1 target company
Компания, которая получила предложение о поглощении (takeover bid).
[ http://www.vocable.ru/dictionary/533/symbol/97]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > target company
2 target company
фин. компания-цель (поглощения), компания-объект (поглощения), приобретаемая компания (компания, которая является объектом попытки поглощения со стороны другой компании)Syn:See:
* * *
компания-цель: компания, которая является объектом попытки поглощения со стороны другой компании; в США приобретение более 5% акций компании несет обязательство проинформировать Комиссию по ценным бумагам и биржам и компанию-цель; см. take-over.* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
3 target company
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > target company
4 Target Company
Юридический термин: Поглощаемая компания -
5 target company
Юридический термин: Поглощаемая компания -
6 target company
компания, которую собираются поглотить, фирма, которую собираются поглотить -
(компания-мишень) Компания, которая получила предложение о поглощении (takeover bid). -
8 target company
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > target company
9 target company
10 target company
компания-мишень; компания-цельФирма, которую другая компания посчитала привлекательной с точки зрения поглощения или приобретения. -
11 target company code
SAP.фин. исходная балансовая единица, целевая балансовая единица -
12 target company; takeover candidate
фр. société opéable
исп. empresa susceptible de absorción
компания-цель; компания- мишень; целевая компания; компания кандидат на поглощение
Компания, рассматриваемая в качестве объекта поглощения.
Англо-русский словарь Финансы и долги > target company; takeover candidate
13 target
1. сущ.1) общ. цель, мишень ( в стрельбе)to hit [strike\] a target — попасть в цель
to miss [overshoot\] a target — промахнуться
2) упр. цель, задание, задача, план (какой-л. запланированный количественный показатель или намеченный план действий)target setting — постановка цели [задачи\]
by the target — к установленному [заданному\] сроку
to realize the target — достигнуть намеченной цели, выполнить задание
to beat [exceed, outstrip, overfulfil, smash\] the target — превзойти план [контрольные цифры\]
Our target is to raise $20,000 for cancer research. — Наша задача — собрать 20 тыс. долл. на онкологические исследования.
Syn:See:3) эк. = takeover target2. гл.1) общ. нацеливать2) марк. нацеливать, направлять ( рекламную или сбытовую политику на определенную группу населения)A campaign targets under-35s. — Кампания направлена на людей младше 35 лет.
New retail real-estate firm is targeting San Antonio. — Новое агентство планирует выйти на рынок недвижимости Сан-Антонио.
See:3. прил.общ. целевой, плановый, запланированный (о чем-л. или о ком-л., что является целью)target date — плановый [намеченный\] срок
target figure — плановая [намеченная\] цифра [величина\]
The target group consisted of college graduates who earned more than $50,000 a year. — Целевая группа состояла из выпускников колледжей, зарабатывающих более 50 тыс. долл. в год.
See:target account, target advertising, on-target advertising, target area, target audience, target buyer, target consumer, target customer, target capital structure, target cash balance, target company, target cost, target costing, target demographics, target income, target income sales, target market, target marketing, target population, target price, target pricing, target profit, target rating point, target selling price, target segment, target zone
* * *
abbrev.: TARGET Trans-European Real-Time Gross-Settlement Express Transfer Трансевропейская система быстрых крупных платежей в режиме реального времени: планируемая система расчетов между европейскими банками после введения единой валюты; см. single currency.* * *таргетирование, цельустановление целевых ориентиров денежной системы, регулирование прироста денежной массы, которых придерживаются в своей политике центральные банки -
14 company
nкомпания; общество; фирма; предприятие
- affiliated company
- ailing company
- air company
- airline company
- alien company
- allied company
- appraisal company
- associated company
- assurance company
- bank holding company
- bloated company
- blue-chip company
- bogus company
- broker company
- bubble company
- building company
- cable company
- car rental company
- carrying company
- chartered company
- closed company
- closed-end company
- closed-end investment company
- commercial company
- commercial credit company
- commission company
- competitive company
- consulting company
- consumer finance company
- consumer-goods company
- controlled company
- controlling company
- credit card company
- customer-centric company
- daughter company
- dealer company
- defunct company
- designing company
- development company
- distributing company
- diversified company
- domestic company
- domestic road haulage company
- dormant company
- emerging company
- engineering company
- export company
- factoring company
- farming company
- finance company
- financially-troubled company
- financing company
- foreign company
- foreign trade company
- forwarding company
- front company
- general marketing company
- general trade company
- hire-purchase company
- holding company
- home company
- immediate holding company
- incorporated company
- independent appraisal company
- industrial company
- inland navigation company
- installment credit company
- insurance company
- international company
- investment company
- issuing company
- joint-stock company
- large company
- leading company
- leased company
- leasing company
- life assurance company
- life insurance company
- limited-liability company
- liner company
- listed company
- loss-making company
- low-liquid company
- mail-order company
- major company
- management company
- managing company
- manufacturing company
- marketing company
- medium-sized company
- mixed company
- mobile radiotelephone company
- mortgage company
