1 Ариадна
ж. миф.Ariadne [-nɪ]••нить Ариа́дны — the thread of Ariadne
2 нить Ариадны
1) General subject: Ariadne's clew2) Mathematics: thread of Ariadne3) Mythology: Ariadne's thread (in Greek mythology Ariadne helped Theseus to get out of the Minotaur's labyrinth by giving him a ball of thread the end of which she tied at the entrance), clew -
3 Н-103
АРИАДНИНА НИТЬ НИТЬ АРИАДНЫ both lit NP sing only fixed WOsth. that helps s.o. find a way out of a difficult situation or solve a difficult problem: Ariadne' thread.According to Greek myth, Ariadne, a daughter of Minos of Crete, gave Theseus a ball of thread, by which he traced his way out of the labyrinth. -
4 Ариаднина нить
• АРИАДНИНА НИТЬ; НИТЬ АРИАДНЫ both lit[NP; sing only; fixed WO]=====⇒ sth. that helps s.o. find a way out of a difficult situation or solve a difficult problem:- Ariadne's thread.—————← According to Greek myth, Ariadne, a daughter of Minos of Crete, gave Theseus a ball of thread, by which he traced his way out of the labyrinth.Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Ариаднина нить
5 нить Ариадны
• АРИАДНИНА НИТЬ; НИТЬ АРИАДНЫ both lit[NP; sing only; fixed WO]=====⇒ sth. that helps s.o. find a way out of a difficult situation or solve a difficult problem:- Ariadne's thread.—————← According to Greek myth, Ariadne, a daughter of Minos of Crete, gave Theseus a ball of thread, by which he traced his way out of the labyrinth.Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > нить Ариадны
6 нить
ж.1. (в разн. знач.) threadнить рассказа — thread of a story
2. бот. эл. filamentнить накала — эл. glow-lamp filament; рад. heated / not filament
3. хир. suture♢
проходить красной нитью — stand* out; (через) run* all (through)эта мысль проходит красной нитью через всю книгу — this ideas / thread runs all through the book
Ариаднина нить — Ariadne's clew / clue
7 нить
ж.1) = ниткапутево́дная нить — clue
нить расска́за — thread of a story
2) бот. filament3) эл. filamentнить нака́ла — 1) эл. glow-lamp filament 2) радио heated / hot filament
4) хир. suture••проходи́ть кра́сной нитью — stand out; (че́рез) run all (through)
э́та мысль прохо́дит кра́сной нитью че́рез всю кни́гу — this idea / thread runs all through the book
Ариа́днина нить, нить Ариа́дны — Ariadne's clew / clue
См. также в других словарях:
Ariadne's thread (logic) — Ariadne s thread, named for the legend of Ariadne, is the term used to describe the solving of a problem with multiple apparent means of proceeding such as a physical maze, a logic puzzle, or an ethical dilemma through an exhaustive application… … Wikipedia
Ariadne musica — is a collection of organ music by Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer, first published in 1702. The main part of the collection is a cycle of 20 preludes and fugues in different keys, so Ariadne musica is considered an important precursor to Johann… … Wikipedia
Ariadne — [ar΄ē ad′nē, er΄ē ad′nē] n. [L < Gr Ariadnē] Gr. Myth. King Minos daughter, who gives Theseus the thread by which he finds his way out of the labyrinth … English World dictionary
Ariadne — /ar ee ad nee/, n. 1. Class. Myth. a daughter of Minos and Pasiphaë who gave Theseus the thread by which he escaped from the labyrinth: deserted by Theseus on Naxos, she became the bride of Dionysus. 2. a female given name. * * * In Greek… … Universalium
Ariadne — Ar•i•ad•ne [[t]ˌær iˈæd ni[/t]] n. myt (in Greek myth) a daughter of King Minos who gave Theseus the thread by which he escaped from the labyrinth: deserted by Theseus, she became the bride of Dionysus … From formal English to slang
Ariadne — /æriˈædni/ (say aree adnee) noun Greek Legend a daughter of Minos and Pasiphaë; she gave Theseus the thread whereby he escaped from the Labyrinth …
Ariadne — noun beautiful daughter of Minos and Pasiphae; she fell in love with Theseus and gave him the thread with which he found his way out of the Minotaur s labyrinth • Instance Hypernyms: ↑Greek deity … Useful english dictionary
Ariadne — Ariadne, in Greek mythology (Latin Arianna, French Arianne), was daughter of King Minos of Crete and his queen, Pasiphaë, daughter of Helios, the Sun titan. [Pasiphaë is mentioned as Ariadne s mother in Bibliotheke 3.1.2 (Pasiphaë, daughter of… … Wikipedia
The Red Thread (disambiguation) — The Red Thread may refer to:* In Greek mythology, Theseus rescued himself out of the labyrinth of Minotaur by following a red thread, given to him by Ariadne. * In logic and computer science, an algorithm based on this myth is named Ariadne s… … Wikipedia
Ariadne (disambiguation) — Ariadne was a figure in Greek mythology.Ariadne may also refer to:* Ariadne , a Greek goddess * Ariadne (butterfly) , a butterfly genus * Ariadne (empress) , a Byzantine Empress from the late 5th century * Ariadne (psychedelic) , a psychedelic… … Wikipedia
The Phenomenon of Man — ( Le Phénomène Humain , 1955) is a non fiction book written by French philosopher, paleontologist and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. In this work, Teilhard describes evolution as a process that leads to increasing complexity,… … Wikipedia