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  • 1 крейсерский

    горизонтальный полет на крейсерском режиме
    level cruise
    крейсерская высота
    1. cruising level
    2. cruising altitude крейсерская конфигурация
    cruise configuration
    крейсерская мощность
    cruising power
    крейсерская скорость
    cruising speed
    крейсерская скорость для полета максимальной дальности
    long-range cruise speed
    крейсерский полет
    1. cruise
    2. cruising flight минимальная крейсерская высота полета
    minimum cruising level
    набор высоты в крейсерском режиме
    cruise climb
    набор высоты до крейсерского режима
    climb to cruise operation
    полет на крейсерском режиме
    normal cruise operation
    порядок набора высоты на крейсерском режиме
    cruise climb technique
    предел скоростей на крейсерском режиме
    cruising speeds range
    расход на крейсерском режиме
    cruise consumption
    снижение на крейсерском режиме
    cruise descent
    таблица крейсерских эшелонов
    table of cruising levels
    техника пилотирования на крейсерском режиме
    aeroplane cruising technique
    участок крейсерского полета
    cruising segment

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > крейсерский

  • 2 таблица

    таблица сущ
    аэродромная метеорологическая таблица
    aerodrome climatographical table
    девиационная таблица
    deviation card
    метеорологическая таблица
    meteorological table
    таблица аэронавигационных расчетов
    air navigation table
    таблица для пересчета высоты
    altitude-conversion table
    таблица допусков
    table of tolerance
    таблица допусков и посадок
    fits and clearances table
    таблица инструментальных поправок
    altimeter scale error card
    таблица крейсерских эшелонов
    table of cruising levels
    таблица мильных надбавок
    excess mileage table
    таблица ограничений
    table of limits
    таблица перевода
    conversion scale
    (единиц измерения) таблица поправок
    error correction table
    таблица поправок воздушной скорости
    air-speed calibration card
    таблица поправок отклонений гироскопа
    gyro graph
    таблица регулировки интенсивности
    table of intensity settings
    таблица составляющих ветра
    wind component table
    таблица списания девиации компаса
    compass correction card
    таблица шумов
    noy table
    таблица эшелонов полета
    flight level table

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > таблица

  • 3 эшелон

    верхний эшелон полета
    upper flight level
    выдерживать заданный эшелон полета
    maintain the flight level
    докладывать о занятии заданного эшелона полета
    report reaching the flight level
    заданный эшелон полета
    preset flight level
    занимать заданный эшелон полета
    reach the flight level
    занимать эшелон по нулям
    be on the level on the hour
    изменение эшелона на маршруте
    en-route change of level
    карта постоянных эшелонов
    constant-level chart
    летать на эшелоне
    fly level
    маршрут перехода в эшелона на участок захода на посадку
    feeder route
    минимальный эшелон
    minimum level
    нижний эшелон полета
    lower flight level
    нормы шума при полетах на эшелоне
    level flight noise requirements
    подниматься до заданного эшелона
    level up
    полеты на высоких эшелонах
    high-level operations
    приведение эшелонов в соответствие
    correlation of levels
    рабочий эшелон полета
    usable flight level
    сведения об эшелоне
    level information
    свободный эшелон полета
    odd flight level
    слой атмосферы между эшелонами
    layer between levels
    смещенный эшелон полета
    staggered flight level
    снижаться до заданного эшелона
    level down
    таблица крейсерских эшелонов
    table of cruising levels
    таблица эшелонов полета
    flight level table
    эшелон входа
    arrival flight level
    эшелон выхода
    departure flight level
    эшелон перехода
    transition level
    эшелон полета
    flight level

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > эшелон

  • 4 таблица крейсерских эшелонов

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > таблица крейсерских эшелонов

