1 сдавать экзамен
take an examination глагол: -
2 экзамен
муж.examination; exam разг.; перен. ( испытание) testдержать экзамен — to go in for an examination, to take an examination; to sit an examination
государственные экзамены — final/State examinations
пересдавать экзамен — to repeat an examination, to resit an examination
проваливаться на экзамене — to fail (in) an examination; to be plucked разг.
устный экзамен — interrogation, oral, viva voce, viva voce examination, oral examination
3 сдавать экзамен
1. pass an examination2. take an examination -
4 держать экзамен
General subject: go in for an examination, take an examination, go in for an examination, take an examination -
5 сдавать экзамен
1) General subject: take an examination, sit for an examination, sit for examination, take an exam, sit an exam2) Mathematics: pass exam3) Economy: pass an examination -
6 экзамен
м.принимать экзамен — give an examination, set an examination
проводить экзамен — hold an examination, conduct an examination
- выпускной экзаменсдать экзамен, выдержать экзамен — pass an examination
- выпускные экзамены на местах
- квалификационный экзамен
- конкурсный экзамен
- объективный экзамен
- переводные экзамены
- предварительный экзамен
- субъективный экзамен
- устный экзамен
- экзамен на аттестат зрелости
- экзамен по специальности -
7 держать
(вн.)(в разн. знач.) hold* (d.); (содержать, хранить) keep* (d.)держать кого-л. за руку — hold* smb. by the hand
держать в руке — hold* in one's hand (d.)
держать в готовности — hold* in readiness (d.)
держать в тайне — keep* a secret (d.)
держать деньги в сберегательном банке — keep* one's money in the savings bank
держать магазин, пчёл, домашнюю птицу и т. п. — keep* a shop, bees, poultry, etc.
держать кого-л. в руках — hold* / have smb. (well) in hand, have smb. thumbдержать в подчинении — hold* in subjection submission (d.); keep* down (d.); keep* down (d.) разг.
держать пари — bet; have / make* a bet
держать речь — speak*; make* a speech
держать совет (с тв.) — take* counsel (with)
держать своё слово — keep* one's word; be as good as one's word идиом.
держать чью-л. сторону — side with smb., take* smb.'s side
держать экзамен — go* in for an examination, take* an examination
держать путь (к; на, в вн.) — head (for), make* (for)
держать курс (на вн.) — head (for); (перен. тж.) work towards
так держать! мор. — steady!
держать язык за зубами — hold* one's tongue
держать направо, налево — keep* to the right, to the left
держать в памяти — have keep* in one's memory (d.)
держать банк — be banker, keep* the bank
8 допрашивать (кого-л.) и протоколировать ответы
1) General subject: take the examination of2) Politics: take the examination of (smb)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > допрашивать (кого-л.) и протоколировать ответы
9 допрашивать и протоколировать ответы
1) General subject: (кого-л.) take the examination of2) Politics: (кого-л.) take the examination of (smb)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > допрашивать и протоколировать ответы
10 экзаменоваться
11 экзаменоваться
несовер. - экзаменоваться; совер. - проэкзаменоваться
go in for an examination, take an examination* * * -
12 сдавать экзамен
to have (take) an examination; ( соверш вид) to pass an examination -
13 сдавать экзамен
to have (take) an examination; соверш to pass an examination -
14 экзаменоваться
несовер. - экзаменоваться; совер. - проэкзаменоватьсяgo in for an examination, take an examination -
15 Б-227
