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  • 1 idea

    s l. ideja 2. pojam, predodžba 3. misao, mišljenje 4. zamisao, namjera, osnova, plan 5. pretpostavka, slutnja /the Idea apsolutna ideja; in # u duhu,pojmovno; to form an # of stvoriti predodžbu (o komu, čemu); what is the #? što to znači?; I have an # he will come nekako mi se čini da će doći; I have no # nemam pojma; to put #s into a p's head izaz(i)vati u kome (lude) zamisli!, kakva ludost!
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    English-Croatian dictionary > idea

  • 2 promotion of the European idea

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    promicanje europske ideje

    English-Croatian dictionary > promotion of the European idea

  • 3 put

    vt baciti (to # the stone); (za)tjerati; (što) staviti, metnuti, metnuti, potstaviti / [theat] to # on the stage = postaviti na scenu, inscenirati; to # to sale = staviti u prodaju; to # to school = poslati u školu; to # to trade = dati u nauk; to # one's girls out to service = dati djevojke u službu; to # oneself in someone's place = staviti se, uživjeti se u čiji pložaj; to # into the hands of a p = predati u čije ruke, prepustiti komu; to # oneself in (under) the care of a p = staviti se pod čiju zaštitu; to # a p through it = koga temeljito prorešetati, istpitati, isprobati; # the idea out of your head = izbijte to sebi iz glave; he tried to # me in the wrong = pokušao je pokazati kako ja nemam pravo; I asked him to # a price on the painting = zamolio sam ga da kaže cijenu slici; to # it mildly = da se blago izrazim; to # a th to better uses = što korisnije upotrijebiti; to # the money to a good use = korisno, razumno upotrijebiti novac; I # it to you = ja vas pitam; to # a th before a p = iznijeti, izložiti, predložiti što komu; I # the matter clearly to him = ja sam mu stvar jasno izložio; how would you # this in English? = kako biste to rekli engleski?; he did not let himself be # upon = nije dopustio da mu se drugi penju po glavi; to # it across a p = pbračunati se s kim, vratiti milo za drago; to # into shape, to # in form = dovesti u oblik, oblikovati; to # right = ispraviti, dovesti u red; to # everything wrong = napraviti sve pogrešno; to # a p to a th = izvrgnuti koga (npr. izdacima), prouzrokovati komu (npr. nepriliku); to # to shame = posramiti koga; to # to the blush = natjerati koga da pocrveni (od srama); to # to the test = iskušati, isprobati; what # him on this wild scheme? = što ga je navelo na tu ludu misao?; to # on guard = pobuditi oprez; I was hard # to it = bio sam u stisci the enemy werw soon # to flight = neprijatelj je ubrzo natjeran u bijeg; to # a knife into = zabosti nož; to # a spoke in his wheel = bacati klipove pod noge, podmetati nogu; to # one's foot in it = osramotiti se, nasjesti, blamirati se; to # one's shoulder to the wheel = napregnuti sve dnage, čvrsto se latiti čega; to # the hand to the plough = prionuti na posao; [sl] to # the lid on = nadmašiti sve, biti vrhunac (čega); to # the good face on it = vedrim, prijaznim lice pogledati u oči (neugodnoj situaciji); to # an end to it = učiniti čemu kraj, okončati, dokrajčiti što; [sl] to # the wind up one = preplašiti koga; to # one's nose out of joint = izbaciti koga iz sedla, izgurati; [US sl] to # wise = izvesti koga iz zablude, urazumiti koga; to # one's hands in one's pockets = posegnuti, zagrabiti u kesu; to # one's hands to = pomoći, ukazati, pružiti pomoć, latiti se čega, posvetiti se čemu; to # in black and white = napisati crno na bijelo, dati napismeno; to # in order = dovesti u red, urediti; to # money on = kladiti se na što; to # out of way = skloniti, udaljiti; to # the cart before a horse = početi, raditi što naopako; to # a p in a hole = dovesti koga u neugodan položaj, zatjerati u škripac to # a p in possession = opskrbiti koga; uvesti u posjed; to # in practice = provesti u djelo, primijeniti; to # to ransom = staviti ucjenu na što, ucijeniti čiju glavu; to # to the sword = ubiti mačem; to be # to it = biti natjeran, prisiljen, doveden u škripac, u težak položaj; to # in mind = napomenuti, podsjetiti; to stay # = ostati na mjestu; to # the finger on = uprijeti prstom (u koga, što), identificirati (koga, što)
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    English-Croatian dictionary > put

