1 zoet
zoet1〈 het〉1 [iets zoets] sweet (things)2 [het aangename] sweetness♦voorbeelden:————————zoet21 [met betrekking tot de smaak en de andere zintuigen] sweet2 [braaf] sweet, good♦voorbeelden:zoet smaken • taste sweetlekker zoet • nice and sweet2 iemand zoet houden • keep someone happy/quietiemand zoet houden met een verhaaltje/met beloften • palm someone off with a story/with promisesde kinderen spelen zoet • the children are playing nicely -
2 zoet smaken
zoet smaken -
3 lekker
5 [verlekkerd] 〈zie voorbeelden 5〉6 [onaangenaam] nice, fine♦voorbeelden:ze weet wel wat lekker is • she knows a good thing when she sees itis/smaakt het lekker? ja, het heeft me lekker gesmaakt • do you like it? yes, I enjoyed itiets lekker vinden • like something (very much)voor het lekker • just for the tastehet lekkerste voor het laatst bewaren • save the best (bit) till lastzich niet lekker voelen • not feel very well6 je bent me een lekkere jongen!, je bent me wat lekkers!! • you're a fine one!II 〈 bijvoeglijk naamwoord, bijwoord〉♦voorbeelden:een lekker (in het gehoor liggend) melodietje • a catchy tuneeen lekkere stoel • a comfortable chairlekker weer • lovely/beautiful weatherlekker rustig/zoet • nice and quiet/sweetlekker verwend worden • be pamperedhet gaat/loopt lekker • it's going finelekker onder de dekens kruipen/tegen iemand aan gaan liggen • snuggle under the blankets, snuggle up against someonede winkel loopt lekker • the shop is doing fineslaap lekker, droom maar lekker • sleep tight, sweet dreamseens lekker uithuilen • have a good cryhet lekker vinden om • like tozich ergens/bij iemand lekker voelen • feel good somewhere/with someonedat ziet er niet lekker uit • that doesn't look too goodik zit hier lekker • I'm fine heredat zit hem niet lekker • he feels uneasy about thatik zit niet lekker in deze stoel • I'm not comfortable in this chairlaten we dit weekend lekker niets doen/lekker uitgaan • let's have a jolly good rest this weekend, let's go out and have fun this weekend2 [met betrekking tot leedvermaak] 〈zie voorbeelden 2〉3 [in hoge mate] so/very much♦voorbeelden:lekker (kunnen) koken • be a good cookhm, lekker! • mmm, delicious!2 ik doe het lekker toch niet! • I won't do it, so there!ik doe het lekker toch! • I'm going to do it anyway, (so there)!hij is er lekker ingelopen • he fell for it, hook, line and sinker(dat was) lekker mis! • ha, ha, missed! -
4 bitterzoet
adj. bittersweet, both bitter and sweet to the taste
См. также в других словарях:
Taste — belongs to our chemical sensing system, or the chemosenses. The complicated process of tasting begins when molecules released by the substances stimulate special cells in the mouth or throat. These special sensory cells transmit messages through… … Medical dictionary
sweet potato — sweet potatoes N VAR Sweet potatoes are vegetables that look like large ordinary potatoes but taste sweet. They have pinkish brown skins and yellow flesh … English dictionary
taste — taste1 W2S2 [teıst] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(food)¦ 2¦(what you like)¦ 3¦(judgment)¦ 4¦(what is acceptable/not offensive)¦ 5¦(experience)¦ 6¦(feeling)¦ 7 ... to taste ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(FOOD)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
taste — taste1 [ teıst ] noun *** ▸ 1 flavor ▸ 2 ability to judge if good ▸ 3 types of thing you like ▸ 4 short experience of something ▸ 5 feeling from experience ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count or uncount the flavor that something creates in your mouth when you … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
taste — I UK [teɪst] / US noun Word forms taste : singular taste plural tastes *** 1) [countable/uncountable] the flavour that something creates in your mouth when you eat or drink it I love the taste of chocolate. This peach has a sweeter taste than… … English dictionary
taste — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 flavour/flavor ADJECTIVE ▪ delicious, fresh, nice, pleasant, refreshing ▪ distinctive ▪ pungent, rich … Collocations dictionary
taste — I n. appreciation sense of what is proper 1) to acquire, cultivate, develop a taste 2) to demonstrate, display, show (a) taste 3) (an) acquired; artistic; bad; discriminating; elegant, excellent, exquisite; good taste (it is bad taste to ignore… … Combinatory dictionary
Sweet potato — Camote redirects here. For the island group in the Philippines, see Camotes Islands. Sweet Potato Sweet potato in flower Hemingway, South Carolina Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Taste — (or, more formally, gustation) is a form of direct chemoreception and is one of the traditional five senses. It refers to the ability to detect the flavor of substances such as food and poisons. In humans and many other vertebrate animals the… … Wikipedia
Sweet — Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for suadvis … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sweet alyssum — Sweet Sweet, a. [Compar. {Sweeter}; superl. {Sweetest}.] [OE. swete, swote, sote, AS. sw[=e]te; akin to OFries. sw[=e]te, OS. sw[=o]ti, D. zoet, G. s[ u]ss, OHG. suozi, Icel. s[ae]tr, s[oe]tr, Sw. s[ o]t, Dan. s[ o]d, Goth. suts, L. suavis, for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English