1 tax fraud
гос. фин., юр. налоговое мошенничество (сознательный обман налоговых органов с целью уменьшения налоговых обязательств, напр., подделка документов о стоимости приобретенной или реализованной продукции, ведение двойной бухгалтерии с целью сокрытия части доходов и т. п.; является уголовно преследуемым)See: -
2 tax fraud
1) Юридический термин: налоговое мошенничество2) Экономика: нарушения налогового законодательства -
3 tax fraud
4 tax fraud
5 tax fraud
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > tax fraud
6 tax-fraud case
7 income tax fraud
Юридический термин: мошенничество при взимании подоходного налога, мошенничество при обложении подоходным налогом, мошенничество при обложении подоходным налогом или при взимании подоходного налога -
8 income tax fraud
мошенничество при обложении подоходным налогом или при взимании подоходного налога -
9 fraud
обман; мошенничествоfraud by officer — должностной обман;
fraud in fact — фактически совершённый обман;
- actual fraudfraud in law — обман по правовой презумпции, подразумеваемый обман
- bank fraud
- business fraud
- commercial fraud
- constructive fraud
- consumer fraud
- contract fraud
- corporate fraud
- criminal fraud
- equitable fraud
- income tax fraud
- insurance fraud
- land fraud
- legal fraud
- mail fraud
- malicious fraud
- mortgage insurance fraud
- positive fraud
- securities fraud
- stock fraud
- tax fraud
- technical fraud -
10 fraud
[frɔ:d]cheque fraud мошенничество с чеками computer fraud злоумышленное использование вычислительной машины computer fraud вчт. компьютерное мошенничество computer fraud компьютерное мошенничество computer fraud мошенничество с применением вычислительной машины customs fraud таможенная махинация customs fraud уклонение от уплаты таможенной пошлины election fraud нечестностное проведение выборов electoral fraud мошенничество на выборах fraud мошенник fraud мошенничество fraud обман, мошенничество fraud обман; мошенничество; подделка fraud обман fraud обманщик, мошенник fraud обманщик fraud фальшивка fraud by cheque подделка чека fraud in obtaining judgment фальсификация в ходе судебного разбирательства fraud of agent обман посредника insurance fraud мошенничество при страховании insurance fraud мошенничество со страховкой marriage fraud брачная афера postal fraud почтовая афера social fraud мошенничество в сфере социального обеспечения tax fraud налоговое мошенничество -
11 fraud
nобман, мошенничество
- accounting fraud
- cross-border fraud
- elaborate fraud
- election fraud
- electoral fraud
- insurance fraud
- securities fraud
- tax fraud
- fraud in business
- fraud in filing the return
- admit the accounting fraud
- commit fraud
- plead guilty to fraud -
12 tax
1. nналог, сбор; пошлина
- accrued tax
- accumulated-earnings tax
- accumulated profits tax
- ad valorem tax
- advance tax
- advance corporate tax
- advertising tax
- alcohol tax
- alcoholic beverage tax
- amusement tax
- annual tax
- assessed tax
- average tax
- back tax
- bequest tax
- beverage tax
- bill tax
- bills of exchange tax
- budgeted taxes
- building tax
- business tax
- capital tax
- capital acquisition tax
- capital gains tax
- capital transactions tax
- capital transfer tax
- capital yield tax
- capitation tax
- car tax
- cargo tax
- cascade tax
- chain-store tax
- company income tax
- compensating tax
- complementary tax
- concession tax
- consumption tax
- conveyance tax
- corporate tax
- corporate income tax
- corporate profit tax
- corporation tax
- corporation income tax
- court taxes
- death tax
- death and gift tax
- defence tax
- deferred taxes
- deferred income taxes
- degressive tax
- delinquent tax
- direct tax
- discriminatory tax
- dividend withholding tax
- documentary stamp tax
- domestic tax
- donor's tax
- double tax
- earned income tax
- employment tax
- entertainment taxes
- environmental tax
- equalization tax
- estate tax
- excessive tax
- excess profits tax
- exchange tax
- excise tax
- export tax
- federal tax
- fixed assets tax
- flat tax
- flat rate tax
- foreign exchange tax
- foreign trade tax
- foreign withholding tax
- franchise tax
- gambling tax
- gasoline tax
- general property tax
- general sales tax
- gift tax
- graded tax
- graduated tax
- graduated income tax
- graduated poll tax
- green tax
- gross income tax
- gross profits tax
- gross receipts tax
- head tax
- hidden tax
- highway tax
- immovable property tax
- immovable property gains tax
- immovable property transfer tax
- import tax
- import equalization tax
- import turnover tax
- imposed tax
- income tax
- income tax on corporations
- income tax on individuals
- income tax on shareholders
- indirect tax
- industrial and commercial profits tax
- inheritance tax
- insurance tax
- land tax
- land-value tax
- legacy tax
- legal entity tax
- licence tax
- liquor tax
- local taxes
- long-term capital gains tax
- lump-sum tax
- luxury tax
- matured tax
- maximum tax
- minimum tax
- mortgage tax
