1 take for
2 take for
3 take for
4 take for
1) принимать за I took him for an Englishman. ≈ Я принял его за англичанина. I am not the person you take me for. ≈ Я не тот, за кого вы меня принимаете.
2) купить I shall take it for $
5. ≈ Я куплю это за 5$. принимать [-нять] заБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > take for
5 take for
принимать за кого-либо, считать кем-либоDo you take me for a fool?
At first sight you would take him for a football player, not a poet.
6 take for
принимать; принять -
7 take for
1) Общая лексика: принимать за, ошибаться (приняв за другое)2) Сленг: (someone) "прокатить" обмануть -
8 take for
принимать закупить заАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > take for
9 take . for .
10 take for
11 take for
приня́ть за кого-л. -
12 take for a ride
13 take for all in all
14 take for gospel
15 take for granted
16 take for granted
1) (smb.) пpивыкнуть к кoму-л., вocпpинимaть кoгo-л. кaк нeчтo caмo coбoй paзумeющeecяMy pupils took me for granted and did not fall off their chairs laughing at the idea of being instructed by me (J. Murdoch). 'You might consult me before making these arrangements.' I do resent being taken so much for granted2) (smth.) cчитaть чтo-л. в пopядкe вeщeй, caмo coбoй paзумeющимcя, нe тpeбующим дoкaзaтeльcтв; пpинимaть чтo-л. нa вepуHe took it for granted that she was doing very well and he was relieved of further worry (Th. Dreiser). Nobody, especially incumbents - including the incumbent in the White House - can take their votes for granted (V. S. News and World Report) -
17 take for granted
1. считать доказанным; принимать; без доказательства2. считать само собой разумеющимсяСинонимический ряд:presume (verb) assume; believe; deem; gather; give; infer; presume; presuppose; suppose -
18 take for granted
1) (smb.) привыкнуть к кому-л.; воспринимать кого-л. как нечто само собой разумеющеесяMy pupils took me for granted and did not fall off their chairs laughing at the idea of being instructed by me. (I. Murdoch, ‘A Word Child’, ‘Friday’) — Мои студенты привыкли ко мне и не падали со стульев от смеха при одной мысли, что я буду учить их.
You might consult me before making these arrangements: I do resent being taken so much for granted. (ODCIE) — Вы могли бы проконсультироваться со мной до того, как отдали эти распоряжения. Вы сочли мое согласие само собой разумеющимся - я этим возмущен.
2) (smth.) считать что-л. в порядке вещей, само собой разумеющимся, не требующим доказательств; принимать что-л. на веруHe took it for granted that she was doing very well and he was relieved of further worry. (Th. Dreiser, ‘Sister Carry’, ch. XVII) — Он внушил себе, что Кэрри преуспевает, и решил больше не беспокоиться о ней.
19 take for a ride
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > take for a ride
20 take for all in all
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > take for all in all
См. также в других словарях:
take for — index deem Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
take for — verb keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view (Freq. 2) take for granted view as important hold these truths to be self evident I hold him personally responsible • Syn: ↑deem, ↑hold, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
take for — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms take for : present tense I/you/we/they take for he/she/it takes for present participle taking for past tense took for past participle taken for take someone/something for someone/something to believe something … English dictionary
take for — Synonyms and related words: account as, assume, be afraid, believe, conceive, conclude, consider, daresay, deduce, deem, divine, dream, esteem, estimate, expect, fancy, feel, gather, grant, guess, have a hunch, have an idea, have an impression,… … Moby Thesaurus
take for — phr verb Take for is used with these nouns as the object: ↑fool, ↑walk … Collocations dictionary
take for granted — If you take something for granted, you don t worry or think about it because you assume you will always have it. If you take someone for granted, you don t show your appreciation to them … The small dictionary of idiomes
take for a ride — 1. To play a trick on, dupe 2. To give (someone) a lift in a car with the object of murdering him or her in some remote place • • • Main Entry: ↑ride * * * take (someone) for a ride informal : to trick or fool (someone) especially in order to get … Useful english dictionary
take for a test drive — If you take something for a test driver, you try something to see if you like it … The small dictionary of idiomes
take for granted — index assume (suppose), guess, postulate, presume, presuppose, suspect (think), trust … Law dictionary
take for oneself — index impropriate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
take for public use — index condemn (seize) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary