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  • 1 take one's leave (of)

    (to say goodbye (to): I took my leave (of the others) and went out.) rozloučit se

    English-Czech dictionary > take one's leave (of)

  • 2 take one's leave (of)

    (to say goodbye (to): I took my leave (of the others) and went out.) rozloučit se

    English-Czech dictionary > take one's leave (of)

  • 3 leave

    I [li:v] past tense, past participle - left; verb
    1) (to go away or depart from, often without intending to return: He left the room for a moment; They left at about six o'clock; I have left that job.) odejít; opustit
    2) (to go without taking: She left her gloves in the car; He left his children behind when he went to France.) nechat
    3) (to allow to remain in a particular state or condition: She left the job half-finished.) (za)nechat
    4) (to let (a person or a thing) do something without being helped or attended to: I'll leave the meat to cook for a while.) nechat
    5) (to allow to remain for someone to do, make etc: Leave that job to the experts!) nechat
    6) (to make a gift of in one's will: She left all her property to her son.) odkázat
    - leave out
    - left over
    II [li:v] noun
    1) (permission to do something, eg to be absent: Have I your leave to go?) dovolení
    2) ((especially of soldiers, sailors etc) a holiday: He is home on leave at the moment.) dovolená
    - take one's leave of
    - take one's leave
    * * *
    • vynechat
    • volno
    • odcházet
    • opustit
    • odjet
    • opouštět
    • odjíždět
    • odejít
    • leave/left/left
    • nechávat
    • nechat
    • dovolená

    English-Czech dictionary > leave

  • 4 take off

    1) (to remove (clothes etc): He took off his coat.) svléci
    2) ((of an aircraft) to leave the ground: The plane took off for Rome (noun take-off).) odstartovat
    3) (not to work during (a period of time): I'm taking tomorrow morning off.) vzít si volno
    4) (to imitate someone (often unkindly): He used to take off his teacher to make his friends laugh (noun take-off).) napodobit
    * * *
    • vzlétnout
    • vzlet
    • zouvat
    • zout
    • svléknout
    • svlékat
    • odkládat

    English-Czech dictionary > take off

  • 5 take leave

    • rozloučit se

    English-Czech dictionary > take leave

  • 6 risk

    [risk] 1. noun
    ((a person, thing etc which causes or could cause) danger or possible loss or injury: He thinks we shouldn't go ahead with the plan because of the risks involved / because of the risk of failure.) riziko
    2. verb
    1) (to expose to danger; to lay open to the possibility of loss: He would risk his life for his friend; He risked all his money on betting on that horse.) riskovat
    2) (to take the chance of (something bad happening): He was willing to risk death to save his friend; I'd better leave early as I don't want to risk being late for the play.) riskovat
    - at a person's own risk
    - at own risk
    - at risk
    - at the risk of
    - run/take the risk of
    - run/take the risk
    - take risks / take a risk
    * * *
    • riziko
    • riskovat
    • nebezpečí

    English-Czech dictionary > risk

  • 7 answering machine

    noun ((also machine) a machine that take messages for you when you cannot answer the phone: to leave a message on the answering machine.) telefonní záznamník
    * * *
    • záznamník
    • telefonní záznamník

    English-Czech dictionary > answering machine

  • 8 except

    [ik'sept] 1. preposition
    (leaving out; not including: They're all here except him; Your essay was good except that it was too long.) kromě, až na to
    2. verb
    (to leave out or exclude.) vyloučit
    - excepting
    - exception
    - exceptional
    - exceptionally
    - except for
    - take exception to/at
    * * *
    • vyjmout
    • s výjimkou
    • kromě
    • krom

    English-Czech dictionary > except

  • 9 fuel

    ['fjuəl] 1. noun
    (any substance by which a fire, engine etc is made to work (eg coal, oil, petrol): The machine ran out of fuel.) palivo
    2. verb
    (to give or take fuel: The tanker will leave when it has finished fuelling / being fuelled.) (na)tankovat, nabrat palivo
    * * *
    • topivo
    • palivo

    English-Czech dictionary > fuel

  • 10 grab at

    (to try to grasp, seize or take, not necessarily successfully: He grabbed at the boy; He grabbed at the chance to leave.) chňapnout po
    * * *
    • hrábnout

    English-Czech dictionary > grab at

  • 11 grant

    1. verb
    1) (to agree to, to give: Would you grant me one favour; He granted the man permission to leave.) prokázat, udělit
    2) (to agree or admit: I grant (you) that it was a stupid thing to do.) připustit
    2. noun
    (money given for a particular purpose: He was awarded a grant for studying abroad.) grant
    - granting
    - take for granted
    * * *
    • stipendium
    • grant
    • dopřát

    English-Czech dictionary > grant

  • 12 notice

    ['nəutis] 1. noun
    1) (a written or printed statement to announce something publicly: He stuck a notice on the door, saying that he had gone home; They put a notice in the paper announcing the birth of their daughter.) oznámení
    2) (attention: His skill attracted their notice; I'll bring the problem to his notice as soon as possible.) pozornost
    3) (warning given especially before leaving a job or dismissing someone: Her employer gave her a month's notice; The cook gave in her notice; Please give notice of your intentions.) výpověď; hlášení
    2. verb
    (to see, observe, or keep in one's mind: I noticed a book on the table; He noticed her leave the room; Did he say that? I didn't notice.) všimnout si
    - noticeably
    - noticed
    - notice-board
    - at short notice
    - take notice of
    * * *
    • upozornění
    • výpověď
    • všimnout
    • zahlédnout
    • postřehnout postřehl

    English-Czech dictionary > notice

См. также в других словарях:

  • Take It or Leave It — may refer to:* Take It or Leave It (film), a documentary film about the band Madness *Take It or Leave It (The Rolling Stones song), a song by the Rolling Stones from their 1966 album Aftermath * Take It Or Leave It , a song by The Strokes from… …   Wikipedia

  • Take It Or Leave It — Album par Les Variations Sortie 1973 Enregistrement 1972 73, à Memphis Genre(s) Blues Hard Rock Producteur(s) Don Ni …   Wikipédia en Français

  • take\ one's\ leave — • take one s leave • take leave of v. phr. formal To say good bye and leave. He stayed on after most of the guests had taken their leave. The messenger bowed and took leave of the queen. See: leave taking …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Take It or Leave It — Album par Les Variations Sortie 1973 Enregistrement 1972 73, à Memphis Genre Blues Hard Rock Producteur Don Nix …   Wikipédia en Français

  • take it or leave it — ► used when you are offering something to someone to say that you will not improve your offer: »And that s our final offer. Take it or leave it. Main Entry: ↑take …   Financial and business terms

  • Take Me or Leave Me — is a song in the second act of the musical RENT written by Jonathan Larson. The song is sung as a fight between two of the main characters, Maureen and Joanne, who are lesbian lovers. Joanne starts the song complaining that Maureen flirts with… …   Wikipedia

  • take one's leave — index abandon (physically leave) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • take one's leave — ► take one s leave formal say goodbye. Main Entry: ↑leave …   English terms dictionary

  • take it or leave it — take this offer or refuse it; no bargaining    I ll give you $150 for the sofa take it or leave it …   English idioms

  • take it or leave it — phrasal : accept or reject unconditionally * * * take it or leave it To accept something with all its disadvantages, or else do without it • • • Main Entry: ↑take * * * [usu. in imperative] said to express that the offer one has made is not… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Take It or Leave It — Filmdaten Originaltitel Take It or Leave It Produktionsland Großbritannien …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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