  • 4 boggle

    vi trgnuti se, ustuknuti, kolebati se, oklijevati, krzmati, prezati / the mind #s at the idea = čovjek zadrhti (zgrozi se) na tu pomisao
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    biti neodlučan

    English-Croatian dictionary > boggle

  • 5 faint

    adj (#ly [adv]) slab, mlitav, malodušan, mlak, blijed, nejasan; nemaran, lijen; plah, strašljiv, bojažljiv, plašljiv; klonuo, nemoćan / # heart = strašljivac, kukavica; # lines = blijede, slabo vidljive crte; a # idea = nejasna predodžba; ruled # = tanko iscrtan; in a # voice = slabim glasom; not the #est idea = ni pojma; not the #est hope = ni najmanje nade
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    English-Croatian dictionary > faint

См. также в других словарях:

  • the idea — or[the very idea] {n. phr.} Used in exclamations to show that you do not like something. * /The idea! Thinking Mother was my sister!/ * /The very idea of Tom bringing that dirty dog into my clean house!/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • the idea — or[the very idea] {n. phr.} Used in exclamations to show that you do not like something. * /The idea! Thinking Mother was my sister!/ * /The very idea of Tom bringing that dirty dog into my clean house!/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • The Idea — Infobox Film name = The Idea imdb id = writer = Owen Alik Shahadah Tunde Jegede starring = HKB FiNN Enrique Joyette Fola Philip Maya Jobarteh Leon Edmondson Moneera Girshab director = Owen Alik Shahadah producer = Tunde Jegede, Sunara Begum… …   Wikipedia

  • The Idea of You — is a song performed by Dave Matthews Band, written by Dave Matthews. It debuted live on June 2, 2006 at the Verizon Wireless Music Center in Noblesville, Indiana [ [http://setlists.davematthewsband.com/Default.asp?month= year=2006… …   Wikipedia

  • The Idea (disambiguation) — The Idea may refer to: *The Idea, a short 2006 black comedy film, a satire of modern society and our inability to listen beyond the sound of our own voice and ego * The Idea, a short story by Raymond Carver from his 1976 collection Will You… …   Wikipedia

  • The Idea of Order at Key West — is a poem by Wallace Stevens. It appears in his 1936 book Ideas of Order .Text:She sang beyond the genius of the sea. The water never formed to mind or voice, Like a body wholly body, fluttering Its empty sleeves; and yet its mimic motion Made… …   Wikipedia

  • The Idea of North — Infobox musical artist Name = The Idea of North| Naomi Crellin Nick Begbie Andrew Piper|past members=Megan Corson Img capt = publicity photo Img size = 250 Landscape = Background = group or band Alias = Origin = Australia|years active=1996… …   Wikipedia

  • IDEA Public Schools — is an independently managed charter school system based in the Rio Grande Valley in deep South Texas. The schools have a significant focus on academics and are committed to ensuring that all of its graduating students will attend college. Faculty …   Wikipedia

  • The Missing Shade of Blue — is an example introduced by the Scottish philosopher David Hume to show that it is at least conceivable that the mind can generate an idea without first being exposed to the relevant sensory experience. It is regarded as a problem by philosophers …   Wikipedia

  • Idea — I*de a, n.; pl. {Ideas}. [L. idea, Gr. ?, fr. ? to see; akin to E. wit: cf. F. id[ e]e. See {Wit}.] 1. The transcript, image, or picture of a visible object, that is formed by the mind; also, a similar image of any object whatever, whether… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Idea-expression divide — The idea expression divide or idea expression dichotomy is a concept which explains the appropriate function of copyright laws, which are generally designed to protect the fixed expression or manifestation of an idea rather than the fundamental… …   Wikipedia

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