1 target software
Программирование: атакуемое ПО (программа, которую локально или дистанционно ( удалённо) атакует взломщик) -
2 target software
атакуемое ПОпрограмма, которую локально или дистанционно (удалённо) атакует взломщиксм. тж. intruderАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > target software
3 target
1) проверяемый (целевой) прибор, объект2) исполнительцелевое или управляемое устройство [при обмене данными] (подчинённое [внешнее] устройство - абонент интерфейса SCSI)3) приёмник (например, данных), получатель, место назначения, адресатобласть памяти, куда пересылается результат или где производится поиск.Syn:Ant:4) см. target computer5) цельсм. тж. goal7) см. embedded system8) выходной, объектный, целевойАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > target
4 target program
обычно это программа, разрабатываемая на инструментальном компьютере и предназначенная для целевой системы (target system). Целевая программа, полученная в результате компиляции, может быть абсолютной программой в машинных кодах (absolute code), перемещаемой программой в машинных кодах (relocatable code), программой на ассемблере (assembler) или программой на целевом ЯВУ (HLL).Syn:target code. Однако термин может означать программу, получаемую в результате тех или иных действий или служащую основой для них. Перевод зависит от характера этих действий: если это обратная инженерия, то можно сказать "исследуемая программа", и т. п.2) см. target softwareАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > target program
5 software model
6 software model
7 receiver: The target object of a request
Программирование: получатель: объект, которому направлен запрос (см. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John M. Vlissides)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > receiver: The target object of a request
8 intruder
взламыватель, злоумышленник, нарушитель, атакующийнеавторизованный, обычно злонамеренный, пользователь (или программа), пытающийся получить несанкционированный доступ в компьютерную системусм. тж. computer security, cracker, interloper, IP spoofing, security, snooper, target software, trespasserАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > intruder
9 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system -
1) Военный термин: Software Technology Adaptable Reliable Systems, Stinger target acquisition and ranging system, Strategic Target System, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reporting System, Systematic Tracking Of Applicants And Requisitions System, seaborne tracking and ranging station, silent tactical attack reconnaissance system, simulation and training advanced research system, small tethered aerostat relocatable system, surface-to-air recovery system, surveillance and target attack radar system, surveillance, target acquisition, and reporting system, synchronized-time, automated reporting system2) Техника: satellite telemetry automatic reduction system, stellar tracking attitude reference system3) Юридический термин: Safety Training Assisting Responding And Serving, Special Tactics And Rescue Service4) Сокращение: Small Tethered / Transportable Aerostat Relocatable System, Software Technology for Adaptable Reliable Systems, Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems, Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System, Stored Terrain & Access Retrieval System, Strategic Target and Attack Radar System (e.g., J-STARS), Surveillance Target Attack Radar System5) Университет: Student Telephone Access Registration System, Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship, Students Taking A Right Stand, Students That Are Recognized For Service6) Электроника: Satellite Telemetry Automatic Reduction Systems7) Иммунология: Substance Treatment And Research Service8) Транспорт: Ship Tracking and Retrieval System, Singapore Titles Automated Registration System, Statewide Transfer Articulation Reporting System -
11 StARS