БУДЬ ДОБР, БУДЬТЕ ДОБРЫ or ДОБРЫ, БУДЬ ЛЮБЕЗЕН, БУДЬТЕ ЛЮБЕЗНЫ formula phrase these forms only fixed WO1. (used to express a polite request) be obliging and do what I am asking you to do: (please (would you)) be so kind as to...would you be kind enough to... would you please (kindly, mind)... might I trouble you to (for a)...do me a favor and... (Серебряков:) Друзья мои, пришлите мне чай в кабинет, будьте добры! (Чехов 3). (S.:) My friends, be so kind as to have my tea brought to the study (3a).В прихожей заверещал звонок... Скрипач поднял голову и попросил: «Откройте дверь, будьте любезны» (Семёнов 1)....The doorbell tinkled in the hall. The violinist lifted his head and said: "Do me a favour and open the door, will you?" (1a).2. (used to express a demand that may go against the will of the person addressed) do what I am telling you (even if you do not want to)make sure that (you do(don'tdo) sth.)be sure (to do (not to do) sth.) be sure and (do sth.) make it a point (not) to... see that you (do (don't do) sth.) if you please (with ironic intonation) please (would you) be so kind as to (not)... would you be kind enough (not) to...would you please (kindly, mind) (not)... «Потрудись отправиться в Орлеан, - сказал Поклен-отец... - и держи экзамен на юридическом факультете. Получи ученую степень. Будь так добр, не провались, ибо денег на тебя ухлопано порядочно» (Булгаков 5). "You will now be kind enough to take a trip to Orleans," said Poquelin the elder... "and take an examination in jurisprudence. You must get a degree. And see that you don't fail, for I spent plenty of money on you" (5a).(Кая:) A слёзы нам ни к чему. Без них, будьте любезны (Арбузов 2). (К.:) Tears won't help. No tears, if you please (2a). -
16 будь добр
• БУДЬ ДОБР ( БУДЬТЕ ДОБРЫ or ДОБРЫ, БУДЬ ЛЮБЕЗЕН, БУДЬТЕ ЛЮБЕЗНЫ)[formula phrase; these forms only; fixed WO]=====1. (used to express a polite request) be obliging and do what I am asking you to do:- (please < would you>) be so kind as to...;- would you be kind enough to...;- would you please (kindly, mind)...;- might I trouble you to (for a)...;- do me a favor and...♦ [Серебряков:] Друзья мои, пришлите мне чай в кабинет, будьте добры! (Чехов 3). [S.:] My friends, be so kind as to have my tea brought to the study (3a).♦ В прихожей заверещал звонок... Скрипач поднял голову и попросил: "Откройте дверь, будьте любезны" (Семёнов 1)....The doorbell tinkled in the hall. The violinist lifted his head and said: "Do me a favour and open the door, will you?" (1a).2. (used to express a demand that may go against the will of the person addressed) do what I am telling you (even if you do not want to):- make sure that (you do(don'tdo) sth.);- be sure (to do (not to do) sth.);- be sure and (do sth.);- make it a point (not) to...;- see that you (do < don't do> sth.);- [with ironic intonation] please (would you) be so kind as to (not)...;- would you be kind enough (not) to...;- would you please (kindly, mind) (not)...♦ "Потрудись отправиться в Орлеан, - сказал Поклен-отец... - и держи экзамен на юридическом факультете. Получи ученую степень. Будь так добр, не провались, ибо денег на тебя ухлопано порядочно" (Булгаков 5). "You will now be kind enough to take a trip to Organs," said Poquelin the elder... wand take an examination in jurisprudence. You must get a degree. And see that you don't fail, for I spent plenty of money on you" (5a).♦ [Кай:] A слёзы нам ни к чему. Без них, будьте любезны (Арбузов 2). [К.:] Tears won't help. No tears, if you please (2a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > будь добр
17 будь любезен
• БУДЬ ДОБР (БУДЬТЕ ДОБРЫ or ДОБРЫ, БУДЬ ЛЮБЕЗЕН, БУДЬТЕ ЛЮБЕЗНЫ)[formula phrase; these forms only; fixed WO]=====1. (used to express a polite request) be obliging and do what I am asking you to do:- (please < would you>) be so kind as to...;- would you be kind enough to...;- would you please (kindly, mind)...;- might I trouble you to (for a)...;- do me a favor and...♦ [Серебряков:] Друзья мои, пришлите мне чай в кабинет, будьте добры! (Чехов 3). [S.:] My friends, be so kind as to have my tea brought to the study (3a).♦ В прихожей заверещал звонок... Скрипач поднял голову и попросил: "Откройте дверь, будьте любезны" (Семёнов 1)....The doorbell tinkled in the hall. The violinist lifted his head and said: "Do me a favour and open the door, will you?" (1a).2. (used to express a demand that may go against the will of the person addressed) do what I am telling you (even if you do not want to):- make sure that (you do(don'tdo) sth.);- be sure (to do (not to do) sth.);- be sure and (do sth.);- make it a point (not) to...;- see that you (do < don't do> sth.);- [with ironic intonation] please (would you) be so kind as to (not)...;- would you be kind enough (not) to...;- would you please (kindly, mind) (not)...