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  • 1 prosvjetiteljstvo

    n hist Enlightenment; - prosvjećivanje prosvjetni adj educational; school-; teaching | prosvjetiteljstvoi djelatnik educational worker; (viši) (senior, top) educator; (uže) teacher (-nastavnik); prosvjetiteljstvoa ustanova educational institution; -e vlasti education(al) authori
    * * *
    • entlightment
    • the Enlightenment

    Hrvatski-Engleski rječnik > prosvjetiteljstvo

См. также в других словарях:

  • (the) Enlightenment — the Enlightenment UK [ɪnˈlaɪt(ə)nmənt] US an intellectual movement in 18th century Europe that emphasized the importance of human thought and science rather than religious belief http://www.macmillandictionary.com/med2cd/weblinks/enlightenment… …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Enlightenment — Europe’s 18th century when encyclopedias appeared in France and England; when Voltaire and Lavoisier were matched across the Channel by Paine and Priestley …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • the enlightenment — movement in the 17th and 18th centuries that emphasized man s ability to reason …   English contemporary dictionary

  • the Enlightenment — UK [ɪnˈlaɪt(ə)nmənt] / US an intellectual movement in 18th century Europe that emphasized the importance of human thought and science rather than religious belief …   English dictionary

  • The REFORMATION, THE RENAISSANCE, AND THE ENLIGHTENMENT —    The use of Latin as a medium of writing changed with the coming of the Lutheran Reformation. In Lutheranism the individual s relationship with God is paramount, and reading sacred scripture is a primary means by which that relationship can be… …   Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater

  • Women in the Enlightenment — The active role of women during the Enlightenment has always been a strongly debated topic. Some support that women were completely oppressed and kept to the private sphere; some go so far as to say they were kept to be kept in the house. Others… …   Wikipedia

  • Three Critics of the Enlightenment — Infobox Book name = Three Critics of the Enlightenment: Vico, Hamann, Herder title orig = translator = image caption = Cover of the 2000 hardback first edition author = Isaiah Berlin illustrator = cover artist = country = language = series =… …   Wikipedia

  • Enlightenment (concept) — Enlightenment broadly means wisdom or understanding enabling clarity of perception. However, the English word covers two concepts which can be quite distinct: religious or spiritual enlightenment (German: Erleuchtung ) and secular or intellectual …   Wikipedia

  • Enlightenment Intensive — Enlightenment Intensives are modern group retreats designed to enable individuals to experience that which is traditionally known as kensho, satori, samadhi, or enlightenment in a relatively short period of time. The typical Intensive is just… …   Wikipedia

  • Enlightenment I (The French): science, materialism and determinism — The French Enlightenment I: science, materialism and determinism Peter Jimack The French Enlightenment is not just a convenient label devised by historians of philosophy, and the thinkers to be discussed in this chapter and the next were for the… …   History of philosophy

  • Enlightenment II (The French): deism, morality and politics — The French Enlightenment II: deism, morality and politics Peter Jimack One of the most striking features of the French Enlightenment was its hostility to Christianity, especially as represented by the Catholic Church, a hostility which went far… …   History of philosophy

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