1) Военный термин: Software Technology Adaptable Reliable Systems, Stinger target acquisition and ranging system, Strategic Target System, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reporting System, Systematic Tracking Of Applicants And Requisitions System, seaborne tracking and ranging station, silent tactical attack reconnaissance system, simulation and training advanced research system, small tethered aerostat relocatable system, surface-to-air recovery system, surveillance and target attack radar system, surveillance, target acquisition, and reporting system, synchronized-time, automated reporting system2) Техника: satellite telemetry automatic reduction system, stellar tracking attitude reference system3) Юридический термин: Safety Training Assisting Responding And Serving, Special Tactics And Rescue Service4) Сокращение: Small Tethered / Transportable Aerostat Relocatable System, Software Technology for Adaptable Reliable Systems, Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems, Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System, Stored Terrain & Access Retrieval System, Strategic Target and Attack Radar System (e.g., J-STARS), Surveillance Target Attack Radar System5) Университет: Student Telephone Access Registration System, Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship, Students Taking A Right Stand, Students That Are Recognized For Service6) Электроника: Satellite Telemetry Automatic Reduction Systems7) Иммунология: Substance Treatment And Research Service8) Транспорт: Ship Tracking and Retrieval System, Singapore Titles Automated Registration System, Statewide Transfer Articulation Reporting System -
12 stars
1) Военный термин: Software Technology Adaptable Reliable Systems, Stinger target acquisition and ranging system, Strategic Target System, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reporting System, Systematic Tracking Of Applicants And Requisitions System, seaborne tracking and ranging station, silent tactical attack reconnaissance system, simulation and training advanced research system, small tethered aerostat relocatable system, surface-to-air recovery system, surveillance and target attack radar system, surveillance, target acquisition, and reporting system, synchronized-time, automated reporting system2) Техника: satellite telemetry automatic reduction system, stellar tracking attitude reference system3) Юридический термин: Safety Training Assisting Responding And Serving, Special Tactics And Rescue Service4) Сокращение: Small Tethered / Transportable Aerostat Relocatable System, Software Technology for Adaptable Reliable Systems, Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems, Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System, Stored Terrain & Access Retrieval System, Strategic Target and Attack Radar System (e.g., J-STARS), Surveillance Target Attack Radar System5) Университет: Student Telephone Access Registration System, Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship, Students Taking A Right Stand, Students That Are Recognized For Service6) Электроника: Satellite Telemetry Automatic Reduction Systems7) Иммунология: Substance Treatment And Research Service8) Транспорт: Ship Tracking and Retrieval System, Singapore Titles Automated Registration System, Statewide Transfer Articulation Reporting System -
1) Общая лексика: полицейский спецназ2) Компьютерная техника: Stat Work Archiving Tool3) Военный термин: A Simple Waste Of Action And Time, SOCRATES WS/LAN Analysis Testbed, Sidewinder angle tracking, Special Warriors Action Team, Special Work Assignment Teams, secure wire access terminal, service weapons acceptability tests, ship weapon against torpedoes, smart weapon attack trainer, special warfare armored transporter, special weapons assault team, strength and weakness analysis of target4) Техника: Spacelab wide angle telescope5) Шутливое выражение: Shoot Without Any Thinking, Sit Wait And Talk, Sitting And Watching All The Traffic, Some Weird Action Team, Someone Will Actually Think, South West Anarchy Team, Spun Warped And Twisted7) Метеорология: Soil Water And Air Team8) Юридический термин: Secret World Adventure Team, Special Weapon And Tactics, спецназ, ОМОН, специальный отряд быстрого реагирования (СОБР. http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=ForumReplies&MessNum=6747&L1=2&L2=1)9) Металлургия: Stress Wave Analysis Techniques10) Сокращение: Space Warfare Awareness Training, Special Warfare Armoured Transporter, Special Weapons And Tactics, Special Weapons Assault Team (USA), Samba Web Administration Tool, Sanibel Water Attack Team (swimming), Satellite, Wideband, and Telemetry (systems), Satellite-Based Worldwide Availability Tool, Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Scientific Wild Ass Guess, Seattle Washington Autoduel Team, Seeds, Weeds, And Trash, Sell What's Available Today, Servants with A Testimony, Server, Workstation And Technology Group, Service Weapons Acceptability Test, Sex Workers' Alliance of Toronto, Ship What's Available Today, Short Wavelength Adaptive Technology, Skilled With Advanced Tools (software development), Skilled Workers with Advanced Tools, Software Analysis and Testing (or Quality Assurance), Software Wireless Access Tandem, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (river basin model), Soldiers With