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  • 1 responsible

    [ri΄spɔnsəbl] a պատաս խա նատու. a responsible post/task/worker պատասխանատու պաշտոն/հանձնարարություն/աշխատող. hold smn responsible պատասխանատու համարել. not responsible for one’s actions իր արարքների համար պա տասխան չտալ. responsible party պատաս խանատու կողմ/ան ձինք. Those responsible will be punished Պատասխանա տունե րը/Մեղավորները կպատժվեն

    English-Armenian dictionary > responsible

  • 2 hard

    [ha:d] a պինդ, կարծր, ամուր, կոշտ. hard bed/chair չոր մահճակալ/աթոռ. hard ground պինդ գետին/հող. hard water կոշտ ջուր. the hard sign լեզվ. կոշտության նշան (ռուս. Յ տառը) ծանր, դժվար. a hard task դժվար խնդիր. hard to say դժվար է ասել. he’s hard to please նրան դժվար է գո հացնել. (խիստ, դաժան) a hard father/ heart խիստ հայր, դաժան սիրտ. hard facts անա ռար կե լի/դաժան փաս տեր. a hard climate/ winter խստա շունչ կլի մա/ձմեռ. (ուժեղ, թունդ) a hard blow ուժեղ հար ված. a hard liquor թունդ խմիչք. a hard worker ջանասեր աշ խատող. a hard drinker թունդ հարբեցող. (տարբեր օգտ.) hard of hearing ծան րականջ, ծանր լսող. be hard on smb անար դար լինել մեկի նկատմամբ. hard up նեղ/դժվարին կացության մեջ. have hard luck բախտը չբերել. hard currency կայուն տա րա դրամ. hard labour տաժանակիր աշխա տանք. pay in hard cash կանխիկ դրամով վճա րել. հմկրգ. մշտական, ամուր, կոշտ. hard copy տպագրական կրկնօրինակ. hard disk կոշտ սկավառակ. hard error մշտական սխալ. hard page break էջի խիստ սահման
    [ha:d] adv ուժգին ամուր կերպով. հաստատապես. pull hard ուժգին ձգել/քաշել. raining/ snowing/freezing hard հորդառատ անձրև. առատ ձյուն. խիստ սառնամանիք. try hard, try one`s hard best շատ ջանք թափել. think hard մի լավ մտածել. It will go hard with him Դա նրան ծանր կնստի. drink hard թունդ խմել. (մոտիկ, մոտ) The car followed hard behind Մեքենան կրնկակոխ հետևում էր. take smth pretty hard ավելի քան ծանր ընդունել/տանել

    English-Armenian dictionary > hard

См. также в других словарях:

  • Task allocation and partitioning of social insects — Task allocation and partitioning refers to the way that tasks are chosen, assigned, subdivided, and coordinated (here, within a single colony of social insects). Closely associated are issues of communication that enable these actions to… …   Wikipedia

  • task-motivated — task oriented Describing a leadership style that is concerned with setting goals, structuring tasks, and measuring performance. A task motivated leader will focus on such activities as planning, scheduling, defining roles and responsibilities,… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Worker cooperative — A worker coperative is a cooperative owned and democratically controlled by its employees. There are no outside or consumer owners in a worker coperative only the workers own shares of the business.Definition of worker cooperativeThere are many… …   Wikipedia

  • Worker bee — A Worker bee is any female eusocial bee that lacks the full reproductive capacity of the colony s queen bee; under most circumstances, this is correlated to an increase in certain non reproductive activities relative to a queen, as well. Worker… …   Wikipedia

  • Worker-Communist Party of Iran - Hekmatist — The Worker Communist Party of Iran Hekmatist is an opposition Iranian political party in exile. Its founder and current leader is Koorosh Modaressi, its current Vice Leader is Rahman Hosseinzadeh and its current Chair of the Politbureau is Fateh… …   Wikipedia

  • task-and-bonus system — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun : a system of incentive wage payment whereby a worker receives a guaranteed hourly rate and for accomplishing or bettering a set task a bonus that is a percentage of his hourly rate for the time allowed for the task …   Useful english dictionary

  • task time — noun : the time set in a incentive wage system as proper for the performance of an industrial operation by a worker …   Useful english dictionary

  • Knowledge worker — Knowledge workers in today s workforce are individuals who are valued for their ability to act and communicate with knowledge within a specific subject area. They will often advance the overall understanding of that subject through focused… …   Wikipedia

  • Community health worker — Community health workers (CHW) are members of a community who are chosen by community members or organizations to provide basic health and medical care to their community. Other names for this type of health care provider include village health… …   Wikipedia

  • Daily Worker — For the British paper, see The Morning Star. The Daily Worker was a newspaper published in New York City by the Communist Party USA, a formerly Comintern affiliated organization. Publication began in 1924.[1] While it generally reflected the… …   Wikipedia

  • Skilled worker — A skilled worker is any worker who has some special skill, knowledge, or (usually acquired) ability in his work. A skilled worker may have attended a college, university or technical school. Or, a skilled worker may have learned his skills on the …   Wikipedia

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