  • 5 nivel

    1 level, height (altura).
    al nivel de level with
    al nivel del mar at sea level
    la capital está a 250 metros sobre el nivel del mar the capital is 250 meters above sea level
    2 level, standard (grado).
    no tiene un buen nivel de inglés his level of English is poor
    una reunión al más alto nivel a meeting at the highest level, a top-level meeting
    al mismo nivel (que) on a level o par (with)
    a nivel europeo at a European level
    nivel mental level of intelligence
    nivel de vida standard of living
    3 spirit level (instrument).
    4 carpenter's level, level.
    5 floor, storey, decker.
    De dos niveles Used as a suffix -decker: Double-decker
    * * *
    1 (altura) level, height
    2 (categoría) level, standard, degree
    a nivel de as for
    a nivel de gastos as far as expenses are concerned, regarding expenses
    al más alto nivel at the highest level
    nivel de producción production level
    nivel de vida standard of living
    nivel del mar sea level
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (=altura) level, height

    la nieve alcanzó un nivel de 1,5m — the snow reached a depth of 1.5m

    a nivel[gen] level, flush; (=horizontal) horizontal

    al nivel de — on a level with, at the same height as, on the same level as

    paso a nivel — level crossing, grade crossing (EEUU)

    nivel de(l) aceite — (Aut etc) oil level

    2) [escolar, cultural] level, standard

    conferencia al más alto nivel, conferencia de alto nivel — high-level conference, top-level conference

    estar al nivel de — to be equal to, be on a level with

    niveles de audiencia — ratings, audience rating sing ; (TV) viewing figures

    3) (=instrumento) (tb: nivel de aire, nivel de burbuja) spirit level

    a nivel de(=en cuanto a) as for, as regards; (=como) as; (=a tono con) in keeping with