Apostolic Truth, Solid Waste Assessment Team, Solid Waste Assessment Test, Solutions with Advanced Technologies (Cisco), Southwest Area Vocational-Technical (school), Southwest Association of Trackers, Special Weapons Attack Team (original name; now usually seen as Special Weapons And Tactics), Special Winning Attitude Team, Specialists With Advanced Tools, Spiritual Warfare and Training (youth ministry), Squad Weapons Analytical Trainer, Staff Without Adequate Training, Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics, Strategic Weapons and Tactics (TV show), Strengths, Weakness, Advantages & Threats (assessment), Strengths, Weaknesses, Achievements & Threats (assessment), Students Winning Against Tobacco (Texas), Students With A Testimony, Students Working Against Tobacco, Students Working to Advance Technology, Students with a Target (student/police partnership program in Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Submillimeter Wave Advanced Technology, Subsea Well Abandonment Tool, Surface Weapons Against Torpedoes, Swift Action Team, Switch Assembly Test, System Wide Analysis Team, surface water assessment team11) Университет: Student Workers Applying Technology, Student Working To Advance Technology, Student Writers And Teachers, Students With A Target, Students With Advanced Technologies, Students With Advisory Teams12) Физиология: Straight White Attractive Teeth13) Электроника: SoftWare Action Team14) Пищевая промышленность: Small Winery Action Team15) Деловая лексика: Security Willingness Accountability Trustworthy, Selling With Apple Technologies, Special Work Assignment Team, Super Winning Attitude Team16) Образование: School Wide Assistive Technology17) Авиационная медицина: subjective workload assessment technique18) Безопасность: special weapons attack team19) Должность: Skilled With Advanced Tools20) Хобби: Syndicate Wrestling and Tradition21) Федеральное бюро расследований: Special Weapons and Tactics Team22) Международная торговля: Strategic Worldwide Acquisition Team -
14 swat
1) Общая лексика: полицейский спецназ2) Компьютерная техника: Stat Work Archiving Tool3) Военный термин: A Simple Waste Of Action And Time, SOCRATES WS/LAN Analysis Testbed, Sidewinder angle tracking, Special Warriors Action Team, Special Work Assignment Teams, secure wire access terminal, service weapons acceptability tests, ship weapon against torpedoes, smart weapon attack trainer, special warfare armored transporter, special weapons assault team, strength and weakness analysis of target4) Техника: Spacelab wide angle telescope5) Шутливое выражение: Shoot Without Any Thinking, Sit Wait And Talk, Sitting And Watching All The Traffic, Some Weird Action Team, Someone Will Actually Think, South West Anarchy Team, Spun Warped And Twisted7) Метеорология: Soil Water And Air Team8) Юридический термин: Secret World Adventure Team, Special Weapon And Tactics, спецназ, ОМОН, специальный отряд быстрого реагирования (СОБР. http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=ForumReplies&MessNum=6747&L1=2&L2=1)9) Металлургия: Stress Wave Analysis Techniques10) Сокращение: Space Warfare Awareness Training, Special Warfare Armoured Transporter, Special Weapons And Tactics, Special Weapons Assault Team (USA), Samba Web Administration Tool, Sanibel Water Attack Team (swimming), Satellite, Wideband, and Telemetry (systems), Satellite-Based Worldwide Availability Tool, Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Scientific Wild Ass Guess, Seattle Washington Autoduel Team, Seeds, Weeds, And Trash, Sell What's Available Today, Servants with A Testimony, Server, Workstation And Technology Group, Service Weapons Acceptability Test, Sex Workers' Alliance of Toronto, Ship What's Available Today, Short Wavelength Adaptive Technology, Skilled With Advanced Tools (software development), Skilled Workers with Advanced Tools, Software Analysis and Testing (or Quality Assurance), Software Wireless Access Tandem, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (river basin model), Soldiers With Apostolic Truth, Solid Waste Assessment Team, Solid Waste Assessment Test, Solutions with Advanced Technologies (Cisco), Southwest Area Vocational-Technical (school), Southwest Association of Trackers, Special Weapons Attack Team (original name; now usually seen as Special Weapons And Tactics), Special Winning Attitude Team, Specialists With Advanced Tools, Spiritual Warfare and Training (youth ministry), Squad Weapons Analytical Trainer, Staff Without Adequate Training, Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics, Strategic Weapons and Tactics (TV show), Strengths, Weakness, Advantages & Threats (assessment), Strengths, Weaknesses, Achievements & Threats (assessment), Students Winning Against Tobacco (Texas), Students With A Testimony, Students Working Against Tobacco, Students Working to Advance Technology, Students with a Target (student/police partnership program in Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Submillimeter Wave Advanced Technology, Subsea Well Abandonment Tool, Surface Weapons Against Torpedoes, Swift Action Team, Switch Assembly Test, System Wide Analysis Team, surface water assessment team11) Университет: Student Workers Applying Technology, Student Working To Advance Technology, Student Writers And Teachers, Students With A Target, Students With Advanced Technologies, Students With Advisory Teams12) Физиология: Straight White Attractive Teeth13) Электроника: SoftWare Action Team14) Пищевая промышленность: Small Winery Action Team15) Деловая лексика: Security Willingness Accountability Trustworthy, Selling With Apple Technologies, Special Work Assignment Team, Super Winning Attitude Team16) Образование: School Wide Assistive Technology17) Авиационная медицина: subjective workload assessment technique18) Безопасность: special weapons attack team19) Должность: Skilled With Advanced Tools20) Хобби: Syndicate Wrestling and Tradition21) Федеральное бюро расследований: Special Weapons and Tactics Team22) Международная торговля: Strategic Worldwide Acquisition Team -
15 SIT
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Suppressor Of Initiation Of Transcription, толар (денежная единица Словении)2) Компьютерная техника: Software Image Transitions, Some Image Type, System Initialization Table3) Медицина: specific immunotherapy4) Спорт: Skater In Training5) Военный термин: School of Instructional Technology, Sensory Integration Training, Short Intensive Training, Slayers In Training, Specialized Investigations Team, simple initial threat, special identification techniques, special intelligence team, system integration test, systems interface test, специальные методы опознавания ( СМО) (special identification techniques)6) Техника: Servizio Italiano di Taratura, Shuttle infrared telescope, Shuttle interface test, Spacelab infrared telescope, safety injection tank, safety injection transmitter, self-induced transparency, shuttle integrated test, silicon-intensifier target, silicon-intensifier target vidicon, single intensity technology detector, social implications of technology, software integrated test, spaceborne infrared tracker, spontaneous ignition temperature, static-induction transistor, structural integrity test7) Юридический термин: Self Inflicted Trial, Special Intervention Team, Specialized Intervention Team8) Грубое выражение: Slut In Training9) Музыка: Stay In Tune10) Оптика: silicon intensifier target11) Телекоммуникации: Special Information Tones12) Сокращение: Shape Intersection Technique (source location), Silicon Intensified Target, Slovenian Tolar, Systeme d'Information Terminal. (French Army), situation, Sino-Tibetan (Other), special information tone13) Университет: School For International Training, School Of Information Technology, Student Intervention Team14) Физиология: Situational15) Электроника: Static Induction Transistor16) Сленг: stay in touch17) Нефть: Stuck-Point Indicator18) Иммунология: СИТ- специфическая иммунная терапия19) Транспорт: Storage In Transit21) Деловая лексика: Scaffold Inspection And Testing, Staff In Training, Systematic Inventive Thinking22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: simulation infra-red thermography23) Образование: Smart Intense Training24) Сетевые технологии: Simple Interface Tunnel, Subsidiary Integrity Token, communication and information technology, технология связи и передачи информации25) Полимеры: self-ignition temperature26) Расширение файла: Archive format (Macintosh, STUFFIT)27) Аэропорты: Sitka, Alaska USA29) Программное обеспечение: System Integration Testing -
16 sit
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Suppressor Of Initiation Of Transcription, толар (денежная единица Словении)2) Компьютерная техника: Software Image Transitions, Some Image Type, System Initialization Table3) Медицина: specific immunotherapy4) Спорт: Skater In Training5) Военный термин: School of Instructional Technology, Sensory Integration Training, Short Intensive Training, Slayers In Training, Specialized Investigations Team, simple initial threat, special identification techniques, special intelligence team, system integration test, systems interface test, специальные методы опознавания ( СМО) (special identification techniques)6) Техника: Servizio Italiano di Taratura, Shuttle infrared