1 Achse
f; -, -n1. MATH., ARCHIT., ANAT., BOT. etc. axis, Pl. axes; sich um die eigene Achse drehen turn ( oder rotate) on one’s / its own axis2. TECH. axle3. umg., fig.: auf ( der) Achse sein (unterwegs sein) be on the move allg. ( oder road oder go umg.); (auf den Beinen sein) be (back) on one’s feet ( oder in action)* * *die Achseaxis; axle* * *Ạch|se ['aksə]f -, -n1) axis2) (TECH) axle; (= Propellerachse) shaftauf ( der) Achse sein (inf) — to be out (and about); (Kraftfahrer, Vertreter etc) to be on the road
* * *die1) (the real or imaginary line on which a thing turns (as the axis of the earth, from North Pole to South Pole, around which the earth turns).) axis2) (a fixed line used as a reference, as in a graph: He plotted the temperatures on the horizontal axis.) axis* * *Ach·se<-, -n>[ˈaksə]f1. AUTO axle2. (Linie) axis3. POL, HIST axis4.* * *die; Achse, Achsen1) (RadAchse) axleauf Achse sein — (ugs.) be on the road or move
2) (DrehAchse, Math., Astron.) axissich um die od. seine eigene Achse drehen — turn on one's/its own axis
* * *1. MATH, ARCH, ANAT, BOT etc axis, pl axes;sich um die eigene Achse drehen turn ( oder rotate) on one’s/its own axis2. TECH axle3. umg, fig:auf (der) Achse sein (unterwegs sein) be on the move allg ( oder road oder go umg); (auf den Beinen sein) be (back) on one’s feet ( oder in action)* * *die; Achse, Achsen1) (RadAchse) axleauf Achse sein — (ugs.) be on the road or move
2) (DrehAchse, Math., Astron.) axissich um die od. seine eigene Achse drehen — turn on one's/its own axis
* * *-n f.arbor n.axis n.(§ pl.: axes)axle n.center line n.pivot n.
См. также в других словарях:
The Rome-Berlin Axis — is a 1949 book by British historian Elizabeth Wiskemann. It is a study of the Axis alliance of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany with particular emphasis on the relationship between Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. It was published by Oxford… … Wikipedia
Axis, Rome-Berlin — The Axis was a pact signed in Berlin on 24 October 1936 between the Italian foreign minister, Galeazzo Ciano, and his German counterpart, Konstantin von Neurath. The Axis was a symbolic break by the Fascist regime, after its successful war… … Historical Dictionary of modern Italy
Axis powers — Infobox Former International Organization conventional long name = Axis Powerscommon name = Axis Powers noautocat = yes status = Military alliance continent = Europe era = World War II eventhhhh year start = 1940 date start = September 27, 1940… … Wikipedia
Axis Powers — Coalition headed by Germany, Italy, and Japan that opposed the Allied Powers in World War II. The alliance originated in a series of agreements between Germany and Italy, followed in 1936 by the Rome Berlin Axis declaration and the German… … Universalium
Axis — /ˈæksəs/ (say aksuhs) noun the, the alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan prior to and during World War II, beginning with the Rome Berlin Axis (1936) …
axis — axis1 [ak′sis] n. pl. axes [ak′sēz΄] [L, axle, axis < IE * aks < base * aĝ (see ACT1) > OE eax, ON ǫxull, Gr axōn, L axilla] 1. a real or imaginary straight line on which an object rotates or is regarded as rotating [the axis of a… … English World dictionary
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axis — (n.) 1540s, imaginary straight line around which a body (such as the Earth) rotates, from L. axis axle, pivot, axis of the earth or sky, from PIE *aks axis (Cf. O.E. eax, O.H.G. ahsa axle; Gk. axon axis, axle, wagon; Skt. aksah an axle, axis,… … Etymology dictionary
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