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  • 1 terminal decline

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > terminal decline

  • 2 terminal

    terminal ['tɜ:mɪnəl]
    (a) (final) terminal
    (b) Medicine (ward) pour malades condamnés ou incurables; (patient) en phase terminale; (disease → incurable) incurable; (→ in its last stages) dans sa ou en phase terminale;
    I'm afraid it's terminal je crains que vous ne soyez/qu'il ne soit/ etc condamné;
    terminal cancer was diagnosed ils ont diagnostiqué un cancer incurable;
    he has terminal cancer il a un cancer en phase terminale;
    figurative an industry in terminal decline une industrie irrémédiablement en déclin;
    humorous I think I'm suffering from terminal boredom je crois que je vais mourir d'ennui
    (c) (termly) trimestriel
    2 noun
    (a) (for bus, underground) terminus m; (at airport) terminal m, aérogare f;
    terminal B aérogare ou terminal B
    (c) Computing (poste m) terminal m
    (e) Linguistics terminaison f
    ►► Insurance terminal bonus = bonus versé au titulaire d'une assurance-vie, au terme de celle-ci;
    Finance terminal charges charges fpl terminales;
    Computing terminal emulation émulation f de terminal;
    Computing terminal emulator émulateur m de terminal;
    Accountancy terminal loss perte f finale;
    Stock Exchange terminal market marché m à terme;
    Petroleum industry terminal platform terminal m;
    Finance terminal price cours m du livrable;
    Computing terminal server serveur m de terminaux;
    Railways terminal station terminus m;
    terminal velocity vitesse f limite;
    Electricity terminal voltage tension f aux bornes

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > terminal

  • 3 terminal

    A n
    1 ( at bus or railway station) terminus m ; Aviat aérogare f, terminal m ; rail terminal terminus m ; oil terminal terminal m pétrolier ; ferry terminal gare f maritime ; container ou freight terminal terminal m à container ;
    2 Comput terminal m ;
    3 Elec borne f.
    B adj
    1 ( last) [stage, point] terminal ; Bot [bud] terminal ; Med [illness, patient] ( incurable) incurable ; ( at final stage) en phase terminale ; fig [boredom] mortel/-elle ; she is suffering from terminal cancer elle est atteinte d'un cancer incurable ; to be in terminal decline subir un déclin irréversible ; the terminal crisis of capitalism/communism les derniers soubresauts or la crise finale du capitalisme/communisme ;
    2 Comm, Sch ( occurring each term) trimestriel/-ielle ;
    3 Ling [element, symbol] terminal.

    Big English-French dictionary > terminal

  • 4 terminal

    terminal [ˈtɜ:mɪnl]
       a. ( = incurable) en phase terminale ; ( = final) terminal
       b. ( = insoluble) [problem, crisis, situation] sans issue
    2. noun
       a. (for planes) aérogare f ; (for trains, coaches, buses) terminus m inv
       b. [of computer] terminal m
    * * *
    ['tɜːmɪnl] 1.
    1) ( at station) terminus m; Aviation aérogare f

    oil terminalterminal m pétrolier

    ferry terminalgare f maritime

    2) Computing terminal m
    3) Electricity borne f
    1) [stage, point] terminal; Medicine [illness, patient] ( incurable) incurable; ( at final stage) en phase terminale; fig [boredom] mortel/-elle (colloq)
    2) Commerce, School trimestriel/-ielle

    English-French dictionary > terminal

  • 5 terminal

    1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) terminal
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) borne
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) terminal

    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) terminal
    terminal n terminal

    terminal adjetivo ‹enfermedad/caso terminal; ■ sustantivo masculino (Elec, Inf) terminal ■ sustantivo femenino ( de autobuses) terminus, bus station; (Aviac, Inf) terminal
    I m Elec Inform terminal
    II f Av terminal (de autobús) terminus: está buscando la terminal sur de autobuses, he is looking for the Southern Bus Station
    III adj (fase, paciente, enfermedad) terminal ' terminal' also found in these entries: Spanish: borne - cabezal - espigón - estación English: air terminal - terminal - terminus - depot - on - station - terminally - VDT - work
    1 terminal
    1 SMALLELECTRICITY/SMALL borne nombre masculino
    2 SMALLCOMPUTING/SMALL terminal nombre masculino
    terminal ['tərmənəl] adj
    : terminal
    1) : terminal m, polo m (en electricidad)
    2) : terminal m (de una computadora)
    3) station: terminal f, estación f (de transporte público)
    extremo, -a adj.
    terminal adj.
    borne s.m.
    desahuciado (Enfermo) s.m.
    final s.m.
    polo s.m.
    terminal (MED, INF) s.m.
    término s.m.

