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  • 1 nerede

    "Where?/Where...?/Wherever...: Onlar nerede? Where are they? Nerede oturursak.... Wherever we sit.... - akşam orada sabah. colloq. He is under/feels no compulsion to return to his own home come bedtime./He doesn´t appear to have a home; come bedtime, he just spends the night wherever he happens to be. - bu bolluk?/- bu yoğurdun bolluğu? What makes you think this thing´ll be so easy to do?/It´s not as easy as you think! - hareket, orada bereket. proverb Industry (assiduous labor) begets plenty. - ise see neredeyse. - kaldı ki how (in the world) can...?: Bu işi bile yapamazken nerede kaldı ki o işi yapasın? As you can´t even do this job, how in the world can you do that one? -... nerede... (... -... nerede) How can you compare...?/... can´t be compared to...: Cevdet nerede, Şevket nerede? You can´t liken Cevdet to Şevket! Şalgam nerede, gül nerede? How can you compare a turnip to a rose?"

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > nerede

  • 2 varmak

    ",-ır /a/ 1. to reach, arrive at, come to; to get to, get as far as. 2. (for a woman) to marry (a man). varan... varan... Here´s...!/There´s...! (followed by a number): Varan bir.Varan iki. Here´s one! Here´s two! Varan dört. That makes four! Var/Varın.... 1. Well then...!/... then!: Var git! Well then go!/Go if that´s what you want to do! 2. Just you...!/You just...! Var ne olacağını düşün! You just think of what´ll happen then! varıncaya kadar /a/ up to, to. Varsın.... might as well: ´´Ayşe gelemeyecekmiş.´´ “Varsın gelmesin. Gündemde onu ilgilendiren pek bir şey yok.” “It seems Ayşe can´t make it.” “It doesn´t matter whether she comes or not. There´s practically nothing on the agenda that concerns her.” Varsın yetki ona resmen verilsindi. He might as well have been given the authority officially. varıncaya kadar /a/ 1. by the time we´ve reached (a specified place). 2. even: Rengin teyzeye varıncaya kadar herkes orada hazır bulunuyordu. Everybody, even Aunt Rengin, was there."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > varmak

  • 3 baba

    "1. father. 2. title applied to a holy man or to a respected elderly man: İsmet baba, Hakkı baba, Telli baba. 3. the leader of a group of dervishes; the head of a tekke (among the Bektashi dervishes). 4. bollard; bitt. 5. newel-post, newel (large post at the foot or landing of a stairway). 6. king post; crown post; queen post (in the truss of a roof). 7. head (of a walking stick). 8. colloq. mafia chief, mafia boss. 9. slang penis, *dick, *cock, *pecker. -m colloq. 1. a vocative expression used after an imperative when addressing an intimate friend: Anlat babam, ne oldu? Now tell me what happened man! 2. used before and after an imperative to emphasize that an action was prolonged: Oku babam oku! Read, read, read! - adam elderly man who is wise and kind. - bucağı family home, homeplace. -sının/-larının çiftliği a place which one can exploit at will, one´s private preserve: Orası babasının çiftliği mi? Is that a place which he can just exploit at will? - değil, tırabzan babası man who is a poor excuse for a father. - dostu an old friend of one´s father. - evi 1. home, the place on which one´s familial affections are centered. 2. family home, homeplace. -sının hayrına for the sheer love of it, without thinking of getting something out of it: Demirhan, o heyette babasının hayrına mı çalışıyor sanki? Mutlaka bir menfaat peşindedir! Do you think Demirhan´s serving on that committee for the sheer love of it? He´s most certainly hoping to reap some benefit for himself! Ona babasının hayrına iş vermezler elbet. You can be sure they aren´t going to give him a job just to show they´re nice guys. - hindi turkey-cock, gobbler. - hindi gibi kabarmak to become swelled up with self-importance, swell up with pride and arrogance, puff oneself up. -dan kalma inherited from one´s father: Babadan kalma bir evi var. He has a house which he inherited from his father. - ocağı see - evi. -dan oğula from father to son. -sının oğlu. colloq. Like father, like son. -na rahmet! colloq. You are very kind indeed! -sına rahmet okumak /ın/ (for someone) to be so wonderful he/she makes you want to bless the father that begot him/her. -sına rahmet okutmak /ın/ 1. (for someone, something) to be so bad that he/she/it makes one yearn for (someone or something else who/which is in himself/herself/itself undesirable): Fecri bir felaketti, fakat Feyman, Fecri´nin babasına rahmet okutuyor. Fecri was a disaster, but Feyman is so awful he makes us yearn to have Fecri back again. 2. (for someone) to be so wonderful he/she makes you want to bless the father that begot him/her. - tarafından paternally. - torik 1. bonito which has reached a large size. 2. slang penis, *dick, *cock, *pecker. -ları/-sı tutmak 1. to become enraged, have a conniption, have a conniption fit. 2. to shake or move about convulsively (as if one is having a fit). -ları üstünde olmak to be ready to explode (with rage). - yurdu see - evi."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > baba

