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  • 1 globe

    1) ((usually with the) the Earth: I've travelled to all parts of the globe.) kloden; jorden
    2) (a ball with a map of the Earth on it.) globus
    3) (an object shaped like a globe: The chemicals were crushed in a large metal globe.) kugle
    - global village
    - globally
    - globular
    - globe-trotter
    - globe-trotting
    * * *
    1) ((usually with the) the Earth: I've travelled to all parts of the globe.) kloden; jorden
    2) (a ball with a map of the Earth on it.) globus
    3) (an object shaped like a globe: The chemicals were crushed in a large metal globe.) kugle
    - global village
    - globally
    - globular
    - globe-trotter
    - globe-trotting

    English-Danish dictionary > globe

  • 2 globe-trotter

    noun (a person who goes sight-seeing all over the world.) globetrotter
    * * *
    noun (a person who goes sight-seeing all over the world.) globetrotter

    English-Danish dictionary > globe-trotter

  • 3 equator

    ((with the) an imaginary line (or one drawn on a map etc) passing round the globe, at an equal distance from the North and South poles: Singapore is almost on the equator.) ækvator
    * * *
    ((with the) an imaginary line (or one drawn on a map etc) passing round the globe, at an equal distance from the North and South poles: Singapore is almost on the equator.) ækvator

    English-Danish dictionary > equator

  • 4 round

    1. adjective
    1) (shaped like a circle or globe: a round hole; a round stone; This plate isn't quite round.) rund
    2) (rather fat; plump: a round face.) rund; buttet
    2. adverb
    1) (in the opposite direction: He turned round.) rundt; omkring
    2) (in a circle: They all stood round and listened; A wheel goes round; All (the) year round.) omkring; rundt
    3) (from one person to another: They passed the letter round; The news went round.) rundt
    4) (from place to place: We drove round for a while.) rundt; omkring
    5) (in circumference: The tree measured two metres round.) i omkreds
    6) (to a particular place, usually a person's home: Are you coming round (to our house) tonight?) forbi; på besøg
    3. preposition
    1) (on all sides of: There was a wall round the garden; He looked round the room.) rundt omkring; rundt
    2) (passing all sides of (and returning to the starting-place): They ran round the tree.) rundt om
    3) (changing direction at: He came round the corner.) rundt om; omkring
    4) (in or to all parts of: The news spread all round the town.) rundt
    4. noun
    1) (a complete circuit: a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf.) omgang
    2) (a regular journey one takes to do one's work: a postman's round.) runde
    3) (a burst of cheering, shooting etc: They gave him a round of applause; The soldier fired several rounds.) klapsalve; salve
    4) (a single bullet, shell etc: five hundred rounds of ammunition.) skud
    5) (a stage in a competition etc: The winners of the first round will go through to the next.) runde
    6) (a type of song sung by several singers singing the same tune starting in succession.) kanon
    5. verb
    (to go round: The car rounded the corner.) dreje om; runde
    - roundly
    - roundness
    - rounds
    - all-round
    - all-rounder
    - roundabout
    6. adjective
    (not direct: a roundabout route.) indirekte
    - round-shouldered
    - round trip
    - all round
    - round about
    - round off
    - round on
    - round up
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (shaped like a circle or globe: a round hole; a round stone; This plate isn't quite round.) rund
    2) (rather fat; plump: a round face.) rund; buttet
    2. adverb
    1) (in the opposite direction: He turned round.) rundt; omkring
    2) (in a circle: They all stood round and listened; A wheel goes round; All (the) year round.) omkring; rundt
    3) (from one person to another: They passed the letter round; The news went round.) rundt
    4) (from place to place: We drove round for a while.) rundt; omkring
    5) (in circumference: The tree measured two metres round.) i omkreds
    6) (to a particular place, usually a person's home: Are you coming round (to our house) tonight?) forbi; på besøg
    3. preposition
    1) (on all sides of: There was a wall round the garden; He looked round the room.) rundt omkring; rundt
    2) (passing all sides of (and returning to the starting-place): They ran round the tree.) rundt om
    3) (changing direction at: He came round the corner.) rundt om; omkring
    4) (in or to all parts of: The news spread all round the town.) rundt
    4. noun
    1) (a complete circuit: a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf.) omgang
    2) (a regular journey one takes to do one's work: a postman's round.) runde
    3) (a burst of cheering, shooting etc: They gave him a round of applause; The soldier fired several rounds.) klapsalve; salve
    4) (a single bullet, shell etc: five hundred rounds of ammunition.) skud
    5) (a stage in a competition etc: The winners of the first round will go through to the next.) runde
    6) (a type of song sung by several singers singing the same tune starting in succession.) kanon
    5. verb
    (to go round: The car rounded the corner.) dreje om; runde
    - roundly
    - roundness
    - rounds
    - all-round
    - all-rounder
    - roundabout
    6. adjective
    (not direct: a roundabout route.) indirekte
    - round-shouldered
    - round trip
    - all round
    - round about
    - round off
    - round on
    - round up

