Перевод: с английского на латышский

с латышского на английский


  • 1 linchpin


    English-Latvian dictionary > linchpin

  • 2 bung

    1. noun
    (the stopper of the hole in a barrel, a small boat etc.) tapa; spunde
    2. verb
    1) (to block with such a stopper.) aizspundēt; aizkorķēt
    2) (to throw: Bung it over here.) aizmest; pārmest
    * * *
    spunde, tapa; krodzinieks; meli, krāpšana; aizspundēt, aizkorķēt; aizsērēt; uzdauzīt; svaidīt, mest

    English-Latvian dictionary > bung

  • 3 brad

    tapiņa, tapa

    English-Latvian dictionary > brad

  • 4 faucet

    spunde, tapa; krāns

    English-Latvian dictionary > faucet

  • 5 finger

    ['fiŋɡə] 1. noun
    1) (one of the five end parts of the hand, sometimes excluding the thumb: She pointed a finger at the thief.) (rokas) pirksts
    2) (the part of a glove into which a finger is put.) (cimda) pirksts
    3) (anything made, shaped, cut etc like a finger: a finger of toast.) iegarens grauzdētas maizes gabaliņš
    2. verb
    (to touch or feel with the fingers: She fingered the material.) piedurties ar pirkstiem; aiztikt; aptaustīt
    - fingerprint
    - fingertip
    - be all fingers and thumbs / my fingers are all thumbs
    - have something at one's fingertips
    - have at one's fingertips
    - have a finger in the pie / in every pie
    - put one's finger on
    * * *
    pirksts; rādītājs; pirksts, tapa; aptaustīt, piedurties ar pirkstiem, aiztikt; spēlēt; ņemt kukuļus, zagt; paziņot par kādu policijai

    English-Latvian dictionary > finger

  • 6 forelock

    matu sproga, cekuls; šplints, tapa

    English-Latvian dictionary > forelock

  • 7 gudgeon

    grundulis; ass; rēdze, tapa; vientiesis

    English-Latvian dictionary > gudgeon

  • 8 journal

    1) (a magazine or other regularly published paper (eg of a society): the British Medical Journal.) žurnāls
    2) (a diary giving an account of each day's activities.) dienasgrāmata
    - journalist
    - journalistic
    * * *
    dienasgrāmata; laikraksts, žurnāls; rēdze, tapa

    English-Latvian dictionary > journal

  • 9 nog

    ķīlis, tapa; stiprs alus

    English-Latvian dictionary > nog

  • 10 peg

    [peɡ] 1. noun
    1) (a usually short, not very thick, piece of wood, metal etc used to fasten or mark something: There were four pegs stuck in the ground.) mietiņš
    2) (a hook on a wall or door for hanging clothes etc on: Hang your clothes on the pegs in the cupboard.) vadzis, āķītis, pakaramais
    3) ((also clothes-peg) a wooden or plastic clip for holding clothes etc to a rope while drying.) knaģis
    2. verb
    (to fasten with a peg: She pegged the clothes on the washing-line.) nostiprināt ar mietiņu/knaģi
    - take someone down a peg or two
    - take down a peg or two
    - take someone down a peg
    - take down a peg
    * * *
    spunde, tapa; mietiņš; vadzis, pakaramais; kāja; mākslīgā kāja; iedzīt tapu, nostiprināt ar tapu; iežogot, norobežot; stabilizēt cenu

    English-Latvian dictionary > peg

  • 11 pin

    [pin] 1. noun
    1) (a short, thin, pointed piece of metal used eg to hold pieces of fabric, paper etc together, especially when making clothes: The papers are fastened together by a pin.) kniepadata; spraudīte
    2) (a similar but more ornamental object: a hat-pin.) piespraude; nozīmīte
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten with a pin: She pinned the material together.) saspraust; piespraust
    2) (to hold by pressing against something: The fallen tree pinned him to the ground.) piespiest; nospiest
    - pinhole
    - pinpoint
    - pin-up
    - pin down
    - pins and needles
    * * *
    kniepadata; spraudīte; nozīmīte; rēdze, tapa; veļas knaģis; belzenis; piespraust, saspraust; piespiest; izdurt

    English-Latvian dictionary > pin

  • 12 pintle

    tapskrūve, tapa

    English-Latvian dictionary > pintle

  • 13 plug

    1. noun
    1) (a device for putting into a mains socket in order to allow an electric current to flow through the appliance to which it is attached by cable: She changed the plug on the electric kettle.) kontaktdakša
    2) (an object shaped for fitting into the hole in a bath or sink to prevent the water from running away, or a piece of material for blocking any hole.) aizbāznis; korķis; puļķis
    2. verb
    (to block (a hole) by putting a plug in it: He plugged the hole in the window with a piece of newspaper.) aizbāzt; aizkorķēt
    * * *
    puļķis, aizbāznis, tapa; presēta tabaka; hidrants; ieteikums, reklāma; špikeris; kleperis; svece; aizdedzes svece; kontaktdakša; spraudkontakts, ligzda; plomba, tampons; aizkorķēt, aizbāzt; ieteikt, reklamēt; sašaut, nošaut; plombēt, tamponēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > plug

