1 tension gradient
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > tension gradient
2 carbon dioxide tension gradient
1) Медицина: градиент напряжения углекислоты2) Авиационная медицина: градиент парциального давления углекислотыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > carbon dioxide tension gradient
3 oxygen tension gradient
1) Медицина: градиент напряжения кислорода2) Авиационная медицина: градиент парциального давления кислородаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > oxygen tension gradient
4 surface-tension gradient
Математика: градиент поверхностного натяженияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > surface-tension gradient
5 oxygen tension gradient
6 carbon dioxide tension gradient
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > carbon dioxide tension gradient
7 oxygen tension gradient
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > oxygen tension gradient
8 alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient
альвеолярно-артериальный градиентEnglish-Russian dictionary of labour protection > alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient
9 alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient
альвеолярно-артериальный градиентEnglish-Russian labor protection dictionary > alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient
10 gradient
gradient:animal gradient анимальный градиентanimal-vegetal gradient анимально-вегетативный градиентanteroposterior gradient переднезадний градиентaxial gradient осевой градиентcharacter gradient градиент признаков, клинconcentration gradient градиент концентрацииcontinuous gradient непрерывный градиентcortical gradient кортикальный градиентdensity gradient градиент плотностиdiffusion gradient градиент диффузииdiscontinuous gradient прерывистый градиентdorsoventral gradient дорсовентральный градиентdrying through steam tension gradient сушка за счет перепада давления параelectrical gradient градиент электрического поляelectrochemical gradient градиент электрохимического потенциалаenvironmental gradients градиенты средыexponential gradient экспоненциальный градиентfield gradient градиент поляgrowth gradient градиент ростаhydrostatic pressure gradient градиент гидростатического давленияionic gradient градиент концентрации ионовlongitudinal gradient продольный градиентmorphogenetic gradient морфогенетический градиентosmotic gradient осмотический градиентpotential gradient градиент потенциалаpreformed gradient преформированный градиентpressure gradient градиент давленийproton gradient градиент концентрации протоновregeneration gradient градиент регенерацииsalt gradient солевой градиентsmooth gradient пологий градиентspatial gradient пространственный градиентstep gradient ступенчатый градиентsucrose gradient градиент концентрации сахарозыtemperature gradient градиент температурыvegetal gradient вегетативный градиентvelocity gradient градиент скоростиventricular gradient желудочковый градиентyolk gradient желточный градиентEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > gradient
11 gradient
градиент; тангенс угла набора высоты ( в процентах) ; уклон; скорость изменения ( параметра) по расстояниюgross gradient (of climb) — полный [максимальный гарантированный] градиент набора высоты (без учёта ухудшения характеристик в процессе эксплуатации)
net gradient (of climb) — минимальный гарантированный градиент набора высоты (с учётом ухудшения характеристик в процессе эксплуатации)
12 fiber
1) волокно2) цел.-бум. волокнистая масса3) фибра4) лесн. либриформ7) пищ. мезга•-
acetate fiber
acrylic fiber
active fiber
adhesive fiber
allskin fiber
alumina fiber
animalized fiber
anisotropic fiber
artificial fiber
asbestos fiber
axially aligned fiber
bare fiber
basalt fiber
bast fiber
bicomponent fiber
bimodal fiber
birefringent fiber
bonding fiber
- broad bandwidth fiber -
buffered glass fiber
butt-joined fibers
cane fiber
carbon fiber
cathodoluminescent fiber
ceramic fiber
chopped glass fiber
circular-core fiber
circumferentially spaced fibers
cladded fiber
clad fiber
coat-core fiber
coated fiber
coherence-retaining fiber
compliant fiber
compression fiber
concatenated fiber
concentric coated fiber
conical fiber
conjugate fiber
continuous glass fiber
