1 the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
Общая лексика: рука, раскачивающая люльку, правит миромУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
2 the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
рука, що гойдає колиску, править світомEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of proverbs > the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
3 cradle
A n1 ( for baby) berceau m also fig ; from the cradle depuis le berceau ; from the cradle to the grave du berceau à la tombe ;3 ( telephone rest) fourche f de combiné ;4 ( hoistable platform) nacelle f suspendue.B vtr bercer [baby] ; tenir [qch] délicatement [object] ; to cradle sth in one's arms tenir qch dans ses bras.the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world qui mène la jeunesse dirige le monde ; to rob the cradle les prendre au berceau ○. -
4 ♦ hand
♦ hand /hænd/n.1 mano: to hold hands, tenersi per mano; to lead sb. by the hand, condurre q. per mano; to shake sb. 's hand (o to shake hands with sb.) stringere (o dare) la mano a q.; (antiq.) to ask for a woman's hand, chiedere la mano d'una donna; She put her hands in her pockets, mise le mani in tasca; He was holding the matches in his hand, teneva in mano i fiammiferi; to wash one's hands, lavarsi le mani; to wave one's hand, agitare la mano ( in segno di saluto, ecc.); to clap hands, applaudire; to clap one's hand over one's mouth, mettersi la mano sulla bocca; to clasp sb. 's hand, stringere la mano a q.; to grasp sb. 's hand, afferrare la mano di q.; left hand, mano sinistra; to soil one's hands with st., sporcarsi le mani con q.; steady hand, mano ferma2 aiuto; mano: to lend (o to give) a hand to sb. (o to give sb. a hand, to lend sb. a hand) dare una mano a q.; DIALOGO → - Downloading and printing- Could you give me a hand?, mi daresti una mano?4 potere; controllo; mano, mani: to be in enemy hands, essere in mano al nemico; The firm is in his hands now, l'azienda è ora nelle sue mani5 mano d'autore; mano; segno caratteristico; tocco: The two paintings are by the same hand, i due quadri sono della stessa mano; with a light hand, con mano leggera7 (leg.) firma9 (naut.) membro dell'equipaggio; marinaio; (al pl., collett.) equipaggio, uomini, ciurma: All hands on deck!, equipaggio in coperta!; (fig. fam.) tutti al lavoro!10 ago ( di strumento); lancetta ( di orologio); indice ( di meridiana): the hour [minute] hand, la lancetta delle ore [dei minuti]11 ( alle carte) mano ( di partita): to play a hand of poker, fare una mano di poker; to play a good hand, giocar bene ( a carte)12 ( alle carte) mano; carte: a poor hand, brutte carte in mano; a winning hand, mano vincente; carte vincenti; ( anche fig.) to show one's hand, mostrare le carte; mettere le carte in tavola; (fig., anche) scoprire il proprio gioco13 palmo, spanna (per misurare l'altezza dei cavalli; pari a cm 10 circa)14 (fam.) battimani; applauso: Let's give him a big hand!, facciamogli un bell'applauso!● hand-barrow, carretto a mano; barella □ hand's breadth, palmo (misura di quattro ‘pollici’, pari a 10 cm circa); spanna □ hand canter, andatura lenta (spec. di cavallo) □ hands down, ( boxe) a mani basse; (fig.) facilmente, con estrema facilità: We beat them hands down, li battemmo facilmente □ (mecc.) hand drill, trapano a mano □ (telef.) hands-free ( set), auricolare □ hand gallop, piccolo galoppo □ (mil.) hand grenade, bomba a mano □ hand-gun ► handgun □ hand-held ► handheld, A □ (tecn.) hand-hole, portello ( di macchinario) □ (fig.) to be hand in glove ( with sb.), essere in combutta, essere culo e camicia (con q.) (fam.) □ hand in hand, mano nella