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  • 1 enfrentar

    1 to bring face to face (poner frente a frente).
    2 to confront, to face (hacer frente a).
    enfrentan el futuro con inquietud they face the future with unease
    María enfrentó a la chismosa Mary confronted the gossip.
    María confrontó sus problemas Mary confronted her problems.
    * * *
    1 (poner frente a frente) to bring face to face, confront
    2 (encarar) to face, confront
    1 (hacer frente) to face (a/con, -), confront (a/con, -)
    2 DEPORTE to meet (a/con, -)
    3 (pelearse) to have an argument (a, with), fall out (a, with); (chocar) to clash (a/con, with)
    * * *
    to face, confront
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=enemistar) to set against
    2) (=afrontar) [+ dificultad] to face (up to), confront; [+ realidad] to face (up to)
    3) (=encarar)

    este partido enfrentará a los dos mejores tenistas — this match will bring together the two best tennis players, this match will bring the two best tennis players face to face

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <problema/peligro/realidad> to confront, face up to; < futuro> to face
    a) <contrincantes/opositores> to bring... face to face
    b) ( enemistar) to bring... into conflict
    enfrentarse v pron

    enfrentarse a/con alguien: se enfrentaron con la policía they clashed with the police; se enfrentó con el enemigo he confronted the enemy; el equipo se enfrenta hoy a Paraguay today the team comes up against o meets Paraguay; enfrentarse a algo a dificultades/peligros to face something; no quiere enfrentarse a la realidad — he doesn't want to face up to reality

    b) (recípr) equipos/atletas to meet; tropas/oponentes to clash
    * * *
    = oppose, drive + a wedge between.
    Ex. A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.
    Ex. While the current problems associated with serial economics have driven a wedge between vendors, librarians and publishers, they should be cooperating and communicating in order to withstand the information explosion.
    * enfrentar a = pit against.
    * enfrentarse = struggle, tackle, come to + terms with, engage, come + face to face.
    * enfrentarse a = be faced with, come to + grips with, confront, face, face up to, meet, cope with, get to + grips with, clash with, grapple with, wrestle with, get + a grip on, go + head-to-head with, be up against, come up against, run up against, line up against, brave, breast, have + a go at, address, engage in + confrontation with.
    * enfrentarse a Algo cara a cara = address + Nombre + head-on, meet + Nombre + head-on, tackle + Nombre + head-on, face + Nombre + head-on.
    * enfrentarse a alternativas = be faced with choices, face + choices.
    * enfrentarse a la muerte = face + death.
    * enfrentarse a la realidad = confront + reality, face + (the) facts, face + reality.
    * enfrentarse a la realidad (de que) = face + (up to) the fact that, face + the truth (that).
    * enfrentarse a la vida = cope with + life, face + life, cope.
    * enfrentarse al futuro = face up to + the future, face + the future.
    * enfrentarse al hecho de que = face + (up to) the fact that.
    * enfrentarse a los cambios = cope with + change.
    * enfrentarse a los elementos = brave + the elements.
    * enfrentarse a una barrera = face + barrier.
    * enfrentarse a una crisis = face + crisis.
    * enfrentarse a una cuestión = run up against + issue.
    * enfrentarse a una limitación = face + constraint, face + limitation.
    * enfrentarse a una reacción + Adjetivo = meet with + Adjetivo + reaction.
    * enfrentarse a una situación = face + situation, meet + situation.
    * enfrentarse a una tarea = face + task.
    * enfrentarse a una traba = face + limitation, face + barrier.
    * enfrentarse a un dilema = face + dilemma.
    * enfrentarse a un impás = face + impasse.
    * enfrentarse a un obstáculo = address + barrier.
    * enfrentarse a un problema = challenge + threat, confront + question, cope with + problem, face + problem, confront + problem, come up against + problem, experience + problem, struggle with + issue, wrestle with + problem, deal with + issue.
    * enfrentarse a un reto = face + challenge, meet + challenge, undertake + challenge, handle + challenge, confront + challenge.
    * enfrentarse cara a cara con = go + eyball to eyeball with.
    * enfrentarse con una dificultad = face + difficulty.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <problema/peligro/realidad> to confront, face up to; < futuro> to face
    a) <contrincantes/opositores> to bring... face to face
    b) ( enemistar) to bring... into conflict
    enfrentarse v pron

    enfrentarse a/con alguien: se enfrentaron con la policía they clashed with the police; se enfrentó con el enemigo he confronted the enemy; el equipo se enfrenta hoy a Paraguay today the team comes up against o meets Paraguay; enfrentarse a algo a dificultades/peligros to face something; no quiere enfrentarse a la realidad — he doesn't want to face up to reality

    b) (recípr) equipos/atletas to meet; tropas/oponentes to clash
    * * *
    = oppose, drive + a wedge between.

    Ex: A respondent is a candidate for a degree who, in an academic disputation, defends or opposes a thesis proposed by the praeses (q.v.); also called the defendant.

