1 the wheels turned round
Общая лексика: колеса вращалисьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > the wheels turned round
2 round
1. adjective1) (shaped like a circle or globe: a round hole; a round stone; This plate isn't quite round.) redondo2) (rather fat; plump: a round face.) redondo
2. adverb1) (in the opposite direction: He turned round.) en sentido contrario2) (in a circle: They all stood round and listened; A wheel goes round; All (the) year round.) en círculo3) (from one person to another: They passed the letter round; The news went round.) de persona en persona4) (from place to place: We drove round for a while.) de un sitio a otro, por ahí5) (in circumference: The tree measured two metres round.) de circunferencia6) (to a particular place, usually a person's home: Are you coming round (to our house) tonight?) a casa
3. preposition1) (on all sides of: There was a wall round the garden; He looked round the room.) alrededor (de), en torno (a)2) (passing all sides of (and returning to the starting-place): They ran round the tree.) alrededor (de), en torno (a)3) (changing direction at: He came round the corner.) a la vuelta (de)4) (in or to all parts of: The news spread all round the town.) por
4. noun1) (a complete circuit: a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf.) ronda, vuelta; recorrido2) (a regular journey one takes to do one's work: a postman's round.) recorrido3) (a burst of cheering, shooting etc: They gave him a round of applause; The soldier fired several rounds.) salva; tiro4) (a single bullet, shell etc: five hundred rounds of ammunition.) cartucho5) (a stage in a competition etc: The winners of the first round will go through to the next.) vuelta, asalto (boxeo)6) (a type of song sung by several singers singing the same tune starting in succession.) canon
5. verb(to go round: The car rounded the corner.) girar, virar- rounded- roundly
- roundness
- rounds
- all-round
- all-rounder
- roundabout
6. adjective(not direct: a roundabout route.) indirecto- round-shouldered
- round trip
- all round
- round about
- round off
- round on
- round up
round1 adj redondoround2 advshe looked round miró a su alrededor / miró hacia atrásround3 prep alrededor de
round /rraun/ sustantivo masculino (Dep) round ' round' also found in these entries: Spanish: alrededor - asalto - asomar - batuta - billete - bordear - caballito - camilla - circular - dejarse - doblar - eliminatoria - energía - estar - foro - hacinarse - inversa - inverso - juntar - octava - octavo - pasarse - patearse - piña - por - reanimar - reanimarse - rebuscada - rebuscado - recorrer - redonda - redondear - redondez - redondo - rematar - remover - revés - rodear - ronda - sobremesa - soler - sortear - tartana - tiovivo - volver - volverse - vuelta - acorralar - aparecer - aplauso English: all-round - ask round - bend - bring round - circle - clip - clock - come round - corner - drop in - drop round - finger - flash - gather round - get around - get round - get round to - glance round - go round - hand round - look round - merry-go-round - pad - paper round - pass - pass round - rally - rally round - ring - round - round down - round off - round on - round robin - round up - round-shouldered - round-table meeting - round-the-clock - show round - spin - swap round - swing - tour - travel - turn round - twist round - wander - way - wheel - whip-roundtr[raʊnd]1 redondo,-a1 (circle) círculo4 (of drinks) ronda5 (of policeman etc) ronda6 (for gun) cartucho7 (of bread) rebanada2 (about) por ahí3 (to somebody's house) a casa1 alrededor de■ have you lived round here long? ¿hace mucho que vives por aquí?1 doblar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLall the year round durante todo el añoround the clock día y noche, las veinticuatro horasround the corner a la vuelta de la esquinathe other way round al revésto have round shoulders tener las espaldas cargadasto go round dar vueltasround table mesa redondaround trip viaje nombre masculino de ida y vueltaround number número redondoround ['raʊnd] vt1) : redondearshe rounded the edges: redondeó los bordes2) turn: doblarto round the corner: dar la vuelta a la esquina3)to round off : redondear (un número)4)5)to round up gather: reunirround adj1) : redondoa round table: una mesa redondain round numbers: en números redondosround shoulders: espaldas cargadas2)round trip : viaje m de ida y vueltaround n1) circle: círculo m2) series: serie f, sucesión fa round of talks: una ronda de negociacionesthe daily round: la rutina cotidiana3) : asalto m (en boxeo), recorrido m (en golf), vuelta f (en varios juegos)4) : salva f (de aplausos)5)round of drinks : ronda f6)round of ammunition : disparo m, cartucho m7) rounds npl: recorridos mpl (de un cartero), rondas fpl (de un vigilante), visitas fpl (de un médico)to make the rounds: hacer visitasn.• equilibrado (Vino) s.m.adj.• redondo, -a adj.• rollizo, -a adj.• rotundo, -a adj.adv.• alrededor adv.n.• asalto s.m.• círculo s.m.• descarga s.f.• redondo s.m.• ronda s.f.• rueda s.f.• vuelta s.f.prep.• alrededor de prep.v.• redondear (MAT, INF) v.
I raʊnd1)a) (circular, spherical) redondob) ( not angular) < corner> curvoshe has very round shoulders — es muy cargada de espaldas, es muy encorvada
2) < number> redondo
1) c ( circle) círculo m, redondel m, redondela f (Andes)theater in the round — teatro m circular
2) ca) ( series) serie fround of talks — ronda f de conversaciones
b) ( burst)let's have a round of applause for... — un aplauso para...
3) c (Sport, Games) (of tournament, quiz) vuelta f; (in boxing, wrestling) round m, asalto m; ( in golf) vuelta f, recorrido m; ( in showjumping) recorrido m; ( in card games) partida f4)a) ( of visits) (often pl)the doctor is off making his rounds o (BrE) is on his rounds — el doctor está haciendo visitas a domicilio or visitando pacientes
the nurse does her round of the wards at midday — la enfermera hace la ronda de las salas a mediodía
we had to make o (BrE) do o go the rounds of all the relatives — tuvimos que ir de visita a casa de todos los parientes
b) c ( of watchman) ronda f; (of postman, milkman) (BrE) recorrido m5) c ( of drinks) ronda f, vuelta f, tanda f (Col, Méx)this is my round — esta ronda or vuelta or (Col, Méx tb) tanda la pago yo
7) c ( of bread) (BrE)a round of toast — una tostada or (Méx) un pan tostado
8) c ( Mus) canon m
a) ( go around) \<\<corner\>\> doblar, dar* la vuelta ab) ( make round) \<\<edge\>\> redondearPhrasal Verbs:- round on- round up
adverb (esp BrE)1)a) ( in a circle)she spun round when she heard his voice — dio media vuelta al oír su voz; see also turn round
c) ( on all sides) alrededor2)a) (from one place, person to another)the curator took us round — el conservador nos mostró or nos enseñó el museo (or la colección etc)
b) (at, to different place)we're having friends round for a meal — hemos invitado a unos amigos a comer; see also call round
c)all round — ( in every respect) en todos los sentidos; ( for everybody) a todos
preposition (esp BrE)1) ( encircling) alrededor de2)a) ( in the vicinity of) cerca de, en los alrededores deb) (within, through)[raʊnd] When round is an element in a phrasal verb, eg ask round, call round, rally round, look up the verb.1.ADJ(compar rounder) (superl roundest) (gen) redondo; [sum, number] redondo2.ADV•
there is a fence all round — está rodeado por un cercadoit would be better all round if we didn't go — (in every respect) sería mejor en todos los sentidos que no fuéramos; (for all concerned) sería mejor para todos que no fuéramos
drinks all round! — ¡pago la ronda para todos!
to ask sb round — invitar a algn a casa or a pasar (por casa)•
we were round at my sister's — estábamos en casa de mi hermana•
the wheels go round — las ruedas giran or dan vuelta•
the long way round — el camino más largothe other/wrong way round — al revés
3. PREP1) (of place etc) alrededor dewe were sitting round the table/fire — estábamos sentados alrededor de la mesa/en torno a la chimenea
round the clock — (=at any time) a todas horas, a cualquier hora; (=non-stop) permanentemente, día y noche, las 24 horas del día•
are you from round here? — ¿eres de por aquí?•
to look round the shop — echar una mirada por la tienda•
round about £50 — alrededor de 50 libras, 50 libras más o menos•
somewhere round Derby — cerca de Derby3) (=using as theme)4. N1) (=circle) círculo m ; (=slice) tajada f, rodaja f2) [of postman, milkman etc] recorrido m ; [of watchman] ronda f•
the watchman was doing his round — el vigilante estaba de ronda•
the story is going the rounds that... — se dice or se rumorea que...she did or went or made the rounds of the agencies — visitó or recorrió todas las agencias
the doctor's on his rounds — el médico está haciendo sus visitas3) (Boxing) asalto m, round m ; (Golf) partido m, recorrido m, vuelta f ; (Showjumping) recorrido m ; (Cards) (=game) partida f ; (in tournament) vuelta f•
to have a clear round — hacer un recorrido sin penalizaciones4) [of drinks] ronda fwhose round is it? — ¿a quién le toca (pagar)?
it's my round — yo invito, me toca a mí
let's have a round of applause for... — demos un fuerte aplauso a...
5) (=series)6) (=routine)•
the daily round — la rutina cotidiana7)• in the round — (Theat) circular, en redondo
8) (Mus) canon m5. VT1) (=make round) [+ lips, edges] redondear2) (=go round) [+ corner] doblar, dar la vuelta a; (Naut) doblar6.CPDround arch N — arco m de medio punto
round dance N — baile m en corro
round robin N — (=request) petición f firmada en rueda; (=protest) protesta f firmada en rueda
Round Table N — (Hist) Mesa f Redonda
round table N — (=conference) mesa f redonda
round trip N — viaje m de ida y vuelta
round trip ticket — (US) billete m de ida y vuelta
- round on- round up* * *
I [raʊnd]1)a) (circular, spherical) redondob) ( not angular) < corner> curvoshe has very round shoulders — es muy cargada de espaldas, es muy encorvada
2) < number> redondo
1) c ( circle) círculo m, redondel m, redondela f (Andes)theater in the round — teatro m circular
2) ca) ( series) serie fround of talks — ronda f de conversaciones
b) ( burst)let's have a round of applause for... — un aplauso para...
3) c (Sport, Games) (of tournament, quiz) vuelta f; (in boxing, wrestling) round m, asalto m; ( in golf) vuelta f, recorrido m; ( in showjumping) recorrido m; ( in card games) partida f4)a) ( of visits) (often pl)the doctor is off making his rounds o (BrE) is on his rounds — el doctor está haciendo visitas a domicilio or visitando pacientes
the nurse does her round of the wards at midday — la enfermera hace la ronda de las salas a mediodía
we had to make o (BrE) do o go the rounds of all the relatives — tuvimos que ir de visita a casa de todos los parientes
b) c ( of watchman) ronda f; (of postman, milkman) (BrE) recorrido m5) c ( of drinks) ronda f, vuelta f, tanda f (Col, Méx)this is my round — esta ronda or vuelta or (Col, Méx tb) tanda la pago yo
7) c ( of bread) (BrE)a round of toast — una tostada or (Méx) un pan tostado
8) c ( Mus) canon m
a) ( go around) \<\<corner\>\> doblar, dar* la vuelta ab) ( make round) \<\<edge\>\> redondearPhrasal Verbs:- round on- round up
adverb (esp BrE)1)a) ( in a circle)she spun round when she heard his voice — dio media vuelta al oír su voz; see also turn round
c) ( on all sides) alrededor2)a) (from one place, person to another)the curator took us round — el conservador nos mostró or nos enseñó el museo (or la colección etc)
b) (at, to different place)we're having friends round for a meal — hemos invitado a unos amigos a comer; see also call round
c)all round — ( in every respect) en todos los sentidos; ( for everybody) a todos
preposition (esp BrE)1) ( encircling) alrededor de2)a) ( in the vicinity of) cerca de, en los alrededores deb) (within, through) -
3 round
1. adjectiverund; rundlich [Arme]2. nounround cheeks — Pausbacken Pl. (fam.)
1) (recurring series) Serie, dieround of talks/negotiations — Gesprächs-/Verhandlungsrunde, die
2) (charge of ammunition) Ladung, die50 rounds [of ammunition] — 50 Schuss Munition
3) (division of game or contest) Runde, die4) (burst)round of applause — Beifallssturm, der
5)round [of drinks] — Runde, die
go [on] or make one's rounds — [Posten, Wächter usw.:] seine Runde machen od. gehen; [Krankenhausarzt:] Visite machen
do or go the rounds — [Person, Gerücht usw.:] die Runde machen (ugs.)
7) (Golf) Runde, die8) (slice)3. adverba round of bread/toast — eine Scheibe Brot/Toast
1)2) (in girth)be [all of] ten feet round — einen Umfang von [mindestens] zehn Fuß haben
3) (from one point, place, person, etc. to another)he asked round among his friends — er fragte seine Freunde
4) (by indirect way) herumgo a/the long way round — einen weiten Umweg machen
4. prepositionask somebody round [for a drink] — jemanden [zu einem Gläschen zu sich] einladen; see also academic.ru/13497/clock">clock 1. 1)
1) um [... herum]she had a blanket round her — sie hatte eine Decke um sich geschlungen
right round the lake — um den ganzen See herum
be round the back of the house — hinter dem Haus sein
walk etc. round and round something — immer wieder um etwas herumgehen usw.
we looked round the shops — wir sahen uns in den Geschäften um
2) (in various directions from) um [... herum]; rund um [einen Ort]5. transitive verbdo you live round here? — wohnst du [hier] in der Nähe?
1) (give round shape to) rund machen; runden [Lippen, Rücken]2) (state as round number) runden (to auf + Akk.)3) (go round) umfahren/umgehen usw.round a bend — um eine Kurve fahren/gehen/kommen usw
Phrasal Verbs:- round on- round up* * *1. adjective2) (rather fat; plump: a round face.) rundlich2. adverb1) (in the opposite direction: He turned round.) herum2) (in a circle: They all stood round and listened; A wheel goes round; All( the) year round.) rundherum4) (from place to place: We drove round for a while.) herum5) (in circumference: The tree measured two metres round.) rundherum6) (to a particular place, usually a person's home: Are you coming round (to our house) tonight?) herüber3. preposition3) (changing direction at: He came round the corner.) um... herum4) (in or to all parts of: The news spread all round the town.) in...herum4. noun1) (a complete circuit: a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf.) die Runde2) (a regular journey one takes to do one's work: a postman's round.) die Runde3) (a burst of cheering, shooting etc: They gave him a round of applause; The soldier fired several rounds.) die Salve4) (a single bullet, shell etc: five hundred rounds of ammunition.) der Schuß5) (a stage in a competition etc: The winners of the first round will go through to the next.) die Runde6) (a type of song sung by several singers singing the same tune starting in succession.) der Kanon5. verb(to go round: The car rounded the corner.) herumfahren um- rounded- roundly
- roundness
- rounds
- all-round
- all-rounder
- roundabout 6. adjective(not direct: a roundabout route.) umwegig- round figures/numbers- round-shouldered
- round trip
- all round
- round about
- round off
- round on
- round up* * *[raʊnd]I. adj<-er, -est>1. (circular) rund\round arch Rundbogen m\round arms/legs rund[lich]e [o dicke] Arme/Beine\round cheeks runde Backen\round eyes Kulleraugen pl\round face rundliches Gesicht\round peg Runddübel m\round table runder Tisch\round vowel gerundeter Vokala \round dozen ein rundes Dutzendto make sth a \round hundred (bring up) etw auf hundert aufrunden; (bring down) etw auf hundert abrundenin \round figures aufgerundet, abgerundet1. (in circular motion)the children turned \round and \round until they made themselves dizzy die Kinder drehten sich so lange im Kreis, bis ihnen schwindlig wurdesorry, you'll have to go \round tut mir leid, aber Sie müssen außen herumgehen2. (here and there)to run \round herumrennen fam3. (to a specific place)to come \round vorbeikommen famto go \round virus, rumours umgehenthere aren't enough pencils to go \round es sind nicht genügend Stifte für alle vorhandento go \round to Mary's/Peter's bei Mary/Peter vorbeischauen famto show sb \round jdn herumführen4. (surrounding) rundherumthe house has trees all \round das Haus ist von Bäumen umgebeneveryone for a mile \round heard the explosion jeder im Umkreis von einer Meile hörte die Explosionin the mountains \round about in den Bergen ringsherumall year \round das ganze Jahr hindurch5. (towards other direction)the other way \round anders herumthe right/wrong way \round richtig/falsch herumto have sth on [or be wearing sth] the wrong way \round etw falsch [o links] herum anhaben6. (circa) ungefähr\round about 4 o'clock gegen 4 Uhr\round about 20 people ungefähr 20 Personen7. (in girth)the pyramid is 50 metres high and 100 metres \round die Pyramide ist 50 Meter hoch und hat einen Umfang von 100 MeternIII. prep, um + akk... herumhe put his arms \round her er legte seine Arme um siethere are trees all \round the house um das ganze Haus herum stehen Bäumethe moon goes \round the earth der Mond kreist um die Erdethey walked \round the lake sie liefen um den See herumdrive \round the corner and take the second road on the left fahren Sie um die Ecke und nehmen sie die zweite Straße zur Linkento be just \round the corner gleich um die Ecke seinthey sat \round the table sie saßen um den Tisch [herum]she looked \round the house sie sah sich im Haus umshe walked \round the room sie lief im Zimmer herumfrom all \round the world aus aller Welt6. (about) um ungefährI heard a strange noise \round 12:15 um ungefähr 12.15 Uhr hörte ich ein seltsames Geräusch7.▶ to be/go \round the bend/twist den Verstand verloren haben/verlieren, wahnsinnig geworden sein/werdenthere seems to be no way \round this problem es führt wohl kein Weg um dieses Problem herum▶ to lie/sit/stand \round herumliegen/-sitzen/-stehenIV. nthis \round is on me! diese Runde geht auf mich!a \round of sandwiches BRIT ein belegtes Brota \round of toast eine Scheibe Toastwhen we were young, life was just one long \round of parties als wir jung waren, war unser Leben eine einzige Folge von Partysto be a \round of pleasure ein einziges Vergnügen sein\round of talks Gesprächsrunde f3. (salvo)\round of applause Beifall mto get a big \round of applause stürmischen Beifall bekommen4. (route)▪ \rounds pl:I've made the \rounds of all the agents, but nobody has any tickets left ich habe alle Verkaufsstellen abgeklappert, aber es waren keine Karten mehr zu bekommen famto have a milk \round die Milch ausliefernto do a paper \round Zeitungen austragenmy daily \round includes going for a jog in the morning zu meinem Tagesablauf gehört mein täglicher Morgenlaufa \round of golf eine Runde Golfto fire a \round eine Ladung Munition abfeuernV. vt1. (make round)▪ to \round sth etw umrunden2. (go around)to \round the corner um die Ecke biegenVI. vi1. (become round) rund werden2. (turn against)▪ to \round on sb jdn anfahrento \round on one's critics über seine Kritiker herfallento \round on one's pursuers seine Verfolger angreifen* * *[raʊnd]1. adj (+er)1) rund; (LING) vowel gerundetround figure, round number — runde Zahl
in round figures, that will cost 20 million — es kostet rund (gerechnet) or runde 20 Millionen
2. adv (esp Brit)you can't get through here, you'll have to go round — Sie können hier nicht durch, Sie müssen außen herum gehen
the long way round — der Umweg, der längere Weg
that's a long way round (detour) — das ist ein großer Umweg; (round field, town)
I asked him round for a drink — ich lud ihn auf ein Glas Wein/Bier etc bei mir ein
I'll be round at 8 o'clock —
spring will soon be round again — der Frühling steht bald wieder vor der Tür
all round (lit) — ringsherum; ( esp Brit fig : for everyone ) für alle
drinks all round! (esp Brit) —
taking things all round, taken all round — insgesamt gesehen, wenn man alles zusammennimmt
this ought to make life much easier all round (esp Brit) — damit müsste es insgesamt einfacher werden
a pillar 2 m round — eine Säule mit 2 m Umfang
3. prep1) (esp Brit of place etc) um (... herum)round the table/fire — um den Tisch/das Feuer (herum)
all round the house (inside) — im ganzen Haus; (outside)
to go round a corner/bend — um eine Ecke/Kurve gehen/fahren etc
to look or see round a house — sich (dat) ein Haus ansehen
to show sb round a town — jdm eine Stadt zeigen, jdn in einer Stadt herumführen
they went round the cafés looking for him — sie gingen in alle Cafés, um nach ihm zu suchen
2) (= approximately) ungefähr£800 — um die £ 800
4. na round of beef sandwiches (esp Brit) — ein belegtes Brot mit Braten, eine Bratenschnitte
2) (= delivery round) Runde fto go or make or do the rounds (visiting relatives etc) — die Runde machen
the daily round (fig) — die tägliche Arbeit, der tägliche Trott (pej)
3)to go or do the rounds (story etc) — reihum gehen
the story went the rounds of the club —
10 rounds of bullets —
6)5. vt1) (= make round) runden2) (= go round) corner, bend gehen/fahren um; cape umfahren, herumfahren um; obstacle herumgehen/-fahren um* * *round [raʊnd]1. allg rund:a) kugelrundb) kreisrundc) zylindrisch:round bar Rundstab md) (ab)gerundete) einen Kreis beschreibend:round movement kreisförmige Bewegungf) bogenförmig:round-arched ARCH rundbogig, Rundbogen…g) rundlich, voll (Arme, Backen)3. fig rund, voll, ganz (Dutzend etc)a) in ganzen Zahlen,a round guess eine ungefähre Schätzung6. rund, beträchtlich (Summe)8. voll(-tönend) (Stimme)9. flott, scharf (Tempo)10. offen, unverblümt (Antwort etc):a round lie eine freche Lüge11. kräftig, derb:in round terms unmissverständlich12. weich, vollmundig (Wein)B s1. Rund n, Kreis m, Ring m:this earthly round das Erdenrund3. a) (runde) Stangeb) Querstange fd) TECH Rundstab m4. Rundung f:out of round TECH unrunda) plastisch,b) fig vollkommen7. Br Scheibe f, Schnitte f (Brot etc)8. Kreislauf m, Runde f:the round of the seasons der Kreislauf der Jahreszeiten;the daily round der alltägliche Trott9. a) (Dienst)Runde f, Rundgang m (von Polizisten, Briefträgern etc)b) MIL Rundgang m, Streifwache fc) pl MIL koll Streife fb) Rundreise f, Tour fof von)12. a) Boxen, Golf etc: Runde f:a 10-round fight, a fight over 10 rounds ein Kampf über 10 Runden;first round to him! die erste Runde geht an ihn!, fig hum a. eins zu null für ihn!b) (Verhandlungs- etc) Runde f:13. Runde f, Kreis m (von Personen):go the rounds die Runde machen, kursieren ( beide:of bei, in dat) (Gerücht, Witz etc)15. MILa) Salve fb) Schuss m:20 rounds of cartridge 20 Schuss Patronen;he did not fire a single round er gab keinen einzigen Schuss ab16. fig (Lach-, Beifalls) Salve f:round after round of applause nicht enden wollender Beifall17. MUSa) Kanon m, Br HIST Round m (schlichter Rundgesang)b) Rundtanz m, Reigen mc) Dreher mC adv3. im Umfang, mit einem Umfang von:4. rundherum:round and round immer rundherum;the wheels go round die Räder drehen sich;hand sth round etwas herumreichen;look round um sich blicken;turn round sich umdrehen5. außen herum:a long way round ein weiter oder großer Umweg6. (zeitlich) heran…:winter comes round again der Winter kehrt wiederthe clock round rund um die Uhr, volle 24 Stunden8. a) hinüber…b) herüber…, her…:ask sb round jemanden her(über)bitten;D präp1. (rund) um:a tour round the world eine Reise um die Welt2. um (… herum):just round the corner gleich um die Eckeshe chased us round all the shops sie jagte uns durch alle Läden4. um (… herum), im Umkreis von (oder gen):shells burst round him um ihn herum platzten Granaten5. um (… herum):write a book round a story aus einer Geschichte ein (dickes) Buch machen;argue round and round a subject um ein Thema herumredenE v/t2. umkreisen3. umgeben, umschließenF v/i1. rund werden, sich runden2. fig sich abrunden3. a) die Runde machen (Wache)b) einen Umweg machena) jemanden anfahren,b) über jemanden herfallenrd. abk1. road Str.3. round* * *1. adjectiverund; rundlich [Arme]round cheeks — Pausbacken Pl. (fam.)
