1 terms of the offer
Дипломатический термин: условия оферты -
2 terms of the offer
3 terms of an offer
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > terms of an offer
4 terms of the offer
5 terms of an offer
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > terms of an offer
6 offer
I ['ɔfə] nThank you for your kind offer. — Спасибо за ваше любезное предложение.
We have other offers in hand. — У нас сейчас есть другие предложения.
We are open to offers. — Мы готовы рассмотреть любые предложения
- serious offer- attractive offer
- trial offer
- counter offer
- job offer
- package offer
- rediculous offer
- offer of help
- offer of sale
- offer of purchase and sale
- offer of £50 for smth
- goods on offer
- recieve many offers
- make an offer
- have numerous offers
- keep the offer open
- cancel the offer
- offer came from... II ['ɔfə]предлагать, выражать готовность что-либо сделать- offer money to smb- offer to do smth
- offer to double the order
- offer goods at low prices
- offer easy terms of the contract
- offer a deal
- offer servicesCHOICE OF WORDS:(1.) Русское "предлагать что-либо" может соответствовать английским глаголам to offer и to invite. To offer предполагает согласие или несогласие собеседника с высказанным предложением. To offer to do smth обозначает согласие или желание что-либо сделать. Глагол to invite smb to do smth обозначает просьбу или предложение сделать то, что хотелось бы собеседнику: she never once invited him to sit down она ни разу не предложила ему сесть; he willingly offered us his help он охотно предложил нам свою помощь. (2.) Предложение, просьба могут быть выражены разными способами: (а.) вежливое предложение - Would you like smth, (to do smth) Не хотели бы вы...?; менее вежливое предложение - Do you want... Хотите...?; настойчивое предложение - Have some (more salad)... Возьмите салат/салата; неофициальное, дружественное предлодение - Tea? Cigarette? Fancy some coffee? Чай? Сигарету? Как насчет кофе?; предложение того, чего еще нет в наличии - Can I get you smth to eat? Принести вам поесть?; (б) предложить то, что хочет собеседник - Help yourself to... Угощайтесь...; You can... Возьмите...; (в) предложить какую- либо услугу - Shall I... Давайте я сделаю...; Leave everything to me Предоставьте это мне; I'll see to it Я займусь этим; let me help you Позвольте помочь вам; can I give you a lift? Вас подвезти?; I'll bring it, if you like Я принесу вам, если хотите. Возможными ответами на такие предложения могут быть - yes, please; thank you; I will; that's very kind of you; that would be lovely; no, thanks; no, it is all right; please don't bother. (3.) See suggest, v -
7 offer
- Управление по регулированию в области производства и распределения электроэнергии
- предложение цены
- оферта
Предложение заключить контракт в отношении конкретного предмета торгов на условиях, определяемых в тендерной документации.
[РД 01.120.00-КТН-228-06]
[Упрощение процедур торговли: англо-русский глоссарий терминов (пересмотренное второе издание) НЬЮ-ЙОРК, ЖЕНЕВА, МОСКВА 2011 год]
Адресованное одному или нескольким конкретным лицам предложение, которое достаточно определенно выражает намерение лица,сделавшего предложение, считать себя заключившим договор с адресатом, если им оно будет принято.Оферта должна содержать существенные условия будущего договора.
[ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]EN
Document which, with a view to concluding a contract, sets out the conditions under which the goods are offered (UN/ECE/FAL)
[Trade Facilitation Terms: An English - Russian Glossary (revised second edition) NEW YORK, GENEVA, MOSCOW 2624]Тематики
предложение цены
предложение заключить сделку
Цена, по которой продавец хочет что-то продать. Если его предложение принимается (acceptance of the offer), заключается контракт (contract), имеющий юридическую силу. В соответствии с законом предложение отличается от приглашения к переговорам/сделке (invitation to treat), которое представляет собой приглашение со стороны одного лица или фирмы другим лицам выступить с предложением. Примером приглашения к сделке может служить демонстрация товаров в витрине магазина. См. также: offer price (цена предложения); quotation (котировка).