- motor vehicle tax
- multiple stages tax
- multistage cumulative turnover tax
- municipal taxes
- national tax
- negative income tax
- net wealth tax
- net worth tax
- normal tax
- nuisance tax
- occupational tax
- oil tax
- one-time tax
- oppressive taxes
- outlay taxes
- output tax
- pay-as-you-earn tax
- pay-as-you-go tax
- payroll tax
- penalty tax
- per capita tax
- personal property tax
- poll tax
- pollution tax
- premium taxes
- profits tax
- progressive tax
- prohibitive tax
- property tax
- proportional tax
- provincial tax
- provisional tax
- public tax
- purchase tax
- pyramidal tax
- real estate tax
- real property tax
- real property transfer tax
- realty transfer tax
- receipts tax
- regressive tax
- remittance tax
- repressive tax
- resource tax
- retail sales tax
- retained profits tax
- revaluation tax
- revenue tax
- road taxes
- sales tax
- sales and turnover tax
- schedular tax
- securities tax
- security tax
- self-employment tax
- separate tax
- service tax
- severance tax
- short-term capital gains tax
- sin tax
- single tax
- social security tax
- specific tax
- spendings tax
- stamp tax
- state tax
- state excise taxes
- stock exchange turnover tax
- stockhoder's tax
- stock transfer tax
- sumptuary tax
- supplementary tax
- tonnage tax
- trade tax
- transaction tax
- transfer tax
- turnover tax
- underlying tax
- undistributed profit tax
- unpaid tax
- use tax
- value-added tax
- wage tax
- wealth tax
- wholesale sale tax
- windfall profits tax
- withholding tax
- withholding tax on dividends
- withholding tax on savings
- tax at source
- tax in kind
- tax on cargo
- tax on corporation
- tax on dividends
- tax on excess profits
- tax on gross receipts
- tax on gross revenue
- tax on importation
- tax on the income
- tax on inheritance
- tax on interest income
- tax on international transactions
- tax on land
- tax on motor vehicles
- tax on patents
- tax on personal income
- tax on profits
- tax on purchase of a motor vehicle
- tax on savings
- tax on stock exchange dealings
- tax on trade
- tax chargeable on the income
- tax due
- taxes levied at a flat rate
- tax payable
- tax withheld
- after taxes
- before taxes
- exempt from taxes
- free of taxes
- liable to tax
- subject to tax
- abate a tax
- abolish a tax
- apply taxes
- assess a tax
- be exempt from taxes
- be liable to tax
- calculate tax on profits
- charge a tax
- collect taxes
- compute a tax
- cut down taxes
- decrease taxes
- deduct taxes
- deduct taxes at source
- defer taxes
- dodge taxes
- evade taxes
- exempt from taxes
- impose a tax
- increase taxes
- kick against taxes
- lay a tax
- levy a tax
- lower a tax
- pay a tax
- raise taxes
- rebate a tax
- recover a tax
- reduce taxes
- reform taxes
- relieve from taxes
- remit taxes to appropriate authorities
- withhold taxes2. attr.
- tax abatement
- tax accruals
- tax arrears
- tax assessment form
- tax audit
- tax bracket
- tax declaration
- tax delinquency
- tax divide
- tax fraud
- tax offence
- tax rate
- tax rebate
- tax receipts
- tax return
- tax roll
- tax status
- tax treatment
- tax yield3. v
- tax at source
- tax capital gains
- tax capital gains realized on the disposal of immovable property
- tax income -
13 fraud
nфальшивка, обман, мошенничество- electoral fraud
- it amounts to fraud
- repeated fraud
- sophisticated electoral fraud
- tax fraud -
14 tax
1. n налог, сбор; пошлинаafter tax — после удержания налога; за вычетом налога, «чистый»
to collect taxes — взимать налоги; собирать пошлину
tax relief — сокращение налогов; уменьшение налоговых ставок
tax exempt — налогом не облагается; освобождается от налогов
paid back tax — сумма налога, возвращённая налогоплательщику
accrued and unpaid tax — начисленный, но не уплаченный налог
2. n издержки3. n бремя, испытание; чрезмерное требование4. n амер. разг. размер счёта5. n амер. членские взносы6. v облагать налогом; подвергать обложениюto tax incomes — брать налог с доходов, подвергать доходы налогообложению
7. v юр. таксировать, определять или устанавливать размерincome tax fraud — мошенничество при обложении подоходным налогом или при взимании подоходного налога
8. v испытывать, подвергать испытанию9. v делать выговор, выговаривать; упрекать10. v обвинять, осуждать11. v амер. разг. назначать или спрашивать цену; брать платуburied tax — налог, включённый в цену товара
12. v амер. взимать членские взносыcollect a tax — собирать налог; взимать налог
Синонимический ряд:1. levy (noun) assessment; custom; duty; excise; impost; levy; obligation; tariff; toll2. load (noun) burden; charge; deadweight; load; millstone; onus; task; weight3. accuse (verb) accuse; arraign; criminate; denounce; denunciate; impeach; incriminate; inculpate; indict4. assess (verb) assess; exact; impose; levy5. burden (verb) burden; charge; clog; cumber; encumber; freight; lade; load; lumber; oppress; saddle; weigh; weigh down; weight6. drain (verb) drain; exhaust; overwork; strain7. reproach (verb) admonish; castigate; chastise; chide; dress down; rebuke; reprimand; reproach; reprove; scold; upbraid8. work (verb) drive; labour; task; workАнтонимический ряд:exempt; relieve -