2. nounin round figures, it will cost £1,000 — rund gerechnet wird es 1 000 Pfund kosten
1) (recurring series) Serie, dieround of talks/negotiations — Gesprächs-/Verhandlungsrunde, die
2) (charge of ammunition) Ladung, die50 rounds [of ammunition] — 50 Schuss Munition
3) (division of game or contest) Runde, die4) (burst)round of applause — Beifallssturm, der
5)round [of drinks] — Runde, die
go [on] or make one's rounds — [Posten, Wächter usw.:] seine Runde machen od. gehen; [Krankenhausarzt:] Visite machen
do or go the rounds — [Person, Gerücht usw.:] die Runde machen (ugs.)
7) (Golf) Runde, die8) (slice)3. adverba round of bread/toast — eine Scheibe Brot/Toast
1)2) (in girth)be [all of] ten feet round — einen Umfang von [mindestens] zehn Fuß haben
3) (from one point, place, person, etc. to another)4) (by indirect way) herumgo a/the long way round — einen weiten Umweg machen
4. prepositionask somebody round [for a drink] — jemanden [zu einem Gläschen zu sich] einladen; see also clock 1. 1)
1) um [... herum]walk etc. round and round something — immer wieder um etwas herumgehen usw.
2) (in various directions from) um [... herum]; rund um [einen Ort]5. transitive verbdo you live round here? — wohnst du [hier] in der Nähe?
1) (give round shape to) rund machen; runden [Lippen, Rücken]2) (state as round number) runden (to auf + Akk.)3) (go round) umfahren/umgehen usw.round a bend — um eine Kurve fahren/gehen/kommen usw
Phrasal Verbs:- round on- round up* * *adj.ringsherum adj.rund adj.runden adj.um...herum adj. n.Kontrollgang m.Runde -n f. -
4 round
دَارَ (فِعْل) \ circle: to move in a circle; move around sth.: The aeroplane circled over us. The earth circles the sun. circulate: to move or pass round: Blood circulates round the body. go: to work: This clock goes by electricity. orbit: to move in orbit (around sth.): The moon orbits our earth. turn: to move round in a circle: Wheels turn. The bus turned (round) the corner. wheel: (often with round) to turn quickly and face in another direction: He wheeled round when I called his name. -
5 round
1. прил.
1) а) круглый;
сферический round arch ≈ полукруглая арка round back, round shoulders ≈ сутулость round timber ≈ кругляк, круглый лесоматериал round hand round text Syn: cylindrical б) напоминающий по форме круг, овальный Syn: round face ≈ округлое лицо
2) круговой round game ≈ игра в карты, в которой принимает участие неограниченное количество игроков round towel ≈ = roller towel round trip, round tour, round voyage ≈ поездка в оба конца, поездка туда и обратно
3) полный, хорошо сложенный Syn: plump I
1., shapely
4) а) целый, завершенный a round dozen ≈ полная дюжина б) круглый (о числе) a round sum ≈ кругленькая сумма (большая сумма денег) в) приближенный, округленный( о вычислении, результате) ∙ Syn: complete, full, ample
5) а) высказанный, произнесенный вслух, прямой, резкий round oath ≈ крепкое ругательство in round terms ≈ в сильных выражениях б) закругленный, законченный( о фразе, предложении) в) гладкий, плавный( о стиле) Syn: outspoken
6) мягкий, низкий, бархатистый( о голосе)
7) быстрый, энергичный( о движении)
8) а) звонкий, звучный Syn: sonorous б) фон. огубленный, лабиализованный, округленный ( о качестве звука)
2. сущ.
1) а) круг, окружность( геометрические фигуры) б) перен. контур, очертание
2) круговое движение;
3) обход;
прогулка to go/make the round of ≈ обходить;
циркулировать to go for a good/long round ≈ предпринять длинную прогулку staff round, round of surgeons ≈ обход больных врачами
4) а) ряд, цикл, череда( однородных действий) б) автоматная очередь( череда выстрелов) to fire a round ≈ пустить очередь
5) одиночный представитель ряда одинаковых действий а) тур, круг ( в спортивных соревнованиях) б) раунд (название одной части состязания) в) рейс
6) а) кусочек, ломтик, долька б) порция a round of sandwiches ≈ (целый поднос) сандвичей he ordered another round of drinks ≈ он заказал еще по рюмочке для всех
7) ступенька стремянки (тж. round of a ladder)
8) воен. а) ракетный снаряд б) боевой патрон 50 rounds of ball cartridges ≈ 50 боевых патронов ∙ of cheers, round of applause ≈ взрыв аплодисментов
3. гл.
1) а) округлять(ся), делать(ся) круглым б) складывать губы трубочкой в) фон. округлять, огублять, лабиализовывать Syn: labialize
2) окружать, опоясывать, заключать в круг (тж. перен.) Syn: encircle, encompass
3) доводить до совершенства, завершать;
4) а) огибать, обходить кругом;
повертывать(ся) б) бывать во многих местах, путешествовать Syn: go around
5) мат. выражать в круглых цифрах, выражать в целых числах ∙ round down round in round into round off round upon round out round to round up
4. нареч.
1) вокруг;
всюду, повсюду The wind has gone round to the north. ≈ Ветер повернул на север. round about ≈ вокруг (да около) round and round ≈ кругом;
со всех сторон all round, right round ≈ кругом all the year round ≈ круглый год long way round ≈ кружным путем
2) вспять, назад, обратно ∙ Syn: around
5. предл.
1) вокруг, кругом
2) в течение, на всем протяжении round the year ≈ в течение года, весь год Syn: throughout
1. шар - this earthly * Земля небесный свод круг, предмет, имеющий форму круга ломтик (хлеба и т. п.) - a * of toast гренок - two *s of ham and one of beef два бутерброда с ветчиной и один с говядиной окружность, кольцо - to dance in a * двигаться по кругу( о танцующих) круговое движение;
круговорот - the earth's yearly * годовое вращение Земли обход - doctor's * обход врачом больных - the night watchman makes his *s every hour ночной сторож совершает обход каждый час - to go /to make/ the * of совершать обход (военное) поверка караулов прогулка, поездка - to make a * of the country совершить поездку по стране ряд;
серия - the daily * повседневные дела - a * of pleasures вихрь удовольствий - a * of duties круг обязанностей - to make a * of visits нанести ряд визитов - the whole * of knowledge весь цикл знаний тур, этап - second * второй тур (выборов и т. п.) раунд, тур (переговоров) круг, группа (людей) - a * of politicians группа политических деятелей хоровод;
круговой танец танец, в котором пары двигаются по кругу (вальс и т. п.) (the *) круглая скульптура огузок и кострец очередная порция спиртного - they had another * они выпили еще по одной - this * is on me моя очередь платить( за вино) (спортивное) игра, партия;
тур игры - to have a * of cards сыграть партию в карты пулька (фехтование) схватка, раунд (бокс) (военное) выстрел;
патрон - * of ammunition патрон, комплект выстрела взрыв( аплодисментов и т. п.) - a * of cheers несмолкаемые аплодисменты, овация круглая ступенька( стремянки) (реактивно-техническое) снаряд - ballistic * баллистический снаряд (горное) комплект шпуров > honour * (спортивное) круг почета > to go /to make/ the * of циркулировать (о слухах и т. п.) ;
переходить из уст в уста > the news quickly went the * of the village новость облетела всю деревню > in the * объемный;
видный со всех сторон;
всесторонне показанный или описанный круглый;
шарообразный, сферический - as * as a ball круглый как шар - the * world земной шар - * hand /text/ круглый почерк;
(полиграфия) шрифт рондо - * shoulders /back/ сутулость - * brackets круглые скобки - * timber( лесохозяйственное) кругляк - * arch (архитектура) полукруглая арка полный, пухлый, с округлыми формами - * cheeks пухлые щеки - * arms полные руки круговой - * game игра в карты, в которой каждый играет за себя - * towel полотенце на ролике грубый, приблизительный( о сумме и т. п.) - his year's profit was about $5000 as a * figure его годовой доход составлял приблизительно 5000 долларов круглый (о числе) - a * figure круглая цифра /-ое число/ - a * guess подсчет с округлением, приблизительный подсчет целый, без дробей (о числе) (эмоционально-усилительно) целый;
не меньше чем - a * ton целая тонна, не меньше тонны - * dozen целая дюжина большой, крупный, значительный( о сумме и т. п.) - a good * sum порядочная /кругленькая/ сумма - at a good * price по высокой цене быстрый, энергичный (о движении) - * pace быстрый темп - at a * trot крупной рысью мягкий, густой, звучный, глубокий( о голосе, звуке) приятный, нетерпкий( о вине) свободный, легкий, гладкий, плавный - * style гладкий слог закругленный;
законченный (о фразе, предложении) законченный, отделанный( о романе и т. п.) изображенный всесторонне, со всем правдоподобием;
полнокровный( об образе) прямой, откровенный;
резкий - * unvarnished tale неприкрашенная история;
правда-матка - * oath крепкое ругательство - to scold smb. in * terms распекать кого-л., не стесняясь в выражениях - she tells you home truths in the *est manner она без обиняков говорит (вам) горькую истину (фонетика) лабиализованный (о звуке) наполненный( о парусе) потрошеный (о рыбе) > a * O круг;
(ровно) ничего > a * peg in a square hole, a square peg in a * hole человек не на своем месте > * dealing (сленг) честное отношение /-ая практика/ указывает на движение по кругу, спирали или на вращение кругом - to go * in a circle ходить по кругу - to run * бегать по кругу - to go * and * вертеться, кружиться - the wheels went /turned/ * колеса вертелись /вращались/ указывает на передачу чего-л. (по кругу), часто передается глагольными приставками об-, раз- - to hand /to pass/ smth. * передавать по кругу (чашу и т. п.) - to deal * сдавать( карты) - there is not enough to go * на всех не хватит;
всем раздать не удастся указывает на распространение чего-л. среди группы лиц;
передается глагольной приставкой раз- и др. - hand the papers * раздайте всем (письменные) работы - the news was soon carried * новость быстро распространилась - a money subscription is going * подписной лист ходит по рукам указывает на движение кружным путем, в обход, кругом;
часто передается глагольными приставками - don't come across, come * не ходите прямо, идите кругом /в обход, обойдите кругом/ - a (long) way * кружный путь - he took a long way * он сделал большой крюк указывает на нахождение рядом, по соседству - from every village * из всех окрестных деревень - what are you hanging * for? (разговорное) что вы здесь околачиваетесь /болтаетесь/? указывает на нахождение или распространение по всей площади, по всему району и т. п. по;
передается тж. глагольными приставками - all the country * по всей стране - all *, right * кругом, везде вокруг - there were blossoming shrubs all * вокруг были цветущие кусты - a garden with a wall all /right/ * сад, окруженный со всех сторон стеной - a room hung * with pictures комната, увешанная картинами - the peddler went * with his goods разносчик ходил со своим товаром из дома в дом или из деревни в деревню и т. п. указывает на осмотр дома, музея и т. п. по - to conduct smb. * провести кого-л. по дому, музею и т. п. - let's go into town and look * /have a look */ давайте пойдем в город и все осмотрим указывает на изменение направления или движение в противоположную сторону;
часто передается глагольными приставками - everyone turned * все обернулись - turn your chair * and face me поверни стул и сядь лицом ко мне - the wind has gone * to the north ветер повернул на север указывает на изменение позиции, точки зрения и т. п. - to talk smb. * переубедить кого-л. - to come * to smb.'s opinion присоединиться к чьему-л. мнению, согласиться с кем-л. - we soon won him * мы скоро привлекли /переманили/ его на свою сторону (разговорное) указывает на приход куда-л. или к кому-л., доставку чего-л. куда-л. - to ask smb. * for the evening пригласить кого-л. зайти вечерком - to bring smb. * привести кого-л. с собой - I'll call * at eight я зайду в восемь - send * for the doctor пошли(те) за доктором - come * and see me заходи(те) в гости - what will this year bring *? что принесет этот год? указывает на измерение объема в окружности, в обхвате - the town walls are 3000 yards * стены города имеют 3000 ярдов в окружности - her waist measures are thirty inches * объем ее талии тридцать дюймов указывает на измерение площади по радиусу: в радиусе - for a mile * в радиусе мили указывает на повторение чего-л. через определенные промежутки времени: опять, снова - winter came * опять /снова/ пришла зима указывает на протекание действия в течение всего периода времени - he worked the whole year * он проработал весь /целый/ год (американизм) (разговорное) указывает на неточное определение чего-л.: приблизительно, около - it happened somewhere * there это случилось где-то там - the child played * ребенок играл где-то неподалеку в сочетании - * about вокруг, кругом;
обратно, в обратном направлении;
кружным путем, в обход;
вокруг да около - they worked in the villages * about они работали в окрестных деревнях - they turned * about and left они повернулись и ушли - to go * about to a place идти куда-л. кружным путем /в обход/ - he came * about and slowly to these conclusions не прямым путем и не сразу он пришел к этим выводам > taken all * в целом, в общем > taking it all * обсудив это со всех сторон;
приняв все во внимание > to argue * and * спорить не по существу;
вертеться вокруг да около > to bring smb. * привести кого-л. в чувство (после обморока) > to come * приходить в чувство /в себя/ (после обморока) ;
выздоравливать > to sleep the clock * проспать полсуток;
сочетания с др. словами см. под соответствующими словами округлять, делать круглым - amazement *ed her eyes от изумления ее глаза округлились округляться, полнеть - the little green apples grew and *ed and yellowed небольшие зеленые яблоки созрели, налились и пожелтели (фонетика) лабиализировать (звук) округлять (числа) надуваться, раздуваться, наполняться( о парусе) завершать, заканчивать;
закругляться - to * a phrase закруглить фразу (into) развиваться, превращаться в - a boy *s into manhood мальчик становится мужчиной (into) заканчиваться, завершаться( чем-л.) - the talk *ed into a plan беседа завершилась выработкой плана огибать, обходить кругом - to * a bend огибать /обходить/ поворот - to * (the) mark обходить знак "буй" (парусный спорт) - the ship *ed the cape корабль обогнул мыс - to * a corner свернуть за угол( разговорное) (on, upon) набрасываться, накидываться на кого-л.;
обрушивать поток брани - it took me by surprise to be *ed on in that way я никак не ожидал, что на меня так накинутся - his companion *ed on him with a torrent of abusive language попутчик обрушил на него поток брани (разговорное) (on, upon) доносить( на кого-л.) (разговорное) обойти, обвести, обмануть( кого-л.) подрезать уши (собаке) (редкое) повертывать (редкое) повертываться - he *ed to look at me он повернулся, чтобы посмотреть на меня - to * on one's heel резко повернуться( к кому-л.) спиной (морское) приводить к ветру указывает на движение вокруг чего-л. или вращение вокруг оси: вокруг - to row * the island объехать на лодке остров - the Moon revolves /turns/ * the Earth Луна вращается вокруг Земли - the wheel goes * an axle колесо вертится на оси - look * you посмотрите вокруг (себя) указывает на огибание предмета;
часто передается глагольной приставкой об- - to go * an obstacle обойти препятствие - her arm went * the child она обняла ребенка - * the corner за углом;
за угол - a store * the corner магазин за углом - to turn * the corner завернуть /повернуть, свернуть/ за угол указывает на движение по кривой: по - they did not sail across the bay, but went * it они поплыли не прямо через залив, а вдоль берега указывает на нахождение вокруг предмета: вокруг, кругом - the children were sitting * the table дети сидели вокруг стола - she had a necklace * her neck у нее на шее было ожерелье указывает на (разговорное) нахождение по соседству, рядом, в окрестности: около - it's somewhere * here это где-то здесь рядом - farms * Cleveland фермы в окрестностях Кливленда - there was a crowd * the church у церкви была толпа указывает на (часто all *) протекание действия по всему району, по всей территории: вокруг;
по - the toys were * the room игрушки были разбросаны по всей комнате - the shells were bursting all * us со всех сторон вокруг нас рвались снаряды указывает на движение в каком-л. пространстве: по - blood circulates * the body кровь циркулирует по всему телу - to hawk one's wares * the streets торговать вразнос указывает на осмотр дома, музея и т. п. - to go * the house осмотреть /обойти/ дом - to take /to show, to walk/ smb. * the town показывать кому-л. город - they went * the museum они осмотрели музей указывает на измерение объема, окружности: в - she measures 70 cm * the waist объем ее талии 70 см указывает на протекание процесса в течение всего периода времени - he worked * the day он проработал весь день указывает на приблизительное определение числа, суммы и т. п.: около - it will be somewhere * a hundred pounds это будет стоить около ста фунтов указывает на приблизительное определение времени: около - * midday около полудня - * 1960 примерно в 1960 году по поводу - to write an article * smth. написать статью по поводу чего-л., построить статью вокруг какого-л. факта в сочетании - * about вокруг, кругом;
со всех сторон;
около, примерно - go * about the house обойди вокруг дома - the children danced * about the Christmas-tree дети танцевали вокруг елки - the shells were bursting * about him вокруг него рвались снаряды - the enemy took up positions * about the city неприятель занял позиции вокруг города - * about midday около полудня > * the clock двенадцать часов;
сутки > he slept * the clock он проспал (целые) сутки > to come /to get, to go/ * smb. обойти /обмануть, перехитрить/ кого-л. > to argue * (and *) a subject без конца обсуждать что-л.;
ходить вокруг да около (устаревшее) говорить таинственным шепотом - to * smb. in the ear шептать кому-л. на ухо all (или right) ~ кругом;
all the year round круглый год;
a long way round кружным путем to argue ~ and ~ the subject вертеться вокруг да около, говорить не по существу round быстрый, энергичный (о движении) ;
a round trot крупная рысь;
at a round pace крупным аллюром ~ ракетный снаряд;
ballistic round баллистический снаряд;
round of cheers (или applause) взрыв аплодисментов ~ цикл, ряд;
the daily round круг ежедневных занятий to go for a good (или long) ~ предпринять длинную прогулку;
visiting rounds проверка часовых;
дозор для связи ~ обход;
to go the rounds идти в обход, совершать обход;
to go (или to make) the round of обходить;
циркулировать ~ обход;
to go the rounds идти в обход, совершать обход;
to go (или to make) the round of обходить;
циркулировать ~ порция;
a round of sandwiches (целый) поднос сандвичей;
he ordered another round of drinks он заказал еще по рюмочке для всех ~ прямой, откровенный;
грубоватый, резкий;
a round oath крепкое ругательство;
in round terms в сильных выражениях licensing ~ этап лицензирования all (или right) ~ кругом;
all the year round круглый год;
a long way round кружным путем ~ towel = roller towel;
~ trip (или tour, voyage) поездка в оба конца towel: roller ~ полотенце на ролике round быстрый, энергичный (о движении) ;
a round trot крупная рысь;
at a round pace крупным аллюром ~ prep вокруг, кругом;
round the world вокруг света;
round the corner за угол, за углом ~ вокруг;
round about вокруг (да около) ;
round and round кругом;
со всех сторон ~ закругленный, законченный (о фразе) ;
гладкий, плавный (о стиле) ~ значительный ~ круг, окружность;
очертание, контур ~ круглый (о цифрах) ;
округленный (о числах) ~ круглый;
round back (или shoulders) сутулость;
round hand (или text) круглый почерк;
полигр. рондо ~ круглый ~ круговое движение;
цикл ~ круговой;
round game игра в карты, в которой принимает участие неограниченное количество игроков ~ кругом ~ крупный, значительный (о сумме) ~ ломтик, кусочек;
round of toast гренок, ломтик поджаренного хлеба;
round of beef ссек говядины ~ мягкий, низкий, бархатистый (о голосе) ~ обратно ~ обход;
to go the rounds идти в обход, совершать обход;
to go (или to make) the round of обходить;
циркулировать ~ огибать, обходить кругом;
повертывать(ся) ~ фон. округленный ~ фон. округлять;
round off округлять(ся), закруглять(ся) ;
to round off the evening with a dance закончить вечер танцами ~ округлять(ся) (тж. round off) ;
to round a sentence закруглить фразу ~ округлять ~ воен. патрон;
20 rounds of ball cartridges 20 боевых патронов ~ полный ~ порция;
a round of sandwiches (целый) поднос сандвичей;
he ordered another round of drinks он заказал еще по рюмочке для всех ~ приблизительный ~ приятный (о вине) ~ прямой, откровенный;
грубоватый, резкий;
a round oath крепкое ругательство;
in round terms в сильных выражениях ~ ракетный снаряд;
ballistic round баллистический снаряд;
round of cheers (или applause) взрыв аплодисментов ~ раунд ~ ступенька стремянки (тж. round of a ladder) ~ тур;
рейс ~ тур переговоров ~ ход ~ цикл, ряд;
the daily round круг ежедневных занятий ~ цикл ~ округлять(ся) (тж. round off) ;
to round a sentence закруглить фразу ~ вокруг;
round about вокруг (да около) ;
round and round кругом;
со всех сторон ~ вокруг;
round about вокруг (да около) ;
round and round кругом;
со всех сторон ~ timber кругляк, круглый лесоматериал;
round arch архит. полукруглая арка ~ круглый;
round back (или shoulders) сутулость;
round hand (или text) круглый почерк;
полигр. рондо ~ down вчт. округлить в меньшую сторону ~ down вчт. округлять в меньшую сторону ~ down округлять в меньшую сторону ~ круговой;
round game игра в карты, в которой принимает участие неограниченное количество игроков ~ круглый;
round back (или shoulders) сутулость;
round hand (или text) круглый почерк;
полигр. рондо ~ прямой, откровенный;
грубоватый, резкий;
a round oath крепкое ругательство;
in round terms в сильных выражениях ~ ломтик, кусочек;
round of toast гренок, ломтик поджаренного хлеба;
round of beef ссек говядины ~ ракетный снаряд;
ballistic round баллистический снаряд;
round of cheers (или applause) взрыв аплодисментов ~ порция;
a round of sandwiches (целый) поднос сандвичей;
he ordered another round of drinks он заказал еще по рюмочке для всех ~ of tenders раунд торгов ~ ломтик, кусочек;
round of toast гренок, ломтик поджаренного хлеба;
round of beef ссек говядины ~ фон. округлять;
round off округлять(ся), закруглять(ся) ;
to round off the evening with a dance закончить вечер танцами ~ off завершать ~ off закачивать ~ off округлять ~ фон. округлять;
round off округлять(ся), закруглять(ся) ;
to round off the evening with a dance закончить вечер танцами ~ on набрасываться, нападать( на кого-л.) ;
резко критиковать, распекать ~ up окружать, производить облаву;
round upon см. round on ~ out закруглять(ся), делать(ся) круглым;
round to мор. приводить к ветру ~ prep вокруг, кругом;
round the world вокруг света;
round the corner за угол, за углом ~ timber кругляк, круглый лесоматериал;
round arch архит. полукруглая арка ~ out закруглять(ся), делать(ся) круглым;
round to мор. приводить к ветру ~ towel = roller towel;
~ trip (или tour, voyage) поездка в оба конца ~ towel = roller towel;
~ trip (или tour, voyage) поездка в оба конца trip: ~ путешествие;
поездка, экскурсия, рейс;
round trip поездка туда и обратно;
business trip командировка;
to take a trip съездить round ~ круговой рейс round ~ рейс туда и обратно round быстрый, энергичный (о движении) ;
a round trot крупная рысь;
at a round pace крупным аллюром ~ up вчт. округлить в большую сторону ~ up вчт. округлять в большую сторону ~ up округлять в большую сторону ~ up окружать, производить облаву;
round upon см. round on ~ up сгонять (скот) ~ up окружать, производить облаву;
round upon см. round on ~ воен. патрон;
20 rounds of ball cartridges 20 боевых патронов tendering ~ раунд предложений to go for a good (или long) ~ предпринять длинную прогулку;
visiting rounds проверка часовых;
дозор для связи the wheel turns ~ колесо вращается;
the wind has gone round to the north ветер повернул на север the wheel turns ~ колесо вращается;
the wind has gone round to the north ветер повернул на север -
6 round
I1. [raʋnd] n1. 1) шарthis earthly round - поэт. Земля
2) небесный свод2. 1) круг, предмет, имеющий форму круга2) ломтик (хлеба и т. п.)two rounds of ham and one of beef - два бутерброда с ветчиной и один с говядиной
3. окружность, кольцо4. круговое движение; кругооборот; круговорот5. 1) часто pl обходthe night watchman makes his rounds every hour - ночной сторож совершает обход каждый час
to go /to make/ the round of - совершать обход [см. тж. ♢ ]
2) воен. поверка караулов6. прогулка, поездка7. 1) ряд; цикл; серия2) тур, этапsecond round - второй тур (выборов и т. п.)