- multi-industry company
- multinational company
- mutual insurance company
- national company
- nationalized company
- navigation company
- nominee company
- nonoperating company
- nonprofit-making company
- nonresident company
- ocean company
- offshore company
- oil company
- one-man company
- open-end company
- open-end investment company
- operating company
- overseas company
- packaging company
- packing company
- paging company
- parent company
- personal loan company
- predecessor company
- private company
- private limited company
- privatized company
- processing company
- producer company
- product company
- property company
- proprietary company
- public company
- public limited company
- public utility company
- purchasing company
- quoted company
- railway company
- real estate company
- realty company
- registered company
- reinsurance company
- rival company
- sales company
- sales finance company
- salvage company
- securities company
- separate company
- service company
- shell company
- shipping company
- short-line company
- sister company
- specialized company
- state company
- statutory company
- steamship company
- stevedoring company
- stock company
- subsidiary company
- sub-subsidiary company
- supplier company
- surety company
- target company
- trade company
- trading company
- transparent company
- transport company
- troubled company
- trucking company
- trust company
- trust and mortgage loan company
- turnaround company
- unlimited company
- unregistered company
- venture capital company
- vendor company
- warehouse company
- well-established company
- wild cat company
- absorb a company
- close down a company
- constitute a company
- create a company
- dissolve a company
- establish a company
- float a company
- form a company
- keep a company afloat
- liquidate a company
- promote a company
- register a company
- represent a company
- run a company
- sell out a company
- set up a company
- start a company
- tout a company
- turn around a company
- wind up a company
- wipe out a companyEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > company
15 company
компания; общество; фирма; предприятие•- place the company on "creditwatch" -
16 company
n1) компания; фирма; общество; корпорация2) (The Company) полит. жарг. "Фирма", ЦРУ•to buy into a company — скупать акции компании / фирмы
to form a company — учреждать компанию / фирму
to liquidate unprofitable companies — ликвидировать нерентабельные / убыточные компании / фирмы
to nationalize a company — национализировать компанию / фирму
- air companyto take over a company — приобретать контрольный пакет акций компании / фирмы ( о другой компании или фирме)
- amalgamation of companies
- associated company
- bubble company
- daughter company
- debt-ridden company
- defense-space company
- domestic company
- dummy company
- engineering company
- foreign-controlled company
- front company
- holding company
- industrial company
- insurance company
- investment company
- joint-stock company
- limited liability company
- marketing company
- merger of companies
- mixed company
- multinational company
- oil company
- parent company
- privately-owned company
- shell company
- shipping company
- state-owned company
- stock company
- subsidiary company
- target company
- trade company
- trading company
- US-owned company -
17 target corporation
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > target corporation
18 target corporation
фин. = target company -
19 target firm
фин. = target company* * ** * *. Фирма, которая является объектом поглощения для другой компании . Инвестиционная деятельность . -
20 takeover target
фин. = target companyThis company is a takeover target. — Эта компания является объектом поглощения.
См. также в других словарях:
target company — offeree, Also known as the target company or target. A company in respect of which an offer has been made or is in contemplation to which the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the Code) applies. Paragraph 3 of the Introduction to the Code sets… … Law dictionary
target company — Often used in risk arbitrage. firm chosen as an attractive takeover candidate by a potential acquirer. The acquirer may buy up to 5% of the target s stock without public disclosure, but it must report all transactions and supply other information … Financial and business terms
target company — /ˌtɑ:gɪt kʌmp(ə)ni/ noun same as takeover target ▪▪▪ ‘…in a normal leveraged buyout the acquirer raises money by borrowing against the assets of the target company’ [Fortune] … Dictionary of banking and finance
target company — Company attempted to be taken over in tender offer, leveraged buyout, or other type of takeover or acquisition attempt. See takeover bid tender offer … Black's law dictionary
target company — noun a company that has been chosen as attractive for takeover by a potential acquirer • Syn: ↑takeover target • Hypernyms: ↑company • Hyponyms: ↑sleeping beauty … Useful english dictionary
target company — A company that is subject to a takeover bid … Accounting dictionary
target company — A company that is subject to a takeover bid … Big dictionary of business and management
Target Corporation — Тип … Википедия
target — tar·get n: the object to be affected or achieved by an action or development; specif: a company that is the object of a takeover Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. target … Law dictionary
company MAC — USA In the case of an acquisition financing, a material adverse change condition precedent to lending that is virtually identical to the material adverse change clause in the acquisition agreement. It will only pertain to the target company (not… … Law dictionary
target — ▪ I. target tar‧get 1 [ˈtɑːgt ǁ ˈtɑːr ] noun [countable] 1. an organization, industry, government etc that is deliberately chosen to have something done to it: target of • There was persistent speculation that the company could be the target of… … Financial and business terms