1 tensile point
2 tensile point
3 tensile point
Металлургия: предел текучести при растяжении -
4 tensile yield point
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > tensile yield point
5 tensile
1. прочность при растяжении2. растяжимый -
6 tensile yield
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > tensile yield
7 point
1. точка2. кончик; наконечник; острый конец; острие; конец бура; острие долота3. режущая часть ( инструмента)5. вершина горы, пикfictive point of fixity — фиктивная точка крепления (заглублённой в дно моря опорной колонны самоподнимающейся платформы)
point of batch end — точка смены партий нефтепродуктов в трубопроводе (при последовательной перекачке)
point of maximum load — предел упругости при растяжении, временное сопротивление разрыву
point of no flow — точка начала выброса (в газлифте), точка отсутствия дебита или подачи
* * *
1. точка
* * *
1. точка; пункт
* * *
1. пункт, точка2. термин, характеризующий длину оператора фильтра (напр., 56-точечный фильтр)
* * *
1) точка2) кончик; наконечник; острый конец4) конец бура5) режущий угол ( алмаза)6) режущая часть ( инструмента)•- point of contact
- point of detection
- point of lattice
- point of leakage
- point of maximum load
- point of no-flow
- point of suspension
- point of water entry
- aniline point
- array points
- ball point
- breaking point
- breakover point
- bull point
- cardinal points
- casing point
- cementing point
- checking shot point
- chisel point
- cloud point
- common depth point
- common receiver point
- common reflection point
- condensation point
- corrosion point
- cross point
- crossing point
- crossover point
- cut point
- cutoff point
- cutting point
- datum point
- decomposition point
- delivery point
- depth point
- depth reference point
- detector point
- dew point
- diamond point
- diffracting point
- directional kickoff point
- drill bit point
- drop point
- drop-out point
- dynamic measure point
- end boiling point
- failure point
- fictive point of fixity
- filling point
- fire point
- flammability point
- flash point
- flood starting point
- flow point
- focal point
- free point
- freeze point
- freeze point of string
- gage point
- gas point
- gas control point
- gas hydrate formation point
- hammer point
- ignition point
- image point
- inhibitor feed point
- initial boiling point
- injection point
- kickoff point
- lance point
- loading point
- logging tool measure point
- lower pick-up point
- maintenance point
- measure point
- measurement point
- measuring point
- melting point
- mid-percentage point
- moil point
- multiple shot points
- normal incidence point
- offset shot point
- paraffin crystallization point
- paraffin saturation point
- pipe departure point
- pour point
- pulling point
- quarter points
- receiver point
- reflection depth point
- refraction point
- refraction depth point
- retrograde dew point
- run-off point
- saturation point
- setting point
- shot point
- single failure point
- skipped shot point
- smoke point
- softening point
- solidification point
- source point
- spear point
- stalling point
- static measure point
- stuck point
- takeoff point
- tapping point
- thaw point
- tie point
- transition point
- transition point of paraffin wax
- wax dropout point
- weak point
- weight-drop point
- whipstock point
- yield point* * *• острие• отметка• пик• уставка -
8 point
1) точка2) позиция, заданная позиция; координата; положение ( рабочего органа)3) остриё; заострённый наконечник || заострять4) вершина ( сверла или фрезы)6) центр ( токарного станка)7) носок ( напильника)8) заборная часть ( метчика)•at the point of manufacture — у производственного оборудования, непосредственно у производственного оборудования
- abrasive pointpoints taken — точки отсчёта, измерительные точки
- absolute zero point
- action point
- addressable point
- Airy points
- assembly points
- balanced null point
- ball point
- base point
- bedding point
- bending point
- blade point
- branch point
- branching point
- break point
- break-even point
- breaking point
- calculation contact point
- center point
- change feed points
- change point
- check point
- chuck point
- chucking point
- clearance point
- commence feed point
- common point
- communication point
- compressive yield point
- cone point
- connection points
- considering point
- contact point
- contour points
- control point
- correct point
- critical point of pitting
- critical point of scoring
- critical point
- critical thermal point
- crossing point
- cup point
- cutting path supporting points
- cutting point
- data points
- datum point
- dead point
- decimal point
- decision point
- departure point
- design point
- destination point
- diamond grinding point
- docking point
- dog point
- double-angle point
- drill point
- drilling point
- drop point
- drop-off point
- electronic zero point
- end point
- ending point of mesh
- ending point
- fatigue point
- finish point
- fixed focal point of laser beam
- fixed point
- fixed reference point
- fixturing point
- flat point
- flat screw point
- flex point
- flexible point
- focal point of stress
- focal point
- force point
- full-dog point
- functionally critical points
- gaging point
- gimlet point
- grasping center point
- grid point
- half-dog point
- half-way point
