЛЕДАМ в (очи, огледало, пропаст и пр.) look into 13. ГЛЕДАМ в земята look down at the ground 14. ГЛЕДАМ в пропаст look into an abyss 15. ГЛЕДАМ втренчено look fixedly, stare, gaze (at) 16. ГЛЕДАМ вълните look out at the waves 17. ГЛЕДАМ град (от височина) look down on a city 18. ГЛЕДАМ гърлото на (за лекар) look down s.o.'s throat 19. ГЛЕДАМ да не кипне млякото see the milk doesn't boil over 20. ГЛЕДАМ деца look after/take care of children 21. ГЛЕДАМ добитък (отглеждам) keep/raise cattle 22. ГЛЕДАМ домакинството/къщата на manage s. o.'s household 23. ГЛЕДАМ зверски/свирепо glare (at) 24. ГЛЕДАМ към морето look out to sea 25. ГЛЕДАМ къщата look after the house, manage the household, keep the house 26. ГЛЕДАМ нагоре/надолу/ настрана look upwards/downwards/sidewards 27. ГЛЕДАМ надалече look/stare/gaze into the distance 28. ГЛЕДАМ напред/назад look ahead/backward) 29. ГЛЕДАМ напред/назад към look forward/backward to 30. ГЛЕДАМ насам-натам (при търсене на нещо) cast o.'s eyes about, look about 31. ГЛЕДАМ небето look out into/at the sky 32. ГЛЕДАМ от врата look out at a door 33. ГЛЕДАМ от голяма височина look down from a great height 34. ГЛЕДАМ от прозореца look from/out of the window 35. ГЛЕДАМ пo улицата look up/down/along the street 36. ГЛЕДАМ под микроскоп look at/examine under a/the microscope, watch under the microscope 37. ГЛЕДАМ под очи squint (at) 38. ГЛЕДАМ право пред себе си look straight before one/in front of one 39. ГЛЕДАМ през дупката на ключалката look through/in at a keyhole 40. ГЛЕДАМ през прозореца (отвън) look in at the window 41. ГЛЕДАМ през река look out across a river 42. ГЛЕДАМ с лупа/бинокъл look through a magnifying glass/through binoculars 43. ГЛЕДАМ с любопитство look/gaze curiously (at) 44. ГЛЕДАМ с широко отворени очи stare with wide open eyes 45. ГЛЕДАМ си всекидневната работа go about o.'s daily work 46. ГЛЕДАМ си живота live well, enjoy life 47. ГЛЕДАМ си здравето take care of/ attend to o.'s health 48. ГЛЕДАМ си интереса consult o.'s interest 49. ГЛЕДАМ си интересите take care of/ advance/consider o.'s (personal) interests 50. ГЛЕДАМ си кефа take it easy, enjoy life 51. ГЛЕДАМ си работата attend to/ get on with/go ahead with o.'s business, attend to o.'s work;stick to o.'s business/job 52. ГЛЕДАМ си работите go about o.'s (own) affairs 53. ГЛЕДАМ собствената си работа (не се меся в работи, от които не разбирам нищо) attend to o.'s own business, stick to o.'s last 54. ГЛЕДАМ телевизия look at/watch television 55. ГЛЕДАМ учуден look on amazed 56. ГЛЕДАМ футболен мач watch a football match 57. ГЛЕДАМ часовника си/речник look at/consult o.'s watch/a dictionary 58. аз не играя, а само ГЛЕДАМ I'm not playing, I'm just watching 59. балконът гледа към морето the balcony overlooks the sea 60. гледай децата, докато ме няма mind the children/look after the children while I'm away 61. гледай си работата get on with your work 62. къщата гледа към улицата the house faces the street 63. къщата гледа на изток the house faces east 64. не си ГЛЕДАМ работата be negligent of/be careless about 65. оръдието гледа на север the gun points to the north 66. прозорецът гледа към градината the window looks on to/into the garden 67. разг. do for s. о. 68. разг. view 69. стаята гледа към площада the room looks on to the square