3) раунд, тур ( переговоров)8. круг, группа ( людей)9. = round dance10. (the round) круглая скульптура11. огузок и кострец12. очередная порция спиртного13. 1) спорт. игра, партия; тур игрыto have a round of cards [of golf] - сыграть партию в карты [в гольф]
2) пулька ( фехтование)3) схватка, раунд ( бокс)14. воен. выстрел; патронround of ammunition - патрон, комплект выстрела
15. взрыв (аплодисментов и т. п.)a round of cheers [of applause] - несмолкаемые аплодисменты, овация
16. круглая ступенька ( стремянки)17. реакт. снаряд18. горн. комплект шпуров♢
honour round - спорт. круг почётаto go /to make/ the round of - циркулировать (о слухах и т. п.); переходить из уст в уста [см. тж. 5, 1)]
the news quickly went the round of the village - новость облетела всю деревню
in the round - а) объёмный; б) видный со всех сторон; всесторонне показанный или описанный
2. [raʋnd] a1. круглый; шарообразный, сферическийround hand /text/ - а) круглый почерк; б) полигр. шрифт рондо
round shoulders /back/ - сутулость
round timber - лес. кругляк
round arch - архит. полукруглая арка
2. полный, пухлый, с округлыми формами3. круговойround game - игра в карты, в которой каждый играет за себя
4. 1) грубый, приблизительный (о сумме и т. п.)his year's profit was about $5000 as a round figure - его годовой доход составлял приблизительно 5000 долларов
2) круглый ( о числе)a round figure - круглая цифра /-ое число/
a round guess - подсчёт с округлением, приблизительный подсчёт
3) целый, без дробей ( о числе)4) эмоц.-усил. целый; не меньше чемa round ton - целая тонна, не меньше тонны
5) большой, крупный, значительный (о сумме и т. п.)a good round sum - порядочная /кругленькая/ сумма
5. быстрый, энергичный ( о движении)6. мягкий, густой, звучный, глубокий (о голосе, звуке)7. приятный, нетерпкий ( о вине)8. свободный, лёгкий, гладкий, плавный9. 1) закруглённый; законченный (о фразе, предложении)2) законченный, отделанный (о романе и т. п.)3) изображённый всесторонне, со всем правдоподобием; полнокровный ( об образе)10. прямой, откровенный; искренний; резкийround unvarnished tale - неприкрашенная история; ≅ правда-матка
to scold smb. in round terms - распекать кого-л., не стесняясь в выражениях
she tells you home truths in the roundest manner - она без обиняков говорит (вам) горькую истину
11. фон. лабиализованный ( о звуке)12. наполненный ( о парусе)13. потрошёный ( о рыбе)♢
a round O - а) круг; б) (ровно) ничегоa round peg in a square hole, a square peg in a round hole - ≅ человек не на своём месте
round dealing - сл. честное отношение /-ая практика/
3. [raʋnd] adv1. указывает на1) движение по кругу, спирали или на вращение кругомto run [to fly] round - бегать [летать] по кругу
to go round and round - вертеться, кружиться
the wheels went /turned/ round - колёса вертелись /вращались/
to hand /to pass/ smth. round - передавать по кругу (чашу и т. п.)
there is not enough to go round - ≅ на всех не хватит; всем раздать не удастся
4) движение кружным путём, в обход, кругом; часто передаётся глагольными приставками:don't come across, come round - не ходите прямо, идите кругом /в обход, обойдите кругом/
2. указывает на нахождение рядом, по соседству:what are you hanging round for? - разг. что вы здесь околачиваетесь /болтаетесь/?
3. указывает на1) нахождение или распространение по всей площади, по всему району и т. п. по; передаётся тж. глагольными приставками:all round, right round - кругом, везде вокруг [ср. тж. ♢ ]
a garden with a wall all /right/ round - сад, окружённый со всех сторон стеной
a room hung round with pictures - комната, увешанная картинами
the peddler went round with his goods - разносчик ходил со своим товаром из дома в дом или из деревни в деревню и т. п.
2) осмотр дома, музея и т. п. поto conduct smb. round - провести кого-л. по дому, музею и т. п.
let's go into town and look round /have a look round/ - давайте пойдём в город и всё осмотрим
4. указывает на1) изменение направления или движение в противоположную сторону; часто передаётся глагольными приставками:2) изменение позиции, точки зрения и т. п.:to talk smb. round - переубедить кого-л.
to come round to smb.'s opinion - присоединиться к чьему-л. мнению, согласиться с кем-л.
we soon won him round - мы скоро привлекли /переманили/ его на свою сторону
5. разг. указывает на приход куда-л. или к кому-л., доставку чего-л. куда-л.:to ask smb. round for the evening - пригласить кого-л. зайти вечерком
to bring smb. round - привести кого-л. с собой [см. тж. ♢ ]
come round and see me - заходи(те) в гости [ср. тж. ♢ ]
what will this year bring round? - что принесёт этот год?
6. указывает на1) измерение объёма в окружности, в обхвате:the town walls are 3,000 yards round - стены города имеют 3000 ярдов в окружности
her waist measures are thirty inches round - объём её талии тридцать дюймов
2) измерение площади по радиусу в радиусе7. указывает на1) повторение чего-л. через определённые промежутки времени опять, сноваwinter [autumn] came round - опять /снова/ пришла зима [осень]
he worked the whole year round on - проработал весь /целый/ год
8. амер. разг. указывает на неточное определение чего-л. приблизительно; около9. в сочетании:round about - а) вокруг, кругом; рядом; they worked in the villages round about - они работали в окрестных деревнях б) обратно, в обратном направлении; they turned round about and left - они повернулись и ушли в) кружным путём, в обход; to go round about to a place - идти куда-л. кружным путём /в обход/; he came round about and slowly to these conclusions - не прямым путём и не сразу он пришёл к этим выводам; г) вокруг да около; [см. тж. round1 V 8]
taken all round - в целом, в общем [ср. тж. 3, 1)]taking it all round - обсудив это со всех сторон; приняв всё во внимание
to argue round and round - а) спорить не по существу; б) вертеться вокруг да около
to bring smb. round - привести кого-л. в чувство ( после обморока) [см. тж. 5]
to come round - а) приходить в чувство /в себя/ ( после обморока); б) выздоравливать [ср. тж. 5]
сочетания с др. словами см. под соответствующими словами4. [raʋnd] v1. 1) округлять, делать круглым2) округляться; полнетьthe little green apples grew and rounded and yellowed - небольшие зелёные яблоки созрели, налились и пожелтели
3) фон. лабиализовать ( звук)4) округлять ( числа)5) надуваться, раздуваться, наполняться ( о парусе)2. завершать, заканчивать; закругляться3. (into)1) развиваться, превращаться в2) заканчиваться, завершаться (чем-л.)4. огибать, обходить кругомto round a bend - огибать /обходить/ поворот
to round (the) mark - обходить знак «буй» ( парусный спорт)
5. разг. (on, upon)1) набрасываться, накидываться на кого-л.; обрушивать поток браниit took me by surprise to be rounded on in that way - я никак не ожидал, что на меня так накинутся
his companion rounded on him with a torrent of abusive language - попутчик обрушил на него поток брани
2) доносить (на кого-л.)6. разг. обойти, обвести, обмануть (кого-л.)7. подрезать уши ( собаке)8. 1) редк. повёртывать2) редк. повёртыватьсяhe rounded to look at me - он повернулся, чтобы посмотреть на меня
to round on one's heel - резко повернуться (к кому-л.) спиной
3) мор. приводить к ветру5. [raʋnd] prep1. указывает на1) движение вокруг чего-л. или вращение вокруг оси вокругthe Moon revolves /turns/ round the Earth - Луна вращается вокруг Земли
round the corner - за углом; за угол
to turn round the corner - завернуть /повернуть, свернуть/ за угол
3) движение по кривой поthey did not sail across the bay, but went round it - они поплыли не прямо через залив, а вдоль берега
2. указывает на1) нахождение вокруг предмета вокруг, кругом2) разг. нахождение по соседству, рядом, в окрестности около3) ( часто all round) протекание действия по всему району, по всей территории вокруг; поthe shells were bursting all round us - со всех сторон вокруг нас рвались снаряды
3. указывает на1) движение в каком-л. пространстве по2) осмотр дома, музея и т. п.:to go round the house - осмотреть /обойти/ дом
to take /to show, to walk/ smb. round the town - показывать кому-л. город
4. указывает на измерение объёма, окружности в1) числа, суммы и т. п. околоit will be somewhere round a hundred pounds - это будет стоить около ста фунтов
2) времени около7. по поводуto write an article round smth. - написать статью по поводу чего-л.; построить статью вокруг какого-л. факта
8. в сочетании:round about - а) вокруг, кругом; go round about the house - обойди вокруг дома; the children danced round about the Christmas-tree - дети танцевали вокруг ёлки б) со всех сторон; вокруг; the shells were bursting round about him - вокруг него рвались снаряды; the enemy took up positions round about the city - неприятель занял позиции вокруг города в) около, примерно; round about midday - около полудня; [см. тж. round1 III 9]
round the clock - а) двенадцать часов; б) суткиto come /to get, to go/ round smb. - обойти /обмануть, перехитрить/ кого-л.
II [raʋnd] v арх.to argue round (and round) a subject - а) без конца обсуждать что-л.; б) ходить вокруг да около
говорить таинственным шёпотомto round smb. in the ear - шептать кому-л. на ухо
7 round
أُسطُوَانيّ \ round: (of long things) shaped like a pipe, with curved sides: a round pencil. \ إلى اتّجاه آخر \ round: so as to face in a different or opposite direction: The wind went round from east to north. He turned the car round and went back. \ إلى الاتّجاه المُضادّ \ round: so as to face in a different or opposite direction: The wind went round from east to north. He turned the car round and went back. \ اِسْتَدارَ \ round: to become round. \ بِشَكْل دائريّ \ round: in a circular way: The wheels were turning round. The hands go round the clock. \ دَارَ \ round: to go round (a corner). \ See Also اِنْعَطَفَ حَوْلَ \ دَوَّر \ round: to make round. \ عَلَى الجميع \ round: to everyone: He handed the coffee round. There were not enough cups to go round. \ في الوَقْتِ المُقَرَّر \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في حينه \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. -
8 round
1. adjective1) (shaped like a circle or globe: a round hole; a round stone; This plate isn't quite round.) okrogel2) (rather fat; plump: a round face.) okrogel2. adverb1) (in the opposite direction: He turned round.) (na)okoli2) (in a circle: They all stood round and listened; A wheel goes round; All (the) year round.) v krogu3) (from one person to another: They passed the letter round; The news went round.) naokrog4) (from place to place: We drove round for a while.) naokoli5) (in circumference: The tree measured two metres round.) po obodu6) (to a particular place, usually a person's home: Are you coming round (to our house) tonight?) naokoli3. preposition1) (on all sides of: There was a wall round the garden; He looked round the room.) okoli2) (passing all sides of (and returning to the starting-place): They ran round the tree.) okoli3) (changing direction at: He came round the corner.) okoli4) (in or to all parts of: The news spread all round the town.) po4. noun1) (a complete circuit: a round of drinks (= one for everyone present); a round of golf.) krog, runda2) (a regular journey one takes to do one's work: a postman's round.) obhod3) (a burst of cheering, shooting etc: They gave him a round of applause; The soldier fired several rounds.) salva4) (a single bullet, shell etc: five hundred rounds of ammunition.) krogla5) (a stage in a competition etc: The winners of the first round will go through to the next.) runda6) (a type of song sung by several singers singing the same tune starting in succession.) kratki kanon5. verb(to go round: The car rounded the corner.) zaviti okoli- rounded- roundly
- roundness
- rounds
- all-round
- all-rounder
- roundabout 6. adjective(not direct: a roundabout route.) ovinkast, daljši- round-shouldered
- round trip
- all round
- round about
- round off
- round on
- round up* * *I [ráund]adjectiveokrogel, obel, zaokrožen, zaobljen, valjast; krožeč, ki se giblje v krogu, vijugast; (o obrazu) okrogel, poln; (o vsoti) zaokrožen, okrogel, približen; celoten, znaten, ves; (o slogu) gladek, tekoč; (o korakih) hiter, krepak; iskren, jasen, odkrit, preprost, prostodušenat a round pace (rate) — s krepkim korakom, hitro, nagloin round figures (numbers) — v celih številih; v okroglih, približnih številkahin a round voice — s krepkim, polnim glasoma round robin figuratively protestno pismo ali peticija s podpisi v krogu (da se ne odkrije pobudnik)a round sum — okrogla, znatna, precejšnja vsotaa round-trip ticket American vozovnica za krožno potovanje; American povratna vozovnicaa round, unvarnished tale — popolna, neolepšana resnicaa round vowel — zaokrožen samoglasnik (o, u)to be round with s.o. — biti odkrit, pošten do kogaII [ráund]nounoblina, okroglina, okroglost, okrogel ali obel predmet, okrogla stavba; krog, venec; gibanje kroga, kroženje; obhod, runda; patrulja; runda (pri tekmah, igrah); military naboj, granata, salva; figuratively salva smeha, odobravanja; hunting strel; debela rezina (mesa); niz, vrsta dni; music pesem, ki se izmenoma poje, pesem pri koluround of pleasures — potovanje za zabavo; vrsta zabavthe daily round — običajno vsakdanje delo (posel, opravilo), rutinato dance in a round — plesati v krogu, plesati koloto make (to go) one's rounds — obhoditi, inšpicirati, pregledati, opraviti svoj običajni obhodIII [ráund]adverb (na)okoli, (na)okrog; v krogu, v obsegu; kolikor daleč seže pogled naokoliround and round — nepretrgoma, neprestano, velikokratround about! — na levo krog!all-round — naokoli, brez razlike, vsi po vrstiall the country round — po vsej deželi, zemljito ask s.o. round — povabiti koga k sebito bring s.o. round — spraviti koga k sebi, k zavesti; prepričati kogato come (to be) round — kmalu, skoraj priti (biti)to go round — vrteti se v krogu, krožitito get s.o. round — prelisičiti, omrežiti, premamiti kogato hand round — podajati, porazdeliti okoliwhat are you hanging round for? — kaj čakaš tu? kaj delaš tu?to order glasses round — naročiti pijačo za vso družbo, pogostiti vso družboto send round the hat — (s klobukom) nabirati darove v družbi, prositi za prostovoljne prispevketo show s.o. round — okoli koga voditi, biti komu za vodnika, razkazovati komu kajto turn round — vrteti se, obrniti se, obračati seIV [ráund]prepositionokoli, okroground the bend slang nekoliko nor, prismojenround the clock — nepretrgano, non-stop, 2ɔ ur na danto take s.o. round the town — razkazovati komu mestoV [ráund]transitive verb & intransitive verbzaokrožiti (se), zaobliti (se); postati okrogel (poln, debel); obkrožiti, obkoliti; obpluti; obiti (oviro), obhoditi, iti (na)okrog, okoli; zaviti okoli (vogala); zvoziti (ovinek); obrniti (obraz) ( towards proti); obrniti se, ozreti seVI [ráund]intransitive verb & transitive verbobsolete šepniti, šepetatito round in s.o.'s ear — šepniti komu na uho -
9 round
I [raund] adj- round face- round plate
- round arch
- round back
- round timber II [raund] advкругом, вокруг, по кругуThe boat swung right round. — Лодка сделала оборот вокруг своей оси
- speak round about- wheels go round III [raund] prp1) вокруг, кругом, за, поLook round you. — Посмотри вокруг себя.
- round the cornerWe turned round the corner. — Мы свернули за угол.