    English-Danish dictionary > round

  • 5 bulb

    1) (the ball-shaped part of the stem of certain plants, eg onions, tulips etc, from which their roots grow.) løg
    2) ((also light bulb) a pear-shaped glass globe surrounding the element of an electric light.) elektrisk pære
    3) (the pear-shaped end of a thermometer.) kugle
    * * *
    1) (the ball-shaped part of the stem of certain plants, eg onions, tulips etc, from which their roots grow.) løg
    2) ((also light bulb) a pear-shaped glass globe surrounding the element of an electric light.) elektrisk pære
    3) (the pear-shaped end of a thermometer.) kugle

    English-Danish dictionary > bulb

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Globe — en la actualidad El teatro The Globe (El Globo) fue construido en 1599 por Peter Street; se encontraba a orillas del río Támesis en las afueras de la ciudad de Londres; se cree que era un polígono de aproximadamente 30 metros de diámetro (medida… …   Wikipedia Español

  • (the) Globe — the Globe [the Globe] the theatre in London where Shakespeare s most famous plays were first performed. It was built in 1599 by the actor Richard Burbage on the south bank of the ↑Thames. It was a round, open air building with a roof over the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • the globe — UK US noun [S] ► the world: »Today, we re looking at sites all around the globe for the expansion of our company …   Financial and business terms

  • The Globe and Mail — The December 9, 2010 front page of The Globe and Mail Type Daily newspaper Format Broadsheet …   Wikipedia

  • The Globe And Mail — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Globe.  The Globe and Mail {{{nomorigine}}} …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The globe and mail — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Globe.  The Globe and Mail {{{nomorigine}}} …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The GLOBE Project — is a program established for the collection of scientific and atmospheric information from worldwide locations and made accessible though The GLOBE Program website.GLOBE is managed by The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and …   Wikipedia

  • The Globe and Mail — ist eine überregionale englischsprachige kanadische Tageszeitung. Sie hat ihren Sitz in Toronto und wird in sechs Städten im ganzen Land gedruckt. Mit einer wöchentlichen Auflage von zwei Millionen Exemplaren ist sie Kanadas zweitgrößte… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • The Globe Sessions — álbum de estudio de Sheryl Crow Publicación 21 de septiembre de 1998 Grabación 1998 Globe Studios, New York, New York and Sunset Sound Factory, Los Angeles, California Género(s) rock …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Globe Building — at Yonge Street and Melinda Street was home to George Brown s Globe newspaper. The building was demolished in the early 1900s and replaced by an office tower. Demolished in 1974, the main door was retained and installed at the Globe and Mail s… …   Wikipedia

  • The Globe By the Way Book — is a collection of extracts from the By The Way column, a feature of London newspaper The Globe . The columns were written by P. G. Wodehouse and Herbert Westbrook, and the book was published in June 1908 by the Globe Publishing Company,… …   Wikipedia

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