copper fiber
coupled fibers
crimped fiber
cuprammonium fiber
delay fiber
dielectrically coated fiber
dielectric coated fiber
discontinuous-index fiber
dispersion-free fiber
dispersive fiber
doped-core fiber
dope-dyed fiber
double window fiber
double-clad fiber
double-mode fiber
downstream fiber
drawn fiber
dry-spun fiber
dual-core fiber
dull fiber
elastomer fiber
energized fiber
excentrically cladded fiber
extended-spectral-response fiber
feed fiber
field spliced fiber
first window fiber
flame-retardant fiber
focusing fiber
freshly drawn fiber
fused silica fiber
fusion-spliced fibers
glass fiber
glass-ceramic fiber
glass-clad silica core fiber
glass-on-glass fiber
graded-index fiber
gradient-index fiber
gradient fiber
graphite fiber
graphitized carbon fiber
guiding fiber
hard-glass fiber
heat-insulating fiber
heat-resistant fiber
heat-treated fiber
hemispherical-ended fiber
heterogeneous fiber
high bandwidth fiber
high NA fiber
high tensile strength fiber
high transmission loss fiber
high-absorbency viscose fiber
high-attenuation fiber
high-capacity fiber
high-dispersive fiber
high-loss fiber
highly multimode fiber
high-strength fiber
hollow-core fiber
homogeneous fiber
illuminating fiber
imaging fiber
input fiber
irradiated fiber
isotropic fiber
jacketed fiber
just-drawn fiber
lacquer coated fiber
laser fiber
laser-fed fiber
launch fiber
lensed-faced fiber
light-carrying fiber
light-focusing fiber
light-guide glass fiber
light-guiding fiber
light-transmitting fiber
liquid-core fiber
long glass fiber
longitudinal fiber
longitudinally alignedfibers
low pilling fiber
low-attenuation fiber
low-capacity fiber
low-dispersion fiber
lower fiber
low-loss fiber
low-transmission loss fiber
man-made fiber
matched fibers
median fiber
melt-adhesive fiber
metal coated fiber
metallic fiber
metallized fiber
mica fiber
mineral fiber
mismatched fibers
mode-matched fibers
monocomponent fiber
monocrystalline fiber
monomode fiber
multicomponent fiber
multicore fiber
multimode fiber
multiple fiber
nerve fiber
newly drawn fiber
nonpolarization-preserving fiber
oblique-faced fiber
oblique fiber
one-mode fiber
optical glass fiber
optically identical fibers
outer fiber
output fiber
overcompensated fiber
parabolically graded fiber
parabolic fiber
passivated fiber
phototransmissive glass fiber
phototransmissive fiber
piezoelectrically stressed fiber
piezoelectrically stretched fiber
pixel fiber
plane-end fiber
plastic cladded fiber
plastic clad fiber
plastic fiber
plastic packaged fiber
plastic-core fiber
pliant fiber
polarization-conserving fiber
polarization-holding fiber
polarization-maintaining fiber
polarization-preserving fiber
polarizing fiber
polished fiber
polymer cladded fiber
polymer clad fiber
power-law profile fiber
primary glass fiber
pristine glass fiber
quartz fiber
radiation-resistant fiber
reed fiber
reference fiber
reinforcing fiber
rock fiber
second window fiber
secondary coated fiber
segmented-core fiber
self-centering fiber
self-focusing fiber
selfoc fiber
semidull fiber
sending fiber
sensing fiber
short wavelength fiber
shrinkage fiber
signal-bearing fiber
signal fiber
silica fiber
silicon-core fiber
single continuous fiber
single fiber
single optical fiber
single-crystal fiber
single-material fiber
single-mode fiber
sized glass fiber
smooth optical fiber
solid-core fiber
source fiber
spherical-ended fiber
spliced fiber
staple fiber
staple glass fiber
stepped-index fiber
step-index fiber
subordinate fiber
superfine fiber
synthetic fiber
tailor-made fiber
tap fiber
tapered fiber
tensile fiber
tension fiber
textile fiber
textile glass fiber
thermal-insulating fiber
third window fiber
transmitting fiber
transverse fiber
triangular-profile index fiber
triangular-profile fiber
trimmed fiber
twin-core fiber
twisted fiber
two-mode fiber
uncladded fiber
unclad fiber
uncoated fiber
undercompensated fiber
undulated glass fiber
unimodal fiber
unimode fiber
unjacketed fiber
upper fiber
upstream fiber
UV grade fiber
VAD fiber
virgin glass fiber
vulcanized fiber
waveguide fiber
wet-spun fiber
wideband fiber
wood fiber
zero-dispersion fiber -
13 inhomogeneous field
неоднородное поле
Электрическое поле без практически постоянного градиента напряжения между электродами.
[ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]EN
inhomogeneous (non-uniform) field
electric field which has not an essentially constant voltage gradient between electrodes
[IEC 60947-1, ed. 5.0 (2007-06)]FR
champ non homogène (non uniforme)
champ électrique dont le gradient de tension entre électrodes n'est pas essentiellement constant
[IEC 60947-1, ed. 5.0 (2007-06)]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > inhomogeneous field
14 non-uniform field
неоднородное поле
Электрическое поле без практически постоянного градиента напряжения между электродами.
[ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]EN
inhomogeneous (non-uniform) field
electric field which has not an essentially constant voltage gradient between electrodes
[IEC 60947-1, ed. 5.0 (2007-06)]FR
champ non homogène (non uniforme)
champ électrique dont le gradient de tension entre électrodes n'est pas essentiellement constant
[IEC 60947-1, ed. 5.0 (2007-06)]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > non-uniform field
15 homogeneous field
однородное поле
Электрическое поле с практически постоянным градиентом напряжения между электродами как между двумя сферами, радиус каждой из которых больше расстояния между ними.
[ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]EN
homogeneous (uniform) field
electric field which has an essentially constant voltage gradient between electrodes, such as that between two spheres where the radius of each sphere is greater than the distance between them
[IEC 60947-1, ed. 5.0 (2007-06)]FR
champ homogène (uniforme)
champ électrique dont le gradient de tension est essentiellement constant entre les électrodes, comme c'est le cas entre deux sphères où le rayon de chacune est plus grand que la distance qui les sépare
[IEC 60947-1, ed. 5.0 (2007-06)]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > homogeneous field
16 uniform field
однородное поле
Электрическое поле с практически постоянным градиентом напряжения между электродами как между двумя сферами, радиус каждой из которых больше расстояния между ними.
[ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]EN
homogeneous (uniform) field
electric field which has an essentially constant voltage gradient between electrodes, such as that between two spheres where the radius of each sphere is greater than the distance between them
[IEC 60947-1, ed. 5.0 (2007-06)]FR
champ homogène (uniforme)
champ électrique dont le gradient de tension est essentiellement constant entre les électrodes, comme c'est le cas entre deux sphères où le rayon de chacune est plus grand que la distance qui les sépare
[IEC 60947-1, ed. 5.0 (2007-06)]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > uniform field
17 head
1) голова
2) бабка
3) верховье
4) головка
5) головной
6) головок
7) днище котла
8) кочан
9) кочанный
10) кочень
11) наголовник
12) надшахтный
13) налобный
14) напор
15) околотный
16) шефствовать
17) шляпка
18) главный
19) <cosm.> устройство ассенизационно-санитарное
20) устройство ассенизационное
21) заголовок
22) возглавлять
23) герб на монете
24) директор
25) наконечник
26) напорный
27) насадка
28) фракция
29) погон
– anol head
– arrow head
– attachment head
– barrel head
– blade head
– blow head
– bolt head
– boring head
– brake-block head
– cable head
– capillary head
– carriage head
– coiler head
– compositive-ferrite head
– contact head
– cup head of rivet
– cutting-bit head
– cylinder head
– de-aerating head
– degasification head
– delivery head
– detachable head
– detector head
– die head
– dished head
– distributor head
– dividing head
– door head
– drilling head
– drilling-boring head
– dynamic head
– elevation head
– ellipsoidal head
– engraving head
– erasing head
– feeder head
– fixed head
– flaming head
– fuse head
– gauge head
– grinding head
– hammer head
– head a bolt
– head a cask
– head assembly
– head block
– head end
– head end of train
– head for
– head fraction
– head gradient
– head guy
– head lamp
– head lock
– head loss
– head mirror
– head of rivet
– head of the household
– head piece
– head resistance
– head rod
– head room
– head sea
– head stack
– head thresher
– head water
– head wheel
– head wind
– index head
– indexing head
– injection head
– laser head
– loose head
– loss of head
– magnetic head
– magnetoresistive head
– magnetoresistive head
– manipulator head
– marginal head
– milling head
– movable head
– MR head
– MR head
– multiple head
– multispindle head
– multitrack head
– nail head
– pan-and-tilt head
– per head
– pick-up head
– piezoelectric head
– Pilot head