mano; tenendosi per mano; (fig.) di pari passo: to walk hand in hand, camminare tenendosi per mano; to go hand in hand with st., andare di pari passo con qc.; accompagnarsi a qc. □ hand job ► handjob □ ( di pullover, ecc.) hand-knit (o hand-knitted), fatto a mano □ hand lens, lente d'ingrandimento □ hand-loom, telaio a mano □ (aeron.) hand luggage, bagaglio a mano □ hand-mill, macinino □ ( raro) hand money, caparra □ Hands off!, giù le mani!; togli (o togliete) le mani!; giù le zampe! (fam.) □ (di atteggiamento, ecc.) hands-off, che lascia autonomia agli altri, che non si intromette; distaccato: a hands-off policy, una politica di non intervento □ (fam.) hands-on, manuale; pratico: hands-on training, addestramento pratico; pratica □ (org. az.) hands-on management, gestione attiva □ hand organ, organetto; organino □ (fig.) hand over fist, in fretta; in grande quantità: to make money hand over fist, guadagnare soldi a palate; to lose money hand over fist, perdere un mucchio di soldi; essere una macchina mangiasoldi □ hand over hand, portando alternativamente una mano sopra l'altra ( come nell'arrampicarsi su una fune); (fig.) con progressione rapida e continua □ hand-painted, dipinto a mano □ hand press, (mecc.) pressa a mano; (tipogr.) torchio a mano □ (tecn.) hand pump, pompa a mano □ hand-reading, chiromanzia; lettura della mano □ (leg.) hand sale, compravendita verbale □ (tipogr.) hand-set, composto a mano □ (tipogr.) hand-setting, composizione a mano □ ( di scarpa, stivale, ecc.) hand-sewn, cucito (o fatto) a mano □ hand signal, segnale ( di svolta, ecc.) fatto a mano ( da un ciclista, ecc.) □ ( ginnastica) hand spring, salto sulle mani; ribaltata □ (fig.) to have one's hands tied, avere le mani legate □ a hand-to-hand fight, un combattimento corpo a corpo □ hand-to-mouth, precario; alla giornata: a hand-to-mouth existence, esistenza precaria □ (econ.) hand-to-mouth buying, acquisto minimo; acquisti ridotti all'osso □ hand tool, utensile a mano, utensile manuale □ ( USA) hand truck, carrello a mano □ Hands up!, mani in alto!; ( anche) su le mani, chi è d'accordo alzi la mano □ hand vote, voto per alzata di mano □ (tecn.) hand-wheel, volantino □ at hand, a portata di mano; vicino, imminente: My parents live close at hand, i miei genitori abitano proprio qui vicino; The end of the term is at hand, la fine del trimestre è vicina (o imminente) □ at the hands of, per mano di; a opera di: He suffered greatly at the hands of his daughters, ha sofferto molto per colpa delle figlie □ at first [at second] hand, di prima [di seconda] mano: to hear st. (at) second hand, apprendere qc. di seconda mano □ at sb. 's right hand, alla destra di q. □ to be a bad hand at st., essere scarso in qc. □ ( anche fig.) to bind sb. hand and foot, legare q. mani e piedi □ by hand, a mano: fruit gathered by hand, frutta raccolta a mano; The letter was sent by hand, la lettera è stata inviata a mano □ to come to hand, capitare sotto mano; (comm.) pervenire: Your letter has come to hand, ci è pervenuta la vostra lettera □ (fig.) to force sb. 's hand, forzare la mano a q. □ to get st. off one's hands, liberarsi (o sbarazzarsi, disfarsi) di qc. □ to get one's hand in ( a job), fare la mano a (un lavoro); impratichirsi di (un lavoro) □ to get one' hands on sb., mettere le mani su q., acchiappare q. □ to be a good hand at st., aver mano a qc.; essere bravo in qc. □ (fam.) not to do a hand's turn, non fare niente; non muovere un dito □ to have a hand in st., giocare un ruolo in qc., mettere lo zampino in qc. (fam.) □ (fig.) to have one's hands full, essere occupatissimo □ (fig.) in hand, in serbo, di riserva; per le mani, in