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  • 1 tabloid

    tabloid s.m. tabloid (newspaper).

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > tabloid

  • 2 tabloid

    [ˈtablɔɪd] noun
    a newspaper with small pages, big headlines, a lot of pictures and light articles on popular subjects.
    صَحيفَه مع صُوَر صَغيرَه

    Arabic-English dictionary > tabloid

  • 3 бульварная газета

    tabloid newspaper, tabloid

    Русско-английский политический словарь > бульварная газета

  • 4 малоформатная газета

    tabloid newspaper, tabloid

    Русско-английский политический словарь > малоформатная газета

  • 5 plátek

    Czech-English dictionary > plátek

  • 6 tabloide

    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    * * *
    = tabloid, newspaper tabloid, tabloid newspaper.
    Nota: Denominado así por el formado pequeño del papel a diferencia de la prensa normal.
    Ex. Financing preservation programs for old newspapers is needed for tabloids as well as the Times.
    Ex. Whether conceived as a bookmark, newspaper tabloid, balloon, slick booklet, or some other format, the client-directed annual report conveys not only the information itself but also the intent to focus on the client's interest.
    Ex. This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.
    * * *
    = tabloid, newspaper tabloid, tabloid newspaper.
    Nota: Denominado así por el formado pequeño del papel a diferencia de la prensa normal.

    Ex: Financing preservation programs for old newspapers is needed for tabloids as well as the Times.

    Ex: Whether conceived as a bookmark, newspaper tabloid, balloon, slick booklet, or some other format, the client-directed annual report conveys not only the information itself but also the intent to focus on the client's interest.
    Ex: This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.

    * * *
    * * *
    * * *
    m tabloid
    * * *
    : tabloid

    Spanish-English dictionary > tabloide

  • 7 prensa amarilla

    gutter press, tabloids.
    * * *
    sensationalist press
    * * *
    gutter press, yellow press
    * * *
    (n.) = tabloid, newspaper tabloid, tabloid newspaper
    Ex. Financing preservation programs for old newspapers is needed for tabloids as well as the Times.
    Ex. Whether conceived as a bookmark, newspaper tabloid, balloon, slick booklet, or some other format, the client-directed annual report conveys not only the information itself but also the intent to focus on the client's interest.
    Ex. This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.
    * * *
    gutter press, yellow press
    * * *
    la prensa amarilla
    (n.) = tabloid press, the, popular press, the

    Ex: The author weighs up whether a dumbing down has taken place in the UK tabloid and broadsheet press.

    Ex: Historians have generally held that before the Civil War the popular press did little to help the women's rights movements.

    (n.) = tabloid, newspaper tabloid, tabloid newspaper

    Ex: Financing preservation programs for old newspapers is needed for tabloids as well as the Times.

    Ex: Whether conceived as a bookmark, newspaper tabloid, balloon, slick booklet, or some other format, the client-directed annual report conveys not only the information itself but also the intent to focus on the client's interest.
    Ex: This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.

    * * *
    gutter press

    Spanish-English dictionary > prensa amarilla

  • 8 periódico sensacionalista

    tabloid, scandal sheet.
    * * *
    (n.) = tabloid, newspaper tabloid, tabloid newspaper
    Ex. Financing preservation programs for old newspapers is needed for tabloids as well as the Times.
    Ex. Whether conceived as a bookmark, newspaper tabloid, balloon, slick booklet, or some other format, the client-directed annual report conveys not only the information itself but also the intent to focus on the client's interest.
    Ex. This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.
    * * *
    (n.) = tabloid, newspaper tabloid, tabloid newspaper

    Ex: Financing preservation programs for old newspapers is needed for tabloids as well as the Times.

    Ex: Whether conceived as a bookmark, newspaper tabloid, balloon, slick booklet, or some other format, the client-directed annual report conveys not only the information itself but also the intent to focus on the client's interest.
    Ex: This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.

    Spanish-English dictionary > periódico sensacionalista

  • 9 periódico

    periodic, periodical, recurrent, cyclic.
    1 newspaper, daily newspaper, journal, periodical.
    2 newspaper.
    * * *
    1 periodical
    1 newspaper
    1 newspaper
    * * *
    1. (f. - periódica)
    2. noun m.
    * * *
    ADJ [gen] periodic(al); (Mat) recurrent
    SM (=diario) newspaper, paper; (=publicación periódica) periodical

    periódico de la tarde — evening newspaper, evening paper

    periódico del domingo, periódico dominical — Sunday newspaper, Sunday paper

    * * *
    - ca adjetivo periodic
    masculino newspaper, paper
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo periodic
    masculino newspaper, paper
    * * *
    1 = newspaper, daily, paper.

    Ex: A newspaper is a periodical appearing at very frequent intervals and giving the latest information on current events often with comments.

    Ex: The author analyses 4 dailies, 3 weeklies and 5 monthlies.
    Ex: What we see on the media and read on the paper is not the same as coming from you, as someone who lives there.
    * archivo de periódico = news library.
    * artículo de periódico = newspaper story, news article, newspaper article.
    * biblioteca de periódico = news library.
    * colección de recortes de periódicos = clippings collection.
    * director de periódico = newspaper editor.
    * imprenta de periódico = news press.
    * industria del periódico, la = newspaper industry, the.
    * noticia de periódico = newspaper account.
    * papel continuo de periódico = newsprint.
    * papel de periódico = newsprint.
    * periódico de la localidad = local community newspaper, local newspaper.
    * periódico de la mañana = morning newspaper, morning paper.
    * periódico divulgativo = trade newspaper.
    * periódico local = local paper, local newspaper, local community newspaper.
    * periódico matutino = morning paper, morning newspaper.
    * periódico provincial = provincial newspaper.
    * periódicos antiguos = old newspapers.
    * periódico sensacionalista = tabloid, newspaper tabloid, tabloid newspaper.
    * periódico universitario = campus newspaper.
    * periódico vespertino = evening newspaper, evening paper.
    * recorte de periódico = clipping, newspaper clipping, newspaper cutting.
    * repartidor de periódicos = paperboy.
    * sala de lectura de periódicos = newsroom.
    * tienda de periódicos = newsagent's shop.
    * titular de periódico = headline, newspaper headline.

    2 = periodic, regular, standing order.

    Ex: Consequently, Leforte came to expect -- perhaps even take for granted -- the periodic boosts of ego and income that the evaluations provided.

    Ex: Book form was generally regarded as too inflexible for library catalogues, especially where the catalogue required regular updating to cater for continuing and gradual expansion of the collection.
    Ex: A dynamic information centre has to satisfy 2 types of enquiry -- single requests for information and enquiries on standing order -- each contributing to and shaping the information network.
    * fichero de control de publicaciones periódicas = periodicals file [periodical file].
    * no periódico = non-periodical.
    * publicación no periódica = non-periodical publication.
    * publicación periódica en curso = current periodical.
    * rotación de publicaciones periódicas = routing.

    * * *
    newspaper, paper
    puesto/quiosco de periódicos newspaper stand/kiosk
    periódico dominical or del domingo
    Sunday newspaper
    periódico matutino or de la mañana
    morning newspaper
    periódico vespertino or de la tarde
    evening newspaper
    * * *


    periódico 1
    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    periódico 2 sustantivo masculino
    newspaper, paper
    I adjetivo periodic, periodical
    tabla periódica, periodic table
    II sustantivo masculino newspaper