- go round the house
- send a coach round the city2) в течение, на всём протяжении -
10 колеса вращались
General subject: the wheels turned round -
11 turn
tə:n 1. verb1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) snu, dreie, gå rundt, vende, vri2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) snu (seg), dreie (seg)3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) snu, bikke, bøye av4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) snu (seg), vende seg mot5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) gå rundt6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) forvandle(s), bli til7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) skifte farge2. noun1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) (om)dreiing, sving, vending2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) kveil, tørn, bukt3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) (vei)sving; sidevei4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) tur, omgang5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) nummer•- turnover
- turnstile
- turntable
- turn-up
- by turns
- do someone a good turn
- do a good turn
- in turn
- by turns
- out of turn
- speak out of turn
- take a turn for the better
- worse
- take turns
- turn a blind eye
- turn against
- turn away
- turn back
- turn down
- turn in
- turn loose
- turn off
- turn on
- turn out
- turn over
- turn updreie--------kurve--------snu--------svinge--------vendingIsubst. \/tɜːn\/1) vending, vridning, dreining, sving(ing)2) snuing, helomvending3) omdreining, vridning4) sving, kurve5) ( ved retningsangivelse) gate, vei6) sidevei7) vending, vendepunkt, retningsendring8) skifte9) forandring, (om)skiftning, endring, omslag10) tur, omgang11) skift, (arbeids)tørn13) tjeneste14) legning, anlegg, medfødt evne, sansjeg har teknisk sans, jeg er teknisk anlagt16) liten tur, runde, slag, promenade18) opptredende (i nummer)19) anfall, ri, raptus, tokt21) ( hverdagslig) sjokk, støkk, forskrekkelse22) formulering23) form24) preg, form, stilat every turn hvor man enn snur og vender seg, overalt ved enhver anledning, i tide og utide, bestandigby the turn of a hair på hengende håret, med nød og neppe, på håretby turns i tur og orden på omgang vekselvis, skiftevisdone to a turn (amer., hverdagslig) vellaget, passe stekt, passe koktdo somebody a good turn gjøre noen en stor tjenestegive a new turn to gi en ny tolkninggive turn for turn gi igjen med samme mynta good turn en god gjerninghave a turn forsøke, sette i gangin turn i tur og ordenvekselvis, skiftevis igjen, atter i sin tur, på sin side• and this, in turn, means• he, in turn, thinksit serves its turn det tjener sin hensikt, det gjør nyttenone good turn deserves another den ene tjenesten er den andre verdtout of turn utenfor tur, når det ikke er ens turi utide taktløstserve somebody's turn tjene noens hensikterspeak out of turn uttale seg taktløst, snakke om noe man ikke skal snakke omtake a turn at hjelpe til med, ta i et tak medtake turns skifte på, bytte påtake turns in doing something eller take something in turns bytte på å gjøre noetake turns with somebody bytte på med noento a turn på en prikk ( spesielt om matlaging) perfekt, utmerketto the turn of a hair på en prikk på håretturn and turn about vekselvis, skiftevis, etter tur, i tur og ordena turn of expression (en) uttrykksmåteturn of mind sinnelag innstilling, tankeganghun er praktisk anlagt, hun har praktisk sansa turn of speech (en) talemåte, (en) vendingturn of the scales ( om vekt) utslagturn of the screw skjerpelse, intensiveringwait one's turn vente på turIIverb \/tɜːn\/1) snu (på), vende (på), vri (på), dreie (på), snu rundt, vende om, dreie rundt, vri rundt, vri om2) vende bort3) snu, vende (om), gjøre helomvending• shall we turn and go back now?4) snu seg, vende seghan hørte noen rope på ham, men snudde seg ikke5) svinge (av), ta av, bøye avta av til høyre, svinge av til høyre6) skru (på), snurre (på), sno, sveive, svinge på, svinge rundt, dreie om, snu rundt7) svinge (rundt), snurre (rundt), vri seg (rundt), gå rundt, rotere• what turns the wheels?8) ( overført) snu og vende på9) stramme (til)10) ( på dreiebenk) dreie, forme11) formulere spirituelt og elegant, turnere12) runde, passere13) ( militærvesen) omgå14) rette, vende• turn the hose on the fire!15) gjøre, få til å bli17) bli sur, surne, få til å bli sur, få til å surne18) krumme, bøye19) avverge, avvende, avlede, lede bort20) fylle år, passereklokken er litt over tre, klokken har nettop slått tre22) sende bort, vise bort, jage bort23) helle (opp), tappe (opp)25) ( hverdagslig) tjene penger26) (om tidevann, vind e.l.) vende, snu• when does the tide turn?27) vri seg, kantrelykken snudde seg, og han mistet alt han eide29) bliværet klarner opp, det blir fint vær30) vri, vrikke, forstue31) bli kvalm, gjøre kvalm32) ( om klesplagg) vrenge33) henvende seg til, gå tileven a worm will turn se ➢ worm, 1have something turned down få noe avslåttmake one's stomach turn over se ➢ stomach, 1turn about snu, vende (vri) og vende på la bytte plass, bytte om på snu seg rundt, vende seg rundt, gjøre helt om• turn about!helt om!, helomvending!turn a film se ➢ film, 1turn against vende seg motsette opp motturn a hand to se ➢ hand, 1turn around (amer.) forberede et fartøy eller et fly for en returreise ( overført) foreta en snuoperasjon med• the company was turned around from its previous bad performance to become very successfulturn aside gå til side, vike unna vende seg bort ta av, svinge av, kjøre inn på en sidevei avvikeavvende, avvergeavlede, gi en annen retningturn away vende seg bort, snu seg bortvende bort, vri bortjage bort, sende bort, vise bort, avviseutvise, avskjedige avverge, avvendesnu og gå sin vei, gå sin veiturn back drive tilbake, slå tilbakevise tilbake, avvisevende (og gå) tilbake, vende (om), snukomme tilbake gå tilbake, bla tilbakebrette tilbaketurn back on gå tilbake på, bryteturn down brette ned, slå nedbrette innbrette tilbakeskru ned• please turn down the volume?kan du være så snill å skru ned lyden? avvise, forkaste, avslåbli kjent stridsudyktigstille seg avvisende til legge (et spillkort) med bildesiden ned vende ned(over), bøye ned(over), sige ned(over)turn down into svinge inn påturn from vende seg bort fra forlateturn in brette inn, bøye inn, folde innvende inn, være vendt innover, være innoverbøydsende inn, levere inn, sende tilbake, levere tilbakebytte innbytte inn bilen sin mot en ny prestere, frembringe, komme medangi, forrådeoverlevere, overgita av, svinge inn, kjøre inn( landbruk) pløye ned ( sjøfart) tørne inn, gå av vakt ( hverdagslig) krype til køys, gå og legge seg ( hverdagslig) gi opp• turn it in!hold opp (med det der)!, kutt ut (det der)!turn in\/upon oneself trekke seg inn i seg selv, bli innadvendt (være nødt til å) stole på seg selvturn in one's grave se ➢ grave, 1turn into gjøre til, forvandle(s) til, gjøre om, bli tilomsette ivende tilhan vendte sin ulykke til en spøk oversette til, gjengi• can you turn the text into good English?gå over til, snu til, vendes til, slå over i, slå omsvinge inn på, slå inn påturn it up hold opp (med det der)turn loose sette frislippe utturn low skru nedturn off skru av, slå av, stenge (av)• turn off the radio!avskjedige avvise svinge av (fra), ta av (fra)avlede, lede bort, avlede oppmerksomheten fra slå bort, avvende, avverge, parereprestere, frembringe, produsere, tilvirke, riste ut av ermet ( hverdagslig) frastøte, avskrekke, avsky, virke motbydelig på, vekke avsky(få til å) miste lysten, få til å miste interessenturn on vri på, skru på, sette pådreie seg om, handle omavhenge av, stå og falle på, hvile påvende seg mot, gå løs på(få til å) tenne, (få til å) vekke begeistring for( hverdagslig) tenne (på), bli kåt påturn one's back (up)on somebody\/somethingse ➢ back, 1turn one's coat se ➢ coat, 1turn one's eyes from se ➢ eye, 1turn one's stomach se ➢ stomach, 1turn on one's heel se ➢ heel, 1turn on the charm se ➢ charmturn out bøye (seg) utover, vende utover, være bøyd nedover, være vendt nedoverslokke, slå avprodusere, fremstille, frembringe, tilvirke( om skole) utdanneslippe utslippe ut på beite, sette på beitekaste ut, jage ut, vise bortfjerne, avskjedigeutelukke, ekskludere( britisk) rydde, tømme( matlaging) hvelve, tømme, hellemøte frem, møte opp, troppe opp, stille opp( spesielt militærvesen) rykke ut, stille (seg) opp ( sjøfart) purre, tørne ut( hverdagslig) stå opp få et visst utfall, falle ut, ende, gå, bli, utvikle seg, forløpe segvise seg å være• he was, as it turned out, a charming persondet viste seg, tross alt, at han var en sjarmerende personekvipere, utstyreturn over vende (på), snu (på)snu opp ned på vende på seg, snu seg, vende seg over på den andre siden• please turn over!se neste side!, bla om!velte (over ende), kaste over ende, (få til å) kantre( om omkobler e.l.) slå om overlate, overdrajobben ble overlatt til en annen (mann) overlevere, overgiMartin overgav skurken til politiet, Martin meldte skurken til politiet( handel) omsette• they turn over £10,000 a weekde omsetter for mer enn £10 000 pr. uke gå overfundere på noe, tenke over noeturn round vende (med), velte (med) dreie på, vende på, vri påvende seg om, snu seggå rundt, dreie rundtslå om, endre oppfatning• you help him and then he turns round and treats you like that!du er hyggelig og hjelper ham, og så behandler han deg på den måten!svinge( sjøfart) ekspedere• they turned round a ship, they turned a ship roundde ekspederte et skip, de losset og lastet et skipturn someone off something få noen til å miste interessen for noeturn someone on tenne noen, gjøre noen (seksuelt) opphissetturn someone on to do something sette noen til å gjøre noeturn someone's head se ➢ head, 1turn the other cheek se ➢ cheek, 1turn the wrong side out se ➢ side, 1turn to vende seg mot, snu seg mothenvende seg til, vende seg tilsøke tilflukt hos, ty tilgå til, slå opp igå over tilslå seg på, vie seg til, slå inn påvende, snubli til, forvandles til sette i gang, gå i gang, ta fattturn towards vende seg motturn up brette opp, slå opplegge oppvende oppover, være vendt oppover, være bøyd oppover være oppbrettet skru oppskru opp volumet, skru opp lydentenne på, skru oppslå opp( i kortspill) lette (et kort) med billedsiden opp, vende opp, snu ( landbruk) pløye opp ( også overført) grave frem, grave opp dukke opp, komme (til rette), innfinne segkomme for dagen, komme frem, vise seg by segoppstå, inntreffe( handel) øke, få et oppsving ( hverdagslig) gjøre kvalm, ekle, få til å vende seg i magen påoppgiturn upon dreie seg om, handle om avhenge av vende seg mot, gå løs påturn up rough bråke, begynne å bråketurn where one will hvor man enn snur segwhatever turns you on ( hverdagslig) hver sin lyst, hver sin smak, du får gjøre som du vil• snakeskin boots! Well, whatever turns you on...slangeskinnsstøvler! Ja, ja hver sin smak... -
12 turn
1. I1) we all turned мы все повернулись [кругом]; he turned and went away in a rage он повернулся и в гневе пошел прочь; it is time for us to turn нам пора повернуть назад /пойти обратно/; he did not know which way /where/ то turn a) он не знал, куда повернуться; б) он не знал, к кому обратиться; the river turns and twists речка извивается /петляет/; the tide has turned начинается отлив или прилив; the wind is turning ветер меняется /меняет направление/; the weather has turned погода изменилась; I fear my luck will turn боюсь, мне изменит счастье /мне перестанет везти/2) the wheels turned колеса вертелись; the ball turns крутится шар; the merry-go-round turned карусель вертелась /вращалась/; this key is hard to turn этот ключ трудно повернуть; the tap won't turn кран не поворачивается3) my head is turning у меня кружится голова; heights always make his head turn высота всегда вызывает у него головокружение4) the leaves are beginning to turn листья начинают желтеть; her hair has begun to turn она начала седеть5) the milk has turned молоко прокисло6) the edge of the knife had turned лезвие ножа затупилось2. II1) turn in some manner turn abruptly (reluctantly, instinctively, wearily, insolently, etc.) резко и т.д. повернуть (ся) или свернуть; somewhere turn this way (that way, left, around, etc.) повернуть(ся) в эту сторону и т.д.; the main road turns sharp right шоссе круто уходит направо; turn homewards (west, etc.) направляться домой и т.д.; let's turn back давайте вернемся [назад]; she turned aside and began to sob она отвернулась и начала всхлипывать; turn round and let me see your face повернись и дай мне посмотреть тебе в лице; he turned round and round он все время поворачивался /крутился/; turn at tome time it is time to turn now теперь нам пора возвращаться /поворачивать назад/2) turn in some manner the boat (the car, the cart, etc.) turned over лодка и т.д. перевернулась; the aircraft struck the ground and turned over and over самолет врезался в землю и несколько раз перевернулся; turn head over heels перекувырнуться; the boat turned upside down лодка перевернулась /опрокинулась вверх дном/; my umbrella (my pocket, etc.) turned inside out у меня вывернулся зонтик и т.д.; the whole world turned topsy-turvy весь мир перевернулся, все в мире перевернулось3) turn in some manner the key (the handle, the tap, etc.) turns easily ключ и т.д. легко поворачивается4) turn in some manner the dancer turned quickly (awkwardly, gracefully. etc.) танцовщица быстро и т.д. кружилась5) turn in some manner the metal (the wood, this material, etc.) turns well (easily, quickly, etc.) этот металл и т.д. хорошо и т.д. поддается обточке3. III1) turn smb., smth. turn one's horse (one's car, the carriage, etc.) повернуть лошадь и т.д. обратно /назад/; she turned her steps она повернула назад; turn one's head обернуться, повернуть голову; turn the course of a river (the tide of events, etc.) изменить течение реки и т.д.; turn the conversation изменить тему разговора, повернуть беседу в другое русло; turn the corner а) поворачивать за угол; the саг turned the corner машина завернула за угол; б) выходить из затруднительного положения; once he has made up his mind, nothing will turn him если он что-нибудь решил, ничто не заставит его изменить своего решения2) turn smth. turn a page of a book (pancakes, an omelette, etc.) переворачивать страницу книги и т.д.; turn hay ворошить сено; turn soil пахать; turn a bed перетряхивать постель; turn a sheet отогнуть простыню; turn a garment (a dress, a suit, a coat, a cape, a collar, etc.) перелицовывать одежду и т.д.; turn a complete circle (a half-circle, 16 points, etc.) делать полный оборот и т.д.; turn a somersault делать сальто, кувыркаться || turn one's ankle вывихнуть /подвернуть/ ногу; turn smb.'s brain сводить кого-л. с ума; grief (overwork, etc.) has turned his brain от горя и т.д. он сошел с ума3) turn smth. turn a wheel вращать колесо; turn a handle крутить ручку; turn a key (the cap of a jar, the tap, the doorknob, etc.) поворачивать ключ и т.д.4) || turn smb.'s head вскружить кому-л. голову; success had not turned his head от успеха голова у него не закружилась; turn smb.'s stomach вызывать у кого-л. тошноту; the mere sight of food turns his stomach его воротит /мутит, тошнит/ от одного вида пищи; I'm afraid the rolling of the ship will turn my stomach боюсь, что качка на корабле вызовет у меня тошноту5) turn smb. turn an excellent husband (a soldier, a schoolmaster, a reporter, a poet, a Christian, etc.) стать [со временем] прекрасным мужем и т.д.; turn traitor (informer, etc.) стать предателем и т.д.6) || turn some colour стать какого-л. цвета, принять какую-л. окраску; turn all the colours of the rainbow окраситься во все цвета радуги; he turned colour он покраснел или побледнел7) turn smth. turn milk (cream) сквашивать молоко (сливки); heat has turned the milk от жары молоко скисло8) turn some age he has turned 40 ему стукнуло сорок9) turn smth. turn a blow отводить удар; the metal is thick enough to turn a bullet металл достаточно прочен, чтобы пуля от него отскочила /его не пробила/10) turn smth. turn candlesticks (wooden vessels, brass, lead pipes, columns, etc.) вытачивать /обтачивать/ подсвечники и т.д.11) turn smth. turn an epigram (a couplet, a witty reply, etc.) сочинить эпиграмму и т.д.; turn a pretty compliment сделать тонкий комплимент; he has a knack for turning a phrase он очень ловко жонглирует словами; I don't know how he managed to turn the trick я не знаю, как ему удалось провернуть это дельце12) turn smth. turn the edge of a knife (the edge of an axe, etc.) затупить лезвие ножа и т.д.4. IV1) turn smth., smb. somewhere turn one's саг (the horse, the carriage, one's steps, etc.) back (homewards, northwards, etc.) повернуть машину и т.д. назад и т.д.; turn your eyes /your look/ this way посмотри сюда; turn smth. in some manner turn your chair so that the light is on your left поверните стул так, чтобы свет падал слева; turn the corner at full speed поворачивать за угол на полном ходу2) turn smth., smb. in some manner turn the pages of a book (of a magazine, etc.) thoughtlessly (absent-mindedly, idly, quickly, etc.) бездумно и т.д. переворачивать страницы книги /перелистывать книгу/ и т.Л; turn some old letters nostalgically с грустью перебирать старью письма; turn a patient (a body, etc,) easily легко перевернуть больного и т.д.; the doctor turned him over and looked at his back врач перевернул его и осмотрел его спину; turn the boy around, I want to sound him поверий мальчика, я его выслушаю; turn the handle three times (the tap one notch, etc.) повернуть ручку три раза и т.д.; turn one's pockets (a coat, one's glove, etc.) inside out выворачивать карманы и т.д. [наизнанку]; turn the boat (the pail, etc.) upside down опрокидывать лодку и т.д. вверх дном; don't turn this box upside down этот ящик нельзя кантовать; turn a room upside down перевернуть все в комнате вверх дном || turn one's ankle unexpectedly (suddenly, etc.) неожиданно и т.д. подвернуть ногу; I turned my ankle painfully я подвернул ногу и мне очень больно3) turn smth. in some manner you are turning my words around ты передергиваешь мои слова4) turn some age at some time she has not yet turned 40 ей еще нет сорока; his son just turned 4 его сыну как раз исполнилось четыре года; it has just turned two сейчас ровно два часа5) turn smth. somewhere turn aside a blow отвести удар6) turn smth. at some time I could turn a Latin verse in my day в свое время я писал стихи на латыни5. VIturn smth., smb. into some [other] state1) turn the light low уменьшить свет; the lamp low подвернуть лампу; fear turned him cowardly страх сделал его трусом; what turned the milk bad /sour/? от чего скисло молоко; his behaviour turns me sick от его поведения меня всего переворачивает2) turn a bird (prisoners, the animals, an arrow, etc.) loose выпустить птичку и т.д. на свободу; why don't you turn them free? почему ты не отпустишь их?3) turn the leaves red (yellow, etc.) окрашивать листья багрянцем и т.д.; the very thought turned me pale одна мысль об этом заставила меня побледнеть, я побледнел при одной мысли об этом; illness (worry, etc.) turned his hair white /grey/ он поседел от болезни и т.д.; the success of others turns him green with envy он зеленеет от зависти, когда слышит об успехах других6. XI1) be turned out of some place be turned out of the country (out of the house, etc.) быть высланным /водворенным/ из страны и т.д.; he was turned out of the hall for making too much noise его вывели /выгнали/ из зала за то, что он очень шумел; be turned from smth. he was turned from the door его прогнали от дверей2) be turned to for smth. this book may be turned to for accurate information (for answers, for clues, etc,) в этой книге можно найти точные сведения и т.д.3) be turned the dress (the suit, etc.) must be turned платье и т.д. надо перелицевать4) be turned by smth. be turned by steam приводиться в движение паром; be turned by gas вращаться при помощи газа; the mill wheel is being turned by water-power (by electricity, etc.) мельничное колесо приводится в движение /вращается/ силой воды и т.д.5) be turned (in)to smth. the drawing-room (the nursery, etc.) was turned into a study гостиная и т.д. была превращена в кабинет, из гостиной и т.д. сделали кабинет; his love was turned to hatred его любовь перешла в ненависть; it was formerly thought that common metals could be turned into gold раньше думали, что обычные металлы можно превратить в золото7. XIIhave smth. turned have one's coat (one's dress, etc.) turned отдать пальто и т.д. в перелицовку8. XIIIturn to do smth. turn to look behind (to say smth., to pass the book to me, etc.) повернуться, чтобы посмотреть назад и т.д.9. XVturn into some state turn pale побледнеть: the leaves are beginning to turn yellow листья начинают желтеть; turn blue with cold посинеть от холода; turn green with envy позеленеть от зависти; her hair was said to have turned grey in one night говорили, что она поседела за одну ночь; this ink turns black on drying эти чернила становятся черными, когда высыхают; turn cold /colder/ холодать; the weather turned rainy (bad, stormy, etc.) погода стала дождливой и т.д.; whenever I come he turns sulky всегда, когда я прихожу, он начинает дуться; don't leave the milk on the table, it'll turn sour не оставляй молоко на столе, оно скиснет10. XVI1) turn to (off, towards, into, etc.) smth., smb. turn to the window (to the left, to the right, towards me, towards the sea, for home, etc.) повернуться к окну и т.Л; turn off the highway сворачивать с шоссе; the road turns to the north here здесь дорога уходит на север; the boat turned to windward лодка развернулась по ветру; he turned towards home он направился домой; turn into a wide road (into an alley, into the next street, etc.) свернуть на широкое шоссе и т.д.; they turned from the road into the woods они повернули с дороги в лес; turn at (in, on, etc.) smth. turn at the corner завернуть за угол, поворачивать на углу; turn in bed (in one's sleep, etc.) вертеться в постели и т.д.; the wheels won't turn in this mud в такой грязи колеса будут буксовать и не будут вращаться/; it's enough to make him turn in his grave он от этого в гробу перевернется; turn on one side while sleeping повернуться на бок во сне2) turn into smth. turn into a house (into the saloon at the corner, etc.) завернуть /заглянуть/ в дом и т.д.; turn into a town заехать в город3) turn to smth., smb. turn to the last page заглянуть на последнюю страницу; you'll find those figures if you turn to page 50 вы найдете эти цифры на странице/, если откроете страницу/ пятьдесят; my thoughts often turn to this subject мои мысли часто возвращаются к этой теме /к этому вопросу/; I shall now turn to another matter теперь я перейду к другому вопросу; I have no one to turn to мне не к кому обратиться; he is not the man you could turn to in these questions он не тот человек, к которому можно было бы обратиться с просьбой по таким вопросам; turn to smth., smb. for smth. turn to the dictionary for a word (to literature for reference, to a document for guidance, to his letter for consolation, etc.) обращаться к словари в поисках слова и т.Л; turn to his friend for help (to his mother for comfort, to his teacher for advice and guidance, to the police for protection, etc.) искать помощи у друга и т.д.; turn to the secretary for information (to his colleagues for support, etc.) обратиться к секретарю за справкой и т.д.; he turned to us for a loan он попросил нас дать ему взаймы денег4) turn to smth. turn to music (to the study of law, to medical practice, to journalism, to painting, to book-collecting, etc.) заняться музыкой и т.