    a nivel de viajes — so far as travel is concerned, regarding travel

    * * *
    a) ( altura) level
    b) (en escala, jerarquía) level
    * * *
    = degree, extent, index [indices/indexes, -pl.], level, range, scale, threshold, rank, gradation, grade, plateau [plateaux, -pl.], stratum [strata, -pl.], tier, rung.
    Ex. This degree of standardisation is not the pattern outside of this specific area of application.
    Ex. The extent of searchable elements will vary from one data base to another.
    Ex. As job anxiety scores increased, job satisfaction indices decreased.
    Ex. In particular series entries are useful for series where the series title indicates a particular subject scope, style of approach, level or audience.
    Ex. Overall, the library media specialists experienced stress in the mild to moderate range.
    Ex. Various scales of relevance ratings may be established.
    Ex. But documents with the following terms assigned would be rejected on the grounds that their combined weights did not exceed the pre-selected threshold.
    Ex. However, Cutter suggested that we should ignore on economic grounds both upward links (from narrower to broader subjects) and collateral (sideways) links from one term to another of equal rank.
    Ex. Until the mid nineteen hundreds, this community presented an almost feudal pattern of wealthy merchants and factory hands, with several gradations between these extremes.
    Ex. The project is concerned with the investigation of conditions of appointment for women librarians as well as the grades and salary scales assigned to library tasks.
    Ex. With the advent of both library on-line public access catalogue and end-user searching of on-line and CD-ROM data bases, the need for improved instruction in library use approaches a new plateau.
    Ex. However, amongst this stratum of the population, library users demonstrated greater residential stability.
    Ex. The author proposes a four tier planning framework for information technology, information systems and information management.
    Ex. In all types of libraries, programmes have been started, usually by keen librarians from the lower rungs of the profession.
    * a bajo nivel = low-level.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * a dos niveles = two-tier.
    * alcanzar niveles mínimos = reach + a low ebb.
    * alfabetización a nivel mundial = world literacy.
    * al mismo nivel de = flush with.
    * al mismo nivel que = on a par with, in the same league as.
    * alto nivel = high standard.
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * a nivel de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * a nivel de calle = on the ground level.
    * a nivel de la calle = at ground level.
    * a nivel del suelo = at ground level.
    * a nivel estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * a nivel federal = federally, federally.
    * a nivel individual = privately.
    * a nivel local = locally, domestically.
    * a nivel multicultural = multi-culturally [multiculturally].
    * a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide], globally.
    * a nivel nacional = nationally, domestically, countrywide [country-wide].
    * a nivel privado = privately.
    * a nivel regional = regionally.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * a un alto nivel = high level [high-level].
    * a un nivel básico = at a lay level.
    * a un nivel por debajo del nacional = sub-national [subnational].
    * a varios niveles = multilevel [multi-level], at varying levels, many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * bajada de nivel = drawdown.
    * bajar el nivel = lower + the bar.
    * barrera de paso a nivel = level-crossing gate.
    * clasificado por nivel de dificultad = graded.
    * construido en dos niveles = split-level.
    * con una nivel de especialización medio = semi-skilled.
    * con un buen nivel = fluent.
    * con un mayor nivel educativo = better educated [better-educated].
    * con un menor nivel educativo = lesser-educated.
    * con un nivel de estudios alto = well educated [well-educated].
    * curva de nivel = contour line.
    * dar un nivel de prioridad alto = put + Nombre + high on + Posesivo + list of priorities.
    * de alto nivel = of a high order, high level [high-level], high-powered.
    * de bajo nivel = lower-level, low-level.
    * de diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * de dos niveles = two-tier.
    * de nivel cultural bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * de nivel cultural medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * de nivel intelectual bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * de nivel intelectual medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * de nivel medio = medium level [medium-level], middle-range, mid-level.
    * de nivel superior = upper-level, top echelon, higher-level.
    * de primer nivel = first-level.
    * descenso de nivel = drawdown.