    ' periódico' also found in these entries:
    - comprar
    - desvaído
    - director
    - directora
    - dirigir
    - encabezar
    - encabezamiento
    - gratuitamente
    - información
    - mentís
    - periódica
    - plana
    - por
    - portada
    - portavoz
    - redactar
    - salida
    - sensacionalista
    - tira
    - tirada
    - través
    - andar
    - anuncio
    - artículo
    - ayer
    - cartelera
    - categoría
    - clandestino
    - contraportada
    - diario
    - dirección
    - editorial
    - entrevista
    - espacio
    - extender
    - jalar
    - londinense
    - oficialista
    - pasatiempo
    - público
    - recorte
    - reportaje
    - salir
    - sección
    - titular
    - ver
    - announcement
    - article
    - be
    - bonk
    - broadsheet
    - bulletin
    - byline
    - cartoon
    - circulation
    - come across
    - contributor
    - cover
    - daily
    - edit
    - exclusive
    - extra
    - fight off
    - gazette
    - go for
    - journal
    - libel
    - misprint
    - newspaper
    - newsprint
    - notice
    - outrage
    - paper
    - periodic
    - periodical
    - quality newspaper
    - read
    - scour
    - section
    - subscribe
    - tabloid
    - unfold
    - write
    - broad
    - swat
    * * *
    periódico, -a
    1. [regular] regular, periodic
    2. Mat recurrent
    newspaper, paper
    periódico digital online newspaper, digital newspaper;
    periódico del domingo Sunday paper;
    periódico dominical Sunday paper;
    periódico electrónico electronic newspaper;
    periódico de la tarde evening paper;
    periódico vespertino evening paper
    * * *
    I adj periodic
    II m newspaper
    * * *
    periódico, -ca adj
    : periodic
    diario: newspaper
    * * *
    periódico n newspaper / paper

    Spanish-English dictionary > periódico

  • 10 prensa,2 la

    = press, the.
    Ex. The rows over Britain's contributions to the Community budget and runaway spending on the the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which took up two thirds of the budget, were documented blow by blow in the press.
    * archivo de prensa = newspaper morgue.
    * archivo de recortes de prensa = newspaper clippings archives.
    * colección de prensa = newspaper collection.
    * comentario aparecido en la prensa = press comment.
    * comunicado de prensa = press release, news release, media releases.
    * conferencia de prensa = news conference, press conference, press statement.
    * declaración de prensa = press statement.
    * directorio de prensa = press directory.
    * fotógrafo de prensa = press photographer.
    * industria de la prensa, la = newspaper industry, the.
    * jefe de prensa = press officer.
    * libertad de prensa = freedom of the press, press freedom.
    * nota de prensa = press release, press statement.
    * oficina de prensa = press office.
    * prensa amarilla = tabloid, newspaper tabloid, tabloid newspaper.
    * prensa amarilla, la = tabloid press, the, popular press, the.
    * prensa bibliotecaria, la = library press, the.
    * prensa de economía, la = business press, the.
    * prensa diaria, la = daily press, the.
    * prensa histórica = old newspapers.
    * prensa local, la = local press, the.
    * prensa sensacionalista, la = tabloid press, the.
    * publicidad a través de la prensa = press advertising.
    * quiosco de prensa = newsagent, newsstand, newspaper stall.
    * recibir mala prensa = acquire + a bad name.
    * recorte de prensa = press cutting [press-cutting], press clipping, newspaper clipping.
    * reseña de prensa = press review.
    * restricción a la publicación en prensa = press restriction.
    * reunión informativa de prensa = press briefing.
    * rueda de prensa = press conference, news conference.
    * secretario de prensa = press secretary, press spokesman.
    * tribuna de prensa, la = press box, the.

    Spanish-English dictionary > prensa,2 la

  • 11 prensa,

    prensa,2 la
    = press, the.

    Ex: The rows over Britain's contributions to the Community budget and runaway spending on the the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which took up two thirds of the budget, were documented blow by blow in the press.

