1 tax on dividends
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > tax on dividends
2 tax-free dividends
дивиденды, не облагаемые налогомEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > tax-free dividends
3 tax-free dividends
4 tax on dividends
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > tax on dividends
5 tax on dividends from securities
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > tax on dividends from securities
6 tax on dividends from securities to bearer
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > tax on dividends from securities to bearer
7 withholding of tax on dividends
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > withholding of tax on dividends
8 withholding tax on dividends
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > withholding tax on dividends
9 withholding of tax on dividends
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > withholding of tax on dividends
10 withholding tax on dividends
English_Russian capital issues dictionary > withholding tax on dividends
11 tax
налог; сбор; пошлина• -
12 tax
1. nналог, сбор; пошлина
- accrued tax
- accumulated-earnings tax
- accumulated profits tax
- ad valorem tax
- advance tax
- advance corporate tax
- advertising tax
- alcohol tax
- alcoholic beverage tax
- amusement tax
- annual tax
- assessed tax
- average tax
- back tax
- bequest tax
- beverage tax
- bill tax
- bills of exchange tax
- budgeted taxes
- building tax
- business tax
- capital tax
- capital acquisition tax
- capital gains tax
- capital transactions tax
- capital transfer tax
- capital yield tax
- capitation tax
- car tax
- cargo tax
- cascade tax
- chain-store tax
- company income tax
- compensating tax
- complementary tax
- concession tax
- consumption tax
- conveyance tax
- corporate tax
- corporate income tax
- corporate profit tax
- corporation tax
- corporation income tax
- court taxes
- death tax
- death and gift tax
- defence tax
- deferred taxes
- deferred income taxes
- degressive tax
- delinquent tax
- direct tax
- discriminatory tax
- dividend withholding tax
- documentary stamp tax
- domestic tax
- donor's tax
- double tax
- earned income tax
- employment tax
- entertainment taxes
- environmental tax
- equalization tax
- estate tax
- excessive tax
- excess profits tax
- exchange tax
- excise tax
- export tax
- federal tax
- fixed assets tax
- flat tax
- flat rate tax
- foreign exchange tax
- foreign trade tax
- foreign withholding tax
- franchise tax
- gambling tax
- gasoline tax
- general property tax
- general sales tax
- gift tax
- graded tax
- graduated tax
- graduated income tax
- graduated poll tax
- green tax
- gross income tax
- gross profits tax
- gross receipts tax
- head tax
- hidden tax
- highway tax
- immovable property tax
- immovable property gains tax
- immovable property transfer tax
- import tax
- import equalization tax
- import turnover tax
- imposed tax
- income tax
- income tax on corporations
- income tax on individuals
- income tax on shareholders
- indirect tax
- industrial and commercial profits tax
- inheritance tax
- insurance tax
- land tax
- land-value tax
- legacy tax
- legal entity tax
- licence tax
- liquor tax
- local taxes
- long-term capital gains tax
- lump-sum tax
- luxury tax
- matured tax
- maximum tax
- minimum tax
- mortgage tax
- motor vehicle tax
- multiple stages tax
- multistage cumulative turnover tax
- municipal taxes
- national tax
- negative income tax
- net wealth tax
- net worth tax
- normal tax
- nuisance tax
- occupational tax
- oil tax
- one-time tax
- oppressive taxes
- outlay taxes
- output tax
- pay-as-you-earn tax
- pay-as-you-go tax
- payroll tax
- penalty tax
- per capita tax
- personal property tax
- poll tax
- pollution tax
- premium taxes
- profits tax
- progressive tax
- prohibitive tax
- property tax
- proportional tax
- provincial tax
- provisional tax
- public tax
- purchase tax
- pyramidal tax
- real estate tax
- real property tax
- real property transfer tax
- realty transfer tax
- receipts tax
- regressive tax
- remittance tax
- repressive tax
- resource tax
- retail sales tax
- retained profits tax
- revaluation tax
- revenue tax
- road taxes
- sales tax
- sales and turnover tax
- schedular tax
- securities tax
- security tax
- self-employment tax
- separate tax
- service tax
- severance tax
- short-term capital gains tax
- sin tax
- single tax
- social security tax
- specific tax
- spendings tax
- stamp tax
- state tax
- state excise taxes
- stock exchange turnover tax
- stockhoder's tax
- stock transfer tax
- sumptuary tax
- supplementary tax
- tonnage tax
- trade tax
- transaction tax
- transfer tax
- turnover tax
- underlying tax
- undistributed profit tax
- unpaid tax
- use tax
- value-added tax
- wage tax
- wealth tax
- wholesale sale tax
- windfall profits tax
- withholding tax
- withholding tax on dividends
- withholding tax on savings
- tax at source
- tax in kind
- tax on cargo
- tax on corporation
- tax on dividends
- tax on excess profits
- tax on gross receipts
- tax on gross revenue
- tax on importation
- tax on the income
- tax on inheritance
- tax on interest income
- tax on international transactions
- tax on land
- tax on motor vehicles
- tax on patents
- tax on personal income
- tax on profits
- tax on purchase of a motor vehicle
- tax on savings
- tax on stock exchange dealings
- tax on trade
- tax chargeable on the income
- tax due
- taxes levied at a flat rate
- tax payable
- tax withheld
- after taxes
- before taxes
- exempt from taxes
- free of taxes
- liable to tax
- subject to tax
- abate a tax
- abolish a tax
- apply taxes
- assess a tax
- be exempt from taxes
- be liable to tax
- calculate tax on profits
- charge a tax
- collect taxes
- compute a tax
- cut down taxes
- decrease taxes
- deduct taxes
- deduct taxes at source
- defer taxes
- dodge taxes
- evade taxes
- exempt from taxes
- impose a tax
- increase taxes
- kick against taxes
- lay a tax
- levy a tax
- lower a tax
- pay a tax
- raise taxes
- rebate a tax
- recover a tax
- reduce taxes
- reform taxes
- relieve from taxes
- remit taxes to appropriate authorities
- withhold taxes2. attr.