    Български-английски речник > гледам

  • 88 candeo

    candeo, ui, 2, v. n. [Sanscr candami, to be light; candra, the moon; connected with caneo as ardeo with areo], to be brilliant, glittering, to shine, glitter, glisten (cf. candidus and albus; mostly poet.).
    Verb finit.:

    candet ebur soliis collucent pocula mensae,

    Cat. 64, 45:

    ubi canderet vestis,

    Hor. S. 2, 6, 103:

    stellarum turba crasso lumine candet,

    Manil. 1, 753. —
    Part. and P. a.: candens, entis, = candidus, shining. dazzling, white, bright, glowing:

    candens lacteus umor,

    the bright, milky fluid, Lucr. 1, 259:


    id. 2, 767:

    lucidus aër,

    id. 4, 341:

    lumen solis,

    id. 6, 1196:


    id. 5, 720:


    Vitr. 9, 4:


    Tib. 4, 1, 65.— Comp.:

    candentior Phoebus,

    Val. Fl. 3, 481.— Sup.:

    sidus candentissimum,

    Sol. 52.—
    Esp., = albus, white:

    ut candens videatur et album,

    Lucr. 2, 771:


    Cat. 64, 318:


    Tib. 1, 8, 33:


    Hor. C. 1, 2, 31:


    Verg. A. 4, 61:


    id. ib. 5, 236:

    cygnus candenti corpore,

    id. ib. 9, 563:

    candenti elephanto,

    i. e. ivory, id. ib. 6, 895:


    Hor. S. 1, 5, 26:


    Ov. M. 12, 411:

    candida de nigris et de candentibus atra facere,

    id. ib. 11, 315 al.—
    Transf., to glow with heat, be glowing hot (sometimes also in prose).
    Verb finit.:

    siccis aër fervoribus ustus Canduit,

    Ov. M. 1, 120; Col. 1, 4, 9.—
    Part. and P. a.:

    ut calidis candens ferrum e fornacibus olim Stridit,

    as the glowing iron taken from the hot furnace hisses, Lucr. 6, 148; imitated by Ov. M. 9, 170: candenti ferro, Varr. R. R. Fragm. ap. Charis. p. 100 P.:

    Dionysius candente carbone sibi adurebat capillum,

    Cic. Off. 2, 7, 25:

    candentes laminae,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 63, § 163 (al. ardentes); Hor. Ep. 1, 15, 36:

    aqua candens,

    Col. 6, 5, 2 (while Veg. 1, 17, 14, calens aqua). —
    Trop., glowing with passion, excited (very rare):

    cum viscera felle canduerint,

    Claud. Cons. Mall. Theod. 226:

    numquam Stilicho sic canduit ora,

    id. Laud. Stil. 2, 82 (both of these examples are by some referred to candesco).

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > candeo

  • 89 ясный

    1. definite
    2. determinate
    3. watertight
    4. explicit
    5. obvious
    6. perspicuous
    7. distinct
    8. it stands to reason

    ясно; очевидноit stands to reason

    9. unequivocal
    10. articulate
    11. articulately
    12. avowedly
    13. crystal-clear
    14. expressly
    15. perspicuously
    16. clear; bright; fine; limpid; distinct; evident; plain

    ясно, что меня не ждалиplainly I was not wanted

    17. bright
    18. direct
    19. fair
    20. light
    21. lucid

    здравый рассудок, ясное сознаниеlucid mind

    22. serene
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. безоблачно (прил.) безоблачно; погоже; солнечно
    2. вразумительно (прил.) вразумительно; толково; членораздельно
    3. понятно (прил.) понятно; удобопонятно
    4. светло (прил.) светло
    5. четко (прил.) внятно; отчетливо; разборчиво; резко; четко; явственно
    6. безоблачно (проч.) безоблачно; солнечно
    7. вразумительно (проч.) вразумительно; толково; четко; членораздельно
    8. отчетливо (проч.) внятно; отчетливо; разборчиво; резко; явственно
    9. понятно (проч.) понятно
    Антонимический ряд:
    непонятно; неясно; пасмурно; темно; туманно

