1 terms
terms 1. BANK Bedingungen fpl, Konditionen fpl; Modalitäten fpl (provisos); Ausstattung f (of loan); 2. FIN Konditionen fpl; 3. GEN, LAW Wortlaut m (of agreement); Bedingungen fpl • come to terms GEN sich einigen • come to terms with sb LAW mit jmdm. handelseinig werden, sich mit jmdm. einigen (contract law) • in real terms STAT, ECON zu konstanten Preisen, in realen Größen (real, in realen Größen, in konstanten Preisen) • in terms of GEN in Form von, als, im Sinne, ausgedrückt in, hinsichtlich • in terms of banking BANK bankmäßig • in terms of constitutional law LAW staatsrechtlich • not on any terms GEN unter gar keinen Umständen • on the same terms GEN zu den gleichen Bedingungen -
2 terms
3 terms
1) (the rules or conditions of an agreement or bargain: They had a meeting to arrange terms for an agreement.) die Bedingungen(pl.)2) (fixed charges (for work, service etc): The firms sent us a list of their terms.) die Preise(pl.)* * *[tɜ:mz, AM tɜ:rmz]n pl Bedingungen pl\terms of an agreement Vertragsbedingungen pl\terms and conditions Bedingungen und Konditionen, [Geschäfts-]Bedingungen pl\terms of a credit Kreditbedingungen plto be back on level \terms SPORT den Ausgleich erzielt habenon one's [own] \terms zu seinen/ihren [eigenen] Bedingungento bring sb to \terms jdn zur Annahme der Bedingungen zwingento comply with the \terms die Bedingungen erfüllento state \terms Bedingungen nennenconsider it in \terms of an instrument betrachten Sie es als Instrument; (with regard to) was etw angeht datin \terms of costs was die Kosten angehta 200-year old building is very old in American \terms für amerikanische Verhältnisse ist ein 200 Jahre altes Gebäude sehr alt* * *n.Bedingung f.Zeit -en f.bezeichnet n. -
4 terms
Bedingungen fpl;\terms of an agreement Vertragsbedingungen fpl;to be back on level \terms sports den Ausgleich erzielt haben;on one's [own] \terms zu seinen/ihren [eigenen] Bedingungen;to bring sb to \terms jdn zur Annahme der Bedingungen zwingen;to comply with the \terms die Bedingungen erfüllen;to state \terms Bedingungen nennenPHRASES:to come to \terms with sb sich akk mit jdm einigen;in \terms of sth;in... \terms (as) als etw;consider it in \terms of an instrument betrachten Sie es als Instrument;( with regard to) was etw angeht dat;in \terms of costs was die Kosten angeht;a 200-year old building is very old in American \terms für amerikanische Verhältnisse ist ein 200 Jahre altes Gebäude sehr alt -
5 terms
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8 terms of reference
terms of ˈref·er·encen pl\terms of reference of the report Berichtsgrundlagen plhe is always concerned about money — finance is his only \terms of reference er macht sich immer Sorgen ums Geld — die Finanzen sind sein einziges Kriterium -
9 terms of reference
10 terms of contract
terms of contract LAW Vertragsbedingungen fpl, vertragliche Bestimmungen fpl • under the terms of the contract LAW gemäß den vertraglichen Bedingungen, gemäß den vertraglichen Bestimmungen (contract)Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > terms of contract
11 terms of delivery
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > terms of delivery
12 terms of trade
terms of trade ECON reales Austauschverhältnis n im Außenhandel, Austauschverhältnisse npl, Austauschrelationen fpl (normally not translated); Terms of Trade plEnglisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > terms of trade
13 terms of delivery
English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > terms of delivery
14 terms of safety
15 terms and conditions
16 terms and conditions of employment
terms and conditions pl of employment Beschäftigungsbedingungen fpl, arbeitsvertragliche Bestimmungen fplEnglish-german law dictionary > terms and conditions of employment
17 terms and conditions of purchase
English-german law dictionary > terms and conditions of purchase
18 terms and conditions of sale
English-german law dictionary > terms and conditions of sale
19 terms of a guarantee
20 terms of employment
См. также в других словарях:
terms — (n.) limiting conditions, early 14c.; see TERM (Cf. term). Hence expressions such as come to terms, make terms, on any terms, etc. Meaning standing, footing, mutual relations, as in expression on good terms (with someone), is recorded from 1540s … Etymology dictionary
terms — a way of expressing oneself: → term terms stipulated or agreed requirements. → term … English new terms dictionary
terms — [n1] conditions, agreement charge, circumstances, conclusion, condition, details, fee, fine print*, items, nitty gritty*, particulars, payment, points, premise, premises, price, provision, provisions, proviso, provisos, qualifications, rate,… … New thesaurus
terms — index adjustment, arrangement (understanding), case (set of circumstances), compromise, posture (situation), premises (hypotheses) … Law dictionary
terms — *condition, stipulation, provision, proviso, reservation, strings Analogous words: restriction, limit (see corresponding verbs at LIMIT): requisite, prerequisite, *requirement … New Dictionary of Synonyms
terms — n. conditions, provisions 1) to dictate; set; state; stipulate terms 2) easy; favorable terms 3) surrender terms (to stipulate surrender terms to an enemy) 4) by the terms (of an agreement) 5) on certain terms (on one s own termss; on our terms)… … Combinatory dictionary
terms — The components, elements, or parts of an agreement. The terms of a futures contract include: which commodity, its quality, the quantity, the time and place of delivery, and its price. All the terms of futures and futures option contracts are… … Financial and business terms
terms — /tɜ:mz/ plural noun the conditions or duties which have to be carried out as part of a contract, or the arrangements which have to be agreed before a contract is valid ● By or Under the terms of the contract, the company is responsible for all… … Marketing dictionary in english
terms — /tɜ:mz/ plural noun the conditions or duties which have to be carried out as part of a contract, or the arrangements which have to be agreed before a contract is valid ● to negotiate for better terms ● He refused to agree to some of the terms of… … Dictionary of banking and finance
terms — Conditions, obligations, rights, price, etc., as specified in contract or instrument. See also term @ terms of trust The phrase terms of the trust means the manifestation of intention of the settlor with respect to the trust expressed in a manner … Black's law dictionary
terms — noun 1. status with respect to the relations between people or groups (Freq. 2) on good terms with her in laws on a friendly footing • Syn: ↑footing • Hypernyms: ↑status, ↑position … Useful english dictionary