    * descripción bibliográfica de primer nivel = first-level bibliographic description.
    * de segundo nivel = second-level.
    * de tercer nivel = third-level.
    * de tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * de varios niveles = multilevel [multi-level].
    * en cuatro niveles = quadraplaner.
    * en dos niveles = split-level.
    * en el nivel básico = at grass roots level.
    * en el nivel intermedio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.
    * en otro nivel = on a different plane.
    * en su nivel más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en un nivel bajo = at a low ebb.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * gestor de nivel medio = middle manager.
    * gran nivel = high standard.
    * nivel alto de dirección = higher management.
    * nivel alto de gestión = higher management.
    * nivel avanzado = advanced level.
    * nivel básico = introductory level.
    * nivel cultural = literacy.
    * nivel de aceptación = adoption rate, acceptance rate.
    * nivel de adopción = adoption rate.
    * nivel de alfabetización = literacy, literacy rate.
    * nivel de analfabetismo = illiteracy rate.
    * nivel de atención = attention span.
    * nivel de azúcar en la sangre = level of blood sugar.
    * nivel de cobertura = depth of coverage.
    * nivel de colesterol = cholesterol level.
    * nivel de colesterol en la sangre = blood cholesterol level.
    * nivel de confianza = confidence level.
    * nivel de demanda = level of demand.
    * nivel de desarrollo = stage of development, developmental level, development level, level of development.
    * nivel de detalle = completeness, granularity, level of detail.
    * nivel de dominio medio = working knowledge.
    * nivel de estudios = educational background, level of education.
    * nivel de ingresos = income level, earning capacity, earning power.
    * nivel de la calle = road-level.
    * nivel del agua = water level.
    * nivel del alfabetización = literacy.
    * nivel de lectura = reading ability.
    * nivel de los usuarios = audience level.
    * nivel del público = audience level.
    * nivel del subconsciente, el = subconscious level, the.
    * nivel de luminosidad = light level.
    * nivel de pobreza = poverty level.
    * nivel de presentación = level of presentation.
    * nivel de ruido = noise level.
    * nivel de saciedad = point of futility.
    * nivel de satisfacción del usuario = user satisfaction.
    * nivel de saturación = point of futility.
    * nivel de solvencia = credit rating.
    * nivel de subdivisión = granularity.
    * nivel de utilización = degree of use.
    * nivel de vida = standard of living, living standard.
    * nivel económico = wealth.
    * nivel educativo = educational level, education level, level of education.
    * nivel escolar = grade level.
    * niveles de detalle en la descripción = levels of detail in the description.
    * nivel freático = groundwater table, water table.
    * nivel inferior = micro level [micro-leve/microlevel].
    * nivel intermedio = meso level, intermediate level.
    * nivel introductorio = introductory level.
    * nivel jerárquico falso = false link.
    * nivel máximo = high-water mark.
    * nivel máximo del agua = high-water mark.
    * nivel medio = middle range.
    * nivel medio de gestión = middle management.
    * nivel mínimo = low-water mark.
    * nivel mínimo del agua = low-water mark.
    * nivel profesional = competence, professional level.
    * nivel salarial = salary bracket.
    * nivel socioeconómico = socioeconomic status.
    * nivel superior = top level, top layer, macro level [macro-leve/macrolevel].
    * ocupar un nivel de prioridad alto = be high on + list, rank + high on the list of priorities.
    * pasar al siguiente nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * paso a nivel = level-crossing.
    * persona con nivel cultural medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * persona de nivel cultural bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * persona de nivel intelectual bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * poner al mismo nivel que = bring + Nombre + to a par with.
    * por niveles = multilayered [multi-layered/multi layered], multilayer, layered, tiered.
    * preparación contra emergencias a nivel nacional = domestic preparedness.
    * rebajarse al nivel de Alguien = get down to + Posesivo + level.
    * ser de alto nivel = be at a high level.
    * sin ningún nivel de especialización = unskilled.
    * situado a nivel de la calle = ground-floor.
    * subir de nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * subir el nivel = raise + standard, raise + the bar.
    * teoría de niveles integrados = theory of integrative levels.
    * último nivel, el = bottom rung, the.
    * * *
    a) ( altura) level
    b) (en escala, jerarquía) level
    * * *
    = degree, extent, index [indices/indexes, -pl.], level, range, scale, threshold, rank, gradation, grade, plateau [plateaux, -pl.], stratum [strata, -pl.], tier, rung.