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > ясный

  • 90 strahlen

    I v/i
    1. PHYS. emit rays, radiate; radioaktiv: emit radiation
    2. (glänzen) shine; (funkeln) sparkle (auch Augen); fig., Gesicht, Person: beam; Augen, Gesicht, plötzlich: light up; über das ganze Gesicht oder beide Backen strahlen be all smiles, be beaming all over one’s face; strahlen (vor Freude / Glück) be radiant (with joy / happiness); da strahlte er he beamed (at this)
    II v/t (ausstrahlen) auch fig. radiate
    * * *
    das Strahlen
    radiancy; radiance
    * * *
    strah|len ['ʃtraːlən]
    1) (Sonne, Licht etc) to shine; (Sender) to beam; (= glühen) to glow (
    vor +dat with); (Heizofen etc) to radiate; (radioaktiv) to give off radioactivity
    2) (= leuchten) to gleam, to sparkle; (fig ) (Gesicht) to beam; (Augen) to shine

    was strahlst du so? — what are you beaming about?, what are you so happy about?

    * * *
    1) (to shine very brightly, usually to an unpleasant extent: The sun glared down on us as we crossed the desert.) glare
    2) (to smile broadly: She beamed with delight.) beam
    * * *
    irgendwohin \strahlen to shine somewhere
    auf jdn \strahlen to shine on sb
    jdm ins Gesicht/auf jds Gesicht \strahlen to shine [straight] into sb's eyes
    2. (Radioaktivität abgeben) to be radioactive
    [vor etw dat] \strahlen to beam [or be radiant] [with sth]
    vor Gesundheit \strahlen to radiate [good] health
    über das ganze Gesicht \strahlen to beam all over one's face
    [vor etw dat] \strahlen to shine [with sth]
    * * *
    2) (glänzen) sparkle
    3) (lächeln) beam (vor + Dat. with)
    4) (Physik) radiate; emit rays
    * * *
    A. v/i
    1. PHYS emit rays, radiate; radioaktiv: emit radiation
    2. (glänzen) shine; (funkeln) sparkle (auch Augen); fig, Gesicht, Person: beam; Augen, Gesicht, plötzlich: light up;
    beide Backen strahlen be all smiles, be beaming all over one’s face;
    strahlen (vor Freude/Glück) be radiant (with joy/happiness);
    da strahlte er he beamed (at this)
    B. v/t (ausstrahlen) auch fig radiate
    * * *
    2) (glänzen) sparkle
    3) (lächeln) beam (vor + Dat. with)
    4) (Physik) radiate; emit rays
    * * *
    to beam v.
    to irradiate v.
    to radiate v.
    to shine v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: shone)
    or: shined•)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > strahlen

  • 91 flash

    1. noun
    1) a quick showing of a bright light:

    a flash of lightning.

    وَميض، وَمْضَه
    2) a moment; a very short time:

    He was with her in a flash.

    لَمْحَه، وَمْضَه
    3) a flashlight.
    4) ( often ˈnewsflash) a brief news report sent by radio, television etc:

    Did you hear the flash about the king's death?

    موجَز سَريع للأنْباء
    2. verb
    1) (of a light) to (cause to) shine quickly:

    He flashed a torch.

    يَلْمَع، يُضيء
    2) ( usually with by or past) to pass quickly:

    The cars flashed past.

    يَمُرُّ بِسُرْعَه
    3) to show; to display:

    He flashed a card and was allowed to pass.