[ http://www.vocable.ru/dictionary/533/symbol/97]Тематики
Управление по регулированию в области производства и распределения электроэнергии
(независимый регулирующий орган в системе электроэнергетики Великобритании)
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > offer
8 terms of subscription
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > terms of subscription
9 offer terms
Экономика: предлагать условия -
10 offer was couched in the most flattering terms
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > offer was couched in the most flattering terms
11 to offer better terms
to offer (to get) better terms предлагать (получать) лучшие условияEnglish-Russian combinatory dictionary > to offer better terms
12 the offer was couched in the most flattering terms
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the offer was couched in the most flattering terms
13 to offer terms
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to offer terms
14 to offer terms
15 to offer easy terms of the contract
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to offer easy terms of the contract
16 term
n1) период, срок2) pl условия
- acceptable terms
- attractive terms
- barter terms
- basic terms
- basis terms
- business terms
- buying terms
- cash terms
- charter terms
- charter-party terms
- collection terms
- commercial terms
- concessionary terms
- consignment terms
- contract terms
- credit terms
- credit payment terms
- current terms
- delivery terms
- discharging terms
- discount terms
- easy terms
- easy terms of licensing
- easy terms of payment
- easy tax terms
- equal terms
- exact terms
- exacting terms
- expired term
- exploration term
- extended term
- extended payment term
- extension terms
- fair terms
- favourable terms
- financial terms
- financing terms
- general terms
- general delivery terms
- granted term
- guarantee terms
- implied terms
- inequitable terms
- initial terms
- insurance terms
- landed terms
- legal terms
- licence term
- licensing terms
- loan terms
- local terms
- long term
- normal terms
- overriding term
- payment terms
- preferential terms
- priority term
- prolonged term
- purchase terms
- quay terms
- regular terms
- rye terms
- sale terms
- selling terms
- settlement terms
- short term
- soft terms
- special terms
- standard terms
- substantive terms
- technical terms
- trade terms
- trading terms
- unacceptable terms
- unequal terms
- uniform terms
- usual terms
- terms for the supply
- terms of acceptance
- term of an agreement
- term of an appeal
- term of an application
- terms of auction
- terms of an average bond
- term of a bill
- terms of cancellation
- terms of carriage
- terms of a charter
- terms of collection
- terms and conditions of a contract
- terms of consignation
- terms of consignment
- terms of a contract
- terms of conveyance
- term of credit
- terms of debenture
- terms of a debt
- term of delivery
- terms of delivery
- terms of exchange
- term of execution of a contract
- terms of financing
- terms of freight
- term of grace
- terms of a guarantee
- terms of interest
- terms of a lease
- term of a licence
- term of licence validity
- term of limitation
- term of a loan
- term of lodging a protest
- term of a note
- terms of an offer
- term of office
- term of a patent
- term of patent protection
- terms of payment
- term of a policy
- term of powers
- term of a promissory note
- terms of a proposal
- terms of reference
- terms of reinsurance
- term of a repurchase agreement
- terms of sale
- terms of security
- term of service
- terms of settlement
- terms of shipment
- terms of trade
- terms of transport
- terms of transportation
- terms of a treaty
- term of validity
- term of a warrant
- terms of a warranty
- for a term of
- for a stated term
- in terms of
- in terms of dollars
- in terms of gold
- in percentage terms
- in physical terms
- in real terms
- in value terms
- on advantageous terms
- on contract terms
- on credit terms
- on easy terms
- on equal terms
- on favourable terms
- on mutually advantageous terms
- on mutually agreed terms
- on turn-key terms
- on usual terms
- under the terms and conditions of a contract
- accept terms
- agree on terms
- alter terms
- buy on easy terms
- come to terms
- come within the terms of a contract
- comply with the terms
- define terms
- exceed a term
- extend a term
- fix a term
- grant a term
- hold to terms
- honour payment terms
- keep the term
- maintain the term
- meet terms
- negotiate terms
- observe terms
- offer terms
- outline terms
- propose terms
- quote terms
- reduce a term
- revise terms
- sell on easy terms
- set a term
- specify terms
- spread payment terms
- stipulate terms
- stretch payment terms -
17 term