    Ex: This degree of standardisation is not the pattern outside of this specific area of application.

    Ex: The extent of searchable elements will vary from one data base to another.
    Ex: As job anxiety scores increased, job satisfaction indices decreased.
    Ex: In particular series entries are useful for series where the series title indicates a particular subject scope, style of approach, level or audience.
    Ex: Overall, the library media specialists experienced stress in the mild to moderate range.
    Ex: Various scales of relevance ratings may be established.
    Ex: But documents with the following terms assigned would be rejected on the grounds that their combined weights did not exceed the pre-selected threshold.
    Ex: However, Cutter suggested that we should ignore on economic grounds both upward links (from narrower to broader subjects) and collateral (sideways) links from one term to another of equal rank.
    Ex: Until the mid nineteen hundreds, this community presented an almost feudal pattern of wealthy merchants and factory hands, with several gradations between these extremes.
    Ex: The project is concerned with the investigation of conditions of appointment for women librarians as well as the grades and salary scales assigned to library tasks.
    Ex: With the advent of both library on-line public access catalogue and end-user searching of on-line and CD-ROM data bases, the need for improved instruction in library use approaches a new plateau.
    Ex: However, amongst this stratum of the population, library users demonstrated greater residential stability.
    Ex: The author proposes a four tier planning framework for information technology, information systems and information management.
    Ex: In all types of libraries, programmes have been started, usually by keen librarians from the lower rungs of the profession.
    * a bajo nivel = low-level.
    * a diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * a dos niveles = two-tier.
    * alcanzar niveles mínimos = reach + a low ebb.
    * alfabetización a nivel mundial = world literacy.
    * al mismo nivel de = flush with.
    * al mismo nivel que = on a par with, in the same league as.
    * alto nivel = high standard.
    * a muchos niveles = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * a nivel de barrio = neighbourhood-based.
    * a nivel de calle = on the ground level.
    * a nivel de la calle = at ground level.
    * a nivel del suelo = at ground level.
    * a nivel estatal = statewide [state-wide].
    * a nivel federal = federally, federally.
    * a nivel individual = privately.
    * a nivel local = locally, domestically.
    * a nivel multicultural = multi-culturally [multiculturally].
    * a nivel mundial = worldwide [world-wide], globally.
    * a nivel nacional = nationally, domestically, countrywide [country-wide].
    * a nivel privado = privately.
    * a nivel regional = regionally.
    * a todos los niveles = at all levels.
    * a tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * a un alto nivel = high level [high-level].
    * a un nivel básico = at a lay level.
    * a un nivel por debajo del nacional = sub-national [subnational].
    * a varios niveles = multilevel [multi-level], at varying levels, many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA].
    * bajada de nivel = drawdown.
    * bajar el nivel = lower + the bar.
    * barrera de paso a nivel = level-crossing gate.
    * clasificado por nivel de dificultad = graded.
    * construido en dos niveles = split-level.
    * con una nivel de especialización medio = semi-skilled.
    * con un buen nivel = fluent.
    * con un mayor nivel educativo = better educated [better-educated].
    * con un menor nivel educativo = lesser-educated.
    * con un nivel de estudios alto = well educated [well-educated].
    * curva de nivel = contour line.
    * dar un nivel de prioridad alto = put + Nombre + high on + Posesivo + list of priorities.
    * de alto nivel = of a high order, high level [high-level], high-powered.
    * de bajo nivel = lower-level, low-level.
    * de diferentes niveles = multi-tiered [multitiered], multi-tier [multitier].
    * de dos niveles = two-tier.
    * de nivel cultural bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * de nivel cultural medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * de nivel intelectual bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * de nivel intelectual medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * de nivel medio = medium level [medium-level], middle-range, mid-level.
    * de nivel superior = upper-level, top echelon, higher-level.
    * de primer nivel = first-level.
    * descenso de nivel = drawdown.
    * descripción bibliográfica de primer nivel = first-level bibliographic description.
    * de segundo nivel = second-level.
    * de tercer nivel = third-level.
    * de tres niveles = three-tiered.
    * de varios niveles = multilevel [multi-level].
    * en cuatro niveles = quadraplaner.
    * en dos niveles = split-level.
    * en el nivel básico = at grass roots level.
    * en el nivel intermedio de = in the middle range of.
    * en el nivel medio de = in the middle range of.
    * en otro nivel = on a different plane.
    * en su nivel más bajo = at its lowest ebb.
    * en un nivel bajo = at a low ebb.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * gestor de nivel medio = middle manager.
    * gran nivel = high standard.
    * nivel alto de dirección = higher management.
    * nivel alto de gestión = higher management.
    * nivel avanzado = advanced level.
    * nivel básico = introductory level.
    * nivel cultural = literacy.
    * nivel de aceptación = adoption rate, acceptance rate.
    * nivel de adopción = adoption rate.
    * nivel de alfabetización = literacy, literacy rate.
    * nivel de analfabetismo = illiteracy rate.
    * nivel de atención = attention span.
    * nivel de azúcar en la sangre = level of blood sugar.
    * nivel de cobertura = depth of coverage.
    * nivel de colesterol = cholesterol level.
    * nivel de colesterol en la sangre = blood cholesterol level.
    * nivel de confianza = confidence level.
    * nivel de demanda = level of demand.
    * nivel de desarrollo = stage of development, developmental level, development level, level of development.
    * nivel de detalle = completeness, granularity, level of detail.
    * nivel de dominio medio = working knowledge.
    * nivel de estudios = educational background, level of education.
    * nivel de ingresos = income level, earning capacity, earning power.
    * nivel de la calle = road-level.
    * nivel del agua = water level.
    * nivel del alfabetización = literacy.
    * nivel de lectura = reading ability.
    * nivel de los usuarios = audience level.
    * nivel del público = audience level.
    * nivel del subconsciente, el = subconscious level, the.
    * nivel de luminosidad = light level.
    * nivel de pobreza = poverty level.
    * nivel de presentación = level of presentation.
    * nivel de ruido = noise level.
    * nivel de saciedad = point of futility.
    * nivel de satisfacción del usuario = user satisfaction.
    * nivel de saturación = point of futility.
    * nivel de solvencia = credit rating.
    * nivel de subdivisión = granularity.
    * nivel de utilización = degree of use.
    * nivel de vida = standard of living, living standard.
    * nivel económico = wealth.
    * nivel educativo = educational level, education level, level of education.
    * nivel escolar = grade level.
    * niveles de detalle en la descripción = levels of detail in the description.
    * nivel freático = groundwater table, water table.
    * nivel inferior = micro level [micro-leve/microlevel].
    * nivel intermedio = meso level, intermediate level.
    * nivel introductorio = introductory level.
    * nivel jerárquico falso = false link.
    * nivel máximo = high-water mark.
    * nivel máximo del agua = high-water mark.
    * nivel medio = middle range.
    * nivel medio de gestión = middle management.
    * nivel mínimo = low-water mark.
    * nivel mínimo del agua = low-water mark.
    * nivel profesional = competence, professional level.
    * nivel salarial = salary bracket.
    * nivel socioeconómico = socioeconomic status.
    * nivel superior = top level, top layer, macro level [macro-leve/macrolevel].
    * ocupar un nivel de prioridad alto = be high on + list, rank + high on the list of priorities.
    * pasar al siguiente nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * paso a nivel = level-crossing.
    * persona con nivel cultural medio = middlebrow [middle-brow].
    * persona de nivel cultural bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * persona de nivel intelectual bajo = lowbrow [low-brow].
    * poner al mismo nivel que = bring + Nombre + to a par with.
    * por niveles = multilayered [multi-layered/multi layered], multilayer, layered, tiered.
    * preparación contra emergencias a nivel nacional = domestic preparedness.
    * rebajarse al nivel de Alguien = get down to + Posesivo + level.
    * ser de alto nivel = be at a high level.
    * sin ningún nivel de especialización = unskilled.
    * situado a nivel de la calle = ground-floor.
    * subir de nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * subir el nivel = raise + standard, raise + the bar.
    * teoría de niveles integrados = theory of integrative levels.
    * último nivel, el = bottom rung, the.