15 tax evasion
гос. фин. уклонение от (уплаты) налогов (занижение налоговых платежей незаконными методами; напр., путем сокрытия всех или части доходов, путем занижения стоимости имущества при расчете налогов на имущество, путем заявления неоправданных налоговых льгот и т. п.)Syn:See:
* * *
уклонение от налогов: сознательное незаконное сокрытие или занижение суммы дохода, облагаемого налогами, обман налоговых властей.* * *уклонение от налогов; уклонение от уплаты налогов; незаконное уклонение от налогов. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *минимизация своих налоговых обязательств незаконными способами, как правило, путем сокрытия своих налоговых обязательств путем представления в налоговые органы ложной информации -
16 tax crime
гос. фин., юр. налоговое преступление (преступление, связанное с нарушением налогового законодательства, напр., уклонение от уплаты налогов)See: -
17 Tax Information Exchange Agreement
сокр. TIEA гос. фин., межд. эк. Соглашение об обмене налоговой информацией* (соглашение между странами об обмене информацией о налоговом законодательстве и другой информацией, касающейся взимания налогов, с целью выявления уклонений от налогообложения при совершении внешнеторговых и других международных хозяйственных операций)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > Tax Information Exchange Agreement
18 tax loophole
гос. фин., юр. налоговая лазейка (пробел или двусмысленность в налоговом законодательстве, позволяющий занизить налоговые обязательства без формального нарушения закона, в том числе сознательно допущенная законодательными органами неточность, позволяющая определенной группе налогоплательщиков получать формально не являющееся льготой налоговое послабление)See:
* * *
налоговая лазейка; см. loophole.* * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
19 tax proceeding
юр., гос. фин., ауд. налоговая процедура*, налоговое дело* (обобщающее понятие, которое может означать как проведение налогового аудита, так и рассмотрение налоговых споров и дел о налоговых правонарушениях и преступлениях)See: -
20 tax negligence
гос. фин., юр. налоговая небрежность* (невнимательность при применении налогового законодательства и определении причитающейся к уплате суммы налогов, приведшая к ошибкам и недоплате налогов, в отличие от сознательного налогового мошенничества; обычно является административно наказуемой и подразумевает взимание штрафа и пени)See:
См. также в других словарях:
Tax Fraud — occurs when an individual or business entity willfully and intentionally falsifies information on a tax return in order to limit the amount of tax liability. Tax fraud essentially entails cheating on a tax return in an attempt to avoid paying the … Investment dictionary
tax fraud — A willful act done with the intent to cheat in the assessment or payment of any tax liability. Examples include keeping two sets of books or using a false Social Secutiry number. Category: Back Taxes & Tax Debt Category: Business, LLCs &… … Law dictionary
fraud — [frɔːd ǁ frɒːd] noun [countable, uncountable] LAW a method of illegally getting money from a person or organization, often using clever and complicated methods: • Should audits be expected to detect every fraud? • He had a criminal conviction for … Financial and business terms
tax evasion — n: a willful and esp. criminal attempt to evade the imposition or payment of a tax convicted of tax evasion Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. tax evasion … Law dictionary
fraud — [fro:d US fro:d] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: fraude, from Latin fraus deceiving ] 1.) [U and C] the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as money or goods tax/insurance/credit card etc fraud ▪ He s been charged… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Sun Myung Moon tax fraud and conspiracy case — In 1982, Sun Myung Moon, the founder and leader of the Unification Church, was imprisoned in the United States after being found guilty by a jury of willfully filing false Federal income tax returns and conspiracy. Church members and supporters… … Wikipedia
Fraud — Criminal law Part of … Wikipedia
fraud — An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right. A false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words or by conduct … Black's law dictionary
fraud — An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right. A false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words or by conduct … Black's law dictionary
Tax protester conspiracy arguments — Part of the Taxation in the United States series Tax protest in the United States … Wikipedia
Tax protester statutory arguments — Part of the Taxation in the United States series Tax protest in the United States … Wikipedia