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  • 1 take on

    1) (to agree to do (work etc); to undertake: He took on the job.) taka að sér
    2) (to employ: They are taking on five hundred more men at the factory.) ráða
    3) ((with at) to challenge (someone) to a game etc: I'll take you on at tennis.) skora á (e-n)
    4) (to get; to assume: His writing took on a completely new meaning.) öðlast, taka á sig
    5) (to allow (passengers) to get on or in: The bus only stops here to take on passengers.) hleypa inn
    6) (to be upset: Don't take on so!) taka (e-ð) nærri sér

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  • 2 take in

    1) (to include: Literature takes in drama, poetry and the novel.) telja með
    2) (to give (someone) shelter: He had nowhere to go, so I took him in.) veita húsaskjól
    3) (to understand and remember: I didn't take in what he said.) skilja, meðtaka
    4) (to make (clothes) smaller: I lost a lot of weight, so I had to take all my clothes in.) þrengja
    5) (to deceive or cheat: He took me in with his story.) gabba

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take in

  • 3 take

    (to take or keep (someone) as a hostage: The police were unable to attack the terrorists because they were holding three people hostage.) taka í gíslingu

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take

  • 4 take up

    1) (to use or occupy (space, time etc): I won't take up much of your time.) taka (rÿmi/tíma)
    2) (to begin doing, playing etc: He has taken up the violin/teaching.) byrja (að gera e-ð/á e-u)
    3) (to shorten (clothes): My skirts were too long, so I had them taken up.) stytta
    4) (to lift or raise; to pick up: He took up the book.) taka/lyfta upp

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take up

  • 5 take to

    1) (to find acceptable or pleasing: I soon took to her children/idea.) laðast að
    2) (to begin to do (something) regularly: He took to smoking a pipe.) venja sig á (e-ð)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take to

  • 6 take heed of

    Take heed of my warning; He paid no heed to me.) veita athygli, sinna

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take heed of

  • 7 take off

    1) (to remove (clothes etc): He took off his coat.) fara úr
    2) ((of an aircraft) to leave the ground: The plane took off for Rome (noun take-off).) hefja sig til flugs
    3) (not to work during (a period of time): I'm taking tomorrow morning off.) taka frí
    4) (to imitate someone (often unkindly): He used to take off his teacher to make his friends laugh (noun take-off).) herma eftir, skopstæla

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take off

  • 8 take-away

    1) (food prepared and bought in a restaurant but taken away and eaten somewhere else eg at home: I'll go and buy a take-away; ( also adjective) a take-away meal.) matur sem tekinn er heim/út (af veitingastað)
    2) (a restaurant where such food is prepared and bought.) veitingastaður sem selur mat til að fara með út/heim

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take-away

  • 9 take over

    1) (to take control (of): He has taken the business over (noun take-over).) taka við stjórn
    2) ((often with from) to do (something) after someone else stops doing it: He retired last year, and I took over (his job) from him.) taka við af (e-m)

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take over

  • 10 take risks / take a risk

    (to do something which might cause loss, injury etc: One cannot be successful in business unless one is willing to take risks.) taka áhættu

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take risks / take a risk

  • 11 take (someone or something) seriously

    1) (to regard (a person or his statement etc) as in earnest: You mustn't take his jokes/promises seriously.) alvarlega
    2) (to regard (a matter) as a subject for concern or serious thought: He refuses to take anything seriously.) alvarlega

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take (someone or something) seriously

  • 12 take (someone or something) seriously

    1) (to regard (a person or his statement etc) as in earnest: You mustn't take his jokes/promises seriously.) alvarlega
    2) (to regard (a matter) as a subject for concern or serious thought: He refuses to take anything seriously.) alvarlega

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take (someone or something) seriously

  • 13 take a back seat

    (to take an unimportant position: At these discussions he always takes a back seat and listens to others talking.) láta lítið á sér bera, halda sig til baka