- hanger screw point
- helical point
- high point
- hinge point
- I/O points
- indicator point
- infeed changeover point
- initial point
- initial starting point
- input point
- inspection point
- installed measuring points
- interference point
- interpolated point
- joining points
- junction point
- key measurement point
- laser impingement point
- lattice-type measuring points
- let-go point
- limit normal point
- load/unload point
- load-bearing points
- locating reference point
- location reference point
- long-dog point
- low point
- lower yield point
- lubrication points
- machine home point
- maintenance point
- manipulator end point
- mass point
- mean point
- measurement point
- measuring point
- melting point
- microcontact points
- monitoring point
- mounting point
- neutral point
- nip point
- nodal point
- node point
- nominal design point
- noncolinear points
- nonslip point
- notched point
- operating point
- optimum CPD point
- optimum point
- outermost point
- out-of-tolerance point
- output point
- oval point
- pallet change point
- part pickup point
- part program set point
- passing point
- pick-up point
- pinch point
- pitch point
- pivot point
- pivotal point
- plotted points
- point of application
- point of beam application
- point of control
- point of cut
- point of divergence
- point of engagement
- point of light
- point of load application
- point of load concentration
- point of mesh
- point of operation
- point of tangency
- point of tooth
- positioning point
- predetermined tool-force point
- primary referential machining point
- probe tip point
- program original point
- quiescent point
- reference measurement point
- reference point
- reference-starting point
- reinforcement point
- rest point
- retract end point
- reversing point
- ring-shaped laser focal point
- ring-shaped laser point
- run-off point
- run-on point
- scan points
- scanned-in points
- scrape point
- scribed point
- selected point on the cutting edge
- selected point
- self-centering point
- sensor point
- set point
- shift point
- short-dog point with rounded end
- short-dog point with truncated cone end
- short-dog point
- shut off point
- singular point
- spear point
- spigot point
- spiral point
- split point
- stable equilibrium point
- stable point
- start point
- starting point of mesh
- starting point
- stop point
- strategic points
- stress point
- summing point
- support point
- supporting point
- swage tooth point
- swaged tooth point
- swinging base pivot point
- switch point
- switching point
- tapering point
- target point
- taught pickup point
- taught points
- tensile yield point
- test point
- thinned point
- thread point
- tight point of mesh
- tool center point
- tool point
- tool transfer point
- tool wear warning point
- tool zero point
- tooth point
- torque shut off point
- touch point
- touched point
- tracer point
- trammel point
- transfer point
- transition point
- travel end point
- trip point
- tripping points
- truncated cone point
- turning point
- use point
- visa point
- weld point
- working point
- yield point
- zero point
- zero reference pointEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > point
9 point
annealing point — температура отжига
bending yield point — предел текучести при изгибе
breaking point — 1) предел прочности, временное сопротивление разрыву 2) точка расслоения ( эмульсии)
brittle point — температура хрупкости
calescent point — критическая точка при нагревании ( стали), точка AC
chilling point — 1) температура начала кристаллизации 2) температура застывания [отверждения]
coagulation point — точка [температура] коагуляции
compressive yield point — предел текучести при сжатии
critical temperature point — критическая температура, температура превращения
Curie point — ( антиферромагнитная) точка Кюри
dispersion point — точка диспергирования
eutectic point — эвтектическая точка
fatigue point — предел усталости [выносливости]
film-formation point — точка [температура] плёнкообразования
flow point — точка [температура] текучести
freezing point — 1) температура затвердевания 2) точка [температура] замерзания
gel point — 1) точка загустевания 2) температура желатинизации
glass transition point — точка [температура] стеклования
lattice point — узел решётки ( кристалла)
liquefaction point — точка перехода в жидкую фазу
lower yield point — нижний предел текучести
matrix yield point — предел текучести матрицы
melting point — точка [температура] плавления
pouring point — температура [точка] плавления
setting point — температура застывания [отверждения]
smelting point — температура [точка] плавления
softening point — температура [точка] размягчения
solidification point — точка [температура] затвердевания
solidifying point — температура [точка] затвердевания
tensile yield point — предел текучести при растяжении
tension yield point — предел текучести при растяжении
upper yield point — верхний предел текучести
vitrifying point — точка [температура] стеклования
yield point — предел текучести
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > point
10 tensile stress at yield point
- разрывная нагрузка, отнесенная к ширине
разрывная нагрузка, отнесенная к ширине
Максимальная сила, зафиксированная при испытании пробы определенной ширины, отнесенная к ширине материала.