fase di esecuzione, in corso; sotto controllo; in pugno (fig.); ( sport) ancora da giocare, da recuperare: to keep some money in hand, tenere in serbo un po' di denaro; The work is still in hand, il lavoro è ancora in corso; to have the whole situation in hand, tenere in pugno la situazione; avere tutto sotto controllo □ to keep one's hands clean, non immischiarsi; tenersi fuori da qc. □ to keep (o to get) one's hand in, non perdere la mano a (fare qc.); stare in esercizio in (qc.) □ to lay hands on st., metter le mani sopra una cosa; impossessarsi di qc. □ to lay hands on sb., metter le mani addosso a q.; (relig.) imporre le mani su q. □ ( detto di un'organizzazione) The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, non c'è coordinamento; ognuno fa di testa propria □ to lift (o to raise) one's hands to (o against) sb., alzare le mani su q. □ to live from hand to mouth, vivere miseramente; vivere alla giornata □ (fig.) not to lift a hand ( to help sb.), non alzare (o non muovere) un dito (per aiutare q.) □ (fig.) off one's hands = out of one's hands ► sotto □ to be an old hand at a job, essere pratico di un lavoro □ on all hands, da tutte le parti □ on either hand, da entrambe le parti; da ambo i lati □ on every hand, da tutte le parti □ on hand, a disposizione, disponibile: We have many new items on hand, abbiamo molti articoli nuovi ( in magazzino, ecc.) a vostra disposizione □ ( di una persona) to be on hand, essere (o rendersi) disponibile; prestarsi (a fare qc.) □ (fig.) on sb. 's hands, a carico di q.; ( anche) a disposizione di q. □ (correl.) on the one hand…, on the other hand…, da un lato (o per un verso)…, dall'altro (o per l'altro) □ on the other hand, d'altra parte; d'altro canto; però □ out of hand, (avv.) subito, senza pensarci su; (agg.) che sfugge al controllo: The situation soon got out of hand, la situazione è sfuggita presto al controllo (o di mano) □ (fig.) out of one's hands, non più nelle proprie mani; non più a carico; non più di propria competenza: The matter is out of my hands, la faccenda non è più nelle mie mani □ to hand, sotto mano, a portata di mano □ to play for one's own hand, fare il proprio interesse □ (fig.) to play into sb. 's hands, fare il gioco di q. □ to put (o to set) one's hand to st., mettere (o porre) mano a qc. □ The right hand doesn't know what the left one is doing = The left hand doesn't know… ► sopra □ to rule with a heavy (o an iron) hand, governare con il pugno di ferro □ (fig.) to stay sb. 's hand, fermare la mano di q., impedire a q. di agire □ to take a hand in st. = to have a hand in st. ► sopra □ to take sb. in (o into) hand, prendersi cura di q.; controllare, tenere a freno, fare rigare diritto q. □ to take st. in hand, occuparsi di, prendere in mano qc. (fig.) □ (fig., slang USA) to talk to the hand, parlare al muro (fam. fig.); parlare a q. che non ascolta □ to try one's hand at st., cimentarsi in qc. □ to turn one's hand to st., intraprendere qc.; cimentarsi in qc. □ (fig.) to wash one's hands of st., lavarsi le mani di qc. □ a with high hand, con arroganza; da prepotente □ with a heavy hand, con mano pesante; con il pugno di ferro, spietatamente □ (prov.) Many hands make light work, l'unione fa la forza □ (prov.) One hand washes the other, una mano lava l'altra □ (prov.) The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, il potere è donna. -
5 cradle
cra·dle [ʼkreɪdl̩] nthe \cradle of human evolution ( fig) die Wiege der Menschheit;from the \cradle to the grave von der Wiege bis zur Bahre;to rock a \cradle eine Wiege schaukelnPHRASES:the hand that rocks the \cradle rules the world (that rocks the \cradle rules the world) die Hand an der Wiege regiert die Welt vtto \cradle sb/ sth jdn/etw [sanft] halten;to \cradle sb's head on one's lap jds Kopf m in seinen Schoß betten;to \cradle sb in luxury ( fig) jdn in Luxus betten -
