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  • 1 take out

    • ottaa pois
    • nyhtää
    • viedä ulos
    • esiin
    • ulkoiluttaa
    • purkaa
    • ratkoa
    • hankkia
    • poistaa

    English-Finnish dictionary > take out

  • 2 take out for a walk

    • ulkoiluttaa
    • kävelyttää

    English-Finnish dictionary > take out for a walk

  • 3 take out insurance

    • ottaa vakuutus
    • vakuuttaa

    English-Finnish dictionary > take out insurance

  • 4 take out patent

    finance, business, economy
    • patentoida

    English-Finnish dictionary > take out patent

  • 5 authority to take out a loan

    finance, business, economy
    • lainanottovaltuus

    English-Finnish dictionary > authority to take out a loan

  • 6 take-away

    1) (food prepared and bought in a restaurant but taken away and eaten somewhere else eg at home: I'll go and buy a take-away; ( also adjective) a take-away meal.) nouto-
    2) (a restaurant where such food is prepared and bought.) noutoravintola

    English-Finnish dictionary > take-away

  • 7 take it out on

    (to be angry with or unpleasant to because one is angry, disappointed etc oneself: You're upset, but there's no need to take it out on me!) kostaa

    English-Finnish dictionary > take it out on

  • 8 take one's leave (of)

    (to say goodbye (to): I took my leave (of the others) and went out.) jättää hyvästit

    English-Finnish dictionary > take one's leave (of)

  • 9 take one's leave (of)

    (to say goodbye (to): I took my leave (of the others) and went out.) jättää hyvästit

    English-Finnish dictionary > take one's leave (of)

  • 10 take care! look out! watch out! beware

    • varokaa

    English-Finnish dictionary > take care! look out! watch out! beware

  • 11 draw out

    banking term
    • nostaa rahaa
    • nostaa
    • venyä
    • venyttää
    * * *
    1) (to take (money) from a bank: I drew out $40 yesterday.) nostaa
    2) (to make longer: We drew out the journey as much as we could but we still arrived early.) pitkittää
    3) ((of a car etc) to move into the middle of the road from the side.) siirtyä tien keskelle

    English-Finnish dictionary > draw out

  • 12 lock out

    • teljetä
    * * *
    (to prevent from getting into a building etc by using a lock: Don't lock yourself out (of the house) by forgetting to take your key with you.) jättää oven ulkopuolelle

    English-Finnish dictionary > lock out

  • 13 time out

    1) ((in basketball etc) a short break requested by the coach to give instructions etc.)
    2) (a short period of rest from an activity: to take time out to relax.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > time out

  • 14 look out!

    (beware! take care!) varo

    English-Finnish dictionary > look out!

  • 15 stick one's neck out

    (to take a risk.) ottaa riski

    English-Finnish dictionary > stick one's neck out

  • 16 unpack

    automatic data processing
    • purkaa (ATK)
    • purkaa
    • purkaa(tietotekn)
    * * *
    1) (to take out (things that are packed): He unpacked his clothes.) purkaa
    2) (to take (clothes etc) out of (a case etc): Have you unpacked (your case)?)

    English-Finnish dictionary > unpack

  • 17 extract

    • ottaa
    • ote
    • imeä
    • vetää
    • vetää pois
    • vetää ulos
    • ekstrakti
    • uuttaa
    • uute
    • uutos
    • uute(tekniikka)
    • uute (tek.)
    • katkelma
    • kiristää
    • mehuste
    • poimia
    • poiminto
    • poistaa
    • louhia
    * * *
    1. ik'strækt verb
    1) (to pull out, or draw out, especially by force or with effort: I have to have a tooth extracted; Did you manage to extract the information from her?) vetää pois, kiskoa irti
    2) (to select (passages from a book etc).) poimia
    3) (to take out (a substance forming part of something else) by crushing or by chemical means: Vanilla essence is extracted from vanilla beans.) uuttaa
    2. 'ekstrækt noun
    1) (a passage selected from a book etc: a short extract from his novel.) ote
    2) (a substance obtained by an extracting process: beef/yeast extract; extract of malt.) uute

