Перевод: с английского на исландский

с исландского на английский


  • 1 standard of living

    (the level of comfort and welfare achieved in any particular society.) lífskjör

    English-Icelandic dictionary > standard of living

  • 2 standard

    ['stændəd] 1. noun
    1) (something used as a basis of measurement: The kilogram is the international standard of weight.) staðall
    2) (a basis for judging quality, or a level of excellence aimed at, required or achieved: You can't judge an amateur artist's work by the same standards as you would judge that of a trained artist; high standards of behaviour; His performance did not reach the required standard.) viðmiðun
    3) (a flag or carved figure etc fixed to a pole and carried eg at the front of an army going into battle.) gunnfáni, veifa
    2. adjective
    ((accepted as) normal or usual; The Post Office likes the public to use a standard size of envelope.) staðlaður
    - standardise
    - standardization
    - standardisation
    - standard-bearer
    - be up to / below standard
    - standard of living

    English-Icelandic dictionary > standard

  • 3 plain

    [plein] 1. adjective
    1) (simple or ordinary; without ornament or decoration: plain living; good, plain food.) einfaldur, látlaus
    2) (easy to understand; clear: His words were quite plain.) augljós, greinilegur, auðskilinn
    3) (absolutely open or honest, with no attempt to be tactful: I'll be quite plain with you; plain speaking.) hreinskilinn
    4) (obvious: It's plain (to see) you haven't been practising your music.) greinilegur
    5) (not pretty: a rather plain girl.) ófríður
    2. noun
    1) (a large flat level piece of land: the plains of central Canada.) slétta
    2) (a kind of knitting stitch.) slétt prjón
    - plainness
    - plain chocolate
    - plain clothes
    - plain sailing
    - plain-spoken
    - in plain English

    English-Icelandic dictionary > plain

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