6 cradle
1. noun(cot, lit. or fig.) Wiege, die2. transitive verbfrom the cradle to the grave — von der Wiege bis zur Bahre
cradle somebody/something in one's arms — jemanden in den Armen/etwas im Arm halten
* * *['kreidl] 1. noun1) (a child's bed especially one in which it can be rocked.) die Wiege2) (a frame of similar shape, eg one under a ship that is being built or repaired.) das Hängegerüst2. verb(to hold or rock as if in a cradle: She cradled the child in her arms.) wiegen* * *cra·dle[ˈkreɪdl̩]I. nfrom the \cradle to the grave von der Wiege bis zur Bahreto rock a \cradle eine Wiege schaukeln5.II. vt▪ to \cradle sb/sth jdn/etw [sanft] haltento \cradle sb's head on one's lap jds Kopf in seinen Schoß betten* * *['kreɪdl]1. n(= cot fig = birthplace) Wiege f; (= support, of phone) Gabel f; (for invalids) Schutzgestell nt (zum Abhalten des Bettzeugs von Verletzungen); (for ship) (Ablauf)schlitten m; (BUILD, for window-cleaners) Hängegerüst nt; (in sea rescues) Hosenboje f; (for mechanic under car) Schlitten mright from the cradle — von klein auf, von Kindesbeinen an
2. vt1) (= hold closely) an sich (acc) drückenhe was cradling his injured arm — er hielt sich (dat) seinen verletzten Arm
to cradle sb/sth in one's arms/lap —
the baby lay cradled in her lap — das Baby lag( geborgen) in ihrem Schoß
he cradled the telephone under his chin — er klemmte sich (dat) den Hörer unters Kinn
2) receiver auflegen* * *cradle [ˈkreıdl]A s1. Wiege f (auch fig):from the cradle to the grave von der Wiege bis zur Bahre2. fig Wiege f, Kindheit f, Anfang(sstadium) m(n):from the cradle von Kindheit oder Kindesbeinen an;in the cradle in den ersten Anfängen3. wiegenartiges Gerät, besonders TECHa) Hängegerüst n, Schwebebühne f (für Bauarbeiter)b) Gründungseisen n (des Graveurs)c) Räderschlitten m (für Arbeiten unter Autos)d) Schwingtrog m (der Goldwäscher)e) TEL Gabel f:put the receiver in the cradle den Hörer auf die Gabel legen6. MIL Rohrwiege f:cradle carriage Wiegenlafette f7. MEDa) (Draht)Schiene fb) Schutzgestell n (zum Abhalten des Bettzeuges von Wunden)c) VET Halsgestell n (für Tiere)B v/t1. wiegen, schaukeln:cradle to sleep in den Schlaf wiegen2. in die Wiege legen4. betten:cradle one’s head on one’s arms5. a) hegenb) pflegenc) auf-, großziehen6. AGR mit der Gerüstsense mähen8. goldhaltige Erde im Schwingtrog waschen* * *1. noun(cot, lit. or fig.) Wiege, die2. transitive verbcradle somebody/something in one's arms — jemanden in den Armen/etwas im Arm halten
* * *n.Wiege -n f. -
7 cradle
['kreɪdl] 1. сущ.1) колыбель, люлькаHe rocked the cradle with his foot. (Ch. Dickens, Old Curiosity Shop, 1840) — Он качнул ногой колыбель. (пер. Н. А. Волжиной)
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. — посл. Рука, качающая колыбель, правит миром.
2) начало, истоки, младенчество, колыбельfrom the cradle to the grave — от колыбели до могилы, от рождения до смерти, всю жизнь
- cradle CatholicWessex is the cradle of the royal house. — Уэссекс - колыбель королевского дома.
3) тех. опора, рамаSyn:frame 1.4) воен. люлька орудия5) горн. лоток, сито для промывки золотоносного песка6) мор. спусковые салазки, стапель7) брит.; стр.; амер. scaffold люлька ( для работы на высоте)He dropped the receiver into its cradle. — Он положил трубку.
9) мед. шина•- cat's cradle 2. гл.1) укачивать (в люльке, на руках); баюкать; класть в колыбельThe old man cradled the baby in his arms. — Старик качал ребёнка на руках.