    English-Finnish dictionary > extract

  • 18 rescue

    • hengenpelastus
    • vapauttaa
    • apu
    • pelastuskeino
    • pelastusoperaatio
    • pelastus
    • pelastaminen
    • pelastaa
    * * *
    'reskju: 1. verb
    (to get or take out of a dangerous situation, captivity etc: The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.) pelastaa
    2. noun
    ((an) act of rescuing or state of being rescued: The lifeboat crew performed four rescues last week; After his rescue, the climber was taken to hospital; They came quickly to our rescue.) pelastus

    English-Finnish dictionary > rescue

  • 19 core

    • sisäosa
    • siemenkota
    • sisin
    • sisusta
    • sisus
    • sisäke
    • sise
    • sisäpuoli
    • aakkoset
    • uumen
    • valusydän
    • ydin
    • ydinjoukko
    • ydinosa
    • keerna
    • keskittää
    • keskusta
    • keskus
    • perusasia
    • sydän
    • poistaa siemenkota
    • lähtökohta
    * * *
    ko: 1. noun
    (the innermost part of something, especially fruit: an apple-core; the core of the earth.) siemenkota, ydin
    2. verb
    (to take out the core of (fruit): Core the apples.) poistaa siemenkota

    English-Finnish dictionary > core

  • 20 unpick

    • purkaa
    • ratkoa
    * * *
    (to take out stitches from (something sewn or knitted): She unpicked the seam of the dress.) purkaa

    English-Finnish dictionary > unpick

См. также в других словарях:

  • take-out — take|out «TAYK OWT», noun. 1. that which is taken out or removed: »The city promised the takeout from the take home pay will decline to normal (New York Times). 2. a magazine article printed on full and successive pages and easily removable as a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take|out — «TAYK OWT», noun. 1. that which is taken out or removed: »The city promised the takeout from the take home pay will decline to normal (New York Times). 2. a magazine article printed on full and successive pages and easily removable as a unit:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Take-out — auch: Take|out 〈[tɛıkaʊt] m. 6 oder n.; od. s, 〉 1. 〈Sp.; Curling〉 Treffen des gegnerischen Spielsteins, so dass er vom Mittelpunkt des Zielkreises entfernt wird 2. = Take away [zu engl. take out „entfernen, wegnehmen“] …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Take-out — 〈[tɛıkaʊt] n. od. m. od. s, s〉 1. 〈Sport; Curling〉 Treffen des gegnerischen Spielsteins, so dass er vom Mittelpunkt des Zielkreises entfernt wird 2. = Take away [Etym.: zu engl. take out »entfernen, wegnehmen«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Take-out — предложение на покупку, сделанное продавцу ценных бумаг и составленное таким образом, чтобы вывести его с рынка этих ценных бумаг. См. также: Фондовые сделки Финансовый словарь Финам …   Финансовый словарь

  • take out — take (someone/something) out to kill a person or group. With automatic fire, you can take out a whole enemy squad …   New idioms dictionary

  • take out — index delete, distill, except (exclude), excise (cut away), exclude, expunge, extract, remove ( …   Law dictionary

  • take out — verb 1. cause to leave (Freq. 7) The teacher took the children out of the classroom • Syn: ↑move out, ↑remove • Hyponyms: ↑clear, ↑call in, ↑estrange …   Useful english dictionary

  • Take-out — Upper left: A Meat Feast Parmo from Four Seasons in Stockton on Tees, UK. Upper right: Fish and chips. Lower left: Pizza delivery. Lower right: Döner kebab Take away redirects here. For the film of the same name, see Take Away. Take out redirects …   Wikipedia

  • Take Out — Infobox Film name = Take Out caption = Mary Ann Emerson director = Jonathan Budine producer = Bill Hall Jonathan Budine Co Producer Jim Welsh writer = Bill Hall starring = Mary Ann Emerson Alexis Suarez Debbie Rochon music = Ray Nissen… …   Wikipedia

  • take out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms take out : present tense I/you/we/they take out he/she/it takes out present participle taking out past tense took out past participle taken out 1) to remove something from a pocket, bag etc Henry took out his… …   English dictionary

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