    * archivo de prensa = newspaper morgue.
    * archivo de recortes de prensa = newspaper clippings archives.
    * colección de prensa = newspaper collection.
    * comentario aparecido en la prensa = press comment.
    * comunicado de prensa = press release, news release, media releases.
    * conferencia de prensa = news conference, press conference, press statement.
    * declaración de prensa = press statement.
    * directorio de prensa = press directory.
    * fotógrafo de prensa = press photographer.
    * industria de la prensa, la = newspaper industry, the.
    * jefe de prensa = press officer.
    * libertad de prensa = freedom of the press, press freedom.
    * nota de prensa = press release, press statement.
    * oficina de prensa = press office.
    * prensa amarilla = tabloid, newspaper tabloid, tabloid newspaper.
    * prensa amarilla, la = tabloid press, the, popular press, the.
    * prensa bibliotecaria, la = library press, the.
    * prensa de economía, la = business press, the.
    * prensa diaria, la = daily press, the.
    * prensa histórica = old newspapers.
    * prensa local, la = local press, the.
    * prensa sensacionalista, la = tabloid press, the.
    * publicidad a través de la prensa = press advertising.
    * quiosco de prensa = newsagent, newsstand, newspaper stall.
    * recibir mala prensa = acquire + a bad name.
    * recorte de prensa = press cutting [press-cutting], press clipping, newspaper clipping.
    * reseña de prensa = press review.
    * restricción a la publicación en prensa = press restriction.
    * reunión informativa de prensa = press briefing.
    * rueda de prensa = press conference, news conference.
    * secretario de prensa = press secretary, press spokesman.
    * tribuna de prensa, la = press box, the.

    Spanish-English dictionary > prensa,

  • 12 periódico1

    1 = newspaper, daily, paper.
    Ex. A newspaper is a periodical appearing at very frequent intervals and giving the latest information on current events often with comments.
    Ex. The author analyses 4 dailies, 3 weeklies and 5 monthlies.
    Ex. What we see on the media and read on the paper is not the same as coming from you, as someone who lives there.
    * archivo de periódico = news library.
    * artículo de periódico = newspaper story, news article, newspaper article.
    * biblioteca de periódico = news library.
    * colección de recortes de periódicos = clippings collection.
    * director de periódico = newspaper editor.
    * imprenta de periódico = news press.
    * industria del periódico, la = newspaper industry, the.
    * noticia de periódico = newspaper account.
    * papel continuo de periódico = newsprint.
    * papel de periódico = newsprint.
    * periódico de la localidad = local community newspaper, local newspaper.
    * periódico de la mañana = morning newspaper, morning paper.
    * periódico divulgativo = trade newspaper.
    * periódico local = local paper, local newspaper, local community newspaper.
    * periódico matutino = morning paper, morning newspaper.
    * periódico provincial = provincial newspaper.
    * periódicos antiguos = old newspapers.
    * periódico sensacionalista = tabloid, newspaper tabloid, tabloid newspaper.
    * periódico universitario = campus newspaper.
    * periódico vespertino = evening newspaper, evening paper.
    * recorte de periódico = clipping, newspaper clipping, newspaper cutting.
    * repartidor de periódicos = paperboy.
    * sala de lectura de periódicos = newsroom.
    * tienda de periódicos = newsagent's shop.
    * titular de periódico = headline, newspaper headline.

    Spanish-English dictionary > periódico1

  • 13 Boulevardzeitung

    f popular newspaper; kleinformatige: tabloid
    * * *
    popular daily (Brit), tabloid (auch pej)
    * * *
    f tabloid
    * * *
    die (abwertend) popular rag (derog.); tabloid
    * * *
    Boulevardzeitung f popular newspaper; kleinformatige: tabloid
    * * *
    die (abwertend) popular rag (derog.); tabloid
    * * *
    tabloid newspaper n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Boulevardzeitung

  • 14 Boulevardblatt

    n popular newspaper, rag umg.; kleinformatiges: tabloid
    * * *
    nt (inf)
    popular daily, tabloid (auch pej)
    * * *
    nt (fam) tabloid
    * * *
    das s. Boulevardzeitung
    * * *
    Boulevardblatt n popular newspaper, rag umg; kleinformatiges: tabloid
    * * *
    * * *
    tabloid newspaper n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Boulevardblatt