д.; turn to one's work приниматься /браться/ за работу; he is giving up the stage and turning to film work он бросает сцену и переходит на работу в кино; turn to drink начать пить; turn to crime заняться преступной деятельностью; the starling only turns to worms when there are no berries скворцы питаются червями только тогда, когда нет ягод5) turn on (round, etc.) smth. turn on an axle (on its axis, round the sun, etc.) вращаться на оси и т.д.; the door turns on its hinges дверь поворачивается на петлях; he turned on his heel and walked out of the room он круто повернулся и вышел из комнаты6) turn with smth. his head turns with giddiness у него кружится голова; his head has turned with success успех вскружил ему голову; the weathercock turns with the wind флюгер крутится по ветру; turn at smth. his stomach turns at the sight of blood (at the mere sight of food, etc.) у него поднимается тошнота при виде крови и т.д.7) turn (in)to smb., smth. turn into a butterfly (into a very pleasant fellow, into vinegar, into ice, etc.) превратиться в бабочку /стать бабочкой/ и т.д.; fog sometimes turns to snow (to rain) туман иногда переходит в снег (в дождь); the water has turned to ice вода превратилась в лед; the snow had turned (in)to slush снег превратился в слякоть; can a wolf turn into a lamb? разве может волк обернуться /стать/ овечкой?; my admiration soon turned to scorn мое восхищение скоро сменилось презрением; turn from smth. (in)to smth. the wind turned from west into south-west Южный ветер сменился юго-западным; the sphere has turned from blue to red шар из голубого стал красным; turn for smth. turn for the better (for the worse) (из)меняться к лучшему (к худшему)8) turn (up)on smth. everything (the whole argument, the outcome, the decision, etc.) turns on his answer (on that fact, on this point, etc.) все и т.д. зависит от его ответа и т.д.; the success of the trip turns on the weather успех поездки будет зависеть от погоды; everything turned upon the result of the battle все определялось исходом боя; the conversation turned (up)on sport (upon dress, upon hunting, on a variety of subjects, etc.).разговор вертелся вокруг /касался/ спорта и т.д.; the debate did not turn upon any practical propositions обсуждение не касалось никаких практических вопросов9) turn on (against) smb. the dog (the lion, the big.cat, etc.) turned on its trainer (on its owner, on its keeper, on its pursuers, etc.) собака и т.д. набросилась на своего дрессировщика и т.Л; even the most friendly dog may turn on you if you tease or annoy it даже самая добродушная собака может наброситься на человека, если ее раздразнить; why have you turned on me? что ты на меня взъелся?; what a fine excuse for turn logon me прекрасный повод, чтобы наброситься на меня; he turned angrily against his relatives (against his former friends, against his opponents, etc.) он яростно ополчился на своих родственников и т.А; the newspapers turned against the Parliament газеты начали кампанию против парламента; his words (his own criticism, etc.) turned against him его слова и т.д. обернулись против него самого10) turn from smb. he turned from his friends oil порвал со своими друзьями; он отвернулся от своих друзей; he turned from the Democrats and joined the Republicans он порвал с демократической партией в примкнул к республиканцам11. XXI11) turn smth., smb. to (towards, into, on, etc.) smth., smb. turn the саг to the bridge повернуть машину к месту, въехать на мост; turn one's car to the left (one's camera to the right, etc.) повернуть машину налево и т.д.; turn one's саг towards the centre of the town направиться [на машине] к центру города; turn one's horse to the hills погнать лошадь в горы; turn cows to pasture выгнать коров на пастбище; turn one's chair to the fire повернуть свое кресло к камину; plants turn blooms to the light растения поворачивают головки к свету; turn one's back to one's guests (to the audience, to the wall, etc.) повернуться /стать/ спиной к гостям и т.д.; turn the light into the dark room направить луч света в темную комнату; turn a telescope on a star (the searchlight on smb., etc.) направлять телескоп на звезду и т.д.; turn the talk into other channels перевести разговор на другую тему; turn one's eyes on the stage обратить или перевести взгляд на сцену; turn smth. with smth. he turned the blow with his arm он отвел удар рукой id turn a deaf ear to smb.'s request./to smb./ отказаться выслушать чью-л. просьбу, остаться глухим к чьей-л. просьбе2) turn smb. out of (from, etc.) smth. turn smb. out of his room (out of the house, out of a club, etc.) выгнать кого-л. из комнаты и т.д.; turn a beggar from one's door прогнать нищего от своих дверей3) turn smth. to smth., smb. turn one's thoughts (one's attention, one's mind) to one's work (to practical matters, to something more important, etc.) сосредоточить свои мысли и т.д. на работе и т.А; at last they turned their attention to her наконец они занялись ею; turn one's efforts to something more important направлять свои усилия на что-либо более важное4) turn smth. to smth. turn one's hand to useful work заняться полезным делом; he can turn his hand to almost anything он умеет делать почти все; he knows how to turn things to advantage /to account/ он знает, как из всего извлечь пользу; he turns even his errors to account даже из своих ошибок он извлекает пользу5) turn smth. on (in) smth. turn a wagon on its side опрокинуть телегу на бок; turn a chop in a pan перевернуть котлету на сковородке || turn one's ankle on the edge of the sidewalk вывихнуть ногу, споткнувшись о край тротуара6) turn smth. in smth. turn one's hat in one's hands (the toy in one's fingers, etc.) вертеть шляпу в руках и т.д.; turn the key in the lock поворачивать ключ в замке и т.д. id turn smb. round one's little finger вертеть кем-л. [как хочешь], помыкать кем-л.7) turn smth. (in)to smth. turn water into ice (defeat into victory, love to hatred, tears into laughter, etc.) превращать воду в лед и т.д.; turn a theatre into a cinema (a garden into a tennis-court, etc.) переделать /перестроить/ театр в кинозал и т.д.; turn one's land into money (one's bonds into cash, their stock into cash, etc.) обратить землю в деньги и т.д.; turn coins into paper money поменять звонкую монету на бумажные деньги; turn this piece of prose into verse переложить этот прозаический отрывок на стихи; turn this passage into Greek (a German letter into French, Latin into English, etc.) перевести этот отрывок на греческий язык и т.д.; turn smb. (in)to smb. turn her into a cinema star (the boy into a friend, our soldiers into a police force, etc.) сделать из нее кинозвезду и т.д.; turn a pessimist into an optimist превращать пессимиста в оптимиста; the fairy turned the prince into a frog фея превратила принца в лягушку id turn swords into ploughshares перековать мечи на орала8) turn smb., smth., against smb. turn the children against their father (everyone against the boy, his family against him, etc.) восстанавливать детей против отца и т.д.; turn friends against friends восстановить друзей друг против друга; it turns their argument against them это направляет их доводы против них самих9) turn smb., smth. from smth. turn smb. from his duty отвлекать кого-л. от исполнения своих обязанностей; nothing will ever turn him from his purpose ничто не заставит его изменять своему решению или отказаться от своей цели; turn a vessel from her course заставить судно отклониться от курса; turn the conversation from an unpleasant subject увести разговор от неприятной темы10) turn smth. out of /from/ smth. turn candlesticks out of /from/ brass вытачивать медные подсвечники12. XXIIturn smb. by doing smth. the police turned the advancing crowd by firing over their heads полиция заставила наступающую толпу повернуть назад, начав стрельбу в воздух13. XXVturn when... (as if..., etc.) she turned when she saw us увидев нас, она отвернулась или свернула; he turned as if to go он повернулся, делая вид, что собирается уходить14. XXVIturn smth. when... she turns his shirt-collars when they get frayed она перевертывает воротнички его сорочек, когда они вытираются -
13 turn
1. verb1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) girar2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) dar media vuelta, girarse3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) girar4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) dirigir; desviar5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) doblar6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) volverse, convertirse, transformarse7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) volverse
2. noun1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) giro2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) vuelta3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) curva, recodo4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) turno5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) número•- turnover
- turnstile
- turntable
- turn-up
- by turns
- do someone a good turn
- do a good turn
- in turn
- by turns
- out of turn
- speak out of turn
- take a turn for the better
- worse
- take turns
- turn a blind eye
- turn against
- turn away
- turn back
- turn down
- turn in
- turn loose
- turn off
- turn on
- turn out
- turn over
- turn up
turn1 n1. turno2. calleturn2 vb1. girar / dar vueltas2. girar / torcerturn right at the traffic lights en el semáforo, gira a la derecha3. dar la vuelta4. pasar / volver5. volverse / darse la vuelta6. volverse / ponersetr[tɜːn]1 (act of turning) vuelta2 (change of direction) giro, vuelta; (bend) curva, recodo3 (chance, go) turno■ whose turn is it? ¿a quién le toca?4 (change) cambio, giro5 (short walk) vuelta, paseo7 (act of kindness, favour) favor nombre masculino8 SMALLTHEATRE/SMALL (act) número1 (rotate) girar, hacer girar, dar la vuelta a3 (cause to change direction) girar, dar la vuelta a■ about turn! ¡media vuelta!4 (invert) darle la vuelta a■ it turned her into a different person la convirtió en una persona diferente, la convirtió en otra persona6 (pass) pasar■ it's turned twelve pasan de las doce, son más de las doce, son las doce pasadas7 (fold) doblar8 (shape) tornear, labrar en un torno1 (revolve) girar, dar vueltas2 (change direction - person) girarse, dar la vuelta, volverse; (- car) girar, torcer; (- plane, ship) virar; (- tide) repuntar■ it has turned from a small fishing village into a tourist resort de pueblecito de pescadores se ha convertido en centro turístico\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLat every turn a cada paso, a cada momentoby turns / in turns por turnos, sucesivamentein turn a su vez, por su parteon the turn a punto de cambiarone good turn deserves another favor con favor se pagaout of turn fuera de lugarto be badly turned out ir mal vestido,-ato be done to a turn / be cooked to a turn estar en su puntoto be well turned out ir bien vestido,-ato do somebody a good turn hacerle un favor a alguiento do somebody a bad turn hacer un mala pasada a alguiento take it in turns turnarseto turn free dejar en libertad, soltarto turn one's hand to something dedicarse a algoto turn somebody's head afectar mucho a alguien■ they turned the house inside out, but they couldn't find it revolvieron toda la casa, pero no lo encontraronturn and turn about por turnosturn of phrase manera de expresarseturn of the century finales nombre masculino plural de sigloturn of the screw vuelta del tornilloturn ['tərn] vt1) : girar, voltear, volverto turn one's head: voltear la cabezashe turned her chair toward the fire: giró su asiento hacia la hoguera2) rotate: darle vuelta a, hacer girarturn the handle: dale vuelta a la manivela3) sprain, wrench: dislocar, torcer4) upset: revolver (el estómago)5) transform: convertirto turn water into wine: convertir el agua en vino6) shape: tornear (en carpintería)turn vi1) rotate: girar, dar vueltas2) : girar, doblar, dar una vueltaturn left: doble a la izquierdato turn around: dar la media vuelta3) become: hacerse, volverse, ponerse4) sour: agriarse, cortarse (dícese de la leche)5)to turn to : recurrir athey have no one to turn to: no tienen quien les ayudeturn n1) : vuelta f, giro ma sudden turn: una vuelta repentina2) change: cambio m3) curve: curva f (en un camino)4) : turno mthey're awaiting their turn: están esperando su turnowhose turn is it?: ¿a quién le toca?v.• tornear v. (sth.) upexpr.• descubrir (algo) v.v.• cambiar v.• dar vueltas a v.• doblar v.• girar v.• recurrir v.• torcer v.• tornar v.• virar v.• volver v.n.• cambio s.m.• curva s.f.• giro s.m.• lance s.m.• recodo s.m.• retortero s.m.• revuelto s.m.• sesgo s.m.• torneado s.m.• torno s.m.• turno s.m.• vez s.f.• viraje s.m.• vuelta s.f.tɜːrn, tɜːn
1)a) ( rotation) vuelta fto a turn: the meat was done to a turn — la carne estaba hecha a la perfección, la carne estaba en su punto justo
b) ( change of direction) vuelta f, giro mno left turn — prohibido girar or doblar or torcer a la izquierda
take the next left/right turn — tome or (esp Esp) coja or (esp AmL) agarre la próxima a la izquierda/derecha
at every turn — a cada paso, a cada momento
d) (change, alteration)to take a turn for the better — empezar* a mejorar
to take a turn for the worse — empeorar, ponerse* peor
to be on the turn — \<\<events/tide\>\> estar* cambiando; \<\<leaves\>\> estar* cambiando de color; \<\<milk/food\>\> (BrE) estar* echándose a perder
2)a) ( place in sequence)whose turn is it? — ¿a quién le toca?
to take turns o to take it in turn(s) — turnarse
we'll take turns o we'll take it in turn(s) to do the cooking — nos vamos a turnar para cocinar, vamos a cocinar por turnos
b) (in phrases)in turn: each in turn was asked the same question a cada uno de ellos se le hizo la misma pregunta; out of turn: she realized she'd spoken out of turn — se dio cuenta de que su comentario (or interrupción etc) había estado fuera de lugar
3) ( service)to do somebody a good turn — hacerle* un favor a alguien
4) (form, style)she has a logical/practical turn of mind — es muy lógica/práctica
5)a) (bout of illness, disability)he had a funny turn — le dio un ataque (or un mareo etc)
b) ( nervous shock) susto m6) ( act) (esp BrE) número m
1)a) ( rotate) \<\<knob/handle/wheel\>\> (hacer*) girarb) (set, regulate)to turn something to something: turn the knob to `hot' ponga el indicador en `caliente'; he turned the oven to a lower temperature — bajó la temperatura del horno
2)a) (change position, direction of) \<\<head\>\> volver*, voltear (AmL exc RPl)she turned her back on them — les volvió or les dio la espalda, les volteó la espalda (AmL exc RPl)
can you turn the TV this way a bit? — ¿puedes poner el televisor más para este lado?
b) (direct, apply)to turn something to something: I turned my mind to more pleasant thoughts me puse a pensar en cosas más agradables; the administration has turned its efforts to... la administración ha dirigido sus esfuerzos a...; they turned the situation to their own profit — utilizaron la situación para su propio provecho; advantage b)
3)a) ( reverse) \<\<mattress/omelette\>\> darle* la vuelta a, voltear (AmL exc CS), dar* vuelta (CS); \<\<page\>\> pasar, volver*, dar* vuelta (CS); \<\<soil\>\> remover*, voltear (AmL exc CS), dar* vuelta (CS)he turned the card face down — puso or volvió la carta boca abajo
b) ( upset)4)a) ( go around) \<\<corner\>\> dar* la vuelta a, dar* vuelta (CS)b) ( pass)5) ( send)I couldn't simply turn him from my door — no le podía negar ayuda, no le podía volver la espalda; loose I 2)
6)a) (change, transform) volver*to turn something to/into something — transformar or convertir* algo en algo
they've turned the place into a pigsty! — han puesto la casa (or la habitación etc) como una pocilga!
b) ( make sour) \<\<milk\>\> agriarc) ( confuse) \<\<mind\>\> trastornar7)a) ( shape - on lathe) tornear; (- on potter's wheel) hacer*b) ( formulate)a well-turned phrase — una frase elegante or pulida
8) ( make) \<\<profit\>\> sacar*
vi1) ( rotate) \<\<handle/wheel\>\> girar, dar* vuelta(s)the outcome of the election turns on one crucial factor — el resultado de las elecciones depende de un factor decisivo
2)a) ( to face in different direction) \<\<person\>\> volverse*, darse* la vuelta, voltearse (AmL exc CS), darse* vuelta (CS); \<\<car\>\> dar* la vuelta, dar* vuelta (CS)she turned to me with a smile — me miró sonriéndome, se volvió hacia mí con una sonrisa
he turned onto his side — se volvió or se puso de lado
left/right turn! — (BrE Mil) media vuelta a la izquierda/derecha!
b) (change course, direction)the army then turned north — entonces el ejército cambió de rumbo, dirigiéndose al norte
to turn left/right — girar or doblar or torcer* a la izquierda/derecha
c) ( curve) \<\<road/river\>\> torcer*3)a) ( focus on)to turn to another subject — pasar a otro tema, cambiar de tema
b) (resort, have recourse to)to turn to violence/a friend — recurrir a la violencia/un amigo
to turn to drink — darse* a la bebida
to turn to somebody/something for something: she turned to her parents for support recurrió or acudió a sus padres en busca de apoyo; he turned to nature for inspiration — buscó inspiración en la naturaleza
4)a) ( become)Ed Wright, naturalist turned politician — Ed Wright, naturalista convertido en or vuelto político
b) ( be transformed)to turn into something — convertirse* en algo
water turns into steam — el agua se convierte or se transforma en vapor
to turn to something — (liter) convertirse* en algo
c) ( change) \<\<luck/weather/tide\>\> cambiard) ( change color) \<\<leaves\>\> cambiar de colore) ( go sour) \<\<milk\>\> agriarse5) ( when reading)turn to page 19 — abran el libro en la página 19, vayan a la página 19
6) (AmE Busn) \<\<merchandise\>\> venderse•Phrasal Verbs:- turn in- turn off- turn on- turn out- turn up[tɜːn]1. N1) (=rotation) vuelta f, revolución f; [of spiral] espira f•
he gave the handle a turn — dio vuelta a la palanca•
to give a screw another turn — apretar un tornillo una vuelta más2) (Aut) (in road) vuelta f, curva fto do a left turn — (Aut) doblar or girar a la izquierda
3) (Aut) (=turn-off) salida f4) (Naut) viraje m5) (Swimming) vuelta f6) (=change of direction)•
at every turn — (fig) a cada paso•
to be on the turn, the tide is on the turn — la marea está cambiandothe economy may at last be on the turn — puede que por fin la economía de un giro importante or cambie de signo
things took a new turn — las cosas tomaron otro cariz or aspectowhose turn is it? — ¿a quién le toca?
it's her turn next — le toca a ella después, ella es la primera en turno
turn and turn about — cada uno por turno, ahora esto y luego aquello•
by turns — por turnos, sucesivamente•
to give up one's turn — ceder la vez•
in turn — por turnos, sucesivamenteand they, in turn, said... — y ellos a su vez dijeron...
to miss one's turn — perder la vez or el turnoto speak out of turn — (fig) hablar fuera de lugar
to take one's turn — llegarle (a algn) su turnoto take turns at doing sth — alternar or turnarse para hacer algo
to wait one's turn — esperar (algn) su turno8) (=short walk) vuelta f9) (Med) (=fainting fit etc) vahído m, desmayo m; (=crisis) crisis f inv, ataque m10) * (=fright) susto mthe news gave me quite a turn — la noticia me asustó or dejó de piedra
11) (esp Brit) (Theat) número m, turno m12) (=deed)•
to do sb a bad turn — hacer una mala pasada a algn•
to do sb a good turn — hacerle un favor a algn13) (Culin)14) (=inclination)an odd turn of mind — una manera retorcida or (LAm) chueca de pensar
to be of or have a scientific turn of mind — ser más dado a las ciencias
15) (=expression)turn of phrase — forma f de hablar, giro m
2. VT1) (=rotate) [+ wheel, handle] girar, dar vueltas a; [+ screw] atornillar, destornillar•
you can turn it through 90° — se puede girarlo hasta 90 grados•
turn it to the left — dale una vuelta hacia la izquierda2) (also: turn over) [+ record, mattress, steak] dar la vuelta a, voltear (LAm); [+ page] pasar; [+ soil] revolver; [+ hay] volver al revés•
to turn a dress inside out — volver un vestido del revés- turn the page3) (=direct) dirigir, volver•
they turned him against us — le pusieron en contra nuestra•
to turn one's attention to sth — concentrar su atención en algo•
to turn one's eyes in sb's direction — volver la mirada hacia donde está algn•
to turn a gun on sb — apuntar una pistola a algn•
the fireman turned the hose on the building — el bombero dirigió la manguera hacia el edificio•
to turn the lights (down) low — poner la luz más baja•
to turn one's steps homeward — dirigirse a casa, volver los pasos hacia casa•
to turn one's thoughts to sth — concentrarse en algo- turn the other cheekto turn one's hand to sth —
- turn sb's head: earning all that money has turned his/her headalready in her first film she turned a few heads — ya en su primera película la gente se fijó en ella
- turn the tables4) (=pass) doblar, dar la vuelta ait's turned four o'clock — son las cuatro y pico or (esp LAm) las cuatro pasadas
- have turned the corner5) (=change)the heat turned the walls black — el calor volvió negras las paredes, el calor ennegreció las paredes
the shock turned her hair white — del susto, el pelo se le puso blanco
his goal turned the game — (Brit) su gol le dio un vuelco al partido
to turn sth into sth — convertir algo en algo•
she turned her dreams to reality — hizo sus sueños realidad, realizó sus sueños6) (=deflect) [+ blow] desviar7) (=shape) [+ wood, metal] tornearwell-turned8) (Culin)9)to turn a profit — (esp US) sacar un beneficio, tener ganancias
3. VI1) (=rotate) [wheel etc] girar, dar vueltas•
the object turned on a stand — el objeto giraba en un pedestal•
his stomach turned at the sight — al verlo se le revolvió el estómago, se le revolvieron las tripas al verlo *toss 3., 1)to turn in one's grave —
2) (=change direction) [person] dar la vuelta, voltearse (LAm); [tide] repuntarto turn and go back — volverse or dar la vuelta y regresar
right turn! — (Mil) derecha... ¡ar!
the game turned after half-time — (Brit) el partido dio un vuelco tras el descanso
to turn against sb — volverse contra algn•
to turn for home — volver hacia casa•
farmers are turning from cows to pigs — los granjeros cambian de vacas a cerdos•
then our luck turned — luego mejoramos de suerte•
to turn to sb/sth, he turned to me and smiled — se volvió hacia mí y sonrióour thoughts turn to those who... — pensamos ahora en los que...
he turned to drink — se dio a la bebida, le dio por el alcohol
I don't know which way to turn — (fig) no sé qué hacer•
I don't know where to turn for money — no sé en qué parte ir a buscar dinero•
the wind has turned — el viento ha cambiado de dirección3) (Aut) torcer, girar; (Aer, Naut) virarto turn left — (Aut) torcer or girar or doblar a la izquierda
the car turned into a lane — el coche se metió en una bocacalle•
to turn to port — (Naut) virar a babor4) (=change)•
to turn into sth — convertirse or transformarse en algothe princess turned into a toad — la princesa se transformó en sapo, la princesa quedó transformada en sapo
the leaves were turning — se estaban descolorando or dorando las hojas•
the milk has turned — la leche se ha cortado•
it turned to stone — se convirtió en piedrahis admiration turned to scorn — su admiración se tornó or se transformó en desprecio
to wait for the weather to turn — esperar a que cambie el tiempo5) (=become)•
the weather or it has turned cold — el tiempo se ha puesto frío, se ha echado el frío6) (=depend)•
everything turns on his decision — todo depende de su decisióneverything turns on whether... — todo depende de si...
4.CPDturn signal N — (US) (Aut) indicador m (de dirección)
- turn in- turn off- turn on- turn out- turn to- turn up* * *[tɜːrn, tɜːn]
1)a) ( rotation) vuelta fto a turn: the meat was done to a turn — la carne estaba hecha a la perfección, la carne estaba en su punto justo
b) ( change of direction) vuelta f, giro mno left turn — prohibido girar or doblar or torcer a la izquierda
take the next left/right turn — tome or (esp Esp) coja or (esp AmL) agarre la próxima a la izquierda/derecha
at every turn — a cada paso, a cada momento
d) (change, alteration)to take a turn for the better — empezar* a mejorar
to take a turn for the worse — empeorar, ponerse* peor
to be on the turn — \<\<events/tide\>\> estar* cambiando; \<\<leaves\>\> estar* cambiando de color; \<\<milk/food\>\> (BrE) estar* echándose a perder
2)a) ( place in sequence)whose turn is it? — ¿a quién le toca?
to take turns o to take it in turn(s) — turnarse
we'll take turns o we'll take it in turn(s) to do the cooking — nos vamos a turnar para cocinar, vamos a cocinar por turnos
b) (in phrases)in turn: each in turn was asked the same question a cada uno de ellos se le hizo la misma pregunta; out of turn: she realized she'd spoken out of turn — se dio cuenta de que su comentario (or interrupción etc) había estado fuera de lugar
3) ( service)to do somebody a good turn — hacerle* un favor a alguien
4) (form, style)she has a logical/practical turn of mind — es muy lógica/práctica
5)a) (bout of illness, disability)he had a funny turn — le dio un ataque (or un mareo etc)
b) ( nervous shock) susto m6) ( act) (esp BrE) número m
1)a) ( rotate) \<\<knob/handle/wheel\>\> (hacer*) girarb) (set, regulate)to turn something to something: turn the knob to `hot' ponga el indicador en `caliente'; he turned the oven to a lower temperature — bajó la temperatura del horno
2)a) (change position, direction of) \<\<head\>\> volver*, voltear (AmL exc RPl)she turned her back on them — les volvió or les dio la espalda, les volteó la espalda (AmL exc RPl)
can you turn the TV this way a bit? — ¿puedes poner el televisor más para este lado?
b) (direct, apply)to turn something to something: I turned my mind to more pleasant thoughts me puse a pensar en cosas más agradables; the administration has turned its efforts to... la administración ha dirigido sus esfuerzos a...; they turned the situation to their own profit — utilizaron la situación para su propio provecho; advantage b)
3)a) ( reverse) \<\<mattress/omelette\>\> darle* la vuelta a, voltear (AmL exc CS), dar* vuelta (CS); \<\<page\>\> pasar, volver*, dar* vuelta (CS); \<\<soil\>\> remover*, voltear (AmL exc CS), dar* vuelta (CS)he turned the card face down — puso or volvió la carta boca abajo
b) ( upset)4)a) ( go around) \<\<corner\>\> dar* la vuelta a, dar* vuelta (CS)b) ( pass)5) ( send)I couldn't simply turn him from my door — no le podía negar ayuda, no le podía volver la espalda; loose I 2)
6)a) (change, transform) volver*to turn something to/into something — transformar or convertir* algo en algo
they've turned the place into a pigsty! — han puesto la casa (or la habitación etc) como una pocilga!
b) ( make sour) \<\<milk\>\> agriarc) ( confuse) \<\<mind\>\> trastornar7)a) ( shape - on lathe) tornear; (- on potter's wheel) hacer*b) ( formulate)a well-turned phrase — una frase elegante or pulida
8) ( make) \<\<profit\>\> sacar*
vi1) ( rotate) \<\<handle/wheel\>\> girar, dar* vuelta(s)the outcome of the election turns on one crucial factor — el resultado de las elecciones depende de un factor decisivo
2)a) ( to face in different direction) \<\<person\>\> volverse*, darse* la vuelta, voltearse (AmL exc CS), darse* vuelta (CS); \<\<car\>\> dar* la vuelta, dar* vuelta (CS)she turned to me with a smile — me miró sonriéndome, se volvió hacia mí con una sonrisa
he turned onto his side — se volvió or se puso de lado
left/right turn! — (BrE Mil) media vuelta a la izquierda/derecha!
b) (change course, direction)the army then turned north — entonces el ejército cambió de rumbo, dirigiéndose al norte
to turn left/right — girar or doblar or torcer* a la izquierda/derecha
c) ( curve) \<\<road/river\>\> torcer*3)a) ( focus on)to turn to another subject — pasar a otro tema, cambiar de tema
b) (resort, have recourse to)to turn to violence/a friend — recurrir a la violencia/un amigo
to turn to drink — darse* a la bebida
to turn to somebody/something for something: she turned to her parents for support recurrió or acudió a sus padres en busca de apoyo; he turned to nature for inspiration — buscó inspiración en la naturaleza
4)a) ( become)Ed Wright, naturalist turned politician — Ed Wright, naturalista convertido en or vuelto político
b) ( be transformed)to turn into something — convertirse* en algo
water turns into steam — el agua se convierte or se transforma en vapor
to turn to something — (liter) convertirse* en algo
c) ( change) \<\<luck/weather/tide\>\> cambiard) ( change color) \<\<leaves\>\> cambiar de colore) ( go sour) \<\<milk\>\> agriarse5) ( when reading)turn to page 19 — abran el libro en la página 19, vayan a la página 19
6) (AmE Busn) \<\<merchandise\>\> venderse•Phrasal Verbs:- turn in- turn off- turn on- turn out- turn up -
14 turn
[tə:n] 1. verb1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) dreje2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) dreje sig; vende sig3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) dreje4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) rette mod5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) dreje omkring6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) forvandle; blive til7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) blive; gøre2. noun1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) drej; drejning2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) omvikling3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) sidevej4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) tur5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) nummer•- turnover
- turnstile
- turntable
- turn-up
- by turns
- do someone a good turn
- do a good turn
- in turn
- by turns
- out of turn
- speak out of turn
- take a turn for the better
- worse
- take turns
- turn a blind eye
- turn against
- turn away
- turn back
- turn down
- turn in
- turn loose
- turn off
- turn on
- turn out
- turn over
- turn up* * *[tə:n] 1. verb1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) dreje2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) dreje sig; vende sig3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) dreje4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) rette mod5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) dreje omkring6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) forvandle; blive til7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) blive; gøre2. noun1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) drej; drejning2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) omvikling3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) sidevej4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) tur5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) nummer•- turnover
- turnstile
- turntable
- turn-up
- by turns
- do someone a good turn
- do a good turn
- in turn
- by turns
- out of turn
- speak out of turn
- take a turn for the better
- worse
- take turns
- turn a blind eye
- turn against
- turn away
- turn back
- turn down
- turn in
- turn loose
- turn off
- turn on
- turn out
- turn over
- turn up -
15 turn
1. noun1)it's your turn [next] — du bist als nächster/nächste dran (ugs.) od. an der Reihe
wait one's turn — warten, bis man an der Reihe ist
your turn will come — du kommst auch [noch] an die Reihe
he gave it to her, and she in turn passed it on to me — er gab es ihr, und sie wiederum reichte es an mich weiter
out of turn — (before or after one's turn) außer der Reihe; (fig.) an der falschen Stelle [lachen]
excuse me if I'm talking out of turn — (fig.) entschuldige, wenn ich etwas Unpassendes sage
take [it in] turns — sich abwechseln
take turns at doing something, take it in turns to do something — etwas abwechselnd tun
2) (rotary motion) Drehung, diegive the handle a turn — den Griff [herum]drehen
[done] to a turn — genau richtig [zubereitet]
3) (change of direction) Wende, dietake a turn to the right/left, do or make or take a right/left turn — nach rechts/links abbiegen
‘no left/right turn’ — "links/rechts abbiegen verboten!"
the turn of the year/century — die Jahres-/Jahrhundertwende
take a favourable turn — (fig.) sich zum Guten wenden
4) (deflection) Biegung, dieat every turn — (fig.) (con- z stantly) ständig
6) (short performance on stage etc.) Nummer, die7) (change of tide)turn of the tide — Gezeitenwechsel, der
8) (character)be of a mechanical/speculative turn — technisch begabt sein/einen Hang zum Spekulativen haben
10) (form of expression)an elegant turn of speech/phrase — eine elegante Ausdrucksweise
11) (service)do somebody a good/bad turn — jemandem einen guten/schlechten Dienst erweisen
one good turn deserves another — (prov.) hilfst du mir, so helf ich dir
12) (coll.): (fright)2. transitive verbturn the tap — am Wasserhahn drehen
turn the key in the lock — den Schlüssel im Schloss herumdrehen
2) (reverse) umdrehen; wenden [Pfannkuchen, Matratze, Auto, Heu, Teppich]; umgraben [Erde]turn something upside down or on its head — (lit. or fig.) etwas auf den Kopf stellen
turn something inside out — etwas nach außen stülpen od. drehen
3) (give new direction to) drehen, wenden [Kopf]turn a hose/gun on somebody/something — einen Schlauch/ein Gewehr auf jemanden/etwas richten
turn one's attention/mind to something — sich/seine Gedanken einer Sache (Dat.) zuwenden
turn one's thoughts to a subject — sich [in Gedanken] mit einem Thema beschäftigen
turn a car into a road — [mit einem Auto] in eine Straße einbiegen
turn the tide [of something] — [bei etwas] den Ausschlag geben
4) (send)turn somebody loose on somebody/something — jemanden auf jemanden/etwas loslassen
turn somebody from one's door/off one's land — jemanden von seiner Tür/von seinem Land verjagen
5) (cause to become) verwandelnthe cigarette smoke has turned the walls yellow — der Zigarettenrauch hat die Wände vergilben lassen
turn a play/book into a film — ein Theaterstück/Buch verfilmen
7)8)turn somebody's head — (make conceited) jemandem zu Kopf steigen
9) (shape in lathe) drechseln [Holz]; drehen [Metall]10) drehen [Pirouette]; schlagen [Rad, Purzelbaum]11) (reach the age of)turn 40 — 40 [Jahre alt] werden
12)3. intransitive verbit's just turned 12 o'clock/quarter past 4 — es ist gerade 12 Uhr/viertel nach vier vorbei
1) (revolve) sich drehen; [Wasserhahn, Schlüssel:] sich drehen lassenthe earth turns on its axis — die Erde dreht sich um ihre Achse
2) (reverse direction) [Person:] sich herumdrehen; [Auto:] wenden3) (take new direction) sich wenden; (turn round) sich umdrehenhis thoughts/attention turned to her — er wandte ihr seine Gedanken/Aufmerksamkeit zu
left/right turn! — (Mil.) links/rechts um!
turn into a road/away from the river — in eine Straße einbiegen/vom Fluss abbiegen
turn to the left — nach links abbiegen/[Schiff, Flugzeug:] abdrehen
turn up/down a street — in eine Straße einbiegen
when the tide turns — wenn die Ebbe/Flut kommt
not know where or which way to turn — (fig.) keinen Ausweg [mehr] wissen
my luck has turned — (fig.) mein Glück hat sich gewendet
4) (become) werdenturn traitor/statesman/Muslim — zum Verräter/zum Staatsmann/Moslem werden
turn [in]to something — zu etwas werden; (be transformed) sich in etwas (Akk.) verwandeln
her face turned green — sie wurde [ganz] grün im Gesicht
6) (become sour) [Milch:] sauer werden7)Phrasal Verbs:- academic.ru/77106/turn_about">turn about- turn against- turn away- turn back- turn down- turn in- turn off- turn on- turn out- turn over- turn round- turn to- turn up- turn upon* * *[tə:n] 1. verb1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) (sich) drehen2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) sich (um-) drehen3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) eine Biegung machen5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) biegen um6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) (sich) verwandeln7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) werden (lassen)2. noun1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) die Drehung2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) die Windung3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) die Abzweigung4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) die Reihe5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) die Programmnummer•- turning-point- turnover
- turnstile
- turntable
- turn-up
- by turns
- do someone a good turn
- do a good turn
- in turn
- by turns
- out of turn
- speak out of turn
- take a turn for the better
- worse
- take turns
- turn a blind eye
- turn against
- turn away
- turn back
- turn down
- turn in
- turn loose
- turn off
- turn on
- turn out
- turn over
- turn up* * *[tɜ:n, AM tɜ:rn]I. NOUNgive the screw a couple of \turns drehen Sie die Schraube einige Male umto give the handle a \turn den Griff [herum]drehen“no left/right \turn” „Links/Rechts abbiegen verboten“the path had many twists and \turns der Pfad wand und schlängelte sich dahin; ( fig)the novel has many twists and \turns of plot die Handlung des Romans ist total verwickelt fam; ( fig)things took an ugly turn die Sache nahm eine üble Wendung; ( fig)I find the \turn of events most unsatisfactory ich mag nicht, wie sich die Dinge gerade entwickelnto make a \turn abbiegento make a wrong \turn falsch abbiegento make a \turn to port/starboard NAUT nach Backbord/Steuerbord abdrehento take a \turn [to the left/right] [nach links/rechts] abbiegento take a \turn for the better/worse ( fig) sich zum Besseren/Schlechteren wenden [o SCHWEIZ meist kehren]to take a new \turn eine [ganz] neue Wendung nehmen3. (changing point)the \turn of the century die Jahrhundertwendeat the \turn of the century zur Jahrhundertwendeat the \turn of the 19th century Anfang des 19. Jahrhundertsthe \turn of the tide der Gezeitenwechselthe tide was on the \turn die Flut/Ebbe setzte gerade ein; ( fig)4. (allotted time)it's my \turn now! jetzt bin ich an der Reihe [o fam dran]!it's Jill's \turn next Jill kommt als Nächste dranit's your \turn to take out the rubbish du bist dran, den Abfall runter zu bringenyour \turn will come! du kommst schon auch noch dran! fam; (in desperate situations) du wirst auch noch zum Zuge kommen! famwhose \turn is it? wer ist dran?I want everyone to take their \turn nicely without any fighting ich will, dass ihr euch schön abwechselt, ohne Streitereienyou can have a \turn at the computer now Sie können jetzt den Computer benutzento do sth in \turn [or by \turns] etw abwechselnd tunto miss a \turn eine Runde aussetzento take a \turn at the wheel für eine Weile das Steuer übernehmento wait one's \turn warten, bis man an der Reihe ist▪ in \turn wiederumshe told Peter and he in \turn told me sie hat es Peter erzählt und er wiederum hat es dann mir erzählthe's all sweet and cold in \turns [or by turn[s]] er ist abwechselnd total nett und dann wieder total kalt fam5. ([dis]service)to do sb a good/bad \turn jdm einen guten/schlechten Dienst erweisento do a good \turn eine gute Tat tunto give sb a \turn jdm einen gehörigen Schrecken einjagenshe was having one of her \turns sie hatte wieder einmal einen ihrer Anfälleto do comic \turns Sketche aufführento perform a \turn eine Nummer aufführen9. (not appropriate)▪ out of \turn:what you've just said was completely out of \turn was du da gerade gesagt hast, war wirklich völlig unpassendsorry, have I been talking out of \turn? tut mir leid, habe ich was Falsches gesagt?he really was speaking out of \turn es war völlig unangebracht, dass er sich dazu äußerte10. (character)to be of a humorous \turn eine Frohnatur seinto have a logical \turn of mind ein logischer Mensch seinto take a \turn [in the park] eine [kleine] Runde [durch den Park] drehen13. (expression well put together)a nice [or elegant] [or good] \turn of phrase elegante Ausdrucksweise; (wording) elegante Formulierungto have a nice \turn of phrase sich akk sehr gut ausdrücken können14. (purpose)to serve sb's \turn jdm dienenthat'll serve my \turn das ist gerade genau das Richtige für michjobber's \turn Courtage f17. (cooked perfectly)to be done [or cooked] to a \turn food gut durch[gebraten] sein▪ the \turn AM bei Texas Hold 'Em (Pokerspiel): die vierte Karte, die alle Spieler zugeteilt bekommen19.▶ to fight at every \turn mit aller Macht kämpfen▶ to be on the \turn sich akk wandeln; milk einen Stich haben, sauer sein SCHWEIZ; leaves gelb werden▶ a \turn of the screw eine weitere Verschärfung [einer Maßnahme]the raising of their rent was another \turn of the screw in the landlord's attempt to get them evicted die Mieterhöhung war ein weiterer Versuch, ihnen Daumenschrauben anzulegen und sie allmählich aus der Wohnung zu drängenII. TRANSITIVE VERB1. (rotate, cause to rotate)▪ to \turn sth knob, screw etw drehenhe \turned the key quietly in the lock er drehte den Schlüssel vorsichtig im Schloss umshe \turned the wheel sharply sie riss das Steuer herum2. (switch direction)▪ to \turn sth:he \turned his head in surprise überrascht wendete er den Kopfmy mother can still \turn heads nach meiner Mutter drehen sich die Männer noch immer umthe little girl just \turned her back to her das kleine Mädchen wandte ihr einfach den Rücken zushe \turned the chair to the window so that she could look outside sie drehte den Stuhl zum Fenster, sodass sie hinausschauen konnteto \turn one's car into a road [in eine Straße] abbiegento \turn round the corner um die Ecke biegento \turn the course of history den Gang der Geschichte [ver]ändernto \turn one's eyes towards sb jdn anblickenhe \turned somersaults in his joy er machte vor Freude Luftsprünge3. (aim)▪ to \turn sth on sb lamp, hose etw auf jdn richtenshe \turned her full anger onto him ihr ganzer Zorn richtete sich gegen ihnthe stranger \turned a hostile stare on him der Fremde warf ihm einen feindseligen Blick zuto \turn a gun on sb ein Gewehr auf jdn richten4. (sprain)to \turn one's ankle sich dat den Knöchel verrenken▪ to \turn sb/sth sth:the shock \turned her hair grey overnight durch den Schock wurde sie über Nacht grauthe cigarette smoke had \turned the walls grey durch den Zigarettenrauch waren die Wände ganz grau gewordenthe hot weather has \turned the milk sour durch die Hitze ist die Milch sauer gewordenthe news \turned her pale als sie die Nachricht hörte, wurde sie ganz bleichhis comment \turned her angry sein Kommentar verärgerte sie6. (cause to feel nauseous)to \turn sb's stomach jdn den Magen umdrehenthe smell \turned her stomach bei dem Gestank drehte sich ihr der Magen um7. (change)the wizard \turned the ungrateful prince into a frog der Zauberer verwandelte den undankbaren Prinzen in einen Froschto \turn a book into a film ein Buch verfilmento \turn sth into German/English etw ins Deutsche/Englische übertragento \turn the light[s] low das Licht dämpfen8. (reverse)to \turn the page umblättern9. (gain)to \turn a profit einen Gewinn machen10. (send)to \turn a dog on sb einen Hund auf jdn hetzento \turn sb loose on sth jdn auf etw akk loslassento be \turned loose losgelassen werden akk11. (stop sb)13.▶ to be able to \turn one's hand to anything ein Händchen für alles habenit is time for you to \turn your back on childish pursuits es wird langsam Zeit, dass du deine kindischen Spiele hinter dir lässt▶ to not \turn a hair keine Miene verziehenwithout \turning a hair... ohne auch nur mit der Wimper zu zucken▶ to \turn sb's head jdm den Kopf verdrehen▶ sth has \turned sb's head etw ist jdm zu Kopf[e] gestiegen▶ to \turn sth on its head etw [vollkommen] auf den Kopf stellen▶ to know how to \turn a compliment wissen, wie man Komplimente macht▶ to \turn a phrase sprachgewandt sein▶ to \turn the spotlight on sb/sth die [allgemeine] Aufmerksamkeit auf jdn/etw lenken▶ to \turn tail and run auf der Stelle kehrtmachen und die Flucht ergreifen▶ to \turn sth upside down [or inside out] etw gründlich durchsuchen; room etw auf den Kopf stellen famIII. INTRANSITIVE VERBthis tap won't \turn dieser Hahn lässt sich nicht drehenthe ballerina \turned on her toes die Ballerina drehte auf den Zehenspitzen Pirouettenthe chickens were being \turned on a spit die Hähnchen wurden auf einem Spieß gedrehtthe earth \turns on its axis die Erde dreht sich um ihre Achse2. (switch the direction faced) person sich akk umdrehen; car wenden, SCHWEIZ meist kehren; (in bend) abbiegen; wind drehen; ( fig) SCHWEIZ meist kehren; ( fig) sich akk wendenshe \turned onto the highway sie bog auf die Autobahn abshe \turned into a little street sie bog in ein Sträßchen einheads still \turn when she walks along die Männer schauen ihr noch immer nachwhen the tide \turns (high tide) wenn die Flut kommt; (low tide) wenn es Ebbe wird; ( fig) wenn sich das Blatt wendet [o SCHWEIZ meist kehrt]the path down the mountain twisted and \turned der Pfad schlängelte sich den Berghang hinabto \turn on one's heel auf dem Absatz kehrtmachen\turn right! rechts um!