2) бережно держать; прижимать к грудиHe was sitting at the big table cradling a large bowl of coffee. — Он сидел за широким столом, сжимая в руках большую чашку кофе.
The house that cradled Prince Metternich. — Дом, в котором рос князь Меттерних.
Syn:4) горн. мыть золото5) вешать трубку ( телефона)"I wouldn't have believed it," Ken said, and cradled the phone. (R. Stark, Blackbird, 1969) — "Я бы в это не поверил", - сказал Кен и положил трубку.
6) присоединять к раме; обрамлять, вставлять в раму, рамкуHe cradled the picture. — Он вставил картину в раму.
8 _жінка; дружина
all are good lasses, but whence come the bad wives? all women look the same after the sun goes down any woman can keep a secret, but she generally needs one other woman to help her better the devil's than a woman's slave a cat has nine lives; a woman has nine cat's lives a diamond daughter turns to glass as a wife everybody's sweetheart is nobody's wife the fewer the women, the less the trouble the fingers of a housewife do more than a yoke of oxen the first wife is matrimony; the second, company; the third, heresy the grey mare is the better horse the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world handle with care women and glass hanging and wiving goes by destiny happy is the bride that the sun shines on he that has not got a wife is not yet a complete man he who has a fair wife needs more than two eyes hell hath no fury like a woman scorned if it is a secret, don't tell it to a woman it is harder to marry a daughter well than to bring her up well it is a woman's privilege to change her mind it is as great pity to see a woman weep as to see a goose go barefoot ladies don't smoke long hair and short wit the longest five years in a woman's life is between twenty-nine and thirty never choose your woman or your linen by candlelight never praise your wife until you have been married ten years never quarrel with a woman no house was ever big enough for two women no woman is ugly if she is well dressed one tongue is enough for two women the only secret a woman can keep is her age praise from a wife is praise indeed the real housewife is at once a slave and a lady she who is a beauty is half-married she who loves the looking glass hates the saucepan silence is a woman's best garment slander expires at a good woman's door tell a woman and you tell the world ten measures of talk were sent down from heaven, and women took nine there is no fury like a woman's fury there is nothing better than a good woman and nothing worse than a bad one there is one good wife in the country, and every man thinks he has her there's hardly a strife in which a woman has not been a prime mover ugliness is the guardian of women the ugliest woman can look in the mirror and think she is beautiful an undutiful daughter will prove an unmanageable wife when a girl whistles, the angels cry wherever there is a woman, there is gossip a whistling woman and a crowing hen are neither fit for God nor men winter weather and women's thoughts change often a wise woman never outsmarts her husband a woman, a cat, and a chimney should never leave the house a woman fights with her tongue a woman knows a bit more than Satan a woman laughs when she can but cries whenever she wishes the woman who obeys her husband rules him a woman's hair is her crowning glory a woman's hair is long, but her tongue is longer a woman's place is in the home a woman's tongue is one that will never wear out a woman's tongue is the only sharp-edged tool that grows keener with constant use women are necessary evils a woman's work is never done women are strong when they arm themselves with their weaknesses women forgive injuries, but never forget slights women would be more charming if one could fall into their arms without falling into their hands a worthy woman is the crown of her husband -
9 she
[ʃi:, ʃi] pron1) (female person, animal) sie;\she who... ( particular person) diejenige, die...;\she who told me this wasn't there herself diejenige, die mir das erzählt hat, war selber nicht anwesend;( any person) wer;\she who rocks the cradle rules the world die Hand an der Wiege regiert die Welt2) ( inanimate thing) es;( for moon) er;( for country) es;( for ship with name) sie;( for ship with no name) es3) ( of unspecified sex) es;that's a cute dog! what's \she called? was für ein süßer Hund! wie heißt er denn?4) (Aus, NZ) (fam: it) esPHRASES:who's \she, the cat's mother? ( Brit) ( fam) und wer soll sie sein? ( fam) ( expressing that she is putting on airs) für wen hält sie sich denn? na \she ( person) eine Sie;( animal) ein Weibchen nt -
10 she
pronounsie; referring to personified things or animals which correspond to German masculines/neuters er/esit was she — (formal) sie war es; see also academic.ru/34499/her">her I, II; hers; herself
* * *[ʃi:] 1. pronoun1) (a female person or animal already spoken about: When the girl saw us, she asked the time.) sie2) (any female person: She who runs the fastest will be the winner.) diejenige2. noun(a female person or animal: Is a cow a he or a she?) eine Sie- she-* * *[ʃi:, ʃi]I. pron1. (female person, animal) sie\she who told me this wasn't there herself diejenige, die mir das erzählt hat, war selbst nicht dabei\she who rocks the cradle rules the world die Hand an der Wiege regiert die Welt2. (inanimate thing) es; (for moon) er; (for country) es; (for ship with name) sie; (for ship with no name) es3. (of unspecified sex) esthat's a cute dog! what's \she called? was für ein süßer Hund! wie heißt er denn?* * *[ʃiː]1. pronsie; (of boats, cars etc) esshe who... (liter) — diejenige, die...