    * * *
    1 (altura) level
    está a 2.300 metros sobre el nivel del mar it is 2,300 meters above sea level
    pon los cuadros al mismo nivel hang the pictures at the same height
    2 (en una escala, jerarquía) level
    negociaciones al más alto nivel top-level negotiations
    un funcionario de bajo nivel a low-ranking civil servant
    a nivel de mandos medios at middle-management level
    una solución a nivel internacional an international solution
    la obra no llega a pasar del nivel de un melodrama the play never rises above melodrama
    no está al nivel de los demás he's not up to the same standard as the others, he's not on a par with the others
    no supo estar al nivel de las circunstancias he failed to rise to the occasion, he didn't live up to expectations
    es incapaz de comprometerse tanto a nivel político como a nivel personal he's incapable of committing himself either politically or emotionally o on either a political or an emotional level
    standard of living
    water table
    B ( Const) tb
    nivel de burbuja or de aire spirit level
    * * *


    nivel sustantivo masculino

    b) (en escala, jerarquía) level;

    nivel de vida standard of living;
    no está al nivel de los demás he's not up to the same standard as the others;
    el nivel de las universidades mexicanas the standard of Mexican universities
    nivel sustantivo masculino
    1 (de las aguas, de un punto) level: estamos tres metros sobre el nivel del mar, we are at three metres above sea level
    2 (cultural, social, económico) level, standard: su nivel de francés es peor que el tuyo, her level of French is lower than yours
    3 (jerarquía) level
    4 (utensilio) level
    5 Ferroc paso a nivel, level crossing, US grade crossing
    ' nivel' also found in these entries:
    - alto
    - altura
    - baja
    - bajo
    - escalón
    - indicador
    - indicadora
    - ministerial
    - paso
    - plana
    - plano
    - ras
    - tren
    - alcanzar
    - azúcar
    - chato
    - competir
    - creces
    - crecida
    - cultural
    - descender
    - descenso
    - desnivelado
    - elemental
    - elevar
    - equiparar
    - hundimiento
    - hundir
    - intermedio
    - menguar
    - parejo
    - rango
    - sobre
    - sobrepasar
    - superior
    - academic
    - catch up
    - crossing
    - down
    - grade
    - ground level
    - high-level
    - high-powered
    - intermediate
    - keep up
    - level
    - level crossing
    - living standards
    - maintain
    - oil
    - oil gauge
    - par
    - plane
    - proficiency
    - quality
    - rank
    - reach
    - sea-level
    - spirit level
    - stand
    - standard
    - top
    - top-level
    - up to
    - water level
    - watermark
    - A level
    - basis
    - bracket
    - catch
    - comprehensive
    - contour
    - county
    - deck
    - degree
    - descend
    - dumb
    - ground
    - high
    - keep
    - lapse
    - living
    - lowest common denominator
    - low
    * * *
    nivel nm
    1. [altura] level, height;
    al nivel de level with;
    al nivel del mar at sea level;
    la capital está a 250 metros sobre el nivel del mar the capital is 250 metres above sea level
    2. [piso, capa] level
    Geol nivel freático groundwater level o table
    3. [grado] level, standard;
    a nivel europeo at a European level;
    son los líderes a nivel mundial they are the world leaders;
    un problema que hay que abordar a nivel mundial a problem that has to be tackled internationally o globally;
    tiene un buen nivel de inglés she speaks good English;
    en esa universidad tienen un nivel altísimo the standard at that university is very high;
    una reunión al más alto nivel a meeting at the highest level, a top-level meeting;
    al mismo nivel (que) on a level o par (with)
    Informát nivel de acceso access level;
    nivel de colesterol cholesterol level;
    Informát niveles de gris grey(scale) levels;
    nivel mental level of intelligence;
    nivel de vida standard of living
    4. [instrumento]
    nivel (de burbuja) spirit level
    a nivel de [considerado incorrecto] as regards, as for;
    a nivel de salarios as regards o as for salaries;
    a nivel personal estoy contento on a personal level I'm happy
    * * *
    1 level;
    a nivel mundial/nacional at o on a global/national level;
    un incremento del 4% a nivel nacional a 4% increase nationwide
    2 ( altura) height
    * * *
    nivel nm
    1) : level, height
    nivel del mar: sea level
    2) : level, standard
    nivel de vida: standard of living
    * * *
    1. (en general) level
    2. (calidad) standard