▪ to \turn towards sb/sth sich akk zu jdm/etw umdrehen; (turn attention to) sich akk jdm/etw zuwendenplants \turn toward the light Pflanzen wenden sich dem Licht zuhe has no one to \turn to er hat niemanden, an den er sich wenden kannhe \turned to me for help er wandte sich an mich und bat um HilfeI don't know which way to \turn ich weiß keinen Ausweg mehrto \turn to drink sich akk in den Alkohol flüchtento \turn to God sich akk Gott zuwendento \turn to sb for money jdn um Geld bittenhis mood \turned quite nasty er wurde richtig schlecht gelaunthis face \turned green er wurde ganz grün im Gesicht fammy hair is \turning grey! ich kriege graue Haare!the friendship between the two neighbours \turned sour das freundschaftliche Verhältnis zwischen den beiden Nachbarn kühlte sich erheblich abmy luck has \turned das Blatt hat sich gewandtto \turn informer/traitor zum Informanten/zur Informantin/zum Verräter/zur Verräterin werdento \turn Muslim Muslim werdento \turn cold/warm/pale kalt/warm/blass werdento \turn red person, traffic lights rot werdenthe frog \turned into a handsome prince der Frosch verwandelte sich in einen schönen Prinzenhe \turned from a sweet boy into a sullen brat aus dem süßen kleinen Jungen wurde ein mürrischer Flegelall this \turned into a nightmare das alles ist zum Albtraum gewordenwhen there's a full moon, he \turns into a werewolf bei Vollmond verwandelt er sich in einen Werwolfmy thoughts \turned to him and his family meine Gedanken gingen an ihn und seine Familie6. (attain particular age)to \turn 20/40 20/40 werden7. (pass particular hour)it had already \turned eleven es war schon kurz nach elfit has just \turned past five o'clock es ist gerade fünf vorbeijust as it \turned midnight... genau um Mitternacht...8. (make feel sick)my stomach \turned at the grisly sight bei dem grässlichen Anblick drehte sich mir der Magen umthis smell makes my stomach \turn bei diesem Geruch dreht sich mir der Magen um9.▶ to \turn on a dime AM auf der Stelle kehrt machen▶ to \turn tattle-tail AM ( usu childspeak fam) petzen fam, SCHWEIZ a. rätschen fam, ÖSTERR a. tratschen fam* * *turn1 [tɜːn; US tɜrn]A s1. Drehung f:give sth a turn (two turns) etwas (zweimal) drehen;2. Turnus m, Reihe(nfolge) f:turn (and turn) about reihum, abwechselnd, wechselweise;she was laughing and crying by turns sie lachte und weinte abwechselnd;a) der Reihe nach,b) dann wieder;in his turn seinerseits;speak out of turn fig unpassende Bemerkungen machen;I hope I haven’t spoken out of turn ich habe doch nichts Falsches gesagt?;now it is my turn jetzt bin ich dran oder an der Reihe;then it was my turn to be astonished dann war ich erstaunt;whose turn is it to do the dishes? wer ist mit dem Abspülen dran?;my turn will come fig meine Zeit kommt auch noch, ich komme schon noch dran;take turns sich abwechseln (at bei);we took turns at driving auch wir fuhren abwechselnd;take one’s turn handeln, wenn die Reihe an einen kommt;wait your turn warte, bis du an der Reihe oder dran bist!3. Drehen n, Wendung f:turn to the left Linkswendung4. Wendepunkt m (auch fig)5. a) Biegung f, Kurve f, Kehre fat every turn ständig, überall6. SPORTat the turn an oder bei der Wende,d) Eis-, Rollkunstlauf: Kehre f, Kurve f8. Wendung f:a) Umkehr f:b) Richtung f, (Ver)Lauf m:take a turn for the better (worse) sich bessern (sich verschlimmern);take an interesting turn eine interessante Wendung nehmen (Gespräch etc),c) (Glücks-, Zeiten- etc)Wende f, Wechsel m, Umschwung m:a turn in one’s luck eine Glücks- oder Schicksalswende;turn of the century Jahrhundertwende;10. (Arbeits)Schicht f11. Tour f, (einzelne) Windung (einer Bandage, eines Kabels etc)12. (kurzer) Spaziergang, Runde f:take a turn einen Spaziergang machen13. kurze Fahrt, Spritztour f14. SCHIFF Törn m15. (Rede)Wendung f, Formulierung f16. Form f, Gestalt f, Beschaffenheit f17. Art f, Charakter m:18. (for, to) Neigung f, Hang m, Talent n (zu), Sinn m (für):practical turn praktische Veranlagung;have a turn for languages sprachbegabt sein;be of a humorous turn Sinn für Humor haben19. a) (ungewöhnliche oder unerwartete) Tatb) Dienst m, Gefallen m:one good turn deserves another (Sprichwort) eine Liebe ist der anderen wert20. (kurze) Beschäftigung:take a turn at sth es kurz mit etwas versuchen21. MEDa) Taumel m, Schwindel mb) Anfall m22. umg Schock m, Schrecken m:give sb (quite) a turn jemanden (ganz schön) erschrecken23. Zweck m:this will serve your turn das wird dir nützlich sein;this won’t serve my turn damit ist mir nicht gedient25. MUS Doppelschlag m26. THEAT besonders Br (Programm)Nummer f27. MIL (Kehrt)Wendung f, Schwenkung f:left (right) turn! Br links-(rechts)um!;about turn! Br ganze Abteilung kehrt!28. TYPO Fliegenkopf m (umgedrehter Buchstabe)B v/t1. (im Kreis oder um eine Achse) drehen2. einen Schlüssel, eine Schraube etc, auch einen Patienten (um-, herum)drehen4. ein Blatt, eine Buchseite umdrehen, -wenden, -blättern:turn the page umblättern7. zuwenden, -drehen, -kehren ( alle:to dat)8. den Blick, die Kamera, seine Schritte etc wenden, auch seine Gedanken, sein Verlangen richten, lenken ( alle:against gegen;on auf akk;toward[s] auf akk, nach):turn the hose on the fire den Schlauch auf das Feuer richten;9. a) um-, ab-, weglenken, -leiten, -wenden:turn a shot round the post SPORT einen Schuss um den Pfosten drehen,b) ein Geschoss etc abwenden, abhalten12. das Gesprächsthema wechseln13. a) eine Waage etc zum Ausschlagen bringenb) fig ausschlaggebend sein bei:turn a firm into a joint-stock company eine Firma in eine Aktiengesellschaft umwandeln;turn into cash flüssigmachen, zu Geld machen;turn one’s superiority into goals SPORT seine Überlegenheit in Tore ummünzen15. machen, werden lassen ( beide:into zu):a) bes US jemanden krank machen,b) jemandem Übelkeit verursachen;it turned her pale es ließ sie erblassen17. die Blätter, das Laub verfärbeninto Italian ins Italienische)20. MILa) umgehen, umfassenb) die feindliche Flanke etc aufrollen22. TECHa) drehenb) Holzwaren drechselnc) Glas marbeln, rollen23. auch fig formen, gestalten, (kunstvoll) bilden, Komplimente, Verse etc drechseln:a well-turned ankle ein wohlgeformtes Fußgelenk;24. WIRTSCH verdienen, umsetzen25. eine Messerschneide etca) um-, verbiegenb) stumpf machen:27. turn loosea) freilassen,b) einen Hund etc loslassen (on auf akk)C v/i1. sich drehen (lassen), sich (im Kreis) (herum)drehen (Rad etc)3. umdrehen, -wenden, besonders (in einem Buch) (um)blättern5. sich (stehend, liegend etc) (um-, herum)drehen: → grave1 1b) FLUG, AUTO kurven, eine Kurve machenturn right nach rechts abbiegen;I don’t know which way to turn fig ich weiß nicht, was ich machen soll8. eine Biegung machen (Straße, Wasserlauf etc)on auf akk)11. sich umdrehen:a) sich um 180° drehenb) zurückschauen12. sich umdrehen oder umwenden (lassen), sich umstülpen:my umbrella turned inside out mein Regenschirm stülpte sich um;my stomach turned at this sight, this sight made my stomach turn bei diesem Anblick drehte sich mir der Magen um13. my head is turning mir dreht sich alles im Kopf;his head turned with the success der Erfolg stieg ihm zu Kopf15. blass, kalt etc werden:turn blue blau anlaufen;turn (sour) sauer werden (Milch);turn traitor zum Verräter werden16. sich verfärben (Blätter, Laub)turn2 [tɜrn] v/i SPORT US turnen* * *1. noun1)it is somebody's turn to do something — jemand ist an der Reihe, etwas zu tun
it's your turn [next] — du bist als nächster/nächste dran (ugs.) od. an der Reihe
wait one's turn — warten, bis man an der Reihe ist
your turn will come — du kommst auch [noch] an die Reihe
he gave it to her, and she in turn passed it on to me — er gab es ihr, und sie wiederum reichte es an mich weiter
out of turn — (before or after one's turn) außer der Reihe; (fig.) an der falschen Stelle [lachen]
excuse me if I'm talking out of turn — (fig.) entschuldige, wenn ich etwas Unpassendes sage
take [it in] turns — sich abwechseln
take turns at doing something, take it in turns to do something — etwas abwechselnd tun
2) (rotary motion) Drehung, diegive the handle a turn — den Griff [herum]drehen
[done] to a turn — genau richtig [zubereitet]
3) (change of direction) Wende, dietake a turn to the right/left, do or make or take a right/left turn — nach rechts/links abbiegen
‘no left/right turn’ — "links/rechts abbiegen verboten!"
the turn of the year/century — die Jahres-/Jahrhundertwende
take a favourable turn — (fig.) sich zum Guten wenden
4) (deflection) Biegung, dieat every turn — (fig.) (con- z stantly) ständig
6) (short performance on stage etc.) Nummer, dieturn of the tide — Gezeitenwechsel, der
8) (character)be of a mechanical/speculative turn — technisch begabt sein/einen Hang zum Spekulativen haben
an elegant turn of speech/phrase — eine elegante Ausdrucksweise
11) (service)do somebody a good/bad turn — jemandem einen guten/schlechten Dienst erweisen
one good turn deserves another — (prov.) hilfst du mir, so helf ich dir
12) (coll.): (fright)2. transitive verb1) (make revolve) drehen2) (reverse) umdrehen; wenden [Pfannkuchen, Matratze, Auto, Heu, Teppich]; umgraben [Erde]turn something upside down or on its head — (lit. or fig.) etwas auf den Kopf stellen
turn something inside out — etwas nach außen stülpen od. drehen
3) (give new direction to) drehen, wenden [Kopf]turn a hose/gun on somebody/something — einen Schlauch/ein Gewehr auf jemanden/etwas richten
turn one's attention/mind to something — sich/seine Gedanken einer Sache (Dat.) zuwenden
turn one's thoughts to a subject — sich [in Gedanken] mit einem Thema beschäftigen
turn a car into a road — [mit einem Auto] in eine Straße einbiegen
turn the tide [of something] — [bei etwas] den Ausschlag geben
4) (send)turn somebody loose on somebody/something — jemanden auf jemanden/etwas loslassen
turn somebody from one's door/off one's land — jemanden von seiner Tür/von seinem Land verjagen
5) (cause to become) verwandelnthe cigarette smoke has turned the walls yellow — der Zigarettenrauch hat die Wände vergilben lassen
turn a play/book into a film — ein Theaterstück/Buch verfilmen
6) (make sour) sauer werden lassen [Milch]7)8)turn somebody's head — (make conceited) jemandem zu Kopf steigen
9) (shape in lathe) drechseln [Holz]; drehen [Metall]10) drehen [Pirouette]; schlagen [Rad, Purzelbaum]turn 40 — 40 [Jahre alt] werden
12)3. intransitive verbit's just turned 12 o'clock/quarter past 4 — es ist gerade 12 Uhr/viertel nach vier vorbei
1) (revolve) sich drehen; [Wasserhahn, Schlüssel:] sich drehen lassen2) (reverse direction) [Person:] sich herumdrehen; [Auto:] wenden3) (take new direction) sich wenden; (turn round) sich umdrehenhis thoughts/attention turned to her — er wandte ihr seine Gedanken/Aufmerksamkeit zu
left/right turn! — (Mil.) links/rechts um!
turn into a road/away from the river — in eine Straße einbiegen/vom Fluss abbiegen
turn to the left — nach links abbiegen/[Schiff, Flugzeug:] abdrehen
turn up/down a street — in eine Straße einbiegen
when the tide turns — wenn die Ebbe/Flut kommt
not know where or which way to turn — (fig.) keinen Ausweg [mehr] wissen
my luck has turned — (fig.) mein Glück hat sich gewendet
4) (become) werdenturn traitor/statesman/Muslim — zum Verräter/zum Staatsmann/Moslem werden
turn [in]to something — zu etwas werden; (be transformed) sich in etwas (Akk.) verwandeln
her face turned green — sie wurde [ganz] grün im Gesicht
5) (change colour) [Laub:] sich [ver]färben6) (become sour) [Milch:] sauer werden7)Phrasal Verbs:- turn in- turn off- turn on- turn out- turn to- turn up* * *(over) v.wenden v.(§ p.,pp.: wandte (wendete), gewandt (gewendet)) (round) to face (look at)someone expr.= jemandem das Gesicht zuwenden ausdr. v.drehen v.rotieren v.umwenden v. n.Drehbewegung f.Drehung -en f.Umdrehung f.Wendung -en f. -
16 turn
I [tɜːn]1) (opportunity, in rotation) turno m.it's my turn — è il mio turno, tocca a me
"miss a turn" — "perdete un turno", "saltate un giro"
have a turn on, at, with the computer — tocca a te usare il computer
to take turns at doing to take it in turns to do fare a turno a fare; take it in turns! fate a turno! by turns a turni, a rotazione; to speak out of turn — fig. parlare a sproposito
2) (circular movement) giro m., rotazione f.to give sth. a turn — girare qcs., dare un giro a qcs.
to do a turn — [ dancer] fare un giro
3) (in vehicle) svolta f., curva f.; aer. virata f.to make o do a left, right turn girare a sinistra, a destra; to do a turn in the road svoltare nella strada; "no left turn" — "divieto di svolta a sinistra"
4) (bend, side road) curva f.5) (change, development) corso m., cambiamento m.to take a turn for the better — [ person] migliorare; [situation, things, events] andare per il meglio, mettere bene, prendere una buona piega
to take a turn for the worse — [ situation] peggiorare, prendere una brutta piega, volgere al peggio; [ health] peggiorare
to be on the turn — [ milk] cominciare a inacidire; [ tide] cominciare a cambiare
our luck is on turn — la fortuna sta girando o cambiando
6) BE colloq. (attack) crisi f., attacco m.a giddy o dizzy turn vertigini; to have a funny turn essere, sentirsi sfasato o fuori fase; it gave me quite a turn it gave me a nasty turn — mi ha fatto venire un colpo
7) (act)8) in turn (in rotation) [answer, speak] a turno; (linking sequence) a sua volta••at every turn — tutti momenti, a ogni piè sospinto
one good turn deserves another — prov. = chi fa del bene riceve del bene, chi semina raccoglie
II 1. [tɜːn]to do sb. a good turn — rendere un servizio a qcn., fare un favore a qcn
1) (rotate) [ person] girare [wheel, handle]; girare, stringere [ screw]; [ mechanism] fare girare [cog, wheel]to turn the key in the door o lock — (lock up) chiudere la porta a chiave; (unlock) aprire la porta con la chiave
2) (turn over, reverse) girare [mattress, steak]; girare, voltare [ page]; rovesciare [ collar]; rivoltare [ soil]to turn one's ankle — storcersi una caviglia, prendere una storta a una caviglia
3) (change direction of) girare [chair, car]; girare, voltare [head, face]to turn one's back on sb. — voltare le spalle a qcn. (anche fig.)
to turn [sth.] on sb. — puntare [qcs.] contro qcn. [gun, hose, torch]; fig. indirizzare, dirigere [qcs.] contro qcn. [anger, scorn]
5) (transform)to turn sth. white, black — fare diventare qcs. bianco, nero
to turn sth. milky, opaque — rendere qcs. latteo, opaco
to turn sth. into — trasformare qcs. in [office, car park, desert]
to turn water into ice, wine — mutare o trasformare l'acqua in ghiaccio, vino
to turn sb. into — [ magician] trasformare o mutare qcn. in [ frog]; [ experience] fare di qcn. [extrovert, maniac]
6) (deflect) deviare, dirigere [person, conversation]7) colloq. (pass the age of)8) ind. (on lathe) lavorare al tornio, tornire [wood, piece, spindle]2.1) (change direction) [person, car, plane, road] girare, svoltare; [ ship] virareto turn down o into girare in [street, alley]; to turn towards girare verso o in direzione di [village, mountains]; the conversation turned to Bob — si è finito per parlare di Bob
2) (reverse direction) [person, vehicle] girare; [ tide] cambiare; [ luck] girare, (cominciare a) cambiare4) fig. (hinge)to turn on — [ argument] incentrarsi su [point, issue]; [ outcome] dipendere da [ factor]
6) fig. (resort to)to turn to — rivolgersi a [ person]; rivolgersi a, cercare conforto in [ religion]
to turn to sb. for — rivolgersi a qcn. per [help, advice, money]
I don't know where o which way to turn — non so a che santo votarmi o che pesci pigliare
7) (change)to turn into — [ tadpole] trasformarsi o mutarsi in [ frog]; [ sofa] trasformarsi in [ bed]; [situation, evening] trasformarsi in, risolversi in [farce, disaster]
to turn to — [ substance] trasformarsi in, diventare [ice, gold]; [fear, surprise] trasformarsi in [horror, relief]
8) (become by transformation) diventare, farsi [pale, cloudy, green]to turn white, red — diventare bianco, rosso
the weather is turning cold, warm — il tempo sta volgendo al freddo, al caldo
9) colloq. (become) diventare [Conservative, Communist]11) [trees, leaves] cambiare, mutare colore, ingiallire•- turn in- turn off- turn on- turn out- turn up* * *[tə:n] 1. verb1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) girare2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) girarsi3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) girare4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) dirigere5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) girare6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) trasformare, trasformarsi7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) diventare, far diventare2. noun1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) giro2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) volta, spira3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) svolta4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) turno5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) numero•- turnover
- turnstile
- turntable
- turn-up
- by turns
- do someone a good turn
- do a good turn
- in turn
- by turns
- out of turn
- speak out of turn
- take a turn for the better
- worse
- take turns
- turn a blind eye
- turn against
- turn away
- turn back
- turn down
- turn in
- turn loose
- turn off
- turn on
- turn out
- turn over
- turn up* * *I [tɜːn]1) (opportunity, in rotation) turno m.it's my turn — è il mio turno, tocca a me
"miss a turn" — "perdete un turno", "saltate un giro"
have a turn on, at, with the computer — tocca a te usare il computer
to take turns at doing to take it in turns to do fare a turno a fare; take it in turns! fate a turno! by turns a turni, a rotazione; to speak out of turn — fig. parlare a sproposito
2) (circular movement) giro m., rotazione f.to give sth. a turn — girare qcs., dare un giro a qcs.
to do a turn — [ dancer] fare un giro
3) (in vehicle) svolta f., curva f.; aer. virata f.to make o do a left, right turn girare a sinistra, a destra; to do a turn in the road svoltare nella strada; "no left turn" — "divieto di svolta a sinistra"
4) (bend, side road) curva f.5) (change, development) corso m., cambiamento m.to take a turn for the better — [ person] migliorare; [situation, things, events] andare per il meglio, mettere bene, prendere una buona piega
to take a turn for the worse — [ situation] peggiorare, prendere una brutta piega, volgere al peggio; [ health] peggiorare
to be on the turn — [ milk] cominciare a inacidire; [ tide] cominciare a cambiare
our luck is on turn — la fortuna sta girando o cambiando
6) BE colloq. (attack) crisi f., attacco m.a giddy o dizzy turn vertigini; to have a funny turn essere, sentirsi sfasato o fuori fase; it gave me quite a turn it gave me a nasty turn — mi ha fatto venire un colpo
7) (act)8) in turn (in rotation) [answer, speak] a turno; (linking sequence) a sua volta••at every turn — tutti momenti, a ogni piè sospinto
one good turn deserves another — prov. = chi fa del bene riceve del bene, chi semina raccoglie
II 1. [tɜːn]to do sb. a good turn — rendere un servizio a qcn., fare un favore a qcn
1) (rotate) [ person] girare [wheel, handle]; girare, stringere [ screw]; [ mechanism] fare girare [cog, wheel]to turn the key in the door o lock — (lock up) chiudere la porta a chiave; (unlock) aprire la porta con la chiave
2) (turn over, reverse) girare [mattress, steak]; girare, voltare [ page]; rovesciare [ collar]; rivoltare [ soil]to turn one's ankle — storcersi una caviglia, prendere una storta a una caviglia
3) (change direction of) girare [chair, car]; girare, voltare [head, face]to turn one's back on sb. — voltare le spalle a qcn. (anche fig.)