- tax abatement
- tax accruals
- tax arrears
- tax assessment form
- tax audit
- tax bracket
- tax declaration
- tax delinquency
- tax divide
- tax fraud
- tax offence
- tax rate
- tax rebate
- tax receipts
- tax return
- tax roll
- tax status
- tax treatment
- tax yield3. v
- tax at source
- tax capital gains
- tax capital gains realized on the disposal of immovable property
- tax income -
13 tax
14 tax deduction
1) гос. фин. налоговый вычет, налоговая скидкаа) (уменьшение налогооблагаемого дохода путем вычитания из валового дохода определенной суммы при расчете налогооблагаемого дохода)See:tax benefit, asset conversion, tax allowance, dividends received deduction, double deduction, home office deductionб) (сумма, которую налогоплательщик может вычитать из валового дохода при расчете налогооблагаемого дохода)Syn:See:tax-deductible, tax credit, mortgage interest deduction, student loan interest deduction, interest deduction2) гос. фин. взимание налога, удержание налога ( вычет налога из валовой суммы дохода налогоплательщика)See:
* * *
производство налоговых вычетов; см. tax deductible.* * ** * *налоговая льгота; освобождение от налогообложения определенных расходов (на благотворительные цели, на создание новых рабочих мест и т. п.). . Словарь экономических терминов . -
15 tax
1) налог; сбор; пошлина; подать2) обложение || облагать налогом или пошлиной3) амер. разг. размер счёта4) амер. членские взносы || взимать членские взносы5) амер. разг. назначать или спрашивать цену- tax free- city tax- gift tax- head tax- land tax- lost tax- poll tax- salt tax- use tax- wage tax -
16 tax impact
гос. фин. налоговое воздействие [влияние\]а) (влияние хозяйственных операций на налоговые обязательства налогоплательщика)To understand the tax impact of dividends from mutual funds, let us examine the flow of income from debt funds. — Чтобы понять налоговое воздействие выплачиваемых взаимным фондом дивидендов, рассмотрим поток доходов из долговых фондов.
б) (влияние налогов на производство и потребление товаров, которые облагаются налогами; также влияние налогов на экономические процессы)Syn:See:
* * *
налоговое воздействие: влияние налогов на производство и потребление товаров, которые облагаются налогами; также влияние налогов на экономические процессы. -
17 dividends tax
гос. фин. = dividend tax -
18 dividends received deduction
сокр. DRD гос. фин. вычет полученных дивидендов* (доля полученных дивидендов, которая может быть вычтена из налогооблагаемого дохода корпорацией, владеющей акциями другой корпорации)See:
* * *
налоговые вычеты по полученным дивидендам: налоговая льгота корпорациям, которые владеют акциями в других корпорациях и получают от них дивиденды; уровень вычета обычно составляет 70%, но может быть и до 100% (США).* * *Англо-русский экономический словарь > dividends received deduction
19 dividends tax
Экономика: налог на дивиденды -
20 dividends tax
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > dividends tax
См. также в других словарях:
tax law — Introduction body of rules under which a public authority has a claim on taxpayers, requiring them to transfer to the authority part of their income or property. The power to impose taxes is generally recognized as a right of governments.… … Universalium
Tax Treaty — A bilateral agreement made by two countries to resolve issues involving double taxation of passive and active income. Tax treaties generally determine the amount of tax that a country can apply to a taxpayer s income and wealth. Tax haven… … Investment dictionary
Tax forms in the United States — are used by taxpayers and tax exempt organizations to report financial information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They are used to report income and calculate taxes owed to the government of the United States. TOC Federal tax forms 990… … Wikipedia
Tax system in China — Taxes provide the most important revenue source for the Government of the People s Republic of China. As the most important source of fiscal revenue, tax is a key economic player of macro economic regulation, and greatly affects China s economic… … Wikipedia
Tax File Number — (TFN) is an 8 or 9 digit number issued by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to each taxpayer (individual, company, superannuation fund, partnership or trust) to identify their Australian tax dealings. In the past, individuals received a 9… … Wikipedia
tax credit — n: an amount that may be subtracted from the sum of tax otherwise due and that is distinguished from a deduction applied to gross income in the calculation of taxable income compare exemption Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster.… … Law dictionary
Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 — Effective (Various dates for different provisions) Citations Public Law Public Law 111 312 Stat … Wikipedia
Tax consolidation — is a regime adopted in the tax or revenue legislation of a number of countries which treats a group of wholly owned or majority owned companies and other entities (such as trusts and partnerships) as a single entity for tax purposes. This… … Wikipedia
Tax deferral — refers to instances where a taxpayer can delay paying taxes to some future period. In theory, the net taxes paid should be the same. In practice, due to the time value of money, paying taxes in future is usually preferable to paying them now.… … Wikipedia
tax-exempt income — dividends and interest not subject to federal and, in some cases, state and local income taxes. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * tax exempt income tax exempt income ➔ income * * * tax exempt income UK US noun [C or U] (also tax free income)… … Financial and business terms
tax-deferred income — dividends, interest, and unrealized capital gains on investments in an account such as a qualified retirement plan, where income is not subject to taxation until a withdrawal is made. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms