1 technical specification sheet
Military: TSSУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > technical specification sheet
2 ведомость спецификаций
specification sheet, technical data sheet, technical specification sheetРусско-английский словарь по нефти и газу > ведомость спецификаций
3 ведомость технических требований
specification sheet, technical data sheet, technical specification sheetРусско-английский словарь по нефти и газу > ведомость технических требований
4 ведомость технических условий
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > ведомость технических условий
5 ведомость технических требований
2) oil&gas: activity specification sheetУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > ведомость технических требований
6 ведомость спецификаций
1) Geodesy: specsheetУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > ведомость спецификаций
7 формуляр технических условий
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > формуляр технических условий
8 технические условия
1) General subject: acceptance criteria (тж. критерии приёмки, требования заказчика; критерии выходного контроля, которым должна удовлетворять составная часть системы или система (программный продукт, приложение), чтобы её мог принять заказчик или ег), technic specifications, specification (АД), technical conditions2) Colloquial: specs (на продукцию)3) Military: ( technical) specifications, Air Staff Requirements, specification requirements, technical provisions4) Engineering: code, performance specifications, (ТУ) specification for, specifications (сокр. ТУ), standards, technical regulation5) Economy: engineering specifications6) Accounting: regulation7) Architecture: specifications( specs) (ТУ), specs (specifications) (ТУ)8) Diplomatic term: quality specifications9) Telecommunications: specified criterion10) Information technology: engineering factors, requirements, requirements specification, technical requirement, technical requirements11) Oil: ES (engineering specifications), TR (technical regulations), TS (technical specifications), Technical specification, regulations, requirement, standard, technical, technical (engineering) conditions, technical regulations, technical specifications, technical terms and conditions, terms of reference12) Mechanics: engineering specification, standard specification13) Business: standard specifications14) Sakhalin energy glossary: Duty Specifications15) Microelectronics: data sheet16) EBRD: technical specifications (ТУ), technical standards (ТУ)17) Polymers: technical terms18) Programming: requirements specifications19) Automation: instantiation20) Quality control: technical data sheet21) Sakhalin R: specification (ТУ)22) Sakhalin A: project technical specifications23) Cables: quality requirements24) Makarov: spec, specification of requirements, specs25) Facilities: specification documents26) Logistics: serviceability standards, specification of qualityУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > технические условия
9 технические характеристики
- techspecs
- technical statement
- technical standards
- technical specifications
- technical performance
- technical features
- technical details
- technical data sheet
- technical data
- technical characteristics
- technical capability
- specifications manual
- specifications
- specification
- rating
- performance specifications
- performance specification
- performance capability
- performance
- engineering specifications
- engineering data
- engineering characteristic
- duty specifications
- data
- characteristics
технические характеристики
Ряд номинальных параметров или условий эксплуатации.
[ ГОСТ Р МЭК 60050-426-2006]
технические характеристики
- взрывозащита
- проектирование, документация
- characteristics
- data
- duty specifications
- engineering characteristic
- engineering data
- engineering specifications
- performance
- performance capability
- performance specification
- performance specifications
- rating
- specification
- specifications
- specifications manual
- technical capability
- technical characteristics
- technical data
- technical data sheet
- technical details
- technical features
- technical performance
- technical specifications
- technical standards
- technical statement
- techspecs
3.8 технические характеристики (rating): Ряд номинальных параметров или эксплуатационных условий,
Источник: ГОСТ Р МЭК 61241-0-2007: Электрооборудование, применяемое в зонах, опасных по воспламенению горючей пыли. Часть 0. Общие требования оригинал документа
Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > технические характеристики
10 спецификация
1) General subject: data sheet, specification, specifications, work sheet, data-sheet, statement, machine list, product annex2) Colloquial: specs4) Military: requirement5) Engineering: list, product data sheet, commercial drawing (обычно подразумеваются таблицы, графики и чертежи какой-либо техники. наиболее часто данное словосочетание встречается в японских англоязычных торговых руководствах.)6) Construction: item list, list of parts, piece list, specification sheet, schedule of materials (FLUOR)7) Mathematics: specification (on or for)8) Railway term: design standards9) Accounting: schedule10) Linguistics: (значения) specialization (of meaning)11) Geodesy: specsheet12) Forestry: detail schedule, listing14) Information technology: nomenclature16) Advertising: spec sheet17) Business: packing specification18) SAP. BOM, bill of material, bill of materials19) Microelectronics: technical data sheet20) Polymers: datasheet21) Automation: spec book22) Quality control: data specification, specification checklist23) Sakhalin S: material take-off24) General subject: specifications (исполнение машины или компонента, инструмента или приспособления)25) Makarov: nomenclature (на лошадь), specification (напр. для медицинской промышленности)26) SAP.tech. qualification27) Logistics: article description28) Tengiz: bill of materials / Material Take-Off29) Combustion gas turbines: data sheet (напр., на чертеже)30) Cement: specification of quality -
11 технический паспорт
1) General subject: technical dossier (АД)2) Engineering: (продукта) technical datasheet, (technical) data sheet3) Law: technical certificate, technical specification, booklet with technical specifications, booklet with technical specifications and other details4) Automobile industry: log book5) Information technology: logbook6) Patents: rating plate, technical certificate of production article7) Sakhalin energy glossary: classification rules (на баржу), manufacturer's certificate8) Industrial economy: technical description9) Sakhalin R: technical passport10) Chemical weapons: technical data sheet11) Makarov: log book (автомобиля)12) oil&gas: engineering certificate for a pipeline segment, passport13) Camera recording: Technical file (АД)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > технический паспорт
12 спецификация
1. nomenclature2. technical specifications3. schedule4. spec5. specification6. specifications7. specs -
13 таблица технических характеристик
1) Engineering: specification chart2) Robots: technical data sheetУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > таблица технических характеристик
См. также в других словарях:
specification sheet — document containing a detailed technical description (e.g. of a tool, machine, mechanical device, invention submitted in a patent request, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
OpenDocument technical specification — OpenDocument Format OpenDocument standardization OpenDocument technical specification OpenFormula OpenDocument adoption OpenDocument software Comparison of OpenDocument software This document describes the technical specifications of the… … Wikipedia
Specification (technical standard) — Specification redirects here. For other uses, see Specification (disambiguation). A specification (often abbreviated as spec) is an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service.[1] Should a material, product or… … Wikipedia
Technical drawing — Drafter at work … Wikipedia
spec sheet — specification sheet, document containing a detailed technical description (e.g. of a tool, machine, mechanical device, invention submitted in a patent request, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
Brooklyn Technical High School — Infobox School name = Brooklyn Technical High School motto = established = 1922 type = Public, Specialized High School principal = Randy Asher founder = Dr. Albert L. Colston faculty = 227 [http://schools.nyc.gov/daa/SchoolReports/05asr/313430.pdf… … Wikipedia
Document Style Semantics and Specification Language — (DSSSL) is a computer language for specifying stylesheets for SGML documents, based on a subset of the Scheme programming language. It is specified by the standard ISO/IEC 10179:1996. It was developed by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 (ISO/IEC Joint Technical … Wikipedia
Virtual II — Virtual ] [ (pronounced virtual two ), is a software application that emulates the Apple II series of computers on an Apple Macintosh computer running Mac OS X. The emulator supports these 8 bit Apple II machines: * [Apple II series#Apple… … Wikipedia
ведомость технических условий — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN technical specification sheet … Справочник технического переводчика
OpenDocument — Not to be confused with Open Document Architecture, OpenDoc, or Office Open XML. ODF redirects here. For other uses, see ODF (disambiguation). OpenDocument Format OpenDocument standardization OpenDocument technical specification OpenFormula… … Wikipedia
OpenDocument software — OpenDocument Format OpenDocument standardization OpenDocument technical specification OpenFormula OpenDocument adoption OpenDocument software Comparison of OpenDocument software This is an overview of software support for the OpenDocument format … Wikipedia