    Ex: While the current problems associated with serial economics have driven a wedge between vendors, librarians and publishers, they should be cooperating and communicating in order to withstand the information explosion.
    * enfrentar a = pit against.
    * enfrentarse = struggle, tackle, come to + terms with, engage, come + face to face.
    * enfrentarse a = be faced with, come to + grips with, confront, face, face up to, meet, cope with, get to + grips with, clash with, grapple with, wrestle with, get + a grip on, go + head-to-head with, be up against, come up against, run up against, line up against, brave, breast, have + a go at, address, engage in + confrontation with.
    * enfrentarse a Algo cara a cara = address + Nombre + head-on, meet + Nombre + head-on, tackle + Nombre + head-on, face + Nombre + head-on.
    * enfrentarse a alternativas = be faced with choices, face + choices.
    * enfrentarse a la muerte = face + death.
    * enfrentarse a la realidad = confront + reality, face + (the) facts, face + reality.
    * enfrentarse a la realidad (de que) = face + (up to) the fact that, face + the truth (that).
    * enfrentarse a la vida = cope with + life, face + life, cope.
    * enfrentarse al futuro = face up to + the future, face + the future.
    * enfrentarse al hecho de que = face + (up to) the fact that.
    * enfrentarse a los cambios = cope with + change.
    * enfrentarse a los elementos = brave + the elements.
    * enfrentarse a una barrera = face + barrier.
    * enfrentarse a una crisis = face + crisis.
    * enfrentarse a una cuestión = run up against + issue.
    * enfrentarse a una limitación = face + constraint, face + limitation.
    * enfrentarse a una reacción + Adjetivo = meet with + Adjetivo + reaction.
    * enfrentarse a una situación = face + situation, meet + situation.
    * enfrentarse a una tarea = face + task.
    * enfrentarse a una traba = face + limitation, face + barrier.
    * enfrentarse a un dilema = face + dilemma.
    * enfrentarse a un impás = face + impasse.
    * enfrentarse a un obstáculo = address + barrier.
    * enfrentarse a un problema = challenge + threat, confront + question, cope with + problem, face + problem, confront + problem, come up against + problem, experience + problem, struggle with + issue, wrestle with + problem, deal with + issue.
    * enfrentarse a un reto = face + challenge, meet + challenge, undertake + challenge, handle + challenge, confront + challenge.
    * enfrentarse cara a cara con = go + eyball to eyeball with.
    * enfrentarse con una dificultad = face + difficulty.

    * * *
    enfrentar [A1 ]
    A ‹problema/peligro› to confront, face up to
    podemos enfrentar el futuro con optimismo we can face the future with optimism
    tienes que enfrentar la realidad you have to face up to reality, you have to face facts
    1 ‹contrincantes/opositores› to bring … face to face enfrentar a algn CON algn to bring sb face to face WITH sb
    el combate enfrentará al campeón europeo con el africano the fight will bring together the European and African champions, the fight will bring the European champion face to face with the African champion, the European and African champions will meet in the fight
    2 (enemistar) to bring … into conflict
    1 (hacer frente a) enfrentarse A/ CON algn:
    se enfrentaron con la policía they clashed with the police
    se enfrentó con el enemigo he confronted the enemy
    se enfrentó duramente al or con el líder de la oposición she clashed with the leader of the opposition
    el equipo se enfrenta hoy a Paraguay today the team comes up against o meets Paraguay
    enfrentarse A algo:
    tuvieron que enfrentarse a múltiples dificultades/peligros they had to face many difficulties/dangers
    nunca ha querido enfrentarse a la realidad he has never wanted to face up to reality
    ya cambiará cuando tenga que enfrentarse a la vida he'll change when he has to face up to life
    2 ( recípr) «equipos/atletas» to meet; «tropas» to clash
    los dos líderes se enfrentaron en un duro debate the two leaders clashed in a fierce debate
    * * *


    enfrentar ( conjugate enfrentar) verbo transitivo
    1problema/peligro/realidad to confront, face up to;
    futuro to face
    a)contrincantes/opositoresto bring … face to face

    b) ( enemistar) to bring … into conflict

    enfrentarse verbo pronominal
    a) ( hacer frente a) enfrentarse con algn ‹con rival/enemigo to confront sb;

    enfrentarse a algo ‹a dificultades/peligros to face sth;
    a realidad/responsabilidad to face up to sth
    b) ( recípr) [equipos/atletas] to meet;

    [tropas/oponentes] to clash
    enfrentar verbo transitivo
    1 (afrontar) to confront, face up to
    2 (enemistar) to set at odds: las diferencias políticas enfrentaron a los dos amigos, political differences set them at odds
    3 (poner frente a frente) to bring face to face
    ' enfrentar' also found in these entries:
    play off against
    - confront
    - pit
    - tackle
    * * *
    1. [enemistar] to bring into conflict
    2. [poner frente a frente] to bring face to face ( con with);
    un partido que enfrentará al actual campeón con sus antiguos rivales a game that will pit the current champions against their old rivals
    3. [hacer frente a] to confront, to face;
    enfrentan el futuro con inquietud they face the future with unease
    * * *
    v/t confront, face up to
    * * *
    : to confront, to face

    Spanish-English dictionary > enfrentar

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