  • 14 spigot

    spunde, tapa; krāns

    English-Latvian dictionary > spigot

  • 15 spike

    1) (a hard, thin, pointed object (of wood, metal etc): The fence had long spikes on top.) smaile; (jumta) dzegulis
    2) (a pointed piece of metal attached to the sole of a shoe etc to prevent slipping.) (sporta apava) nagla; radze; tapa
    - spiky
    - spikiness
    * * *
    smaile; nagla; vārpa; kaba; ķīlis; uzlikt smailes; iedzīt naglas; sadurt, caurdurt; sabojāt; pievienot alkoholu

    English-Latvian dictionary > spike

  • 16 spile

    spunde, tapa; pālis

    English-Latvian dictionary > spile

  • 17 spill

    past tense, past participle - spilt; verb
    (to (cause something to) fall or run out (usually accidentally): He spilt milk on the floor; Vegetables spilled out of the burst bag.) (netīšām) izliet; izšļakstīt; izšļakstīties
    * * *
    papīra rullītis, skals; kritiens; izšļakstīšana; spunde, tapa; lietusgāze; izliet, pārgāzne; nomest; izpļāpāties

    English-Latvian dictionary > spill

  • 18 spilt

    past tense, past participle; see spill
    * * *
    papīra rullītis, skals; kritiens; spunde, tapa; izšļakstīšana; lietusgāze; izliet, pārgāzne; nomest; izpļāpāties

    English-Latvian dictionary > spilt

  • 19 sprig

    (a small piece of a plant; a twig.) zariņš
    * * *
    zariņš; zariņveida raksts; metāla tapa; jauneklis; pēctecis, atvase; izrotāt ar zariņveida rakstu; iedzīt tapas

    English-Latvian dictionary > sprig

  • 20 stopgap

    noun (a person or thing that fills a gap in an emergency: He was made headmaster as a stopgap till a new man could be appointed; ( also adjective) stopgap arrangements.) pagaidu aizstājējs; pagaidu-
    * * *
    spunde, tapa; pagaidu aizstājējs

    English-Latvian dictionary > stopgap

См. также в других словарях:

  • tapa — tapa …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Tapa — Tapa …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • TAPA — steht für: Flughafen VC Bird International in Antigua und Barbuda als ICAO Code Tapa bezeichnet: eine ursprünglich spanische Speise, siehe Tapa (Gericht) einen Ort in Estland, siehe Tapa (Estland) Tapa Rindenbaststoff, ein in der Südsee… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tapa — steht für: eine ursprünglich spanische Speise, siehe Tapa (Gericht) einen Ort in Estland, siehe Tapa (Estland) ein logisches Rätsel, siehe Tapa (Rätsel) Tapa Rindenbaststoff, ein in der Südsee hergestellter Stoff aus der Rinde des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tapa — ● tapa nom masculin (mot polynésien) En Océanie, étoffe fabriquée à partir de l écorce interne de l arbre à pain ou de diverses espèces de ficus, qui est martelée à l aide d un battoir spécial, encollée et peinte. tapa n. m. d1./d Tissu végétal… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • tapa — TAPÁ, tapez, vb. I. 1. tranz. (fam.) A obţine de la cineva bani cu titlu de împrumut, dar fără intenţia de a i restitui. 2. tranz. şi refl. A (se) pieptăna în aşa fel, încât să poată da părului o formă înaltă, înfoiată. – Din fr. taper. Trimis de …   Dicționar Român

  • tapa — sustantivo femenino 1. Pieza que cierra la abertura de un recipiente: tapa de una cazuela, tapa de una caja, tapa del piano. Sinónimo: tapadera. 2. Cada una de las dos láminas de un libro encuadernado: tapas de piel. 3. Parte del tacón de un… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • tapă — TÁPĂ, tape, s.f. Scobitură, tăietură care se face la capătul lemnelor de construcţie pentru a le putea îmbina unele cu altele. ♦ Tăietură care rămâne în trunchiul unui copac când tăietorul loveşte cu toporul o dată pieziş şi altă dată orizontal.… …   Dicționar Român

  • tapa — tàpa m DEFINICIJA pov. tiskarski postupak kojim su se služili stanovnici Polinezije; tapa tisak ETIMOLOGIJA polinez. tapa …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • tapa — s. f. 1. Parede exterior do casco da besta. 2. Taco com que se tapa a boca das peças de artilharia. 3.  [Informal] Argumento sem réplica. (No português do Brasil, é substantivo masculino.) 4.  [Informal] Coisa que faz calar. (No português do… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Tapa — Ta pa, n. A kind of cloth prepared by the Polynesians from the inner bark of the paper mulberry; sometimes called also {kapa}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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