– piston head
– Pitot-static head
– playback head
– potential head
– pressure head
– quench head
– radio-frequency head
– read-record head
– reading head
– recording head
– reproducing head
– scanning head
– screw-cutting head
– shear head
– shrink head
– sickle head
– spindle head
– spoke head
– stitching head
– streamer head
– swivel head
– tenoning head
– thinner head
– thread-cutting head
– thread-rolling head
– tool head
– torispherical head
– torsion head
– tripod head
– tucker head
– turret head
– unit-type head
– valve head
– velocity head
– work head
poppet valve head — <engin.> тарель
18 pressure
1. n давление, надавливание; сжатие2. n давление, воздействие; нажимpopulation pressure — давление избытка населения; экономическое перенаселение; демографическое давление
3. n чрезмерная эксплуатация или использование4. n затруднительные обстоятельства, трудное положение5. n гнёт6. n неотложность, безотлагательность7. n спец. давление; сжатиеpressure zone — зона повышенного давления; зона нагнетания
8. n метеор. атмосферное давление9. n тех. прессование, вдавливание10. n редк. эл. напряжение11. n редк. печатаниеprinting pressure — давление печатания, натиск
12. n отпечатокСинонимический ряд:1. coercion (noun) coercion; constraint; insistence; persuasion2. force (noun) duress; force; influence; potency; power; violence3. strain (noun) burden; demand; obligation; repression; strain; stress; tension; urgency4. push (verb) coerce; compel; constrain; drive; force; impel; insist; make; oblige; overpress; press; prod; push; urgeАнтонимический ряд: -
19 field
1) поле; (открытое) пространство; область; зона2) поле ( физической величины)4) нефт. промысел5) возбуждение; подмагничивание8) поле ( полевые условия)10) сфера, область (исследования, применения)12) вчт. поле; группа символов•-
ac field
accelerating field
acoustic field
action field
address field
alphanumeric field
alphameric field
alternate fields
alternating field
angular field
aperture field
applica field
argument field
austenite field
avalanche field
axial field
back surface field
backscattered field
bias field
biaxial stress field
boundary field
breakdown field
built-in field
centrifugal force field
character field
circuital field
circular field
cloud field
coal field
coercive field
color field
command field
commutating field
compensating field
conduction field
conductor-cooled field
confinement field
conservative field
containing field
control field
control-data field
convective field
Coulombian field
Coulomb field
counter field
counterrotating field
coupled fields
couple-stress field
crack tip stress field
critical field
crossed field
cross field
curling field
curl field
data field
dc field
decelerating field
deflecting field
degaussing field
deleted field
demagnetizing field
depolarization field
derived field
destination field
developed field
diffracted field
diffuse sound field
dipole field
discontinuous field
dislocation field
displacement field
display field
disturbed field
disturbing field
drive field
Earth's electric field
Earth's magnetic field
effective field
elastic field
elastic-plastic field
electric field
electromagnetic field
electromagnetic leakage field
electrostatic field
equilibrium displacement field
equilibrium stress field
even-numbered field
even field
exciting field
external field
extraneous field
far field
far-radiated field
far-scattered field
far-zone field
field of force
field of gravity
field of shot
field of view
field of vision
finish magnetic field
finish field
first field
fixed field
flag field
flow field
focusing field
force field
four-pole field
Fraunhofer field
free field
free-space field
Fresnel field
fringing field
full field
Galois field
gas field
gas-condensate field
gradient field
gravitational field
green field
ground instantaneous field of view
H field
heliostat field
high field
high-frequency alternating field
homogeneous field
homologous field
ice field
image field
impressed field
induction field
in-plane field
instruction field
interlaced field
internal field
irrotational field
isothetic field
junction field
key field
label field
lamellar field
leakage field
lenslet field
linear field
longitudinal field
Lorentz's field
low field
machine perception field
magnetic bias field
magnetic field
magnetizing field
magnetotelluric field
major field
marginal field
mean field
mine field
mirror field
moire field
multibeam field
multipay field
near field
near tip field
near-zone field
noncircuital field
nonhomogeneous field
nonstationary field
normal-mode field
number field
numeric field