  • 15 scandalistico

    (pl -ci) scandal-mongering
    * * *
    scandalistico agg. scandalmongering.
    * * *
    pl. -ci, - che [skanda'listiko, tʃi, ke] aggettivo [ campagna] muckraking; [ reportage] sensational

    stampa -agutter o tabloid press

    giornale scandalistico — scandal sheet, tabloid (newspaper)

    giornalismo scandalisticotabloid o keyhole journalism

    * * *
    pl. -ci, - che /skanda'listiko, t∫i, ke/
    [ campagna] muckraking; [ reportage] sensational; stampa -a gutter o tabloid press; giornale scandalistico scandal sheet, tabloid (newspaper); giornalismo scandalistico tabloid o keyhole journalism.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > scandalistico

  • 16 малоформатная газета

    1) Engineering: tabloid
    2) Polygraphy: small newspaper, tabloid (30x40 см; с большим количеством иллюстраций и объёмом до 32 страниц)
    3) Advertising: tabloid (обычно в половину стандартного газетного формата, со сжатым текстом и множеством иллюстраций), tabloid newspaper

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > малоформатная газета

  • 17 abundamente

    = richly.
    Ex. This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.
    * * *

    Ex: This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.

    Spanish-English dictionary > abundamente

  • 18 ampliamente

    1 easily.
    aquí cabe todo ampliamente there's more than enough room for everything here
    2 widely (extensamente) (aceptado, admitido).
    3 largely, thoroughly, amply, broadly.
    * * *
    1 largely
    * * *
    widely, extensively
    * * *
    ADV (=cumplidamente) amply; (=extensamente) extensively
    * * *
    a) ( con holgura) easily
    b) ( extensamente) at (great) length
    * * *
    = amply, richly.
    Ex. As amply demonstrated in the examples above, the notation in CC is mixed.
    Ex. This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.
    * ampliamente aceptado = widely accepted.
    * ampliamente generalizado = rife.
    * ampliamente usado = widely-used.
    * ser un hecho ampliamente aceptado = it + be + widely agreed.
    * ser un hecho ampliamente reconocido = it + be + widely recognised.
    * * *
    a) ( con holgura) easily
    b) ( extensamente) at (great) length
    * * *
    = amply, richly.

    Ex: As amply demonstrated in the examples above, the notation in CC is mixed.

    Ex: This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.
    * ampliamente aceptado = widely accepted.
    * ampliamente generalizado = rife.
    * ampliamente usado = widely-used.
    * ser un hecho ampliamente aceptado = it + be + widely agreed.
    * ser un hecho ampliamente reconocido = it + be + widely recognised.

    * * *
    1 (con holgura) easily
    ganaron el partido ampliamente they won the game easily
    paso ampliamente de ti ( Esp fam); I couldn't care less o two hoots what you think ( o want etc) ( colloq)
    2 (extensamente) at (great) length
    * * *
    1. [con espacio] easily;
    aquí cabe todo ampliamente there's more than enough room for everything here;
    batió el récord del mundo ampliamente she easily beat the world record, she beat the world record by some distance
    2. [extensamente] [aceptado, debatido] widely;
    el público ha sido informado ampliamente the public has been fully informed;
    la eficacia del método ha quedado ampliamente demostrada the method has clearly been shown to be effective
    3. Fam [mucho]
    paso ampliamente de hablar con ella there's no way I'm talking to her
    * * *
    adv widely

    Spanish-English dictionary > ampliamente

  • 19 asuntos exteriores

    foreign affairs.
    * * *
    PLÍTICA Foreign Affairs
    * * *
    Ex. This weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.
    * * *

    Ex: This weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.