    I 'tɜːrmənḷ, 'tɜːmɪnḷ
    a) (of, relating to death) <cancer/illness> terminal; < patient> (en fase) terminal, desahuciado
    b) ( at end) (before n) <point/stage> terminal

    terminal stationestación f terminal

    a) ( Transp) ( at airport) terminal f, terminal m (Chi)

    train terminalestación f terminal

    bus terminalterminalf or (Chi) m de autobuses

    b) ( Comput) terminal m
    c) ( Elec) terminal m, polo m
    1. ADJ
    1) (=incurable) [cancer, patient, case] terminal, en fase terminal
    2) * (=utter) [boredom] mortal *; [adolescent] incorregible, impenitente
    2. N
    1) (Elec) borne m, polo m ; (Comput) terminal m
    2) [of bus, train] terminal f

    terminal buildingedificio m de la terminal

    * * *

    I ['tɜːrmənḷ, 'tɜːmɪnḷ]
    a) (of, relating to death) <cancer/illness> terminal; < patient> (en fase) terminal, desahuciado
    b) ( at end) (before n) <point/stage> terminal

    terminal stationestación f terminal

    a) ( Transp) ( at airport) terminal f, terminal m (Chi)

    train terminalestación f terminal

    bus terminalterminalf or (Chi) m de autobuses

    b) ( Comput) terminal m
    c) ( Elec) terminal m, polo m

    English-spanish dictionary > terminal

  • 6 terminal

    1. noun
    1) (Electr.) Anschluss, der; (of battery) Pol, der
    2) (for train or bus) Bahnhof, der; (for airline passengers) Terminal, der od. das
    3) (Teleph., Computing) Terminal, das
    2. adjective
    1) End[bahnhof, -station]
    2) (Med.) unheilbar
    * * *
    ['tə:minəl] 1. noun
    1) (a building containing the arrival and departure areas for passengers at an airport or one in the centre of a city or town where passengers can buy tickets for air travel etc and can be transported by bus etc to an airport: an air terminal.) der Terminal
    2) (a usually large station at either end of a railway line, or one for long-distance buses: a bus terminal.) die Endstation
    3) (in an electric circuit, a point of connection to a battery etc: the positive/negative terminal.) der Pol
    4) (a device linked to a computer by which the computer can be operated.) das Endstück
    2. adjective
    ((of an illness etc) in the final stage before death: This ward is for patients with terminal cancer.) End-,im Endstadium
    - academic.ru/74146/terminally">terminally
    * * *
    [ˈtɜ:mɪnəl, AM ˈtɜ:r-]
    I. adj inv
    1. (fatal) End-
    she has \terminal cancer sie ist unheilbar an Krebs erkrankt
    \terminal disease [or illness] tödlich verlaufende Krankheit
    \terminal patient Sterbepatient(in) m(f)
    the shipbuilding industry is in \terminal decline die Schiffsbaubranche befindet sich unaufhaltsam im Niedergang
    \terminal boredom tödliche Langeweile
    3. (concerning travel terminals) Terminal-
    \terminal building Flughafengebäude nt
    II. n
    1. AVIAT, TRANSP Terminal m o nt
    air \terminal Flughafengebäude nt
    ferry \terminal Bestimmungshafen m; (building) Hafenterminal nt
    rail \terminal Endstation f
    2. COMPUT (part of computer) Terminal nt; (point in network) Netzstation f
    3. (point in circuit) [Anschluss]pol m
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (= final) End-; (MED = incurable) illness, patient unheilbar; (= for the dying) care für Sterbende; (= dire) problem fatal

    he's a terminal caseer ist unheilbar krank

    2) (inf: utter) boredom endlos; stupidity bodenlos; adolescent ewig; workaholic extrem
    3) (BOT, ANAT: on extremity) am Ende befindlich
    2. n
    1) (RAIL) Endbahnhof m; (for tramway, buses) Endstation f; (= container terminal) Containerterminal m

    air or airport terminal(Flughafen)terminal m, Flughafengebäude nt

    2) (ELEC) Pol m
    3) (COMPUT) Terminal nt
    * * *
    terminal [ˈtɜːmınl; US ˈtɜrmnəl]
    A adj
    1. Grenz…, begrenzend:
    2. letzt(er, e, es), End…, (Ab-)Schluss…:
    terminal amplifier ELEK Endverstärker m;
    terminal examination SCHULE Abschlussprüfung f;
    terminal station B 5 a;
    terminal syllable LING Endsilbe f;
    terminal value MATH Endwert m;
    terminal voltage ELEK Klemmenspannung f
    3. a) Br SCHULE, UNIV Trimester…
    b) US UNIV Semester…, SCHULE Halbjahres…
    4. MED
    a) unheilbar (Krankheit)
    b) im Endstadium:
    terminal phase ( oder stage) Terminalstadium n
    c) Sterbe…:
    5. umg hoffnungslos (Fall etc), unlösbar (Problem etc)
    6. BOT end-, gipfelständig
    B s
    1. Endstück n, -glied n, Ende n, Spitze f
    2. LING Endsilbe f, -buchstabe m, -wort n
    3. ELEK
    a) Klemmschraube f
    b) (Anschluss)Klemme f, (Plus-, Minus) Pol m
    c) Endstecker m
    d) Kabelschuh m
    4. ARCH Endglied n, -verzierung f
    5. a) BAHN etc Endstation f, Kopfbahnhof m
    b) End- oder Ausgangspunkt m (einer Transportlinie etc)
    c) air terminal 1
    d) Terminal m, auch n, (zentraler) Umschlagplatz
    6. Terminal m, auch n:
    term. abk
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (Electr.) Anschluss, der; (of battery) Pol, der
    2) (for train or bus) Bahnhof, der; (for airline passengers) Terminal, der od. das
    3) (Teleph., Computing) Terminal, das
    2. adjective
    1) End[bahnhof, -station]
    2) (Med.) unheilbar
    * * *
    Klemme -n f.
    Sichtgerät n.
    Terminal -s n.