odd-numbered field
odd field
offshore field
oil field
operand field
operation field
oxide-charge-induced field
perturbed field
picture field
piezoelectric field
plane strain field
polarization field
potential field
pressure field
producing field
pumping field
pump field
quadrupolar field
quenching field
radial field
radiated field
red field
refrigerating field
rejected field
remanent field
remote tensile field
reradiated field
residual field
residual stress field
retarding field
revolving field
rod scattered field
rotary field
saddle field
scalar field
scanning field
scattered field
segmented field
seismic field
self field
self-demagnetizing field
self-magnetic field
series field
shunt field
signed field
sleek field
slip-line field
slot field
slot leakage field
sound field
source field
space-charge field
starting field
stationary field
strain field
stray field
stress field
strong field
superimposed field
superposed field
suppressed field
sweeping field
synchronous field
tag field
television field
temperature field
tension field
thermal field
thermobaric field
threshold field
titles field
total field
transient field
transverse field
travelling field
tunneling field
undisturbed field
uniform field
unperturbed field
variable field
vector field
viewing field
vortex field
waste field
wastewater field
wave field
weak field
wind field -
20 force
2) воздействие3) вмешательство || вмешиваться ( в работу устройства); принуждать, заставлять; форсировать4) вставлять с усилием, вдавливать; вгонять, загонять5) пуансон6) усиливать; ускорять; увеличивать•force A is equal and opposite to force B — сила А равна по величине и противоположна по направлению силе В;force between track links — натяг между звеньями траковой цепи;force in the joint — рбт усилие в сочленении;to apply force — прикладывать силу; прилагать усилие;to balance force — уравновешивать силу;to combine forces — складывать силы;to distribute force — распределять силу;to force down — прижимать книзу, отжимать;to exert force — прикладывать силу; прилагать усилие;to force home — вгонять (загонять) до отказа;to impress force upon structure — прикладывать силу к конструкции или к сооружению;to force out — 1. вытеснять, выгонять 2. выкачивать;to place forces in equilibrium — уравновешивать силы;to take ( up) force — воспринимать усилие;to force through — продавливать; проталкиватьforce of current interaction — сила взаимодействия токов, экстрадинамическая сила-
accelerating force
actual cutting force
actuation force
adhesion force
adsorption forces
aerodynamic force
aggregation force
alternating electromotive force
alternating force
applied force
ascensional force
attracting force
axial force
back electromotive force
balance force
bending force
Bernoulli force
biasing magnetizing force
body force
bolt strap force
bonding force
braking force
breakdown force
breakout force
buckling force
buffing force
buoyancy force
calculated force
calibration force
centrifugal force
centripetal force
clamping force
climb force
coercitive force
coercive force
cohesive force
collapsing force
collision force
compression force
concentrated force
constraining force
contact electromotive force
contact extraction force
contact force
contact retention force
contractive force
Coriolis force
cornering force
correct track assembly force
Coulomb force
counter-electromotive force
crack-driving force
crowding force
crowd force
crushing force
cutting force
damping force
deflecting force
deforming force
demagnetization force
differential force
digging force
direct force
directive force
draft force
drag force
drawbar pulling force
drawing force
driving force
dynamic force
effective force
effective tractive force
elastic force
electric force
electrodynamic force
electrokinetic force
electromotive force
electrostatic force
engaging force
equivalent force
exchange forces
expulsive force
external force
feed force
field force
flow force
flux force
fracture-driving force
fracture force
frictional force
friction force
gravitational force
gravity force
gripping force
hydraulic tractive force
ice force
image force
impact force
imposed force
impulsive force
induced electromotive force
inertial force
insertion force
instantaneous force
interacting forces
interionic forces
intermolecular forces
internal force
ionic force
jacking force
labor force
landing force
lateral force
levitating force
lifting force
lift force
lip force
longitudinal impact force
magnetic force
magnetizing force
magnetomotive force
magnifying force
mechanical force
member force
momentary force
motive force
