Перевод: с английского на турецкий

с турецкого на английский


  • 1 administration

    n. yönetim, idare, idarecilik; uygulama, yerine getirme; ettirme; bakanlar kurulu, hükümet [amer.]
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    1. idare 2. yönetim
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    1) (management: He's in charge of administration at the hospital.) yönetim
    2) ((the people who carry on) the government of a country etc.) iktidar, yönetim

    English-Turkish dictionary > administration

  • 2 hall

    n. hol, salon, antre, kabul salonu, koridor, konak, yurt, yemekhane
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    1) (a room or passage at the entrance to a house: We left our coats in the hall.) hol, sofa
    2) ((a building with) a large public room, used for concerts, meetings etc: a community hall.) salon
    3) (a building with offices where the administration of a town etc is carried out: a town hall; (American) the city hall.) konak
    4) ((American) a passageway through a building; a corridor.) koridor
    5) (a building of a university, college etc, especially one in which students etc live.) yatakhane
    - hallway

    English-Turkish dictionary > hall

  • 3 justice

    n. adalet, hak, yargı, dürüstlük, doğruluk, hakim, yargıç
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    1) (fairness or rightness in the treatment of other people: Everyone has a right to justice; I don't deserve to be punished - where's your sense of justice?) adalet, hak
    2) (the law or the administration of it: Their dispute had to be settled in a court of justice.) adalet
    3) (a judge.) hâkim, yargıç
    - do
    - in justice to

    English-Turkish dictionary > justice

  • 4 civil service

    devlet hizmeti, sivil kamu hizmetleri
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    milkiye memurluğu
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    (the organization which runs the administration of a state.) kamu görevi; sivil devlet memurluğu

    English-Turkish dictionary > civil service

  • 5 servant

    n. uşak, hizmetçi, hizmetli, memur, kul, hademe
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    1) (a person who is hired to work for another, especially in helping to run a house.) hizmetçi
    2) (a person employed by the government, or in the administration of a country etc: a public servant; civil servants.) memur

    English-Turkish dictionary > servant

  • 6 junta

    n. cunta, yönetime el koyan askeri birlik, siyasi grup
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    (a group of army officers that has taken over the administration of a country by force.) cunta

    English-Turkish dictionary > junta

  • 7 administer

    v. yönetmek, idare etmek; uygulamak; vermek (ilâç, ceza vb), verdirmek, ettirmek, hizmet etmek
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    1) (to govern or manage: He administers the finances of the company) yönetmek,idare etmek
    2) (to carry out (the law etc).) uygulamak
    3) (to give (medicine, help etc): The doctor administered drugs to the patient.) vermek
    - administration
    - administrative
    - administrator

    English-Turkish dictionary > administer

  • 8 authority

    n. otorite, yetki, yetki belgesi, hüküm, nüfuz, itibar; uzman, bilirkişi; hak
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    1. otorite 2. yetkili
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    plural - authorities; noun
    1) (the power or right to do something: He gave me authority to act on his behalf.) yetki
    2) (a person who is an expert, or a book that can be referred to, on a particular subject: He is an authority on Roman history.) uzman
    3) ((usually in plural) the person or people who have power in an administration etc: The authorities would not allow public meetings.) yetkililer
    4) (a natural quality in a person which makes him able to control and influence people: a man of authority.) etkileme gücü
    - authoritative

    English-Turkish dictionary > authority

  • 9 corporation

    n. tüzel kişi; kurum, şirket, dernek, belediye yetkilileri; şiş göbek
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    noun (a body of people acting as one individual eg for administration or business purposes: the British Broadcasting Corporation.) anonim şirket

    English-Turkish dictionary > corporation

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Minister charged with the administration of The Crown Corporations Public Review and Accountability Act (Manitoba) — The Minister charged with the administration of The Crown Corporations Public Review and Accountability Act is a government position in the province of Manitoba, Canada. It is not a full portfolio, and has always been held by ministers with other …   Wikipedia

  • Minister charged with the administration of the Liquor Control Act (Manitoba) — The Minister charged with the administration of the Liquor Control Act is a government position in the province of Manitoba, Canada. It is not a full portfolio, and has always been held by ministers with other cabinet responsibilities. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Commission for the Administration of Justice of Malta. — This Commission for the Administration of Justice of Malta is set up under the relevant provisions of the Constitution , and is chaired by the President of Malta. It is composed of nine other members including the Chief Justice of Malta (Deputy… …   Wikipedia

  • Committee on the Administration of Justice — CAJ is an independent human rights organisation with cross community membership in Northern Ireland and beyond. It was established in 1981 and lobbies and campaigns on a broad range of human rights issues. CAJ seeks to secure the highest… …   Wikipedia

  • administration — ad·min·is·tra·tion /əd ˌmi nə strā shən/ n 1: the act or process of administering the administration of justice 2 a: the management and disposal under court authority of the estate of a deceased person by an executor or an administrator b: the… …   Law dictionary

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  • The Path to 9/11 — was a two part miniseries that aired in the United States on ABC television from September 10 ndash; 11, 2006, and also in other countries. The film dramatizes the 2001 terrorist attack upon the World Trade Center in New York City and the events… …   Wikipedia

  • The Vatican —     The Vatican     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Vatican     This subject will be treated under the following heads:     I. Introduction; II. Architectural History of the Vatican Palace; III. Description of the Palace; IV. Description of the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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