    يُظْهِرُ، يَعْرِضُ

    Arabic-English dictionary > flash

  • 92 bad, worse (worst)

    شَدِيد \ bad, worse (worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. close: serious; careful: Keep a close watch on him. Pay close attention to him. drastic: (of actions, etc.) very serious; using unusual force to deal with serious trouble: Only drastic punishment will stop these crimes. extreme: very great: with extreme care. fanatical: like a fanatic: She doesn’t eat enough, because she has a fanatical fear of becoming fat. firm: (of people) strong; determined: a firm ruler. heavy: having more weight, size, force, etc. than usual: heavy rain; heavy losses; a heavy blow. high: great: a high wind; high speed. intense: very powerful or strong: intense heat; intense excitement. keen: (of the feelings) strong: a keen interest in sport. mighty: powerful: a mighty effort. passionate: showing passion: A passionate kiss. profound: (of interest, knowledge, etc.) deep. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe storm; a severe illness; a severe judge. strict: demanding obedience; firm: a strict parent; strict rules. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind, not easily damaged strong paper; strong shoes. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. vivid: (of a memory, a description, a flash of light, etc.) bright and clear. \ See Also مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، قاس (قاسٍ)، عنيف، دقيق، بالغ (بَالِغ)، حازم (حَازِم)، قوي (قويّ)، مشرق (مُشْرِق)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > bad, worse (worst)

  • 93 close

    شَدِيد \ bad, worse (worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. close: serious; careful: Keep a close watch on him. Pay close attention to him. drastic: (of actions, etc.) very serious; using unusual force to deal with serious trouble: Only drastic punishment will stop these crimes. extreme: very great: with extreme care. fanatical: like a fanatic: She doesn’t eat enough, because she has a fanatical fear of becoming fat. firm: (of people) strong; determined: a firm ruler. heavy: having more weight, size, force, etc. than usual: heavy rain; heavy losses; a heavy blow. high: great: a high wind; high speed. intense: very powerful or strong: intense heat; intense excitement. keen: (of the feelings) strong: a keen interest in sport. mighty: powerful: a mighty effort. passionate: showing passion: A passionate kiss. profound: (of interest, knowledge, etc.) deep. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe storm; a severe illness; a severe judge. strict: demanding obedience; firm: a strict parent; strict rules. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind, not easily damaged strong paper; strong shoes. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. vivid: (of a memory, a description, a flash of light, etc.) bright and clear. \ See Also مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، قاس (قاسٍ)، عنيف، دقيق، بالغ (بَالِغ)، حازم (حَازِم)، قوي (قويّ)، مشرق (مُشْرِق)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > close

  • 94 drastic

    شَدِيد \ bad, worse (worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. close: serious; careful: Keep a close watch on him. Pay close attention to him. drastic: (of actions, etc.) very serious; using unusual force to deal with serious trouble: Only drastic punishment will stop these crimes. extreme: very great: with extreme care. fanatical: like a fanatic: She doesn’t eat enough, because she has a fanatical fear of becoming fat. firm: (of people) strong; determined: a firm ruler. heavy: having more weight, size, force, etc. than usual: heavy rain; heavy losses; a heavy blow. high: great: a high wind; high speed. intense: very powerful or strong: intense heat; intense excitement. keen: (of the feelings) strong: a keen interest in sport. mighty: powerful: a mighty effort. passionate: showing passion: A passionate kiss. profound: (of interest, knowledge, etc.) deep. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe storm; a severe illness; a severe judge. strict: demanding obedience; firm: a strict parent; strict rules. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind, not easily damaged strong paper; strong shoes. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. vivid: (of a memory, a description, a flash of light, etc.) bright and clear. \ See Also مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، قاس (قاسٍ)، عنيف، دقيق، بالغ (بَالِغ)، حازم (حَازِم)، قوي (قويّ)، مشرق (مُشْرِق)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > drastic