18 term
1) период; срок2) plусловия• -
19 appointment
n1) назначение на должность, назначение на пост2) деловая встреча, деловое свидание•to accept an appointment — принимать назначение, соглашаться с назначением
to announce smb's appointment — объявлять о чьем-л. назначении
to confirm smb's appointment — утверждать чье-л. назначение
to endorse smb's appointment — утверждать чье-л. назначение
to get an appointment — получать назначение / должность / пост
to grant an appointment — предоставлять должность / пост, назначать на должность / пост
to have an appointment to see smb — быть записанным на прием к какому-л. должностному лицу
to hold an appointment — занимать должность / пост
to make an appointment — назначать (на должность), производить назначение
to obtain an appointment — получать назначение / должность / пост
to receive an appointment — получать назначение / должность / пост
to refuse an appointment — отказываться от назначения / должности / поста
- appointment to the commissionto renew the appointment — заново назначать на должность / пост
- by appointment to Her Majesty the Queen
- by appointment to Her Majesty
- expiration of an appointment
- fixed-term appointment
- following the appointment
- indefinite appointment
- long-term appointment
- midnight appointments
- ministerial appointment
- nonobservance of terms of appointment
- offer of appointment
- partisan appointment
- patronage appointment
- permanent appointment
- prerequisite for the appointment
- prior to appointment
- probationary appointment
- program appointment
- recess appointments
- regular appointment
- short-term appointment
- temporary appointment
- term and conditions of appointment -
20 to agree to the last point of the contract
to agree to the last point of the contract (of your terms, of your offer) соглашаться на последний пункт договора (на ваши условия, на ваше предложение)/соглашаться с последним пунктом договора (с вашими условиями, с вашим предложением)English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to agree to the last point of the contract
См. также в других словарях:
offer — of·fer / ȯ fər/ n 1: a proposal, promise, or other manifestation of willingness to make and fulfill a contract or to bargain under proposed terms with another party that has the power to accept it upon receiving it denied accepting the offer see … Law dictionary
Offer and acceptance — Contract law Part o … Wikipedia
offer document — A document sent to the shareholders of a company that is the subject of a takeover bid It gives details of the offer being made and usually provides shareholders with reasons for accepting the terms of the offer … Big dictionary of business and management
Offer Angel — LLC is a Scottsdale, Arizona company that was founded in November 2006 as an online service for consumers seeking unbiased details about mortgage loans. The online company launched in May 2007 by the co founders Meghan Burns and Jason Kaufman.… … Wikipedia
offer — vb Offer, proffer, tender, present, prefer can all mean to lay, set, or put something before another for acceptance. Offer, the most common of these words, frequently implies a putting before one something which may be accepted or rejected {there … New Dictionary of Synonyms
offer to purchase — UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE, PROPERTY an offer to buy something, especially land or property, at a particular price: »An offer to purchase is a written contract setting out the terms under which the buyer agrees to buy the home. ► FINANCE an offer… … Financial and business terms
offer period — As specified in the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, the period from announcement of an offer or potential offer until the first closing date or, if later, the date when the offer becomes or is declared unconditional as to acceptances or… … Law dictionary
offer for sale — index handle (trade), sell, vend Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
offer document — In a public acquisition, the document by which the bidder makes the formal legal offer to target shareholders. Related links acceptance condition Rule 3 adviser cash confirmation … Law dictionary
offer price — The price at which market makers or other securities traders will sell securities, as opposed to the bid prices at which they will buy. They aim to make a profit on the difference between the bid and offer prices (the spread). Practical Law… … Law dictionary
Offer versus serve — refers to the option children may be given to refuse up to two items offered as part of a federally subsidized school lunch or breakfast without the meal service operation losing the federal reimbursement for the meal. Enacted to reduce plate… … Wikipedia