telescope, Shuttle interface test, Spacelab infrared telescope, safety injection tank, safety injection transmitter, self-induced transparency, shuttle integrated test, silicon-intensifier target, silicon-intensifier target vidicon, single intensity technology detector, social implications of technology, software integrated test, spaceborne infrared tracker, spontaneous ignition temperature, static-induction transistor, structural integrity test7) Юридический термин: Self Inflicted Trial, Special Intervention Team, Specialized Intervention Team8) Грубое выражение: Slut In Training9) Музыка: Stay In Tune10) Оптика: silicon intensifier target11) Телекоммуникации: Special Information Tones12) Сокращение: Shape Intersection Technique (source location), Silicon Intensified Target, Slovenian Tolar, Systeme d'Information Terminal. (French Army), situation, Sino-Tibetan (Other), special information tone13) Университет: School For International Training, School Of Information Technology, Student Intervention Team14) Физиология: Situational15) Электроника: Static Induction Transistor16) Сленг: stay in touch17) Нефть: Stuck-Point Indicator18) Иммунология: СИТ- специфическая иммунная терапия19) Транспорт: Storage In Transit21) Деловая лексика: Scaffold Inspection And Testing, Staff In Training, Systematic Inventive Thinking22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: simulation infra-red thermography23) Образование: Smart Intense Training24) Сетевые технологии: Simple Interface Tunnel, Subsidiary Integrity Token, communication and information technology, технология связи и передачи информации25) Полимеры: self-ignition temperature26) Расширение файла: Archive format (Macintosh, STUFFIT)27) Аэропорты: Sitka, Alaska USA29) Программное обеспечение: System Integration Testing -
17 SST
1) Компьютерная техника: Site Specific Technology2) Американизм: Study Service Term3) Спорт: Super Sonic Team, Super Sport Trainer4) Военный термин: Safe Secure Transport, Short Supervisory Transition, Space Support Team, Special Service Tool, Strategic Support Team, System Software Test, System Specific Threat, System Support Team, Training Submarine, satellite-to-satellite tracking, shipboard suitability test, shore survey team, source selection team, special surface target, subsystems test, supersonic target, supersonic transport, полёт на сверхзвуковой скорости, сверхзвуковой самолёт5) Техника: Sears Smart Tool, secondary surge tank, shuttle star tracker, single-shell tank, siting source term, standard serviceability test, station service transformer, steady-state/transient, step-stress test, stainless steel6) Шутливое выражение: Stones Spaces Territory, Sweet Smelling Toilet7) Математика: Sum Of Squares For Treatment, Sum Of Squares Total8) Автомобильный термин: Sport Shift Transmission (двухдисковое сцепление)9) Биржевой термин: Stock Strength Tracking10) Грубое выражение: Short Stubby Thing11) Телекоммуникации: Synchronous Service Transport, Spread Spectrum Transmission (Wireless)12) Сокращение: Safe Secure Trainer (USA), Second-generation Supersonic Transport, Single Subscriber Terminal, Solid-State Transmitter, South Side Tribe, Special Surface Target torpedo, Spectroscopic Survey Telescope, South Sumatra Time (GMT + 0700), температура поверхности моря (Sea Surface Temperature)13) Текстиль: Super Silky Tactel14) Университет: Student Success Team, Student Support Team15) Электроника: Spread Spectrum Technology, Superior Sound Technology16) Вычислительная техника: Spread-Spectrum Technology, synchronous system trap, South Sumatra Time (+0700, TZ), Simple SIPP Transition (Internet, SIPP), Spectroscopic Survey Telescope (Space), SuperSonic Transport (Space)17) Нефть: saccharin solution test, стандартная проверка пригодности к эксплуатации (standard serviceability test), испытания при ступенчатом изменении напряжений (step-stress test)18) Иммунология: Serum Separator Tube, Sum Of Squares For Treatments, secondary stimulation test19) Космонавтика: синхронное прерывание20) Банковское дело: Self Service Terminal (информационный киоск, терминал оплаты услуг, иногда синоним слова "банкомат", (ATM))21) Транспорт: Short Section Track, Slip Stream Transport, Sophisticated Sports Touring22) Холодильная техника: saturated suction temperature24) СМИ: Sim Sports Today25) Деловая лексика: Service Speed And Technology26) Образование: Student Service Team, Student Study Team27) Сетевые технологии: Spread Spectrum Transmission, передача с разнесением сигнала по спектру, спектральная модуляция28) Полимеры: step-by-step test29) Хроматография: System Stability Test30) Расширение файла: Set Strobe Time, Systems Services and Technology31) Нефть и газ: Sub Surface Team32) Фантастика Star Ship Trooper, Star Ship Troopers33) Фармация: system suitability test34) Программное обеспечение: Secure Shell Toolkit, Standard Service Tool, Statistical Software Tools -
