1 the pits
adj AmE slThis isn't the best but it isn't the pits either — Конечно, это не самое лучшее, но и не самое худшее
2 the pits
1) ша́хты мнhe spent most of his life in the pits — он прорабо́тал бо́льшую часть жи́зни на ша́хтах
2) ме́рзость жhis jokes are the pits — у него́ шу́тки дура́цкие
3 the pits
Самое неприятное место, самый отвратительный человек, что-либо низшее. Имеются в виду the armpits (подмышки), часто непривлекательная и дурнопахнущая часть человеческого тела. Это выражение стало употребляться в 1960-х гг.He lives in a disgusting flat in Soho. It really is the pits. — Он живёт в ужасной квартире в Сохо. Это действительно дыра.
4 the pits
Сленг: конченный (формат конченный) -
5 the pits with someone
The new dictionary of modern spoken language > the pits with someone
6 for the pits
adj AmE slThat movie is for the pits — Не кино, а мура
7 in the pits
8 be the pits
9 digging the pits
Лесоводство: выкопка ямок, подготовка почвы к посадке -
10 ground works in the pits
Строительство: земляные работы в котлованахУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ground works in the pits
11 gun the pits
12 gunning the pits
2) Нефтепромысловый: перемешивание (бурового раствора) струйными мешалками в резервуарах -
13 in the pits
Сленг: быть в (страшном) отчаянии (употр. в США, сленг) -
14 remove the pits
Макаров: вынимать косточки -
15 to be the pits
16 work in the pits
Макаров: работать на шахте -
17 gun the pits
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > gun the pits
18 gunning the pits
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > gunning the pits
19 digging the pits
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > digging the pits
20 digging the pits
Англо-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > digging the pits
См. также в других словарях:
the pits — pits pits, the pits he pits . The worst possible situation, person, or thing; something extremely bad, boring, or depressing; always used with the; as, cleaning the house is the pits. [Slang] [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
the pits — {n.}, {slang} 1. A low class, blighted and ill maintained place, motel room or apartment. * /Max, this motel is the pits, I will not sleep here!/ 2. The end of the road, the point of no return, the point of total ruin of one s health (from the… … Dictionary of American idioms
the pits — {n.}, {slang} 1. A low class, blighted and ill maintained place, motel room or apartment. * /Max, this motel is the pits, I will not sleep here!/ 2. The end of the road, the point of no return, the point of total ruin of one s health (from the… … Dictionary of American idioms
the\ pits — noun slang 1. A low class, blighted and ill maintained place, motel room or apartment. Max, this motel is the pits, I will not sleep here! 2. the end of the road, the point of no return, the point of total ruin of one s health (from the drug… … Словарь американских идиом
the pits — noun any place of pain and turmoil the hell of battle the inferno of the engine room when you re alone Christmas is the pits • Syn: ↑hell, ↑hell on earth, ↑hellhole, ↑snake pit, ↑inferno … Useful english dictionary
the pits — n an unpleasant, disgusting and/or unbearable place, situation or person; the worst place, situation or state of affairs imaginable. This Americanism has become widely used throughout the English speaking world. It is, in origin, said to be a… … Contemporary slang
the pits — If something is referred to as the pits, it is considered to be absolutely the worst. That magazine is the pits! … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
the pits — informal this place is really the pits Syn: hell, the worst, the lowest of the low, a nightmare; rock bottom, extremely bad, awful, terrible, dreadful, deplorable; informal appalling, lousy, abysmal … Thesaurus of popular words
the pits — poor quality, not good value The music was the pits. The violins played badly … English idioms
the pits — noun Something miserable or unpleasant. Doing it once is no fun, but doing it over because you lost your work is the pits … Wiktionary
The pits — 1. the most unpleasant or most obnoxious (place, circumstance, condition, etc.); 2. armpits … Dictionary of Australian slang