    Spanish-English dictionary > nivel

  • 6 retroceder

    1 to go back.
    tuvo que retroceder para salir del garaje he had to back out of the garage
    la lluvia de piedras obligó a retroceder a la policía the shower of stones forced the police to move back
    retrocedió dos puestos en la clasificación he dropped o fell two places in the table
    no retrocederé ante nada there's no stopping me now
    2 to move back, to turn back, to back out, to draw back.
    Ellos retroceden pronto They move back quickly.
    Ellos retroceden el auto They move back the car.
    3 to run back.
    Ellos retroceden la película They run back the film.
    * * *
    1 (recular) to go back, move back
    2 (bajar de nivel) to go down
    3 (echarse atrás) to back down
    4 figurado (mirar atrás) to look back; (cejar) give up
    5 MILITAR to fall back, retreat
    6 (arma) to recoil
    hacer retroceder a alguien to force somebody back, make somebody move back
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=moverse hacia atrás) to move back, move backwards, go back, go backwards; [ejército] to fall back, retreat; [aguas] to go down

    retrocedió unos pasoshe went o moved back a few steps

    2) [rifle] to recoil
    3) (=desistir) to give up; (=rajarse) to back down; [ante un peligro] to flinch
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    1) persona/coche to go back, move back; ejército to withdraw, retreat
    2) ( desistir) to give up; ( volverse atrás) to back down
    3) (Arm) to recoil
    * * *
    = draw back, flinch, regress, recoil, ebb, backtrack [back-track], take + a step back, step back, go + backwards, back up.
    Ex. When I saw what he was up to, I drew back for a punch and hit him so hard on the nose that he fell on his back and lay there for some time, so that his wife stood over him and cried out 'Mercy! You've done my husband in!'.
    Ex. Garschine flinched as if he had been hit.
    Ex. Interloans have regressed recently, despite the rapid advancement of the computer age.
    Ex. Consequently, librarians have often entered the profession because they love books and have instinctively recoiled from concepts such as measurement and marketing.
    Ex. Subsequently, library development stalled as cultural interaction ebbed from classical levels.
    Ex. Use < Backspace> to backtrack to the character(s) you want to change.
    Ex. To make sure why we believe it important to bring up children as willing, avid, responsive readers of literature we have to take a step back and sort out why literature is important to ourselves.
    Ex. Before that, however, let us step back for a moment and look at the total picture from the user's point of view.
    Ex. Kuwait is not going backwards, but definitely not moving forward.
    Ex. A train cruising at full speed hit an excavator that had backed up onto the track.
    * hacer retroceder = roll back.
    * retroceder con el tabulador = backtab.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    1) persona/coche to go back, move back; ejército to withdraw, retreat
    2) ( desistir) to give up; ( volverse atrás) to back down
    3) (Arm) to recoil
    * * *
    = draw back, flinch, regress, recoil, ebb, backtrack [back-track], take + a step back, step back, go + backwards, back up.

    Ex: When I saw what he was up to, I drew back for a punch and hit him so hard on the nose that he fell on his back and lay there for some time, so that his wife stood over him and cried out 'Mercy! You've done my husband in!'.