    English-german dictionary > terminal

  • 7 terminal

    ter·mi·nal [ʼtɜ:mɪnəl, Am ʼtɜ:r-] adj
    1) ( fatal) End-;
    she has \terminal cancer sie ist unheilbar an Krebs erkrankt;
    \terminal disease [or illness] tödlich verlaufende Krankheit;
    \terminal patient Sterbepatient(in) m(f);
    2) (fig fam: extreme)
    the shipbuilding industry is in \terminal decline die Schiffsbaubranche befindet sich unaufhaltsam im Niedergang;
    \terminal boredom tödliche Langeweile
    \terminal building Flughafengebäude nt n
    1) aviat, transp Terminal m o nt;
    air \terminal Flughafengebäude nt;
    ferry \terminal Bestimmungshafen m;
    rail \terminal Endstation f
    2) ( part of computer) Terminal nt
    3) ( point in circuit) [Anschluss]pol m

    English-German students dictionary > terminal

  • 8 terminal

    ['tɜːmɪn(ə)l] 1. сущ.
    1) конец, граница
    а) конечная станция; конечный пункт
    б) перевалочный пункт; стоянка

    Let's meet at the bus terminal. — Давай встретимся на автовокзале.

    4) ( terminals) ж.-д. плата за погрузку товаров на конечной железнодорожной станции
    а) конечный слог, конечное слово
    б) лингв. окончание
    6) эл. клемма; ввод / вывод
    2. прил.
    1) заключительный, конечный, терминальный, окончательный, последний; завершающий
    2) периодический; периодически повторяющийся
    5) разг. чрезвычайный, крайний, предельный; полный

    The car industry is in terminal decline. — Автомобильная промышленность умирает.

    extreme 1. 2), utter II 2)
    6) мед. терминальный; смертельный; предсмертный

    terminal cancer — неизлечимый рак; последняя стадия рака

    terminal patient — пациент с неизлечимой болезнью; смертельно больной

    Англо-русский современный словарь > terminal

  • 9 decadencia

    1 decadence.
    en decadencia on the way out; (moda) in decline (cultura, sociedad)
    la decadencia del imperio the decline of the empire
    2 abatardissement, declension.
    * * *
    1 decadence, decline, decay
    estar en (franca) decadencia to be in (full) decline
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    SF (=proceso) decline, decay; (=estado) decadence
    * * *
    a) ( proceso) decline
    b) ( estado) decadence
    * * *
    = decline, ebb, labefaction.
    Ex. Library automation was in its ascendancy at precisely the same time that the nation's economy was firmly embarked on its present calamitous decline.
    Ex. The ebb in religious life is explained in terms of the stress experienced by the nation during the period of confederation when it was groping for cohesiveness & some symbol of national unity.
    Ex. The natural result of this labefaction is the Delaware neonate killing by a freshman couple.
    * decadencia moral = moral decay.
    * en decadencia = bankrupt.
    * entrar en decadencia = go to + seed.
    * estar en decadencia = be in decline, be in retreat.
    * situación de decadencia irreversible = terminal decline.
    * * *
    a) ( proceso) decline
    b) ( estado) decadence
    * * *
    = decline, ebb, labefaction.

    Ex: Library automation was in its ascendancy at precisely the same time that the nation's economy was firmly embarked on its present calamitous decline.

    Ex: The ebb in religious life is explained in terms of the stress experienced by the nation during the period of confederation when it was groping for cohesiveness & some symbol of national unity.
    Ex: The natural result of this labefaction is the Delaware neonate killing by a freshman couple.
    * decadencia moral = moral decay.
    * en decadencia = bankrupt.
    * entrar en decadencia = go to + seed.
    * estar en decadencia = be in decline, be in retreat.
    * situación de decadencia irreversible = terminal decline.

    * * *
    1 (proceso) decline
    el período de decadencia del imperio the decline of the empire
    caer en decadencia to fall into decline
    2 (estado) decadence
    * * *

    decadencia sustantivo femenino

    decadencia sustantivo femenino
    1 (declive, deterioro) decadence
    2 Hist Arte la decadencia del arte renacentista, the decline of Renaissance art
    ' decadencia' also found in these entries:
    - continuismo
    - crepúsculo
    - declive
    - ocaso
    - franco
    - decay
    - stem
    - decline
    - seed
    * * *
    [en estado físico, en importancia, en calidad] decline; [moral, espiritual] decadence;
    en decadencia [moda] on the way out;
    [cultura, sociedad] in decline;
    entrar en decadencia [moda] to be on the way out;
    [cultura, sociedad] to go into decline, to become decadent;
    la decadencia del imperio the decline of the empire
    * * *
    f decadence; de imperio decline
    * * *
    1) : decadence
    2) : decline

    Spanish-English dictionary > decadencia

  • 10 situación de decadencia irreversible

    Ex. The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.
    * * *

    Ex: The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.

    Spanish-English dictionary > situación de decadencia irreversible

  • 11 ayuda del gobierno

    (n.) = state aid, state support
    Ex. The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.
    Ex. Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.
    * * *
    (n.) = state aid, state support

    Ex: The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.

    Ex: Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ayuda del gobierno

  • 12 ayuda estatal

    state assistance.
    * * *
    (n.) = state aid, state support
    Ex. The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.
    Ex. Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.
    * * *
    (n.) = state aid, state support

    Ex: The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.