1) Авиация: standard (instrument) arrival (standard instrument arrival routes), (см.) SIDs and STARs3) Спорт: Skills And Techniques For Advanced Riding, Sport Touring Association Rendezvous, Sports Training Academics And Recreation4) Военный термин: Service Tradition Awards Recognition, Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness, Situation Task Action Result, Standard Threat Assessment Report, satellite telecommunications automatic routing, selective training and retention, self-testing and repairing, ship tactical airborne RPV, specialized training and reassignment, stacked array radar, staging area, standard approach route, supersonic tactical antiradar, support through aerial resupply, surface-to-air recovery, surveillance, threat assessment report5) Техника: Signaal terminal area radar, satellite telecommunications automatic routing system, ship-tended acoustic relay, shuttle telescopes for astronomical research program, small tactical airborne recorder, standard tantalum active resonator, star and stellar systems advisory committee, stellar attitude reference system, surveillance and target acquisition radar, systems test bed for avionics research7) Юридический термин: Supporting Teens At Risk8) Автомобильный термин: self test automatic readout9) Сокращение: SCOPE Trusted Automatic Router, Shock Technology Applied Research, Simulation Training And Research, Simultaneous Transmission And Reception, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Space/Time Adaptive Research (system), Special Threat Analysis and Recognition, Standard Terminal Arrival Route, Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery, Strategic-Tactical Airborne Recorder, Submarine Target, Surface To Air Recovery, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance, System Threat Assessment Report, System for Tactical Access to combat Radio, space technology and advanced research10) Университет: Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources, Science Technology And Research, Science To Achieve Results, Scottish Technology And Research, Smart Technology For Academic Rewards, Strategically Targeted Academic Research, Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement, Student Team About Results, Student Telephone Assisted Registration, Student Tracking Admissions And Registration, Students Taking Action And Responsibility, Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading11) Физиология: Specialised Trauma Air Response, Steps Towards Allergy Relief, Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response12) Электроника: Simultaneous transmitted and reflected13) Вычислительная техника: Shareware Trade Association and Resources (organization)14) Онкология: Sharing Treatment And Recovery15) Космонавтика: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA)16) Банковское дело: синтетические ценные бумаги с новыми характеристиками, выпущенные на основе других ценных бумаг (securities transferred and repackaged)17) Транспорт: Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration18) Воздухоплавание: Standard Terminal Approach Route19) Фирменный знак: Stevens Technology For Arsenic Removal20) Экология: Sustainable Technologies And Renewables21) Деловая лексика: Safety Through Accountability And Recognition, Service Teamwork Achievement And Recognition, Situation, Task, Action, Results, Software Technical Assistance Recognition22) Образование: Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition, Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading, Statewide Training For Accurate Reference, Striving To Achieve Results, Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, Students Taught Awareness And Resistance, Students That Are Ready, Success Through Academic Readiness, Support Training Advocacy And Resources, Supportive Training Achieves Results23) Инвестиции: securities transferred and repackaged25) Медицинская техника: signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency26) Расширение файла: Self Defining Text Archival27) НАСДАК: Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon28) Программное обеспечение: Software Technology For Action And Reflection -
19 Sst
