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со всех языков на турецкий


  • 1 ağız

    ",-ğzı 1. mouth. 2. rim, brim (of a cup or an opening). 3. muzzle (of a gun). 4. intersection, corner (of roads). 5. cutting edge, blade (of a knife). 6. dialect; regional accent. 7. persuasive talk, forceful way of speaking. 8. mus. regional form. 9. time: iki ağız twice. üç ağız three times. 10. brink. -dan 1. orally, verbally. 2. by mouth. -ından 1. as heard directly from. 2. in the name of. -ıyla (to tell) personally. -ını açacağına gözünü aç. Don´t stand gaping, open your eyes. -ını açıp gözünü yummak to swear a blue streak, rant and rave. -ı açık 1. open, uncovered (receptacle). 2. idiotic, moronic. -ı açık ayran delisi halfwit, simpleton. -ı (bir karış) açık kalmak to gape with astonishment. -ını açmak 1. to open one´s mouth. 2. to speak up. 3. to give vent to one´s feelings. 4. to gape with astonishment. -/-ını açmamak not to open one´s mouth; to be silent, hold one´s tongue. - açtırmamak /a/ to give (someone) no opportunity to talk. - ağıza to the brim. - ağıza dolu brimful, brimming. - ağıza vermek to whisper privately to each other. -dan ağıza by word of mouth, by rumor. -dan ağıza yayılmak (for a rumor) to be spread by word of mouth. -a alınmaz/alınmayacak obscene, very vulgar, unmentionable. - alışkanlığı the habit of using a certain expression. -ına almamak /ı/ not to mention, not to let pass one´s lips. -/-ını aramak /ın/ to sound out (a person). - armonikası harmonica, mouth organ. -ına atmak /ı/ to put (something) in one´s mouth. -ı aya, gözü çaya bakmak to be absentminded, be inclined not to pay attention to one´s work. -ına bakakalmak /ın/ to be spellbound by (one´s) words. -ından baklayı çıkarmak to put aside considerations and speak out, let the cat out of the bag. -ında bakla ıslanmamak not to be able to keep a secret. -ına bakmak /ın/ 1. to wait for (someone´s) words. 2. to obey blindly. -ına/-ının içine baktırmak to have great charm in talking. -ından bal akmak to talk sweetly. -ını bıçak açmamak to be too distressed to talk, have one´s mouth sealed with grief. -ı bir in agreement on what to say. -ına bir kemik atmak /ın/ to throw (someone) a bone, give (someone) money to keep him quiet. -ına bir parmak bal çalmak /ın/ to try to put (someone) off by promises or petty gains. -ına bir şey/çöp koymamak not to eat a thing. -ına bir zeytin verip altına/ardına bir tulum tutmak to do a small favor and expect a big return. -ını bozmak to swear, use bad language. -ı bozuk foulmouthed, scurrilous. - bozukluğu abusiveness. - burun birbirine karışmak 1. (for one´s anger, sadness, or fatigue) to show in one´s face. 2. (for one´s face) to be battered and bruised. -ına burnuna bulaştırmak /ı/ to mess up (a job). -ını burnunu dağıtmak /ın/ to pound (one´s) face, beat (someone) up. -ı burnu yerinde good-looking, attractive, handsome. -ı büyük boastful. -ında büyümek (for food) to be hard to swallow. -ından çıkanı/çıkan sözü kulağı duymamak/işitmemek not to realize what one is saying, to (get angry and) explode. -ından çıkmak to slip out without being intended. -ından çıt çıkmamak not to divulge a word, (for someone´s mouth) to be sealed. -ı çiriş çanağına dönmek to have one´s mouth get dry and bitter. -da dağılmak (for pastry) to be delicious, be delectable. -ını dağıtmak /ın/ colloq. to hit (someone) in the mouth, sock (someone) in the kisser. - dalaşı/dalaşması quarrel, row. -ına değin up to the brim. - değişikliği variety in food. -ı değişmek to change one´s tune. - değiştirmek to change one´s tune. -ı dili bağlanmak not to open one´s mouth, be silent. - dil vermemek to be too sick to talk. -ı dili yok. He submits meekly./He doesn´t protest. -ından dirhemle laf/söz/lakırdı çıkmak to be someone of few words, be tight-lipped: Şadan´ın ağzından dirhemle laf çıkar. Şadan is a man of few words. -dan dolma muzzle-loading. - dolusu küfür unrestrained swearing. -ından dökülmek 1. to be said unconvincingly or halfheartedly. 2. to be evident from one´s wor