    Ex: Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ayuda estatal

  • 13 industria naviera

    Ex. The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.
    * * *
    la industria naviera
    = shipping industry, the

    Ex: As a result of the study, the ultimate objective was refined to make available to the shipping industry an approach to the development of an integrated management information system = Como resultado del estudio, se especificó aún más el objetivo últimó para poner a disposición de la industria naval un método para el desarrollo de un sistema integrado de información para la gestión.

    Ex: The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.

    Spanish-English dictionary > industria naviera

  • 14 irreversible

    * * *
    1 irreversible
    * * *
    * * *
    adjetivo irreversible
    * * *
    Ex. It is not enough to train the rising generation to meet their new responsibilities, for irreversible decisions must be made before they come to maturity.
    * situación de decadencia irreversible = terminal decline.
    * * *
    adjetivo irreversible
    * * *

    Ex: It is not enough to train the rising generation to meet their new responsibilities, for irreversible decisions must be made before they come to maturity.

    * situación de decadencia irreversible = terminal decline.

    * * *
    * * *

    irreversible adjetivo
    irreversible adjetivo irreversible: la situación no es completamente irreversible, the situation is not totally irreversible
    ' irreversible' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    * * *
    adj irreversible
    * * *
    : irreversible

    Spanish-English dictionary > irreversible

  • 15 situación

    1 situation, state, picture.
    2 position, siting.
    3 presentation of the fetus, lie, lie of the fetus, presentation.
    * * *
    1 (circunstancia) situation
    2 (posición) position
    3 (emplazamiento) situation, location
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=circunstancias) situation

    ¿qué harías en una situación así? — what would you do in a situation like that?

    2) (=emplazamiento) situation, location

    la casa tiene una situación inmejorable — the house is in a superb location, the house is superbly located o situated

    3) [en la sociedad] position, standing

    crearse una situación — to do well for o.s.