mutual electrodynamic force
net drag force
net force
normal force
nuclear forces
oil stiction force
opposite forces
photoelectromotive force
pinch force
plane-strain crack resistance force
ploughing force
plug thrust force
ponderomotive force
press force
pressing force
pressure-gradient force
prestressing force
proper force
propulsive force
pryout force
psophometric electromotive force
pullout force
pull force
pulling force
pulsating electromotive force
raising force
rated force
reacting force
reaction force
reactive electromotive force
reactive force
release force
repair force
repulsive force
reset force
resistance force
restraining force
resultant force
retarding force
retention force
rotating electromotive force
saturating forces
secondary force
seepage force
self-inductance electromotive force
separating force
shearing force
shear force
side force
single force
skating force
sliding resistance force
space force
specific cutting force
specific friction force
spring force
starting force
steady cutting force
stretching force
suction force
sump force
superposed force
supporting force
surface tension force
tangential cutting force
tangential force
task force
tearing force
tensile force
thermal electromotive force
thermoelectromotive force
Thomson electromotive force
tide-generating force
tighting force
torque force
total electromotive force
total force
towing force
tracking force
tractive force
transient cutting force
transverse force
turret clamping force
twisting force
unit force
uplift force
upward force
Van der Waals forces
vectorial force
vector force
viscous force
water force
wave force
wind force
withdrawal force
- 1
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См. также в других словарях:
Magnetic tension force — The magnetic tension force is a restoring force (SI unit: Pa·m−1) that acts to straighten bent magnetic field lines. It equals: It is analogous to rubber bands and their restoring force. The force is directed antiradially. Although magnetic… … Wikipedia
Surface gradient — In vector calculus, the surface gradient is a vector differential operator that is similar to the conventional gradient. The distinction is that the surface gradient takes effect along a surface.For a surface S in a scalar field u, the surface… … Wikipedia
Appareillage electrique a haute tension — Appareillage électrique à haute tension Pour les articles homonymes, voir Appareillage (homonymie). Appareillage électrique 800 kV L appareillage électrique à haute ten … Wikipédia en Français
Appareillage Électrique À Haute Tension — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Appareillage (homonymie). Appareillage électrique 800 kV L appareillage électrique à haute ten … Wikipédia en Français
Appareillage à haute tension — Appareillage électrique à haute tension Pour les articles homonymes, voir Appareillage (homonymie). Appareillage électrique 800 kV L appareillage électrique à haute ten … Wikipédia en Français
Appareillage électrique à haute tension — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Appareillage (homonymie). Appareillage électrique 800 kV L appareillage électrique à haute tension est l ensemble des appareils électriques qui permettent l … Wikipédia en Français
alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient — the difference between the predicted alveolar oxygen tension (PAO2) and the measured arterial oxygen tension (PO2); it is elevated in pulmonary conditions in which there is impaired gas exchange … Medical dictionary
Marangoni effect — The Marangoni effect (also called the Gibbs–Marangoni effect) is the mass transfer along an interface between two fluids due to surface tension gradient. In the case of temperature dependence, this phenomenon may be called thermo capillary… … Wikipedia
Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity. Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… … Universalium
Capillary surface — In fluid mechanics and mathematics, a capillary surface is a surface that represents the interface between two different fluids. As a consequence of being a surface, a capillary surface has no thickness in slight contrast with most real fluid… … Wikipedia
альвеолярно-артериальный градиент — rus альвеолярно артериальный градиент (м) eng alveolar arterial oxygen tension gradient fra gradient (m) de pression alvéolo artériel d oxygène deu alveolo arterieller Sauerstoff Druckgradient (m), alveolo arterieller Sauerstoff Partialdruck (m)… … Безопасность и гигиена труда. Перевод на английский, французский, немецкий, испанский языки