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с шведского на все языки


  • 1 take (someone) for

    (to believe (mistakenly) that (someone) is (someone or something else): I took you for your brother.) ta miste på

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone) for

  • 2 take (someone) for

    (to believe (mistakenly) that (someone) is (someone or something else): I took you for your brother.) ta miste på

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone) for

  • 3 take (someone or something) seriously

    1) (to regard (a person or his statement etc) as in earnest: You mustn't take his jokes/promises seriously.) ta ngn (ngt) på allvar
    2) (to regard (a matter) as a subject for concern or serious thought: He refuses to take anything seriously.) ta ngn (ngt) på allvar

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone or something) seriously

  • 4 take (someone or something) seriously

    1) (to regard (a person or his statement etc) as in earnest: You mustn't take his jokes/promises seriously.) ta ngn (ngt) på allvar
    2) (to regard (a matter) as a subject for concern or serious thought: He refuses to take anything seriously.) ta ngn (ngt) på allvar

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone or something) seriously

  • 5 take (someone) at his word

    (to believe (someone) without question and act according to his words.) tro ngn på dennes ord

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone) at his word

  • 6 take (someone) at his word

    (to believe (someone) without question and act according to his words.) tro ngn på dennes ord

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone) at his word

  • 7 take (someone) unawares

    (to surprise or startle (someone): He came into the room so quietly that he took me unawares.) överrumpla ngn

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone) unawares

  • 8 take someone's part

    (to support someone (in an argument etc): She always takes his part.)

    English-Swedish dictionary > take someone's part

  • 9 take someone's word for it

    (to assume that what someone says is correct (without checking).)

    English-Swedish dictionary > take someone's word for it

  • 10 take (someone) unawares

    (to surprise or startle (someone): He came into the room so quietly that he took me unawares.) överrumpla ngn

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone) unawares

  • 11 take (someone) down a peg (or two)

    (to make (a proud person) more humble: We must find some way of taking her down a peg or two.) tvinga ngn att stämma ner tonen, sätta ngn på plats

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone) down a peg (or two)

  • 12 take (someone) down a peg (or two)

    (to make (a proud person) more humble: We must find some way of taking her down a peg or two.) tvinga ngn att stämma ner tonen, sätta ngn på plats

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone) down a peg (or two)

  • 13 take (someone) down a peg (or two)

    (to make (a proud person) more humble: We must find some way of taking her down a peg or two.) tvinga ngn att stämma ner tonen, sätta ngn på plats

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone) down a peg (or two)

  • 14 take (someone) down a peg (or two)

    (to make (a proud person) more humble: We must find some way of taking her down a peg or two.) tvinga ngn att stämma ner tonen, sätta ngn på plats

    English-Swedish dictionary > take (someone) down a peg (or two)

  • 15 take someone's temperature

    (to measure a person's body heat, using a thermometer.)

    English-Swedish dictionary > take someone's temperature

  • 16 take under one's wing

    (to take (someone) under one's protection.)

    English-Swedish dictionary > take under one's wing

  • 17 take off

    1) (to remove (clothes etc): He took off his coat.) ta av sig
    2) ((of an aircraft) to leave the ground: The plane took off for Rome (noun take-off).) starta, lyfta
    3) (not to work during (a period of time): I'm taking tomorrow morning off.) ta ledigt
    4) (to imitate someone (often unkindly): He used to take off his teacher to make his friends laugh (noun take-off).) härma, imitera

    English-Swedish dictionary > take off

  • 18 take on

    1) (to agree to do (work etc); to undertake: He took on the job.) ta på sig
    2) (to employ: They are taking on five hundred more men at the factory.) anställa
    3) ((with at) to challenge (someone) to a game etc: I'll take you on at tennis.) utmana, ställa upp mot
    4) (to get; to assume: His writing took on a completely new meaning.) anta, börja få
    5) (to allow (passengers) to get on or in: The bus only stops here to take on passengers.) ta upp (ombord)
    6) (to be upset: Don't take on so!) ta illa vid sig, bli upprörd

    English-Swedish dictionary > take on

  • 19 take in

    1) (to include: Literature takes in drama, poetry and the novel.) omfatta, inkludera
    2) (to give (someone) shelter: He had nowhere to go, so I took him in.) ge tak över huvudet
    3) (to understand and remember: I didn't take in what he said.) fatta
    4) (to make (clothes) smaller: I lost a lot of weight, so I had to take all my clothes in.) ta (sy) in
    5) (to deceive or cheat: He took me in with his story.) lura, dupera

    English-Swedish dictionary > take in

  • 20 take over

    1) (to take control (of): He has taken the business over (noun take-over).) ta över, överta
    2) ((often with from) to do (something) after someone else stops doing it: He retired last year, and I took over (his job) from him.) ta över, överta

    English-Swedish dictionary > take over

См. также в других словарях:

  • take someone up on — 1. To accept someone s offer or challenge with respect to 2. To challenge someone over (a statement, point, etc) • • • Main Entry: ↑take * * * 1) accept (an offer or challenge) from someone I d like to take you up on that offer 2) challenge or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take someone — take someone) ● court …   Useful english dictionary

  • take someone up — 1》 adopt someone as a protégé. 2》 (usu. take someone up on) accept an offer or challenge from someone. → take …   English new terms dictionary

  • take someone for a ride — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To cheat or swindle someone. * /Poor Joe Catwallender was taken for a ride./ 2. To kill someone after kidnapping. * /The criminals took the man for a ride./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take someone for a ride — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To cheat or swindle someone. * /Poor Joe Catwallender was taken for a ride./ 2. To kill someone after kidnapping. * /The criminals took the man for a ride./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take someone's place — To act as substitute for, or successor to, someone • • • Main Entry: ↑place * * * take someone’s place take the place of someone phrase to do something instead of someone else No one could ever take the place of her father. Joe resigned as… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take someone's name in vain — take someone’s name in vain often humorous phrase to talk about someone in a way that shows a lack of respect for them Thesaurus: to show that you do not respect someone or somethingsynonym Main entry: vain * * * I see vain …   Useful english dictionary

  • take someone's life — To kill someone • • • Main Entry: ↑life * * * take someone’s life phrase to kill someone The earthquake took 26 lives and injured over 60. Thesaurus: to kill a person or animalsynonym to kill yourself …   Useful english dictionary

  • take someone's or something's place — (or take the place of (someone or something)) : to replace someone or something Who will take the king s place when he dies? We solved the original problem, but now a new one has taken its place. I was too busy to attend the meeting, so I had my… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take someone's fancy — To attract someone mildly in some way ● fancy * * * take/catch/someone’s fancy informal phrase if something takes or catches your fancy, you like it, or you want to have or do it I looked at quite a few dresses, but nothing really took my fancy …   Useful english dictionary

  • take someone for a ride — phrase to trick, cheat, or lie to someone I found out I’d been taken for a ride by someone I really trusted. Thesaurus: to cheat or trick someonesynonym to tell lies and deceive peoplesynonym Main entry: ride * * * 1) …   Useful english dictionary

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