♦ "Потрудись отправиться в Орлеан, - сказал Поклен-отец... - и держи экзамен на юридическом факультете. Получи ученую степень. Будь так добр, не провались, ибо денег на тебя ухлопано порядочно" (Булгаков 5). "You will now be kind enough to take a trip to Organs," said Poquelin the elder... wand take an examination in jurisprudence. You must get a degree. And see that you don't fail, for I spent plenty of money on you" (5a).♦ [Кай:] A слёзы нам ни к чему. Без них, будьте любезны (Арбузов 2). [К.:] Tears won't help. No tears, if you please (2a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > будь любезен
18 будьте добры
[formula phrase; these forms only; fixed WO]=====1. (used to express a polite request) be obliging and do what I am asking you to do:- (please < would you>) be so kind as to...;- would you be kind enough to...;- would you please (kindly, mind)...;- might I trouble you to (for a)...;- do me a favor and...♦ [Серебряков:] Друзья мои, пришлите мне чай в кабинет, будьте добры! (Чехов 3). [S.:] My friends, be so kind as to have my tea brought to the study (3a).♦ В прихожей заверещал звонок... Скрипач поднял голову и попросил: "Откройте дверь, будьте любезны" (Семёнов 1)....The doorbell tinkled in the hall. The violinist lifted his head and said: "Do me a favour and open the door, will you?" (1a).2. (used to express a demand that may go against the will of the person addressed) do what I am telling you (even if you do not want to):- make sure that (you do(don'tdo) sth.);- be sure (to do (not to do) sth.);- be sure and (do sth.);- make it a point (not) to...;- see that you (do < don't do> sth.);- [with ironic intonation] please (would you) be so kind as to (not)...;- would you be kind enough (not) to...;- would you please (kindly, mind) (not)...♦ "Потрудись отправиться в Орлеан, - сказал Поклен-отец... - и держи экзамен на юридическом факультете. Получи ученую степень. Будь так добр, не провались, ибо денег на тебя ухлопано порядочно" (Булгаков 5). "You will now be kind enough to take a trip to Organs," said Poquelin the elder... wand take an examination in jurisprudence. You must get a degree. And see that you don't fail, for I spent plenty of money on you" (5a).♦ [Кай:] A слёзы нам ни к чему. Без них, будьте любезны (Арбузов 2). [К.:] Tears won't help. No tears, if you please (2a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > будьте добры
19 будьте любезны
• БУДЬ ДОБР (БУДЬТЕ ДОБРЫ or ДОБРЫ, БУДЬ ЛЮБЕЗЕН, БУДЬТЕ ЛЮБЕЗНЫ)[formula phrase; these forms only; fixed WO]=====1. (used to express a polite request) be obliging and do what I am asking you to do:- (please < would you>) be so kind as to...;- would you be kind enough to...;- would you please (kindly, mind)...;- might I trouble you to (for a)...;- do me a favor and...♦ [Серебряков:] Друзья мои, пришлите мне чай в кабинет, будьте добры! (Чехов 3). [S.:] My friends, be so kind as to have my tea brought to the study (3a).♦ В прихожей заверещал звонок... Скрипач поднял голову и попросил: "Откройте дверь, будьте любезны" (Семёнов 1)....The doorbell tinkled in the hall. The violinist lifted his head and said: "Do me a favour and open the door, will you?" (1a).2. (used to express a demand that may go against the will of the person addressed) do what I am telling you (even if you do not want to):- make sure that (you do(don'tdo) sth.);- be sure (to do (not to do) sth.);- be sure and (do sth.);- make it a point (not) to...;- see that you (do < don't do> sth.);- [with ironic intonation] please (would you) be so kind as to (not)...;- would you be kind enough (not) to...;- would you please (kindly, mind) (not)...