  • 4 kendi

    "1. self, oneself. 2. own. 3. he; she. 4. in person. -leri 1. themselves. 2. he; she. -m myself. -minki mine. -miz ourselves. -si 1. herself; himself. 2. he; she. -ni ağır satmak to agree to something only after repeated requests. - ağzıyla tutulmak to be proved a liar by one´s own words. -ni alamamak /dan/ not to be able to refrain from, be unable to stop oneself from. - âleminde olmak to keep to oneself; to live in a world of one´s own. -ni alıştırmak /a/ to make oneself get used to. -ni ateşe atmak to court trouble. -ni atmak /a/ to go immediately to, rush to (a place). -ne bağlamak /ı/ to captivate. - başına 1. of one´s own accord. 2. without anyone´s help, single-handedly. -ni beğenmek to be conceited. -ni beğenmiş conceited, arrogant. -ni bırakmak to neglect oneself, let oneself go. -ni bilen/bilir upright and honorable (person). -ni bilmek 1. to be in one´s right mind. 2. to comport oneself properly. 3. (for a person) to have grown up, have reached maturity. -ni bir şey sanmak to give oneself airs, think one is something. -ni (bir yerde) bulmak to find that one has arrived at (a place). -ni bulmak to develop a personality of one´s own. - çalıp kendi oynuyor. colloq. He makes a big fuss about something, but when people want to help him he spurns their aid. - çapında according to his own standards, according to his own way of thinking. -ne çeki düzen vermek 1. to tidy oneself up. 2. to put one´s life and affairs in order. - çıkarı için for his own benefit. -ni dar atmak /a/ to manage to reach (a place) in the nick of time. - derdine düşmek to be completely taken up with one´s own troubles. -ni dev aynasında görmek to overrate oneself vastly. -ni dinlemek to be a hypochondriac. -ni dirhem dirhem satmak to make a great show of reluctance. - düşen ağlamaz. proverb If you get yourself into trouble then you´ve no right to complain. - eliyle himself, with his own hand. -ne etmek to harm oneself. -ni fasulye gibi nimetten saymak to overrate oneself vastly. -nden geçme psych. trance. -nden geçmek 1. to be transported by joy, be ecstatic. 2. to faint. -ne gel. colloq. 1. Come to your senses! 2. Pull yourself together! - gelen that comes one´s way by chance. -ne gelmek 1. to regain consciousness, come to. 2. to pull oneself together, regain one´s self-control. - göbeğini kendi kesmek colloq. to do it all on one´s own, do it without getting help from anybody. -ni göstermek to prove one´s worth. - gözündeki merteği görmez, elin gözündeki çöpü görür. colloq. He doesn´t see the beam in his own eye, but he sees the mote in the eye of another person. -ne güvenme self-confidence, self-reliance. - halinde 1. quiet and innoffensive, innocuous (person). 2. simple-minded. - haline bırakmak /ı/ to leave (someone) to his own devices; to let (a thing) take care of itself. - havasına gitmek/- havasında olmak to do what strikes one´s fancy. -ni hissettirmek to make one´s/its presence felt. -ni iyice vermek /a/ to concentrate (on). -ni kapıp koyuvermek 1. to cease to take an interest in oneself, let oneself go. 2. /a/ to lose oneself in (a project). -ni kaptırmak /a/ 1. to let oneself get carried away (by). 2. to become wholly absorbed in. -ni kaybetmek 1. to lose consciousness. 2. to go into a towering rage. - kendine 1. on one´s own responsibility; of one´s own accord. 2. alone, by oneself, without help. 3. to oneself. 4. theat. as an aside. - kendine gelin güvey olmak to count one´s chickens before they´re hatched, build castles in Spain. - kendini yemek to eat one´s heart out, worry oneself to death. - kendine yeterli self-reliant and self-sufficient. -ne kıymak to commit suicide. - kuyusunu kendi kazmak to dig one´s own grave, be the cause of one´s own downfall. -si muhtac-ı himmet bir dede. (Nerde kaldı geriye himmet ede.) colloq. You can´t expect any help from him since he´s in need of help himself. -ni naza çekmek to make a great show of reluctance. -nde olmamak not to kno

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > kendi

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