it is she (form) — sie ist es
2. nSie f* * *she [ʃiː; ʃı]A pron1. a) sie (3. sg für alle weiblichen Lebewesen)b) im Gegensatz zum Deutschen: (beim Mond) besonders poet er, (bei Ländern) es, (bei Schiffen mit Namen) sie, (bei Schiffen ohne Namen) es, (bei Motoren und Maschinen, wenn personifiziert) er, es2. sie:she who diejenige, welche4. pej die:not she! die nicht!B s Sie f:a) Mädchen n, Frau fb) ZOOL Weibchen nC adj (in Zusammensetzungen)she-bear Bärin f;she-dog Hündin f;a) Füchsin f,b) JAGD Fähe f;she-goat Geiß f2. pej Weibs…:she-devil Weibsteufel m* * *pronounsie; referring to personified things or animals which correspond to German masculines/neuters er/esit was she — (formal) sie war es; see also her I, II; hers; herself
* * *pron.sie pron.
См. также в других словарях:
(the) hand that rocks the cradle (rules the world). — The hand that rocks the cradle (rules the world). something that you say which means women are very powerful because they have most influence over the way in which children develop into adults. The article claimed that most of the world s… … New idioms dictionary
the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world — 1865 W. R. WALLACE in J. K. Hoyt Cyclopxdia of Practical Quotations (1896) 402 A mightier power and stronger Man from his throne has hurled, For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world. a 1916 ‘SAKI’ Toys of Peace (1919)… … Proverbs new dictionary
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (poem) — The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Is The Hand That Rules The World is a poem by William Ross Wallace that praises motherhood as the preeminent force for change in the world. The poem was first published in 1865 under the title What Rules The World … Wikipedia
hand that rocks the cradle — Women have a great power and influence because they have the greatest influence over the development of children the hand that rocks the cradle. ( The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world is the full form.) … The small dictionary of idiomes
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (film) — Infobox Film name = The Hand That Rocks the Cradle caption = Theatrical release poster director = Curtis Hanson producer = David Madden writer = Amanda Silver starring = Annabella Sciorra Rebecca De Mornay Matt McCoy Ernie Hudson Julianne Moore… … Wikipedia
hand that rocks the cradle — Women have a great power and influence because they have the greatest influence over the development of children the hand that rocks the cradle. ( The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world is the full form.) (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
hand — see one hand for yourself and one for the ship the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world one hand washes the other a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush cold hands, warm heart the devil finds work for idle hands to do … Proverbs new dictionary
world — see it takes all sorts to make a world all’s for the best in the best of all possible worlds better be out of the world than out of the fashion God’s in his heaven, all’s right with the world one half of the world does not know how the other half … Proverbs new dictionary
cradle — see the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world … Proverbs new dictionary
hand tool — any tool or implement designed for manual operation. * * * Introduction any of the implements used by craftsmen in manual operations, such as chopping, chiseling, sawing, filing, or forging. Complementary tools, often needed as auxiliaries to… … Universalium
La mano que mece la cuna — The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Título La mano que mece la cuna Ficha técnica Dirección Curtis Hanson Producción David Madden … Wikipedia Español