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  • 61 monkey

    1. noun
    1) (an animal of the type most like man, especially those which are small and have long tails (ie not the apes).) api; smáapi; apaköttur
    2) (a mischievous child: Their son is a little monkey.) prakkari
    2. verb
    ((especially with with) to meddle or interfere: Who's been monkeying (about) with the television set?) fíflast með, fikta við
    - monkey nut

    English-Icelandic dictionary > monkey

  • 62 network

    1) (anything in the form of a net, ie with many lines crossing each other: A network of roads covered the countryside.) net, kerfi
    2) (a widespread organization: a radio network; television networks.) keðja
    3) (a system of computers that can exchange messages and information: The Internet is a global computer network)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > network

  • 63 newscast

    noun (a broadcast of news in a radio or television programme.) fréttaútsending

    English-Icelandic dictionary > newscast

  • 64 on

    [on] 1. preposition
    1) (touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: The book was lying on the table; He was standing on the floor; She wore a hat on her head.) á
    2) (in or into (a vehicle, train etc): We were sitting on the bus; I got on the wrong bus.) í, á, upp í
    3) (at or during a certain day, time etc: on Monday; On his arrival, he went straight to bed.) á, við, (strax) eftir
    4) (about: a book on the theatre.) um
    5) (in the state or process of: He's on holiday.) í, á
    6) (supported by: She was standing on one leg.) á
    7) (receiving, taking: on drugs; on a diet.) í, á
    8) (taking part in: He is on the committee; Which detective is working on this case?) í, við, hjá, með
    9) (towards: They marched on the town.) á, í átt að, gegn
    10) (near or beside: a shop on the main road.) við
    11) (by means of: He played a tune on the violin; I spoke to him on the telephone.) á, með
    12) (being carried by: The thief had the stolen jewels on him.) á
    13) (when (something is, or has been, done): On investigation, there proved to be no need to panic.) eftir, þegar, samkvæmt
    14) (followed by: disaster on disaster.) eftir
    2. adverb
    1) ((especially of something being worn) so as to be touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: She put her hat on.) setja upp/á
    2) (used to show a continuing state etc, onwards: She kept on asking questions; They moved on.) áfram
    3) (( also adjective) (of electric light, machines etc) working: The television is on; Turn/Switch the light on.) á, í gangi, kveiktur
    4) (( also adjective) (of films etc) able to be seen: There's a good film on at the cinema this week.) til sÿningar
    5) (( also adjective) in or into a vehicle, train etc: The bus stopped and we got on.) um borð, upp í
    3. adjective
    1) (in progress: The game was on.) í gangi
    2) (not cancelled: Is the party on tonight?) standa til, vera á döfinni
    - ongoing
    - onwards
    - onward
    - be on to someone
    - be on to
    - on and on
    - on time
    - on to / onto

    English-Icelandic dictionary > on

  • 65 on the air

    (broadcasting (regularly) on radio or television.) í útsendingu

    English-Icelandic dictionary > on the air

  • 66 on trial

    1) (the subject of a legal action in court: She's on trial for murder.) fyrir rétti
    2) (undergoing tests or examination: We've had a new television installed, but it's only on trial.) til reynslu

    English-Icelandic dictionary > on trial

  • 67 pan

    I [pæn] noun
    1) (a metal pot usually with a long handle, used for cooking food: a frying-pan; a saucepan.) panna; pottur
    2) ((American) a tin for baking or cooking food inside an oven: a cake pan.)
    II [pæn] past tense, past participle - panned; verb
    (to move (a film or television camera) so as to follow a moving object or show a wide view: The camera panned slowly across to the other side of the street.) pan, skim; panskot, hverfiskot

    English-Icelandic dictionary > pan

  • 68 personality

    plural - personalities; noun
    1) (a person's characteristics (of the mind, the emotions etc) as a whole: a likeable / forceful (= strong) personality.)
    2) (strong, distinctive (usually attractive) character: She is not beautiful but she has a lot of personality.)
    3) (a well-known person: a television personality; ( also adjective) a personality cult (= very great, usually too great, admiration for a person, usually a political leader).)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > personality

  • 69 prefer

    past tense, past participle - preferred; verb
    (to like better: Which do you prefer - tea or coffee?; I prefer reading to watching television; She would prefer to come with you rather than stay here.) vilja heldur
    - preferably
    - preference

    English-Icelandic dictionary > prefer

  • 70 prime time

    noun (the evening hours, the time when most viewers are watching television: The programme will be broadcast during prime time.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > prime time

  • 71 produce

    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) leggja fram, sÿna
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) geta af sér
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) leiða af sér
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) framleiða
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) framleiða
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) setja upp
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) framleiðsla
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    English-Icelandic dictionary > produce

  • 72 public service announcement

    noun ((especially American) an announcement on television or radio given as a service to the public.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > public service announcement

  • 73 quiet

    1. adjective
    1) (not making very much, or any, noise; without very much, or any, noise: Tell the children to be quiet; It's very quiet out in the country; a quiet person.) hljóður, hljóðlátur
    2) (free from worry, excitement etc: I live a very quiet life.) rólegur
    3) (without much movement or activity; not busy: We'll have a quiet afternoon watching television.) rólegur, friðsæll
    4) ((of colours) not bright.) mildur
    2. noun
    (a state, atmosphere, period of time etc which is quiet: In the quiet of the night; All I want is peace and quiet.) friður, næði
    3. verb
    ((especially American: often with down) to quieten.) róa; stillast
    - quietly
    - quietness
    - keep quiet about
    - on the quiet