    * * *
    foreign affairs

    Spanish-English dictionary > asuntos exteriores

  • 20 generosamente

    1 generously.
    2 generously, in great quantities, liberally, unsparingly.
    * * *
    1 generously
    * * *
    1) (=con largueza) generously
    2) (=con magnanimidad) nobly, magnanimously
    * * *
    = generously, richly, without stint, selflessly, unstintingly.
    Ex. Course brochure and prospectuses of course programmes were often generously supplied.
    Ex. This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.
    Ex. Only a man like D'Andrea, willing to use force without stint or limit, could rise to leadership against John Powers & his protected, armed partisans.
    Ex. However, care has to be taken to ensure the future of the former incumbents within the organizations if they are to perform selflesslyduring their limited tenure.
    Ex. Cathy contributed unstintingly to her neighborhood association with wise counsel and encouragement.
    * * *
    = generously, richly, without stint, selflessly, unstintingly.

    Ex: Course brochure and prospectuses of course programmes were often generously supplied.

    Ex: This is a simply written, richly illustrated weekly tabloid newspaper covering domestic and foreign affairs, sport, culture, everyday matters and television programmes.
    Ex: Only a man like D'Andrea, willing to use force without stint or limit, could rise to leadership against John Powers & his protected, armed partisans.
    Ex: However, care has to be taken to ensure the future of the former incumbents within the organizations if they are to perform selflesslyduring their limited tenure.
    Ex: Cathy contributed unstintingly to her neighborhood association with wise counsel and encouragement.

    * * *
    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > generosamente

См. также в других словарях:

  • Tabloid television — is similar to tabloid newspapers. Tabloid television newscasts usually incorporate flashy graphics and sensationalized stories, some with little or no local relevance. Often, there is a heavy emphasis on crime, stories with good video, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Tabloid — Tab loid (t[a^]b loid), a. 1. Compressed or condensed, as into a tabloid; administrated in or as in tabloids, or small condensed bits; as, a tabloid form of imparting information. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. of or pertaining to a tabloid newspaper… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tabloid — A tabloid is a newspaper industry term which refers to a smaller newspaper format per spread; to a weekly or semi weekly alternative newspaper that focuses on local interest stories and entertainment, often distributed free of charge (often in a… …   Wikipedia

  • tabloid — /ˈtæblɔɪd / (say tabloyd) noun 1. a newspaper, with pages about half the size of a broadsheet. 2. such a newspaper, characterised as favouring pictorial presentations and short articles, and adopting a sensationalised editorial approach. 3. a… …  

  • tabloid — tab|loid [ˈtæblɔıd] n also .tabloid newspaper [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: Tabloid a trademark for a medicinal tablet (19 20 centuries); because of the small size of the tablet] a newspaper that has small pages, a lot of photographs, and stories… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Newspaper format — Newspaper formats vary substantially, with different formats more common in different countries. The size of a newspaper format refers to the size of the paper page; the printed area within that can vary substantially depending on the newspaper.… …   Wikipedia

  • tabloid — [tab′loid΄] n. [ TABL(ET) + OID: orig. a trademark for a medicine tablet] 1. a size of newspaper page, about 14 inches high by 12 inches wide, half the size of a standard page: cf. BROADSHEET (sense 2) 2. a newspaper using such a page size, esp.… …   English World dictionary

  • Tabloid Tycoon — is a business simulation game in which you run a scandalous newspaper. The aim is to sabotage your rivals, settle lawsuits, give would be papparazzi jobs and take pictures of the most scandalous things. You have to build your empire so as to make …   Wikipedia

  • Tabloid — Tab loid, n. [A table mark.] 1. A compressed portion of one or more drugs or chemicals, or of food, etc. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. a newspaper with pages about half the size of a standard sized newspaper, especially one that has relatively short… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tabloid — [n] newspaper paper, rag*, scandal sheet*, sheet; concepts 279,280 …   New thesaurus

  • tabloid — ► NOUN ▪ a newspaper having pages half the size of those of the average broadsheet, typically popular in style. ORIGIN originally a proprietary term for a medicinal tablet: the current sense reflects the notion of information being presented in a …   English terms dictionary

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Нажмите правой клавишей мыши и выберите «Копировать ссылку»