1) Компьютерная техника: Site Specific Technology2) Американизм: Study Service Term3) Спорт: Super Sonic Team, Super Sport Trainer4) Военный термин: Safe Secure Transport, Short Supervisory Transition, Space Support Team, Special Service Tool, Strategic Support Team, System Software Test, System Specific Threat, System Support Team, Training Submarine, satellite-to-satellite tracking, shipboard suitability test, shore survey team, source selection team, special surface target, subsystems test, supersonic target, supersonic transport, полёт на сверхзвуковой скорости, сверхзвуковой самолёт5) Техника: Sears Smart Tool, secondary surge tank, shuttle star tracker, single-shell tank, siting source term, standard serviceability test, station service transformer, steady-state/transient, step-stress test, stainless steel6) Шутливое выражение: Stones Spaces Territory, Sweet Smelling Toilet7) Математика: Sum Of Squares For Treatment, Sum Of Squares Total8) Автомобильный термин: Sport Shift Transmission (двухдисковое сцепление)9) Биржевой термин: Stock Strength Tracking10) Грубое выражение: Short Stubby Thing11) Телекоммуникации: Synchronous Service Transport, Spread Spectrum Transmission (Wireless)12) Сокращение: Safe Secure Trainer (USA), Second-generation Supersonic Transport, Single Subscriber Terminal, Solid-State Transmitter, South Side Tribe, Special Surface Target torpedo, Spectroscopic Survey Telescope, South Sumatra Time (GMT + 0700), температура поверхности моря (Sea Surface Temperature)13) Текстиль: Super Silky Tactel14) Университет: Student Success Team, Student Support Team15) Электроника: Spread Spectrum Technology, Superior Sound Technology16) Вычислительная техника: Spread-Spectrum Technology, synchronous system trap, South Sumatra Time (+0700, TZ), Simple SIPP Transition (Internet, SIPP), Spectroscopic Survey Telescope (Space), SuperSonic Transport (Space)17) Нефть: saccharin solution test, стандартная проверка пригодности к эксплуатации (standard serviceability test), испытания при ступенчатом изменении напряжений (step-stress test)18) Иммунология: Serum Separator Tube, Sum Of Squares For Treatments, secondary stimulation test19) Космонавтика: синхронное прерывание20) Банковское дело: Self Service Terminal (информационный киоск, терминал оплаты услуг, иногда синоним слова "банкомат", (ATM))21) Транспорт: Short Section Track, Slip Stream Transport, Sophisticated Sports Touring22) Холодильная техника: saturated suction temperature24) СМИ: Sim Sports Today25) Деловая лексика: Service Speed And Technology26) Образование: Student Service Team, Student Study Team27) Сетевые технологии: Spread Spectrum Transmission, передача с разнесением сигнала по спектру, спектральная модуляция28) Полимеры: step-by-step test29) Хроматография: System Stability Test30) Расширение файла: Set Strobe Time, Systems Services and Technology31) Нефть и газ: Sub Surface Team32) Фантастика Star Ship Trooper, Star Ship Troopers33) Фармация: system suitability test34) Программное обеспечение: Secure Shell Toolkit, Standard Service Tool, Statistical Software Tools -
20 StAR
1) Авиация: standard (instrument) arrival (standard instrument arrival routes), (см.) SIDs and STARs3) Спорт: Skills And Techniques For Advanced Riding, Sport Touring Association Rendezvous, Sports Training Academics And Recreation4) Военный термин: Service Tradition Awards Recognition, Simulation in Training for Advanced Readiness, Situation Task Action Result, Standard Threat Assessment Report, satellite telecommunications automatic routing, selective training and retention, self-testing and repairing, ship tactical airborne RPV, specialized training and reassignment, stacked array radar, staging area, standard approach route, supersonic tactical antiradar, support through aerial resupply, surface-to-air recovery, surveillance, threat assessment report5) Техника: Signaal terminal area radar, satellite telecommunications automatic routing system, ship-tended acoustic relay, shuttle telescopes for astronomical research program, small tactical airborne recorder, standard tantalum active resonator, star and stellar systems advisory committee, stellar attitude reference system, surveillance and target acquisition radar, systems test bed for avionics research7) Юридический термин: Supporting Teens At Risk8) Автомобильный термин: self test automatic readout9) Сокращение: SCOPE Trusted Automatic Router, Shock Technology Applied Research, Simulation Training And Research, Simultaneous Transmission And Reception, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive, Space/Time Adaptive Research (system), Special Threat Analysis and Recognition, Standard Terminal Arrival Route, Strategic & Tactical Airborne Recovery, Strategic-Tactical Airborne Recorder, Submarine Target, Surface To Air Recovery, Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reconnaissance, System Threat Assessment Report, System for