    situación económica — financial position, financial situation

    4) (=estado) state

    precio de situación LAm bargain price

    * * *
    a) ( coyuntura) situation
    b) ( en la sociedad) position, standing
    2) ( emplazamiento) position, situation (frml), location (frml)
    * * *
    = event, location, picture, position, scenario, scene, setting, situation, state, state of affairs, pass, set and setting, landscape, juncture, setup [set-up], footing, stage, climate, conjuncture.
    Ex. The concept of corporate body includes named occasional groups and events, such as meetings, conferences, congresses, expeditions, exhibitions, festivals, and fairs.
    Ex. Having been alerted to the existence of a document, the user needs information concerning the actual location of the document, in order that the document may be read.
    Ex. Outside the Gwynedd, Dyfed and Clwyd heartland the picture was not encouraging.
    Ex. The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
    Ex. This article describes a scenario in which the training of junior staff on-the-job is discussed emphasising that the reality in New Zealand libraries falls far short of the ideal.
    Ex. Scenes that include conflict, emotions, prejudices, misunderstandings, and unreasonableness but also kindliness, humor, friendliness, and goodwill are acted out daily in different kinds of libraries.
    Ex. Over 700 CRT terminals are online to Columbus and are used in a variety of ways to improve service in the local library settings.
    Ex. Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex. Before she could respond and follow up with a question about her distraught state, Feng escaped to the women's room.
    Ex. One likely effect of this would be that the information-rich would become richer and the information-poor poorer, a state of affairs which many would consider highly undesirable.
    Ex. As he traversed the length of the corridor to the media center, Anthony Datto reflected on the events that had brought him to this unhappy pass.
    Ex. For me a picture of myself in a dentist's waiting room is a perfect metaphor for set and setting very much in play against the easily obtained pleasures I usually get from reading.
    Ex. During the post-war period international organizations have become a prominent feature of the international landscape.
    Ex. For all national libraries a major factor is technological change in communication proceeding at an ever accelerating rating which has brought them to the current juncture.
    Ex. 'You know,' she had said amiably, 'there might be a better job for you here once things get rolling with this new regional setup'.
    Ex. Certain new factors have fertilized the ground for the rooting and growth of activity on a stronger and firmer footing than has ever been possible in the past.
    Ex. Although this study examines the international management stage, there are some points of relevance to this project.
    Ex. The article 'Keeping your ear to the ground' discusses the skills and knowledge information professionals need to have in today's IT-rich climate.
    Ex. This has opened up issues of what is & is not thinkable &, therefore, doable in the present conjuncture of crisis & instability.
    * aceptar la situación = accept + situation.
    * adaptable a la situación = situation-aware.
    * afrontar la situación = bear + the strain.
    * agravar una situación = exacerbate + situation, aggravate + situation.
    * analizar los pormenores de una situación = look + behind the scene.
    * aprovechar la situación = ride + the wave.
    * cambiar a la situación anterior = reverse.
    * cambiar la situación = change + the course of events.
    * complicar la situación = cloud + the issue, confuse + the issue.
    * confundir la situación = cloud + the view, cloud + the picture.
    * contemplar una situación = address + situation.
    * controlar la situación = tame + the beast.
    * corregir una situación = correct + situation, redress + situation.
    * crear una situación = create + a situation.
    * dada la situación = in the circumstances.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * desafiar una situación = challenge + situation.
    * describir una situación = depict + situation.
    * disfrutar de la situación = ride + the wave.
    * dominar la situación = tame + the beast.
    * empeorar la situación = make + things worse.
    * empeorar una situación = exacerbate + situation, aggravate + situation.
    * encontrarse con una situación = come across + situation, meet + situation.
    * encontrarse en una mejor situación económica = be economically better off.
    * en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier situación = in any given situation.
    * en esta situación = at this juncture.
    * enfrentarse a una situación = face + situation, meet + situation.
    * en la situación concreta = on the scene.
    * en situación de = in the position to.
    * en situación de crisis = on the rocks.
    * en situaciones de riesgo = in harm's way.
    * en situaciones normales = under normal circumstances.
    * en situaciones peligrosas = in harm's way.
    * en una situación de emergencia = in an emergency situation, in an emergency.
    * en una situación desesperada = in dire straits.
    * en una situación muy problemática = in deep trouble, in deep water.
    * estado de una situación = state of being.
    * estar en situación de = be in a position to.
    * estar en una situación diferente = be on a different track.
    * explicar la situación = explain + the situation.
    * gravedad de la situación, la = seriousness of the situation, la, gravity of the situation, the.
    * hacer frente a la situación = tackle + situation.
    * hacer que se produzca una situación = bring about + situation.
    * hecho para una situación específica = niche-specific.
    * imaginarse una situación = envision + situation.
    * información que permite mejorar la situación social de Alguien = empowering information.
    * informe de situación = status report.
    * informe sobre la situación actual = state of the art report.
    * la situación = the course of events.
    * mecanismo de reducción de situaciones difíciles = threat-reduction mechanism.
    * mejora de situación social = upward mobility.
    * mejorar la situación = improve + the lot.
    * mejorar una situación = ameliorate + situation.
    * meterse en una situación embarazosa = put + Reflexivo + into + position.
    * ocupar una situación idónea para = be well-placed to.
    * pasar a una situación económica más confortable = improve + Posesivo + lot.
    * perder el control de la situacion = things + get out of hand.
    * reaccionar ante una situación = respond to + situation.
    * rectificar una situación = rectify + situation.
    * remediar una situación = remedy + situation.
    * resolver una situación = manage + situation, resolve + situation.
    * responder a una situación = respond to + situation.
    * salir de una situación difícil = haul + Reflexivo + out of + Posesivo + bog.
    * sensible a la situación = situation-aware.
    * simulacro de una situación supuesta = play-acting.
    * situación actual = current situation, current state, present state, current status.
    * situación actual, la = scheme of things, the.
    * situación + agravar = situation + exacerbate.
    * situación análoga = analogue.
    * situación apremiante = plight.
    * situación apurada = hardship.
    * situación azarosa = predicament.
    * situación buena = strong position.
    * situación + cambiar = tide + turn.
    * situación cómica = comedy sketch.
    * situación confusa = muddy waters.
    * situación cotidiana = everyday situation, daily situation.
    * situación crítica = critical situation.
    * situación de decadencia irreversible = terminal decline.
    * situación de desesperación = scene of despair.
    * situación de estrés = stress situation.
    * situación de préstamo = loan status.
    * situación desagradable = unpleasantness.
    * situación de tensión = stress situation.
    * situación diaria = daily situation.
    * situación difícil = plight, hardship, bumpy ride.
    * situación económica = financial situation, economic status.
    * situación económica, la = economics of the situation, the.
    * situación embarazosa = embarrassing situation.
    * situación en la que hay un vencedor y un perdedor = win-lose + Nombre.
    * situación en la que las dos partes salen ganando = win-win + Nombre.
    * situaciones = sphere of activity, sphere of life, walks (of/in) life.
    * situaciones de la vida = life situations [life-situations].
    * situación experimental = laboratory situation.
    * situación forzada = Procrustean bed.
    * situación hipotética = scenario.
    * situación ideal = ideal situation.
    * situación insoportable = unbearable situation.
    * situación insostenible = unbearable situation.
    * situación + irse de las manos = things + get out of hand.
    * situación laboral = employment situation, employment status.
    * situación + mejorar = situation + ease.
    * situación peligrosa = endangerment, dangerous situation.
    * situación penosa = plight.
    * situación poco clara = clouding.
    * situación política = political scene.
    * situación posible = scenario.
    * situación precaria = precarious situation.
    * situación privilegiada = advantageous location.
    * situación problemática = problem situation.
    * situación sin solución = impasse.
    * situación + surgir = situation + arise.
    * situación tensa = stress situation.
    * situación ventajosa = winning situation.
    * superar una situación difícil = weather + the bumpy ride, weather + the storm.
    * verse en la situación = find + Reflexivo + in the position.
    * * *
    a) ( coyuntura) situation
    b) ( en la sociedad) position, standing
    2) ( emplazamiento) position, situation (frml), location (frml)
    * * *
    = event, location, picture, position, scenario, scene, setting, situation, state, state of affairs, pass, set and setting, landscape, juncture, setup [set-up], footing, stage, climate, conjuncture.

    Ex: The concept of corporate body includes named occasional groups and events, such as meetings, conferences, congresses, expeditions, exhibitions, festivals, and fairs.