    English-Icelandic dictionary > quiet

  • 74 quiz

    plural - quizzes; noun
    1) (a game or competition in which knowledge is tested by asking questions: a television quiz; a general-knowledge quiz.) spurningakeppni
    2) (a short test given to students.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > quiz

  • 75 rating

    1) ((usually in plural) the position of importance, popularity etc (of a person, thing etc): This television programme has had some very bad ratings recently.)
    2) (an ordinary sailor, as opposed to an officer.)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > rating

  • 76 receiver

    1) (the part of a telephone which is held to one's ear.) símtól
    2) (an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals.) móttökutæki
    3) (a person who receives stolen goods.) hylmari, þjófsnautur
    4) (a person who is appointed to take control of the business of someone who has gone bankrupt.) skiptastjóri
    5) (a stereo amplifier with a built-in radio.) magnari

    English-Icelandic dictionary > receiver

  • 77 reception

    1) (the act of receiving or being received: His speech got a good reception.) viðtaka, móttaka
    2) (a formal party or social gathering to welcome guests: a wedding reception.) boð
    3) (the quality of radio or television signals: Radio reception is poor in this area.) móttökuskilyrði
    4) (the part of a hotel, hospital etc where visitors enter and are attended to.) móttaka

    English-Icelandic dictionary > reception

  • 78 reconditioned

    adjective a reconditioned television set.) uppgerður

    English-Icelandic dictionary > reconditioned

  • 79 renew

    1) (to begin, do, produce etc again: He renewed his efforts; We must renew our attack on drug abuse.) hefja að nÿju
    2) (to cause (eg a licence) to continue for another or longer period of time: My television licence has to be renewed in October.) endurnÿja
    3) (to make new or fresh or as if new again: The panels on the doors have all been renewed.) gera upp, endurnÿja
    - renewal

    English-Icelandic dictionary > renew

  • 80 repeat

    [rə'pi:t] 1. verb
    1) (to say or do again: Would you repeat those instructions, please?) endurtaka
    2) (to say (something one has heard) to someone else, sometimes when one ought not to: Please do not repeat what I've just told you.) hafa eftir
    3) (to say (something) one has learned by heart: to repeat a poem.) fara með
    2. noun
    (something which is repeated: I'm tired of seeing all these repeats on television; ( also adjective) a repeat performance.) endurtekning; endurtekinn þáttur/sÿning
    - repeatedly
    - repetition
    - repetitive
    - repetitively
    - repetitiveness
    - repeat oneself

    English-Icelandic dictionary > repeat

См. также в других словарях:

  • TÉLÉVISION — La télévision est devenue un fait social de première importance puisque, dans les pays les plus développés, il y avait, en 1990, environ dix récepteurs de télévision pour vingt cinq habitants. Grâce à l’électronique, certains spectacles,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Television — Télévision « Télé » et « TV » redirigent ici. Pour les autres significations, voir Télé (homonymie) et TV (homonymie). Pour les articles homonymes, voir télévi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Television — Основная информация Жанры …   Википедия

  • television — UK US /ˈtelɪvɪʒən/ noun [U] (also TV) ► COMMUNICATIONS a system of broadcasting images and sound using electrical signals, and the programmes that are shown: on (the) television »Consumer programmes on the television have enjoyed a rise in… …   Financial and business terms

  • televisión — sustantivo femenino 1. Área: tecnología Uso/registro: coloquial. Sistema de transmisión de imágenes y sonidos a distancia por medio de ondas hertzianas: programa de televisión, presentador de televisión, estudios de televisión. Veo poca… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • television — [tel′ə vizh΄ən] n. [ TELE + VISION] 1. the practice or science of transmitting scenes or views by radio or, sometimes, by wire: the television transmitter, by means of a camera tube, such as an image orthicon or vidicon, converts light rays into… …   English World dictionary

  • Television — Sf Fernsehen (meist TV abgekürzt) erw. fach. (20. Jh.) Neoklassische Bildung. Entlehnt aus ne. television; dieses ist eine Hybridbildung aus gr. tẽle fern und l. visio Sicht .    Ebenso nndl. televisie, ne. television, nfrz. télévision, nschw.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • television — (n.) 1907, the action of seeing by means of Hertzian waves or otherwise, what is existing or happening at a place concealed or distant from the observer s eyes [OED]; in theoretical discussions about sending images by radio transmission, formed… …   Etymology dictionary

  • television — ► NOUN 1) a system for converting visual images (with sound) into electrical signals, transmitting them by radio or other means, and displaying them electronically on a screen. 2) the activity, profession, or medium of broadcasting on television …   English terms dictionary

  • Television — actorvist adrenaline television appointment television backstory baked potato barking head begathon …   New words

  • Television —    Television (TV) was only just developing at the end of the 1930s, with only one station in New York City and about 1,000 sets in operation by 1939. By 1941, there were 13 stations and the 521 lines of signal had become standard, but World War… …   Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era

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