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ağız

  • 2 yüz

    "1. face (of a person or animal). 2. face (the front, exposed, finished, dressed, or otherwise specially prepared surface of something): kumaşın yüzü the face of the cloth. dağın kuzey yüzü the north face of the mountain. binanın yüzü the building´s façade. paltonun yüzü the outer side of the coat. 3. surface: suyun yüzü the surface of the water. 4. cloth which encloses the stuffing of a cushion or pillow, case; mattress ticking; cloth used to cover a chair or sofa, upholstery, upholstering. 5. sense of shame, shame: Sende hiç yüz yok mu? Have you no shame? Ne yüzle ondan böyle bir şey isteyebilirsin? How can you have the gall to ask her for such a thing? 6. side: ırmağın öte yüzünde on the other side of the river. problemin bu yüzü this aspect of the problem. 7. cutting edge, face (of a knife blade or other sharp tool). -ü açılmak for (a thing´s) beauty to become evident or apparent, begin to shine forth. -ünü ağartmak /ın/ to give (someone, oneself) just cause for pride, do something that (someone, one) can take pride in. -ü ak (someone) who has no cause to be ashamed, who has nothing to be ashamed of. -ü ak olsun! Bless him! (said to express gratitude). -ünün akıyla çıkmak /dan/ 1. to manage to finish (a job) with one´s honor unsullied. 2. to succeed in doing (a job) as it should be done. -ünden akmak /ın/ (for something) to be evident from the look on (someone´s) face; (for something) to be evident from the way (someone) looks, be written all over (someone). -ü asılmak for a sour look or frown to come over (someone´s) face. -üne atmak /ı/ to return, refuse, or reject (something) insultingly. -üne bağırmak /ın/ to shout at (someone) angrily and rudely. -üne bakılacak gibi/-üne bakılır not bad looking, of middling looks. -üne bakılmaz very ugly (person). -üne bakmamak /ın/ 1. not to pay attention to (someone). 2. not to speak to (someone) (because one is angry with him/her). -üne bakmaya kıyılmaz very beautiful. - bulmak to get presumptuous, insolent, or uppity (after having been treated kindly or indulged). - bulunca/verince astar ister. colloq. If you give him an inch he´ll take a mile. -ünü buruşturmak to get a sour look on one´s face. - çevirmek /dan/ to break off relations with, have nothing more to do with (someone). -e çıkmak 1. to come to the surface. 2. to get presumptuous, insolent, or uppity. -ünün derisi kalın thick-skinned and brazen, brazenfaced, shameless. -ünden düşen bin parça olmak to wear a very sour face. -ünü ekşitmek to get a sour look on one´s face. - geri etmek to turn back; to retreat; to retrace one´s steps. (...) -ü görmek to experience, have: İki yıldır rahat yüzü görmedim. I haven´t had a moment´s peace for two years now. O çocuk hayatında dert yüzü görmedi. That kid´s never had a worry in his life. - göstermek to happen, occur, take place. - göz (someone´s) whole or entire face. -ü gözü açılmak 1. to be informed about sex, learn about the birds and the bees, be clued in on what sex is all about. 2. to begin to understand what the world is really like. -ünü gözünü açmak /ın/ 1. to inform (someone) about sex, teach (someone) about the birds and the bees, clue (someone) in on what sex is all about. 2. to cause (someone) to begin to understand what the world is really like. -üne gözüne bulaştırmak /ı/ to make a complete mess of (something), ball (something) up completely. - göz olmak /la/ to get to be on overly familiar terms with (someone). -ünü güldürmek /ın/ to make (someone) happy; to please (someone). -ü gülmek to be happy; to be pleased. -üne gülmek /ın/ to smile at (someone) hypocritically, make an essentially false display of friendship towards (someone). - kalıbı plaster mask of a person´s face. -ü kalmamak/-e karşı/ not to have the nerve/gall to ask (someone) for something. -ünden kan damlamak to be very healthy and rosy-cheeked, be in the pink of health. -üne kan gelmek to recover one´s health and color. -ü kara (someone) who has something to b