    Ex: Garschine flinched as if he had been hit.
    Ex: Interloans have regressed recently, despite the rapid advancement of the computer age.
    Ex: Consequently, librarians have often entered the profession because they love books and have instinctively recoiled from concepts such as measurement and marketing.
    Ex: Subsequently, library development stalled as cultural interaction ebbed from classical levels.
    Ex: Use < Backspace> to backtrack to the character(s) you want to change.
    Ex: To make sure why we believe it important to bring up children as willing, avid, responsive readers of literature we have to take a step back and sort out why literature is important to ourselves.
    Ex: Before that, however, let us step back for a moment and look at the total picture from the user's point of view.
    Ex: Kuwait is not going backwards, but definitely not moving forward.
    Ex: A train cruising at full speed hit an excavator that had backed up onto the track.
    * hacer retroceder = roll back.
    * retroceder con el tabulador = backtab.

    * * *
    retroceder [E1 ]
    A (moverse hacia atrás) «persona/coche» to go back, move back; «ejército» to withdraw, fall back, retreat
    ya nos pasamos, retrocede un poco we've gone past it, go back a bit
    al ver la pistola retrocedió when he saw the pistol he stepped back o drew back
    la policía hizo retroceder a la multitud the police moved the crowd back o made the crowd move back
    el autor nos hace retroceder tres siglos en el tiempo the author takes us back three centuries (in time)
    B (desistir) to give up; (volverse atrás) to back down
    C ( Arm) to recoil
    * * *

    retroceder ( conjugate retroceder) verbo intransitivo
    a) [persona/coche] to go back, move back;

    [ ejército] to withdraw, retreat

    retroceder verbo intransitivo
    1 (volver hacia atrás) to move back, back away: retrocedieron varios kilómetros, they went back several kilometres
    2 (por una dificultad, peligro, etc) to give up, flinch: no retrocede ante la adversidad, she doesn't give up in times of adversity
    ' retroceder' also found in these entries:
    - marcha
    - backwards
    - draw back
    - fall back
    - force back
    - move back
    - push back
    - recoil
    - shove back
    - shrink
    - stand back
    - draw
    - ebb
    - further
    - push
    - scroll
    * * *
    1. [moverse hacia atrás] to go back;
    tuvo que retroceder para salir del garaje he had to back out of the garage;
    la lluvia de piedras obligó a retroceder a la policía the shower of stones forced the police to move back;
    retrocedió dos puestos en la clasificación he dropped o fell two places in the table
    2. [ante obstáculo] to back down;
    no retrocederé ante nada there's no stopping me now
    * * *
    v/i go back, move back; fig
    back down
    * * *
    1) : to move back, to turn back
    2) : to back off, to back down
    3) : to recoil (of a firearm)
    * * *
    retroceder vb to go back

    Spanish-English dictionary > retroceder

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Chevrolet Volt — Manufacturer Chevrolet division of General Motors Also called Holden Volt Opel Ampera Vauxhall Ampera …   Wikipedia

  • flight, history of — ▪ aviation Introduction  development of heavier than air flying machines. Important landmarks and events along the way to the invention of the airplane include an understanding of the dynamic reaction of lifting surfaces (or wings), building… …   Universalium

  • basketball — /bas kit bawl , bah skit /, n. 1. a game played by two teams of usually five players each on a rectangular court having a raised basket or goal at each end, points being scored by tossing the ball through the opponent s basket. 2. the round,… …   Universalium

  • New York City — This article is about the city. For other uses, see New York City (disambiguation). New York, New York and NYC redirect here. For other uses, see New York, New York (disambiguation) and NYC (disambiguation). New York City …   Wikipedia

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  • Illegal immigration — is the migration into a nation in violation of the immigration laws of that jurisdiction. Illegal immigration raises many political, economical, and social issues, and has become a source of major controversy in developed countries and the more… …   Wikipedia

  • bat — bat1 /bat/, n., v., batted, batting. n. 1. Sports. a. the wooden club used in certain games, as baseball and cricket, to strike the ball. b. a racket, esp. one used in badminton or table tennis. c. a whip used by a jockey. d. the act of using a… …   Universalium

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