  • 95 extreme

    شَدِيد \ bad, worse (worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. close: serious; careful: Keep a close watch on him. Pay close attention to him. drastic: (of actions, etc.) very serious; using unusual force to deal with serious trouble: Only drastic punishment will stop these crimes. extreme: very great: with extreme care. fanatical: like a fanatic: She doesn’t eat enough, because she has a fanatical fear of becoming fat. firm: (of people) strong; determined: a firm ruler. heavy: having more weight, size, force, etc. than usual: heavy rain; heavy losses; a heavy blow. high: great: a high wind; high speed. intense: very powerful or strong: intense heat; intense excitement. keen: (of the feelings) strong: a keen interest in sport. mighty: powerful: a mighty effort. passionate: showing passion: A passionate kiss. profound: (of interest, knowledge, etc.) deep. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe storm; a severe illness; a severe judge. strict: demanding obedience; firm: a strict parent; strict rules. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind, not easily damaged strong paper; strong shoes. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. vivid: (of a memory, a description, a flash of light, etc.) bright and clear. \ See Also مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، قاس (قاسٍ)، عنيف، دقيق، بالغ (بَالِغ)، حازم (حَازِم)، قوي (قويّ)، مشرق (مُشْرِق)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > extreme

  • 96 fanatical

    شَدِيد \ bad, worse (worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. close: serious; careful: Keep a close watch on him. Pay close attention to him. drastic: (of actions, etc.) very serious; using unusual force to deal with serious trouble: Only drastic punishment will stop these crimes. extreme: very great: with extreme care. fanatical: like a fanatic: She doesn’t eat enough, because she has a fanatical fear of becoming fat. firm: (of people) strong; determined: a firm ruler. heavy: having more weight, size, force, etc. than usual: heavy rain; heavy losses; a heavy blow. high: great: a high wind; high speed. intense: very powerful or strong: intense heat; intense excitement. keen: (of the feelings) strong: a keen interest in sport. mighty: powerful: a mighty effort. passionate: showing passion: A passionate kiss. profound: (of interest, knowledge, etc.) deep. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe storm; a severe illness; a severe judge. strict: demanding obedience; firm: a strict parent; strict rules. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind, not easily damaged strong paper; strong shoes. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. vivid: (of a memory, a description, a flash of light, etc.) bright and clear. \ See Also مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، قاس (قاسٍ)، عنيف، دقيق، بالغ (بَالِغ)، حازم (حَازِم)، قوي (قويّ)، مشرق (مُشْرِق)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > fanatical

  • 97 firm

    شَدِيد \ bad, worse (worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. close: serious; careful: Keep a close watch on him. Pay close attention to him. drastic: (of actions, etc.) very serious; using unusual force to deal with serious trouble: Only drastic punishment will stop these crimes. extreme: very great: with extreme care. fanatical: like a fanatic: She doesn’t eat enough, because she has a fanatical fear of becoming fat. firm: (of people) strong; determined: a firm ruler. heavy: having more weight, size, force, etc. than usual: heavy rain; heavy losses; a heavy blow. high: great: a high wind; high speed. intense: very powerful or strong: intense heat; intense excitement. keen: (of the feelings) strong: a keen interest in sport. mighty: powerful: a mighty effort. passionate: showing passion: A passionate kiss. profound: (of interest, knowledge, etc.) deep. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe storm; a severe illness; a severe judge. strict: demanding obedience; firm: a strict parent; strict rules. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind, not easily damaged strong paper; strong shoes. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. vivid: (of a memory, a description, a flash of light, etc.) bright and clear. \ See Also مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، قاس (قاسٍ)، عنيف، دقيق، بالغ (بَالِغ)، حازم (حَازِم)، قوي (قويّ)، مشرق (مُشْرِق)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > firm