Tactical Access to combat Radio, space technology and advanced research10) Университет: Satellite Transmitted Academic Resources, Science Technology And Research, Science To Achieve Results, Scottish Technology And Research, Smart Technology For Academic Rewards, Strategically Targeted Academic Research, Strategies And Techniques For Academic Reinforcement, Student Team About Results, Student Telephone Assisted Registration, Student Tracking Admissions And Registration, Students Taking Action And Responsibility, Students Teaching Arithmetic And Reading11) Физиология: Specialised Trauma Air Response, Steps Towards Allergy Relief, Strategic And Tactical Axiomatic Response12) Электроника: Simultaneous transmitted and reflected13) Вычислительная техника: Shareware Trade Association and Resources (organization)14) Онкология: Sharing Treatment And Recovery15) Космонавтика: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (NASA)16) Банковское дело: синтетические ценные бумаги с новыми характеристиками, выпущенные на основе других ценных бумаг (securities transferred and repackaged)17) Транспорт: Simplified And Transparent Administration Of Registration18) Воздухоплавание: Standard Terminal Approach Route19) Фирменный знак: Stevens Technology For Arsenic Removal20) Экология: Sustainable Technologies And Renewables21) Деловая лексика: Safety Through Accountability And Recognition, Service Teamwork Achievement And Recognition, Situation, Task, Action, Results, Software Technical Assistance Recognition22) Образование: Skill Talent And Achievement Recognition, Standardized Test For Assessment Of Reading, Statewide Training For Accurate Reference, Striving To Achieve Results, Student Teacher Achievement Recognition, Students Taught Awareness And Resistance, Students That Are Ready, Success Through Academic Readiness, Support Training Advocacy And Resources, Supportive Training Achieves Results23) Инвестиции: securities transferred and repackaged25) Медицинская техника: signal targeting and alternating radiofrequency26) Расширение файла: Self Defining Text Archival27) НАСДАК: Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon28) Программное обеспечение: Software Technology For Action And Reflection
См. также в других словарях:
TARGET 3001! — Benutzeroberfläche von TARGET 3001! Basisdaten Entwickler: Ing. Büro Friedrich, Eich … Deutsch Wikipedia
Target 3001 — TARGET 3001! Benutzeroberfläche von TARGET 3001! … Deutsch Wikipedia
Software design — is a process of problem solving and planning for a software solution. After the purpose and specifications of software are determined, software developers will design or employ designers to develop a plan for a solution. It includes low level… … Wikipedia
Target: Renegade — стартовый экран NES версии Разработчик Ocean Software Издатель Imagine Software, Taito … Википедия
Target Disk Mode — (sometimes referred to as TDM or Target Mode ) is a boot mode for Macintosh computers wherein the Mac does not load the operating system, but instead behaves as a FireWire mass storage device with the SBP 2 (Serial Bus Protocol) standard. Target… … Wikipedia
Software testing — is an empirical investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test [ [http://www.kaner.com/pdfs/ETatQAI.pdf Exploratory Testing] , Cem Kaner, Florida Institute of Technology,… … Wikipedia
Target Acquisition Minefield Detection System — (ASTAMIDS) is the latest weapon in the fight against improvised explosive devices (IED). It will provide a Unit of Action (UA) asset that can be used in Tactical Operations in day or night to detect and locate surface obstacles and recently… … Wikipedia
Target — refers to: * Target Corporation, a U.S. mass merchandise retailer * Bullseye (target) * Target (Australia), an Australian mass merchandise store retailer * Gui Jean Baptiste Target (1733–1807), French lawyer * Target, Allier, a commune of the… … Wikipedia
Software Innovation — can be understood in (at least) two ways:1. Software Product Innovation the creation of novel and useful software programs.2. Software Process Innovation the introduction of novel and useful ways of developing software.Innovation should be… … Wikipedia
Software versioning — is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software. Within a given version number category (major, minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and… … Wikipedia
Software prototyping — Software prototyping, a possible activity during software development, is the creation of prototypes, i.e., incomplete versions of the software program being developed.A prototype typically simulates only a few aspects of the features of the… … Wikipedia