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take a back seat

  • 14 take a bet

    ( often with on) (to bet: Are you willing to take a bet on whether he'll come or not?) veðja

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take a bet

  • 15 take a joke

    (to be able to accept or laugh at a joke played on oneself: The trouble with him is that he can't take a joke.) taka gríni

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take a joke

  • 16 take a seat

    (to sit down: Please take a seat!) fá sér sæti, setjast

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take a seat

  • 17 take account of (something)

    (to consider (something which is part of the problem etc): We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.) taka með í reikninginn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take account of (something)

  • 18 take account of (something)

    (to consider (something which is part of the problem etc): We must take his illness into account when assessing his work.) taka með í reikninginn

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take account of (something)

  • 19 take an interest

    (to be interested: I take a great interest in everything they do.) hafa áhuga á

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take an interest

  • 20 take back

    1) (to make (someone) remember or think about (something): Meeting my old friends took me back to my childhood.) láta hverfa aftur í tíma
    2) (to admit that what one has said is not true: Take back what you said about my sister!) draga tilbaka

    English-Icelandic dictionary > take back

См. также в других словарях:

  • Take — Take, v. t. [imp. {Took} (t[oo^]k); p. p. {Taken} (t[=a]k n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Taking}.] [Icel. taka; akin to Sw. taga, Dan. tage, Goth. t[=e]kan to touch; of uncertain origin.] 1. In an active sense; To lay hold of; to seize with the hands, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • take — [tāk] vt. took, taken, taking [ME taken < OE tacan < ON taka < ? IE base * dēg , to lay hold of] I to get possession of by force or skill; seize, grasp, catch, capture, win, etc. 1. to get by conquering; capture; seize 2. to trap, snare …   English World dictionary

  • take — ► VERB (past took; past part. taken) 1) lay hold of with one s hands; reach for and hold. 2) occupy (a place or position). 3) capture or gain possession of by force. 4) carry or bring with one; convey. 5) remove from a place. 6) …   English terms dictionary

  • take — [n] profit booty*, catch, catching, cut, gate, haul*, holding, part, proceeds, receipts, return, returns, revenue, share, takings, yield; concept 344 Ant. debt, loss take [v1] get; help oneself to abduct, accept, acquire, arrest, attain, capture …   New thesaurus

  • Take — Take, v. i. 1. To take hold; to fix upon anything; to have the natural or intended effect; to accomplish a purpose; as, he was inoculated, but the virus did not take. Shak. [1913 Webster] When flame taketh and openeth, it giveth a noise. Bacon.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • take — vb took, tak·en, tak·ing vt 1 a: to obtain control, custody, or possession of often by assertive or intentional means b: to seize or interfere with the use of (property) by governmental authority; specif: to acquire title to for public use by… …   Law dictionary

  • Take On Me — ist ein Lied und Nummer Eins Hit der norwegischen Popband a ha, welches von ihrem ersten Album Hunting High and Low aus dem Jahr 1985 stammt. Aufgenommen wurde der Titel bereits 1984, jedoch schaffte er es erst mit dem dritten Anlauf zum Nummer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Take on me — ist ein Lied und Nummer Eins Hit der norwegischen Popband a ha, welches von ihrem ersten Album Hunting High and Low aus dem Jahr 1985 stammt. Aufgenommen wurde der Titel bereits 1984, jedoch schaffte er es erst mit dem dritten Anlauf zum Nummer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Take on Me — «Take on Me» Sencillo de a ha del álbum Hunting High and Low Publicación 5 de abril de 1985; 16 de septiembre de 1985 Formato 7 , 12 Grabación 1984 1985 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Take — (engl. „nehmen, Aufnahme“) steht für: Take bzw. Einstellung (Film), eine ungeschnittene, zumeist kurze Filmaufnahme Take (Musik), die schrittweise Aufnahme von akustischen Signalen Take 2 Interactive, der Hersteller von Computer und Videospielen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Take 2 — Take Two Interactive Software Inc. Unternehmensform Aktiengesellschaft ISIN …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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