♦ "Потрудись отправиться в Орлеан, - сказал Поклен-отец... - и держи экзамен на юридическом факультете. Получи ученую степень. Будь так добр, не провались, ибо денег на тебя ухлопано порядочно" (Булгаков 5). "You will now be kind enough to take a trip to Organs," said Poquelin the elder... wand take an examination in jurisprudence. You must get a degree. And see that you don't fail, for I spent plenty of money on you" (5a).♦ [Кай:] A слёзы нам ни к чему. Без них, будьте любезны (Арбузов 2). [К.:] Tears won't help. No tears, if you please (2a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > будьте любезны
20 держать
(кого-л./что-л.)несовер.1) holdдержать кого-л. за руку — to hold smb. by the hand
держать камень за пазухой (на кого-л.; против кого-л.) — to harbour a grudge (against)
2) ( содержать) keep3) ( поддерживать) support, hold upдержать чью-л. сторону — to side with smb., to take smb.'s side
держать курс — (на) to head (for)
••- держать при себе
- держать себя в руках
- держать себя
- держать язык за зубами
См. также в других словарях:
take-home examination — /teɪk hoʊm əgzæməˈneɪʃən/ (say tayk hohm uhgzamuh nayshuhn) noun an examination which the student completes at home, returning by a required date, thus allowing the student the maximum opportunity to provide a considered and well written response …
take an examination — be tested, be examined … English contemporary dictionary
examination — n. test set of questions 1) to administer, conduct, give an examination 2) to draw up, make up an examination 3) to monitor, proctor, supervise an examination 4) to sit (BE), take an examination 5) to fail; pass an examination 6) a difficult,… … Combinatory dictionary
examination — ex|am|i|na|tion [ ıg,zæmı neıʃn ] noun *** 1. ) count an occasion when a doctor looks carefully at someone s body to make certain they are healthy: The doctor will give you a full examination before the trip. a ) count or uncount a careful look… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
examination */*/*/ — UK [ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms examination : singular examination plural examinations 1) [countable] formal an exam 1) sit/take an examination: Students will sit a two hour examination at the end of the year. 2)… … English dictionary
examination — Synonyms and related words: Pap test, Socratic method, airing, analysis, anatomic diagnosis, appraisal, article, asking, assessment, assize, audition, biological diagnosis, biopsy, blue book, bringing into question, buzz session, canvassing,… … Moby Thesaurus
examination*/*/*/ — [ɪgˌzæmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] noun 1) [C] formal an exam Students will take an examination at the end of the year.[/ex] 2) [C/U] a careful look at something or someone The doctor will give you a full examination.[/ex] Engineers made a thorough examination… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Examination — mechanism that is part of the evaluation, which measures a candidate’s competence by one or more means such as written, oral, practical and observational (p. 3.9 ISO/IEC 17024:2003). Источник … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Examination — • A process prescribed or assigned for testing qualification; an investigation, inquiry Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Examination Examination … Catholic encyclopedia
examination — ex‧am‧i‧na‧tion [ɪgˌzæmˈneɪʆn] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] when you look closely at something in order to see what it is like or whether it is in good condition: • The cover up was designed to obstruct the auditor s examination of his… … Financial and business terms
Examination of conscience — is a review of one s past thoughts, words, actions, and omissions for the purpose of ascertaining their conformity with, or deviation from, the moral law. Among Christians, this is generally a private review; secular intellectuals have, on… … Wikipedia