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  • 1 Holy Trinity

    Holy ˈTrini·ty
    the \Holy Trinity die Dreieinigkeit
    * * *
    1. (die) Heilige Dreifaltigkeit oder Dreieinigkeit
    2. Trinitarier pl (ein Orden)

    English-german dictionary > Holy Trinity

  • 2 Holy Trinity

    Holy 'Trini·ty n
    the \Holy Trinity die Dreieinigkeit

    English-German students dictionary > Holy Trinity

  • 3 trinity

    1) (Theol.)

    the [Holy] Trinity — die [Heilige] Dreifaltigkeit od. Dreieinigkeit od. Trinität

    2) (Eccl.)

    Trinity [Sunday] — Dreifaltigkeitssonntag, der

    * * *
    1. usu sing ( liter: trio) Dreiheit f
    the [Holy] T\trinity die [Heilige] Dreifaltigkeit [o Dreieinigkeit
    3. LAW
    T\trinity Dreieinigkeit f
    the unholy \trinity of sth die ungeweihte Dreieinigkeit von etw dat
    * * *
    1) Trinität f, Dreieinigkeit f, Dreifaltigkeit f
    2) (= Trinity term) Sommertrimester nt
    * * *
    trinity [ˈtrınıtı] s
    1. Dreiergruppe f
    2. Dreiheit f
    3. Trinity REL Trinität f, Dreieinigkeit f, Dreifaltigkeit f
    4. Trinity academic.ru/76662/Trinity_Sunday">Trinity Sunday
    * * *
    1) (Theol.)

    the [Holy] Trinity — die [Heilige] Dreifaltigkeit od. Dreieinigkeit od. Trinität

    2) (Eccl.)

    Trinity [Sunday] — Dreifaltigkeitssonntag, der

    * * *
    Dreifaltigkeit f.

    English-german dictionary > trinity

  • 4 trinity

    trini·ty [ʼtrɪnɪti] n
    1) usu sing (liter: trio) Dreiheit f
    the [Holy] T\trinity die [Heilige] Dreifaltigkeit [o Dreieinigkeit];
    the unholy \trinity of sth die ungeweihte Dreieinigkeit von etw dat

    English-German students dictionary > trinity

См. также в других словарях:

  • the Holy Trinity — ↑trinity 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑Holy Trinity …   Useful english dictionary

  • the Holy Trinity — three manifestations of God according to Christianity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Greek Orthodox Church Of The Holy Trinity and St Luke — The Church of The Holy Trinity and St Luke is a Greek Orthodox church in the north of Birmingham, England, dedicated to The Holy Trinity and St Luke. In Greek: Ellinorthodoxi Ekklisia Tis Agias Triados kai Apostolou Louka . The church celebrates… …   Wikipedia

  • Society of the Holy Trinity — The Society of the Holy Trinity ( Societas Trinitatis Sanctae STS ) is a Lutheran ministerium dedicated to the renewal of the Lutheran church and ministry. Founded in 1997 by 28 members, it currently has over 200 members in at least seven… …   Wikipedia

  • Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity — The Ursuline Church on the Congress Square in Ljubljana. Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity (Slovene: Cerkev Svete trojice, Uršulinska cerkev or Nunska cerkev) is a church in Ljubljana, the capital of S …   Wikipedia

  • Monastery of the Holy Trinity, Meteora — Holy Trinity Monastery Basic information Affiliation Eastern Orthodox Architectural description …   Wikipedia

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  • Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia — Church of the Holy Trinity U.S. National Register of Historic Places …   Wikipedia

  • Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States — Supreme Court of the United States Submitted January 7, 1892 …   Wikipedia

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