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  • 3 tırtıl

    "1. caterpillar tread, endless chain belt on which a caterpillar-type vehicle runs. 2. serration (on a knife blade). 3. milling (on a coin). 4. perforation, perforations (along the edge of a postage stamp). 5. mech. milling cutter. 6. rowel; spiked wheel; jagging wheel. 7. slang sponger, freeloader. - çekmek /a/ to mill or serrate (a metal object). - kesmek /ı/ to cut (something) in a serrated pattern, serrate. "

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См. также в других словарях:

  • Blade of a Knife — Infobox Album | Name = Bomb Factory Type = Studio album Artist = Bomb Factory Released = August 15, 1996 Recorded = Genre = Hard rock Hardcore punk Heavy metal Length = Label = Monster Company Producer = Reviews = Last album = Explode a Bombshell …   Wikipedia

  • Blade — (bl[=a]d), n. [OE. blade, blad, AS. bl[ae]d leaf; akin to OS., D., Dan., & Sw. blad, Icel. bla[eth], OHG. blat, G. blatt, and perh. to L. folium, Gr. fy llon. The root is prob. the same as that of AS. bl[=o]wan, E. blow, to blossom. See {Blow} to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • knife — noun 1 tool for cutting ADJECTIVE ▪ blunt, dull (esp. AmE) ▪ sharp ▪ serrated ▪ long ▪ small …   Collocations dictionary

  • knife edge — noun the sharp cutting side of the blade of a knife • Syn: ↑cutting edge • Hypernyms: ↑edge • Part Holonyms: ↑blade, ↑edge tool * * * 1. the cutting edge of a knife. 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • knife blade — noun the blade of a knife • Hypernyms: ↑blade • Part Holonyms: ↑knife …   Useful english dictionary

  • blade — [[t]ble͟ɪd[/t]] blades 1) N COUNT The blade of a knife, axe, or saw is the edge, which is used for cutting. Many of them will have sharp blades. 2) N COUNT: usu pl The blades of a propeller are the long, flat parts that turn round. 3) N COUNT The …   English dictionary

  • Knife legislation — is legislation regarding knives. Having the potential to be used as offensive weapons, carrying knives in public is forbidden by law in many countries. Exceptions may be made for hunting knives, and for knives used for work related purposes (e.g …   Wikipedia

  • Knife throwing — is an art, sport, or variously an entertainment technique, involving an artist skilled in the art of throwing knives, the weapons thrown, and a target.The throwing knifeThe desirable properties for a throwing knife differ from those of a common… …   Wikipedia

  • Blade Liger — The Blade Liger is a type of Zoid, a race of mechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zoids universe. The Blade Liger features heavily in the first two anime series’, and , as it is piloted by the main character, Van Flyheight. It also plays… …   Wikipedia

  • Blade (Film) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Blade (homonymie). Blade Réalisation Stephen Norrington Acteurs principaux Wesley Snipes Stephen Dorff Kris Kristofferson N Bushe Wright …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Blade (film) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Blade (homonymie). Blade Réalisation Stephen Norrington Acteurs principaux Wesley Snipes Stephen Dorff Kris Kristofferson N Bushe Wright …   Wikipédia en Français

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