[ ГОСТ Р 53225-2008]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > tensile stress at yield point
11 tensile yield point
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > tensile yield point
12 tensile stress at yield
yield load — нагрузка, соответствующая началу текучести
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > tensile stress at yield
13 tensile fracture
разрушение при растяжении; разрыв при растяженииEnglish-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > tensile fracture
14 point of maximum load
load water — вода, закачиваемая в скважину при гидроразрыве
most efficient load — мощность при наибольшем к.п.д.
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > point of maximum load
15 tensile yield point
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > tensile yield point
16 tensile yield point
1) Текстиль: критическое удлинение, предел упругости2) Нефть: предел текучести при растяжении3) Цемент: предел пластичности при растяжении -
17 tensile-yield point
Горное дело: предел пластичности при растяжении -
18 tensile yield point
19 tensile yield point
20 tensile yield point
См. также в других словарях:
Tensile strength — sigma {UTS}, or S U is the stress at which a material breaks or permanently deforms. Tensile strength is an intensive property and, consequently, does not depend on the size of the test specimen. However, it is dependent on the preparation of the … Wikipedia
Tensile structure — A tensile structure is a construction of elements carrying only tension and no compression or bending. The term tensile should not be confused with tensegrity, which is a structural form with both tension and compression elements.Most tensile… … Wikipedia
tensile test — a standard test piece is gripped at either end by suitable apparatus in a testing machine which slowly exerts an axial pull so that the steel is stretched until it breaks. The test provides information on proof stress, yield point, tensile… … Mechanics glossary
yield point — can be defined as the point where a tensile test piece begins to extend permanently. If the load is reduced to zero, the test piece will not return to its original length … Mechanics glossary
yield point — /ˈjild pɔɪnt/ (say yeeld poynt) noun the stress at which an elongation of the test piece of metal in a tensile test first occurs without increase of load. Also, yield stress …
Strength of materials — Internal force lines are denser near the hole, a common stress concentration In materials science, the strength of a material is its ability to withstand an applied stress without failure. The applied stress may be tensile, compressive, or shear … Wikipedia
solids, mechanics of — ▪ physics Introduction science concerned with the stressing (stress), deformation (deformation and flow), and failure of solid materials and structures. What, then, is a solid? Any material, fluid or solid, can support normal forces.… … Universalium
Siphon — Not to be confused with Psiphon. This article is about the domestic device. For the animal organ, see siphon (disambiguation). Siphon principle … Wikipedia
Space elevator — A space elevator for Earth would consist of a cable anchored to the Earth s equator, reaching into space. By attaching a counterweight at the end (or by further extending the cable upward for the same purpose), the center of mass is kept well… … Wikipedia
Flexural strength — Flexural strength, also known as modulus of rupture, bend strength, or fracture strength,[dubious – discuss] a mechanical parameter for brittle material, is defined as a material s ability to resist deformation under load. The transverse bending… … Wikipedia
Screw — This article is about the fastener. For other uses, see Screw (disambiguation). Screws come in a variety of shapes and sizes for different purposes. U.S. quarter coin (diameter 24 mm) shown for scale. A screw, or bolt, is a type of fastener… … Wikipedia