  • 98 heavy

    شَدِيد \ bad, worse (worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. close: serious; careful: Keep a close watch on him. Pay close attention to him. drastic: (of actions, etc.) very serious; using unusual force to deal with serious trouble: Only drastic punishment will stop these crimes. extreme: very great: with extreme care. fanatical: like a fanatic: She doesn’t eat enough, because she has a fanatical fear of becoming fat. firm: (of people) strong; determined: a firm ruler. heavy: having more weight, size, force, etc. than usual: heavy rain; heavy losses; a heavy blow. high: great: a high wind; high speed. intense: very powerful or strong: intense heat; intense excitement. keen: (of the feelings) strong: a keen interest in sport. mighty: powerful: a mighty effort. passionate: showing passion: A passionate kiss. profound: (of interest, knowledge, etc.) deep. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe storm; a severe illness; a severe judge. strict: demanding obedience; firm: a strict parent; strict rules. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind, not easily damaged strong paper; strong shoes. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. vivid: (of a memory, a description, a flash of light, etc.) bright and clear. \ See Also مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، قاس (قاسٍ)، عنيف، دقيق، بالغ (بَالِغ)، حازم (حَازِم)، قوي (قويّ)، مشرق (مُشْرِق)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > heavy

  • 99 high

    شَدِيد \ bad, worse (worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. close: serious; careful: Keep a close watch on him. Pay close attention to him. drastic: (of actions, etc.) very serious; using unusual force to deal with serious trouble: Only drastic punishment will stop these crimes. extreme: very great: with extreme care. fanatical: like a fanatic: She doesn’t eat enough, because she has a fanatical fear of becoming fat. firm: (of people) strong; determined: a firm ruler. heavy: having more weight, size, force, etc. than usual: heavy rain; heavy losses; a heavy blow. high: great: a high wind; high speed. intense: very powerful or strong: intense heat; intense excitement. keen: (of the feelings) strong: a keen interest in sport. mighty: powerful: a mighty effort. passionate: showing passion: A passionate kiss. profound: (of interest, knowledge, etc.) deep. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe storm; a severe illness; a severe judge. strict: demanding obedience; firm: a strict parent; strict rules. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind, not easily damaged strong paper; strong shoes. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. vivid: (of a memory, a description, a flash of light, etc.) bright and clear. \ See Also مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، قاس (قاسٍ)، عنيف، دقيق، بالغ (بَالِغ)، حازم (حَازِم)، قوي (قويّ)، مشرق (مُشْرِق)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > high

  • 100 intense

    شَدِيد \ bad, worse (worst): (of things that are never good) serious; severe: a bad mistake or accident; a bad cold. close: serious; careful: Keep a close watch on him. Pay close attention to him. drastic: (of actions, etc.) very serious; using unusual force to deal with serious trouble: Only drastic punishment will stop these crimes. extreme: very great: with extreme care. fanatical: like a fanatic: She doesn’t eat enough, because she has a fanatical fear of becoming fat. firm: (of people) strong; determined: a firm ruler. heavy: having more weight, size, force, etc. than usual: heavy rain; heavy losses; a heavy blow. high: great: a high wind; high speed. intense: very powerful or strong: intense heat; intense excitement. keen: (of the feelings) strong: a keen interest in sport. mighty: powerful: a mighty effort. passionate: showing passion: A passionate kiss. profound: (of interest, knowledge, etc.) deep. severe: (of things) bad or violent, causing anxiety; (of people) hard and merciless: a severe storm; a severe illness; a severe judge. strict: demanding obedience; firm: a strict parent; strict rules. stringent: (of conditions, rules, etc.) severe; demanding exact fulfilment. strong: powerful: a strong man; a strong wind, not easily damaged strong paper; strong shoes. violent: using force; fierce: a violent attack; a violent temper. vivid: (of a memory, a description, a flash of light, etc.) bright and clear. \ See Also مؤلم (مُؤْلِم)، قاس (قاسٍ)، عنيف، دقيق، بالغ (بَالِغ)، حازم (حَازِم)، قوي (قويّ)، مشرق (مُشْرِق)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > intense

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