to turn [sth.] on sb. — puntare [qcs.] contro qcn. [gun, hose, torch]; fig. indirizzare, dirigere [qcs.] contro qcn. [anger, scorn]
5) (transform)to turn sth. white, black — fare diventare qcs. bianco, nero
to turn sth. milky, opaque — rendere qcs. latteo, opaco
to turn sth. into — trasformare qcs. in [office, car park, desert]
to turn water into ice, wine — mutare o trasformare l'acqua in ghiaccio, vino
to turn sb. into — [ magician] trasformare o mutare qcn. in [ frog]; [ experience] fare di qcn. [extrovert, maniac]
6) (deflect) deviare, dirigere [person, conversation]7) colloq. (pass the age of)8) ind. (on lathe) lavorare al tornio, tornire [wood, piece, spindle]2.1) (change direction) [person, car, plane, road] girare, svoltare; [ ship] virareto turn down o into girare in [street, alley]; to turn towards girare verso o in direzione di [village, mountains]; the conversation turned to Bob — si è finito per parlare di Bob
2) (reverse direction) [person, vehicle] girare; [ tide] cambiare; [ luck] girare, (cominciare a) cambiare4) fig. (hinge)to turn on — [ argument] incentrarsi su [point, issue]; [ outcome] dipendere da [ factor]
6) fig. (resort to)to turn to — rivolgersi a [ person]; rivolgersi a, cercare conforto in [ religion]
to turn to sb. for — rivolgersi a qcn. per [help, advice, money]
I don't know where o which way to turn — non so a che santo votarmi o che pesci pigliare
7) (change)to turn into — [ tadpole] trasformarsi o mutarsi in [ frog]; [ sofa] trasformarsi in [ bed]; [situation, evening] trasformarsi in, risolversi in [farce, disaster]
to turn to — [ substance] trasformarsi in, diventare [ice, gold]; [fear, surprise] trasformarsi in [horror, relief]
8) (become by transformation) diventare, farsi [pale, cloudy, green]to turn white, red — diventare bianco, rosso
the weather is turning cold, warm — il tempo sta volgendo al freddo, al caldo
9) colloq. (become) diventare [Conservative, Communist]11) [trees, leaves] cambiare, mutare colore, ingiallire•- turn in- turn off- turn on- turn out- turn up -
17 turn
[tə:n] 1. verb1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) rodar2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) virar-se3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) virar4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) dirigir5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) dar a volta6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) transformar(-se)7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) mudar (de cor)2. noun1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) volta2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) volta3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) esquina4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) vez5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) número•- turnover
- turnstile
- turntable
- turn-up
- by turns
- do someone a good turn
- do a good turn
- in turn
- by turns
- out of turn
- speak out of turn
- take a turn for the better
- worse
- take turns
- turn a blind eye
- turn against
- turn away
- turn back
- turn down
- turn in
- turn loose
- turn off
- turn on
- turn out
- turn over
- turn up* * *[tə:n] n 1 rotação, volta, giro. I took two turns up and down the room / andei duas vezes para cá e para lá dentro do quarto. 2 fig mudança de direção, reviravolta, crise, ação de virar. 3 curva, cotovelo. 4 mudança, alteração, variação. 5 torção, torcedura. 6 vez, ocasião. await your turn! / espere sua vez! now it is my turn / agora é a minha vez. 7 tempo, período, turno. we did it in turns / fizemos isto em turnos. 8 ação, ato, serviço, favor, obséquio. one good turn deserves another / um favor merece outro. 9 inclinação, predileção, tendência, talento. he has a turn for music / ele tem talento (inclinação, interesse) para a música. 10 curso, caminho. 11 passeio, giro, excursão, volta. we took a turn / demos uma volta, fizemos um passeio. 12 susto, choque. it gave her a turn / ela assustou-se. 13 desmaio. 14 Mus grupeto, nota floreada. 15 oportunidade. 16 ocupação passageira ou provisória. 17 Theat número de variedades. 18 estado, condição, natureza, disposição, caráter. 19 sucessão, alternação, rodízio. 20 Typogr letra bloqueada. • vt+vi 1 girar, rodar, virar(-se), volver(-se). he turned her head / ele lhe virou a cabeça. it turns my stomach / está me virando o estômago. I don’t know which way to turn / fig não sei o que fazer, não sei para que lado me virar. we turned the coat inside out / viramos o paletó às avessas. 2 voltar-se. 3 mover, mexer. we did not turn a hair / não perdemos a calma, não demonstramos. 4 mudar (de direção), alterar o curso. 5 dirigir(-se). 6 retornar. 7 desviar. 8 inverter, reverter. 9 revolver na mente. 10 mudar de posição. 11 mudar de assunto. 12 transformar(-se) em (gelo), mudar (cor), tornar(-se) pálido. 13 fazer, formar, adaptar-se. 14 perturbar, transtornar. her brain (head) is turned / ela é louca. 15 mandar embora, fazer ir. 16 volver, dirigir (olhos), virar (rosto). 17 ser mudado. 18 parar, aparar. 19 fazer voltar. 20 passar, dar volta, contornar. 21 ultrapassar, passar (tempo, idade). 22 tornear, fazer no torno. 23 ser torneado. 24 deixar doente. 25 ficar tonto, desmaiar. my head turns / minha cabeça está virando, estou tonto. 26 dobrar. 27 madurecer, mudar de cor. 28 induzir, instigar. 29 expulsar. 30 vender, trocar. 31 traduzir, verter. 32 transformar(-se), alterar, virar às avessas. 33 agrisalhar. 34 entregar. 35 moldar, configurar. 36 resultar, terminar. 37 tornar-se. he turned Christian, soldier, traitor / ele converteu-se ao cristianismo, ficou soldado, virou traidor. 38 estragar, azedar, coalhar (leite). a friendly (good) turn um serviço de amigo, um obséquio. an ill, bad turn um ato mau. an unexpected turn uma mudança inesperada. at every turn a cada momento, em cada ocasião. a turn for the better uma mudança para o melhor. a well turned phrase uma frase bem formulada. by turns alternativamente, em intervalos. done to a turn Cook no ponto. he turned up a tough person ele mostrou-se, revelou-se uma pessoa dura. it took a bad turn virou para o lado ruim. light and dark by turns claro e escuro alternadamente. on the turn prestes a virar (maré). right about turn! Mil meia-volta, volver! the turn of the century a virada do século. to serve one’s turn servir ao fim de, vir a propósito de. to take turns a) mudar, trocar com, revezar-se. b) experimentar. to turn about virar(-se), volver, voltar(-se). to turn a deaf ear fazer-se de surdo. to turn adrift mandar embora, deixar desamparado. to turn against influenciar contra, virar-se contra, ofender, atiçar. to turn around virar ao contrário, torcer (palavras), mudar de atitude. to turn aside desviar(-se), virar-se para o lado. to turn a trick vulg vender-se (prostituta). to turn away a) desviar, virar, mandar embora, despedir, rejeitar. b) virar-se, voltar-se. to turn back a) regressar, voltar, retroceder. b) recusar, devolver. c) retorquir. d) mandar de volta, fazer voltar. she couldn’t turn back / ela não pode voltar atrás (decisão). to turn down a) virar para baixo, dobrar (para baixo). b) diminuir (gás, etc.). c) declinar, rejeitar (oferta). d) desprezar, abandonar. e) descer, ir para baixo. to turn eighteen fazer, completar 18 anos. to turn from dissuadir de. to turn in a) virar, dobrar, (para dentro). b) entregar (alguém). to turn into a) converter em, transformar em. b) instigar a. c) traduzir. d) transformar-se em. e) converter-se em, tornar-se, ficar. to turn into verse pôr em versos. to turn nasty tornar-se desagradável. to turn off a) desviar, afastar, impedir. b) ( from de), despedir, mandar embora. c) fechar, desligar (gás, rádio, torneira). d) realizar, produzir. e) desligar emocionalmente ou sexualmente. f) dirigir-se para o lado. g) desviar-se, afastar-se. h) estragar. i) virar, entrar, sair de uma rua e entrar em outra, dobrar uma esquina. to turn off with a laugh desfazer com um riso. to turn on a) abrir (torneira), ligar (rádio, etc.). b) coll excitar (sexualmente). c) usar narcóticos. d) virar-se. e) girar sobre, em volta de, depender de. f) atacar, visar, retorquir. to turn one’s coat virar a casaca, mudar de opinião. to turn on the heat sl aumentar o esforço, pressão, atividade. to turn out a) virar para fora (os pés). b) expulsar, mandar embora. they turned him out of doors (out of the house) / botaram-no para fora. c) despejar. d) apagar, desligar (luz). e) virar às avessas (as bolsas). f) extrair (carvão). g) transportar, carregar, produzir, fornecer (mercadorias). h) sl iniciar alguém (sexo, drogas). i) virar-se, dirigir-se (para fora). j) sair, ir-se. k) vir à luz, confirmar (-se). l) formar-se, tornar-se. he has turned out a diligent boy / ele tornou-se um rapaz diligente. m) verificar-se, mostrar ser. It turned out that she had money / verificou-se que ela tinha o dinheiro. n) decorrer, terminar. o) largar o trabalho. to turn out well sair bem, dar certo. to turn over a) virar. b) folhar. c) derrubar. d) transbordar. e) transferir. f) revolver. g) movimentar (dinheiro). h) transmitir. i) extraditar. j) encarregar. k) virar-se. l) girar, revolver-se. m) mudar de opinião ou posição. n) inverter. o) denunciar, entregar (às autoridades). to turn over in someone’s mind estudar bem, pensar bem. to turn round a) girar, virar. b) volver, voltar. c) fig converter-se. to turn someone round one’s little finger dominar alguém completamente. to turn something into money transformar em dinheiro, vender. to turn tail recuar ignominiosamente. to turn the back upon someone virar as costas para alguém. to turn the corner a) dobrar a esquina. b) fig vencer a crise. to turn the key virar a chave. to turn the knife in the wound fig abrir novas feridas. to turn the steps towards dirigir os passos para. to turn the tables mudar a sorte. to turn the tables upon pagar na mesma moeda a. to turn the tap on fig cair em prantos. to turn things upside down virar as coisas de pernas para a ar. to turn thumbs down sl recusar, rejeitar, negar. to turn to a) dirigir, concentrar, aplicar, aproveitar. he turn edit to account / ele tirou proveito disto, aproveitou-o com vantagem. b) começar a trabalhar. c) dirigir-se para. they turned to us / dirigiram-se a nós. d) dirigir-se a. e) voltar-se para. f) transformar-se em, converter-se para, tornar-se. to turn toward dirigir para. to turn turtle fig virar de pernas para o ar. to turn up a) virar para cima, dobrar para cima. she turned up her nose / ela torceu o nariz. b) trazer à tona. c) arregaçar. d) aumentar (som, fogo). e) abrir (baralho). f) descobrir, revelar. g) fazer a barra (roupas). h) dirigir-se para cima, virar-se para cima, levantar-se. i) aparecer, vir à tona, surgir. she has turned up at last / ela chegou finalmente. j) acontecer, suceder. k) tornar-se. l) verificar-se, mostrar-se. to turn upon dirigir-se contra, girar em torno de, tratar-se de. to turn up the wick (sl de aviação) acelerar, voar a toda a velocidade. to turn water into wine transformar água em vinho. turn and turn about alternativamente, sucessivamente. turn it up! coll basta! chega! cale a boca! turn of mind modo de pensar. turn over! vide verso! we turned an honest penny by ganhamos nosso dinheiro honestamente com. -
18 turn
[tə:n] 1. verb1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) obrniti2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) obrniti se3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) zaviti4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) usmeriti5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) zaviti okoli6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) spremeniti7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) postati2. noun1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) obrat2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) navoj3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) ovinek, odcep4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) (biti) na vrsti za5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) točka•- turnover
- turnstile
- turntable
- turn-up
- by turns
- do someone a good turn
- do a good turn
- in turn
- by turns
- out of turn
- speak out of turn
- take a turn for the better
- worse
- take turns
- turn a blind eye
- turn against
- turn away
- turn back
- turn down
- turn in
- turn loose
- turn off
- turn on
- turn out
- turn over
- turn up* * *I [tə:n]nounvrtljaj, vrtenje, obračanje, obrat; ovinek, zavoj, okljuk, vijuga, krivulja; figuratively izkrivljenje; (posebna) smer, sprememba smeri, obrnjena smer; preokret, preobrat; kriza; economy prodaja, promet; sprememba, menjava, redno menjavanje pri opravljanju (posla, službe), turnus, vrstni red; zamena, šiht, posada, delovna izmena; runda; (kratek) sprehod, pot, runda; zaposlenost (s čim), (prehoden) poklic; usluga; prilika, priložnost; točka v programu (varieteja); namen, namera, potreba; figuratively sposobnost, talent, dar ( for za), nagnjenje; oblika, obris; način mišljenja, razpoloženje; postopek; izraz; colloquially živčni pretres, šak, omotica, strah, močno razburjenje; skisanje (mleka); printing obrnjena črka, obrnjen tisk; sport trojka (pri drsanju); plural medicine menstruacija, mesečna čiščaturn (and turn) about — izmenoma, menjaje seat every turn — pri vsakem koraku, ob vsaki priliki, neprestano, ob vsakem časuby turns, in turns — izmenoma, zaporedoma; v turnusu, eno za drugimevery one in his turn! — vsakdo (vsi) po vrsti!in the turn of a hand — v hipu, kot bi trenilout of one's turn — zunaj, mimo svoje vrste; ne na mestua turn of fortune (of Fortune's wheel) — preobrat, preokret sreče, usodeturn of life medicine klimakterijthe turn of the tide — oseka, figuratively sprememba položaja, preobratto be on the turn — biti na preokretnici, prelomniciwhose turn is it? — kdo je na vrsti?to do s.o. a good (bad) turn — napraviti komu dobro (slabo) uslugohe did me an ill turn — škodoval mi je, eno mi je zagodelone good turn deserves another — roka roko umiva, usluga za uslugoto (a)wait one's turn — čakati, da pridemo na vrstoto give s.o. a turn — prestrašiti kogaleft (right) turn! British English military na levo (desno)!don't speak out of your turn! — ne govori, če nisi na vrsti!it serves my turn — to mi prav pride, mi dobro služi (koristi)to take a turn at s.th. — kratek čas se s čim ukvarjatito take the good (bad) turn, to take a turn for the good (bad) — obrniti se na boljše (slabše)II [tə:n]1.transitive verb(za)vrteti (v krogu); obrniti, obračati, narobe obrniti; preobrniti, prekopati; odbiti, odvrniti; spremeniti smer, dati drugo smer; odločiti; spremeniti (v), predrugačiti, pretvoriti; prevesti (tekst); skisati (mleko); prekoračiti, preiti; obiti, militaryobkoliti; izogniti se; zaviti okoli, obrniti, nameriti (korak itd.); napotiti, nagnati, spoditi ( into v); sport delati (prekuce, salte, kolo); otopiti, skrhati (nož); naščuvati, nahujskati ( against proti); zmešati (glavo), zmesti, znoriti; economy v denar spraviti, unovčiti; stružiti, zaokrogliti, zaobliti, dati okroglo obliko; lepo oblikovati; figuratively lepo formulirati (stavek); obsolete speljati na kriva pota, zapeljati; spreobrniti;2.intransitive verbvrteti se, dati se vrteti; obračati se, obrniti se; prevračati se, prevrniti se; figuratively postaviti se na glavo; postati omotičen; zaviti, kreniti, napraviti zavoj; zateči se (to k), obrniti se, pogledati nazaj; oprijeti se, lotiti se, ukvarjati se; spremeniti se, spremeniti naravo; skisati se (mleko), postati (žaltav itd.), pokvariti se; stružiti se, postati top, skrhati se (nož); obsolete prebegniti, postati uskok (odpadnik, dezerter)to turn an attack military odbiti napadto turn the ( —ali one's) back (up)on — hrbet obrniti (pokazati); obrniti se proč odto turn bankrupt — priti pod stečaj (v konkurz), bankrotirati, doživeti bankrot, priti na bobenhe turned many books in his life figuratively mnogo je prebral v svojem življenjuto turn s.o.'s brain — znoriti kogato turn bridle — obrniti se, začeti se umikatito turn bear (bull) economy špekulirati na padec (dvig) cen in tečajev na borzito turn into cash — spraviti v denar (gotovino), unovčitito turn the cat in the pan figuratively stvar (že nekako) urediti, v red spravitito turn the cheek figuratively obrniti (nastaviti) tudi drugo lice, požreti (kaj) zaradi (ljubega) miruto turn one's coat figuratively obrniti, obračati plašč (po vetru)he turned his coat — izneveril se je svoji stranki, postal je odpadnikto turn the corner figuratively srečno prebroditi krizoto turn a difficulty — izogniti se težavi, obiti težavoto turn a deaf ear — narediti se gluhega (to za), ne hoteti slišatito turn the edge of a remark — napraviti opazko manj ostro, omiliti opazkoto turn king's ( American state's) evidence juridically postati glavna obremenilna pričahe is just turning 50 — pravkar je prekoračil 50. letoto turn one's face to the wall — obrniti obraz proti steni, figuratively biti pripravljen za smrt, (hoteti) umretito turn s.o.'s tiank figuratively prelisičiti koga, premagati koga v debatito turn one's hand to s.th. — lotiti se, oprijeti se česashe can turn her hand to anything — ona je zelo spretna, praktičnanot to turn a hand to help s.o. — s prstom ne migniti, da bi komu pomagalito turn one's head — obrniti glavo, pogledati nazajto turn s.o.'s head — zmešati komu glavoto turn headsprings sport delati (vrteti) kolesato turn head over heels — prekucniti se, prekopicniti seto turn s.o.'s heart figuratively pregovoriti kogato turn s.th. inside out — obrniti kaj (narobe), zvrniti kajto turn to the left — obrniti se, kreniti, zaviti na levoto turn loose — odvezati, izpustiti koga (na prostost); popustiti; American streljati, ustrelitito turn s.o. mad — napraviti koga blaznegayou will turn me mad — zblaznel, znorel bom zaradi vasto turn s.th. in one's mind — premišljevati kajto turn s.th. to one's profit — obrniti kaj v svojo korist, izkoristiti kajto turn s.o. to religion — spreobrniti koga (k veri)to turn the scale — nagniti tehtnico, figuratively odločifi (kaj)to turn s.o. sick — povzročiti komu slabostshe turned sick — slabo ji je postalo, morala je bruhati; zbolela jeto turn a somersault — napraviti prekuc, saltomy stomach turns (at) — želodec se mi obrača (ob), vzdiguje se mito turn the tables (up)on s.o. figuratively obrniti argumente proti komu, obrniti položajto turn tail — obrniti se, stisniti rep med noge, zbežatithe tide has turned — nastopila je oseka, figuratively sreča se je obrnila (se obrača)to turn one's thumb down figuratively odkloniti, ne hotetito turn turtle nautical slang prevrniti seto turn upon s.th. — biti odvisen od česaI don't know which way to turn — ne vem, po kateri poti naj krenem, figuratively ne vem ne kod ne kam; ne vem, kaj naj naredimthe wind has turned — zapihal je drug veter (tudi figuratively)even a worm will turn — figuratively tudi najmirnejši človek se brani, če je napaden -
19 turn
[təːn] 1. n( rotation) obrót m; ( in road) zakręt m; ( change) zmiana f; ( chance) kolej f; ( performance) występ m; ( inf) ( of illness) napad m2. vthandle przekręcać (przekręcić perf); key przekręcać (przekręcić perf), obracać (obrócić perf); steak, page przewracać (przewrócić perf); wood, metal toczyć3. vi( rotate) obracać się (obrócić się perf); ( change direction) skręcać (skręcić perf); ( face in different direction) odwracać się (odwrócić się perf); milk kwaśnieć (skwaśnieć perf)it gave me quite a turn ( inf) — to mnie nieźle zaszokowało (inf)
"no left turn" — "zakaz skrętu w lewo"
in turn — ( in succession) po kolei; (indicating consequence, cause etc) z kolei
to take turns (at) — zmieniać się (zmienić się perf) (przy +loc)
at the turn of the century — u schyłku wieku, na przełomie wieków
to take a turn for the worse — przybierać (przybrać perf) zły obrót
his health/he has taken a turn for the worse — jego stan pogorszył się, pogorszyło mu się (inf)
Phrasal Verbs:- turn in- turn off- turn on- turn out- turn up* * *[tə:n] 1. verb1) (to (make something) move or go round; to revolve: The wheels turned; He turned the handle.) obracać (się)2) (to face or go in another direction: He turned and walked away; She turned towards him.) obrócić się3) (to change direction: The road turned to the left.) skręcić4) (to direct; to aim or point: He turned his attention to his work.) zwrócić5) (to go round: They turned the corner.) objechać, obejść6) (to (cause something to) become or change to: You can't turn lead into gold; At what temperature does water turn into ice?) obrócić (się), przemieniać (się)7) (to (cause to) change colour to: Her hair turned white; The shock turned his hair white.) stać się, zmienić kolor na2. noun1) (an act of turning: He gave the handle a turn.) obrót2) (a winding or coil: There are eighty turns of wire on this aerial.) zwój3) ((also turning) a point where one can change direction, eg where one road joins another: Take the third turn(ing) on/to the left.) zakręt4) (one's chance or duty (to do, have etc something shared by several people): It's your turn to choose a record; You'll have to wait your turn in the bathroom.) kolej5) (one of a series of short circus or variety acts, or the person or persons who perform it: The show opened with a comedy turn.) numer•- turnover
- turnstile
- turntable
- turn-up
- by turns
- do someone a good turn
- do a good turn
- in turn
- by turns
- out of turn
- speak out of turn
- take a turn for the better
- worse
- take turns
- turn a blind eye
- turn against
- turn away
- turn back
- turn down
- turn in
- turn loose
- turn off
- turn on
- turn out
- turn over
- turn up -
20 دار (فعل)
دَارَ (فِعْل) \ circle: to move in a circle; move around sth.: The aeroplane circled over us. The earth circles the sun. circulate: to move or pass round: Blood circulates round the body. go: to work: This clock goes by electricity. orbit: to move in orbit (around sth.): The moon orbits our earth. turn: to move round in a circle: Wheels turn. The bus turned (round) the corner. wheel: (often with round) to turn quickly and face in another direction: He wheeled round when I called his name. \ دَارَ \ revolve: to go (or cause to go) round in a circle: The earth revolves around the sun. \ See Also أدار (أدَارَ) \ دَارَ \ rotate: to go round; make (sth.) go round: Wheels rotate. The earth rotates. We rotate crops (plant different ones in a certain field each year). swivel: to swing round on a central point, as a wheel does: She swivelled round to see who was behind her. pivot: to turn, as on a pivot. \ See Also أدَارَ على مِحْوَر \ دَارَ \ run: (of an engine or machine) to be in action; be working: Don’t leave your engine running while you buy petrol. \ See Also اشتعل (اِشْتَعَلَ) \ دَارَ \ round: to go round (a corner). \ See Also اِنْعَطَفَ حَوْلَ \ دَارَ في خَلَدِه \ feel, felt: to think: I feel that you could try harder.
См. также в других словарях:
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