    Ex: Having been alerted to the existence of a document, the user needs information concerning the actual location of the document, in order that the document may be read.
    Ex: Outside the Gwynedd, Dyfed and Clwyd heartland the picture was not encouraging.
    Ex: The directory is a finding list which lists for every field its tag, the number of characters in the field, and the starting character position of the field within the record.
    Ex: This article describes a scenario in which the training of junior staff on-the-job is discussed emphasising that the reality in New Zealand libraries falls far short of the ideal.
    Ex: Scenes that include conflict, emotions, prejudices, misunderstandings, and unreasonableness but also kindliness, humor, friendliness, and goodwill are acted out daily in different kinds of libraries.
    Ex: Over 700 CRT terminals are online to Columbus and are used in a variety of ways to improve service in the local library settings.
    Ex: Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex: Before she could respond and follow up with a question about her distraught state, Feng escaped to the women's room.
    Ex: One likely effect of this would be that the information-rich would become richer and the information-poor poorer, a state of affairs which many would consider highly undesirable.
    Ex: As he traversed the length of the corridor to the media center, Anthony Datto reflected on the events that had brought him to this unhappy pass.
    Ex: For me a picture of myself in a dentist's waiting room is a perfect metaphor for set and setting very much in play against the easily obtained pleasures I usually get from reading.
    Ex: During the post-war period international organizations have become a prominent feature of the international landscape.
    Ex: For all national libraries a major factor is technological change in communication proceeding at an ever accelerating rating which has brought them to the current juncture.
    Ex: 'You know,' she had said amiably, 'there might be a better job for you here once things get rolling with this new regional setup'.
    Ex: Certain new factors have fertilized the ground for the rooting and growth of activity on a stronger and firmer footing than has ever been possible in the past.
    Ex: Although this study examines the international management stage, there are some points of relevance to this project.
    Ex: The article 'Keeping your ear to the ground' discusses the skills and knowledge information professionals need to have in today's IT-rich climate.
    Ex: This has opened up issues of what is & is not thinkable &, therefore, doable in the present conjuncture of crisis & instability.
    * aceptar la situación = accept + situation.
    * adaptable a la situación = situation-aware.
    * afrontar la situación = bear + the strain.
    * agravar una situación = exacerbate + situation, aggravate + situation.
    * analizar los pormenores de una situación = look + behind the scene.
    * aprovechar la situación = ride + the wave.
    * cambiar a la situación anterior = reverse.
    * cambiar la situación = change + the course of events.
    * complicar la situación = cloud + the issue, confuse + the issue.
    * confundir la situación = cloud + the view, cloud + the picture.
    * contemplar una situación = address + situation.
    * controlar la situación = tame + the beast.
    * corregir una situación = correct + situation, redress + situation.
    * crear una situación = create + a situation.
    * dada la situación = in the circumstances.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * desafiar una situación = challenge + situation.
    * describir una situación = depict + situation.
    * disfrutar de la situación = ride + the wave.
    * dominar la situación = tame + the beast.
    * empeorar la situación = make + things worse.
    * empeorar una situación = exacerbate + situation, aggravate + situation.
    * encontrarse con una situación = come across + situation, meet + situation.
    * encontrarse en una mejor situación económica = be economically better off.
    * en cualquier otra situación = in the normal run of things, in the normal run of events.
    * en cualquier situación = in any given situation.
    * en esta situación = at this juncture.
    * enfrentarse a una situación = face + situation, meet + situation.
    * en la situación concreta = on the scene.
    * en situación de = in the position to.
    * en situación de crisis = on the rocks.
    * en situaciones de riesgo = in harm's way.
    * en situaciones normales = under normal circumstances.
    * en situaciones peligrosas = in harm's way.
    * en una situación de emergencia = in an emergency situation, in an emergency.
    * en una situación desesperada = in dire straits.
    * en una situación muy problemática = in deep trouble, in deep water.
    * estado de una situación = state of being.
    * estar en situación de = be in a position to.
    * estar en una situación diferente = be on a different track.
    * explicar la situación = explain + the situation.
    * gravedad de la situación, la = seriousness of the situation, la, gravity of the situation, the.
    * hacer frente a la situación = tackle + situation.
    * hacer que se produzca una situación = bring about + situation.
    * hecho para una situación específica = niche-specific.
    * imaginarse una situación = envision + situation.
    * información que permite mejorar la situación social de Alguien = empowering information.
    * informe de situación = status report.
    * informe sobre la situación actual = state of the art report.
    * la situación = the course of events.
    * mecanismo de reducción de situaciones difíciles = threat-reduction mechanism.
    * mejora de situación social = upward mobility.
    * mejorar la situación = improve + the lot.
    * mejorar una situación = ameliorate + situation.
    * meterse en una situación embarazosa = put + Reflexivo + into + position.
    * ocupar una situación idónea para = be well-placed to.
    * pasar a una situación económica más confortable = improve + Posesivo + lot.
    * perder el control de la situacion = things + get out of hand.
    * reaccionar ante una situación = respond to + situation.
    * rectificar una situación = rectify + situation.
    * remediar una situación = remedy + situation.
    * resolver una situación = manage + situation, resolve + situation.
    * responder a una situación = respond to + situation.
    * salir de una situación difícil = haul + Reflexivo + out of + Posesivo + bog.
    * sensible a la situación = situation-aware.
    * simulacro de una situación supuesta = play-acting.
    * situación actual = current situation, current state, present state, current status.
    * situación actual, la = scheme of things, the.
    * situación + agravar = situation + exacerbate.
    * situación análoga = analogue.
    * situación apremiante = plight.
    * situación apurada = hardship.
    * situación azarosa = predicament.
    * situación buena = strong position.
    * situación + cambiar = tide + turn.
    * situación cómica = comedy sketch.
    * situación confusa = muddy waters.
    * situación cotidiana = everyday situation, daily situation.
    * situación crítica = critical situation.
    * situación de decadencia irreversible = terminal decline.
    * situación de desesperación = scene of despair.
    * situación de estrés = stress situation.
    * situación de préstamo = loan status.
    * situación desagradable = unpleasantness.
    * situación de tensión = stress situation.
    * situación diaria = daily situation.
    * situación difícil = plight, hardship, bumpy ride.
    * situación económica = financial situation, economic status.
    * situación económica, la = economics of the situation, the.
    * situación embarazosa = embarrassing situation.
    * situación en la que hay un vencedor y un perdedor = win-lose + Nombre.
    * situación en la que las dos partes salen ganando = win-win + Nombre.
    * situaciones = sphere of activity, sphere of life, walks (of/in) life.
    * situaciones de la vida = life situations [life-situations].
    * situación experimental = laboratory situation.
    * situación forzada = Procrustean bed.
    * situación hipotética = scenario.
    * situación ideal = ideal situation.
    * situación insoportable = unbearable situation.
    * situación insostenible = unbearable situation.
    * situación + irse de las manos = things + get out of hand.
    * situación laboral = employment situation, employment status.
    * situación + mejorar = situation + ease.
    * situación peligrosa = endangerment, dangerous situation.
    * situación penosa = plight.
    * situación poco clara = clouding.
    * situación política = political scene.
    * situación posible = scenario.
    * situación precaria = precarious situation.
    * situación privilegiada = advantageous location.
    * situación problemática = problem situation.
    * situación sin solución = impasse.
    * situación + surgir = situation + arise.
    * situación tensa = stress situation.
    * situación ventajosa = winning situation.
    * superar una situación difícil = weather + the bumpy ride, weather + the storm.
    * verse en la situación = find + Reflexivo + in the position.

