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  • 1 censor

    ['sensə] 1. noun
    1) (an official who examines films etc and has the power to remove any of the contents which might offend people: Part of his film has been banned by the censor.) cen­zor
    2) (an official (eg in the army) who examines letters etc and removes information which the authorities do not wish to be made public for political reasons etc.) cenzor
    2. verb
    This film has been censored; The soldiers' letters are censored.) a cenzura
    - censorship

    English-Romanian dictionary > censor

  • 2 resistance

    1) (the act of resisting: The army offered strong resistance to the enemy; ( also adjective) a resistance force.) (de) rezis­tenţă
    2) (the ability or power to be unaffected or undamaged by something: resistance to disease.) rezistenţă
    3) (the force that one object, substance etc exerts against the movement of another object etc.) rezistenţă

    English-Romanian dictionary > resistance

  • 3 might

    1) (past tense of may: I thought I might find you here; He might come if you offered him a meal.) a (se) putea să
    2) (used instead of `may', eg to make a possibility seem less likely, or a request for permission more polite: He might win if he tries hard; Might I speak to you for a few minutes, please?) a (se) putea să
    3) (used in suggesting that a person is not doing what he should: You might help me clean the car!) a putea cel puţin
    - might have
    - I might have known
    (power or strength: The might of the opposing army was too great for us.) forţă, putere
    - mightily
    - mightiness

    English-Romanian dictionary > might

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Basic Law: the army —    Passed on 31 March 1976 by the eighth Knesset. Until the basic law was passed, the constitutional and legal basis for the operation of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) was to be found in the IDF Ordinance of 1948. The basic law follows that… …   Historical Dictionary of Israel

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  • The Byzantine Empire —     The Byzantine Empire     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Byzantine Empire     The ancient Roman Empire having been divided into two parts, an Eastern and a Western, the Eastern remained subject to successors of Constantine, whose capital was at …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Thirty Years War —     The Thirty Years War     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Thirty Years War     The Thirty Years War (1618 48), though pre eminently a German war, was also of great importance for the history of the whole of Europe, not only because nearly all… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • The Belgariad — is a five book fantasy epic written by David Eddings. The series tells the story of the recovery of the Orb of Aldur and coming of age of Garion, an orphaned farmboy. Garion is accompanied by his aunt Polgara and grandfather Belgarath as they try …   Wikipedia

  • The Church —     The Church     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Church     The term church (Anglo Saxon, cirice, circe; Modern German, Kirche; Sw., Kyrka) is the name employed in the Teutonic languages to render the Greek ekklesia (ecclesia), the term by which… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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