    * * *
    1 (coyuntura) situation
    nuestra situación económica our financial situation o position
    no está en situación de poder ayudarnos she is not in a position to be able to help us
    se encuentra en una situación desesperada her situation o plight is desperate, she is in a desperate situation
    apenas crearon situaciones de gol they hardly made any scoring chances
    salvar la situación to save the day o rescue the situation
    2 (en la sociedad) position, standing
    extreme situation
    B (emplazamiento) position, situation ( frml), location ( frml)
    la situación del local es excelente the premises are ideally situated o located
    * * *


    situación sustantivo femenino

    2 ( emplazamiento) position, situation (frml), location (frml)
    situación sustantivo femenino
    1 (económica) situation
    2 (trance) me puso en una situación muy embarazosa, he put me in an awkward situation
    3 (emplazamiento) location
    4 (condiciones, disposición) state: no estamos en situación de rechazarlo, we are in no position to refuse it
    ' situación' also found in these entries:
    - abusivo
    - acierto
    - aclimatarse
    - adueñarse
    - afianzarse
    - airosa
    - airoso
    - ambiente
    - ámbito
    - anterioridad
    - aprovechar
    - caer
    - calibrar
    - callejón
    - cañón
    - capear
    - cargo
    - caso
    - comparable
    - comprometedor
    - comprometedora
    - comprometida
    - comprometido
    - compromiso
    - condición
    - conducir
    - considerablemente
    - correr
    - coyuntura
    - crisis
    - decantar
    - desdramatizar
    - desembocar
    - detonante
    - dimanar
    - disposición
    - dueña
    - dueño
    - embrollo
    - emotiva
    - emotivo
    - endemoniada
    - endemoniado
    - enrarecerse
    - enredar
    - enredarse
    - entrar
    - estar
    - estado
    - anywhere
    - applicable
    - apprise
    - aspect
    - assess
    - assessment
    - awkward
    - backdrop
    - border on
    - break
    - bullet
    - business
    - case
    - command
    - confuse
    - consolidate
    - danger
    - defuse
    - deteriorate
    - dinner
    - dire
    - disgusting
    - distressing
    - encouraging
    - end
    - explosive
    - fraught
    - fuel
    - further
    - grim
    - heat
    - hook
    - hot up
    - in
    - indoors
    - inflammable
    - injustice
    - irritating
    - joke
    - mess
    - misjudge
    - muddy
    - nasty
    - need
    - no-win
    - off
    - ongoing
    - pass
    - picture
    * * *
    1. [circunstancias] situation;
    [legal, social] status;
    estar en situación de hacer algo [en general] to be in a position to do sth;
    [enfermo, borracho] to be in a fit state to do sth;
    estar en una situación privilegiada to be in a privileged position
    situación económica economic situation;
    situación límite extreme o critical situation
    2. [ubicación] location;
    la tienda está en una situación muy céntrica the shop is in a very central location
    * * *
    f situation;
    estar en situación de be in a position to
    * * *
    situación nf, pl - ciones : situation
    * * *
    situación n situation

    Spanish-English dictionary > situación

  • 16 subvención del gobierno

    (n.) = federal grant, state aid, state support
    Ex. Funds received from federal or foundation grants are allocated for specific projects or programs on a one-time or temporary basis, and such funds are considered 'soft' money as compared to funds for permanently authorized positions.
    Ex. The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.
    Ex. Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.
    * * *
    (n.) = federal grant, state aid, state support

    Ex: Funds received from federal or foundation grants are allocated for specific projects or programs on a one-time or temporary basis, and such funds are considered 'soft' money as compared to funds for permanently authorized positions.

    Ex: The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.
    Ex: Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.

    Spanish-English dictionary > subvención del gobierno

  • 17 subvención estatal

    1 government expenditure, government grant, government spending.
    2 government subsidy, State subsidy.
    * * *
    (n.) = state aid, state support
    Ex. The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.
    Ex. Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.
    * * *
    (n.) = state aid, state support

    Ex: The shipbuilding industry received massive state aid despite its terminal decline.

    Ex: Falling state support for higher education has a number of onerous effects: increased tuition fees, more student debt, and a greater likelihood of scaring away low-income students.

    Spanish-English dictionary > subvención estatal

  • 18 периодический спад

    Mass media: terminal decline

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > периодический спад

  • 19 herdoil

    [from Gasc. arroudilho?] iz.
    1. rust; \herdoilak janda, ontzia itsusi eta likits agertzen da bere gainbehera amaigabean eaten through with rust, the ship looks unsightly and filthy as it sinks in its terminal decline; \herdoilak jota rusted over; zerraila \herdoilak jana zegoen the lock was eaten through by rust
    2. ( landareei d.) rust
    3. ( herdoil-orbaina) rust mark

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > herdoil

  • 20 jan

    1. food; \jan gutxi ematen digu baina makilakada asko he doesn't give us much in the way of food but does give a lot of beatings
    2. \janean eta ardoan kontuz ibili behar da you have to be careful with your food and wine ; \jan eta edaneko bizimodua da hori that is really living it up
    3. ( abereentzakoa) feed, fodder
    4. [ izenen aurrean ] edible; \jan-gauzak edibles io.
    1. that eats, that's eaten; ez naiz gose, \jana naiz I'm not hungry, I've eaten; \jan luze slow eating; \jan luzea da he's a slow eater; \jan zaharra da he hasn't eaten for a while; ongi \jana da he's eaten his fill
    2. ez \jan ez lan egon to be in a dither du/ad.
    a. to eat
    b. (esa.) bitxia begiez \jan zuen he eyeballed the jewel; musuka jateko haurra da she's a child you can't resist kissing; ez zeukan zer \jan eta zer jantzi he had nothing to eat or put on | he didn't have anything to eat or clothes on his back; idia bere adarrekin eta guzti jango luke he could eat an ox, horns and all
    a. ( azido batek, e.a.) to eat into, eat away, corrode; herdoilak \janda, ontzia itsusi eta likits agertzen da bere gainbehera amaigabean eaten through with rust, the ship looks unsightly and filthy as it sinks in its terminal decline
    b. (Geol.) to erode, swallow up; puska bat \jan dio itsasoak the sea washed away a piece of it
    c. pipiek \jandako habeak woodworm-infested beams
    d. bere ondasun guztiak \jan zituen he went through all his wealth
    3. (irud.)
    a. (sinetsi) hori ez dut jaten I'll won't {buy || swallow} that
    b. gai hori \janda daukat I'll got that subject {under my belt || down pat}

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jan

См. также в других словарях:

  • in terminal decline — Brit : getting worse without any chance to improve The business is in terminal decline. • • • Main Entry: ↑terminal …   Useful english dictionary

  • terminal — ter‧mi‧nal [ˈtɜːmnl ǁ ˈtɜːr ] noun [countable] 1. a large building that is part of an airport, bus station, or port, where people wait to get onto planes, buses, or ships: • Your plane leaves from Terminal 4. 2. COMPUTING a piece of computer… …   Financial and business terms

  • decline — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ catastrophic, considerable, dramatic, drastic, large, major, marked, massive, serious, severe …   Collocations dictionary

  • terminal — I UK [ˈtɜː(r)mɪn(ə)l] / US [ˈtɜrmɪn(ə)l] noun [countable] Word forms terminal : singular terminal plural terminals ** 1) a) a large building where train, boat, or bus services start and finish b) a large building at an airport where passengers… …   English dictionary

  • terminal — ter|mi|nal1 [ tɜrmınl ] noun count ** 1. ) a large building where train, boat, or bus services start and finish a ) a large building at an airport where passengers arrive and leave 2. ) a computer screen and a keyboard connected to a computer… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • terminal — ter|mi|nal1 [ˈtə:mınəl US ˈtə:r ] adj [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: terminalis, from terminus; TERM1] 1.) a terminal illness cannot be cured, and causes death ▪ terminal cancer 2.) (in) terminal decline BrE in a state of becoming worse and… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • terminal — 1 adjective 1 a terminal illness cannot be cured, and causes death: terminal cancer 2 terminal decline/decay the state of becoming worse and worse and never getting better: Britain s industrial base seems in a terminal decline. 3 terminal boredom …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • terminal — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 place/building that handles goods/passengers ADJECTIVE ▪ international ▪ air, airport ▪ rail, subway (AmE), train ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • New York Central Terminal — Empfangsgebäude, Ansicht von Westen. Daten Betriebsart Trennungsbahnhof …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Grand Central Terminal — Grand Central Station redirects here. For the connected New York City Subway station, see Grand Central – 42nd Street (New York City Subway). For other uses, see Grand Central Station (disambiguation). Grand Central Terminal …   Wikipedia

  • Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal — Cincinnati Union Terminal Exterior view of the Cincinnati Museum Center Station statistics Address …   Wikipedia

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